Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 二零零九周年音樂會 Annual Concert 2009
目錄 Table of Contents
Programme and Performers
Chorus Profile
Performers’ Biographies
二零零九年三月二十八日(星期六) 晚上八時 Lyrics and Programme Notes
28 March 2009 (Saturday) 8:00p.m. 荃灣大會堂演奏廳 Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium
Committees Members and Staffs 演出約長 1小時 45分鐘,包括一節 20分鐘中場休息
Chorus Members
Running time: approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes with a 20 minute intermission
• 本 節目獲得康樂及文化事務署減收租用費計劃資助。
This performance receives support from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s Reduction of Hire Charges Scheme. • 本 團排練場地及器材由香港中文大學邵逸夫堂提供。
The rehearsal venue and equipment for choir rehearsals are provided by the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of CUHK. • 《 他說》於 2009年由香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團委約, 費用由「 CASH音樂基金」贊助。 “When He Said” is commissioned by CU Chorus in 2009 with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund. • 欲 知更多合唱團資訊,請瀏覽:
For more news & information, please visit:
House Rules 場地規則 各位觀眾 Dear Patrons: 為了讓大家對這次演出留下美好印象,請在節目開始前關掉手錶、手提電話及傳呼 機等響鬧裝置。會場內請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。 場內嚴禁飲食及吸煙。 多謝合作。
To make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, PLEASE switch off your alarm watches, MOBILE PHONES and PAGERS. Eating and drinking, smoking, unauthorized photography and audio or video recording are forbidden in the concert hall. Thank you. 場地管理 錢家成 場地統籌主任(荃灣大會堂) 電話: 2493 9143 傳真: 2414 8903
Venue Management Calson Chin Ka-shing Venue Management Officer (Tsuen Wan Town Hall) Tel: 2493 9143 Fax: 2414 8903
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
Message from the Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Since its founding in 1972, the Student Chorus, the Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has been presenting annual concerts to share their enthusiasm for choral music with members of the University and the general public. Its performances are, to singers and the audience alike, occasions for musical discourse, discovery and enlightenment, and have enriched the cultural life on our campus and in our city. The Student Chorus has over the years built for itself a fine name among academic choirs in the region and done the University proud. The programme this evening features romantic love songs portraying the tribulations and jubilation of people in love. May I wish all who are in the Auditorium of Tsuen Wan Town Hall tonight a very enjoyable and memorable evening. I also extend my warmest congratulations to the organizers and performers on another well-rehearsed programme and wish the concert every success.
Lawrence J. Lau Vice-Chancellor The Chinese University of Hong Kong 3
香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團 團長獻辭
Message from the Chairperson, Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 「愛.無處不在」 見到這個主題,不知大家心中會聯想到甚麼?對你來說,愛又是甚 麼? 愛是甜?愛是苦?愛是天長地久?愛是曾經擁有?愛是轟轟烈烈? 愛是細水長流?愛是……愛是如此真實,又如此難以捉摸。一百個 人,也許有一百種對愛的定義。 我們身邊或多或少都有一些我們愛的人,又或是愛我們的人。愛又 如何被表達?是一聲聲的「我愛你」?是甜言蜜語?是惡言相向? 是金錢?是名牌?是擁抱?是親吻?是關心愛護?是不瞅不睬?是 付出?是剝削?是甘願付出生命但在雞毛蒜皮的事上卻不能忍讓? 甚麼是愛?我們又如何去愛人? 愛不是空口說白話,愛是行動。願意愛不只在這一夜圍繞你,更是 確實地每一天、每一刻在你生活中無處不在。若你未感受到,何不 從你開始?
There are people whom we love, and people who love us. How is love expressed? In words as “I love you”? In curses? In dollar signs? In brand products? In hugs? In kisses? In care? In negligence? In giving? In exploiting? In forbearance? In impatience? What is love? And how do we love others? Love is not only words, but has to be put in practice. May love be around you not only for tonight, but also in your daily life. If you cannot feel it yet, then perhaps you can be the one to make it happen. “Every story is a love story.” – Aida Tonight you are also involved in a love story, in which a group of youngsters who love music and singing devote their time and effort for what they love. This evening is the climax. So how would it go? And how true is their love? Enjoy. Ivan Cheung Bing Wing Chairperson (2008 – 2009), Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
「每個故事都是愛情故事。」《阿依達》 這晚大家亦同樣參與在一個愛情故事當中。這故事裡有一班熱愛音 樂、熱愛合唱的年青人,他們為愛付出時間、心力,而這晚就是故 事的高潮所在。到底故事的發展會是如何?這份愛又是何等的真 切?還請細心欣賞。 香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團 二零零八至二零零九年度團長 張炳榮
“Love is all around.” What comes to your mind when you see the concert’s title? Would it be a white-haired couple sitting on a bench holding their winkled hands together, or a pair of young lovers kissing on the train as if there is no one around, or a baby sleeping sweetly in its mother’s arms? How do you describe love? Is it sweet or bitter? Would it last forever or expire one day? Does it sear your heart or warm you even in the strongest of storms? Love is so real, but we can hardly find a way to describe its every facet. What you think of love could be so different from the one sitting next to you. 5
中大合唱團 2009周年音樂會籌委會 主席獻辭
Message from the Chairperson Organizing Committee, CU Chorus Annual Concert 2009 這是一個愛無處不在的晚上。 這個晚上包含了我們對音樂、對歌唱的熱愛。多少個晚上,我們放 下手上的功課、工作,聚首一堂唱歌。對別人而言,這可能是一種 痛苦;但對我們而言,這是一種無價的樂趣!能和自己的伙伴一起 無憂無慮地高歌,人生又能有幾多回,這是金錢買不到的歡樂﹗當 然,唱歌不能只為尋開心,我們知道一個合唱團成功的基石是唱出 悅耳的歌聲,因此我們一方面努力提升自身的歌唱技巧,另一方面 亦透過不斷的練習,務求和其他聲部配合一起唱出最動聽的歌聲。 今夜,我們將會把我們對音樂、對歌唱的愛溶化成歌聲獻給您們, 希望您們會喜歡。 這個晚上也包含了我們對中大合唱團的愛。我們中間不但有於中大 就讀的本科生、研究生,還有畢業多年的校友,是這份愛把我們維 繫在一起,是這份愛令中大合唱團三十六年來得以薪火相傳,也是 這份愛使今晚這個音樂會得以順利舉行。在此我感謝各位音樂會籌 委過去幾個月來的努力,這當中的過程雖然辛苦,但我相信他們和 我一樣,都深信這些付出是值得的,因為我們都愛中大合唱團。 最後,當然還有您們對我們的愛。謝謝您們今晚的蒞臨,您們的支
持和掌聲是我們奮鬥的原動力,是您們成就了我們,現在就讓我們 用歌聲表達我們對您們的感謝! 香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團 二零零九年周年音樂會籌委會主席 譚穎濤
This is a night filled with love. This night marks our love to music and singing. For countless evenings, we took leave from our studies or work, coming together to sing. For some, it may be a hardship; but for us, it is an invaluable joy! How often does one have the chance to sing freely with affectionate companions? It is a pleasure that cannot be bought! Of course, we do not just sing for fun; we understand that the basic of a successful choir is to sing well. That is why we make an effort to improve both our individual singing techniques and the harmony between different voice parts through rehearsals. Tonight, we present our love for music and singing to you in the form of songs. We hope you would like it.. This night also marks our love to the CU Chorus. Among us there are undergraduates, post-graduates and alumni from CUHK; it is love that links us together, love that pass the CU Chorus on for the past 36 years, and love that makes tonight’s concert possible. Hereby I thank everyone from the Concert Organizing Committee for the efforts made in the past few months. It has not been an easy ride, but I believe that like me, they would all deem the experience worthy. Because we all love the CU Chorus. Last but not least, this night marks your love for us. Thank you for joining us this evening. Your support and appreciation is the driving force behind our struggle to become better; we are here tonight because of you. Now let us thank you with our singing! Tam Wing To Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Annual Concert 2009 Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團 音樂總監獻辭
Message from the Music Director Student Chorus, the Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
記得初初向團員公佈2009年周年音樂會的主題是「愛情」後,我 在一位團員的網誌讀到一段感想,大意是「我們的團員大都單身, 也不知大家是否詮釋得了」。我倒沒有擔心過:愛情可是人的本能 啊!二十出頭未有談情說愛的經驗毫不出奇,但從沒有愛上別人, 從沒有對戀愛憧憬,怕不可能吧? 每個人的一生,總會經歷大大小小的愛情故事,那怕只是自作多 情,苦苦單戀。有人說「死亡」與「愛情」是藝術兩大不朽主題, 正正因為這兩個題材對所有人都必能引起共鳴——所有人都必將 經歷死劫,所有人也必曾墮入情網。所以流行曲情歌氾濫,不無道 理。 今晚的音樂會將為觀眾演唱十四首不同風格不同內容的情歌,每首 歌背後都代表著一段愛情故事,當中有幸有不幸,甜酸苦辣鹹五味 鋪陳:既有直率的真情表白,也有對愛妻的海誓山盟;既有再度重 遇卻無法再續前緣的遺憾,也有愛得痴迷卻渴望立即斬斷情絲的悔 恨……很複雜?戀愛這回事的確複雜。不然,元好問又何需悲嘆「 情是何物」? 香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團 音樂總監兼指揮 朱振威
Back when I first announced that the theme of this year’s annual concert would be romantic love, I read a comment on a blog of a Chorus member, which is roughly about “Most of us are single, I wonder if we could interpret the songs properly.” In contrary to that, I have never worried about interpreting the songs, because love is definitely a part of human nature. True, at early-twenties it is not unlikely for one to have no romantic experience; but it is indeed improbable for one to have never loved someone romantically, never envisioned falling in love at all. Some said that Death and Love are two eternal themes of art, precisely because these are the two topics that resonate in everyone: everyone would face death one day, and everyone would have fallen in love at one point in their life. Every person would go through a number of love stories in their life, whether grand or simple, mutual or unrequited. This is probably why pop songs are so often about romantic love.
