Compound words - a combination of two root words to form a new meaning (O'Grady, Archibald, 2016). Syntax is defined as the set of statutes and principles that govern sentence structure and word order in a language (Chomsky, & Lightfoot, 2002). What is the common order of subject, verb, and object or predicate in the language being studied? Write an example on the right. Constituents - the sub-units in a sentence that provide a complete thought. Synctactic category - a family of expressions that can be substituted for one another without losing proper grammar. For example, there are four synctactic categories in the sentence 'The bird is flying above the field." These are: "the field", "above", "is flying," and 'The bird." Semantics is defined as the study of linguistic meanings. Anomaly - a situation when specific words or phrases cannot be combined to make sense. For instance, the phrase "colorless green" does not make sense since green is a color and "colorless" means "without color" (Fromkin, Rodman, Hyams, 2018). Metaphor - a figure of speech where one object or idea is used to refer to another object or idea for rhetorical purposes (Merriam-Webster dictionary, n. d.) Idioms - expressions established by societal norms to have meaning aside from what it literally indicates (Tom, 1992). Pragmatics is defined as the study of unseen or hidden meanings in different languages apart from its content. This meaning is provided by the context and a pre-existing knowledge of the perceiver about the utterance. Physical context - the actual location, apart of the utterance, that provides the context. Linguistic context - the context provided by the utterance itself. Unit I - Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education 29