AAO Year in Review 2015

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Alumni Affairs Office The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Alumni Affairs Office The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港新界沙田香港中文大學富爾敦樓3樓 3/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, NT. +852 3943 7861 +852 2603 6226 alumni@cuhk.edu.hk www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/facebook


校友事務處於1982年成立,專責聯絡校友的工作。多年來,我們致力建立與大 學有緊密聯繫的校友社群,促進校友對母校的歸屬感。我們的使命是: 鼓勵校友支持大學; 推動校友以不同形式回饋母校; 邀請校友支持協助大學加強公共關係;及 加強校友積極參與有關大學發展事宜 Established in 1982, the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) is committed to developing a connected alumni community and promoting alumni's sense of belonging to their alma mater. Our missions are: To encourage alumni support on the cause of the University; To engage alumni to contribute to the University in various capacities; To facilitate alumni to serve as ambassadors of their alma mater in order to help promote good relations between the University and the general public, and To strengthen alumni involvement in matters relating to the development of the University



校友事務處於1982年成立,專責聯絡校友的工作。多年來,我們致力建立與大 學有緊密聯繫的校友社群,促進校友對母校的歸屬感。我們的使命是: 鼓勵校友支持大學; 推動校友以不同形式回饋母校; 邀請校友支持協助大學加強公共關係;及 加強校友積極參與有關大學發展事宜 Established in 1982, the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) is committed to developing a connected alumni community and promoting alumni's sense of belonging to their alma mater. Our missions are: To encourage alumni support on the cause of the University; To engage alumni to contribute to the University in various capacities; To facilitate alumni to serve as ambassadors of their alma mater in order to help promote good relations between the University and the general public, and To strengthen alumni involvement in matters relating to the development of the University










一日為校友,終身為校友。於2015年,校友事務處致力透過聯繫通訊、校友活動、拓展及 維繫校友組織網絡及資料庫管理,四大主要工作範疇與18萬中大校友社群建立及發展良好 關係。 我們深信為不同年齡層而設、具針對性及多元化的活動,能夠加強與不同年代校友的聯繫; 強大的全球校友網絡是大學與校友間重要的橋樑,而有效的聯繫通訊及準確的資料庫對校 友活動的推行及校友組織的發展更是不可或缺。 過去一年,校友事務處不忘把握機會,向校友社群傳揚令中大人引以為傲的中大精神,增 強校友對母校的歸屬感。 Once a CUHK graduate, always a CUHK graduate! In the year of 2015, through our four key aspects, communication, events and programmes, groups and networks and database, AAO is dedicated to build and maintain close relationship with our 180,000-strong alumni community. It is our belief that diverse and tailor-made events and programs can serve as an active platform for engaging alumni of different segmentations while a strong and global alumni association network is the best bridge between the University and alumni. Needless to say, effective communication and powerful database support are also essential to the prosperity and abundance of alumni activities and associations. Throughout the year, AAO also strives to enhance and instill the CUHK spirit and pride in alumni of different generations.








一日為校友,終身為校友。於2015年,校友事務處致力透過聯繫通訊、校友活動、拓展及 維繫校友組織網絡及資料庫管理,四大主要工作範疇與18萬中大校友社群建立及發展良好 關係。 我們深信為不同年齡層而設、具針對性及多元化的活動,能夠加強與不同年代校友的聯繫; 強大的全球校友網絡是大學與校友間重要的橋樑,而有效的聯繫通訊及準確的資料庫對校 友活動的推行及校友組織的發展更是不可或缺。 過去一年,校友事務處不忘把握機會,向校友社群傳揚令中大人引以為傲的中大精神,增 強校友對母校的歸屬感。 Once a CUHK graduate, always a CUHK graduate! In the year of 2015, through our four key aspects, communication, events and programmes, groups and networks and database, AAO is dedicated to build and maintain close relationship with our 180,000-strong alumni community. It is our belief that diverse and tailor-made events and programs can serve as an active platform for engaging alumni of different segmentations while a strong and global alumni association network is the best bridge between the University and alumni. Needless to say, effective communication and powerful database support are also essential to the prosperity and abundance of alumni activities and associations. Throughout the year, AAO also strives to enhance and instill the CUHK spirit and pride in alumni of different generations.




增強「中大校友」季刊內容 自2015年9月號開始強化內容,每期邀請一位傑出校友 成為封面人物,刊載其個人故事;首位受訪者為香港金 融管理局總裁陳德霖校友。同期亦推出新欄目「關愛社 群中大人」,介紹校友社群中的好人好事,另外又介紹 更多不同背景的校友。這些新嘗試,連同既有的欄目, 不但令「中大校友」季刊的內容更全面及多元化,亦能 突顯中大校友社群人才輩出、出類拔萃。

校友事務處透過以下方式,與全球校友保持緊密聯繫: 「中大校友」季刊 (備有網上版) 最新發行量:108,300 中大校友電子月報 最新流通量:95,800 電郵 Facebook 專頁 網頁 截至2015年,共有超過43,090名校友,申請由校友事務處提供的 終身免費電郵轉遞地址服務(name@alumni.cuhk.net),強化校友 對大學的聯繫和歸屬感。 The Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) engages alumni worldwide through the following key communication channels: “CU Alumni” quarterly magazine (also available online) Circulation: 108,300 “Alumni Matters” monthly e-newsletter (中大校友電子月報) Circulation: 95,800 Mass email Facebook fan page Website A free email forwarding address offered to all alumni (name@alumni.cuhk.net) by AAO helps strengthen alumni’s sense of belonging to the University. By the end of 2015, the number of registered users had reached 43,090.