Tonight’s concert contains 14 love songs of various styles and content. Each song represents a love story behind, some are blissful, others tragic, all mixed up with assorted flavours of life. There are bold confession and solemn oath; regret for seeing a past love, and sorrow for loving someone forbidden… Too complicated? But love is a complicated thing. Leon Chu Music Director and Conductor, Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 7
曲目及演出者 Programme and Performers
Programme 曲目 郭迪揚 Kwok Dick-yeung (1933- )
黑眉毛 The Black Eye-brow
沃克 Gwyneth Walker (1947- )
我是春泥 I Will Be Earth
慕禾倫 James Q. Mulholland (1935- )
一朵紅紅的玫瑰 A Red, Red Rose
青主 Qin Zhu (1893-1959) 我住長江頭 包克多 Robert W. Procter 獨唱:單顥鈺、汪然 Solo: Shan Haoyu, Wang Ran
I Live at the Headsteam of the Yangtsz River
黃友棣 Hwang Yau-tai (1912-) 獨唱:何嘉雯 Solo: Ho Ka Man
遺忘 To Forget
蘇梓安 Andy So (1979-)
戀之花 Flower of Love
楊嘉輝 Samson Young (1979-) 獨唱:羅玉鈴 Solo: Law Yuk Ling
他說 When He Said *
– 中場休息 Intermission –
鮑比達 Chris Babida (1950-)
新不了情 C’est la vie, mon cheri
布倫特 James Blunt (1974-)
美麗的你 You’re Beautiful
藤巻亮太 Ryota Fujimaki (1980-)
粉雪 Light Snow
拉森 Jonathan Larson (1960-1996) 戀愛季節,選自《吉屋出租》 Seasons of Love, from RENT + 獨唱:廖潔盈、唐錦亮、林君諾、羅玉鈴 Solo: Liu Kit Ying, Tong Kam Leong, Lam Kwan Nok, Law Yuk Ling 荀伯格 Claude-Michel Schoenberg (1944-)
太陽月亮,選自《西貢小姐》 Sun and Moon, from Miss Saigon +
伯恩斯坦 Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) 今夜,選自《夢斷城西》 獨唱:何嘉雯、張偉文 Solo: Ho Ka Man, Cheung Wai Man
Tonight, from West Side Story +
艾頓莊 Elton John (1947-) 每個故事都是愛情故事/天佑勇者,選自《阿依達》 + Every Story is a Love Story / Fortune Favors the Brave, from Aida 獨唱:麥珮盈、楊雪盈、謝穎心、王斯琪、葉慧盈、張炳榮
Solo: Mak Pui Ying, Yeung Suet Ying Clarisse, Tse Wing Sum, Wong Sze Ki Phyllis, Yip Wai Ying, Cheung Bing Wing Ivan
Performers 演出者 鋼琴 Pianists
蘇明沅、林凱昌 Shirley So, Lam Hoi-cheong
現場電子音效 Live Electronics Controller *
楊嘉輝 Samson Young
電子琴 Vibraphone Solo *
邵俊傑 Louis Siu
顫音琴 Electone Solo +
謝秉基 Gary Tse
敲擊 Percussionist
陳江平 Ken Chan
指揮 Conductor
朱振威 Leon Chu
香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團 Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大合唱團於 1972年 12月由一班愛好合唱音樂的中大學生成立, 多年來舉行無數演出。現任音樂總監兼指揮為朱振威。 中大合唱團每年均會舉辦周年音樂會,為香港觀眾演唱不同風格不 同類型的合唱音樂,以及首演香港作曲家之作品,近年委約作品包 括胡銘堯《九肚山下》( 2008)、蘇梓安《戀之花》( 2008)及 楊 嘉 輝 《 他 說 》 ( 2009) 。 合 唱 團 曾 演 出 的 大 型 作 品 包 括 冼 星 海 《黃河大合唱》(延安版本)、黃自(林聲翕補遺)《長恨歌》 、陳能濟《兵車行》、貝多芬《第九交響曲》、馬勒《第二交響 曲》與《第八交響曲》(香港及澳門首演)、莫扎特《安魂曲》與 《加冕彌撒》、及史特拉汶斯基《詩篇交響曲》等。為了擴闊團員 眼界及觀摩各地大學合唱團,中大合唱團一直致力與亞洲各地之大 學合唱團舉辦交流活動,足跡遍及亞洲多個城市。同時,合唱團也 多次作東道主,邀請外地團隊訪港。 中大合唱團更不時走到社區之中演出。合唱團曾於香港國際機場、 半島酒店、港島香格里拉酒店、九龍香格里拉酒店、深灣遊艇俱樂 部、沙田新城市廣場、馬鞍山新港城、香港文化中心大堂等地點作 聖誕演出。 除了主辦音樂會及交流演出,中大合唱團也曾多次獲本港及海外藝 團 或 機 構 邀 請 作 客 席 演 出 , 近 年 的 演 出 包 括 2006 年 9 月 參 與 第 二 十 屆 澳 門 國 際 音 樂 節 「 馬 勒 《 千 人 交 響 曲 》 」 音 樂 會 、 12 月 台 北 世新大學世新合唱團期末公演、 2007年 12月廣州中山大學新年音 樂會,以及 2008年 12月上海師範大學新年音樂會。合唱團也曾參 加 大 小 的 慈 善 演 出 , 近 年 演 出 有 2006 年 5 月 香 港 愛 樂 團 為 和 平 之 君 慈 善 基 金 籌 款 之 「 和 平 之 君 慈 善 音 樂 夜 」 音 樂 會 、 2006 年 7 月 Metropolitan Youth Orchestra 為樂苗基金籌款之「《莫札特. 安 哥 》 MYO 周 年 慈 善 音 樂 會 」 , 以 及 2008 年 11 月 醫 藝 盟 主 辦 之 「繫心中國醫者音樂會」。
The CU Chorus was founded in December 1972 by a group of CUHK students who love singing. Throughout the years, the Chorus has presented many performances. The current Music Director and Conductor of the Chorus is Leon Chu. The CU Chorus holds concerts annually to bring to Hong Kong audience choral music of various styles and genres, as well as premiering new works by local composers. Recent commissioned works include Below the Kau To Shan by Dennis Wu (2008), The Flower of Love by Andy So (2008) and When He Said by Samson Young (2009). Comprehensive works performed by the Chorus include Xian Xin-hai’s Yellow River Cantata (original version), Huang Zhi’s Everlasting Regret (completed version by Lin Sheng-shih), Chen Ningchi’s The Chariots Rattle On, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, 10
Mahler’s Symphonies Nos. 2 and 8 (Hong Kong and Macao premiere), Mozart’s Requiem and Coronation Mass, and Stravinsky’s Symphony of Psalms. To widen the horizons of members, the CU Chorus has arranged exchange activities with choral groups of other Asian universities. The Chorus has travelled to a number of Asian cities, as well as hosted exchange activities for visiting choirs. In addition, the CU Chorus often performs in the local community. Previously, the Chorus had performed Christmas carolling at various local venues, including Hong Kong International Airport, the Peninsula, Island ShangriLa, Kowloon Shangri-La, The Aberdeen Marina Club Hong Kong, Shatin New Town Plaza, Ma On Shan Sunshine City, and the foyer of Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Apart from organising concerts and exchange performances, the CU Chorus was invited to give guest performances by local and overseas organisations. Recent guest performances
合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
朱氏曾任多隊合唱團及樂團指揮,現為香港中文大學學生會學生合 唱團之音樂總監兼指揮,香港大專生樂團駐團指揮。朱氏一直積極 參與聲樂及舞台演出,如於 2002年香港藝術節參演德國史圖格國立 歌劇院製作之莫扎特《後宮誘逃》。此外,他也曾在多個本地樂團 擔任敲擊樂手。 教 學 工 作 方 面 , 朱 氏 曾 為 「 ISCM 國 際 現 代 音 樂 節 2002 」 擔 任 特約導師,現於多家中小學任合唱指揮、樂團指揮及敲擊樂導 師。 2008年,朱氏與作曲家黃學揚為香港公開大學「自在人生自學 計劃」合作編撰「中西音樂欣賞」課程,並於商業電台擔任相關節 目《一人一大學》客席主持。 學生時代已撰寫樂評的朱氏,文章見於《信報》、《經濟日報》、 《明報》、《 Hi-Fi音響》、《文化現場》、《 MUZIK》(台灣) ,以及香港管弦樂團場刊等,也替環球唱片擔任翻譯。
Leon Chu studied percussion under Choy Lap-tak, and singing music under Albert Lim Chun. He had also studied choral conducting in a workshop by Norwegian conductor Kare Hanken. He graduated from the Department of Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003.
include “Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand” concert at the 20th Macao International Music Festival in September 2006, winter performance of the Shih Hsin Choir of the Shih Hsin University (Taipei) in December 2006, New Year Concert of the Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou) in December 2007, and the New Year Concert of the Shanghai Normal University in December 2008. CU Chorus also participated in a number of charity performances, including Prince of Peace Charity Concert by SAR Philharmonic in May 2006, Annual Charity Concert “Encore Mozart” by Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, and China Orphan Outreach Concert by MedArt in November 2008.
朱振威 音樂總監兼指揮
Leon Chu Music Director / Conductor 朱振威先後隨蔡立德學習敲擊樂及隨林俊學習聲樂,也曾受挪威 指揮家 Kare Hanken 指導合唱指揮技巧。 2003 年畢業於香港中 文大學現代語言及文化系,主修文化研究。現為文字工作者及音樂 導師。
Chu has been the conductor of several choirs and ensembles. Currently he serves as the music director and conductor of the CU Chorus, and the resident conductor of Hong Kong Tertiary Students’ Ensemble. Chu participated actively in various vocal and theatrical performances, including a Staatsoper Stuttgart production of Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail conducted by Lothar Zagrosek in 2002 Hong Kong Arts Festival. He is also a percussionist in various local orchestras. Chu was the tutor of a workshop by ISCM World Music Days 2002, and currently he is the choral conductor, band conductor and percussion tutor in a number of primary and secondary schools. In 2008, with composer Alfred Wong, Chu was invited to design a music appreciation course for Capacity Building Mileage Programme by Open University of Hong Kong, as well as being the guest speaker of the related programme on Commercial Radio FM881. Chu has been an active music critic since he was a student. He is a writer for Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong Economic Times, Ming Pao Daily, Hi-Fi Review, C for Culture, MUZIK (Taiwan). His introductory article and programme notes have featured in several house programmes of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He is also the translator for a number of projects by the Universal Music Group. 11
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
謝勇存 助理指揮
Jorden Tse Assistant Conductor 謝 勇 存 自 小 學 時 期 開 始 熱 愛 合 唱 音 樂 , 1998年 加 入 香 港 中 文 大 學 學生會學生合唱團,曾先後擔任聲部長、幹事會和音樂會籌委會等 工作。 謝氏現為香港中文大學訊息工程學系博士研究生。
Jorden Tse started his interest in choral music since he was a primary school student. He joined the CU Chorus in 1998. He was the Bass part-leader, member of Executive Committee and Annual Concert Organizing Committee. Currently, Tse is the Doctorate candidate in the Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
林俊 聲樂指導
Albert Lim Vocal Coach 林俊畢業於香港演藝學院並獲榮譽音樂學士,其後考獲獎學金赴皇 家音樂學院深造,以優異成績取得演藝研究文憑及證書。在學期間 多次成功考獲獎學金,包括英國皇家音樂學院獎學金、威爾斯男聲 合唱團獎學金、香港演藝學院獎學金及埃克森能源公司獎學金。 熱愛歌劇的林俊,曾參與多個大型的製作,曾演出作品包括威爾 第《茶花女》 (香港歌劇院 )、比才《卡門》 (香港歌劇院 )、普契尼 《怨女幽魂》(香港演藝學院)、《蝴蝶夫人》(香港管弦樂團)、 《波希米亞人》(英國皇家音樂學院)、莫扎特《費加羅的婚禮》 (英國皇家音樂學院)等。二零零七年四月,他獲上海歌劇院之邀 請,在法國著名指揮家 Michel Plasson指揮下,飾演歌劇《卡門》 中唐‧丹凱羅一角。此外,林氏也屢獲邀請作獨唱演出,其中包括 多次應香港巴赫合唱團邀請於大型作品演出。
Albert Lim attained his Postgraduate Diploma in Performance and Postgraduate Certificate in Performance with Distinction at the Royal Collage of Music after completing his Bachelor’s Degree of Music (Honours) at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Throughout his studies, Albert has attained a number of scholarships including Royal College of Music (Hong Kong); Welsh Male Choir Scholarships; the Society of APA Scholarships; Guinness Flight’s Music Prizes; Exxon Energy Limited Scholarships. Passionate in opera, Albert Lim has performed numerous roles of famous opera programmes such as playing Dancairo in Carmen by Bizet (Opera Hong Kong’s production); Barone 12
in La Traviata by Verdi (Opera Hong Kong’s production); Gugliemo in Le Villi by Puccini (HKAPA’s production); Ben in The Telephone by Menotti (HKAPA’s production); Marcello in the excerpts of La Boheme by Puccini (Royal College Of Music’s production); Zurga in the excerpts of Les Pechers De Perles by Bizet (RCM’s production); Figaro in the excerpts of Le Nozze Di Figaro by Mozart (RCM’s production) and so on.
合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
蘇明沅 鋼琴伴奏
Shirley So Pianist 現職中學音樂教師的蘇明沅,六歲起隨潘正言學習鋼琴,於 1996年 考獲鋼琴演奏級文憑。 1997年開始師隨吳美樂博士研習鋼琴演奏。 就讀香港中文大學音樂系期間,已經常以獨奏及伴奏身份參與校內 演出,包括 2002年首次舉行鋼琴協奏曲音樂會,也活躍於不同類型 的合奏小組。除鋼琴外,蘇氏亦曾隨秦慶生學習巴松管。 2003年以 鋼琴獨奏之優異成績取得學士學位。畢業後於香港中文大學教育學 院深造(主修音樂),獲學位教師教育文憑(中學)課程。 多年來蘇氏曾在多屆香港學校音樂節贏得不同獎項。 2002年,獲獎 學金參與於日本鹿兒島舉行之第 23屆霧島國際音樂祭,接受著名鋼 琴家鄧泰山指導。 2003年,應邀為香港電台第四台「青年音樂家」 節目錄音。蘇氏有豐富合唱伴奏經驗,曾為香港新青年合唱團、香 港中文大學崇基學院合唱團、宣道會建道神學院聖樂營以及教會等 團體擔任鋼琴伴奏。
Shirley So is currently a secondary school teacher. She learned piano under Christina Poon Ching-yin since age six, and obtained Piano Music Performance Diploma in 1996. She started studying piano performance under Dr Mary Wu since 1997. During her time as a student of the Department of Music in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, So had participated in various school performances, including her debut piano concerto performance in 2002. She was also active in different ensembles. Other than piano, So had learned bassoon under Chin Hing-sang. In 2003, So graduated with distinctive performance in piano solo. Afterwards she pursued further studies in the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (major
in music), and obtained Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme (Secondary). So has won a number of prizes in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival over the years. In 2002, she was granted scholarship to join the Kirishima International Music Festival in Kagoshima, Japan, and studied under famous pianist Dang Thai Son. In 2003, So was invited to do a recording for the programme “Young Musicians” in Radio 4, RTHK. So has been an accompanist for various organisations, including Hong Kong Youth Choir, Chung Chi College Choir of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Alliance Bible Seminary Music Camp and the Church.
