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香港新界沙田香港中文大學富爾敦樓3樓 3/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, New Territories +852 3943 7861 +852 2603 6226 alumni@cuhk.edu.hk www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk cuhkaao cuhkaao cuhkaao aaocuhk
香港中文大學校友事務處於1982年成立,致力建立與大學有緊密聯繫的校友社群, 促進校友對母校的歸屬感。我們的使命是: 鼓勵校友支持大學使命目標 推動校友以不同形式回饋母校 促進校友推廣大學與公眾之良好關係 加強校友協助推動大學發展
組織 / 網絡
Groups / Networks
Alumni Affairs Office
活動 Events / Programmes
Established in 1982, the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) is committed to developing a connected alumni community and promoting alumni's sense of belonging to their alma mater. Our missions are: To encourage alumni support on the mission and vision of the University To engage alumni to contribute to the University in various capacities To facilitate alumni to help promote good relations between the University and the general public
資料庫 Database
To strengthen alumni involvement in advancing the development of the University
香港中文大學校友事務處於1982年成立,致力建立與大學有緊密聯繫的校友社群, 促進校友對母校的歸屬感。我們的使命是: 鼓勵校友支持大學使命目標 推動校友以不同形式回饋母校 促進校友推廣大學與公眾之良好關係 加強校友協助推動大學發展
組織 / 網絡
Groups / Networks
Alumni Affairs Office
活動 Events / Programmes
Established in 1982, the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) is committed to developing a connected alumni community and promoting alumni's sense of belonging to their alma mater. Our missions are: To encourage alumni support on the mission and vision of the University To engage alumni to contribute to the University in various capacities To facilitate alumni to help promote good relations between the University and the general public
資料庫 Database
To strengthen alumni involvement in advancing the development of the University
序 PREFACE 2020年是史無前例的一年,疫情為全球帶來巨大衝擊。 面對突如其來的考驗,包括一些校友活動被迫取消, 又或不能再以實體形式舉辦,我們不僅將種種挑戰 轉化為各式各樣的機遇,亦加速了線上的佈局,從而 在年內成功取得7個具砥礪意志的成果,以及肯定我們 一直堅守「凝聚校友、回饋母校」之使命。 令人振奮的成果是,在疫情阻隔下,我們仍能藉着不同 方法凝聚位於30個世界城市、達136個校友會的全球 中大校友網絡。各地校友會經邀請於《中大校友》雜 誌分享中大人奮力抗疫點滴,以及於「中大校友日」 當日藉線上分享多地疫情情況,讓校友隔空凝聚正能 量。年中更有一項創新成果,即首創校友日主題曲 《中大志》,除廣邀本地校友會參與錄唱和拍攝,更得 到世界各地校友會於校友日開幕禮上全球連線同唱。 社交距離限制下難以舉行實體活動,我們與7個本地校友 會火速合作,於3月份起邀請不同專業的校友作分享, 推出「疫流而上 — 中大校友自強線上分享系列」線上 講座,既廣受好評亦展現關懷精神。 由我們支持發起、涵蓋中大7個創業有關部門及3個創業 有關校友組織的「中大創業者聯盟」,亦從6月起於校園 全新共創空間InnoPort舉行第一輪一連10場的「Happy Hour」創業訪談講座系列,提供平台予校友和師生逢
星期五下午5時分享經驗;更於10月至12月加推第二輪 同樣共10場的「Happy Hour」講座,採用混合模式 進行。建基於此聯盟之基礎上,中大校友傳承基金於9月 首次移師線上舉辦「中大創業日」,成功打破地域和 空間限制,革新了舉辦模式,為日後創業日的發展 帶來啟發性的成果。 年度的盛事「中大校友日」雖然改以線上舉行,但無減 校友組織和校友們的興致。預先登記出席的人數超過 3,000多人,不少為往年無法親身回來參與的海外校友, 使這個活動取得非凡意義的成果。當日節目重點介紹 大學最新面貌丶科研成就和發展,以及校園有趣事物。 而最具突破的成果必屬今年的「校友傳承基金籌款 活動」。校友日畢業紀念班的籌款委員不畏艱難,開展 籌款活動,不僅籌得港幣112萬元,校友捐款人數更 突破歷年記錄達640位,令基金累積超過港幣840萬元。 這一年是艱難開局的一年,感謝整個團隊努力不懈及 跨越挑戰。展望新一年,大學將開展新的五年策略發 展計劃;在校友事務方面,我們會繼續不斷擴闊與校 友社群的接觸面及深化與校友的關係,凝聚各方力 量,建立一個更緊密聯繫的校友群體,幫助整個校 友社群及推動大學發展。藉此再次感謝校友一如既往的 支持,並期待和大家一同為目標努力前進。
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic unprecedentedly affected everyone around the world, and caused unexpected challenges for us. Yet, we were able to transform these challenges into opportunities and even boost our online presence, particularly leading to 7 fruitful harvests this year. We were able to continue building CUHK's robust global alumni network of 136 alumni associations in 30 major cities around the world. While overseas alumni’s experience in fighting against COVID-19 was featured in the “CU Alumni” magazine, a number of overseas alumni associations were also invited to share their situation in an online session at CUHK Alumni Homecoming. CU spirit was heightened, and alumni fellowships were cherished. Another harvest was possible with the creation of the Homecoming theme song “The CU Heart and CU Mind”. Whilst local alumni associations enthusiastically participated in the recording and filming of the music video, offshore alumni associations were able to join together and sing the theme song at the opening ceremony of CUHK Alumni Homecoming with the help of emerging new technologies. Also, the “Stay Strong: Alumni Online Talk Series” was released in March and alumni from various professions were invited to share their expertise in face of challenges during the pandemic. The series was well-received, garnering the caring spirit of all CUHK alumni.
events, could move online for the first time in September with dynamic interaction, successfully breaking geographical and spatial restrictions. Meanwhile, our popular event CUHK Alumni Homecoming was held online for the first time. More than 3,000 alumni and family registered in advance, many of whom are overseas alumni. The day's program focused on the University's latest research achievements and campus developments. This year's fundraising for the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund was also a breakthrough for us, as the Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee braved the odds and raised HK$1.12 million, with a record-breaking number of alumni donors, bringing the total amount to over HK$8.42 million since 2014. It has been a difficult start to the year, but thanks to the hard work of the entire team, challenges were overcome. Looking ahead, the University will embark on a new five-year strategic plan. We will continue to broaden our reach with alumni and deepen our relationship with them for building an inspired and connected alumni community. We are truly proud of and grateful for the support of our alumni.
The CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance was launched with the support of our office alongside 7 internal units and 3 alumni organizations. The Alliance held its first series of "Happy Hour" Entrepreneurial Talks at InnoPort every Friday at 5 pm since June, providing a platform for alumni, staff and students to share their entrepreneurial experiences. The second series of talks were held from October to December. Building on the foundation of this alliance, CUHK Entrepreneur Day, one of our signature
序 PREFACE 2020年是史無前例的一年,疫情為全球帶來巨大衝擊。 面對突如其來的考驗,包括一些校友活動被迫取消, 又或不能再以實體形式舉辦,我們不僅將種種挑戰 轉化為各式各樣的機遇,亦加速了線上的佈局,從而 在年內成功取得7個具砥礪意志的成果,以及肯定我們 一直堅守「凝聚校友、回饋母校」之使命。 令人振奮的成果是,在疫情阻隔下,我們仍能藉着不同 方法凝聚位於30個世界城市、達136個校友會的全球 中大校友網絡。各地校友會經邀請於《中大校友》雜 誌分享中大人奮力抗疫點滴,以及於「中大校友日」 當日藉線上分享多地疫情情況,讓校友隔空凝聚正能 量。年中更有一項創新成果,即首創校友日主題曲 《中大志》,除廣邀本地校友會參與錄唱和拍攝,更得 到世界各地校友會於校友日開幕禮上全球連線同唱。 社交距離限制下難以舉行實體活動,我們與7個本地校友 會火速合作,於3月份起邀請不同專業的校友作分享, 推出「疫流而上 — 中大校友自強線上分享系列」線上 講座,既廣受好評亦展現關懷精神。 由我們支持發起、涵蓋中大7個創業有關部門及3個創業 有關校友組織的「中大創業者聯盟」,亦從6月起於校園 全新共創空間InnoPort舉行第一輪一連10場的「Happy Hour」創業訪談講座系列,提供平台予校友和師生逢
星期五下午5時分享經驗;更於10月至12月加推第二輪 同樣共10場的「Happy Hour」講座,採用混合模式 進行。建基於此聯盟之基礎上,中大校友傳承基金於9月 首次移師線上舉辦「中大創業日」,成功打破地域和 空間限制,革新了舉辦模式,為日後創業日的發展 帶來啟發性的成果。 年度的盛事「中大校友日」雖然改以線上舉行,但無減 校友組織和校友們的興致。預先登記出席的人數超過 3,000多人,不少為往年無法親身回來參與的海外校友, 使這個活動取得非凡意義的成果。當日節目重點介紹 大學最新面貌丶科研成就和發展,以及校園有趣事物。 而最具突破的成果必屬今年的「校友傳承基金籌款 活動」。校友日畢業紀念班的籌款委員不畏艱難,開展 籌款活動,不僅籌得港幣112萬元,校友捐款人數更 突破歷年記錄達640位,令基金累積超過港幣840萬元。 這一年是艱難開局的一年,感謝整個團隊努力不懈及 跨越挑戰。展望新一年,大學將開展新的五年策略發 展計劃;在校友事務方面,我們會繼續不斷擴闊與校 友社群的接觸面及深化與校友的關係,凝聚各方力 量,建立一個更緊密聯繫的校友群體,幫助整個校 友社群及推動大學發展。藉此再次感謝校友一如既往的 支持,並期待和大家一同為目標努力前進。
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic unprecedentedly affected everyone around the world, and caused unexpected challenges for us. Yet, we were able to transform these challenges into opportunities and even boost our online presence, particularly leading to 7 fruitful harvests this year. We were able to continue building CUHK's robust global alumni network of 136 alumni associations in 30 major cities around the world. While overseas alumni’s experience in fighting against COVID-19 was featured in the “CU Alumni” magazine, a number of overseas alumni associations were also invited to share their situation in an online session at CUHK Alumni Homecoming. CU spirit was heightened, and alumni fellowships were cherished. Another harvest was possible with the creation of the Homecoming theme song “The CU Heart and CU Mind”. Whilst local alumni associations enthusiastically participated in the recording and filming of the music video, offshore alumni associations were able to join together and sing the theme song at the opening ceremony of CUHK Alumni Homecoming with the help of emerging new technologies. Also, the “Stay Strong: Alumni Online Talk Series” was released in March and alumni from various professions were invited to share their expertise in face of challenges during the pandemic. The series was well-received, garnering the caring spirit of all CUHK alumni.
events, could move online for the first time in September with dynamic interaction, successfully breaking geographical and spatial restrictions. Meanwhile, our popular event CUHK Alumni Homecoming was held online for the first time. More than 3,000 alumni and family registered in advance, many of whom are overseas alumni. The day's program focused on the University's latest research achievements and campus developments. This year's fundraising for the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund was also a breakthrough for us, as the Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee braved the odds and raised HK$1.12 million, with a record-breaking number of alumni donors, bringing the total amount to over HK$8.42 million since 2014. It has been a difficult start to the year, but thanks to the hard work of the entire team, challenges were overcome. Looking ahead, the University will embark on a new five-year strategic plan. We will continue to broaden our reach with alumni and deepen our relationship with them for building an inspired and connected alumni community. We are truly proud of and grateful for the support of our alumni.
The CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance was launched with the support of our office alongside 7 internal units and 3 alumni organizations. The Alliance held its first series of "Happy Hour" Entrepreneurial Talks at InnoPort every Friday at 5 pm since June, providing a platform for alumni, staff and students to share their entrepreneurial experiences. The second series of talks were held from October to December. Building on the foundation of this alliance, CUHK Entrepreneur Day, one of our signature
校友組織及網絡 倫敦 London
ALUMNI GROUPS AND NETWORKS 温哥華 Vancouver 校友組織是聯繫大學與校友的重要橋樑,在發展全球校 友網絡上作出了不可或缺的貢獻。截至2020年底,大 學於世界各地共有136個校友組織,本地佔當中90個, 另有46個境外校友組織分佈全球29個國際城市。 校友事務處一直與現有的校友組織保持緊密聯繫,並積 極促進新校友組織的形成,以更廣泛地凝聚各地校友。 在這特別的一年,校友事務處一如既往主動透過不同方 式及平台讓全球校友組織在疫情下了解大學最新發展, 繼續支持母校。 Alumni groups are an important link between CUHK and its alumni, and have made an indispensable contribution to the development of CUHK's global alumni network. As of the end of 2020, CUHK has 136 alumni organizations around the world, 90 of which are local and 46 of which are located in 29 international cities. AAO maintains close ties with existing alumni groups and actively promotes the formation of new alumni groups in order to bring more alumni together. In this special year, AAO continued to work closely with local and offshore alumni groups to keep them abreast with CUHK’s latest developments and invite them to support their alma mater.
