Content and Pedagogy for the Mother Tongue

Page 129

Sample Rubric for Oral Presentation/Reporting Instructions: Each group shall be given 20 minutes to orally present about a assigned topic.They are allowed to use a laptop and a projector. In case they wi use other props, they will have to provide those on their own. Category 1. Content (25%)

2. Objective (25%)







No appropriate amount of material was prepared. The arguments stated did not reflect each topic's relative importance. (0-15%)

Appropriate amount of material was prepared. However, the arguments stated did not reflect each topic's relative importance. (16-20%)

Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and the arguments stated reflected each topic's relative importance. (21-25%)

Lesson is not well prepared. (0-15%)

Lesson is well prepared but there is no congruence between the objectives and the subject matter. (16-20%)

Lesson is well prepared and there is congruence between the objectives and the subject matter. (21-25%)

Group presents information in a logical and interesting sequence but occasionally strays from the topic. (13-16%)

Group presents information in a logical and interesting sequence which audience can follow. (17-20%)

Methods used were slightly suited for the subject and slightly suited for the capabilities of the target audience. (13-16%)

Methods used were suited for the subject and suited for the capabilities of the target audience. (17-20%)


Group did not Organization present information in a logical and (20%) interesting sequence, therefore the pre­ sentation cannot be understood. (0-12%) 4. Method/ Approach (20%)

Methods used were not suited for the subject and not suited for the capabilities of the target audience. (0-12%)

130 Content and Pedagogy for the MotherTongue

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