林凱昌 鋼琴伴奏
Lam Hoi-cheong Pianist
林凱昌於香港中文大學畢業,主修英文,副修音樂。在學期間曾研 習鋼琴及古鍵琴演奏。 1997年首次為香港中文大學學生會學生合唱 團作排練伴奏,而於 2001至 2005年間多次參與合唱團的本地及海 外演出。他亦曾為明儀合唱團的團員。及後他先後參與香港愛樂團 及香港愛樂管樂團的演出,擔任樂隊鍵盤部分。林氏曾先後四次赴 德國 Kürten參與由作曲家史托克豪森主辦的作曲及音樂演繹課程。 他亦為《 HiFi音響》雜誌撰寫唱片評論。
Lam Hoi-cheong graduated in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, major in English and with Music as his minor studies. During his university years he also studied piano and harpsichord playing. His first collaboration with the Student Chorus, the Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong as a piano accompanist dates from 1997, and from 2001 to 2005 he participated in a number of local and overseas performances. He was also a member of Allegro Singers. Between 2006 and 2008 he joined as an orchestral keyboard player in the performances given by SAR Philharmonic and Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia in works by Mahler, Saint-Saens, Grainger and Respighi. As an aficionado of contemporary music, he made four visits between 1997 to 2005 to the Stockhausen Course in Kürten as an auditor, and his musical composition was broadcast on RTHK. He also wrote CD reviews on Hi-Fi Review, a local audiophile magazine. 13
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
楊嘉輝 作曲 / 現場電子聲效
Samson Young Composer / Live Electronics Controller 楊嘉輝獲瑙姆堡獎學金資助,現正於美國普林斯頓大學攻讀作曲博 士學位,師隨陳慶恩及著名電子音樂先驅藍斯基博士。他亦曾隨克 拉姆、細川俊夫、拉赫曼及里奇等多位極具影響力的當代音樂大師 學藝。
Described by contemporary music portal Sequenza 21 as “epic, dark, and fun,” Samson Young’s music often juxtaposes elements of play with intensely violent gestures to create experiences of rich darkness and perverted poetry. With formal training in classical music and a keen eye for moving images and installation-art, Young combines his expertise to create unique concert experiences. Beyond the classical concert stage, Young’s creative output spans the widest possible range: from music for symphony orchestra and electronics, to amusement-ride-turnedsound-installation, to video-theatre featuring himself dressed as a teletubby. In June 2007, Young became the first Hong Kong artist to receive the Bloomberg Emerging Artist Award with his Happiest Hour – a collection of Nintendo gameboy-inspired audio-visual installations. Young was Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s artist associate in the 2008 – 2009 season. 楊嘉輝的音樂,以極端的器樂效果配合頗具玩味的元素而形成強烈 對比見稱。其創作風格,曾被著名當代音樂網站 Sequenza 21形 容為「壯麗、陰沉、卻饒富趣味」。接受正統古典音樂訓練的楊嘉 輝,亦同時具有敏銳的視覺觸覺以及新媒體藝術的創作經驗,作品 涉獵的藝術範疇甚廣,包括:以電子聲效配合管弦樂的當代音樂作 品;由投幣騎坐型電玩改裝而成的裝置作品;以及將自己喬裝成天 線得得 B粉墨登場的錄像藝術等。
2007年,楊嘉輝憑著以任天堂 Game Boy 為創作靈感的多媒體裝 置 作 品 《 快 樂 時 光 》 , 成 為 首 位 獲 選 為 「 Bloomberg新 一 代 藝 術 家」的本地創作人。楊嘉輝乃香港小交響樂團 2008/2009 樂季駐 團藝術家,與樂團合作無間,並為樂團創作多首全新管弦樂作品。 楊嘉輝的當代音樂及藝術作品常見於世界各地的藝術節,包括: 悉 尼 之 春 國 際 現 代 音 樂 節 ( 澳 洲 2001) 、 坎 培 拉 國 際 音 樂 節 ( 澳 洲 2008);鮑登國際音樂節(美國 2004)、麻省當代藝術博物館 Bang on a Can 現代音樂節(美國 2005);達姆施塔特國際音樂 節 (德國 2006); Dark Music Days 現代音樂節(冰島 2008) ;微波國際新媒體藝術節(香港 2004)、拾月當代(香港 2007) 等。曾演出或委約楊嘉輝音樂作品的海外及本地團體包括有:香港 小交響樂團、香港城市室樂團;美國新澤西州交響樂團、 Bang on a Can樂團、 Network for New Music、 New Millennium 樂團、 So Percussion 敲擊樂四重奏;澳洲歌樂坊;德國漢堡 Grenzenlos 樂團等。 14
Young’s compositions, installations and multimedia works have been presented in such festival as the Sydney Springs International New Music Festival (Australia 2001) and Canberra International Music Festival (Australia 2008); Bowdoin International Music Festival (US 2004) and Bang on a Can Music Summer Music Festival (US 2005); Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (Germany 2006); Dark Music Days (Iceland 2008); Microwave International New Media Arts Festival (HK 2004), October Contemporary (HK 2007) and Hong Kong Arts Festival (2009). His concert music received performances by Hong Kong Sinfonietta, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Bang on a Can Summer Institute Fellows, Network for New Music, New Millennium Ensemble, So Percussion, the Sydney Song Company and Grenzenlos, among others. Young is a Ph.D fellow at Princeton University’s department of music under the auspices of a Princeton University Fellowship and Naumburg Prize. His mentors in composition include Chan Hing-yan, and electronic music pioneer Paul Lansky. In addition, he has studied privately and in masterclasses with George Crumb, Toshio Hosokawa, Helmut Lachenmann, and Steve Reich.
合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
邵俊傑 顫音琴
Louis Siu Vibraphone Louis Siu was born in Hong Kong, and began his piano and percussion studies here. He spent his adolescence in Sydney, Australia, where he performed both with the Sydney Youth Orchestra and as a soloist at the Sydney Opera House. Siu received his music education at Sydney Conservatorium of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and as a scholarship student of Jack van Geem and David Herbert in San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He was also invited to study with Paul Yancich and Richard Weiner at the Cleveland Institute of Music. Other teachers included James Boznos and Alison Eddington.
邵俊傑於香港出生,六歲時學習鋼琴,十二歲開始學習敲擊樂及馬 林巴琴。他高中時前往澳洲悉尼市就讀,並積極參與當地的音樂演 出。他曾參與悉尼青年樂團,亦於悉尼歌劇院等擔任獨奏及室樂合 奏。邵氏在悉尼音樂學院、香港中文大學、舊金山音樂學院接受音 樂教育。師事三藩市交響樂團首席傑克萬甘及大衛賀伯特、香港管 弦樂團首席定音鼓手龐樂思、克里夫蘭管弦樂團首席定音鼓手楊切 克和澳大利亞 Synergy敲擊樂團的艾定頓。
2008年 起 , 邵 氏 活 躍 於 香 港 音 樂 演 出 , 現 為 香 港 管 弦 樂 團 及 香 港
Since 2008, Siu has been actively performing with Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta as an extra percussionist. In 2007, he toured and performed with the Pacific Music Festival Orchestra, and in 2006 he appeared as principal percussionist with the Asian Youth Orchestra. As a grantee of the Asian Cultural Council, Siu participated in the Aspen Music Festival on a full scholarship. He made his Davies Symphony Hall debut in 2005 with the San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra, with Benjamin Shwartz conducting. During Siu’s tenure with the Youth Orchestra, he had worked with some famous conductors, including Kurt Masur and Michael Tilson Thomas. Siu served as Opus Teaching Artist for the San Francisco Symphony’s outreach and education programs. Dedicated to new music, Louis founded PROJECT.T.T. with aims to promote the Percussion and Tenor Timpani; as of today, there are half-a-dozen Tenor Timpani works available. Siu has premiered works by Heinz Hollinger, Tang Lok-yin and Samson Young.
小交響樂團的特約敲擊樂手,當中包括樂季套票音樂會,電視廣播 和全國巡迴演出。 2007年,他在日本太平洋音樂節演出。 2006年 時,擔任亞洲青年管弦樂團首席敲擊樂手並與樂團巡迴演出。身為 亞洲文化協會的獎助學得主,邵氏以全額獎學金參加了阿斯本音樂 節。 2005年,他在戴維斯交響樂廳首次與三藩市交響樂團青年管弦 樂團及施瓦茨合作,他在任期間與著名音樂指揮家合作,包括馬素 亞及狄遜湯瑪斯。邵氏為三藩市交響樂團的推廣教育藝術家。 邵氏創立 PROJECT.T.T,致力於當代音樂,推廣高音定音鼓及敲擊 樂,並提供作曲家音樂實驗的平台。邵氏曾與加拿大 Afiara弦樂四 重奏合作,世界首演弦樂定音鼓五重奏。其它首演包括亨氏布萊克 的定音鼓作品,本地作曲家鄧樂妍及楊嘉輝等人的作品。
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
謝秉基 電子琴
陳江平 敲擊樂
Gary Tse Electone
Ken Chan Percussion
謝秉基先後畢業於香港中文大學及香港浸會大學,並取得音樂之學 士及碩士學位。謝氏乃多項亞洲及本地電子琴賽事的優勝者,包括 於澳洲舉行的亞太區電子琴大賽 1995之最傑出表現獎,乃有史以來 最年輕的香港代表得獎者。
陳江平擁有豐富敲擊樂演奏、樂團及教學經驗,精通之樂器種類亦 多元化,包括西洋敲擊樂、爵士鼓、步操鼓樂及世界鼓樂。先後隨 董 德 亮 、 葉 志 堅 、 龍 向 榮 、 蔡 立 德 及 徐 世 興 學 習 敲 擊 樂 。 2005年 考獲倫敦聖三一音樂學院 ATCL敲擊樂優異級文憑, 2006年赴美國 洛杉磯音樂人學院 Percussion Institute of Technology深造,隨 拉丁鼓樂大師 Chuck Silverman 及敲擊技術大師 Bruce Becker 學習。
作為一位全面的電子琴專家,謝氏致力將他的才能投入於演奏、訓 練及音樂製作中。謝氏十二歲始習電子琴,在恩師馬霞娜女士的指 導下,五年後以香港代表的身份,出席於日本舉行之「國際電子琴 演奏會 95」。他其後以演奏家和編曲者的身份活躍於音樂會,並與 鋼琴家曾宇美女士、二胡演奏家王憓先生與王國潼教授合作。謝氏 亦受邀作為 Yamaha電子琴大賽的評判和表演嘉賓。 除電子琴外,謝氏亦為多個管弦樂團及合唱團編寫音樂,最近更隨 馬霞娜女士研習聲樂。謝氏現職浸信會沙田圍呂明才小學副校長。
Graduated from the CUHK and HKBU with bachelor and master degree of music respectively, Gary Tse was the winner of many Asian and local Electone competitions, including the Most Outstanding Award in the Asian and Oceania Electone Festival 1995 held in Australia, in which he was the youngest winner from Hong Kong. As an all-round Electone specialist, Gary dedicates his talents in performance, training and music production. He began his Electone study at the age of 12. 5 years later, under the guidance of his beloved teacher, Ms. Ma Yar Nar, he performed as a Hong Kong representative in the International Youth Electone Showcase 95 held in Japan. Afterwards, he has acted as a performer and an arranger in concerts, working closely with pianist Ms. Elisabeth Tsang, erhu specialist Ray Wong and Prof. Wang Guo-tong. In recent years, he was also invited to be judge and give performance in the Yamaha Electone Festival. As a musician with multiple interests apart from Electone, Tse had arranged a number of works for various orchestras and choirs. Recently he started studying vocal music with Ms. Ma Yar Nar. Tse is currently the vice-principal at Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School.