@Link校友電郵服務 (2015年及往後畢業校友適用) 校友事務處及資訊科技服務處新推為2015年及往 後 畢 業 校 友 提 供 終 身 @ L i n k 校 友 電 郵 (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk) 及1TB OneDrive雲端儲存 空間服務,以方便校友接收大學資訊。有關服務亦考 慮分階段伸延至2014年或以前畢業的校友。

Enhancements in “CU Alumni” Magazine Since 2015 September issue, there has been one cover story featured in each issue of the “CU Alumni” magazine, highlighting one prominent CUHK alumnus. Alumnus Norman Chan, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, was the first interviewee of the column. At the same time, another new column “Caring Alumni” was launched featuring alumni who serve the society with heart and soul. Together with the existing columns, a diverse variety of features are presented in each issue to showcase the wealth of different talents of our alumni community, in the hope of presenting the diversification of CUHK alumni to the society.

@Link Alumni Lifelong Email Service (for graduates from 2015 onwards) Starting from 2015, AAO provides @Link lifelong email and 1TB OneDrive cloud storage services for alumni graduated from 2015 onwards to enable alumni to keep abreast of the latest news and developments relating to their alma mater. The services are considered to be extended to alumni graduated before 2014 by stages.




增強「中大校友」季刊內容 自2015年9月號開始強化內容,每期邀請一位傑出校友 成為封面人物,刊載其個人故事;首位受訪者為香港金 融管理局總裁陳德霖校友。同期亦推出新欄目「關愛社 群中大人」,介紹校友社群中的好人好事,另外又介紹 更多不同背景的校友。這些新嘗試,連同既有的欄目, 不但令「中大校友」季刊的內容更全面及多元化,亦能 突顯中大校友社群人才輩出、出類拔萃。

校友事務處透過以下方式,與全球校友保持緊密聯繫: 「中大校友」季刊 (備有網上版) 最新發行量:108,300 中大校友電子月報 最新流通量:95,800 電郵 Facebook 專頁 網頁 截至2015年,共有超過43,090名校友,申請由校友事務處提供的 終身免費電郵轉遞地址服務(name@alumni.cuhk.net),強化校友 對大學的聯繫和歸屬感。 The Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) engages alumni worldwide through the following key communication channels: “CU Alumni” quarterly magazine (also available online) Circulation: 108,300 “Alumni Matters” monthly e-newsletter (中大校友電子月報) Circulation: 95,800 Mass email Facebook fan page Website A free email forwarding address offered to all alumni (name@alumni.cuhk.net) by AAO helps strengthen alumni’s sense of belonging to the University. By the end of 2015, the number of registered users had reached 43,090.

@Link校友電郵服務 (2015年及往後畢業校友適用) 校友事務處及資訊科技服務處新推為2015年及往 後 畢 業 校 友 提 供 終 身 @ L i n k 校 友 電 郵 (name@link.cuhk.edu.hk) 及1TB OneDrive雲端儲存 空間服務,以方便校友接收大學資訊。有關服務亦考 慮分階段伸延至2014年或以前畢業的校友。

Enhancements in “CU Alumni” Magazine Since 2015 September issue, there has been one cover story featured in each issue of the “CU Alumni” magazine, highlighting one prominent CUHK alumnus. Alumnus Norman Chan, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, was the first interviewee of the column. At the same time, another new column “Caring Alumni” was launched featuring alumni who serve the society with heart and soul. Together with the existing columns, a diverse variety of features are presented in each issue to showcase the wealth of different talents of our alumni community, in the hope of presenting the diversification of CUHK alumni to the society.

@Link Alumni Lifelong Email Service (for graduates from 2015 onwards) Starting from 2015, AAO provides @Link lifelong email and 1TB OneDrive cloud storage services for alumni graduated from 2015 onwards to enable alumni to keep abreast of the latest news and developments relating to their alma mater. The services are considered to be extended to alumni graduated before 2014 by stages.



NEW! 「中大創業日」 由校友發起及創立的基金「中大校友傳承基金」, 在校友事務處協作統籌下,於中大校園首辦「中大 創業日」,透過創業展覽、諮詢、主題講座及個案 分享等,展示中大校友及學生最新的創業意念和成 品;展覽參觀人數逾千。

校友中秋籌款園遊會@漢園 大學特地開放校長府邸「漢園」讓校友及其親屬 一同慶祝佳節。是次活動乃為大學「I•CARE 博群計劃」籌款,凡捐款港幣2,000或以上支持 有關計劃之校友,即會獲邀出席。活動成功籌 得近港幣25萬。

“CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2015” It was the first-ever large-scale entrepreneurship-themed event initiated by the “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” and supported by AAO. Featuring an opening ceremony, an exhibition, a series of seminars, and consultancy services, all under one roof, it served as a one-stop information hub and exchange platform for CUHK students and graduates, experienced entrepreneurs from the circle of CUHK alumni and the general public at large, and it passed on the caring culture shared by CUHK alumni from different generations.

Alumni Mid-Autumn Festival Fundraising Garden Party@ Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge Over 100 alumni who donated HK$2,000 or above to support the I•CARE Programme within a specific period were invited to join the event. Amount raised for this event was close to HK$250,000.