卡城 Calgary
斯德哥爾摩 Stockholm
多倫多 Toronto
武漢 Wuhan
紐約 New York
上海 Shanghai
澳門 Macau
巴黎 Paris
芝加哥 Chicago
北京 Beijing
珠海 Zhuhai
西雅圖 Seattle
愛民頓 Edmonton
即將成立校友會 / 網絡的城市 Cities where alumni assosciations/ networks will be established
阿姆斯丹 Amsterdam 柏林 Berlin
深圳 Shenzhen
波士頓 Boston
華盛頓 Washington
廈門 Xiamen 台北 Taipei
Hong Kong 侯斯頓 Houston
三藩市 San Francisco
沙巴 Sabah
矽谷 Silicon Valley
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
洛杉磯 Los Angeles 新加坡 Singapore 檀香山 Honolulu
成都 Chengdu
墨爾本 Melbourne
悉尼 Sydney
東京 Tokyo 布里斯班 Brisbane
奧克蘭 Auckland 05
校友組織及網絡 倫敦 London
ALUMNI GROUPS AND NETWORKS 温哥華 Vancouver 校友組織是聯繫大學與校友的重要橋樑,在發展全球校 友網絡上作出了不可或缺的貢獻。截至2020年底,大 學於世界各地共有136個校友組織,本地佔當中90個, 另有46個境外校友組織分佈全球29個國際城市。 校友事務處一直與現有的校友組織保持緊密聯繫,並積 極促進新校友組織的形成,以更廣泛地凝聚各地校友。 在這特別的一年,校友事務處一如既往主動透過不同方 式及平台讓全球校友組織在疫情下了解大學最新發展, 繼續支持母校。 Alumni groups are an important link between CUHK and its alumni, and have made an indispensable contribution to the development of CUHK's global alumni network. As of the end of 2020, CUHK has 136 alumni organizations around the world, 90 of which are local and 46 of which are located in 29 international cities. AAO maintains close ties with existing alumni groups and actively promotes the formation of new alumni groups in order to bring more alumni together. In this special year, AAO continued to work closely with local and offshore alumni groups to keep them abreast with CUHK’s latest developments and invite them to support their alma mater.
卡城 Calgary
斯德哥爾摩 Stockholm
多倫多 Toronto
武漢 Wuhan
紐約 New York
上海 Shanghai
澳門 Macau
巴黎 Paris
芝加哥 Chicago
北京 Beijing
珠海 Zhuhai
西雅圖 Seattle
愛民頓 Edmonton
即將成立校友會 / 網絡的城市 Cities where alumni assosciations/ networks will be established
阿姆斯丹 Amsterdam 柏林 Berlin
深圳 Shenzhen
波士頓 Boston
華盛頓 Washington
廈門 Xiamen 台北 Taipei
Hong Kong 侯斯頓 Houston
三藩市 San Francisco
沙巴 Sabah
矽谷 Silicon Valley
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
洛杉磯 Los Angeles 新加坡 Singapore 檀香山 Honolulu
成都 Chengdu
墨爾本 Melbourne
悉尼 Sydney
東京 Tokyo 布里斯班 Brisbane
奧克蘭 Auckland 05
贊助大學製作酒精搓手液,安排送贈予社 會上有需要人士 聯同參與大學uBuddies朋輩輔導聯網的同 學派發酒精搓手液 負責「疫流而上—中大校友自強線上分享 系列」首集講座,邀得醫學院院長陳家亮 校友主講,及方健儀校友擔任主持 籌款支持大學 2020籌款活動以「同心邁進」為主題,籌 得港幣$76萬 支持三個大學項目:「中大支援基金」、 協助學生就業的「Career Success Mobile Application」及關注師生精神健康的 「Resilience for All Programme」 屬下小組協助舉辦活動 創新創業小組協助舉辦中大創業者聯盟 「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列講座,邀請 錢方好近創辦人及行政總裁李英豪校友主 講「金融科技在香港及外地的應用」及拍 拉美有限公司創始人兼CEO吳德川校友主 講「人工智能:免費、低調、無處不在」 校友聯絡推廣小組於「2020中大校友日」 安排線上親子遊戲讓校友與其子女參加 「傑出服務及創意學生獎」及「學業進步獎」 2020續設獎項予在社會服務、校內服務及 創意方面有傑出表現的中大本科生 設獎學金獎勵清貧及學業成績有進步之中 大本科生
Support for the University's “Act Together Against COVID – 19” Initiative Sponsored the University’s production of hand sanitizers and helped distribute them to the needy in the community Distributed hand sanitizers in Sham Shui Po with students from the University’s uBuddies Program Collaborated with alumni associations to launch the “Stay Strong: Alumni Online Talk Series” Fundraising and Support to the University The 2020 fundraising campaign raised HK$760,000 Funds raised supported 3 University projects: “CUHK RElief Fund”, “Career Success Mobile Application”, and “Resilience for All Programme” Sub-Committees’ Events Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sub-Committee assisted in organizing two sessions of CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance’s "Happy Hour" Entrepreneurship Talk Series Alumni Relations Sub-Committee arranged online games for alumni and their children at CUHK Alumni Homecoming “Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards" and "Academic Improvement Award” Awarded undergraduates with outstanding performances on social services, community services and creativity Provided scholarship to needy students who have shown great academic improvement
於疫情初期熱烈響應中大呼籲組織義工隊及籌募經費 支持「自家製」酒精搓手液活動;義工隊與兩間聯會 中學合作,分別於2月底及3月初與師生家長一同製作 酒精搓手液並派發予街坊 凝匯校友力量 於3月中與中大校友校長會合作,成功聯絡16間由中 大校友擔任校長的中學,透過ZOOM與中大連線,教 導中學生於實驗室製作酒精搓手液、低濃度漂白水等 抗疫物資 與其他校友組織合作推出「疫流而上 — 中大校友自強線 上分享系列」,第三集邀得李致和校友及 另外兩位年輕校友, 分享在家中如何運動 伸展,強身健體 周年會員大會暨交職典禮 於9月中首次以線上 線下混合模式舉辦周年 會員大會暨簡單而隆重 的交職典禮,獲得一眾 大學高層、各方校友鼎力支持 中大校友日
Serving the Community Organized volunteer teams and raised funds to support the University’s "home-made" hand sanitizer campaign. The volunteer teams cooperated with two FAA-affiliated secondary schools to make alcohol hand sanitizers and distributed to the local community Uniting Alumni Collaborated with the CUHK School Heads Alumni Association and connected 16 secondary schools with CUHK through ZOOM to teach secondary school students to make alcohol hand sanitizers and low-concentration bleach in school laboratories Launched “Stay Strong: Alumni Online Talk Series” in collaboration with other alumni organizations Annual General Meeting and Inauguration Ceremony Held its first “hybrid-mode” annual general meeting and inauguration ceremony, which received strong support from the university and alumni CUHK Alumni Homecoming Hosted the Health Talk and various programmes; invited College Alumni Associations to organize online interactive zone The Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK Scholarship (FAA Scholarship) Offered its first FAA scholarship to students studying in FAA-affiliated schools with outstanding performance
當日協助主持健康講座及多項節目; 聯繫書院校友會主持網上互動區, 與校友線上會面交流 聯會獎學金 於2020年設第一屆聯會獎學金予於 聯會學校就讀的表現卓越學生
贊助大學製作酒精搓手液,安排送贈予社 會上有需要人士 聯同參與大學uBuddies朋輩輔導聯網的同 學派發酒精搓手液 負責「疫流而上—中大校友自強線上分享 系列」首集講座,邀得醫學院院長陳家亮 校友主講,及方健儀校友擔任主持 籌款支持大學 2020籌款活動以「同心邁進」為主題,籌 得港幣$76萬 支持三個大學項目:「中大支援基金」、 協助學生就業的「Career Success Mobile Application」及關注師生精神健康的 「Resilience for All Programme」 屬下小組協助舉辦活動 創新創業小組協助舉辦中大創業者聯盟 「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列講座,邀請 錢方好近創辦人及行政總裁李英豪校友主 講「金融科技在香港及外地的應用」及拍 拉美有限公司創始人兼CEO吳德川校友主 講「人工智能:免費、低調、無處不在」 校友聯絡推廣小組於「2020中大校友日」 安排線上親子遊戲讓校友與其子女參加 「傑出服務及創意學生獎」及「學業進步獎」 2020續設獎項予在社會服務、校內服務及 創意方面有傑出表現的中大本科生 設獎學金獎勵清貧及學業成績有進步之中 大本科生
Support for the University's “Act Together Against COVID – 19” Initiative Sponsored the University’s production of hand sanitizers and helped distribute them to the needy in the community Distributed hand sanitizers in Sham Shui Po with students from the University’s uBuddies Program Collaborated with alumni associations to launch the “Stay Strong: Alumni Online Talk Series” Fundraising and Support to the University The 2020 fundraising campaign raised HK$760,000 Funds raised supported 3 University projects: “CUHK RElief Fund”, “Career Success Mobile Application”, and “Resilience for All Programme” Sub-Committees’ Events Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sub-Committee assisted in organizing two sessions of CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance’s "Happy Hour" Entrepreneurship Talk Series Alumni Relations Sub-Committee arranged online games for alumni and their children at CUHK Alumni Homecoming “Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards" and "Academic Improvement Award” Awarded undergraduates with outstanding performances on social services, community services and creativity Provided scholarship to needy students who have shown great academic improvement
於疫情初期熱烈響應中大呼籲組織義工隊及籌募經費 支持「自家製」酒精搓手液活動;義工隊與兩間聯會 中學合作,分別於2月底及3月初與師生家長一同製作 酒精搓手液並派發予街坊 凝匯校友力量 於3月中與中大校友校長會合作,成功聯絡16間由中 大校友擔任校長的中學,透過ZOOM與中大連線,教 導中學生於實驗室製作酒精搓手液、低濃度漂白水等 抗疫物資 與其他校友組織合作推出「疫流而上 — 中大校友自強線 上分享系列」,第三集邀得李致和校友及 另外兩位年輕校友, 分享在家中如何運動 伸展,強身健體 周年會員大會暨交職典禮 於9月中首次以線上 線下混合模式舉辦周年 會員大會暨簡單而隆重 的交職典禮,獲得一眾 大學高層、各方校友鼎力支持 中大校友日
Serving the Community Organized volunteer teams and raised funds to support the University’s "home-made" hand sanitizer campaign. The volunteer teams cooperated with two FAA-affiliated secondary schools to make alcohol hand sanitizers and distributed to the local community Uniting Alumni Collaborated with the CUHK School Heads Alumni Association and connected 16 secondary schools with CUHK through ZOOM to teach secondary school students to make alcohol hand sanitizers and low-concentration bleach in school laboratories Launched “Stay Strong: Alumni Online Talk Series” in collaboration with other alumni organizations Annual General Meeting and Inauguration Ceremony Held its first “hybrid-mode” annual general meeting and inauguration ceremony, which received strong support from the university and alumni CUHK Alumni Homecoming Hosted the Health Talk and various programmes; invited College Alumni Associations to organize online interactive zone The Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK Scholarship (FAA Scholarship) Offered its first FAA scholarship to students studying in FAA-affiliated schools with outstanding performance
當日協助主持健康講座及多項節目; 聯繫書院校友會主持網上互動區, 與校友線上會面交流 聯會獎學金 於2020年設第一屆聯會獎學金予於 聯會學校就讀的表現卓越學生
中大創業者聯盟 CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) 中大創業者聯盟由校友事務處支持發起、中大校友傳承基 金及多個校內部門和校友組織籌組成立。聯盟的產生是為 進一步集結創業日各合辦單位的力量,讓中大的創業創新 文化及思潮更有效地繼往開來,積極拓展未來的發展。 Supported by AAO, CUEA is formed by the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, various entrepreneurship-related internal units and alumni bodies. It is formed to further the existing constructive partnership with all the organizing units of “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, creating a persistent wave of positive and win-win synergy in driving the growth and further development of CUHK entrepreneurship.
校友傳承基金 Alumni Torch Fund 校友傳承基金為一個特別的校友組織,其執行委員會致 力籌辦活動支持中大年青校友在就業及創業方面的發展, 其中大型活動包括「青年校友職業發展日」及「創業日」。 基金每年從「中大校友日畢業紀念班」中招募20多位 校友代表組成籌款委員會。「2020中大校友日畢業紀 念班籌款委員會」在極具挑戰性的疫情和經濟大環境 下,成功為基金籌得112萬港元,並破紀錄獲超過640 位校友響應支持。自2014年以來,該基金獲累計捐款 超過842萬港元,並會繼續薪火相傳,希望最終達至 1,000萬港元的籌款目標。 “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” is a special alumni group. The Executive Committee of the Fund coordinates activities to support the career and entrepreneurship development of young alumni from CUHK through two large-scale events “Young Alumni Career Day” and “Entrepreneur Day”.