陳氏曾參與之樂團包括洛杉磯 SoCal Dream鼓號樂團、香港節日管 樂團、香港愛樂團及香港新愛樂交響樂團等。由1999年至今已擁有 超過九年之班際教學經驗,現為敲擊樂導師, 任教於中小學, 音樂事 務處訓練班及成人班。
Ken Chan has extensive percussion, orchestra and teaching experience. He is proficient in diverse instruments, including Western percussion, jazz drumming, marching drum and world drum. He had studied percussion with Tung Takleong, Yip Chi-kin, Lung Heung-wing, Choy Lap-tak, and Simon Chui. In 2005, Chan obtained Trinity College of Music London ATCL Diploma in percussion with distinction. In 2006, he pursued further studies in Percussion Institute of Technology in Los Angeles, America, under Latino drum master Chuck Silverman and percussion technology expert Bruce Becker. Chan had played in SoCal Dream Drum and Bugle Corps, Los Angeles, Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra, SAR Philharmonic and The New Philharmonic of Hong Kong. Since 1999, Chan has over 9 years of teaching experience. He is currently a percussion instructor in a number of primary and secondary schools, and in training classes and adult classes of the Music Office.
合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
Lyrics and Programme Notes
郭迪揚 Kwok Dick-yeung
黑眉毛 The Black Eye-brow * 眉毛生成是黑的 不用綠黛畫假眉 我的心中時刻想念妳呀 想妳想得昏迷迷 百靈鳥在歌唱 花園裡百花齊放 我的心中時刻想念你呀 這樣的時光我才看見你 我的心中多麼快樂 這樣的時光才能看見你
我們的愛情甜似蜜 海枯石爛永不移 冬不拉彈起來 情歌唱起來
Your eye-brows are born so dark They don’t need painting to be sharp You are in my heart always The thought of you dazzles me
Our love is sweet like honey Unchanging till the end of the world Let’s play the Dombra And sing the love songs
單等那葡萄成熟 我騎著駿馬迎親去
The larks are singing In the garden flowers are blooming You are in my heart always It’s in times like this when I finally see you Such joy filling my heart Because in times like this I finally see you
Once the grapes ripen I shall ride to you and wed you
妳的眉毛黑又細 妳的眼睛更美麗 妳的人兒愛你在心裡 今生今世不分離
Your eye-brows are so dark and slim But your eyes are more beautiful still I love you so much that you’re part of me We shall never, ever part
你的那愛情像白玉 我情願犧牲為了你 等到葡萄成熟了 你的喜上還要加喜
Our love is radiant like white jade For you I shall willingly sacrifice When the grapes ripen Your delight will grow further
Translated by Monica Chan
郭迪揚是柬埔寨華僑,年青時到中國參加專業的藝術團體,並師隨 中央音樂學院教授江文也和許勇三學習音樂理論、作曲和配器法。 其後曾任職兒童藝術劇團和中央芭蕾舞團。 1974年來港後,郭迪揚 繼續進行音樂創作,又曾在港聲中樂團和香港中樂團擔任指揮。他 的作品包括大型交響詩《孟姜女哭長城》、民族交響曲《鄭和下西 洋》及聲樂幻想序曲《紅茶花》。
Kwok continued his career as a musician and a conductor. He had conducted the Kong Sing Chinese Orchestra and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. He wrote the symphonic poem Meng Jiang Nu Crying at the Great Wall, the Chinese symphonic piece Zheng He’s Expeditions and the vocal fantasia – Overture Red Camellia.
《黑眉毛》是郭迪揚吸取了新彊維吾爾族民歌的特色而創作的歌 曲。樂曲充滿著民族特色,洋溢著歡欣和讚美,歌頌堅貞的愛情。
Both the tune and words of The Black Eye-brow are written in idiosyncratic Xinjiang Uigurian folk style, which was permeated with joy and praises.
Kwok Dick-yeung came from a Chinese family in Cambodia. He went to China to join a professional performing company when he was young. At the same time he studied composition and orchestration under Jiang Wenye and Xu Yongsan, two famous professors of the Central Conservatory of Music. After coming to Hong Kong in 1974, 18
Programmes notes by Wong Ka Chun
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
沃克 Gwyneth Walker
我是春泥 I Will Be Earth will be earth * IYou be the flower You have found my root You are the rain
我是春泥 你是花朵 你找到我的根 你是雨水
I will be boat And you the rower You rock me You toss me You are the sea
我是小船 你是槳手 你搖撼我 你拋起我 你是大海
How be steady earth that’s now a flood The root is the oar Afloat where has blown our bud We will be desert Pure salt the seed Burn radiant love Born scorpion need
怎麼平穩大地頓成澤國 根就是那槳 漂浮在我們芽兒盡毀處 我們是沙漠 純鹽成種子 燃起光輝的愛 長出天蠍的慾
Original poem by May Swenson
美國作曲家沃克至今共創作了超過一百八十部管弦樂、合唱音樂及 獨奏作品,作品在美國國內受到廣泛演出。 作 於 1992年 的 《 我 是 春 泥 》 是 作 曲 家 以 詩 人 梅 . 史 文 森 作 品 《 無 題》譜曲以成。樂曲的配置精準地表現出詩詞中所描寫的美麗、幽 默和熱情,如同一幅以優美的旋律及和諧所繪畫出來的美麗圖畫。
I Will Be Earth was composed in 1992 by American composer Gwyneth Walker, who has written over 180 compositions for orchestra, chorus and individual instruments. Her works have been performed nationwide. I Will Be Earth is a musical setting of an untitled love poem by May Swenson. The musical setting is intended to present the poem in a simple and straightforward manner which seeks to portray the beauty, humor, and passion, framing the poem into a beautiful painting wrought with lovely melodies and harmonies. 樂曲介紹:王卓勳
Programmes notes by Wong Cheuk Fan
Lyrics and Programme Notes
慕禾倫 James Q. Mulholland
一朵紅紅的玫瑰 A Red, Red Rose my luve’s like a red, red rose * O,That’s newly sprung in June O, my luve’s like the melodie That’s sweetly played in tune
噢,我的愛人像一朶紅紅的玫瑰 初綻於六月天 噢,我的愛人像一首曲調 美妙地奏起來
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass So deep in luve am I I will luve thee still, my dear Till a’ the seas gang dry
漂亮如你,我美麗的姑娘 我是如何深深的愛著你 我會一直愛著你,我親愛的 直至四海枯乾
I will luve thee still, my dear While the sands of life shall run Till the seas gang dry, my dear And rocks melt with the sun
我會一直愛著你,我親愛的 任憑時光流逝 直至四海枯乾,我的親愛 直至頑石被太陽融掉時
I will come again, my luve Though it were ten thousand mile
我會再回來,我的愛人 那怕相隔千萬里
Original poem by Robert Burns
美國作曲家慕禾倫自十二歲開始學習唱歌、作曲及鋼琴。他於印第 安納大學完成音樂博士學位後一直於美國巴特勒大學任教。他的作 品於美國、加拿大等地深受歡迎,他的作品以混聲合唱曲為主。 《一朵紅紅的玫瑰》是十八世紀蘇格蘭詩人伯恩斯的經典名作,他 把愛情比喻為初夏盛開的玫瑰花,海枯石爛也不止息,一直受後世 傳誦。慕禾倫為這首詩譜上動人的旋律,配以簡單但富色彩的和 聲,創作出這首美麗的合唱曲。
A Red, Red Rose is composed by American composer James Quitman Mulholland, who has studied singing, composing and piano since he was twelve. He completed his doctoral degree of Music in Indiana University. After that, he has been teaching in Butler University. His compositions, which are mainly for chorus, are very popular throughout the United States and Canada.
A Red, Red Rose is an evergreen poem written by the great Scottish poet Robert Burns, in which he put a blooming rose as a metaphor of love. Mulholland showed his genius by creating this stunning song with an unforgettable melody and simple harmony. 樂曲介紹:溫健思
Programmes notes by Wan Kin Sze
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
青主/包克多 Qing Zhu / Robert W. Procter
I Live at the Headstream of the Yangtze River * 我住長江頭 君住長江尾 日日思君不見君 共飲長江水
I live at the headstream of the Yangtze River While you live downstream Every day I miss your presence The only thing we share is the running water
此水幾時休 此恨何時已 只願君心似我心 定不負相思意
Will this current ever stop? Will my longing ever cease? But as long as our feelings echo All these yearnings will be worthwhile
Translated by Monica Chan
原名廖尚果的青主,是近代著名的作曲家。他不但喜愛音樂,亦熱衷 於政治。在德國取得法律博士學位後,他回到中國擔任國民革命軍總 政治部的秘書。後來因起義失敗被通緝,他唯有改名換姓,以青主之 名在上海專心音樂工作。《我住長江頭》一曲是青主為宋代詞人李之 儀所作之《卜算子》譜的曲。特色是以鋼琴伴奏中以連綿不斷的十 六分音符的流動描繪出悠悠江水。歌曲發表後即成受歌唱家喜愛的曲 目。 已故美籍音樂教育家包克多,七十年代到台灣中國文化學院任教,挑 選了四首中國藝術歌曲重寫成《中國藝術歌曲合唱幻想曲》,當中包 括了為八部合唱團而編的《我住長江頭》。原有的獨唱變成了男女對 唱,而其他六個聲部則與鋼琴同時化身長江上的波濤。由於聲部間的 關係縱橫交錯,演唱難度極高。
Qing Zhu, whose original name was Liao Shang-guo, was a famous contemporary composer. His interests were not limited to music; he was also keen in politics. After obtaining his doctoral degree in law in Germany, he returned to China and become the Secretary of the General Political Department of the National Revolutionary Army. Later, due to the failure of
an uprising, he became a wanted person and so changed his name from Liao to Qing Zhu, and focused on his career of music in Shanghai. I Live at the Headstream of the Yangtze River is a setting of the poem written by Li Zhi-yi in Song dynasty. Its special feature is the continuous semiquavers in the piano accompaniment, which describe the flow of water in Yangtze River and enhance the affection portrayed. This work is a popular choice among Chinese vocalists. Robert W. Procter was a famous all-rounded American musician. He was teaching in Chinese Culture University at Taiwan in the 1970s. In 1978, Procter rearranged I Live at the Headstream of the Yangtze River and three others traditional Chinese songs into Choral Fantasies based on Chinese Art Songs. The 8-part setting features a canon between female and male voices, with lower voices singing the running notes to imitate the waves of Yangtze River. This complicated inner voices writing make this piece a challenging one for choirs. 樂曲介紹:黃家駿 Programmes notes by Wong Ka Chun 21
Lyrics and Programme Notes
黃友棣 Hwang Yau-tai
遺忘 To Forget * 若我不能遺忘 這纖小軀體 又怎載得起如許沉重憂傷 人說愛情故事 值得終身想念 但是我呀 只想把它遣忘 隔岸的野火在燒 冷風裡樹枝在搖 我終夜躑躅堤上 只為追尋遺忘 但是你呀 卻似天上的星光 終夜繞著我徜徉 隔岸的野火已滅 夜風裡蟲聲四起 露濕苔痕 星月將沉
誰能將浮雲化作雙翼 載我向遺忘的宮殿飛去 有時我恨這顆心是活 是會跳躍 是會痛苦 但我又怕遺忘的宮殿喲 就連痛苦亦付缺如 迎接這痛苦吧 生命如像一瓢清水 我寧飲下這盞苦杯 但是 若我不能遺忘 這纖小軀體 又怎載得起如許沉重憂傷 人說愛情故事 值得終身想念 我還是呀 只想把它遣忘 原詩:鍾梅音
黃友棣先後畢業於國立中山大學及羅馬蒙地利亞里學院,可說是 中國音樂史上最重要的合唱作曲家之一。自小接觸不同樂器的黃友 棣,音樂作品甚豐,包括小提琴曲集、獨唱曲、合唱曲等。香港不 少的學校校歌皆是他的作品,例如中文大學新亞書院和珠海學院。 縱然黃友棣對音樂有重大貢獻,他卻從不以音樂家自居,僅稱自己 是位音樂教育工作者,因為他相信音樂是一種教育工具。 《 遺 忘 》 是 黃 友 棣 於 1968年 為 女 詩 人 鍾 梅 音 的 作 品 所 譜 的 一 首 女 高音獨唱曲,發表一年後再改成混聲合唱曲,深受歌唱家及聽眾喜 愛。歌曲描述了女詩人對一段刻骨銘心的愛情難以忘記卻又極想遺 忘的掙扎。當中象徵「遺忘」的主題以調式寫成,早在樂曲開首已 在鋼琴伴奏中出現,及後也配上歌詞 「如許沉重憂傷」、「值得終 身想念」及「只想把它遺忘」三句在男聲聲部再度出現。這些段落 以平行四度或五度、纏繞不已的伴奏音型貫串全曲,刻劃出女詩人 的矛盾。
Graduated from the National Sun Yat-sen University and the Mondiale Academy of Art, Hwang Yau-tai can be said to be one of the most important composer in choral music in Chinese music history. Hwang started learning different Chinese and Western musical instruments since his adolescent years. As a prolific composer, Hwang’s works include violin albums, art songs and choral works. In addition, many school songs in Hong Kong are composed by him, such as the New Asia College, CUHK and Chu Hai College of Higher Education. However, despite his great contribution to music, Hwang has never claimed himself as a musician, but rather a music educator, as he believes that music is a tool for education.
