the other hand, if there is a need to reteach because simply the learners need it. Moreover, assessment provides the learners themselves with feedback on how they manifested the understanding of concepts and their performance tasks. This is to give the learners and parents/guardian the chance to monitor and act upon their own improvement plans and be responsible for their own learning ladders to be contributory to lifelong learning and success. II. ANALYZE Why do teachers need to assess learning? Assessment in education provides concrete evidences that a student has learned and experienced a certain process. It could prove that he/she is trained and skilled in a certain competency or discipline. These evidences may be in the form of reflection papers, exemplars, self-assessment, diary or journal entry, photographs or images, etc. The principles of language assessment are: (1) Validity, (2) Reliability, (3) Authenticity, (4) Practicality, and (5) Impact (Lam, 2018). The goal of this activity is for you to identify the principles violated in each vignette. Read each example carefully and try to pinpoint the principles of language assessment that is being violated. If you were the teacher in the examples, what would you change to correct the situation? Write your answers on the space provided. 1. In an educational assessment, the teacher uses materials and examples not usually found in the children's local community. # 2. Even though students got high scores in an assessment, the teacher found that the students merely forgot what they have learned after the exam.
3. The teacher is measuring the students' ability to pronounce words in the mother tongue correctly. However, he/she also asked about the definition of the words provided.
Unit IV - Assessing Student Learning for the Mother Tongue 111