中大校友傳承基金 CUHK Alumni Torch Fund 中大研究及知識轉移服務處 Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) 中大創業研究中心 Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE) 中大創新科技中心 Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) 前期創業育成中心 Pre-Incubation Centre (Pi Centre) 中大創業創新副修課程 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor Programme (EPIN)
中大深圳研究院眾創中心 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub (InnoHub), CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute 中大創業校友會 CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association (CUAEA) 中大校友評議會 CUHK Convocation 中大博群全人發展中心 I.CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
校友組織-特別參與 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FROM ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS 本地校友組織 於一月初疫情尚未出現前,副校長吳基培教 授在校友事務處安排下與18位校友會代表會 面,以加強彼此關係,支持母校長遠及策略性 發展 校友評議會、校友會聯會及書院校友會代表應 邀就校友事務處2021的工作計劃提出意見 海內外校友會代表參與中大策略計劃20212025的諮詢會,分享對母校未來策略發展, 特別是校友事務方面的意見 海外校友組織 多達30個海外校友會響應邀請,於《中大校 友》雜誌6月號專題分享疫情下的生活狀況 年底舉行的「中大校友日」除邀請海內外校友 會會長及代表全球連線高唱中大校友日主題曲 《中大志》外,特別邀得8個來自不同地方的 校友會代表透過視像向校友們分享在疫情下的 狀況及感受 30個境外校友組織於年初踴躍接受邀請接待 前往當地交流的中大學生。縱使及後不同地方 實施旅遊限制,各境外校友組織仍然殷切接待 已成功前往當地的學生,並為他們提供有用資 訊及適切協助
Over 20 alumni representatives are recruited annually from different homecoming anniversary classes to raise funds for the University. The “2020 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” successfully raised HK$1.12 million for the “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” from a record high of over 640 alumni. This fund has an accumulated donation amount of over HK$8.42 million since 2014. In the future, the Fund will continuously pass the torch onto pools of alumni and the ultimate fundraising goal is HK$10 million.
Local Alumni Associations AAO assisted in arranging a networking gathering for the ProVice-Chancellor Prof. Dennis NG to meet 18 alumni associations representatives who could support the University’s long-term development in early January before the outbreak of the pandemic Convocation and FAA together with College AAs were invited to provide feedback on AAO’s Year Plan Representatives of various local and overseas alumni associations participated in CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025 consultation session to share their views on the future strategic development of the alma mater Overseas Alumni Associations 30 AAs worldwide were invited to share their experiences on fighting against COVID-19 for a special feature in the June issue of the “CU Alumni” magazine On top of calling for AAs’ support in submitting videos for producing a special edition of the first-ever CUHK Alumni Homecoming theme song, representatives of 8 AAs from different world cities were engaged in a “Life after Pandemic” session at the Homecoming, to share how alumni around the world cope with the coronavirus At the start of the year before the outbreak of COVID-19 around the world, overseas AAs were invited to receive outbound exchange students. Despite the travel restrictions, many overseas AAs enthusiastically received and provided useful information and necessary assistance to students who managed to travel
校友事務處在年初已積極籌辦首個「全球校友組織聚會」,並選定在新加坡舉行。此聚會旨在讓來自各地校友會 的校友共聚於一個境外城市互動交流,及了解學校最新發展情況。惟鑑於疫情持續,故需延期舉行直至另行通知 Preparation for the brand new "Global Alumni Associations Reunion" in Singapore was underway at the start of 2020, aiming to reunite alumni from alumni associations of all over the world in a global city overseas to meet and learn about the latest developments at the alma mater. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the event was postponed until further notice 創業 校友會
中大創業者聯盟 CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) 中大創業者聯盟由校友事務處支持發起、中大校友傳承基 金及多個校內部門和校友組織籌組成立。聯盟的產生是為 進一步集結創業日各合辦單位的力量,讓中大的創業創新 文化及思潮更有效地繼往開來,積極拓展未來的發展。 Supported by AAO, CUEA is formed by the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, various entrepreneurship-related internal units and alumni bodies. It is formed to further the existing constructive partnership with all the organizing units of “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, creating a persistent wave of positive and win-win synergy in driving the growth and further development of CUHK entrepreneurship.
校友傳承基金 Alumni Torch Fund 校友傳承基金為一個特別的校友組織,其執行委員會致 力籌辦活動支持中大年青校友在就業及創業方面的發展, 其中大型活動包括「青年校友職業發展日」及「創業日」。 基金每年從「中大校友日畢業紀念班」中招募20多位 校友代表組成籌款委員會。「2020中大校友日畢業紀 念班籌款委員會」在極具挑戰性的疫情和經濟大環境 下,成功為基金籌得112萬港元,並破紀錄獲超過640 位校友響應支持。自2014年以來,該基金獲累計捐款 超過842萬港元,並會繼續薪火相傳,希望最終達至 1,000萬港元的籌款目標。 “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” is a special alumni group. The Executive Committee of the Fund coordinates activities to support the career and entrepreneurship development of young alumni from CUHK through two large-scale events “Young Alumni Career Day” and “Entrepreneur Day”.
中大校友傳承基金 CUHK Alumni Torch Fund 中大研究及知識轉移服務處 Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) 中大創業研究中心 Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE) 中大創新科技中心 Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) 前期創業育成中心 Pre-Incubation Centre (Pi Centre) 中大創業創新副修課程 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor Programme (EPIN)
中大深圳研究院眾創中心 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub (InnoHub), CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute 中大創業校友會 CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association (CUAEA) 中大校友評議會 CUHK Convocation 中大博群全人發展中心 I.CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
校友組織-特別參與 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FROM ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS 本地校友組織 於一月初疫情尚未出現前,副校長吳基培教 授在校友事務處安排下與18位校友會代表會 面,以加強彼此關係,支持母校長遠及策略性 發展 校友評議會、校友會聯會及書院校友會代表應 邀就校友事務處2021的工作計劃提出意見 海內外校友會代表參與中大策略計劃20212025的諮詢會,分享對母校未來策略發展, 特別是校友事務方面的意見 海外校友組織 多達30個海外校友會響應邀請,於《中大校 友》雜誌6月號專題分享疫情下的生活狀況 年底舉行的「中大校友日」除邀請海內外校友 會會長及代表全球連線高唱中大校友日主題曲 《中大志》外,特別邀得8個來自不同地方的 校友會代表透過視像向校友們分享在疫情下的 狀況及感受 30個境外校友組織於年初踴躍接受邀請接待 前往當地交流的中大學生。縱使及後不同地方 實施旅遊限制,各境外校友組織仍然殷切接待 已成功前往當地的學生,並為他們提供有用資 訊及適切協助
Over 20 alumni representatives are recruited annually from different homecoming anniversary classes to raise funds for the University. The “2020 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee” successfully raised HK$1.12 million for the “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” from a record high of over 640 alumni. This fund has an accumulated donation amount of over HK$8.42 million since 2014. In the future, the Fund will continuously pass the torch onto pools of alumni and the ultimate fundraising goal is HK$10 million.
Local Alumni Associations AAO assisted in arranging a networking gathering for the ProVice-Chancellor Prof. Dennis NG to meet 18 alumni associations representatives who could support the University’s long-term development in early January before the outbreak of the pandemic Convocation and FAA together with College AAs were invited to provide feedback on AAO’s Year Plan Representatives of various local and overseas alumni associations participated in CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025 consultation session to share their views on the future strategic development of the alma mater Overseas Alumni Associations 30 AAs worldwide were invited to share their experiences on fighting against COVID-19 for a special feature in the June issue of the “CU Alumni” magazine On top of calling for AAs’ support in submitting videos for producing a special edition of the first-ever CUHK Alumni Homecoming theme song, representatives of 8 AAs from different world cities were engaged in a “Life after Pandemic” session at the Homecoming, to share how alumni around the world cope with the coronavirus At the start of the year before the outbreak of COVID-19 around the world, overseas AAs were invited to receive outbound exchange students. Despite the travel restrictions, many overseas AAs enthusiastically received and provided useful information and necessary assistance to students who managed to travel
校友事務處在年初已積極籌辦首個「全球校友組織聚會」,並選定在新加坡舉行。此聚會旨在讓來自各地校友會 的校友共聚於一個境外城市互動交流,及了解學校最新發展情況。惟鑑於疫情持續,故需延期舉行直至另行通知 Preparation for the brand new "Global Alumni Associations Reunion" in Singapore was underway at the start of 2020, aiming to reunite alumni from alumni associations of all over the world in a global city overseas to meet and learn about the latest developments at the alma mater. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the event was postponed until further notice 創業 校友會
Features: 15 thematic seminars and career talks covering a wide range of popular industries
從年初起的一連串活動,包括中大青年校友職業發展日、「疫」流而上 — 中大校友自強線上分享系列、逢星期五舉辦的「Happy Hour」創業訪談系 列、到首次移師線上的創業日,以至第一個線上校友日,這些活動可順利 舉行都全賴各地校友的踴躍支持和投入。
15場主題及行業講座,涵蓋廣泛行業如銀行金融、 傳訊公關、行政管理、金融科技、新媒體、醫藥科 技等 逾80節單對單職業諮詢環節
Executive Coaching
AAO continued to organize a wide range of alumni events in 2020. Many of these events were presented in a new format due to the pandemic.
CV Clinic
履歷表診症室 全球職涯發展師 (GCDF) 個人職涯發展諮詢服務
Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) consultation sessions
Events held in the year include the “CUHK Young Alumni Career Day”, the “Stay Strong Alumni Online Talk Series”, the “CUEA Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk Series”, the “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, and the “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”. These events are made possible by the enthusiastic support and commitment of alumni from around the world.
Networking Corner環節
Networking Corner for the mingling of young alumni
實用面試技巧工作坊 NEW
Over 80 one-to-one career consultation sessions
Interview Workshop NEW
中大青年校友職業發展日 CUHK YOUNG ALUMNI CAREER DAY 連續第4年舉辦,專為本科畢業10年內的年青校友而設的職業發展日。 A career event held for the fourth consecutive year, targeting young alumni who graduated in the recent 10 years.
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS 逾240位年青校友出席參與 邀得逾60位校友講者及學長分享職場心得 深受年輕校友支持的職業交流平台,有效獲取行業最新資訊
Attendance of over 240 young alumni Engaging more than 60 alumni speakers and mentors in the talks and other activities An effective career platform acclaimed by young alumni
Features: 15 thematic seminars and career talks covering a wide range of popular industries
從年初起的一連串活動,包括中大青年校友職業發展日、「疫」流而上 — 中大校友自強線上分享系列、逢星期五舉辦的「Happy Hour」創業訪談系 列、到首次移師線上的創業日,以至第一個線上校友日,這些活動可順利 舉行都全賴各地校友的踴躍支持和投入。
15場主題及行業講座,涵蓋廣泛行業如銀行金融、 傳訊公關、行政管理、金融科技、新媒體、醫藥科 技等 逾80節單對單職業諮詢環節
Executive Coaching
AAO continued to organize a wide range of alumni events in 2020. Many of these events were presented in a new format due to the pandemic.
CV Clinic
履歷表診症室 全球職涯發展師 (GCDF) 個人職涯發展諮詢服務
Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) consultation sessions
Events held in the year include the “CUHK Young Alumni Career Day”, the “Stay Strong Alumni Online Talk Series”, the “CUEA Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk Series”, the “CUHK Entrepreneur Day”, and the “CUHK Alumni Homecoming”. These events are made possible by the enthusiastic support and commitment of alumni from around the world.
Networking Corner環節
Networking Corner for the mingling of young alumni
實用面試技巧工作坊 NEW
Over 80 one-to-one career consultation sessions
Interview Workshop NEW
中大青年校友職業發展日 CUHK YOUNG ALUMNI CAREER DAY 連續第4年舉辦,專為本科畢業10年內的年青校友而設的職業發展日。 A career event held for the fourth consecutive year, targeting young alumni who graduated in the recent 10 years.
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS 逾240位年青校友出席參與 邀得逾60位校友講者及學長分享職場心得 深受年輕校友支持的職業交流平台,有效獲取行業最新資訊
Attendance of over 240 young alumni Engaging more than 60 alumni speakers and mentors in the talks and other activities An effective career platform acclaimed by young alumni
「疫」流而上 — 中大校友自強 線上分享系列
中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列
STAY STRONG: ALUMNI ONLINE TALK SERIES 由於新冠疫情持續於全球蔓延,校友事務處邀請7個校 友會 (包括校友評議會、校友會聯會、四個舊書院校友會 及教育學院校友會) 合作,於3至5月期間推出「疫」流 而上 — 中大校友自強線上分享系列。透過邀請不同專 業背景的校友作線上分享,向廣大校友社群提供抗疫相 關的知識,從而連繫校友、表達對校友社群的關懷及展 現中大人的團結互助精神。 As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to spread across the globe, the Alumni Affairs Office invited 7 alumni associations (including the Convocation, the Federation of Alumni Associations, the 4 older College Alumni Associations and the Faculty of Education Alumni Association) to jointly launch the “STAY STRONG: Alumni Online Talk Series” from March to May. Alumni speakers of different professional backgrounds were invited to provide alumni community with the most needed anti-epidemic knowledge at the online talks, so as to connect alumni, show our concerns for the alumni community, and demonstrate the spirit of unity and mutual help among CUHK members.