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
If I cannot forget This tiny body Cannot bear all the heavy sorrow They say that stories of love Are worth lifelong remembrance But for me I just want to forget
Who can turn wispy clouds into wings And take me to the palace of forgetting Sometimes I hate that this heart is alive That it does beat That it does hurt But I’m also afraid that in the palace of forgetting There will not even be pain
Wild fires are burning across the river In the cold wind branches are shaking I wander on the dike all night Just seeking to forget But you Are like starlight in the sky Surrounding me all night
Come face this pain Life is like a ladle of plain water I would rather drink this bitter cup
The fires had died across the river In the night wind the bugs are chirping Dew wets the mosses The stars are fading
But If I cannot forget This tiny body Cannot bear all the heavy sorrow They say that stories of love Are worth lifelong remembrance But I still Just want to forget Translated by Monica Chan
The lyrics of To Forget originated from the poem written by a poetess Zhong Mei-yin, which described the broken-hearted poetess striving but failing to forget the deep and pure love she has experienced. Hwang set the poem to music in 1968, scoring it for soprano solo at first. He then further scored it for mixed choir one year later. It has gained popularity and favour from people and is often performed. The motive of ‘forgetting’ was written in a modal scale, and it frequently recurs throughout the whole piece, often in parallel fourths and fifths. 樂曲介紹:黃家駿
Programmes notes by Wong Ka Chun
Lyrics and Programme Notes
蘇梓安 Andy So
戀之花 The Flower of Love * 記得最初 同唱一闋歌 風飄過 在勉勵我 無力也用心唱每首歌 便擦出星火 縱經過消磨 信心更多 盡解開枷鎖 只須恬靜去安坐 同渡過甘苦這生 哭笑也遇過 有你共我 同渡過風與浪 情更多 同渡過此生每刻 分差也漸近 並肩奔向 那獨有全善至高極美居所
愛需要忍耐 愛需要恩慈不嗟怨 沒有懼怕 常待你像虧欠 也不輕易對你發怒 愛不會張狂 愛中也不自誇 當謙卑 自己益處下放 不止息的愛
同建好這個家 荒草剪去吧 用心栽種這份愛 無論冷冬春秋炎夏 細心去翻泥,細心灌澆 細心去傾談,細心了解 戀之花 作詞:蘇梓安
同渡過甘苦這生 共挽手走每一刻 愛需要忍耐 也不驚怕 猶如共種戀之花 風霜也未怕 暴風不怕去護蔭 無懼雪霜降下和雨打
冷看世界,花開有時,花凋有時。愛情如是。 但若看非世界之花,乃自己深愛的花;非世界之愛情,乃自己的愛 情,只願其生,不忍其死。 為所愛的花澆水、施肥,為所愛之人獻上心思、時間,才算種花, 才算經營愛情。 真正的愛是怎麼樣,在《聖經》裡不同書卷中不難找到。每段愛情 總有順有逆,有起有跌。作者在樂曲起首寫出了一段愛情故事的開 始,以《聖經》的話語勉勵祝福,以花為喻作總結。 作 者 寫 於 2003 年 1 月 3 日 : 「 種 花 不 得 不 下 點 心 思 , 不 澆 水 不 施 肥,花仍會生長,但可能不健康。」此花於這段文字記低六年後 開花。
蘇梓安先後畢業於香港中文大學計算機科學與工程學系及音樂系。 其 後 考 獲 AmusTCL、 LTCL( 優 異 ) ( 直 笛 演 奏 ) 、 DipABRSM (長笛演奏)文憑。蘇氏作品類型廣範,其流行風格作品《家愛》 於 2006 年奪得播道兒童之家「家多一點愛」歌曲創作比賽亞軍。 其後他先後被邀創作聖公會基督顯現堂 2008 聖境兒童音樂劇、播 道會少年團契聯會團歌、播道會樂泉堂三十週年主題曲。他的填詞 作品《頻增》與《 Kill Bill》(出自與胡銘堯、胡皚妍合作的《九肚 山下》)去年由中大合唱團首演。他的作品亦曾於上海、佛山和清 遠等地演出,現也經常於香港不同學校、教會演出。蘇氏現為自由 身樂團、合唱指揮及器樂導師。蘇氏為中大合唱團前團員。
In cold eyes, flowers blooming and wilting are simply natural processes. So are the coming and passing of love.
作者也藉著《戀之花》表達對太太的愛意。 -蘇梓安
Yet if it is not just a random flower, but a favoured one; not just the love of a random person, but the love of oneself, then we would only want to see it thrives, not wishing it withers.
《戀之花》於 2008年由中大合唱團委約創作, 2008年 12月 30日於 上海師範大學「香港合唱音樂創作簡史及粵語合唱作品導賞」專題 講座中由朱振威指揮中大合唱團作世界首演。
It is with watering and nourishing that one is really growing a flower. Just as it is only with devoting care and time to the beloved is one truly maintaining a love.
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
Remember once We sing the same song The breeze blows Like telling me To sing with all my heart And find the sparkle Though being wear down Faith only grows Breaking all shackles Just peacefully settle Through bitter and sweet along Facing laughs and tears Through storms and waves I have you by my side Love will grow Through every moment in life Our differences close Step side by side To the one glorious, heavenly residence
Love requires sufferance Love requires kindness, not complaint Be without fear And treat you like indebted Never get easily ireful Love is not prideful In love one does not vaunt But is humble Set down self’s benefits Love that flows endless
Together we build this home Let’s clear all the weeds To plant with heart a love that lasts Through the years, seasons cold and warm Turn the soil with care, water with care Conversing with care, listen with care The flower of love Translated by Monica Chan
Through bitter and sweet along Take every step hand in hand Love requires sufferance Love has no fright Together we plant the flower of love Fear not storm nor frost Despite the storm to shelter you From falling snow and cold rain
What is true love like? There are numerous elaborations in The Bible. Every love would have its crest and trough, the good and the bad times. This song starts with the beginning of a love story, blessed and encouraged through with words from The Bible, and concludes with a metaphor of flower.
The Flower of Love is commissioned by CU Chorus in 2008. The world premiere took place in a demonstration seminar held at the Shanghai Normal University on 30 December 2008, performed by CU Chorus and conducted by Leon Chu.
Science and Engineering and got his second degree from the Department of Music of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He studied vocal music, recorder and flute, and was awarded AMusTCL and LTCL in recorder performance by the Trinity College of Music, and DipABRSM in flute performance by the ABRSM. His works on music and lyrics are very diverse, in 2006, his song, Love of Family, won the first runner-up in a music composition competition by Evangel Children’s Home. Later he was commissioned to write a children musical for SKH The Church of Epiphany, a song for the Youth Fellowship of Evangel Free Church of China, and a theme music for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Lok Chuen Church. His lyrics for “Add Value” and “Kill Bill” (from Dennis Wu’s Below the Kau To Shan, with Skylie Wu) are premiered by CU Chorus in 2008. His music is often performed in other cities like Shanghai, Foshan and Qingyuan, also in different local schools and churches. He is a freelance conductor and an instrument tutor. So is a former member of CU Chorus.
Andy So graduated from the Department of Computer
The composer wrote in 3rd January 2003, “It takes care to grow a flower. A flower can still live even without watering or nourishing, but it may not be healthy.” The flower has bloomed six years from these words. The Flower of Love is dedicated to the wife of the composer. – Andy So
Programmes notes provided by composer 25
Lyrics and Programme Notes
楊嘉輝 Samson Young
他說 When He Said * IRemember When He Told Me My Face Was Different Every Day And In That Moment I Thought He Knew
How Afraid I Was Of The End Of Our Togetherness How Strong I Tried To Make Us Every Day But Then He Kissed Me As If
為學生藝團創作實在有趣而富挑戰性,總要小心業餘表演者的不同 局限。創作《他說》時,也是就著合唱團及其能力而寫。你需要修 改、妥協、嘗試、催谷,直到最後各方面都感到舒適滿意-就如我 們怎樣談戀愛。
To Say He Was Sorry He Still Loved Me And Another Day Came Like A Victim Until We Did Not Recognize Each Other Anymore Original poem by Madeleine Marie Slavick
為女聲合唱、顫音琴、鋼琴及電子音效而寫的《他說》,於 2009年 由中大合唱團委約創作,費用由香港作曲家及作詞家協會音樂基金 贊助。 (作曲家介紹詳見第 14頁)
在找尋合適的歌詞時,我立即想到這部思樂維的詩作。作品展示了 情人回憶往事時最感性與親密的感覺,包括對最微小細節的沉溺- 不住的喃喃自語帶出了沉思與無法釋懷。 我對歌詞的處理是頗碎裂的-當往事如碎片剝落,人與事都無可 避免的在背景之中沉陷、並消逝。近年,我的音樂偏向緊張翛然, 《他說》可以算是我近期最平靜的作品。 思樂維,我對你的解讀正確嗎? -楊嘉輝
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
我 記得 當 他 告訴 我 我的 臉 每天 都 不同 在 那 一刻 我 想 他 知道 我 是 多麼 害怕 從此 分手
我 多麼 努力地 想 讓 我們 一天 比 一天 堅強 可是 當 他 吻 我 彷彿 他 想 說 對不起 他 仍然 愛 我
又 一天 來臨 好似 一個 犧 牲 品 直到 幾個 月 後 我們 不 再 認識 對方 翻譯:羅輝
Writing for a student ensemble is an interesting challenge. One has to be mindful of the various limitations that an amateur group brings. When He Said was written very much with the ensemble and its capabilities in mind. You adjust, compromise, test the water, push the limits, and arrive at some place that all is comfortable with – and such is the dance that one does in a relationship. When searching for a text for this piece, I was immediately drawn to Madeleine’s text. It possesses the most sensual intimacy of a lover’s remembrance of past events, yet contains the slightest hint of obsession over details – a sort of mumbling-to-self that is at once meditative and unsettling.
fragmentary – a crumbling horizon of past events of sorts, one that is surely but slowly fading into the background. My music of late had been vibrating with much nervous energy, When He Said is probably one of the most calming pieces I’d written in recent years. Madeleine, did I read you right? – Samson Young When He Said, for female voices, vibraphone, piano and electronics, is commissioned by CU Chorus in 2009, with sponsorship of CASH Music Fund. (Biography of composer please refer to p.14) 樂曲介紹由作曲家提供
Likewise, the way I have set the text in When He Said is quite
Programmes notes provided by composer 27
Lyrics and Programme Notes
鮑比達(劉靜諭 編)Chris Babida (Liu Jing-yu arr.)