年內校友事務處舉辦/協助舉辦各種形式的校友活動, 包括:

AAO organized and supported a wide range of alumni engagement events / initiatives in 2015. Below are some of the highlighted events:

• 2015中大校友日 • 香港低碳交通研究籌款活動及相關致謝典禮 •「港大舍堂/學院教育與中大書院精神-回顧與展望」 研討會 • 校友評議會周年會員大會 • 參觀香港中文大學(深圳) •「中大校友對新學制落實」及「中大校友社會流 動概況」網上問卷調查結果發佈 • 中大「耆」「義」之旅義工活動 • 校友會聯會交職典禮暨周年晚宴 • 校友會聯會盃賽馬同樂日 • 其他聯誼活動等

• 2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming • Fundraising campaign for research on low-carbon urban transport system • “Hall & College Education at HKU & College Spirit at CUHK -- in Retrospect and Looking Ahead” Conference • CUHK Convocation AGM • Visits to CUHK(Shenzhen) • Results announcement for online alumni survey on new education system and social mobility • Elderly visit to CUHK • Federation of Alumni Associations (FAA) Annual Dinner & Inaugural Ceremony • FAA Cup (Horse racing) • Other year-round networking events……and more

其中最大型的校友活動要數大學年度盛事「2015中 大校友日」。活動獲超過5,000位參加者重返校園。 除了一貫的節目外,當日亦新增多項精彩環節,如 新書院專人導賞、中大校友聚腳點「中大Café」、 校友新書介紹講座等。在開幕禮上,「2015中大校友 日畢業紀念班籌款委員會」更將為「中大校友傳承 基金」所籌得的港幣122萬支票致送予大學。此為基 金自去年成立以來第2次的鉅額支票致贈儀式,籌得 之款項累計已達近港幣290萬元。

“2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” was the largest alumni reunion event on campus in which over 5,000 alumni and their family members attended. Apart from its traditional programmes, the event also included new features such as guided tours at the five new colleges, an alumni gathering corner “CU Café” and talks by alumni authors. At the opening ceremony, the Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee of the 2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming presented the donation cheque of HK$1.22 million raised for the “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” to the University. In addition to this sum, nearly HK$2.9 million had been raised since the Fund’s establishment in 2014.



NEW! 「中大創業日」 由校友發起及創立的基金「中大校友傳承基金」, 在校友事務處協作統籌下,於中大校園首辦「中大 創業日」,透過創業展覽、諮詢、主題講座及個案 分享等,展示中大校友及學生最新的創業意念和成 品;展覽參觀人數逾千。

校友中秋籌款園遊會@漢園 大學特地開放校長府邸「漢園」讓校友及其親屬 一同慶祝佳節。是次活動乃為大學「I•CARE 博群計劃」籌款,凡捐款港幣2,000或以上支持 有關計劃之校友,即會獲邀出席。活動成功籌 得近港幣25萬。

“CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2015” It was the first-ever large-scale entrepreneurship-themed event initiated by the “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” and supported by AAO. Featuring an opening ceremony, an exhibition, a series of seminars, and consultancy services, all under one roof, it served as a one-stop information hub and exchange platform for CUHK students and graduates, experienced entrepreneurs from the circle of CUHK alumni and the general public at large, and it passed on the caring culture shared by CUHK alumni from different generations.

Alumni Mid-Autumn Festival Fundraising Garden Party@ Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge Over 100 alumni who donated HK$2,000 or above to support the I•CARE Programme within a specific period were invited to join the event. Amount raised for this event was close to HK$250,000.

年內校友事務處舉辦/協助舉辦各種形式的校友活動, 包括:

AAO organized and supported a wide range of alumni engagement events / initiatives in 2015. Below are some of the highlighted events:

• 2015中大校友日 • 香港低碳交通研究籌款活動及相關致謝典禮 •「港大舍堂/學院教育與中大書院精神-回顧與展望」 研討會 • 校友評議會周年會員大會 • 參觀香港中文大學(深圳) •「中大校友對新學制落實」及「中大校友社會流 動概況」網上問卷調查結果發佈 • 中大「耆」「義」之旅義工活動 • 校友會聯會交職典禮暨周年晚宴 • 校友會聯會盃賽馬同樂日 • 其他聯誼活動等

• 2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming • Fundraising campaign for research on low-carbon urban transport system • “Hall & College Education at HKU & College Spirit at CUHK -- in Retrospect and Looking Ahead” Conference • CUHK Convocation AGM • Visits to CUHK(Shenzhen) • Results announcement for online alumni survey on new education system and social mobility • Elderly visit to CUHK • Federation of Alumni Associations (FAA) Annual Dinner & Inaugural Ceremony • FAA Cup (Horse racing) • Other year-round networking events……and more

其中最大型的校友活動要數大學年度盛事「2015中 大校友日」。活動獲超過5,000位參加者重返校園。 除了一貫的節目外,當日亦新增多項精彩環節,如 新書院專人導賞、中大校友聚腳點「中大Café」、 校友新書介紹講座等。在開幕禮上,「2015中大校友 日畢業紀念班籌款委員會」更將為「中大校友傳承 基金」所籌得的港幣122萬支票致送予大學。此為基 金自去年成立以來第2次的鉅額支票致贈儀式,籌得 之款項累計已達近港幣290萬元。

“2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming” was the largest alumni reunion event on campus in which over 5,000 alumni and their family members attended. Apart from its traditional programmes, the event also included new features such as guided tours at the five new colleges, an alumni gathering corner “CU Café” and talks by alumni authors. At the opening ceremony, the Special Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee of the 2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming presented the donation cheque of HK$1.22 million raised for the “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund” to the University. In addition to this sum, nearly HK$2.9 million had been raised since the Fund’s establishment in 2014.


中大校友全球網絡 CUHK Alumni Network Worldwide


成都 Chengdu

温哥華 Vancouver

武漢 Wuhan

倫敦 London

卡城 Calgary

北京 Beijing

珠海 Zhuhai 巴黎 Paris

多倫多 Toronto

澳門 Macau

芝加哥 Chicago 紐約 New York 三藩市 San Francisco

上海 Shanghai

廈門 Xiamen 深圳 Shenzhen


台北 Taipei

Hong Kong 波士頓 Boston

華盛頓 Washington

侯斯頓 Houston 沙巴 Sabah

東京 Tokyo

矽谷 Silicon Valley 新加坡 Singapore

洛杉機 Los Angeles 即將成立校友會的城市 Cities where alumni associations will be established

奧克蘭 Auckland 悉尼 Sydney

檀香山 Honolulu

墨爾本 Melbourne

NEW! 鼓勵校友組織更積極參與校友事務處活動 校友事務處鼓勵校友評議會及校友會聯會更積極參與 由校友事務處舉辦的大型活動。以2015中大校友日 為例,特別邀請校友會聯會協助舉辦「校友作家新書 講座系列」及「中大Café」,而校友評議會則協助安 排茶聚活動,讓出席的校友了解大學最新的發展。

就校友事務發展給予意見 校友事務處特邀校友評議會、校友會聯會及若干校友 領袖聚首一堂,商討校友事務處於2016年的大計。

Increased Involvement of Alumni Groups in AAO Activities The CUHK Convocation and the Federation of Alumni Associations (FAA) were motivated to involve in the AAO large-scale activities. For example, at 2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming, FAA was engaged in organizing the alumni talks and CU Café while the CUHK Convocation took part in arranging a Tea Reception for alumni leaders.