特色元素: 7場線上講座,涵蓋主題包括醫療衞生、經濟、運 動、教育、心理、保險及中醫 由3月27日至5月8日期間逢星期五晚上7時準時放送 運用各種網上渠道播放及宣傳講座,包括中大 YouTube頻道、校友事務處Facebook專頁、CUTV、 電郵、網頁及Whatsapp短訊等 所有影片均設英文字幕版本
Features: 7 episodes cover topics including Medical Health, Economics, Physical Fitness, Education, Psychology, Insurance and Chinese Medicine Released every Friday at 7pm from March 27 – May 8 Videos and promotion campaign widely covered by various CUHK social media platforms and online channels, including CUHK YouTube Channel, AAO Facebook Page, CUTV, mass email, “Act together against COVID-19” Website, and Whatsapp message English Subtitle Version is also available
中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談活 動由聯盟各成員輪流安排嘉賓講者,逢星期五下 午5時到大學站旁之全新共創空間創博館 InnoPort與志同道合的中大創業人交流及聯誼。 第一輪及第二輪的活動已於2020年6月至12 月期間舉行 兩輪活動合共舉行了20場講座,由聯盟各 成員輪流邀請嘉賓講者 嘉賓講者各涉獵不同的創新創業範疇,由 釀Gin酒到人工智能、創辦社會企業等,他 們的分享讓出席的中大創業人獲益良多
“Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series is organized by members of the CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance every Friday at 5:00 pm. Guest speakers are invited to gather with like-minded CU entrepreneurs at InnoPort, a brand new co-creation space next to University Station. The first two rounds of “Happy Hour” have been held from June to December 2020 A total of 20 talks were held in the first two rounds, with each member of the CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance taking turns to invite guest speakers The guest speakers covered different areas of innovation and entrepreneurship, from brewing gin to artificial intelligence and founding social enterprises, etc. 歡迎到中大創業者聯盟網頁重溫Happy Hour創業訪談 活動精彩片段 Please visit the website of CUEA to review the highlights of “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series
邀請到36位中大傑出創業校友、教職員 作嘉賓講者及主持分享經驗心得
Invited 36 distinguished CUHK alumni and staff as guest speakers and moderators to share their insight on entrepreneurship and innovation
Ad-hoc initiative launched in a swift manner during COVID-19 and well-received by the alumni community
於校友事務處Facebook專頁上發佈的活 動重溫共吸引近1.9萬次觀看,獲得超過 350個讚好
Over 3,048 CUHK alumni, staff and students registered to participate in the “Happy Hour” sessions
More than 15 alumni speakers and moderators shared their professional and practical anti-epidemic knowledge 7 online talks reached over 100k views 12
與多個校內部門和校友組織合作推廣及 促進中大創新創業文化
Recaps of “Happy Hour” sessions posted on AAO's Facebook page garnered nearly 19,000 views and over 350 likes Collaboration among various Internal Units and alumni bodies to promote and foster CUHK's innovation and entrepreneurial culture 13
「疫」流而上 — 中大校友自強 線上分享系列
中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談系列
STAY STRONG: ALUMNI ONLINE TALK SERIES 由於新冠疫情持續於全球蔓延,校友事務處邀請7個校 友會 (包括校友評議會、校友會聯會、四個舊書院校友會 及教育學院校友會) 合作,於3至5月期間推出「疫」流 而上 — 中大校友自強線上分享系列。透過邀請不同專 業背景的校友作線上分享,向廣大校友社群提供抗疫相 關的知識,從而連繫校友、表達對校友社群的關懷及展 現中大人的團結互助精神。 As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to spread across the globe, the Alumni Affairs Office invited 7 alumni associations (including the Convocation, the Federation of Alumni Associations, the 4 older College Alumni Associations and the Faculty of Education Alumni Association) to jointly launch the “STAY STRONG: Alumni Online Talk Series” from March to May. Alumni speakers of different professional backgrounds were invited to provide alumni community with the most needed anti-epidemic knowledge at the online talks, so as to connect alumni, show our concerns for the alumni community, and demonstrate the spirit of unity and mutual help among CUHK members.
特色元素: 7場線上講座,涵蓋主題包括醫療衞生、經濟、運 動、教育、心理、保險及中醫 由3月27日至5月8日期間逢星期五晚上7時準時放送 運用各種網上渠道播放及宣傳講座,包括中大 YouTube頻道、校友事務處Facebook專頁、CUTV、 電郵、網頁及Whatsapp短訊等 所有影片均設英文字幕版本
Features: 7 episodes cover topics including Medical Health, Economics, Physical Fitness, Education, Psychology, Insurance and Chinese Medicine Released every Friday at 7pm from March 27 – May 8 Videos and promotion campaign widely covered by various CUHK social media platforms and online channels, including CUHK YouTube Channel, AAO Facebook Page, CUTV, mass email, “Act together against COVID-19” Website, and Whatsapp message English Subtitle Version is also available
中大創業者聯盟「Happy Hour」創業訪談活 動由聯盟各成員輪流安排嘉賓講者,逢星期五下 午5時到大學站旁之全新共創空間創博館 InnoPort與志同道合的中大創業人交流及聯誼。 第一輪及第二輪的活動已於2020年6月至12 月期間舉行 兩輪活動合共舉行了20場講座,由聯盟各 成員輪流邀請嘉賓講者 嘉賓講者各涉獵不同的創新創業範疇,由 釀Gin酒到人工智能、創辦社會企業等,他 們的分享讓出席的中大創業人獲益良多
“Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series is organized by members of the CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance every Friday at 5:00 pm. Guest speakers are invited to gather with like-minded CU entrepreneurs at InnoPort, a brand new co-creation space next to University Station. The first two rounds of “Happy Hour” have been held from June to December 2020 A total of 20 talks were held in the first two rounds, with each member of the CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance taking turns to invite guest speakers The guest speakers covered different areas of innovation and entrepreneurship, from brewing gin to artificial intelligence and founding social enterprises, etc. 歡迎到中大創業者聯盟網頁重溫Happy Hour創業訪談 活動精彩片段 Please visit the website of CUEA to review the highlights of “Happy Hour” Entrepreneurial Talk Series
邀請到36位中大傑出創業校友、教職員 作嘉賓講者及主持分享經驗心得
Invited 36 distinguished CUHK alumni and staff as guest speakers and moderators to share their insight on entrepreneurship and innovation
Ad-hoc initiative launched in a swift manner during COVID-19 and well-received by the alumni community
於校友事務處Facebook專頁上發佈的活 動重溫共吸引近1.9萬次觀看,獲得超過 350個讚好
Over 3,048 CUHK alumni, staff and students registered to participate in the “Happy Hour” sessions
More than 15 alumni speakers and moderators shared their professional and practical anti-epidemic knowledge 7 online talks reached over 100k views 12
與多個校內部門和校友組織合作推廣及 促進中大創新創業文化
Recaps of “Happy Hour” sessions posted on AAO's Facebook page garnered nearly 19,000 views and over 350 likes Collaboration among various Internal Units and alumni bodies to promote and foster CUHK's innovation and entrepreneurial culture 13
CUHK ENTREPRENEUR DAY 連續六年舉辦,為師生校友提供一站式創新創意的交流平台。 Being held for 6 consecutive years, CUHK Entrepreneur Day is an annual one-stop platform to nurture entrepreneurship and innovation among alumni, students and staff on campus.
逾1,600位師生校友及公眾人士報名參與 線上平台參觀人次接近3,000 與研究及知識轉移服務處、創業研究中心、 創新科技中心、前期創業育成中心、創業 創新副修課程、博群全人發展中心等校內 單位、校友組織以及中大深圳研究院合作 推廣中大創業文化 成功展示中大人創業意念及成果
Registration from over 1,600 alumni and visitors Online platform attracts nearly 3,000 visits
特色元素: 首次移師網上舉行,打破地域及時間的 限制 近70個中大校友及師生創業項目展覽 7場由校友及師生主講的創業及社創講座, 全方位解構本地以至海外的創新創意洪流 第四屆「中大創業大賽」,5隊創業隊伍 於決賽爭奪冠軍殊榮及總值10萬港元獎金 與校友投資者會面 1場創業大師班 3場創業工作坊
Features: Held online, breaking through geographical and time zone barriers for global audience More than 70 entrepreneurship projects showcased by alumni, staff and student teams 7 thematic seminars on entrepreneurship and social innovation 5 start-up finalist teams competing for championship and awards valued HK$100,000 in 4th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition “Meeting with Investors” for start-ups to explore the collaboration opportunities with alumni investors 1 master class by prominent alumni investor 3 workshops co-organized with CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association
Joint effort with internal units, alumni bodies and CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute to promote entrepreneurship and innovation on campus Successfully showcasing the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit borne by CUHK members
CUHK ENTREPRENEUR DAY 連續六年舉辦,為師生校友提供一站式創新創意的交流平台。 Being held for 6 consecutive years, CUHK Entrepreneur Day is an annual one-stop platform to nurture entrepreneurship and innovation among alumni, students and staff on campus.
逾1,600位師生校友及公眾人士報名參與 線上平台參觀人次接近3,000 與研究及知識轉移服務處、創業研究中心、 創新科技中心、前期創業育成中心、創業 創新副修課程、博群全人發展中心等校內 單位、校友組織以及中大深圳研究院合作 推廣中大創業文化 成功展示中大人創業意念及成果
Registration from over 1,600 alumni and visitors Online platform attracts nearly 3,000 visits
特色元素: 首次移師網上舉行,打破地域及時間的 限制 近70個中大校友及師生創業項目展覽 7場由校友及師生主講的創業及社創講座, 全方位解構本地以至海外的創新創意洪流 第四屆「中大創業大賽」,5隊創業隊伍 於決賽爭奪冠軍殊榮及總值10萬港元獎金 與校友投資者會面 1場創業大師班 3場創業工作坊
Features: Held online, breaking through geographical and time zone barriers for global audience More than 70 entrepreneurship projects showcased by alumni, staff and student teams 7 thematic seminars on entrepreneurship and social innovation 5 start-up finalist teams competing for championship and awards valued HK$100,000 in 4th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition “Meeting with Investors” for start-ups to explore the collaboration opportunities with alumni investors 1 master class by prominent alumni investor 3 workshops co-organized with CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association
Joint effort with internal units, alumni bodies and CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute to promote entrepreneurship and innovation on campus Successfully showcasing the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit borne by CUHK members
曲:曾奕文 編:曹棨量 (曹朗) 詞:王仲傑 音樂總監:曾奕文
重聚話當年 陪我踏進本部
Reminiscences bring us back to campus. Distant thoughts dance upon the Mall. Seasoned in School and College values, How glad we are to see each other!
百萬沿道半空思緒在起舞 深知約禮博文 誠明伴征途
為喚醒大家對校園生活的回憶,並凝聚不同年代的 校友,校友事務處於今年精心製作校友日主題曲 《中大志》;主題曲透過優美旋律、暖心的歌詞,帶 出中大特有的純樸人情味,為今年首次移師線上的中大 校友日帶來親切的溫度,傳遞着一種緊密相連的感覺。 校友事務處邀得香港樂壇流行音樂人曾奕文校友作曲、 王仲傑校友填詞、曹 量(曹朗)校友編曲。經歷五個 多月的籌備及製作,主題曲音樂影片已於10月底正式 推出,歌曲推出不足一個月已經獲得超過10萬次點擊 率;其音樂製作花絮、以及雲集中大校內主管人員、 海內外校友組織領袖及代表一同獻唱之2020中大校 友日開幕禮特別版亦大獲好評。 In order to awaken people's memories of campus life and unite alumni from different generations, AAO has produced the theme song “The CU Heart and CU Mind” for this year's CUHK Alumni Homecoming, which brings out CUHK's unique sense of humanity and warmth through its beautiful melody and heartfelt lyrics. AAO invited the local pop song musicians, Alumnus Edmond Tsang as composer & music director, Alumnus Kit Wong as lyricist, and Alumnus Ron Tso as music arranger. Over 5 months preparation and production work done, the Official Music Video has been launched since the end of October. The song got over 100,000 hit rate in less than 1-month time. Its Making-of and the CUHK Alumni Homecoming Opening Ceremony Special Edition which were presented hand in hand by University officers, overseas and local alumni leaders / representatives, also became very popular among alumni communities. 16
門內滿知己 早已遇到
《中大志》MV版本由19位分別來自9間書院校友會之會 長/代表及研究院代表獻唱
回家故事 拾回當中大志 山峻水秀情深 成就醉人舊時
背景音樂邀得音樂系4位校友負責弦樂四重奏,鼓樂、 木結他與低音電結他則由另外兩位年輕校友包辦 主題曲MV由不同年代及書院背景,共25位校友及3位 學生演員演出
擁抱夢想 懷著所信 分享善意 懷念我 曾經身處位置
2020中大校友日開幕禮特別版由校長、常務副校長、 副校長、協理副校長、書院院長、一眾本地主要校友會 會長、本地及世界各地校友會會長 / 代表參與全球連線 錄製,由收集回來之接近200條短片剪輯而成
Along Campus Circuit, into the Lake our dreams hurtle and tumble. We look for future paths in the halls and hostels. The phoenix rises and circles the Beacon, Making us confident and fancy-free.
環迴路多長 湖裡夢我想像 我在場內舍中找往後方向 烽火蛻變鳳凰 台上願飛翔 尋獲自信心 美麗狂想 回家故事 拾回當中大志 山峻水秀情深 成就醉人舊時
擁抱夢想 懷著所信 分享善意
“The CU Heart and CU Mind” MV version is sung by 19 Alumni Associations Presidents / Representatives from 9 Colleges and Graduate School
明白我 如今身處位置
The music consists of the efforts from alumni musicians who are responsible for strings quartet, drum, and guitars & bass
前路有多少未看到 沒有精通世界地圖 全憑著心圖 如今方知道 地厚天高
Invited 25 alumni and 3 students from different generations and colleges as actors in Official MV
晨興照耀 在崇基起步了
CUHK Alumni Homecoming Opening Ceremony Special Edition consists of nearly 200 videos collected from University officers, overseas and local alumni leaders / representatives.