新不了情 C’est la vie, mon cheri * 心若倦了 淚也乾了 這份深情難捨難了 曾經擁有天荒地老 已不見你暮暮與朝朝 這一份情永遠難了 願來生還能再度擁抱 愛一個人如何廝守到老 怎樣面對一切我不知道 回憶過去 痛苦的相思忘不了 為何你還來撥動我心跳 愛你怎麼能了 今夜的你應該明瞭 緣難了 情難了
My heart seems tired My tears are dried This love is so deep I can’t end it Once we had a forever Now day in and day out you are not there This love can never be ended May we embrace again in the next life Loving someone, and how to stick till the end How to face every trial, I don’t know Reminiscing The painful longing running deep Why come and quickens my heart anew? How can I stop loving you? Tonight you should have understood Our connections can’t be ended Our love can’t be ended
Translated by Monica Chan
鮑比達是生於香港的出色音樂及作曲家。自七歲便開始參與音樂演 出。長大後於無數唱片及大型音樂活動中任音樂總監及指揮,又為 多部電影、電視劇作曲。 2008年,他為北京奧運創作了「點燃激情 傳遞夢想」火炬歌。他的曲目被評為長青作品,蘊含個人風格之餘 亦處處表現出音樂的精髓,叫人越聽越想聽。
1993年,電影《新不了情》於香港上畫。由鮑比達作曲,台灣歌手 萬芳主唱的同名主題歌曲亦成為史上最熱門的國語歌曲之一。歌曲 把難離難捨的情感表現得淋漓盡致。《新不了情》一曲於 2000年奪 得「二十世紀最佳中文歌曲」獎。 2007年台灣選秀節目《超級星光 大道》中,蕭敬騰以此曲挑戰楊宗緯,也令此曲再度流行。
Chris Babida is a prominent composer and senior musician in Hong Kong. He participates in countless recording projects and large-scale music performances as music director and conductor. Babida composes songs for films and TV 28
dramas. He was the composer for the official Olympic Torch Theme Song in 2008. Babida’s songs showcase both the quintessence of the music and his remarkable style. The film named Ces’t la Vie, Mon Cheri showed in Hong Kong in 1993. The theme song with the same name then became one of the most popular songs in history. It received the “Best Chinese Song in 21th Century” in 2000. In 2007, the Taiwan televised singing contest One Million Stars made the song popular once more because of the contest between challenger Jam Hsiao and one of the finalists Aska Yang. 樂曲介紹:趙惠聰
Programmes notes by Chiu Wai Chung
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
布倫特、史卡貝克、高斯特(比靈斯利 編)
James Blunt, Sacha Skarbek, Amanda Ghost (Alan Billingsley arr.)
美麗的你 You’re Beautiful life is brilliant * My My love is pure I saw an angel Of that I’m sure She smiled at me on the subway She was with another man But I won’t lose no sleep all night ‘Cause I’ve got a plan
There must be an angel With a smile on her face When she thought up that I should be with you But it’s time to face the truth I will never be with you Lyrics by James Blunt, Sacha Skarbek, Amanda Ghost
我的生命璀璨 我的愛情純潔 我曾見過一位天使 我很確定 她在地鐵站對我微笑 她與另一位男士在一起 但我不會為此失眠 因為我有一個計劃
You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful You’re beautiful, it’s true I saw your face in a crowded place And I don’t know what to do ‘Cause I’ll never be with you
你真美麗,你真美麗 你真美麗,真的 我在人海中見到你 然後不知所措 因為我永不能與你一起
Yes, she caught my eye As we walked on by She could see from my face that I was Flying high And I don’t think that I’ll see her again But we shared a moment That will last till the end
對,她吸引我的視線 當我們擦身而過時 她應能從我的表情看到 我多興奮 我不認為我會跟她再遇 可是我們共享的剎那 將成永恆
《美麗的你》是英國著名流行歌手布倫特的成名作,收錄於其 2004年首張個人專輯《不安於室》。詹姆斯出生在軍人家庭,畢業 後加入了軍隊,曾被派駐科索沃。從軍的日子,他愛在晚上於坦克 車作曲。因著特別的生活背景與獨特聲線,他的歌曲別具感人魅力 與詩意。 《美麗的你》把愛情世界裡的偶然、巧合與失落表達得十分動人, 音樂旋律讓人難以忘懷。 2005年迅速風靡歐洲大陸,及後在美國和 加拿大亦大受好評。布倫特後來於一清談節目中坦承,歌曲靈感來 自一次在地鐵站重遇與新男友同行的舊情人,也就是歌詞描述的情 境。
You’re Beautiful is a pop rock song by James Blunt for his debut album Back to Bedlam (2004). After graduation, Blunt
肯定有位天使 臉上掛著微笑 當她想出 我應和你在一起 但是時候面對現實 我永不能與你一起 翻譯:朱振威
was obliged to serve in the armed forces. At that time, Blunt had brought along his guitar, strapped to the outside of his tank. He wrote his songs according to his extraordinary life and experience, to share his feeling with others. You’re Beautiful describes the miserable feeling of the end of a love in a simple way. The song became one of the hottest songs all over the world in 2005. Blunt confirmed in a talk show that this song was inspired by the time he saw his ex-girlfriend with her new mate on the Underground in London. 樂曲介紹:王卓勳
Programmes notes by Wong Cheuk Fan
Lyrics and Programme Notes
藤巻亮太(若林千春 編)Ryota Fujimaki (Chiharu Wakabayashi arr.)
粉雪 Light Snow * 粉雪舞う季節はいつもすれ違い 人混みに紛れても同じ空見てるのに
風に吹かれて 似たように凍えるのに
In the season when light snow dances, we always pass each another by We are drowned in a sea of people, but we’re looking at the same sky In the wind, we’re freezing alike
僕は君の全てなど知ってはいないだろう それでも一億人から君を見つけたよ 根拠はないけど本気で思ってるんだ 些細な言い合いもなくて同じ時間を生きてなどいけない 素直になれないなら 喜びも悲しみも虚しいだけ
I probably don’t know everything about you Even then I find you in 100 million people I have no proof, but I mean it Without trivial quarrels we can’t live in the same time If we cannot be true to ourselves, neither joy nor sorrow will be meaningful
粉雪 ねえ 心まで白く染められたなら 二人の孤独を分け合う事が出来たのかい
Light snow, hey, if our hearts are coated by your whiteness Could we then share our loneliness?
僕は君の心に耳を押し当てて その声のする方へすっと深くまで 下りてゆきたい そこでもう一度会おう 分かり合いたいなんて 上辺を撫でていたのは僕の方 君のかじかんだ手も 握りしめることだけで繋がってたのに
I press my ear to your heart, seeking deep for the source of that voice I want to keep going deeper, deep down we can meet again What with the talk about understanding each other The one who only touches the surface is me But if I reach out and take your freezing hand, we can be connected again
粉雪 ねえ 時に頼りなく心は揺れる それでも僕は君のこと守り続けたい 粉雪 ねえ 心まで白く染められたなら 二人の孤独を包んで空にかえすから
Light snow, hey, without time to rely on, my heart is uncertain Even then I wish to continue guarding you Light snow, hey, if our hearts are coated by your whiteness You can wrap up our loneliness, and return it to the sky
Translated by Monica Chan
《粉雪》是 2005年日本電視劇《一公升眼淚》的插曲,劇情描述女 主角在 15歲身患脊髓小腦萎縮症。在症狀發展其間經歷各種各樣的 事,一面流淚的同時,一面努力面對疾病和命運。在絕望中受到母 親的鼓勵,以寫日記找到自己生存的意義,最後在 25歲時去世。 《粉雪》由藤巻亮太作曲及填詞,配合劇集內容,帶搖滾風格的 《粉雪》以震憾人心的旋律及歌詞迅速紅遍整個日本,成為一時話 題之作。若林千春為 2006年第 73屆 NHK全國學校音樂比賽高中組 而改編的混聲合唱版本,以人聲模仿風雪聲,將歌詞意境進一步的 化為聲音,與原曲各有味道。
Light Snow (Konayuki) is a song for a Janpanese teleplay One Litre of Tears (2005). It is a story about a girl suffering from Spinocerebellar Atrophy when she was 15. She experienced all kinds of incident afterwards, feeling tormented but still trying her best to fight the disease. She found the meaning of her life under her mother’s encouragement, and then finally, she died at 25. Light Snow is composed by Ryota Fujimaki. As is the story, the songs are written with moving melodies and lyrics. In 2006, Wakabayashi Chiharu arranged the song for mixed choir especially for the 73th NHK Nationwide School Music Competition. In this arrangement, Wakabayashi used human
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
細雪飛舞的季節總是擦身而過 就算淹沒在人海之中 但都看著同一個天空 然而 都被風吹得一樣凍僵了 然而 我並不了解你的一切吧 雖然如此 仍在一億人之中找到你 沒有證據 但我是認真的 沒有小小的爭吵 就無法在同樣時間內生存 若無法坦誠相對 喜樂悲傷都了無意義 細雪啊 若連內心也染成雪白一片 就可以分擔彼此的孤獨嗎 我把耳朵緊貼你的心 深深貼近那聲音的來源 想通往你內心深處 在那裏再見吧 說什麼互相了解 只觸及了表面的是我 明明只要握緊你凍僵了的手 我倆就可以聯繫起來 然而 細雪啊 有時候 內心沒有依靠 搖晃不定 雖然如此 我仍希望繼續守護你 細雪啊 若連內心也染成雪白一片 就把彼此的孤獨包起來 讓孤獨回到天空 翻譯:胡家雯
voices to imitate the sounds of wind blowing, illustrating the snowing scenes mentioned in the lyrics. The mood of the choral version is quite different from the original rock ballad, but both versions have their unique charisma. 樂曲介紹:王卓勳
Programmes notes by Wong Cheuk Fan
Lyrics and Programme Notes
拉森(侯夫 編) Jonathan Larson (Mac Huff arr.)
Seasons of Love, from RENT * CHORUS 525600 minutes 525600 moments so dear How do you measure Measure a year In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles In laughter, in strife In 525600 minutes How do you measure a year in the life How about love Measure in love Seasons of love
FEMALE SOLO I 525600 minutes 525000 journeys to plan How can you measure The life of a woman or man? MALE SOLO I In truths that she learned Or in times that he cried MALE SOLO II In bridges he burned Or the way that she died
FEMALE SOLO II Oh, you got to remember the love You know that Life is a gift from up above Share love, give love, spread love Measure your life in love Lyrics by Jonathan Larson
CHORUS It’s time now, to sing out Though the story never ends Let’s celebrate Remember a year in the life of friends Remember the love
自小受音樂薰陶的拉森擅於作曲及創作劇本,音樂劇創作正適合 他。拉森於 60年代在美國出生。他初期的音樂作品因敢於探討社會 中敏感的話題如同性戀、雙性戀等而未能打入百老匯。後來社會風 氣漸改,他的搖滾音樂劇《吉屋出租》於 1996年首演後大受歡迎, 成功成為百老匯經典音樂劇的一員。《吉》劇更於發表同年一舉 得到普立茲獎及東尼獎。可惜拉森本人於首演日清晨因主動脈瘤猝 死,無緣見証該劇成名。 改編自普契尼歌劇《波希米亞人》的《吉屋出租》,故事圍繞一班 活在愛滋病陰影下的年輕藝術家。《戀愛季節》是《吉》劇中最為 人所知的歌曲。輕鬆的節奏和明快的旋律暗示時間飛逝;同時讓歌 者與聽眾交流,引領聽眾反思「愛」在人生中的意義。
The American composer Jonathan Larson started his music education at his early age. He was gifted on composing music and writing plays, and musical is thus his core genre where he can develop both of his strengths. His early musicals are often themed around controversial topics such as homosexuality and bi-sexuality, thus they often rejected by Broadway theatres. However, his work RENT, first staged on Broadway in 1996, was an immediate success and it was soon adapted as a movie. Unfortunately, Larson was not able to witness his success as he died from aortic aneurysm on the morning of the musical premiere. The book of RENT is based on Giacomo Puccini’s opera La Bohème. It tells the story of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York, under the shadow of AIDS. “Seasons of Love” is
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
525600分鐘 52日 5600個甜蜜時刻 你怎樣計量 計量一年有多久? 數算幾次日出、數算幾次日落 數算幾次深宵、數算幾杯咖啡 數算幾吋、數算幾呎 數算幾次歡笑、數算幾次爭吵 數算了 525600分鐘 你怎樣計量生命中的一年? 戀愛又如何? 數算幾段愛情 戀愛季節
女聲獨唱 I 525600分鐘 525600段旅程尚要籌劃 你怎樣計量 一個女人或男人的一生? 男聲獨唱 I 數算她學到幾多真理 或是他哭過幾次 男聲獨唱 II 數算他跟多少人合了又分 或是她死得有多少曲折
女聲獨唱 II 噢,你得記著那段愛情 你深知 生命是上天的恩賜 分享愛、付出愛、傳揚愛 以愛計量你的生命 翻譯:朱振威
合唱 是時候高聲唱出來 儘管故事永不完結 來慶祝 來記著一年之中遇過幾段友誼 記著那段愛情
the most popular song in RENT. The light and lively music that hints the pass of time will be played with piano and vocals. Meanwhile, the music connects the audience with performers, leading them to ponder over “how do you measure a year”. 樂曲介紹:趙惠聰
Programmes notes by Chiu Wai Chung
Lyrics and Programme Notes
荀伯格(侯夫 編) Claude-Michel Schoenberg (Mac Huff arr.)