Invited Inputs for AAO Year Plan CUHK Convocation, FAA and several alumni leaders were invited to participate at a discussion meeting on 2016 Year Plan of AAO for AAO to hear their views on the programmes in the year to come.

布里斯班 Brisbane

中大校友組織網絡遍佈全球。截至2015年底, 中大全球校友組織共有119個,其中78個以香港為基 地,另有41個海外校友組織紮根於26個國際城市。

As of the end of 2015, there is an extensive network of 119 CUHK alumni associations all over the world, of which 78 are based in Hong Kong.There are also 41 overseas alumni associations formed in 26 world cities.


CUHK Convocation and the Federation of Alumni Associations

中大校友評議會及中大校友會聯會是中大兩個主 要本地校友組織。前者的成員包括所有中大畢業 生;後者則由4所書院、教育學院、兼讀學士學位 課程及研究院課程校友組織組成。校友事務處除 協助兩個校友會舉辦不同的活動,及支援兩者的 行政工作,亦派員出席校友評議會常務委員會及 其下6個小組,以及校友會聯會的會議。

AAO plays an active role in supporting the CUHK Convocation, of which all CU graduates are members, and the Federation of Alumni Associations (FAA), which consists of the alumni associations of the four Colleges, Faculty of Education, Part-time Degree Programme and Graduate School. The CUHK Convocation and FAA had organized various activities and projects, with the facilitation of AAO. Serving as the administrative facilitator of the CUHK Convocation and FAA, AAO also attended meetings of the Standing Committee and 6 sub-committees of the CUHK Convocation, as well as that of FAA’s.

其他校友組織 為促進校友組織與大學,及校友組織間的交流, 校友事務處舉辦以下一連串活動: • 大學2016-2020策略計劃校友論壇,獲100多位 校友領袖及其他校友登記參加 • 年度本地及內地校友組織聚會,加強校友組織之 間的交流。當日除了獲大學校長沈祖堯教授錄影 致歡迎辭及由大學副校長許敬文教授報告大學最 新發展外,亦邀得恒生銀行傳訊及企業可持續發 展總監張樹槐校友以「艱險我奮進:馬拉松跑手 的體驗」的主題進行演講 • 邀請旅居境外之校友接待出訪到美國、加拿 大、澳洲、日本、新加坡、澳門及中國內地的 大學管理層 • 接待來自超過16個城市的境外校友參觀校園以 了解大學新貌 • 推動校友組織間合辦活動

Other Alumni Groups AAO arranged a number of activities in 2015 to connect alumni groups with each other and the University, including: • Taking part in the 2016-2020 Strategic Planning Forum for Alumni in which over 100 alumni leaders and other alumni attended; • Organizing annual get-together for local alumni associations to network and learn about best practices in running an alumni association. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Hui officiated at the event, while Mr Walter Cheung, Head of Communications and Corporate Sustainability of Hang Seng Bank gave a keynote speech; • Facilitating alumni associations in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Macau and Mainland China to receive visitors from CUHK; • Touring overseas visitors from 16 cities around the campus to showcase the developments at the University; and • Lining up cross-association engagement activities for alumni associations.


中大校友全球網絡 CUHK Alumni Network Worldwide


成都 Chengdu

温哥華 Vancouver

武漢 Wuhan

倫敦 London

卡城 Calgary

北京 Beijing

珠海 Zhuhai 巴黎 Paris

多倫多 Toronto

澳門 Macau

芝加哥 Chicago 紐約 New York 三藩市 San Francisco

上海 Shanghai

廈門 Xiamen 深圳 Shenzhen


台北 Taipei

Hong Kong 波士頓 Boston

華盛頓 Washington

侯斯頓 Houston 沙巴 Sabah

東京 Tokyo

矽谷 Silicon Valley 新加坡 Singapore

洛杉機 Los Angeles 即將成立校友會的城市 Cities where alumni associations will be established

奧克蘭 Auckland 悉尼 Sydney

檀香山 Honolulu

墨爾本 Melbourne

NEW! 鼓勵校友組織更積極參與校友事務處活動 校友事務處鼓勵校友評議會及校友會聯會更積極參與 由校友事務處舉辦的大型活動。以2015中大校友日 為例,特別邀請校友會聯會協助舉辦「校友作家新書 講座系列」及「中大Café」,而校友評議會則協助安 排茶聚活動,讓出席的校友了解大學最新的發展。

就校友事務發展給予意見 校友事務處特邀校友評議會、校友會聯會及若干校友 領袖聚首一堂,商討校友事務處於2016年的大計。

Increased Involvement of Alumni Groups in AAO Activities The CUHK Convocation and the Federation of Alumni Associations (FAA) were motivated to involve in the AAO large-scale activities. For example, at 2015 CUHK Alumni Homecoming, FAA was engaged in organizing the alumni talks and CU Café while the CUHK Convocation took part in arranging a Tea Reception for alumni leaders.