經過的伍宜孫 聯合敬文善衡 新亞逸夫 同和聲唱出多悅耳 凝住了 餘生所愛位置 才學會 堅守意志
It's a story of homecoming, of affirming the CU Heart and CU Mind. The rocks and the falls, where we used to climb and wade, Dream dreams, believe beliefs, basking in kindness. We miss being there and everywhere.
中大校友日主題曲《中大志》CUHK Alumni Homecoming Theme Song 收看次數:130K
It's a story of homecoming, of affirming the CU Heart and CU Mind. The rocks and the falls, where we used to climb and wade, Dream dreams, believe beliefs, basking in kindness. We are now here and everywhere. What future lies hidden from view Can be intuited and revealed with belief. The best GPS is in the heart. Now we know how high to scale the sky. The day breaks on Morningside. From Chung Chi We pass Wu Yee Sun, United, C. W. Chu, then S. H. Ho, New Asia and Shaw, all in harmony with Lee Woo Sing. To these places our hearts will always return. Thus we learn to affirm, the CU Heart and CU Mind.
特別嗚謝資訊處提供英文翻譯 Special thanks to Information Services Office for English translation
校友日主題曲《中大志》MV Alumni Homecoming Theme Song “The CU Heart and CU Mind” Official MV
《中大志》音樂製作花絮 “The CU Heart and CU Mind” Music Making-of
2020中大校友日開幕禮特別版 CUHK Alumni Homecoming 2020 Opening Ceremony Special Edition
曲:曾奕文 編:曹棨量 (曹朗) 詞:王仲傑 音樂總監:曾奕文
重聚話當年 陪我踏進本部
Reminiscences bring us back to campus. Distant thoughts dance upon the Mall. Seasoned in School and College values, How glad we are to see each other!
百萬沿道半空思緒在起舞 深知約禮博文 誠明伴征途
為喚醒大家對校園生活的回憶,並凝聚不同年代的 校友,校友事務處於今年精心製作校友日主題曲 《中大志》;主題曲透過優美旋律、暖心的歌詞,帶 出中大特有的純樸人情味,為今年首次移師線上的中大 校友日帶來親切的溫度,傳遞着一種緊密相連的感覺。 校友事務處邀得香港樂壇流行音樂人曾奕文校友作曲、 王仲傑校友填詞、曹 量(曹朗)校友編曲。經歷五個 多月的籌備及製作,主題曲音樂影片已於10月底正式 推出,歌曲推出不足一個月已經獲得超過10萬次點擊 率;其音樂製作花絮、以及雲集中大校內主管人員、 海內外校友組織領袖及代表一同獻唱之2020中大校 友日開幕禮特別版亦大獲好評。 In order to awaken people's memories of campus life and unite alumni from different generations, AAO has produced the theme song “The CU Heart and CU Mind” for this year's CUHK Alumni Homecoming, which brings out CUHK's unique sense of humanity and warmth through its beautiful melody and heartfelt lyrics. AAO invited the local pop song musicians, Alumnus Edmond Tsang as composer & music director, Alumnus Kit Wong as lyricist, and Alumnus Ron Tso as music arranger. Over 5 months preparation and production work done, the Official Music Video has been launched since the end of October. The song got over 100,000 hit rate in less than 1-month time. Its Making-of and the CUHK Alumni Homecoming Opening Ceremony Special Edition which were presented hand in hand by University officers, overseas and local alumni leaders / representatives, also became very popular among alumni communities. 16
門內滿知己 早已遇到
《中大志》MV版本由19位分別來自9間書院校友會之會 長/代表及研究院代表獻唱
回家故事 拾回當中大志 山峻水秀情深 成就醉人舊時
背景音樂邀得音樂系4位校友負責弦樂四重奏,鼓樂、 木結他與低音電結他則由另外兩位年輕校友包辦 主題曲MV由不同年代及書院背景,共25位校友及3位 學生演員演出
擁抱夢想 懷著所信 分享善意 懷念我 曾經身處位置
2020中大校友日開幕禮特別版由校長、常務副校長、 副校長、協理副校長、書院院長、一眾本地主要校友會 會長、本地及世界各地校友會會長 / 代表參與全球連線 錄製,由收集回來之接近200條短片剪輯而成
Along Campus Circuit, into the Lake our dreams hurtle and tumble. We look for future paths in the halls and hostels. The phoenix rises and circles the Beacon, Making us confident and fancy-free.
環迴路多長 湖裡夢我想像 我在場內舍中找往後方向 烽火蛻變鳳凰 台上願飛翔 尋獲自信心 美麗狂想 回家故事 拾回當中大志 山峻水秀情深 成就醉人舊時
擁抱夢想 懷著所信 分享善意
“The CU Heart and CU Mind” MV version is sung by 19 Alumni Associations Presidents / Representatives from 9 Colleges and Graduate School
明白我 如今身處位置
The music consists of the efforts from alumni musicians who are responsible for strings quartet, drum, and guitars & bass
前路有多少未看到 沒有精通世界地圖 全憑著心圖 如今方知道 地厚天高
Invited 25 alumni and 3 students from different generations and colleges as actors in Official MV
晨興照耀 在崇基起步了
CUHK Alumni Homecoming Opening Ceremony Special Edition consists of nearly 200 videos collected from University officers, overseas and local alumni leaders / representatives.
經過的伍宜孫 聯合敬文善衡 新亞逸夫 同和聲唱出多悅耳 凝住了 餘生所愛位置 才學會 堅守意志
It's a story of homecoming, of affirming the CU Heart and CU Mind. The rocks and the falls, where we used to climb and wade, Dream dreams, believe beliefs, basking in kindness. We miss being there and everywhere.
中大校友日主題曲《中大志》CUHK Alumni Homecoming Theme Song 收看次數:130K
It's a story of homecoming, of affirming the CU Heart and CU Mind. The rocks and the falls, where we used to climb and wade, Dream dreams, believe beliefs, basking in kindness. We are now here and everywhere. What future lies hidden from view Can be intuited and revealed with belief. The best GPS is in the heart. Now we know how high to scale the sky. The day breaks on Morningside. From Chung Chi We pass Wu Yee Sun, United, C. W. Chu, then S. H. Ho, New Asia and Shaw, all in harmony with Lee Woo Sing. To these places our hearts will always return. Thus we learn to affirm, the CU Heart and CU Mind.
特別嗚謝資訊處提供英文翻譯 Special thanks to Information Services Office for English translation
校友日主題曲《中大志》MV Alumni Homecoming Theme Song “The CU Heart and CU Mind” Official MV
《中大志》音樂製作花絮 “The CU Heart and CU Mind” Music Making-of
2020中大校友日開幕禮特別版 CUHK Alumni Homecoming 2020 Opening Ceremony Special Edition
中大校友日 CUHK ALUMNI HOMECOMING 「中大校友日」為校友事務處最大型且富傳統的校友活動,每年邀請校友回母校,了解大學近況及發展。在 疫情下,「2020中大校友日」首次移師網上舉行,打破時區和地域的界限,並得到眾多校友會的鼎力支 持,讓校友只需安坐家中,即可收看一系列直播節目及參與網上互動,以全新形式參與此年度盛事。
「e•家」實驗室-參觀羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓 Laboratory “Close-Up” - Tour to Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building
「嚐」遊中大 Video of Tasting Food from CUHK Canteens
“CUHK Alumni Homecoming” is the largest alumni event held by AAO to welcome alumni around the world to come home and update them of the University’s latest development. Owing to the outbreak of COVID-19, the “2020 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” took a new form by going virtual with the great support from a number of alumni associations. By staying at home, alumni could join this first-ever online Homecoming event from any parts of the world, without time constraint.
焦點活動 HIGHLIGHTS 中大生物醫學學院李嘉豪教授 Professor Kenneth Lee, Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences
歡迎辭 Welcoming speeches
校長段崇智教授 Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor
「雲」遊中大 Virtual Campus Tour
全球校友「疫」情交流站 Life after the Pandemic - Sharing from Alumni Worldwide
「家 + 健康」講座- 家庭關係與身心健康 Talk on Mental Health
「喵」遊中大 Video of CUHK Cats on Campus
副校長吳基培教授 Professor Dennis Ng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
逸夫書院院長梁耀堅教授 Professor Leung Yiu-kin Freedom, Head of Shaw College
中大校友日 CUHK ALUMNI HOMECOMING 「中大校友日」為校友事務處最大型且富傳統的校友活動,每年邀請校友回母校,了解大學近況及發展。在 疫情下,「2020中大校友日」首次移師網上舉行,打破時區和地域的界限,並得到眾多校友會的鼎力支 持,讓校友只需安坐家中,即可收看一系列直播節目及參與網上互動,以全新形式參與此年度盛事。
「e•家」實驗室-參觀羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓 Laboratory “Close-Up” - Tour to Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building
「嚐」遊中大 Video of Tasting Food from CUHK Canteens
“CUHK Alumni Homecoming” is the largest alumni event held by AAO to welcome alumni around the world to come home and update them of the University’s latest development. Owing to the outbreak of COVID-19, the “2020 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” took a new form by going virtual with the great support from a number of alumni associations. By staying at home, alumni could join this first-ever online Homecoming event from any parts of the world, without time constraint.
焦點活動 HIGHLIGHTS 中大生物醫學學院李嘉豪教授 Professor Kenneth Lee, Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences
歡迎辭 Welcoming speeches
校長段崇智教授 Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor
「雲」遊中大 Virtual Campus Tour
全球校友「疫」情交流站 Life after the Pandemic - Sharing from Alumni Worldwide
「家 + 健康」講座- 家庭關係與身心健康 Talk on Mental Health
「喵」遊中大 Video of CUHK Cats on Campus
副校長吳基培教授 Professor Dennis Ng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
逸夫書院院長梁耀堅教授 Professor Leung Yiu-kin Freedom, Head of Shaw College
開幕禮暨「中大校友傳承基金」支票贈送儀式及校友日主題曲開幕禮 版本首播 Opening cum Cheque Presentation Ceremony and Debut of the Opening Ceremony Edition of the Homecoming Theme Song
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS 多達3,300校友及親屬報名登記,透過線上直 播參與首個網上「中大校友日」 多個環節得到不同校友組織幫忙協助,例如: - 校友會聯會主持健康講座及多項節目 - 校友評議會舉辦線上親子遊戲 - 8個來自包括美國、加拿大、澳洲、新加 坡、日本及中國內地等世界不同地方的校 友會代表,向各地校友分享當地的疫情及 生活狀況 - 8個書院校友會主持網上互動區,與校友 線上會面交流匯聚
網上互動區 - 書院校友會主持 Interactive Zone Hosted by College Alumni Associations
「音樂•家•創作」工作坊 Workshop on Song Writing
- 55個海內外校友會拍攝影片,參與全球連線 高唱「中大校友日」主題曲《中大志》,與 校長丶副校長、書院院長共同詠唱歌曲, 為活動揭開序幕 校友日主題曲3位校友創作人曾奕文(曲)、王
仲傑(詞)及曹朗(編) 出席活動,分享創作緣起 並親自教授時下流行曲創作心得 多個不同節目從多角度為校友介紹大學最新 發展
「中大校友日畢業紀念班」籌得港幣$112萬 元予「中大校友傳承基金」,令基金共累積 籌得超過港幣$842萬元 節目上載到校友事務處的YouTube頻道,供
精彩節目重溫 Recaps of Highlighted Programmes
Over 3,300 alumni and guests registered for this first-ever online Homecoming to participate through live streaming Alumni associations – locally or globally - were pulled together in supporting different programmes of the event, e.g. - The Federation of Alumni Associations hosted the health talk and a number of programmes - CUHK Convocation organized parent-child games online - 8 representatives of Alumni Associations from world cities in USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan and the Mainland China shared how they faced the pandemic - 55 local and overseas alumni leaders submitted videos to sing the Homecoming theme song “The CU Heart and CU Mind” together with University Officers online to officially kick off the Homecoming 3 talented alumni musicians, namely Edmond Tsang, Kit Wong and Ron Tso who were engaged in the production of the first-ever Homecoming theme song were also invited to share the concept behind the song and hosted a song writing workshop at the event A wide range of programmes were produced to showcase the latest developments of the University from different aspects HK$1.12 milion raised for Alumni Torch Fund, accumulating the fund to HK$8.42 milion Recaps of highlighted programmes were uploaded on CUHK Alumni Affairs Office’s YouTube channel for alumni to “attend” the event whenever and wherever they want
開幕禮暨「中大校友傳承基金」支票贈送儀式及校友日主題曲開幕禮 版本首播 Opening cum Cheque Presentation Ceremony and Debut of the Opening Ceremony Edition of the Homecoming Theme Song
成果 ACHIEVEMENTS 多達3,300校友及親屬報名登記,透過線上直 播參與首個網上「中大校友日」 多個環節得到不同校友組織幫忙協助,例如: - 校友會聯會主持健康講座及多項節目 - 校友評議會舉辦線上親子遊戲 - 8個來自包括美國、加拿大、澳洲、新加 坡、日本及中國內地等世界不同地方的校 友會代表,向各地校友分享當地的疫情及 生活狀況 - 8個書院校友會主持網上互動區,與校友 線上會面交流匯聚
網上互動區 - 書院校友會主持 Interactive Zone Hosted by College Alumni Associations
「音樂•家•創作」工作坊 Workshop on Song Writing
- 55個海內外校友會拍攝影片,參與全球連線 高唱「中大校友日」主題曲《中大志》,與 校長丶副校長、書院院長共同詠唱歌曲, 為活動揭開序幕 校友日主題曲3位校友創作人曾奕文(曲)、王
仲傑(詞)及曹朗(編) 出席活動,分享創作緣起 並親自教授時下流行曲創作心得 多個不同節目從多角度為校友介紹大學最新 發展
「中大校友日畢業紀念班」籌得港幣$112萬 元予「中大校友傳承基金」,令基金共累積 籌得超過港幣$842萬元 節目上載到校友事務處的YouTube頻道,供
精彩節目重溫 Recaps of Highlighted Programmes
Over 3,300 alumni and guests registered for this first-ever online Homecoming to participate through live streaming Alumni associations – locally or globally - were pulled together in supporting different programmes of the event, e.g. - The Federation of Alumni Associations hosted the health talk and a number of programmes - CUHK Convocation organized parent-child games online - 8 representatives of Alumni Associations from world cities in USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan and the Mainland China shared how they faced the pandemic - 55 local and overseas alumni leaders submitted videos to sing the Homecoming theme song “The CU Heart and CU Mind” together with University Officers online to officially kick off the Homecoming 3 talented alumni musicians, namely Edmond Tsang, Kit Wong and Ron Tso who were engaged in the production of the first-ever Homecoming theme song were also invited to share the concept behind the song and hosted a song writing workshop at the event A wide range of programmes were produced to showcase the latest developments of the University from different aspects HK$1.12 milion raised for Alumni Torch Fund, accumulating the fund to HK$8.42 milion Recaps of highlighted programmes were uploaded on CUHK Alumni Affairs Office’s YouTube channel for alumni to “attend” the event whenever and wherever they want
聯繫通訊 COMMUNICATION 中大校友事務處致力建立強大的聯繫通訊平台, 與校友保持聯繫並發掘及報導校友的超卓成就。 為配合數碼時代的發展趨勢,除各通訊平台廣泛 採用適應性版面設計,更特別加強社交媒體宣傳, 善用各社交媒體的特色及滲透力,配合不同的宣 傳策略,製作符合推廣對象興趣的內容。另外, 除各項校友活動的宣傳短片,今年亦積極製作了 接近50部影片,其中包括與創業、大學科研及發 展,以及抗疫相關的實用資訊。 AAO is devoted to building a wide range of effective communication platforms for our alumni. Not only do we endeavor to keep alumni abreast of their alma mater, but we also seize every opportunity to identify and feature alumni who have made outstanding achievement and remarkable contribution to the University and alumni community. To strengthen communication in the digital age, digital communication efforts have been made such as widely adopting responsive design on communication platforms and strategically utilizing different social media tools to engage alumni. Apart from promotional videos of different alumni events, AAO has produced approximately 50 videos this year. The videos cover various topics such as entrepreneurship, the University’s scientific research and development achievements as well as practical information to fight against the COVID-19.
《中大校友》季刊 (備網上版) “CU ALUMNI” QUARTERLY MAGAZINE 03.2020
129,650 (+1.3%)
全年專訪校友人數 No. of alumni interviewees
65 +
多元化專題採訪 / 報導 Various of featured topics / reports
10 +
包括:創新及科技系列、社會創新、中大人奮力齊抗疫、 創業大賽五強誕生、精神健康等 E.g.: “Innovation and Technologies Series”, “Social Innovation”, “Together We fight the COVID-19”, “Entrepreneurship Competition Finalists”, “Mental Health under the Pandemic Time”, etc.
Issue 101
Issue 102
Magazine Interview Videos
第102期起增設人物專訪 短片,增加《中大校友》 季刊於社交平台之曝光 率;亦把訪問內容分拆 發放到社交平台,進一 步迎合讀者閱讀習慣, 全天候均能細閱精彩校 友故事。
Issue 103
Issue 104
報導大學發展 / 校友會 / 校友的消息 No. of news updates on the University / alumni associations / alumni
290 +
Special Columns on COVID-19
第101期報道疫情初期中大人同心抗疫情況,向校友讀者講述大 學、校友會及一眾校友如何迅速為社區盡綿力。 In issue 101, CU Alumni magazine reported how swiftly CU stakeholders contributed to the society when the pandemic started.
2020年3月號 (第101期) Issue 101 - March 2020
第102期增設「中大人奮力齊抗疫」特輯,訪問8位在最前線抗疫校友、報道34個 全球各地境外校友會及校友網絡所提供的外地疫情下生活狀況、18 位本地校友及 校友組織如何貢獻社區等等。
Brand new magazine interview videos have been released to AAO social media platforms since Issue 102 to further increase the CU Alumni magazine exposure. 《中大校友》人物專訪 CU Alumni Magazine Interview
最新發行量 Circulation
In Issue 102, the Special Column – “Together We fight the COVID-19” reported various aspects of CU stakeholders’ contributions, including interviews of 8 frontline alumni who fight against COVID-19, life under the pandemic of 34 overseas alumni associations and networks, 18 local alumni associations and alumni’s contribution towards communities, etc.
2020年6月號 (第102期) Issue 102 - June 2020
聯繫通訊 COMMUNICATION 中大校友事務處致力建立強大的聯繫通訊平台, 與校友保持聯繫並發掘及報導校友的超卓成就。 為配合數碼時代的發展趨勢,除各通訊平台廣泛 採用適應性版面設計,更特別加強社交媒體宣傳, 善用各社交媒體的特色及滲透力,配合不同的宣 傳策略,製作符合推廣對象興趣的內容。另外, 除各項校友活動的宣傳短片,今年亦積極製作了 接近50部影片,其中包括與創業、大學科研及發 展,以及抗疫相關的實用資訊。 AAO is devoted to building a wide range of effective communication platforms for our alumni. Not only do we endeavor to keep alumni abreast of their alma mater, but we also seize every opportunity to identify and feature alumni who have made outstanding achievement and remarkable contribution to the University and alumni community. To strengthen communication in the digital age, digital communication efforts have been made such as widely adopting responsive design on communication platforms and strategically utilizing different social media tools to engage alumni. Apart from promotional videos of different alumni events, AAO has produced approximately 50 videos this year. The videos cover various topics such as entrepreneurship, the University’s scientific research and development achievements as well as practical information to fight against the COVID-19.
《中大校友》季刊 (備網上版) “CU ALUMNI” QUARTERLY MAGAZINE 03.2020
129,650 (+1.3%)
全年專訪校友人數 No. of alumni interviewees
65 +
多元化專題採訪 / 報導 Various of featured topics / reports
10 +
包括:創新及科技系列、社會創新、中大人奮力齊抗疫、 創業大賽五強誕生、精神健康等 E.g.: “Innovation and Technologies Series”, “Social Innovation”, “Together We fight the COVID-19”, “Entrepreneurship Competition Finalists”, “Mental Health under the Pandemic Time”, etc.
Issue 101
Issue 102
Magazine Interview Videos
第102期起增設人物專訪 短片,增加《中大校友》 季刊於社交平台之曝光 率;亦把訪問內容分拆 發放到社交平台,進一 步迎合讀者閱讀習慣, 全天候均能細閱精彩校 友故事。
Issue 103
Issue 104
報導大學發展 / 校友會 / 校友的消息 No. of news updates on the University / alumni associations / alumni
290 +
Special Columns on COVID-19
第101期報道疫情初期中大人同心抗疫情況,向校友讀者講述大 學、校友會及一眾校友如何迅速為社區盡綿力。 In issue 101, CU Alumni magazine reported how swiftly CU stakeholders contributed to the society when the pandemic started.
2020年3月號 (第101期) Issue 101 - March 2020
第102期增設「中大人奮力齊抗疫」特輯,訪問8位在最前線抗疫校友、報道34個 全球各地境外校友會及校友網絡所提供的外地疫情下生活狀況、18 位本地校友及 校友組織如何貢獻社區等等。
Brand new magazine interview videos have been released to AAO social media platforms since Issue 102 to further increase the CU Alumni magazine exposure. 《中大校友》人物專訪 CU Alumni Magazine Interview
最新發行量 Circulation
In Issue 102, the Special Column – “Together We fight the COVID-19” reported various aspects of CU stakeholders’ contributions, including interviews of 8 frontline alumni who fight against COVID-19, life under the pandemic of 34 overseas alumni associations and networks, 18 local alumni associations and alumni’s contribution towards communities, etc.
2020年6月號 (第102期) Issue 102 - June 2020
「榜上友名」 “ROLL CALL ALUM” 與中大資訊處合作,每月專訪一位在不同領域有傑出成 就的校友,在中大網站及校友電子月報發佈,與校友社 群分享他們的故事 Collaborating with Information Services Office, the project features each month the story of an alumnus / alumna who excels in one’s own field and shares it with the alumni community via the University’s website and the monthly e-newsletter “Alumni Matters” 知心能幾人 The Cure Within 走進臨床心理學家郭碧珊的內心世界 A glimpse into the mind of clinical psychologist Kathleen Kwok
感受時代脈搏 Feeling the Pulse
校友事務處網頁 ALUMNI AFFAIRS OFFICE WEBSITE 簡潔版面設計,並支援手機及平板電腦 瀏覽 整合海內外校友網絡地圖 連接社交平台 瀏覽《中大校友》季刊網上版、精彩活動 花絮等 定期發放大學、校友社群最新動態 A neat and mobile responsive design An interactive map to show the global alumni network Connect to our different social media Quick access to “CU Alumni” magazine online version, event photos and videos Regular news updates on the University and alumni community
陳景祥談新聞寫作 Chan King-cheung shares his insight on journalistic writing
編織未來 The Ever Spinning Reel 林凱銘開拓永續時尚 Walden Lam makes fashion more than sustainable
中大校友全球活動概覽 CU GLOBAL ACTIVITY LIST FOR ALUMNI 支援手機瀏覽,幫助校友掌握本地及世界各地舉辦的校友活動 Adopting mobile responsive layout to facilitate the alumni to access information of alumni activities around the globe 24
校友事務處FACEBOOK專頁人工智能CHATBOT ALUMNI AFFAIRS OFFICE FACEBOOK PAGE ENQUIRY CHATBOT 24小時全天候解答校友優惠、服務及使用校友設施等相關問題 Providing 24/7 support on answering enquiries about alumni benefits, services, and the use of campus facilities
最新發行量 Circulation:
131,736 +
消息數目 No. of news updates: 160 +
於2020年4月推出全新版面,網站採用適應性網頁設計 版面設計簡潔有活力,大量加入鮮明的色彩及圖像 包括大學資訊、校友專訪、校友活動、校友優惠及進修機會 Launched the brand new website with a responsive design in April 2020 Vivid in colours and graphics, with more photographs added Including “University News”, “Roll Call Alum”, “Alumni Activities”, “Alumni Benefits” and “Study Opportunities”
@LINK 校友電郵及雲端儲存空間服務 @LINK EMAIL SERVICE AND 1TB CLOUD STORAGE SERVICE 為與校友保持聯繫,大學向畢業校友提供終身免費 校友電郵 (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk) 及1TB OneDrive 雲端儲存空間服務。這些服務大受校友歡迎,有超 過35,600名校友登記使用@Link校友電郵;另共錄得 逾 49,000名 校 友 登 記 免 費 電 郵 轉 遞 地 址 服 務 (name@alumni.cuhk.net)
To stay connected with our alumni, application for @Link email service (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk) and 1TB cloud storage service is open for all alumni. These services have been well received by alumni, with over 35,600 alumni opting-in @Link alumni lifelong email service and over 49,000 alumni registering for the free forwarding email address
我們還透過以下平台,建立無遠弗屆的網絡,將全球校友緊密聯繫。 We also connect with our alumni globally via channels below: NE
「榜上友名」 “ROLL CALL ALUM” 與中大資訊處合作,每月專訪一位在不同領域有傑出成 就的校友,在中大網站及校友電子月報發佈,與校友社 群分享他們的故事 Collaborating with Information Services Office, the project features each month the story of an alumnus / alumna who excels in one’s own field and shares it with the alumni community via the University’s website and the monthly e-newsletter “Alumni Matters” 知心能幾人 The Cure Within 走進臨床心理學家郭碧珊的內心世界 A glimpse into the mind of clinical psychologist Kathleen Kwok
感受時代脈搏 Feeling the Pulse
校友事務處網頁 ALUMNI AFFAIRS OFFICE WEBSITE 簡潔版面設計,並支援手機及平板電腦 瀏覽 整合海內外校友網絡地圖 連接社交平台 瀏覽《中大校友》季刊網上版、精彩活動 花絮等 定期發放大學、校友社群最新動態 A neat and mobile responsive design An interactive map to show the global alumni network Connect to our different social media Quick access to “CU Alumni” magazine online version, event photos and videos Regular news updates on the University and alumni community
陳景祥談新聞寫作 Chan King-cheung shares his insight on journalistic writing
編織未來 The Ever Spinning Reel 林凱銘開拓永續時尚 Walden Lam makes fashion more than sustainable
中大校友全球活動概覽 CU GLOBAL ACTIVITY LIST FOR ALUMNI 支援手機瀏覽,幫助校友掌握本地及世界各地舉辦的校友活動 Adopting mobile responsive layout to facilitate the alumni to access information of alumni activities around the globe 24
校友事務處FACEBOOK專頁人工智能CHATBOT ALUMNI AFFAIRS OFFICE FACEBOOK PAGE ENQUIRY CHATBOT 24小時全天候解答校友優惠、服務及使用校友設施等相關問題 Providing 24/7 support on answering enquiries about alumni benefits, services, and the use of campus facilities
最新發行量 Circulation:
131,736 +
消息數目 No. of news updates: 160 +
於2020年4月推出全新版面,網站採用適應性網頁設計 版面設計簡潔有活力,大量加入鮮明的色彩及圖像 包括大學資訊、校友專訪、校友活動、校友優惠及進修機會 Launched the brand new website with a responsive design in April 2020 Vivid in colours and graphics, with more photographs added Including “University News”, “Roll Call Alum”, “Alumni Activities”, “Alumni Benefits” and “Study Opportunities”
@LINK 校友電郵及雲端儲存空間服務 @LINK EMAIL SERVICE AND 1TB CLOUD STORAGE SERVICE 為與校友保持聯繫,大學向畢業校友提供終身免費 校友電郵 (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk) 及1TB OneDrive 雲端儲存空間服務。這些服務大受校友歡迎,有超 過35,600名校友登記使用@Link校友電郵;另共錄得 逾 49,000名 校 友 登 記 免 費 電 郵 轉 遞 地 址 服 務 (name@alumni.cuhk.net)
To stay connected with our alumni, application for @Link email service (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk) and 1TB cloud storage service is open for all alumni. These services have been well received by alumni, with over 35,600 alumni opting-in @Link alumni lifelong email service and over 49,000 alumni registering for the free forwarding email address
我們還透過以下平台,建立無遠弗屆的網絡,將全球校友緊密聯繫。 We also connect with our alumni globally via channels below: NE
校友事務處存有超過24萬位中大畢業生資料,包括高達91%的有效 聯絡方法。不斷更新的資料庫讓我們能有效地發掘、聯絡及邀請來自 不同地域、不同專業界別的校友,支持大學及校友會的活動。
畢業生總數 Graduates in total:
畢業生修讀學位分佈 Distribution by obtained Degree and Diploma
畢業年代分佈 Distribution by Graduation Year 年代
本科學位畢業生 Bachelor’s Degree
研究院學位 / 文憑畢業生 Postgraduate Degree and Diploma
專上學院統一文憑畢業生 Joint Diploma (1963 - 1967)
大學成立前原成員書院文憑畢業生 Pre-University College Diploma
1950’s 1960’s
書院 / 學院 / 學系
專業界別 / 行業
Degrees / Diplomas
Colleges / Faculties / Departments
Professions / Industries
Involvements in AAs
Years of graduation
Contact information
As of December 2020, AAO maintained over 240,000 graduates records in our database. 91% of graduates could be reached via their up-to-date addresses/emails. With such an effective database, it has facilitated us to solicit support for various University-wide programmes and AA activities from alumni of different geographical locations, professions and fields.
1980’s 1990’s
2000’s 2010’s 2020’s
0.62% 0.15%
校友組織概況 ALUMNI NETWORK 校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Group
校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Group: 校友組織類別 Alumni Groups by Category
3.68% 5.88%
發掘 EXPLORING 《中大校友》/ 「榜上友名」專訪 Distinguished interviewees for “CU Alumni” magazine / “Roll Call Alum”
書院 Colleges
66% 34% 100%
本地 Local
海外 Overseas 46 總數 Total
學院 / 學系 / 課程 Faculties / Departments / Programmes of Studies
專業 / 興趣 Professions/Interests
地域 Geographic Locations 其他 Others
邀請 INVITING 捐款支持大學項目
(最新優惠 / 免費電郵 / 生日禮遇) To get them updated of alumni privileges information
To support fundraising campaigns on University’s projects
參與校友活動 / 學長計劃
To get them updated of the latest news from the University
To join alumni activities / Mentorship Programme
接待出訪的大學人員 / 中大交換生
Alumni with diversified background to meet with University Officers
To get them updated of the latest news from the Alumni Associations
To receive CUHK delegations / outbound exchange students
宿舍 Halls 136
Alumni in various professional fields
註 Note:以2020年12月31日計算 Figures as at December 31, 2020
校友事務處存有超過24萬位中大畢業生資料,包括高達91%的有效 聯絡方法。不斷更新的資料庫讓我們能有效地發掘、聯絡及邀請來自 不同地域、不同專業界別的校友,支持大學及校友會的活動。
畢業生總數 Graduates in total:
畢業生修讀學位分佈 Distribution by obtained Degree and Diploma
畢業年代分佈 Distribution by Graduation Year 年代
本科學位畢業生 Bachelor’s Degree
研究院學位 / 文憑畢業生 Postgraduate Degree and Diploma
專上學院統一文憑畢業生 Joint Diploma (1963 - 1967)
大學成立前原成員書院文憑畢業生 Pre-University College Diploma
1950’s 1960’s
書院 / 學院 / 學系
專業界別 / 行業
Degrees / Diplomas
Colleges / Faculties / Departments
Professions / Industries
Involvements in AAs
Years of graduation
Contact information
As of December 2020, AAO maintained over 240,000 graduates records in our database. 91% of graduates could be reached via their up-to-date addresses/emails. With such an effective database, it has facilitated us to solicit support for various University-wide programmes and AA activities from alumni of different geographical locations, professions and fields.
1980’s 1990’s
2000’s 2010’s 2020’s
0.62% 0.15%
校友組織概況 ALUMNI NETWORK 校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Group
校友組織數目 Local and Overseas Alumni Group: 校友組織類別 Alumni Groups by Category
3.68% 5.88%
發掘 EXPLORING 《中大校友》/ 「榜上友名」專訪 Distinguished interviewees for “CU Alumni” magazine / “Roll Call Alum”
書院 Colleges
66% 34% 100%
本地 Local
海外 Overseas 46 總數 Total
學院 / 學系 / 課程 Faculties / Departments / Programmes of Studies
專業 / 興趣 Professions/Interests
地域 Geographic Locations 其他 Others
邀請 INVITING 捐款支持大學項目
(最新優惠 / 免費電郵 / 生日禮遇) To get them updated of alumni privileges information
To support fundraising campaigns on University’s projects
參與校友活動 / 學長計劃
To get them updated of the latest news from the University
To join alumni activities / Mentorship Programme
接待出訪的大學人員 / 中大交換生
Alumni with diversified background to meet with University Officers
To get them updated of the latest news from the Alumni Associations
To receive CUHK delegations / outbound exchange students
宿舍 Halls 136
Alumni in various professional fields
註 Note:以2020年12月31日計算 Figures as at December 31, 2020
暑期實習生計劃 SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 校友事務處暑期實習生計劃於2018年推出,每年暑假 為2至4名中大本科生提供實習機會。於2020年,2位 學生透過參與各種校友事務項目及相關行政工作,獲 取寶貴的實戰經驗,同時亦有作出不同貢獻。
校友會會議中心 ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS CENTRE 位於富爾敦樓地下的「校友會會議中心」自成 立之初經已設有不少先進的智能設備,方便校 友組織召開會議。在疫情發展之初,更特別在 「校友會會議中心」再添置全功能視像會議工 具,於校友組織召開網上會議,以至校友事務 處與校友組織商討不同事宜上都能大派用場。 Since its establishment, the Alumni Associations Centre located at G/F of John Fulton Centre, has been equipped with state-of-the-art devices for alumni associations to convene meetings. A sophisticated video conferencing tool was also installed at the start of the pandemic outbreak, facilitating effective communication among different alumni associations and AAO under the “New Normal”.
Summer Internship Programme is an initiative launched by Alumni Affairs Office to provide meaningful alumni project-based work and comprehensive administrative training for 2 to 4 CUHK undergraduate students every summer. As fruitful as it was when launched in 2018, the two interns gained invaluable experience and exposure through this programme in 2020.
訪問中大創業日參展團隊及撰寫文稿 協助校友活動宣傳影片拍攝 協助活動宣傳及現場支援 設計圖像於社交媒體推廣 計劃特色:
Interns’ Contributions:
提供機會參與不同類型校友活動 指導及提供行政工作體驗 培養工作責任感 增加對校友事務及校友組織網絡認識
Conducted online interviews with alumni exhibitors of CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2020 and generated stories Assisted in producing alumni event promotional videos Assisted in event promotion and logistics support Supported graphic design for social media promotion
Programme Features: Access and exposure to various alumni activities Coaching and administrative training opportunities Building sense of responsibility and commitment Understanding of alumni affairs and alumni associations network of CUHK
歡迎新畢業生 WELCOME NEW GRADUATES 今年共有超過11,000名畢業生成為中大校友一份子, 校友事務處不時透過電郵及郵寄刊物等方式發放校友 活動和校園資訊,讓畢業生時刻與母校保持聯繫。 2020年畢業禮因疫情改於網上進行,去年備受畢業生 歡迎的「免費拍攝畢業照片服務」不能如期舉行。然 而,有見疫情衝擊經濟,新畢業生的就業前景充滿挑 戰,校友事務處亦特別於2021年2月下旬舉行的「中 大青年校友職業發展週」提供專為新畢業生而設的網 上活動,以提升其職場競爭力。
Over 11,000 graduates are joining the CU alumni family this year. To keep them abreast of the latest news of their alma mater, AAO shares the updates from the University and upcoming alumni activities via email and printed publications with them from time to time. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congregation 2020 was moved online without physical ceremonies. The exclusive photo-taking service for graduates could not be held as scheduled. In view of the pandemic- stricken economy and job market, tailor-made online sessions will be provided to fresh graduates in the CUHK Young Alumni Career Week held in February 2021 to enhance their competitiveness.
暑期實習生計劃 SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 校友事務處暑期實習生計劃於2018年推出,每年暑假 為2至4名中大本科生提供實習機會。於2020年,2位 學生透過參與各種校友事務項目及相關行政工作,獲 取寶貴的實戰經驗,同時亦有作出不同貢獻。
校友會會議中心 ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS CENTRE 位於富爾敦樓地下的「校友會會議中心」自成 立之初經已設有不少先進的智能設備,方便校 友組織召開會議。在疫情發展之初,更特別在 「校友會會議中心」再添置全功能視像會議工 具,於校友組織召開網上會議,以至校友事務 處與校友組織商討不同事宜上都能大派用場。 Since its establishment, the Alumni Associations Centre located at G/F of John Fulton Centre, has been equipped with state-of-the-art devices for alumni associations to convene meetings. A sophisticated video conferencing tool was also installed at the start of the pandemic outbreak, facilitating effective communication among different alumni associations and AAO under the “New Normal”.
Summer Internship Programme is an initiative launched by Alumni Affairs Office to provide meaningful alumni project-based work and comprehensive administrative training for 2 to 4 CUHK undergraduate students every summer. As fruitful as it was when launched in 2018, the two interns gained invaluable experience and exposure through this programme in 2020.
訪問中大創業日參展團隊及撰寫文稿 協助校友活動宣傳影片拍攝 協助活動宣傳及現場支援 設計圖像於社交媒體推廣 計劃特色:
Interns’ Contributions:
提供機會參與不同類型校友活動 指導及提供行政工作體驗 培養工作責任感 增加對校友事務及校友組織網絡認識
Conducted online interviews with alumni exhibitors of CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2020 and generated stories Assisted in producing alumni event promotional videos Assisted in event promotion and logistics support Supported graphic design for social media promotion
Programme Features: Access and exposure to various alumni activities Coaching and administrative training opportunities Building sense of responsibility and commitment Understanding of alumni affairs and alumni associations network of CUHK
歡迎新畢業生 WELCOME NEW GRADUATES 今年共有超過11,000名畢業生成為中大校友一份子, 校友事務處不時透過電郵及郵寄刊物等方式發放校友 活動和校園資訊,讓畢業生時刻與母校保持聯繫。 2020年畢業禮因疫情改於網上進行,去年備受畢業生 歡迎的「免費拍攝畢業照片服務」不能如期舉行。然 而,有見疫情衝擊經濟,新畢業生的就業前景充滿挑 戰,校友事務處亦特別於2021年2月下旬舉行的「中 大青年校友職業發展週」提供專為新畢業生而設的網 上活動,以提升其職場競爭力。
Over 11,000 graduates are joining the CU alumni family this year. To keep them abreast of the latest news of their alma mater, AAO shares the updates from the University and upcoming alumni activities via email and printed publications with them from time to time. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congregation 2020 was moved online without physical ceremonies. The exclusive photo-taking service for graduates could not be held as scheduled. In view of the pandemic- stricken economy and job market, tailor-made online sessions will be provided to fresh graduates in the CUHK Young Alumni Career Week held in February 2021 to enhance their competitiveness.
與校內單位互相合作 COLLABORATION WITH INTERNAL UNITS 校友事務處與校內單位緊密合作,特別是與不同書 院及學院在凝聚校友方面之協作,其中包括: 於各平台如《中大校友》季刊、校友電子月報、 電郵等向校友發佈有關大學發展、書院活動、 各學院的進修學習等資訊 為校內10個創業相關的單位及校友組織成立中 大創業者聯盟,並定期舉辦講座,推動中大創 新創業發展 廣邀校友支持為學生而設的體驗計劃,包括暑 期實習計劃、學長計劃及博群計劃等 定期安排來自跨年代之不同書院、專業及行業 的校友與大學主管人員會面交流 協助各書院、學院、學系成立校友會 聯同各大校友組織支援大學「同心抗疫」項目 與拓展及籌募處配合,呼籲校友支持不同的籌 款項目,包括「中大支援基金」,支援受疫情 影響的大學成員渡過難關
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 校友事務能在2020年有豐盛發展,實有賴校友們 的熱心支持及參與。 我們衷心感謝:
AAO works closely with Internal Units to achieve the University's long-term strategic goals set forth in the Strategic Plan 2021-2025, including: Promoting events / campus news through “CU Alumni” magazine, “Alumni Matters”, mass emails, etc. Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation on campus through forming CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance with 10 entrepreneurship-related Internal Units and alumni organizations Encouraging alumni to support student enrichment opportunities, such as internships, mentorships and I-CARE Programme Arranging regular meetings between University’s officers and alumni from different sectors and professions Giving advice on the establishment of AAs of various colleges / faculties / departments Jointly supporting the University's "Act Together Against COVID-19" initiative with AAs Working with the Office of Institutional Advancement to mobilize alumni support for various fundraising projects, including CU RElief Fund, which aims to support members of the University community affected by COVID-19
逾9,625位校友積極支持及報名參與各項線上線 下校友活動 逾655位校友參加全年超過55場ZOOM視像會 議,協助各項活動順利舉行 逾640位校友及善心人士 / 單位響應「中大校友 傳承基金」,成功籌募港幣$112萬元。是次籌 募活動由16位畢業班代表校友組織成「2020中 大校友日畢業紀念班籌款委員會」推動。截至 2020年11月,基金獲累計捐款逾港幣$842萬元 曾奕文校友、王仲傑校友、曹 量 (曹朗) 校友 應邀創作《中大志》及將其版權送贈予母校 逾250位校友參與活動影片拍攝 (包括《中大志》 、 中大創業日、中大校友日等) 90個本地校友會及46個海外校友會積極支持全 球校友會網絡的持續發展 逾126位各行各業資深的校友協助擔任校友活動 (包括中大青年校友職業發展日、中大創業日、 「疫」流而上線上分享系列等) 的講座分享嘉賓、 主持和學長 74位成就非凡的校友應邀接受《中大校友》雜 誌及「榜上友名」訪問 34個海外校友會及18位本地校友和校友組織為 《中大校友》抗疫特輯提供資料 7個本地校友會協助推出「疫」流而上—中大校 友自強線上分享系列 30個海外校友組織於年內承諾接待中大交換生
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our alumni for their staunch support and engagement to alumni affairs in 2020: Over 9,625 alumni supported and registered for various online and in person events More than 655 alumni participated in more than 55 ZOOM video conferences throughout the year, helping the smooth-running of various events 16 alumni representatives of their classes joined 2020 Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee and successfully raised HK$1.12 million for CUHK Alumni Torch Fund from over 640 alumni / units. As of November 2020, a fund of over HK$8.42 million has been accumulated Alumni Edmond Tsang, Kit Wong and Ron Tso were invited to create “The CU Heart and CU Mind”, and generously offered the copyright of the song to the alma mater Over 250 alumni participated in video filming for various events (including music video of “The CU Heart and CU Mind”, Entrepreneur Day, Alumni Homecoming, etc.) A global alumni association network has been established, with 90 local alumni associations and 46 overseas alumni associations Over 126 professional alumni from various sectors and industries hosted as speakers, moderators or mentors, in alumni events including Young Alumni Career Day, Entrepreneur Day, Stay Strong: Alumni Talk Series, etc. 74 alumni with distinguished achievements were interviewed by “CU Alumni” magazine and “Roll Call Alum” 34 overseas alumni associations and 18 local alumni organizations contributed to the “CU Alumni” magazine's special issue on the pandemic 7 local alumni associations assisted in launching the online sharing series of “Stay Strong: Alumni Talk Series” 30 alumni associations outside Hong Kong received outbound exchange students in various countries / cities
與校內單位互相合作 COLLABORATION WITH INTERNAL UNITS 校友事務處與校內單位緊密合作,特別是與不同書 院及學院在凝聚校友方面之協作,其中包括: 於各平台如《中大校友》季刊、校友電子月報、 電郵等向校友發佈有關大學發展、書院活動、 各學院的進修學習等資訊 為校內10個創業相關的單位及校友組織成立中 大創業者聯盟,並定期舉辦講座,推動中大創 新創業發展 廣邀校友支持為學生而設的體驗計劃,包括暑 期實習計劃、學長計劃及博群計劃等 定期安排來自跨年代之不同書院、專業及行業 的校友與大學主管人員會面交流 協助各書院、學院、學系成立校友會 聯同各大校友組織支援大學「同心抗疫」項目 與拓展及籌募處配合,呼籲校友支持不同的籌 款項目,包括「中大支援基金」,支援受疫情 影響的大學成員渡過難關
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 校友事務能在2020年有豐盛發展,實有賴校友們 的熱心支持及參與。 我們衷心感謝:
AAO works closely with Internal Units to achieve the University's long-term strategic goals set forth in the Strategic Plan 2021-2025, including: Promoting events / campus news through “CU Alumni” magazine, “Alumni Matters”, mass emails, etc. Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation on campus through forming CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance with 10 entrepreneurship-related Internal Units and alumni organizations Encouraging alumni to support student enrichment opportunities, such as internships, mentorships and I-CARE Programme Arranging regular meetings between University’s officers and alumni from different sectors and professions Giving advice on the establishment of AAs of various colleges / faculties / departments Jointly supporting the University's "Act Together Against COVID-19" initiative with AAs Working with the Office of Institutional Advancement to mobilize alumni support for various fundraising projects, including CU RElief Fund, which aims to support members of the University community affected by COVID-19
逾9,625位校友積極支持及報名參與各項線上線 下校友活動 逾655位校友參加全年超過55場ZOOM視像會 議,協助各項活動順利舉行 逾640位校友及善心人士 / 單位響應「中大校友 傳承基金」,成功籌募港幣$112萬元。是次籌 募活動由16位畢業班代表校友組織成「2020中 大校友日畢業紀念班籌款委員會」推動。截至 2020年11月,基金獲累計捐款逾港幣$842萬元 曾奕文校友、王仲傑校友、曹 量 (曹朗) 校友 應邀創作《中大志》及將其版權送贈予母校 逾250位校友參與活動影片拍攝 (包括《中大志》 、 中大創業日、中大校友日等) 90個本地校友會及46個海外校友會積極支持全 球校友會網絡的持續發展 逾126位各行各業資深的校友協助擔任校友活動 (包括中大青年校友職業發展日、中大創業日、 「疫」流而上線上分享系列等) 的講座分享嘉賓、 主持和學長 74位成就非凡的校友應邀接受《中大校友》雜 誌及「榜上友名」訪問 34個海外校友會及18位本地校友和校友組織為 《中大校友》抗疫特輯提供資料 7個本地校友會協助推出「疫」流而上—中大校 友自強線上分享系列 30個海外校友組織於年內承諾接待中大交換生
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our alumni for their staunch support and engagement to alumni affairs in 2020: Over 9,625 alumni supported and registered for various online and in person events More than 655 alumni participated in more than 55 ZOOM video conferences throughout the year, helping the smooth-running of various events 16 alumni representatives of their classes joined 2020 Alumni Homecoming Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee and successfully raised HK$1.12 million for CUHK Alumni Torch Fund from over 640 alumni / units. As of November 2020, a fund of over HK$8.42 million has been accumulated Alumni Edmond Tsang, Kit Wong and Ron Tso were invited to create “The CU Heart and CU Mind”, and generously offered the copyright of the song to the alma mater Over 250 alumni participated in video filming for various events (including music video of “The CU Heart and CU Mind”, Entrepreneur Day, Alumni Homecoming, etc.) A global alumni association network has been established, with 90 local alumni associations and 46 overseas alumni associations Over 126 professional alumni from various sectors and industries hosted as speakers, moderators or mentors, in alumni events including Young Alumni Career Day, Entrepreneur Day, Stay Strong: Alumni Talk Series, etc. 74 alumni with distinguished achievements were interviewed by “CU Alumni” magazine and “Roll Call Alum” 34 overseas alumni associations and 18 local alumni organizations contributed to the “CU Alumni” magazine's special issue on the pandemic 7 local alumni associations assisted in launching the online sharing series of “Stay Strong: Alumni Talk Series” 30 alumni associations outside Hong Kong received outbound exchange students in various countries / cities
宣傳推廣 優化宣傳策略及更多運用網上媒介 策略性展示大學發展及卓越成就
我們深信藉着拓展更多交流平台予大學各持份者、匯聚不同專業背景的校友及傳承回饋母校與社群的 精神,可以促進大學的長遠發展。放眼2021年,我們的團隊將開展以下包含更多不同元素的平台及新 項目: It is our conviction that by establishing more platforms for the CUHK members, engaging alumni from different professional backgrounds and encouraging them to give back to the alma mater can foster the long-term development of the University. In 2021, our team will build more diversified platforms and kick-start the following new initiatives:
Widening the Publicity Effort Optimize promotional strategies and extensive use of online media Strategically showcase the University’s developments and achievements
Discover and feature more stories of outstanding alumni and their contributions to the community
凝聚深化 鞏固和發展全球化校友會網絡,促進校友組織之間互 助合作 策略性擴闊並深化個別校友群組工作 (包括研究生、 國際生、新畢業生、年青校友及不同年代畢業的校 友等)
Deepening Cohesiveness Further develop an extensive global alumni network and promote mutual cooperation among alumni bodies Broaden and deepen our connection with various alumni groups strategically (including post-graduate and international alumni, fresh graduates, young alumni, or alumni who graduated from different years, etc.)
互動交流 定期及緊密舉辦創業交流活動 搭建平台讓校友與學生分享經驗知識 提供更多職業發展活動及資訊以幫助校友
Facilitating Dynamic Interaction 協作攜手 深化中大創業者聯盟 與相關部門、學系攜手協作推動校友事務 透過科技及「客戶關係管理系統」(CRM),提升及有 效運用校友資料庫
Enlarging Partnerships and Collaboration Strengthen collaboration within CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance Create greater synergy among different internal units on alumni engagement Leverage on the effective use of the alumni database via technology and CRM
Offer regular entrepreneurial networking events Build diversified platforms for alumni as well as students to share their experience and knowledge Provide more career development-related events and information for alumni
宣傳推廣 優化宣傳策略及更多運用網上媒介 策略性展示大學發展及卓越成就
我們深信藉着拓展更多交流平台予大學各持份者、匯聚不同專業背景的校友及傳承回饋母校與社群的 精神,可以促進大學的長遠發展。放眼2021年,我們的團隊將開展以下包含更多不同元素的平台及新 項目: It is our conviction that by establishing more platforms for the CUHK members, engaging alumni from different professional backgrounds and encouraging them to give back to the alma mater can foster the long-term development of the University. In 2021, our team will build more diversified platforms and kick-start the following new initiatives:
Widening the Publicity Effort Optimize promotional strategies and extensive use of online media Strategically showcase the University’s developments and achievements
Discover and feature more stories of outstanding alumni and their contributions to the community
凝聚深化 鞏固和發展全球化校友會網絡,促進校友組織之間互 助合作 策略性擴闊並深化個別校友群組工作 (包括研究生、 國際生、新畢業生、年青校友及不同年代畢業的校 友等)
Deepening Cohesiveness Further develop an extensive global alumni network and promote mutual cooperation among alumni bodies Broaden and deepen our connection with various alumni groups strategically (including post-graduate and international alumni, fresh graduates, young alumni, or alumni who graduated from different years, etc.)
互動交流 定期及緊密舉辦創業交流活動 搭建平台讓校友與學生分享經驗知識 提供更多職業發展活動及資訊以幫助校友
Facilitating Dynamic Interaction 協作攜手 深化中大創業者聯盟 與相關部門、學系攜手協作推動校友事務 透過科技及「客戶關係管理系統」(CRM),提升及有 效運用校友資料庫
Enlarging Partnerships and Collaboration Strengthen collaboration within CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance Create greater synergy among different internal units on alumni engagement Leverage on the effective use of the alumni database via technology and CRM
Offer regular entrepreneurial networking events Build diversified platforms for alumni as well as students to share their experience and knowledge Provide more career development-related events and information for alumni
2O2O 工 作 回 顧
香港新界沙田香港中文大學富爾敦樓3樓 3/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, New Territories +852 3943 7861 +852 2603 6226 alumni@cuhk.edu.hk www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk cuhkaao cuhkaao cuhkaao aaocuhk