Sun and Moon, from Miss Saigon are sunlight and I moon * You Joined by the gods of fortune Midnight and high noon Sharing the sky We have been blessed You and I You came here like a mystery I’m from a world that’s So different from all that you are How in the light of one night Did we come so far Outside day starts to dawn Your moon still floats on high The birds awake The stars shine too My hands still shake I reach for you And we meet in the sky
You are sunlight and I moon Joined here Brightening the sky With the flame of love Made of sunlight Moonlight Lyrics by Richard Maltby Jr. & Alain Boubil
荀伯格是著名法國音樂劇作曲家。他的多部作品均位列百老匯經典 音樂劇,如《孤星淚》及《西貢小姐》等。其中《西貢小姐》更打 破多項百老匯票房紀錄,自倫敦公演超過 4200場後,轉往美國百老 匯巡迴演出長達十年之久。現時《西貢小姐》仍位列十大公演最久 的音樂劇之一,是荀伯格的得意揚名之作。 音樂劇內容講述美軍軍人克里斯與越南少女金深深地相戀,但因戰 亂不能相廝守。當他們重逢時,金為了讓兒子得到幸福而自盡,悲 劇收場一如故事的原型——普契尼歌劇《蝴蝶夫人》。 「太陽月亮」於《西》劇中克里斯與金在越戰中深深地互相吸引, 並為他們的愛情許下諾言的一刻所唱。這是一首美麗動人的樂曲, 原曲由男女主角一唱一和,充滿溫柔、信任和憧憬。
Being a famous French composer of musicals, Claude-Michel Schoenberg’s works are often ranked among the moststaged Broadway musicals, such as Les Misérables and Miss 34
你是太陽我是月亮 幸運之神教我倆相會 半夜與正午 分享天空 我們已受祝福 你與我 你如謎般到來 我來自的世界 與你的大大不同 怎麼僅僅一夜我們竟可 進展如此神速 外面正值日出 你的月亮仍高掛夜空 鳥兒醒來 繁星拱照 我的雙手顫抖 我伸手向你 我們在天空相遇
你是太陽我是月亮 在此處相會 照耀天空 憑著愛的火燄 來自太陽 月亮 翻譯:朱振威
Saigon. Miss Saigon was staged in London for over 4200 shows, then it was staged in America for nearly 10 years. Currently it is still among one of the 10 longest-running Broadway musicals ever. The story of Miss Saigon tells the love story of American GI Chris and Vietnamese bar girl Kim. They fell in love and were not able to stay together because of the war. When they met again, Kim committed suicide to ensure that the son of Chris and she could get the best future, the tragic ending similar to its original – Giacomo Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly. “Sun and Moon” depicts the pledge of Chris and Kim in the mid of bitter Vietnam War. It is a beautiful song filled with tenderness, trust and hope. It is sung by female and male voices in echoes that reaches deep into the audience’s heart. 樂曲介紹:趙惠聰
Programmes notes by Chiu Wai Chung
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
伯恩斯坦(史迪高斯 編) Leonard Bernstein (William Stickles arr.)
Tonight, from West Side Story * MARIA Only you, you’re the only thing I’ll see forever In my eyes in my words and in everything I do Nothing else but you Ever TONY And there’s nothing for me but Maria Every sight that I see is Maria MARIA Tony, Tony TONY Always you, every thought I’ll ever know Everywhere I go you’ll be
CHORUS Tonight, tonight Won’t be just any night Tonight there will be no morning star Tonight, tonight I’ll see my love tonight And for us Stars will stop where they are Today The minutes seem like hours The hours go so slowly And still the sky is light Oh moon, burn bright And make this endless day Endless night Tonight Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
TONY & MARIA All the world is only you and me
伯恩斯坦是美國有名的作曲家及指揮家。他在音樂劇界也有非常大 的貢獻,當中 1957年創作了叫好叫座的《夢斷城西》,奠定他在美 國音樂劇壇的歷史地位。 《夢斷城西》是莎士比亞劇作《羅密歐與朱麗葉》的現代版。《夢 斷 城 西 》 於 1957年 首 演 , 至 今 仍 深 受 歡 迎 , 在 世 界 各 地 演 出 , 而 「今夜」是其中一首最為人熟悉的歌曲之一。故事中的男女主角東 尼及瑪麗亞互相傾慕。就在初相識的晚上,東尼已忍受不了對瑪麗 亞的思念,他走到瑪麗亞的住所,兩人在後樓梯深深凝望,唱出動 人的歌曲「今夜」。
瑪麗亞 只有你 你是我今後唯一見到的事物 在我的眼中在我的言語 以及我的所作所為 除你之外別無其他 從今以後 東尼 除了瑪麗亞我別無所有 在我眼內只有瑪麗亞 瑪麗亞 東尼,東尼 東尼 都是你 我所知的一切所想的一切 我所到的任何地方都有你在
合唱 今夜,今夜 不會是普通的一夜 今夜不會再見晨星 今夜,今夜 我會見到我的愛人 為了我們 繁星也不敢寸進 今天 每分鐘都過得如同小時 每小時又過得如此緩慢 而天空還是如此明亮 噢,月亮大放光明 教今天變成永恆 今夜變成永恆 今夜 翻譯:朱振威
東尼與瑪麗亞 全世界只有你與我
Leonard Bernstein is a very famous composer and conductor in America. He made remarkable contributions to the history of American music. The most famous and popular of all of his work is his music written for the 1957 musical West Side Story. West Side Story is the modern version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, in which “Tonight” is the most famous number. The two protagonists, Tony and Maria, fell in love with each other. On the night after the ball where they first encounted, Tony went to Maria’s place, and they sing the song “Tonight” to express their love. 樂曲介紹:溫健思
Programmes notes by Wan Kin Sze
Lyrics and Programme Notes
艾頓莊(魯約斯基 編) Elton John (Ed Lojeski arr.)
Every Story Is A Love Story / Fortune Favors SOLO I * FEMALE Every story, tale or memoir FEMALE SOLO II Every saga or romance FEMALE SOLO III Whether true or fabricated FEMALE SOLO IV Whether planned or happenstance FEMALE SOLO I, II, III, IV Whether sweeping through the ages Casting centuries aside Or a hurried brief recital Just a thirty-minute ride
CHORUS Every story, new or ancient Bagatelle or work of art All are tales of human failing All are tales of love at heart
CHORUS Egypt saw the mighty river As its very heart and soul Source of life for all her people That only Egypt could control
FEMALE SOLO V This is the story Of a love that flourished In a time of hate Of lovers no tyranny could separate Love set into motion on the Nile’s shore Destiny ignited by an act of war
Destruction of her southern neighbor Justified Nubia exploited Left with little more than pride Fortune favors the brave
CHORUS Whether bright or melancholy Rough and ready, finely spun FEMALE SOLO I, II, III, IV Whether with a thousand players FEMALE SOLO I Or a lonely cast of one
歌壇長青樹艾頓莊 1947年生於倫敦。他四歲開始學習鋼琴,得過不 少獎項。其後他迷上了搖滾樂,在 70年代開始成為搖滾樂的巨星。 從 1994年起,他也涉足音樂劇創作, 1998年首演的《阿依達》是 其中一例。《阿依達》本是意大利作曲家威爾第的作品,講述女主 角阿依達原是努比亞的公主,被任埃及軍官的男主角拉達米斯俘虜 了,由於阿依達的勇敢及堅強的舉動今拉達米斯另眼相看,其後兩 人更墮入愛河。但埃及公主安妮莉絲卻又深愛拉達米斯,三角關係 最終悲劇收場。 深情而緩慢的開場曲「每個故事都是愛情故事」,是音樂劇《阿依 達》中最受歡迎的歌曲。這首曲由埃及公主安妮莉絲在現代博物館 中唱出,以說書人的角度帶出往後的故事。緊接其後的「天佑勇 者」是一首節奏鮮明的歌曲,也將劇中時空轉移到古埃及。此曲由 拉達米斯及他的軍隊所唱,拉達米斯的意氣風發與埃及軍隊的高昂 士氣充分表現在道首歌曲之中。而歌詞中對勇氣的歌頌,也為後來 拉達米斯與阿依達排除萬難的苦苦相戀留下伏筆。 36
MALE SOLO We have swept to glory Egypt’s mastery expands From the Nile’s northern delta To the dry, dry southern sands CHORUS The more we find, the more we see The more we come to learn The more that we explore The more we shall return Fortune favors the brave
Elton John is born in London in 1947. He started his early piano lessons at the age of four. In 1970s he became a shining star in rock-and-roll music. In 1994, Elton John made his first attempts to compose songs for musicals, and Aida is one of his musical output for this genre. The story of Aida is based upon the opera Aida by Giuseppe Verdi. The Egyptian Captain Radames falls in love with Aida who is the princess of his rivalry, Nubia. However, the Egyptian princess Amneris is in love with Radames at the same time. The forbidden love between Radames and Aida leads to an tragic ending. The leisurely “Every Story is a Love Story” is the opening to the musical. It was sung by Amneris in a modern museum. Alternatively, “Fortune Favors the Brave” is rhythmic and energetic. It was sung by Radames and his army. They won the war between Egypt and Nubia and captured a lot of
歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes
s the Brave, from Aida It’s all worked out My road is clear The lines of latitude extend Way beyond my wildest dreams Toward some great triumphant end We seized the day We turned the tide We touched the stars We mocked the grave We moved into uncharted lands Fortune favors the brave Nothing is an accident We are free to have it all We are what we want to be It’s in ourselves to rise or fall This is easy to believe When distant places call to me It’s harder from the palace yard Fortune favors the free Fortune favors the young Fortune favors the brave
女聲獨唱 I 每個故事,童話或回憶錄 女聲獨唱 II 每個傳奇或浪漫史 女聲獨唱 III 不論真的或是虛構的 女聲獨唱 IV 不論幾經計算或是純屬巧合 女聲獨唱 I, II, III, IV 也許已流傳經年 經歷數個世紀不改 或許是個急就章演出 才三十分鐘就位
合唱 每個故事,新的或是古老的 小品或是藝術傑作 盡是記述著人類的失敗 盡是記述著心底的愛情
合唱 埃及視奔流的聖河 為她的心臟與靈魂 這廣大人民的生命之源 只有埃及才能駕御