Invited Inputs for AAO Year Plan CUHK Convocation, FAA and several alumni leaders were invited to participate at a discussion meeting on 2016 Year Plan of AAO for AAO to hear their views on the programmes in the year to come.

布里斯班 Brisbane

中大校友組織網絡遍佈全球。截至2015年底, 中大全球校友組織共有119個,其中78個以香港為基 地,另有41個海外校友組織紮根於26個國際城市。

As of the end of 2015, there is an extensive network of 119 CUHK alumni associations all over the world, of which 78 are based in Hong Kong.There are also 41 overseas alumni associations formed in 26 world cities.


CUHK Convocation and the Federation of Alumni Associations

中大校友評議會及中大校友會聯會是中大兩個主 要本地校友組織。前者的成員包括所有中大畢業 生;後者則由4所書院、教育學院、兼讀學士學位 課程及研究院課程校友組織組成。校友事務處除 協助兩個校友會舉辦不同的活動,及支援兩者的 行政工作,亦派員出席校友評議會常務委員會及 其下6個小組,以及校友會聯會的會議。

AAO plays an active role in supporting the CUHK Convocation, of which all CU graduates are members, and the Federation of Alumni Associations (FAA), which consists of the alumni associations of the four Colleges, Faculty of Education, Part-time Degree Programme and Graduate School. The CUHK Convocation and FAA had organized various activities and projects, with the facilitation of AAO. Serving as the administrative facilitator of the CUHK Convocation and FAA, AAO also attended meetings of the Standing Committee and 6 sub-committees of the CUHK Convocation, as well as that of FAA’s.

其他校友組織 為促進校友組織與大學,及校友組織間的交流, 校友事務處舉辦以下一連串活動: • 大學2016-2020策略計劃校友論壇,獲100多位 校友領袖及其他校友登記參加 • 年度本地及內地校友組織聚會,加強校友組織之 間的交流。當日除了獲大學校長沈祖堯教授錄影 致歡迎辭及由大學副校長許敬文教授報告大學最 新發展外,亦邀得恒生銀行傳訊及企業可持續發 展總監張樹槐校友以「艱險我奮進:馬拉松跑手 的體驗」的主題進行演講 • 邀請旅居境外之校友接待出訪到美國、加拿 大、澳洲、日本、新加坡、澳門及中國內地的 大學管理層 • 接待來自超過16個城市的境外校友參觀校園以 了解大學新貌 • 推動校友組織間合辦活動

Other Alumni Groups AAO arranged a number of activities in 2015 to connect alumni groups with each other and the University, including: • Taking part in the 2016-2020 Strategic Planning Forum for Alumni in which over 100 alumni leaders and other alumni attended; • Organizing annual get-together for local alumni associations to network and learn about best practices in running an alumni association. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Hui officiated at the event, while Mr Walter Cheung, Head of Communications and Corporate Sustainability of Hang Seng Bank gave a keynote speech; • Facilitating alumni associations in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Macau and Mainland China to receive visitors from CUHK; • Touring overseas visitors from 16 cities around the campus to showcase the developments at the University; and • Lining up cross-association engagement activities for alumni associations.




校友事務處存有185,000+畢業生資料。透過有關資料庫,校友事務處聯絡本地、海外及不同專業界別校友,並邀 請他們支持不同大學活動計劃及了解大學最新發展,包括: • 憑藉日常與校友建立緊密的聯繫,不時邀請各地校友參加學長計劃、提供實習機會,以及接待外訪的交換生 等方式扶掖在校師弟妹。年內共有多達31個海外校友組織接待近760位前往外地交流的中大學生 • 安排大學副校長許敬文教授主持12場晚餐聚會分別宴請來自崇基、新亞、聯合及逸夫書院、不同屆別及不同專 業的校友,出席傑出校友逾150位 • 呼籲校友捐款支持「中大校友傳承基金」、「校友評議會籌款計劃」及大學的其他項目 AAO maintains 185,000+ graduate records in its database. Through the database, AAO identified target alumni and solicited alumni support for various University-wide programmes and initiatives including:

「榜上有名」 與資訊處合作,每期專訪一名由校友事務處推薦、 在特定範疇有傑出表現的校友,並於大學網頁刊載 其故事,與校友社群分享。

“Roll Call Alum” Collaborating with the Information Services Office, the “Roll Call Alum” was launched in 2015 to feature an outstanding alum recommended by AAO each month through interview and publication of his/her story on the CUHK website with an aim to recognize CUHK alumni as role model to students and the general public.

• appeals to alumni from around the world to take part in various student enrichment programmes such as University’s mentorship and internship programmes and to serve as hosts to receive students participating in exchange programmes. As many as 31 alumni groups and associations outside of Hong Kong received almost 760 outbound exchange students in 2015 • organization of 12 networking dinners hosted by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Hui for over 150 prominent alumni from different colleges, generations and professions • donation appeals to a number of fundraising campaigns such as “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund”, “CUHK Convocation Fundraising Campaign” and other projects of the University




校友事務處存有185,000+畢業生資料。透過有關資料庫,校友事務處聯絡本地、海外及不同專業界別校友,並邀 請他們支持不同大學活動計劃及了解大學最新發展,包括: • 憑藉日常與校友建立緊密的聯繫,不時邀請各地校友參加學長計劃、提供實習機會,以及接待外訪的交換生 等方式扶掖在校師弟妹。年內共有多達31個海外校友組織接待近760位前往外地交流的中大學生 • 安排大學副校長許敬文教授主持12場晚餐聚會分別宴請來自崇基、新亞、聯合及逸夫書院、不同屆別及不同專 業的校友,出席傑出校友逾150位 • 呼籲校友捐款支持「中大校友傳承基金」、「校友評議會籌款計劃」及大學的其他項目 AAO maintains 185,000+ graduate records in its database. Through the database, AAO identified target alumni and solicited alumni support for various University-wide programmes and initiatives including:

「榜上有名」 與資訊處合作,每期專訪一名由校友事務處推薦、 在特定範疇有傑出表現的校友,並於大學網頁刊載 其故事,與校友社群分享。

“Roll Call Alum” Collaborating with the Information Services Office, the “Roll Call Alum” was launched in 2015 to feature an outstanding alum recommended by AAO each month through interview and publication of his/her story on the CUHK website with an aim to recognize CUHK alumni as role model to students and the general public.

• appeals to alumni from around the world to take part in various student enrichment programmes such as University’s mentorship and internship programmes and to serve as hosts to receive students participating in exchange programmes. As many as 31 alumni groups and associations outside of Hong Kong received almost 760 outbound exchange students in 2015 • organization of 12 networking dinners hosted by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Hui for over 150 prominent alumni from different colleges, generations and professions • donation appeals to a number of fundraising campaigns such as “CUHK Alumni Torch Fund”, “CUHK Convocation Fundraising Campaign” and other projects of the University

校友事務處不時與校內各單位合作,以達致大 學長遠策略性目標: 於《中大校友》季刊、中大校友電子月報「Alumni Matters」、電郵及facebook發佈大學活動消息 更新校友聯絡資料作聯繫校友之用 廣邀校友支持為學生而設的體驗計劃如暑期實習計劃、 學長計劃及博群計劃等 協助成立校友會



AAO maintains close collaborations with internal units to engage alumni for achieving the strategic goals and development of the University by: Promoting events through the quarterly “CU Alumni” magazine, monthly alumni e-newsletter “Alumni Matters”, mass emails and facebook; Updating contact information for building relationships with alumni; Appealing alumni’s support and advice to student enrichment opportunities, such as internships, mentorships and “I CARE Programme” ; and Giving advices on the establishment of alumni associations.

校友事務處不時與校內各單位合作,以達致大 學長遠策略性目標: 於《中大校友》季刊、中大校友電子月報「Alumni Matters」、電郵及facebook發佈大學活動消息 更新校友聯絡資料作聯繫校友之用 廣邀校友支持為學生而設的體驗計劃如暑期實習計劃、 學長計劃及博群計劃等 協助成立校友會



AAO maintains close collaborations with internal units to engage alumni for achieving the strategic goals and development of the University by: Promoting events through the quarterly “CU Alumni” magazine, monthly alumni e-newsletter “Alumni Matters”, mass emails and facebook; Updating contact information for building relationships with alumni; Appealing alumni’s support and advice to student enrichment opportunities, such as internships, mentorships and “I CARE Programme” ; and Giving advices on the establishment of alumni associations.



建基於過去的工作,校友事務處將從「擴大接觸面」及「深化關係」兩方面著手,致力建立與大學有緊密聯繫的校友社 群。透過恒常聯絡,與校友群體發展長遠互利關係,以進一步推動大學發展及實踐策略性目標。校友事務處在來年的計 劃如下: 擴大接觸面


Building on its past success, AAO will continue to strive for building a connected alumni community by broadening its reach and deepening the relationships between our alumni and the University. Through continuous alumni engagements, alumni are expected to be more willing to support the strategic goals and development of their alma mater. Below are the plans of AAO in the year ahead:


• 校友事務將繼續與現有校友組織定期會面,亦 將計劃為新校友組織舉辦幹事課程,讓他們了 解中大校友組織的核心價值及優良傳統。

Broadening Reach General

• 革新現有網頁,方便世界各地校友使用手機瀏覽。 • 推出支援手機瀏覽的資訊平台「中大校友全球活動概覽 − CU GALA」(CU Global Activity List for Alumni) ,讓校友更容易掌握年內在本港以至世界各地所 舉辦的校友活動。 • 出版以不同專門行業為主題的「中大人」系列,凝聚不同專業的校友。 • 於節慶/校友生日月份向校友發出祝賀電郵,讓他們與母校保持緊密聯繫。

特定校友社群 • 年輕校友:創業與就業是年輕一代關心的課題。校友事務處將透過舉辦「中大 創業日」及就業講座加強年輕校友的參與度。 • 資深校友:校友事務處將安排的「飲茶」活動予不同書院的資深校友,讓他們 利用閒暇時間,與其他同年紀的校友輕鬆交流。 • 內地校友:校友事務處將繼續主動聯繫在內地一線城市如北京及上海的校友群 體,並在有發展潛質的地區進一步擴展校友網絡。校友事務處亦計劃開設內地 人常用的「微信」戶口,加強與內地校友連繫。 • 國際校友:隨著大學日益注重國際化,校友事務處將透過外訪及恒常接觸,與海 外校友保持聯繫。我們亦鼓勵境外校友於當地成立新校友網絡。為讓非本地生獲 得大學最新的消息,校友事務處亦將推出一個專為他們而設的facebook專頁。

• 為加強校友組織對校友事務的參與度,校友事 務處將邀請不同的校友組織──特別是校友評 議會及校友會聯會──協助籌劃及合辦更多校 友活動。 • 透過校友領袖聚焦活動、各樣的小組工作及會 面溝通,發掘更多校友領袖,以支持大學長遠 發展。 • 運用每年4期之校友雜誌、與大學資訊處合作的 「榜上有名」欄目及其他媒體策略性介紹更多 傑出校友。

• revamp its website for smart phone access to increase traffic flow of the website. • launch a new mobile-friendly platform “CU Global Activity List for Alumni” (CU GALA) listing out alumni activities around the year to enhance connections with alumni. • engage alumni from different professions through publication of books under the “CUHK Alumni Book Series”. • send out festival / birthday greeting messages to alumni to keep them stay close with the University.

Specific Alumni Groups • Young alumni: entrepreneurship and career development are 2 areas which the younger generation are interested in. AAO will continue to organize the “CUHK Entrepreneur Day” and will organize career talks to engage young alumni. • Senior alumni: leisure activities are widely welcomed by senior alumni. Yum cha activities will be organized for alumni from different colleges to exchange and mingle. • Mainland alumni: AAO will exert its continuous efforts in maintaining close contact with its alumni networks in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai while establishing new networks in potential cities. AAO will also set up a WeChat account to facilitate communication with mainland alumni. • International alumni: AAO will stay in close touch with overseas alumni associations through outbound visits and regular communications. It will also encourage alumni from abroad to set up new chapters in their areas. A new facebook page targeting international alumni will be launched to allow them to keep abreast with the latest development of the University.

Deepening Relationships • Regular meetings will be arranged with existing alumni associations. Induction class will also be held for the executive members of the newly established alumni associations to pass on the core values and fine tradition of the CUHK alumni associations. • Different alumni groups – especially the 2 major alumni groups, namely the CUHK Convocation and the CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations will be further involved in the planning and execution of various alumni programmes to create synergies among the alumni groups. • More alumni leaders will be identified via committees’ work, various events and meetings. They will be encouraged to support the strategic development and the advancement of the University in the long run. • Outstanding alumni will be recognized in the quarterly magazine “CU Alumni”, “Roll Call Alum” section on the University’s website and other communication channels.



建基於過去的工作,校友事務處將從「擴大接觸面」及「深化關係」兩方面著手,致力建立與大學有緊密聯繫的校友社 群。透過恒常聯絡,與校友群體發展長遠互利關係,以進一步推動大學發展及實踐策略性目標。校友事務處在來年的計 劃如下: 擴大接觸面


Building on its past success, AAO will continue to strive for building a connected alumni community by broadening its reach and deepening the relationships between our alumni and the University. Through continuous alumni engagements, alumni are expected to be more willing to support the strategic goals and development of their alma mater. Below are the plans of AAO in the year ahead:


• 校友事務將繼續與現有校友組織定期會面,亦 將計劃為新校友組織舉辦幹事課程,讓他們了 解中大校友組織的核心價值及優良傳統。

Broadening Reach General

• 革新現有網頁,方便世界各地校友使用手機瀏覽。 • 推出支援手機瀏覽的資訊平台「中大校友全球活動概覽 − CU GALA」(CU Global Activity List for Alumni) ,讓校友更容易掌握年內在本港以至世界各地所 舉辦的校友活動。 • 出版以不同專門行業為主題的「中大人」系列,凝聚不同專業的校友。 • 於節慶/校友生日月份向校友發出祝賀電郵,讓他們與母校保持緊密聯繫。

特定校友社群 • 年輕校友:創業與就業是年輕一代關心的課題。校友事務處將透過舉辦「中大 創業日」及就業講座加強年輕校友的參與度。 • 資深校友:校友事務處將安排的「飲茶」活動予不同書院的資深校友,讓他們 利用閒暇時間,與其他同年紀的校友輕鬆交流。 • 內地校友:校友事務處將繼續主動聯繫在內地一線城市如北京及上海的校友群 體,並在有發展潛質的地區進一步擴展校友網絡。校友事務處亦計劃開設內地 人常用的「微信」戶口,加強與內地校友連繫。 • 國際校友:隨著大學日益注重國際化,校友事務處將透過外訪及恒常接觸,與海 外校友保持聯繫。我們亦鼓勵境外校友於當地成立新校友網絡。為讓非本地生獲 得大學最新的消息,校友事務處亦將推出一個專為他們而設的facebook專頁。

• 為加強校友組織對校友事務的參與度,校友事 務處將邀請不同的校友組織──特別是校友評 議會及校友會聯會──協助籌劃及合辦更多校 友活動。 • 透過校友領袖聚焦活動、各樣的小組工作及會 面溝通,發掘更多校友領袖,以支持大學長遠 發展。 • 運用每年4期之校友雜誌、與大學資訊處合作的 「榜上有名」欄目及其他媒體策略性介紹更多 傑出校友。

• revamp its website for smart phone access to increase traffic flow of the website. • launch a new mobile-friendly platform “CU Global Activity List for Alumni” (CU GALA) listing out alumni activities around the year to enhance connections with alumni. • engage alumni from different professions through publication of books under the “CUHK Alumni Book Series”. • send out festival / birthday greeting messages to alumni to keep them stay close with the University.

Specific Alumni Groups • Young alumni: entrepreneurship and career development are 2 areas which the younger generation are interested in. AAO will continue to organize the “CUHK Entrepreneur Day” and will organize career talks to engage young alumni. • Senior alumni: leisure activities are widely welcomed by senior alumni. Yum cha activities will be organized for alumni from different colleges to exchange and mingle. • Mainland alumni: AAO will exert its continuous efforts in maintaining close contact with its alumni networks in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai while establishing new networks in potential cities. AAO will also set up a WeChat account to facilitate communication with mainland alumni. • International alumni: AAO will stay in close touch with overseas alumni associations through outbound visits and regular communications. It will also encourage alumni from abroad to set up new chapters in their areas. A new facebook page targeting international alumni will be launched to allow them to keep abreast with the latest development of the University.

Deepening Relationships • Regular meetings will be arranged with existing alumni associations. Induction class will also be held for the executive members of the newly established alumni associations to pass on the core values and fine tradition of the CUHK alumni associations. • Different alumni groups – especially the 2 major alumni groups, namely the CUHK Convocation and the CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations will be further involved in the planning and execution of various alumni programmes to create synergies among the alumni groups. • More alumni leaders will be identified via committees’ work, various events and meetings. They will be encouraged to support the strategic development and the advancement of the University in the long run. • Outstanding alumni will be recognized in the quarterly magazine “CU Alumni”, “Roll Call Alum” section on the University’s website and other communication channels.


研究院學位 / 文憑畢業生 Postgraduate Degree and Diploma: 92,033


49.5% 49.5%

Dutch Day@CUHK

* 因部份畢業生擁有多於1個學位或文憑,中大畢業生實際人數會較畢業生人次少 As some graduates hold multiple degrees or diplomas, the total number of graduates is less than the total number of degrees and diplomas.


51.3% 5% 2.3% 34.5% 3.4%

34.5% 51.3%

2.3% 5%


CUHK Alumni Torch Fund

Engaging alumni for the benefits of the alumni community and the University



推動校友回饋母校及 校友社群

Mentorship Programmes

ort umni supp



s ssociation Alumni A



Entrepreneur Day

mobilize al





t anagemen

圖4:校友組織類別 Chart 4: Alumni Groups by Category 書院 Colleges 學院 / 學系 / 課程 Faculties / Departments / Programmes of Studies 專業 / 興趣 Professions / Interests 宿舍 Halls 地域 Geographic Locations 其他 Others

更 forts and boration ef More colla er partnership strong



Internship Opportunities

強伙伴關 多合作及加


Mid-Autumn Fundraising Gathering@VC Lodge

大學資料庫存有高達85%畢業生的有效聯絡方法 85% of graduates maintain up-to-date addresses / emails

註 Note:以2015年12月31日計算 Figures as at 31 December 2015

Yum Cha Luncheon Series





Overseas Visits

Inter-AA Activities

Gathering for AA Leaders

Identify &


50 年代 1950’s 60 年代 1960’s 70 年代 1970’s 80 年代 1980’s 90 年代 1990’s 2000 年代 2000’s 2010 年代 2010’s 20000

圖3:校友組織數目 Chart 3: Local and Overseas Alumni Groups 總數 Total: 119




本地 Local: 78 海外 Overseas: 41

圖2:畢業年代分佈 Chart 2: Graduates Over the Decades 總數 Total: 185,751*


119 Local & Overseas AAs

Database M

專上學院統一文憑畢業生 Joint Diploma (1963 - 1967): 344 大學成立前原成員書院文憑畢業生 Pre-University College Diploma: 1,498


Support to CUHK Convocation




Support to FAA



0.2% 0.8%


Programmes and Eve

圖1:畢業生修讀學位分佈 Chart 1: Graduates 總數 Total: 185,751*



ALUMNI PROFILE 本科學位畢業生 Bachelor’s Degree: 91,876


校友組織 概況

w Initiatives Homecoming and Ne





Monthly PVC Dinner 校外活動

Regular Outreach


Support Fundraising Events


Enhancing communication effectiveness 免費校友電郵



Free Alumni Email



手機支援平台 - 中大校友全球活動概覽



Mobile Platform - CU GALA


E-newsletter 校友雜誌

Alumni Magazine


研究院學位 / 文憑畢業生 Postgraduate Degree and Diploma: 92,033


49.5% 49.5%

Dutch Day@CUHK

* 因部份畢業生擁有多於1個學位或文憑,中大畢業生實際人數會較畢業生人次少 As some graduates hold multiple degrees or diplomas, the total number of graduates is less than the total number of degrees and diplomas.


51.3% 5% 2.3% 34.5% 3.4%

34.5% 51.3%

2.3% 5%


CUHK Alumni Torch Fund

Engaging alumni for the benefits of the alumni community and the University



推動校友回饋母校及 校友社群

Mentorship Programmes

ort umni supp



s ssociation Alumni A



Entrepreneur Day

mobilize al





t anagemen

圖4:校友組織類別 Chart 4: Alumni Groups by Category 書院 Colleges 學院 / 學系 / 課程 Faculties / Departments / Programmes of Studies 專業 / 興趣 Professions / Interests 宿舍 Halls 地域 Geographic Locations 其他 Others

更 forts and boration ef More colla er partnership strong



Internship Opportunities

強伙伴關 多合作及加


Mid-Autumn Fundraising Gathering@VC Lodge

大學資料庫存有高達85%畢業生的有效聯絡方法 85% of graduates maintain up-to-date addresses / emails

註 Note:以2015年12月31日計算 Figures as at 31 December 2015

Yum Cha Luncheon Series





Overseas Visits

Inter-AA Activities

Gathering for AA Leaders

Identify &


50 年代 1950’s 60 年代 1960’s 70 年代 1970’s 80 年代 1980’s 90 年代 1990’s 2000 年代 2000’s 2010 年代 2010’s 20000

圖3:校友組織數目 Chart 3: Local and Overseas Alumni Groups 總數 Total: 119




本地 Local: 78 海外 Overseas: 41

圖2:畢業年代分佈 Chart 2: Graduates Over the Decades 總數 Total: 185,751*


119 Local & Overseas AAs

Database M

專上學院統一文憑畢業生 Joint Diploma (1963 - 1967): 344 大學成立前原成員書院文憑畢業生 Pre-University College Diploma: 1,498


Support to CUHK Convocation




Support to FAA



0.2% 0.8%


Programmes and Eve

圖1:畢業生修讀學位分佈 Chart 1: Graduates 總數 Total: 185,751*



ALUMNI PROFILE 本科學位畢業生 Bachelor’s Degree: 91,876


校友組織 概況

w Initiatives Homecoming and Ne





Monthly PVC Dinner 校外活動

Regular Outreach


Support Fundraising Events


Enhancing communication effectiveness 免費校友電郵



Free Alumni Email



手機支援平台 - 中大校友全球活動概覽



Mobile Platform - CU GALA


E-newsletter 校友雜誌

Alumni Magazine


Alumni Affairs Office The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Alumni Affairs Office The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港新界沙田香港中文大學富爾敦樓3樓 3/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, NT. +852 3943 7861 +852 2603 6226 alumni@cuhk.edu.hk www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/facebook


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