女聲獨唱 V 這個故事 講述在憎恨的年代中 所開花的愛情 講述一對沒有任可力量可分開的戀人 愛情在尼羅河畔蕩漾 命運在戰爭中一觸即發
她南鄰的殲滅 被粉飾成情有可原 剝削後的努比亞 除了自尊一無所有 天佑勇者
合唱 不論是歡快的或是憂鬱的 粗糙與準備十足、精心編製的 女聲獨唱 I, II, III, IV 不論是千軍萬馬 女聲獨唱 I 或是孤身上陣
Lyrics by Tim Rice
一切都已安排好 我的路向很明確 地平線一直延展 遠遠超越我的夢想 伸向偉大勝利的結局 我們把握今天 我們扭轉大勢 我們上掌繁星 我們下嘲死亡 我們邁進未知之地 天佑勇者
男聲獨唱 我們勝得光榮 埃及版圖在擴展 從尼羅河北的三角洲 一直到南方乾涸的沙漠
一切都不是意外 我們有權去爭取 我們有心必能成事 成敗不過一念之間 要有信念很容易 當遙遠的國度呼喚我 合唱 在皇宮高牆中會較難 我們發掘得越多,見識得越多 天佑自由者 學到的就越多 天佑年青者 我們去探索得越多 天佑勇者 所得的回報就越多 天佑勇者 翻譯:朱振威 / 陳蘊明
Nubians. On the one hand, the powerful music showed the excitement and confidence of the warriors, while on the other hand, the ode to bravery foresaw the bitter love between Radames and Aida. 樂曲介紹:溫健思
Programmes notes by Wan Kin Sze
Performers 演出者 指揮 Conductor 朱振威 Leon Chu 鋼琴 Pianists 蘇明沅、林凱昌 Shirley So, Lam Hoi-cheong 現場電子音效 Live Electronics Controller 楊嘉輝 Samson Young 電子琴 Vibraphone Solo 邵俊傑 Louis Siu 顫音琴 Electone Solo 謝秉基 Gary Tse 敲擊 Percussionist 陳江平 Ken Chan 香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團 Student Chorus, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學學生會學生合唱團幹事會 2008-09
Executive Committee 2008-09 Student Chorus, the Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 團長 Chairperson 副團長 Vice-Chairperson 秘書 Secretary 財政 Treasurer 宣傳及出版 Promotion Officer 譜務 Score Librarian 總務 General Affairs Officer 福利 Welfare Officers
張炳榮 譚穎濤 陳蘊明 蔡潔媛 唐錦亮 林君諾 張凱琪 溫健思
Cheung Bing Wing Ivan Tam Wing To Chan Wan Ming Choi Kit Wun Tong Kam Leong Lam Kwan Nok Cheung Hoi Kei Wan Kin Sze 、溫玉芬 Wan Yuk Fan
二零零九年周年音樂會籌委會 Concert Organizing Committee
Annual Concert 2009, Student Chorus, the Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 顧問 Advisor 張炳榮 Cheung Bing Wing Ivan 主席 Chairperson 譚穎濤 Tam Wing To 副主席 Vice-Chairperson 陳蘊明 Chan Wan Ming 文書 Secretary 溫健思 Wan Kin Sze 財政 Treasurer 蔡潔媛 Choi Kit Wun 宣傳及出版部 Promotion and Publication Department 經理 Department Manager 陳蘊明 Chan Wan Ming 成員 Members 趙惠聰 Chiu Wai Chung 溫健思 Wan Kin Sze 王卓勳 Wong Cheuk Fan
職員 Staffs 舞台總監 Stage Manager 攝影師 Photographer 錄像監製 Video Producer 錄音監製 Record Engineer
出版 Publication 編輯 Editor 陳蘊明 設計 Designer 朱念爵 翻譯 Translators 朱振威 陳蘊明 胡家雯
Marketing Department 經理 Department Manager 司徒嘉欣 Si Tou Ka Yan 成員 Members 李樂琳 Lee Lok Lam 梁錦鈴 Leung Kam Ling 謝穎心 Tse Wing Sum 黃家駿 Wong Ka Chun 票務 Ticketing Officer 陳翠儀 Chan Chui Yee
何悅欣 文澤堯 陳梓霆 胡銘堯
Ho Yuet Yan Man Chak Yiu Chan Tsz Ting Dennis Wu
Chan Wan Ming Richard Chu Leon Chu Chan Wan Ming Wu Ka Man
Student Chorus, the Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 女低音 Alto
女高音 Soprano 鄭淑文 趙淑敏 趙惠聰 蔡潔媛 莊麗冰 周惠鳳 朱敏華 何嘉雯 賀曼玲 耿瑩欣 羅玉鈴 李樂琳 李雪兒 李思華 梁錦鈴 廖嘉汶 麥珮盈 莫穎心 司徒嘉欣 謝穎心 溫健思 溫倩文 溫玉芬 黃舜瑜 黃少豐 楊雪盈 葉綺雯
Cheng Shuk Man Chiu Suk Man Eliza Chiu Wai Chung Choi Kit Wun Chong Lai Ping Chow Wai Fung Chu Man Wa Ho Ka Man Ho Man Ling Kang Ying Yan Law Yuk Ling * Lee Lok Lam Lee Suet Yi Lee Sze Wah Leung Kam Ling Liu Ka Man Mak Pui Ying Mok Wing Sum Si Tou Ka Yan Tse Wing Sum Wan Kin Sze Wan Sin Man Wan Yuk Fan Wong Shun Yu * Wong Siu Fung Yeung Suet Ying Clarisse Yip Yee Man
男高音 Tenor 陳嘉麟 陳榮慰 張偉文 賀家輝 何家偉 何翱宇 林君諾 劉建安 劉偉仁 譚穎濤 唐錦亮 謝偉雄 王翰博 黃家駿 阮政喬
陳姿蔚 陳翠儀 陳倩鈺 陳蘊明 陳宇媛 常金輝 張樂兒 鍾 文 楊媛婷 黎嘉雯 林禮婷 林 立 李嘉敏 李彥婷 廖梁 廖潔盈 盧夏琳 苗志盈 單顥鈺 王 玉 黃芷菁 黃韶芝 王斯琪 黃詠妍 葉慧盈
Chan Chi Wai Chan Chui Yee * Chan Sin Yuk Chan Wan Ming * Chan Yu Wun Yvonne Chang Jin Hui Cheung Lok Yi Chong Man Ieong Yuan Ting Sylvia Lai Ka Man Lam Lai Ting Lam Lap Lee Carmen Li Yan Ting Liao Liang Liu Kit Ying Lo Ha Lam Miao Chi Ting Shan HaoYu Wang Yu Wong Flora Chi Ching Wong Siu Chi Wong Sze Ki Phyllis Wong Wing In Yip Wai Ying
男低音 Bass
Chan Ka Lun Chen Wing Wai Cheung Wai Man Ho Ka Fai Ho Ka Wai Ho Ngo Yu Lam Kwan Nok * Lau Kin On Henry Lau Wai Yan Tam Wing To Tong Kam Leong Tse Wai Hung Wang Hanbo Wong Ka Chun Yuen Ching Kiu
陳石明 陳韋丞 張炳榮 張凱傑 程啟翔 朱立榮 何明剛 謝勇存 郭潤山 盧居樂 石文浩 汪 然 王卓勳 辛 欣 葉世豪
Chan Shek Ming Chan Wai Shing Cheung Bing Wing Ivan * Cheung Hoi Kit Ching Kai Cheung Chu Lap Wing Ho Ming Gong Jorden Tse Kwok Yun Shan Peter Lo Kui Lok Shek Wen Hoy Edwin Wang Ran Wong Cheuk Fan Xin Xin Yip Sai Ho
* 2008 - 2009 年度聲部長 Part leaders for year 2008 - 2009 39
贊助人 Patrons 黃雅各先生 Mr. Jacob Wong 王志德醫生 Dr. Wong Chi Tak, Danny 謝秉基先生 Mr. Gary Tse 李丹教授 Prof. Lee Tan 陳英凱先生 Mr. Anthony Chan 鄭振耀教授 Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng 張振山先生 Mr. C. S. Cheung 稀蓮達律師 Ms. Linda Catherine Heathfield 高贊亨先生 Mr. Terry Ko
Dr. Arthur McInnis 毛孟靜女士 Mr. Mo Man Ching Claudia 施熙德女士 Ms. Edith Shih 沈祖堯教授 Prof. Joseph J. Y. Sung 黃乃正教授 Prof. Henry N.C. Wong 羅德士先生 Mr. Peter Frederick Rhodes Prof. David Donald 韋誠添教授 Prof. Timothy Weiss 羅佩麗教授 Prof. Low Lisa 周立基博士 Dr. Chow Lap Kei 雷紹麟先生 Mr. Alan Lui 麥高偉教授 Prof. Mike McConville Dr. Poon Hong Kit Sam 張詠梅博士 Dr. Cheung Wing Mui 霍陸美珍女士 Mrs. Myrette Fok 李鳳琴教授 Prof. Lee Iris 林麗華教授 Prof. Lam Lai Wah Prof. David Parker Dr. Sha, Ou Dr. Wai Sen Mun Maria 周柏珍教授 Prof. Chau Janita 張國偉教授 Prof. Kwok-Wai Cheung 錢惠堂教授 Prof. Chien Wai Ting Prof. Jette Hansen Edwards
支持我們 Support Us 在香港,藝團發展極需要票房以外的民間支持才能得以生存。我們誠意邀請您加入我們的贊助人行列,支持香港中文大學學生會學生合唱 團舉辦的演出活動,為我們的音樂發展出一分力。如欲查詢更多細節,請電郵至
As a student organisation, we rely heavily on the corporate giving and individual support to carry on our mission and keep a wide range of programmes running. Your support is vital for our continuing success. Therefore, we sincerely invite you to be one of our honorable sponsors and support our performance. Any amount is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any enquiries regarding the sponsorship, please feel free to contact us at 40
支持及協助 Support and Co-operation Mr. Anthony Chan Mr. Ken Chan Mr. Chan Lok Yeung Mr. Chan Tsz Ting Prof. Chau Janita Mr. C. S. Cheung Mr. Cheng Chuen Wai Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng Prof. Kwok-Wai Cheung Miss Cheung Suet Sin Dr. Cheung Wing Mui Prof. Chien Wai Ting Miss Chong Lai Ping Dr. Chow Lap Kei Mr. Richard Chu Prof. David Donald 霍陸美珍女士 Mrs. Myrette Fok Prof. Jette Hansen EdwardsS 稀蓮達律師 Ms. Linda Catherine Heathfield 陳英凱先生 陳江平先生 陳樂陽先生 陳梓霆先生 周柏珍教授 張振山先生 鄭傳鍏先生 鄭振耀教授 張國偉教授 張雪倩小姐 張詠梅博士 錢惠堂教授 莊麗冰小姐 周立基博士 朱念爵先生
何悅欣小姐 Miss Ho Yuet Yan 葉詠欣小姐 Miss Ip Wing Yan Josephine 高贊亨先生 Mr. Terry Ko 林麗華教授 Prof. Lam Lai Wah 劉穎鈺小姐 Miss Lau Wing Yuk 羅元徽女士 Ms. Angelina Law 李鳳琴教授 Prof. Lee Iris 李丹教授 Prof. Lee Tan 李嘉盈小姐 Miss Jenny Li 林俊先生 Mr. Albert Lim 羅佩麗教授 Prof. Low Lisa 雷紹麟先生 Mr. Alan Lui 羅輝博士 Dr. Luo Hui 文澤堯先生 Mr. Man Chak Yiu 麥高偉教授 Prof. Mike Mcconville
Dr. Arthur Mcinnis 毛孟靜女士 Mr. Mo Man Ching Claudia 黎燕欣女士 Ms. Leanne Nicholls Prof. David Parker
Dr Poon Hong Kit Sam 羅德士先生 Mr Peter Frederick Rhodes 盧迪思女士 Ms. Stacey Rodda Dr Sha, Ou 邵俊傑先生 Mr. Louis Siu 施熙德女士 Ms. Edith Shih 思樂維女士 Ms. Madeleine Marie Slavick 沈祖堯教授 Prof. Joseph J. Y. Sung 謝秉基先生 Mr. Gary Tse Dr. Wai Sen Mun Maria 尉瑋小姐 Miss Wei Wei 韋誠添教授 Prof. Weiss Timothy 王志德醫生 Dr. Wong Chi Tak, Danny 黃雅各先生 Mr. Jacob Wong 黃乃正教授 Prof. Henry N.C. Wong 胡家雯小姐 Miss Carmen Wu 胡銘堯先生 Mr. Dennis Wu 楊嘉輝先生 Mr. Samson Young
通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Limited
Milk Magazine 曾福琴行 Tsang Fook Piano Company Limited Neway卡拉 OK Neway Karaoke 松板鋼琴城 Matuzaka Piano City 香港中樂團 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 香港理工大學學生會中樂團 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Student Union Chinese Orchestra 香港城市室樂團 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 葉氏兒童音樂實踐中心 Yip’s Children Choral and Performing Arts Centre
U Magazine Metropop 星島日報 Sing Tao Daily 文匯報 Wen Wei Po 大公報 Ta Kung Pao 信報財經新聞 Hong Kong Economic Journal 香港中文大學邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學學生報 Student Press, The Chinese Unversity of Hong Kong Student Union 香港中文大學校園電台 The Campus Radio, The Chinese Unversity of Hong Kong 香港中文大學校友事務處 Alumni Affairs Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港作曲家及作詞家協會音樂基金 CASH Music Fund 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall