Formosan Panorama – Dirk DuHei & CU Chorus

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 二零一一周年音樂會

Annual Concert 2011 目錄 Table of Contents

10 18 25 26 40 41


Chorus Profile 演出者介紹

Performers’ Biographies 曲目

Programme 歌詞及樂曲介紹

Lyrics and Programme Notes 演出者名單


二零一一年三月二十七日(星期日) 晚上八時

27 March 2010 (Sunday) 8:00p.m. 荃灣大會堂演奏廳 Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium 演出約長 1小時 45分鐘,包括一節 20分鐘中場休息


Committees Members and Staffs

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Running time: approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes with a 20 minute intermission

House Rules 場地規則 各位觀眾 Dear Patrons:

為了讓大家對這次演出留下美好印象,請在節目開始前關掉手錶、手提電話及傳呼 機等響鬧裝置。會場內請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。 場內嚴禁飲食及吸煙。 多謝合作。

To make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, PLEASE switch off your alarm watches, MOBILE PHONES and PAGERS. Eating and drinking, smoking, unauthorized photography and audio or video recording are forbidden in the concert hall. Thank you. 場地管理 徐敏容 場地統籌主任(荃灣大會堂) 電話: 2493 6227 傳真: 2414 8903

Venue Management Chui Man Yung, Doris Venue Management Officer (Tsuen Wan Town Hall) Tel: 2493 6227 Fax: 2414 8903


Message from Guest Conductor 台灣,一個呈南北狹長型的海島,面積約 14,400平方英哩,人口約 2300萬人,位於亞洲大陸東南方、太平洋西岸東亞島弧間,是往來 亞洲各地的樞紐。 台灣所蘊藏的自然資源和人文風貌十足可觀。自然資源方面,台灣 擁有複雜多變的地形地貌,包括高山、丘陵、平原、盆地、島嶼、 縱谷與海岸等,景觀豐富;再加上北迴歸線恰好從中通過,使台灣 同時存在熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶等各種自然生態。人文風貌方面,由 於兼融閩南、客家、外省及原住民等不同的族群,加上歐、美、及 日本文化的影響,形成多姿多彩的人文色彩,無論在宗教信仰、建 築、語言、生活習慣及飲食風味上,均處處展現和諧共榮的繽紛景 象。 杜黑老師是台灣藝壇的先鋒,更是將台灣合唱音樂推向世界一流水 準的最重要幕後推手。多年以來,他不但培育了無數的演唱和指揮 人才,更發掘、委創了許多嶄新的作品,不停地為台灣合唱音樂注 入新的活水源頭。這次杜老師挑選的一系列精采曲目,都是他自己 喜愛的、動聽的歌曲,包含西洋經典作品、台灣本土創作、原住民 族歌謠、流行金曲新編、和美式福音靈歌;除了期待能將台灣合唱 音樂精緻、豐富、創新、平易近人的多元面貌呈現給香港觀眾,更 希望能用歌聲,帶領大家進入這個承襲中國數千年傳統,融合多樣 民族風格的文化旅程。此外,他還挑選了香港作曲家的新創作,一 方面藉此向香港音樂界致敬,一方面也同時展現了他一貫「求新、 求變、求創造、求突破」的藝術精神。 多年來,我一直在杜老師的提攜和指導下,為台灣合唱音樂默默地 耕 耘 ; 自 2008 年 起 , 更 接 下 了 他 的 重 擔 , 開 始 帶 領 台 北 愛 樂 合 唱 團,延續他推動台灣合唱音樂的使命。這一次承蒙他信賴,委託我 協助呈現這一場《台灣風情 —杜黑與中大合唱團》音樂會,更覺得 身負重任,戰戰兢兢。 對我而言,聽音樂就像看書一樣;在過程當中,可以任由想像力在 腦海中形成一幅又一幅的的畫面,事後回憶起來,更昇華為一種鮮 明、永久的「風情」。希望這一次的音樂會,我能夠透過歌聲帶領 您,體驗聲音的想像,勾劃出你心目中最美麗、最雋永的「台灣風 情」。

Taiwan, a narrow island along the longitudinal axis, comprises 14,400 square miles in area and 23 millions in population. Situated south-eastern of the Asian continent and amidst the East Asia island arcs of West Pacific, it is a transport hub in the Asian region. Taiwan holds considerable natural and cultural resources. In terms of nature, Taiwan has complex and varied geographical features, including mountains, hills, plains, basins, islands, valleys and coasts. Additionally, Taiwan lies right on top of the Tropic of Cancer, supporting tropical, subtropical and temperate natural habitats in its territory. In terms of culture, the Taiwanese society is an amalgam of Southern Fujian, Hakka, mainland Chinese immigrant and Taiwanese

aboriginal communities. Further influenced by European, American and Japanese cultures, Taiwan displays a rich and diverse spectrum in every aspect of its culture, whether in religions, architectures, languages, customs or cuisines. Prof. Dirk DuHei is a vanguard in the Taiwanese arts community, and an important motivator in developing Taiwanese choral music to world-class level. Over the years, he has nurtured numerous singing and conducting talents, and has discovered as well as commissioned many new works, continually refreshing Taiwan’s choral music scenes. The pieces in this concert, chosen by Prof. Du, are all songs that he enjoys, including Western classics, Taiwanese local compositions, aboriginal folk songs, re-arrangements of pop songs, and AfroAmerican spirituals. Aside from presenting to the audiences the exquisite, novel, yet easy character of Taiwanese choral music, Prof. Du also hopes to lead Hong Kong audiences on a musical journey through the myriad of Taiwanese ways of life. In addition, Prof. Du has selected a recent work of a Hong Kong composer as part of the programme, not only as a salute to the Hong Kong music circles, but as an expression of his ever-innovating, ever-reinventing spirit. For many years, I have worked in cultivating Taiwanese choral music under the guidance and tutelage of Prof. Du. Since 2008 I have taken on his role in leading the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, continuing his mission to advance Taiwanese choral music. To be entrusted with helping to present the “Formosan Panorama - Dirk DuHei & CU Chorus” concert, I am more determined than ever to fulfil his expectations. For me, listening to music is like reading a book; where imagination would weave picture after picture in the mind. Afterwards, these recollections would merge into a vivid, lasting “panorama”. I hope that in this concert, I can lead your imagination with voices, to paint the beautiful, intriguing “Formosan Panorama” in your mind.

古育仲 Yu-Chung John Ku



香港中文大學合唱團 團長獻辭

Message from the Chairperson The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 很多人以為,合唱團只是一種課外活動,參加的人多屬玩票性質。 但中大裡面,有一群熱愛歌唱,願意為做好音樂而努力付出的人。 每個星期一,有同學才剛下課,飯也不吃就趕著去練唱。也有些畢 業多年的校友,經過一整天的工作甚至加班,不論有多疲累都堅持 回到中大參加練習。這全因他們認真對待音樂,視合唱為一門藝 術。他們都抱有一個共同的目標,就是追求卓越,與世界分享音 樂。而這一班人,就是今晚在台上演出的中大合唱團。 本年度的音樂會,能與杜黑老師和古育仲老師兩位指揮大師合作, 實在叫每一位團員引頸以待。杜老師有「樂壇黑面將軍」之稱號, 是因為他對音樂的要求極為嚴格。記得十二月杜老師來港兩天與我 們排練,他不惜放棄休息和吃飯時間。當團員們都去了吃飯,杜老 師還是爭取時間來挑選獨唱、與伴奏商量怎樣處理樂曲等,從下午 二時一直工作至晚上十時,以求演出能有最佳的效果。而古育仲老 師亦一直協助杜老師解答我們排練時遇到各個大小問題,過去的一 星期亦每天與我們排練。兩位老師對音樂工作的認真和投入,叫我 們每一人都佩服,亦使我們練習時不敢有一絲怠慢。兩位老師,我 謹代表合唱團各您們表達由衷的謝意! 轉眼間,這已是我在中大合唱團的第三次周年音樂會。在此,我必 須感謝音樂總監兼指揮朱振威先生。感謝你一直無私的付出,帶領 中大合唱團一直發展和成長。同時亦要向每一位團員致謝,沒有你 們的付出和努力,就不會有如此美妙的歌聲。音樂會的一眾籌委, 感謝你們過去多月的辛勞,令宣傳、出版、市場推廣各方面的工作 都能妥善完成。當然,我還要感謝台北愛樂的王舒慧小姐和李泳杰 先生一直的協助,特別是那令人難忘的台語錄音。

art seriously. They endeavour to strive for excellence and share music with the world. And this is our CU Chorus. Having the precious chance to co-operate with two maestros, Prof. Dirk DuHei and Mr. John Ku, all our members are excited and look forward to tonight’s concert. Prof. Du has very strict requirement of music standard and discipline for choirs. Last Christmas, Prof. Du had spent 2 days in Hong Kong, having 9 hours of rehearsals with us. He had even forgone his dinner and breaks to select soloists and give guidance to the pianists, in order to ensure the best performance quality. As for Mr. Ku, he had always been helping Prof. Du answer our different questions encountered during rehearsals. Over the past week, he had also spent his every night to rehearse with us. Their serious attitude towards music has definitely impressed all of us. On behalf of CU Chorus, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the two maestros.

最後,我希望把這個音樂會獻給兩位先後離開了我們的朋友— 謝偉雄先生及高贊亨先生,衷心感謝您們以往對中大合唱團的一切 付出和支持,希望您們會聽到我們今晚的演出。

Time flies and today has been my third Annual Performance with CU Chorus. I have to say thank you to Mr. Leon Chu, our Music Director and Conductor. Had it not been for your unreserved contribution over the past years, CU Chorus would not have made such great progress and growth. I must also give great applause to every singer in CU Chorus for your every endeavour to make good music. To all organizing committee members, thank you for the concerted effort over the past few months in helping promotion, marketing and publication. Of course, I do need to express my gratitude to Ms. Su-Huei Wang and Mr. Yung-Jye Lee of Taipei Philharmonic for their kind support, especially for the unforgettable Taiwanese recording.

香港中文大學合唱團 二零一零至二零一一年度團長 黃家駿

With almost a year of preparation and organization, CU Chorus is proud to be singing on stage tonight, sharing “Formosan Panorama” in the music we love.

Singing in choir is often regarded as an extra-curricular activity which people only join for fun. However, in CUHK, there is a group of music-lovers, who are willing to put in effort and work hard to make good music. Some of them are students who would rush to rehearsals after class and skip their meals, while some are graduates who persist in coming back to the campus for rehearsals after a day of tough work. The only reason for their perseverance is simple: they treat choral music as an

Lastly, I hope to dedicate tonight’s concert to Mr. Raymond Tse and Mr. Terry Ko, two friends of ours who have left us recently. We sincerely thank them for their support and devotion to CU Chorus in the past.

經過大半年的籌備和練習,我們已經準備就緒,與各位分享我們所 喜愛的合唱音樂,為各位帶來一場精彩的音樂會,帶大家用歌聲體 驗台灣風情。


Wong Ka Chun Chairperson (2010 - 2011), The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus

中大合唱團 2011周年音樂會籌委會 主席獻辭

Message from the Chairperson CU Chorus Concert Organizing Committee 2011 從開始籌備周年音樂會到今天晚上我們能夠站在台上,整個過程中 我都充滿著一顆感恩的心。 在籌備工作的進程中我們碰上很多未知與難題,例如去年暑假我們 雖然已確定能邀請杜黑老師擔任客席指揮,卻遲遲未能得到演出場 地的確認通知……但今天晚上,我們終能夠站在台上演出。 我衷心感激音樂總監、各籌委會成員、以及一眾團員的付出,沒有 你們每一位的熱誠和信心,也許我們就沒法成就今天晚上的演出, 沒法在台上與各位分享我們一年以來的練習成果。 作為一個學生團體,別人看來也許是很微不足道,但我們沒有放棄 追尋我們的夢 —走進世界,與更多人分享我們所喜愛的音樂。我相 信一個藝術表演團體,有目標和夢想,未必就能成功;但甚麼也沒 有的話,能力再高,給觀眾看到的,也只是一個沒有靈魂的演出。 談夢想,也許不應該考慮太多我們能否實踐,反而應該思考我們要 怎麼實踐。 今年是我們首度嘗試邀請外地指揮家擔任客席指揮,是我們決意實 踐夢想的其中一大步。我很感恩,經過重重困難後,我們今天晚上 的周年音樂會能夠順利舉行,得到台下你們每一位所給予的鼓勵和 支持。 香港中文大學合唱團 二零一一周年音樂會籌委會主席 羅于裴

I have felt an immense gratitude since the very beginning of our organization for the annual concert. Our preparation work had been filled with unknowns and difficulties. For example, even though we had successfully invited Professor DuHei to be our guest conductor, we failed to confirm with any performance venue for a long time... But in the end, these problems did not hinder us from performing tonight. I am really grateful to our Music Director, the Concert Organizing Committee and every member in CU Chorus.

Without their confidence and enthusiasm, we would not have the opportunity to accomplish this concert and share with all of your the fruit of our efforts paid in one year’s time. Though many may find a student organization like ours not worth mentioning, we have never waived the pursuit of our dream – to reach out and share the music we love worldwide. A performing art organization having an aim and a dream may still not be very successful, but one without vision would go nowhere. When talking about dreams, we should focus more on “how to achieve it” instead of being caught up in “can we achieve it”. This is the first year we have foreign maestros performing with us in our annual concert, which is a huge step in realizing our dream. I am thankful because we can have our annual concert here tonight and receive applause from all of you. Law Yu Pui Chairperson of Concert Organizing Committee 2011, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 7

香港中文大學合唱團 音樂總監獻辭

Message from the Music Director The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 我有一個夢想,希望中大合唱團能夠躍至香港以至世界一流合唱團 之列。夢想遠大,但任重道遠。五年來的默默耕耘,從音樂會的觀 眾到 YouTube上網友的連年支持,說夢想成真雖然仍不知何日至, 但至少今天略有小成,使我們都知道在訓練及經營都是走對方向, 一步步走向目標。今次杜黑老師挑選的歌曲都各有難度,目的正是 磨練我們各種技巧。能夠在再出發的五年後,得到大師級指揮親炙 指點,意義重大。 很早就知道杜黑老師的厲害,他的傳記《樂壇黑面將軍》(余怡菁 著)曾經看得我血脈沸騰,夢想有一天可以令中大合唱團變成當年 的華岡合唱團,甚至今天的台北愛樂合唱團,成為一支以音樂貢獻 中大、貢獻樂壇甚至貢獻社會的傑出藝團。然而真正認識杜老師要 到 2008年的台北國際合唱音樂節,自始每年一聚。 2009年與時任 團長黃家駿大著膽子邀請杜老師前來作客席指揮。幾經研究商討, 杜老師終於首肯,後來更提議讓古育仲老師一起參與演出。 我從未試過對周年音樂會的表現如此有信心,我真切感受到團員都 期待今次的演出,因為大家都意識到,我們已非昔日吳下阿蒙。五 年來累積實力,現在是一個向大家報告成果的時候。難得杜黑老師 與古育仲老師昔才愛才,願意紓尊降貴來跟我們排練(杜黑老師去 年十二月底他在澳門演出後順道來港排練過兩天)一起演出,為我 們的成長路指引方向。為此,我們由衷感激杜老師與古老師。 然而,今晚的音樂會卻尚有遺憾:我們的忠實團員謝偉雄以及第二 屆團長兼長期贊助人高贊亨已先後離我們而去。願 Rayman及高亨 在天之靈可以聽到我們這個成軍三十九年來最好的演出。 香港中文大學合唱團 音樂總監兼指揮 朱振威

I have a dream, that CU Chorus could become a first-rate choir in Hong Kong and even the world. It is an aspiring dream, but to achieve it we still have a long way to go. For five years we have worked towards this goal, gaining support from audiences of our concerts and cyber friends on YouTube. And while we are still far from succeeding, every little step made let us know that we are on the right track in both training and operation, that we are getting nearer. The songs Prof. Du chose for this concert all have their various difficulties, aiming to drill us in different areas. The opportunity to work with such a maestro at this stage of our journey means a lot to us. I have long since known of Prof. Du’s prowess. His biography “Strict General in the Music Circles” by Yi-Ching Yu has inspired great passion in me, aspiring that one day CU Chorus could turn into another Hwa Kang Choir of those years, 8

and maybe eventually today’s Taipei Philharmonic Chorus; becoming an outstanding art group that contributes to CUHK, the music circles and the society with our music. But my first encounter with Prof. Du in person came during the 2008 Taipei International Choral Festival, where we have met annually since. In 2009, the then-Chairperson Wong Ka Chun and I daringly invited Prof. Du to be our guest conductor. After much discussion, Prof. Du finally agreed to come. Later, he even suggested to have Mr. Yu-Chung Ku join us in the performance. This is the most confident I have ever been for our annual concerts. I can heartily feel all the members’ anticipation to the performance, because we all realize that we are no longer the ugly duckling. For five years we have worked to improve ourselves; now is the time to present the result. We are fortunate that both Prof. DuHei and Mr. Yu-Chung Ku are willing to take the time to work with us (Prof. Du spent two days in Hong Kong rehearsing with us last December on his way back after performing in Macau), guiding us on our path of growth. We are immensely grateful for them. However, we do have a few regrets for tonight’s concert: our faithful member Raymond Tse and the second chairman of CU Chorus Terry Ko had passed away recently. Hereby I wish that Rayman and Terry could hear this best performance of CU Chorus in 39 years from beyond. Leon Chu Music Director and Conductor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus


Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies


The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 香港中文大學合唱團於 1972年 12月由一班愛好合唱音樂的中大學生 自發成立。經歷三十多年的光輝歲月,中大合唱團已從一隊為大專 比賽而組成的學生社團,蛻變成追求卓越,致力向大眾分享優質合 唱演出的表演團體。 近年,合唱團多次接受傳媒報道。《經濟日報》、《信報》、《明 報》、香港電台等傳媒也對合唱團的周年音樂會作專題介紹。樂評 人李歐梵、周凡夫等也曾在其專欄或電台節目對合唱團演出致予好 評。 2009年,合唱團演唱著名電影《舒特拉的名單》選曲的錄影, 透過 YouTube而大受全球猶太人歡迎,更因此吸引以色列最大報章 《新消息報》報道。 合唱團每年演出包括擔任客席嘉賓,以及主辦周年音樂會等。合唱 團 2006年 應 邀 到 第 20屆 澳 門 國 際 音 樂 節 演 出 , 作 首 次 國 際 性 音 樂 節亮相; 2010年 7月, 應曼谷歌劇院邀請派出代表,參演馬勒第三 交響曲泰國首演。近年合唱團屢獲邀請到其他學府作交流,曾到上 海師範大學、彰化大葉大學及台北市私立復興高級中學進行示範講 座,介紹香港合唱創作發展,深受當地學生歡迎。 節目創新且多元化,讓合唱團一直走在香港合唱界最前端。合唱團 選曲以帶給觀眾精彩動聽樂曲為主,不拘泥於風格與難度。演唱過 的曲目範圍由貝多芬與馬勒的交響曲到 James Blunt 與鮑比達的流 行曲不等。合唱團多次為新作香港首演以至世界首演,包括松下耕 《若言》、胡銘堯《九肚山下》、蘇梓安《戀之花》及楊嘉輝《他 說》等。自 2010年於曼谷參演馬勒第三交響曲泰國首演,中大合唱 團更成為香港首隊演過馬勒全部合唱交響曲之合唱團。

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus was founded in December 1972 by a group of CUHK students who love singing. Since then, CU Chorus has evolved from a student group united for joint-university competition, into an organization dedicated to pursuing excellence and bringing quality choral performances to local audiences. In recent years, CU Chorus has received considerable media coverage. The chorus’s annual concerts were featured in Hong Kong Economic Times, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Ming Pao, and Radio Television Hong Kong. Music critics such as Leo Lee Ou-fan and Zhou Fanfu have also given favourable comments on CU Chorus’ performances in their column or radio programme. In 2009, the video recording of CU Chorus performing selections from the soundtrack of the famous film “Schindler’s List” grew popular among Jewish people all over the world through YouTube; the incident was even reported in


the largest Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth. In addition to annual concerts, CU Chorus has participated in various guest performances. In 2006, the chorus was invited to perform in the 20th Macau International Music Festival, its debut in an international music festival. In July 2010, CU Chorus was invited by Bangkok Opera to take part in the Thailand premiere of Mahler’s 3rd Symphony. In recent years CU Chorus has been invited to many institutes for exchange activities. The chorus has given demonstrative talks on the development of Hong Kong choral music in the exchange activities with Shanghai Normal University, Changhua Da-Yeh University, and Taipei Fuhsing Private School, inspiring great interest in local students there. The innovative and diverse programme lends CU Chorus an edge over other Hong Kong choral groups. The chorus bases

合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies

its repertoire on appealing and remarkable songs, regardless of the style or performing difficulty. Songs that CU Chorus has performed range from Beethoven’s and Mahler’s symphonies to pop songs by James Blunt and Chris Babida. The chorus also performs many new pieces, sometimes as their Hong Kong premiere or even world premiere; such pieces include Kotoba ni Sureba by Matsushita Ko, Below the Kau To Shan by Dennis Wu, The Flower of Love by Andy So, and When He Said by Samson Young. Since taking part in Mahler’s 3rd Symphony in Bangkok, CU Chorus has become the first choir in Hong Kong to perform all of Mahler’s choral symphonies.



Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies

朱振威 音樂總監兼指揮

Leon Chu Music Director and Conductor 朱振威先後隨蔡立德學習敲擊樂及隨林俊學習聲樂,也曾受挪威指 揮家 Kare Hanken及保加利亞指揮家 Theodora Pavlovitch指導合 唱指揮技巧。 2003年畢業於香港中文大學現代語言及文化系,主修 文化研究。 曾任多隊合唱團及樂團指揮,現為中大合唱團之音樂總監兼指揮, 澳門科技大學合唱團指揮。朱氏一直積極參與聲樂及舞台演出,如 2002年參與德國史圖格國立歌劇院製作之莫扎特《後宮誘逃》。此 外,也曾在多個本地樂團擔任敲擊樂手。 教學工作方面,朱氏曾為「 ISCM國際現代音樂節 2002」擔任特約 導師,現於多家中小學任合唱及敲擊樂導師。 2008年,朱氏與作曲 家黃學揚為香港公開大學「自在人生自學計劃」合作編撰「中西音 樂欣賞」課程,並於商業電台擔任相關節目《一人一大學》客席主 持。 學生時代已撰寫樂評的朱氏,文章見於如《信報》、《經濟日報》 、 《 明 報 》 、 《 Hi-Fi音 響 》 、 《 文 化 現 場 》 、 《 MUZIK》 ( 台 灣);香港管弦樂團及 Metropolitan Youth Orchestra之場刊。朱 氏也曾替環球唱片多項國際發行之影音產品作字幕翻譯,其中包括 伯恩斯坦之馬勒交響曲全集。

Economic Times, Ming Pao Daily, Hi-Fi Review, C for Culture, MUZIK (Taiwan). His introductory articles and programme notes have featured in several house programmes of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and Metropolitan Youth Orchestra. He was also the translator for a number of projects by the Universal Music Group, including Bernstein’s Mahler Complete Symphonies.

謝勇存 助理指揮

Jorden Tse Assistant Conductor 謝 勇 存 自 小 學 時 期 開 始 , 就 熱 愛 合 唱 音 樂 。 1998 年 加 入 中 大 合 唱 團,並曾先後擔任聲部長、幹事會和音樂會籌委會等工作。 謝氏現為香港中文大學訊息工程學系博士研究生。

Leon Chu Chun-wai studied percussion under Choy Lap-tak, and vocal music under Albert Lim Chun. He had also studied choral conducting in the workshops by Norwegian conductor Kare Hanken and Bulgarian conductor Theodora Pavlovitch. He graduated from the Department of Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003. Chu has been the conductor of several choirs and ensembles. Currently he serves as the music director and conductor of the CU Chorus, and the resident conductor of Macau University of Science and Technology Choir. Chu has participated actively in various vocal and theatrical performances, including a Staatsoper Stuttgart production of Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail conducted by Lothar Zagrosek in 2002 Hong Kong Arts Festival. He is also a percussionist in various local orchestras. Chu was the tutor of a workshop by ISCM World Music Days 2002, and is currently the choral conductor, band conductor and percussion tutor in a number of primary and secondary schools. In 2008, with composer Alfred Wong, Chu was invited to design a music appreciation course for Capacity Building Mileage Programme by Open University of Hong Kong, as well as being the guest speaker of the related programme on Commercial Radio FM881. Chu has been an active music critic since he was a student. He has written for Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong 12

Jorden Tse started his interest in choral music since he was a primary school student. He joined the CU Chorus in 1998. He has served as a bass part-leader, a member of the Executive Committee and the Annual Concert Organizing Committee. Currently, Tse is a Doctorate candidate in the Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies

張偉文 助理指揮

林俊 聲樂指導

Raymond Cheung Assistant Conductor

Albert Lim Chun Vocal Coach

張偉文於香港中文大學主修食品及營養科學,副修音樂,先後師隨 女高音梁頌儀及男高音柯大衛學習聲樂。就讀大學期間,張氏已同 時參加中大合唱團及崇基學院合唱團。畢業後投身教育工作,仍活 躍於合唱界,以合唱歌手身份隨香港雅詠團、香港歌劇社合唱團、 香港聖樂團,以至海外藝團如曼谷歌劇院等團體演出。 近年,張氏對合唱之興趣更伸展至合唱指揮,曾隨美國指揮家 David Francis Urrows及保加利亞指揮家 Theodora Pavlovitch學 藝。曾擔任中大合唱團幹事會總務及男高音聲部長,張氏於 2010年 獲委任為助理指揮。

Raymond Cheung studied Food and Nutritional Sciences in The Chinese University of Hong Kong; he also minored in Music and studied vocal music under soprano Jovita Leung and tenor David Quah. During his time in the university, Cheung was a member of both the CU Chorus and Chung Chi Choir. While devoting himself to education work after graduation, Cheung remains a very active musician. He has performed as a choral singer with Hong Kong Chamber Choir, Chorus of the Opera Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Oratorio Society, and other organizations including overseas groups such as Bangkok Opera. In recent years, Cheung extends his interest to choral conducting. He studied under American conductor David Francis Urrows and Bulgarian conductor Theodora Pavlovitch. As a previous member of CU Chorus Executive Committee and one of the current tenor part-leaders, Cheung was appointed Assistant Conductor in 2010.

林俊畢業於香港演藝學院並獲取榮譽音樂學士,其後考獲獎學金赴 皇家音樂學院深造,以優異成績取得演藝研究文憑及證書。在學習 期間,他多次成功考獲獎學金,包括英國皇家音樂學院獎學金、威 爾斯男合唱團獎學金、香港演藝學院獎學金及埃克森能源公司的獎 學金。 林氏屢獲邀請作獨唱演出,包括多次應香港巴赫合唱團邀演出, 如 : 巴 赫 《 D 大 調 聖 母 讚 主 頌 , BWV243 》 ; 海 頓 《 埃 及 的 以 色 列人》;布拉母斯《德意志安魂曲》 op.45;羅西尼《小莊嚴彌撒 曲》;莫扎特《 C 小調大彌撒曲》等。 熱愛歌劇的林氏,曾參與多個大型的製作,例如於威爾第《茶花 女》中擔演男爵一角(香港歌劇院);比才《卡門》中飾演唐.丹 凱羅(香港歌劇院);普切尼《怨女幽魂》中飾演古利爾摩(香港 演藝學院),《蝴蝶夫人》中飾演 Yakuside(香港管弦樂團)以及 《波希米亞人》中飾演馬些路(英國皇家音樂學院);莫札特《費 羅嘉的婚禮》中飾演費嘉羅(英國皇家音樂學院)及於文諾提《電 話》中飾演賓等。 於 2007年四月,他獲上海歌劇院之邀請,在法國名指揮家米歇爾. 普拉松的指揮下,飾演歌劇《卡門》中唐.丹凱羅一角。 另外,於 2007年五月底及於 2008年五月在香港歌劇院製作的《羅密歐與茱 麗葉》及《維特》中分別擔演格利哥利奧及約翰。於 2009年三月在 香港演藝學院製作的《卡門》中擔演艾斯卡米諾一角。 13


Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies

Albert Lim Chun attained his Postgraduate Diploma in Performance and Postgraduate Certificate in Performance with Distinction at the Royal College of Music after completing his Bachelor’s Degree of Music (Honours) at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Throughout his studies, Albert has attained a number of scholarships including Royal College of Music (Hong Kong); Welsh Male Choir Scholarships; the Society of APA Scholarships; Guinness Flight’s Music Prizes; Exxon Energy Limited Scholarships. Lim has appeared as guest soloist in concerts with the Hong Kong Bach Choir, the Hong Kong Oratorio Society and the Hong Kong Philharmonic, works including: Johann Sebastian Bach’s Magnificat in D, BWV 243, George Frederic Handel Israel in Egypt, Johannes Brahms’s Ein Deutsches Requiem, op. 45, Gioacchino Rossini’s Petite messe solennelle, etc. Lim has also performed numerous roles of famous opera programmes such as playing Barone in Verdi’s La Traviata (Opera Hong Kong’s production); Dancairo in Bizet’s Carmen (Opera Hong Kong’s production); Gugliemo in Le Villi by Puccini (HKAPA’s production); Yakuside in Puccini’s Madamme Butterfly (Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra); Marcello in Puccini’s La Boheme (HKAPA’s production); Ben in Menotti’s The Telephone (HKAPA’s production), etc. In April 2007, he was invited by the Shanghai Opera House to sing the role of Dancairo in Bizet’s Carmen by the Shanghai Opera House under the baton of Michel Plasson. He sang the role of Gregorio from Gounod’s Romeo and Juliette in May 2007 and Johann from Massanet’s Werther in 2008 for Opera Hong Kong. In March 2009, he was again invited to sing the role of Escamillo in Bizet’s Carmen for the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

戚芷君 聲樂指導

Candy Chik Vocal Coach 戚芷君畢業於香港中文大學,先後取得文學士(音樂)及哲學碩 士(體育及運動科學)學位,及後於香港演藝學院取得聲樂深造文 憑。大學時期曾獲取獎學金修讀加拿大 McGill University 的爵士 樂暑期課程。戚氏於中文大學時跟隨吳美樂博士主修鋼琴,於演藝 學院跟隨 Brian Montgomery主修聲樂, 2010年起獲香港賽馬會歌 劇訓練計劃贊助,隨饒嵐小姐學習聲樂。曾於葉氏兒童合唱團出國 組、高級組及精英班擔任鋼琴伴奏及導師近七年,曾多次隨團到十 七個國家演出。 戚氏現為全職自由音樂人, 2009年完成了首次個人獨唱會,並經常 參與香港歌劇院之歌劇演出。除教授鋼琴及聲樂外,亦為香港中文 大學合唱團聲樂指導和多間學校之合唱團指揮及歌唱班導師,同時 活躍於香港歌劇院的多個演出。

Candy Chik holds the degrees of Master of Philosophy (Sports Science and Physical Education) and BA (Music) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and an Advanced Diploma (Voice) from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Under the university’s sponsorship, she participated in the McGill University’s summer program of jazz music in Montreal, Canada. She was a piano major at CUHK under Dr. Mary Wu’s tutelage and a voice major at HKAPA under Brian Montgomery’s. She has been receiving vocal lessons sponsored by the Jockey Club Opera Training Program from Miss Rao Lan. As an accompanist and instructor in the Senior and Overseas Concert Choirs and the Elite Class in the Yip’s Children’s Choir for near 7 years, Candy has performed with the Choir in 17 countries. Chik now works as a freelance musician. She held her first public recital in May 2009. Besides regular piano and voice teachings, she also serves as a vocal coach in the CU Chorus, as well as a conductor and a voice teacher in several schools. She is also active in many productions by the Opera Hong Kong. 14

合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies

黃穎兒 鋼琴伴奏

黃歷琛 鋼琴伴奏

Solomon Wong Pianist

Alexander Wong Pianist

現為自由音樂人。黃氏於香港大學經濟及工商管理學院畢業後,一 直從事與音樂表演、行政及教育等有關工作,此外,黃氏亦涉足專 業錄音室的工作,例如曾參與廣告及動畫配樂、製作音樂與音響效 果及編曲等等。他亦負責為客戶製作及出版商業 CD及 DVD。他於 2001年至 2007年期間擔任深水埗兒童合唱團駐團鋼琴家,多次參 與合唱團的公開演出。現為泛亞交響樂團小提琴手,經常參與大型 音樂會演奏,擁有豐富的演出經驗。 黃氏在音樂行政方面經驗熟練,現為香港精英室樂團行政總監, 負責樂團營運、演出、團員招募及宣傳推廣等工作。黃氏現時致力 培育音樂人才,分別在多所學校教授中、小提琴,並擔任順德聯 誼總會李兆基中學管弦樂團指揮,栽培及訓練樂團演出。他同時擔 任德信中學弦樂團及賽馬會中學弦樂團指揮,設計課程及訓練樂團 演出。

Solomon Wong is currently a freelance musician. Since his graduation from the Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong, Wong has worked in fields related to music performance, administration and education. He also works in a professional recording studio, involving in works such as making music for advertisements and animations, creating sound effects and arranging songs. His job includes producing and issuing commercial CDs and DVDs for his clients. Wong was the resident pianist of Shum Shui Po Children’s Choir from 2001 to 2007, participating in the choir’s many performances. As a current violinist of Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong often takes part in large concerts, further enriching his performing experiences. Wong is well-versed in music-related administrative management. He is currently the administrative director of Hong Kong Elite Chamber Orchestra, in charge of the group’s operation, performance organization, member recruitment and promotion, etc. Nowadays Wong devotes himself to nurturing young musicians. He teaches violin and viola in many schools, and serves as the conductor of Shun Tak Fraternal Association Lee Shau Kee College Symphony Orchestra, training and cultivating the students towards better orchestral performance. Additionally, Wong is the conductor of Tak Sun Secondary School String Orchestra and Jockey Club Government Secondary School String Orchestra, designing courses for the groups and training them for performances.

自幼學習鋼琴,於小學及中學時曾擔任合唱團伴奏。隨梁靜宜老師 習 琴 期 間 , 分 別 於 2005年 及 2007年 考 獲 英 國 聖 三 一 學 院 ATCL和 LTCL鋼琴演奏文憑,並於其學生音樂會擔任鋼琴伴奏。 2010年以 優異成績考獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏文憑。 黃氏現為中文大學音樂系二年級學生,隨吳美樂博士學習鋼琴及黃 健羭女士學習管風琴;亦擔任崇基合唱團及聖公會聖三一堂兒童合 唱團鋼琴伴奏。

Alexander Wong started learning piano at the age of 5, and was an accompanist in his primary and secondary school choirs. He earned Associate and Licentiate of Trinity College of London in Piano performance in 2005 and 2007 respectively, under the instruction of Ms. Jeffie Leung, and in 2010, he attained DipABRSM with distinction. Wong is currently a year-two Music student in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, studying piano with Dr. Mary Wu and organ with Ms. Wong Kin Yu. He is also an accompanist of Chung Chi Choir and Holy Trinity Church children choir. 15


Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies

陳演日 排練伴奏

Chan Yin Yat Rehearsal Pianist 現職中學教師的陳演日, 自小二開始習琴,師隨 Tino Maxwell。他 於 2006年考獲英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院演奏文憑。陳氏曾在中學合 唱團及香港大學學生會合唱團擔任鋼琴伴奏。自 2010年加入中大合 唱團,並擔任聖誕演出之鋼琴伴奏。

Chan Yin Yat is currently a secondary school teacher. He started learning piano in primary two and he studied piano with Mr. Tino Maxwell from 2001 to 2006. He attained the Licentiate Diploma of Trinity College of London in 2006. Chan was an active accompanist in his secondary school boys and mixed choirs and Hong Kong University Students’ Union Choir. Chan joined CU Chorus in 2010, and has served as a pianist for the group’s Christmas performances.

謝嘉盈 鋼琴伴奏

Tse Ka Ying Pianist 現就讀於香港中文大學音樂系二年級,主修鋼琴,亦由一年級起副 修笙。現師隨 Dr. Jessica Bruser習琴,鄭德惠先生習笙。謝氏自 中學時期開始擔任樂隊及合唱團的伴奏及合唱團指揮工作。現為深 水埗兒童合唱團指揮、文藝坊合唱團伴奏及香港精英室樂團的鋼琴 手。

Tse Ka Ying is currently a year-two student in the Department of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pursuing a major in piano and a minor in sheng. She studies piano under Dr. Jessica Bruser, and sheng under Mr. Cheng Tak-wai. Since her time in secondary school, Tse has served as an orchestra and choir accompanist, as well as a choir conductor. She is currently the conductor of Shum Shui Po Children’s Choir, the accompanist of Choir of the Black’s Workshop, and a keyboard player in Hong Kong Elite Chamber Orchestra.


杜黑 客席指揮

Dirk DuHei Guest Conductor 美國伊利諾大學合唱指揮碩士班畢業, 1981年返國, 1983年接任 台 北 愛 樂 合 唱 團 指 揮 至 今 。 1988 年 創 立 財 團 法 人 台 北 愛 樂 文 教 基 金會,主辦「台北愛樂國際合唱音樂營」、「台北國際合唱音樂 節」及「樂壇新秀」等活動,對於合唱音樂推廣及國際交流,並培 養優秀音樂人才等不遺餘力。近年來積極致力於本土合唱音樂的開 發,與錢南章老師合作製作台灣原住民組曲,《映象中國》唱片獲 得第八屆金曲獎「最佳古典音樂唱片」、「最佳演唱人」及「最佳 唱片製作人」等三項大獎,《馬蘭姑娘》唱片獲第九屆金曲獎四項 提名並獲「最佳作曲人」獎,大膽製作青年作曲家許雅民的大型劇 場合唱作品《六月雪》獲第十一屆金曲獎「最佳作曲人」、「最佳 古典唱片」提名,為台灣合唱音樂加入新血脈。甚至取材自佛教, 製 作 《 佛 說 阿 彌 陀 經 》 , 是 佛 教 2500 多 年 來 的 首 創 安 魂 曲 , 更 獲 得第十三屆金曲獎「最佳宗教音樂專輯」、「最佳作曲人」兩項大 獎; 2002年,指揮台北愛樂室內合唱團所錄製的專輯《世紀歸零》 獲第十四屆金曲獎「最佳古典音樂專輯」、「最佳演唱人」、「最 佳作曲人」三項大獎。 杜黑先生榮獲第一屆國家文化藝術基金會文藝獎、第八屆金曲獎 最佳製作人、中國文藝協會九十四年榮譽文藝獎章,並曾出版傳記 《樂壇黑面將軍》,更多次應邀擔任國內外重要聲樂、合唱等比賽 活動之評審。目前擔任財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會藝術總監、台 北愛樂合唱團、台北愛樂室內合唱團及台北市婦女合唱團指揮、台 北愛樂青年管弦樂團、愛樂劇工廠藝術總監、中華民國合唱藝術交 流協會理事長,任教於中國文化大學音樂系。

Dirk DuHei, who won the National Culture and Art Prize in 1997, is devoted to music education and choral music. Although born in China, he received his Masters of Music in conducting at the University of Illinois, U.S.A., and then returned to Taiwan to become actively involved in choral directing. Since 1983, Du has been the permanent Music Director and conductor of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. In 1988 he launched the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education to promote choral and other musical activities in Taiwan. The foundation has been involved in presenting hundreds of famous artists and ensembles, and in promoting international cultural exchange such as the “Taipei International Choral Festival”, “Taipei Philharmonic Summer Festival”, and “Taipei Philharmonic International Music Workshop”. Du contributes to the musical scene in Taiwan by premiering new pieces and organizing educational performances and seminars. He has often been invited to be a judge at prestigious international choral competitions, including events in Fulda, Germany; Riva Del Garda, Italy; Budapest, Hungary; Sydney, Australia; and Hong Kong, etc. From England to Australia, Korea to the U.S.A, Du and his chamber choir have performed at various international festivals with enormous success. Du is currently an Associate Professor of Music at the Chinese Cultural University, the Artistic Director of Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education, the Music Director of Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, and the conductor of Taipei Women’s Singing Society.

合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies

古育仲 客席指揮

Yu-Chung John Ku Guest Conductor 青年指揮家古育仲為美國辛辛那提大學音樂院指揮博士候選人,費 城 天 普 大 學 合 唱 指 揮 碩 士 。 自 2002 年 起 便 受 邀 於 各 地 客 席 指 揮 音 樂會,包括美國(費城、紐約、波士頓、芝加哥、洛杉磯)、加 拿大(溫哥華、卡加利、愛德蒙頓)、中國(北京、天津、廣州、 東莞)、香港、澳門、新加坡、菲律賓、保加利亞(索菲亞)及 台灣,並多次擔任台灣國家交響樂團及澳門交響樂團音樂會合唱指 導 。 2006 年 於 美 國 合 唱 指 揮 協 會 (ACDA) 年 會 中 擔 任 專 題 講 座 講 師 。 2008 年 於 新 加 坡 青 少 年 合 唱 音 樂 節 擔 任 合 唱 營 指 導 教 師 。 自 2008年 起 獲 聘 為 台 北 愛 樂 合 唱 團 及 室 內 合 唱 團 常 任 指 揮 , 並 擔 任 兩廳院旗艦計畫「金希文歌劇《福爾摩沙信簡 —黑鬚馬偕》世界首 演」之合唱指導暨樂團助理指揮,及國家交響樂團 (NSO)歌劇系列 《卡門》、《畫魂》和台北愛樂歌劇坊之《茶花女》、《蝙蝠》合 唱 指 導 。 出 任 2008 年 總 統 府 歲 末 音 樂 會 執 行 策 展 人 , 並 擔 任 赫 比 希、瑞霖、貝爾紐斯、呂紹嘉、呂嘉、林望傑、簡文彬、葉詠詩等 指揮大師的音樂會合唱指導。自 2008七月起獲國際合唱聯盟選為亞 洲工作小組核心成員暨台灣代表。

The Music Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, YuChung John Ku, is a doctoral candidate in conducting at the College-Conservatory of Music in University of Cincinnati, and holds a master degree in choral conducting from Temple University, Philadelphia. Ku was a frequent guest conductor of Taipei Philharmonic before taking the music directing position in 2008, and has also conducted concerts around the world, including the U.S.A., Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, the Philippines, and Bulgaria. Ku also serves as the Chorus Master for several opera productions, oratorio performances, and choral-symphonic concerts, preparing the choirs for maestro F. Bernius, G. Herbig, and H. Rilling, among others. In addition, he was the chorus master of Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra’s opera productions – Chin’s Black-beard Bible Man (world premiere), Bizet’s Carmen, and Chien’s La Peintre, YuLin (world premiere). Ku has been invited to be choral adjudicator, lecturer, or master class clinic in Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and many cities in Taiwan. While living in USA (2001-08), Ku was a Writing Fellow of Choral Journal, and an invited speaker in American Choral Directors Association Convention in New York City in February, 2006. Ku is a core member of the Asia-Pacific committee of the International Federation of Choral Music since July 2008.

陳江平 爵士鼓

Ken Chan Drumset 一名多元化敲擊樂手,其專長包括西洋敲擊、流行鼓、步操鼓及 拉丁鼓樂。陳氏曾隨董德亮和蔡立德學習敲擊,以及隨徐世興學 習 爵 士 鼓 , 2005 年 考 獲 倫 敦 聖 三 一 音 樂 學 院 ATCL 敲 擊 樂 優 異 級 文憑, 2006年赴美國洛杉磯音樂人學院之敲擊樂系 (Musicians Institute - Percussion Institute of Technology) 深造。在美國 期間,陳氏隨爵士搖滾大師 Gary Garbatini、拉丁鼓樂大師 Chuck Silverman、敲擊技術大師 Bruce Becker 及步操敲擊大師 Chris Rodriquez學習。 陳氏之樂團經驗豐富,曾參與之樂團包括 DCA世界賽決賽隊伍洛杉 磯 SoCal Dream 鼓號樂團、香港節日管樂團、澳門樂團、泛亞交響 樂團、香港愛樂團及香港新愛樂交響樂團等, 2010年更與香港節日 管樂團合作演奏爵士鼓協奏曲。他於 2004年起與多位敲擊愛好者組 成了敲擊樂組合「激樂團」,一直活躍演出至現在。 2009年陳氏成 立了擊能量音樂中心,全身投入於敲擊樂教學。現時陳氏主力於該 中心教授敲擊樂,亦任教於音樂事務處及多間中小學之敲擊樂班。

Ken Chan is a versatile percussion player with specialties including concert percussion, drumset, marching percussion and Latin percussion. He studied percussion with Tung Takleong and Choy Lap-tak, and studied drumset with Simon Chui. In 2005, he obtained the ATCL diploma in percussion with distinction from London Trinity College. In 2006, he furthered his percussion studies at the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, U.S.A. During his time there, he had studied with jazz-rock master Gary Garbatini, Latin drumming master Chuck Silverman, hand technique master Bruce Becker and marching percussion master Chris Rodriquez. Chan has joined numerous orchestras, including the Los Angeles SoCal Dream Drum and Bugle Corps (DCA Championship finalist), Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra, Orquestra de Macau, Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong SAR Orchestra and Hong Kong New Philharmonia. He was invited to perform a drumset concerto with Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra in 2010. In 2004, he formed the “GIG Percussion Ensemble” that actively performs till now. In 2009, he established the PercussionSpirit Music Centre and has devoted himself into the percussion teaching career. Currently he teaches in his own music centre, the Music Office, and various primary and secondary schools. 19

2010/11年度贊助人名錄 Sponsors 2010/11 鳴謝以下人士於本年度的捐助,讓中大合唱團有更充足的資源,年復一年不斷發展,在合唱藝術上追求卓越,向邁向國際的夢想勇往直前。

With the kind donations from the following patrons, CU Chorus is allowed to have greater resources to grow and strive for excellence in choral music, marching towards the international stage.

尊貴贊助人 Deluxe Patrons

長榮航空 EVA AIR

香港台灣婦女協會 Hong Kong Taiwan Ladies’ Association


張振山先生 Mr. CHEUNG Chun Shan 紀念高贊亨先生 In fond memory of Mr. KO Tsan Hun 范建明先生 Mr. FAN Kin Ming 冼余敏慧女士 Mrs. Rita SHIN

學生票贊助人 Student Ticket Patrons 得蒙以下人士慷慨支持,讓中大合唱團能夠提供是次音樂會免費門票予本港中學生,讓同學們體驗合唱音樂的精彩。

Thanks to the generous support from the following patrons, we are able to provide free tickets to students from local secondary schools to experience the fascinating art of choral music. 陳英凱先生 Mr. Anthony Y.H. CHAN 王志德醫生 Dr. Danny C.T. WONG

贊助人 Patrons 陳韋丞先生 Mr. CHAN Wai Shing 鄭振耀教授 Prof. Jack C.Y. CHENG 周立基博士 Dr. CHOW Lap Kei 許寶寶女士 Ms. Eleanor HUI 金耀基教授 Prof. KING Ambrose Yeo-chi 劉允怡教授 Prof. Joseph W.Y. LAU 李勁華博士 Dr. LEE King Wa 李丹教授 Prof. LEE Tan

吳基培教授 Prof. Dennis K.P. NG 沈祖堯教授 Prof. Joseph J.Y. SUNG 丁國輝教授 Prof. TING Kwok Fai 黃乃正教授 Prof. Henry N.C. WONG 黃永成教授 Prof. WONG Wing Shing 甄寶嫦女士 Ms. Emily P.S. YAN 楊如虹女士 Ms. Antonia YEUNG 楊綱凱教授 Prof. Kenneth YOUNG

作為一個學生團體,我們極需要您的支持和幫助。您的支持,將協助我們完成夢想。 如欲查詢更多贊助細節,請電郵至

As a student organisation, we need your generous help and support. With your donations, we will be able to reach our dream. Should you have any enquiries regarding the sponsorship, please feel free to contact us at

曲目及演出者 Programme and Performers

Programme 曲目 蒙台威爾第:《向主高歌》

Claudio Monteverdi: Cantate Domino


Franz Biebl: Ave Maria (Angelus Domini)


Eric Whitacre: Lux Aurumque


Trond H.F. Kverno: Ave Maris Stella


Lesley Ka-Hei Chan: Ripples


Chien Nan-Chang: The Maiden of Malan (selections)

– 中場休息 Intermission –


Cheng Chi-Jen (Edgar Macapili arr.): My Father’s Kite


Chen Ming-Chang (Hsu Shuan-Lian arr.): Travelling to Tam Sui


Selections of Mandarin Oldies

王福齡(冉天豪編):《不了情》 平尾昌晃(冉天豪編):《再見我的愛人》 翁清溪(冉天豪編):《月亮代表我的心》 黎錦光∕翁清溪(冉天豪編):《愛神的箭∕愛神》

Wang Fu-Ling (Jen Tien-Hao arr.): Love Without End Hirao Masaaki (Jen Tien-Hao arr.): Goodbye My Love Weng Ching-Hsi (Jen Tien-Hao arr.): The Moon Represents My Heart Li Jin-Guang/Weng Ching-Hsi (Jen Tian-Hao arr.): Cupid's Arrow/Cupid


Negro Spiritual (Norman Luboff arr.): Steal Away


Keith Hampton: Praise His Holy Name

華倫:《韓德爾的彌賽亞:騷靈慶典》-「哈雷路亞」 Mervyn Warren: Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration - Hallelujah


Lyrics and Programme Notes

蒙台威爾第 Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)

向主高歌 Cantate Domino Domino canticum novum, * Cantate cantate et benedicite nomine ejus. Quia mirabilia fecit.

Sing to the Lord a new song, sing and bless His name for He has worked wonders.

你們要向耶和華唱新歌 要向耶和華歌唱、稱頌祂的名 因為祂行過奇妙的事

Cantate et exultate et psallite, psallite in cithara et voce psalmi. Quia mirabilia fecit.

Sing and exult and make music, strike the lyrics and let voices sing, for He has worked wonders.

在大君王耶和華面前歡呼 用琴和詩歌的聲音歌頌祂 因為祂行過奇妙的事

Excerpts from Psalm 96 & 98

節錄自詩篇 96及 98篇

蒙台威爾第無疑為巴洛克早期音樂家的代表之一,這位以創作複音 音樂出身的作曲家,在擔任曼都瓦 Gonzaga宮廷樂長初期,曾創作 了一系列複音音樂的合唱曲,然而在他 1607年受 Gonzaga之託所寫 下的歌劇《奧菲歐》,卻讓他一躍成為巴洛克歌劇的代表作曲家。 蒙台威爾第不僅採用當時佛羅倫斯對歌劇所期許的新理念、新手 法,更對歌劇戲劇性的音樂表現有了新的探索。首先,他讓管弦樂 成為歌劇中不可或缺的重要角色,發揮了器樂伴奏的特殊功能,用 以營造出戲劇的效果。此外,蒙台威爾第也開創了「主導動機」的 觀念,賦予了某些樂器在劇中的象徵意義。 《向主高歌》選自蒙台威爾第 1620年出版的經文歌集,豐富的和聲 音響與輪唱交織出濃厚的巴洛克複音歌樂況味,為蒙台威爾第著名 的複音宗教合唱曲之一。


Claudio Monteverdi was without doubt one of the most significant figures of early Baroque period. His music is characterized by his skilful word-setting and characterization of voices and instruments. A large proportion of his vocal music was published in collections, most notably the Vespers of 1610. In comparison to the complexities of that publication, many of the motets in his Selva morale e spirituale of 1640 were more modest in scale and instrumentation. Cantate Domino appears in a collection of motets published in 1620 by one of Monteverdi’s Mantuan pupils, Bianchi. Festal in nature, the triple-time opening is followed by a more expansive middle section which gives way to some antiphonal writing between the six voices.

歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes

比伯 Franz Biebl (1906-2001)

聖母頌 Ave Maria (Angelus Domini) Domini nontiavit Mariae, * Angelus Et concepit de Spiritu sancto.

The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived by the power of Holy Spirit.

主的天使向瑪利亞報喜; 她因聖神受孕。

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus.

Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

萬福瑪利亞,祢充滿聖寵, 主與祢同在, 祢在婦女中受讚頌, 祢的親子耶穌,同受讚頌。

Et verbum caro factum est Et habitavit in nobis.

And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us.

道成肉身降生成人; 居住在我們中間。

Sancta Maria, mater dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our deaths

天主聖母瑪利亞, 求祢現在和我們臨終時, 為我們罪人祈求天主。




Excerpts from Angelus liturgy


1906年出生於德國的比伯為二十世紀德國最受敬重的合唱音樂代表 人 物 之 一 , 《 聖 母 頌 》 原 於 1964 年 為 慕 尼 黑 一 個 消 防 隊 合 唱 團 委 託比伯所創作而成的男聲雙合唱曲,而後因受世人歡迎而將其改編 為七聲部的混聲合唱曲。這首《聖母頌》由一組唱四段合唱曲的合 唱團及唱三段曲的合唱小組共同演唱,並仿效天主教三鐘經的對答 形式,每段獨唱之後以聖母經應答。全曲融合現代與中世紀複音風 格,為比伯著名的合唱代表作品之一。

Franz Biebl, born in 1906, was one of the most respected German choral composers in the 20th century. His bestknown work, Ave Maria (1964), was originally written for an expanded male chorus; due to its popularity, Biebl later adapted it into a mixed-voice arrangement. Ave Maria imitates the format of its source text, the Angelus liturgy of the Catholic Church. Each versicle sung by a soloist is answered by a verse from Hail Mary, which is an antiphon sung by a four-part choir and a three-part ensemble. This unique arrangement creates a polyphonic effect that is both modern and reminiscent of the medieval style.



Lyrics and Programme Notes

韋塔克 Eric Whitacre (生於 b. 1970)

金色光華 Lux Aurumque * Lux calida gravisque pura velut aurum et canunt angeli molliter modo natum

Light warm and heavy as pure gold and the angels sing softly to the new-born baby

光 溫暖沉重如純金 而天使輕聲歌唱 予新生嬰孩

Original poem by Edward Esch


韋塔克擁有茱莉亞音樂院音樂碩士學位,主修作曲,其作品多次獲 得國際作曲大獎的肯定,並被洛杉磯時報的樂評盛讚為「超乎自然 與想像的瑰麗之作」,為當今美國炙手可熱的作曲家之一。 《金色光華》為韋塔克應 Master Chorale of Tampa Bay的委約邀 請創作。歌詞來自詩人艾斯克 (Edward Esch) 的同名詩篇,並由 美國詩人席維斯崔譯成拉丁文。作曲家受到詩中莊嚴而優雅的句子 所感動,以莊靜的和聲變化,在平緩而安祥的速度中表現出他心目 中「光芒」。本曲曾被樂評人評為:「撼動人心而令人感到不寒而 慄的和聲音響。」


An accomplished composer, conductor and lecturer, Eric Whitacre has quickly become one of the most popular and performed composers of his generation. The Los Angeles Times has praised his compositions as “works of unearthly beauty and imagination, electric, chilling harmonies”. Lux Aurumque was a commission from the Master Chorale of Tampa Bay. The lyrics were originally a poem by Edward Esch, translated into Latin by Charles Anthony Silvestri. Whitacre was struck by the poem’s genuine, elegant simplicity. To reflect this essence, he took a simple approach to the piece, weaving tight harmonies that are carefully tuned and balanced to express the shimmer and glow of light.

歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes

克斐爾諾 Trond H.F. Kverno (生於 b. 1945)

萬福光耀海星 Ave Maris Stella maris stella, * Ave Dei Mater alma,

Virgo singularis, inter omnes mitis, nos culpis solutos mites fac et castos.

Hail, star of the sea, Nurturing Mother of Atque semper Virgo, God, Felix caeli portas. And ever Virgin Happy gate of Sumens illud Ave Vitam præsta puram, Heaven. Gabrielis ore, Iter para tutum: funda nos in pace, Ut videntes Jesum, Receiving that Hail mutans hevæ nomen. semper collaetemur. From the mouth of Gabriel, Solve vincla reis, Sit laus Deo Patri, Establish us in peace, Profer lumen caecis Summo christo decus, Transforming the Mala nostro pelle, Spiritui Sancto, name of Eve. Bona cuncta posce. Tribus honor unus. Amen. Loosen the chains of Monstra te esse matrem, the guilty, sumat per te preces Ave, gratia plena, Send forth light to qui pro nobis natus Dominus tecum, the blind, tulit esse tuus. Benedicta tu in Our evil do thou mulieribus. dispel, Entreat all good things.

O unique Virgin, Meek above all others, Make us, set free from sins, Meek and chaste.

聖哉,海洋之星, 養育聖子的母親, 永恆的童貞女, 受祝福的天國之門。

獨一無二的童貞女, 是婦女中最謙恭的, 使我們洗滌自己的罪, 謙恭而貞潔。

受到歡呼, 從大天使口中, 保護我們在和平之中, 改變夏娃的惡名。

保護我們一生純淨, 保護我們旅途平安, 因此我們看見耶穌, 享有永恆的喜樂。

Bestow a pure life, Prepare a safe way: That seeing Jesus, We may ever rejoice. 解開罪人的枷鎖, 把光明帶給盲人, Praise be to God the 驅散我們的罪惡, 獲得一切良善。 Father,

Glory to the Most High Christ, To the Holy Spirit Honour, to the Three equally. Amen.

顯示你自己, 我們的母親, 通過你可讓他, 接受我們的祈禱, 他為我們而生, 定會同意你的懇求。

讚頌天上的父, 光榮至高的主基督 及聖神, 三位一體的榮耀。 阿們。 啊,妳充滿聖寵, 主與你同在, 妳在婦女中受讚頌。

Hail, full of grace, The Lord is with Show thyself to be a thee. Mother: Blessed art thou Through thee may he among women. receive prayer Who, being born for us, Undertook to be thine own.

克斐爾諾為挪威當代著名的音樂理論家與宗教音樂作曲家之一,自 幼即對宗教產生濃厚的興趣,並參與當地唱詩班,開啟其對音樂方 面的天份。克斐爾諾於奧斯陸音樂院時學習聖樂及音樂理論,而後 並創作為數甚多的知名宗教合唱曲,《萬福光耀海星》即為克斐爾 諾最為膾炙人口的宗教合唱曲之一。《萬福光耀海星》為一雙合唱 團編制的歌曲,歌詞充滿對於聖母瑪利亞的崇敬與虔誠告祝。

Trond Kverno (b. 1945) is renowned in Norway and throughout Scandinavia as a musical theorist, teacher, and – particularly – composer of church music. He considers it his ministry and mission to rekindle the life of faith in his homeland by means of church music. He likens his work to that of the painter of icons, opening a window to another reality. Kverno’s Ave Maris Stella, a shimmering motet for double chorus, is a hymn with a concluding versicle: a paean to the Blessed Virgin Mary, invoking her intercession for mankind’s sins. The versicle is actually the first verse of Hail Mary: “Ave, gratia plena! Dominus tecum! Benedicta tu in mulieribus!” 27


Lyrics and Programme Notes

陳家曦 Lesley Ka-Hei Chan (生於 b. 1981)

水紋 Ripples * 我忽然想起你 但不是劫後的你,萬花盡落的你 為什麼人潮,如果有方向 都是朝著分散的方向 為什麼萬燈謝盡,流光流不來你 稚傻的初日,如一株小草 而後綠綠的草原,移轉為荒原 草木皆焚:你用萬把剎那的 情火 也許我只該用玻璃雕你 不該用深湛的凝想 也許你早該告訴我 無論何處,無殿堂,也無神像 忽然想起你,但不是此刻的你 已不星華燦發,已不錦繡 不在最美的夢中,最夢的美中 忽然想起 但傷感是微微的了 如遠去的船 船邊的水紋......

I suddenly think of you But not you after the storm, you with your petals fallen Why does the stream of people, if they have a direction always go different ways Why as the lights go off, time passes but you don’t appear In the innocent old days, fresh as a stem of grass And then the lush pasture turns into wasteland Everything is burnt to the ground, with your abrupt flames of passion Maybe I should just sculpt you in glass not in fathomless musings Maybe you should have told me there is no palace, nor deity, anywhere Suddenly think of you, but not you as you are no longer brilliant, no longer splendid Not in the most beautiful dream, the most dreamlike beauty Suddenly think of But the sentiment is faint like the ripples along a receding ship...


Original poem by Xiong Hung

陳家曦 2003年畢業於香港大學音樂系,期後前往英國倫敦大學修讀 音樂碩士。 2007年於香港中文大學完成學位教師教育文憑(音樂教 育),再於 2008年入讀香港演藝學院專業文憑課程主修作曲。陳氏 熱愛合唱指揮,現任教九龍華仁書院兼任合唱團指揮。陳氏亦積極 參與社區音樂活動,包括擔任香港大學聖約翰學院合唱團顧問及香 港雅樂社駐團指揮。

he studied for the Profession Diploma in Composition at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Chan is passionate about choral conducting, while teaching at Wah Yan College, Kowloon, he serves as the school choir’s conductor. Chan is also active in community music events, serving as the advisor for St. John’s College Choir in HKU and the resident conductor for The Pro-Musica Society of Hong Kong.

《水紋》是為五部混聲合唱、女高音獨唱、手鈴及敲擊樂器所寫的 樂曲,詞選自近代女詩人敻紅 (1940-) 的抒情作品。此曲運用了大 量近代的合唱樂器技巧。作曲人除了利用二度和弦的效果表達似水 的氣氛,更以合唱者模仿風聲及水滴聲;也加入手鈴、敲擊樂器以 及鋼琴伴奏的非傳統奏法去營造水的神秘感。此外,無音調及無固 定節拍的隨意朗誦樂段能讓合唱者自由抒發自己的感歎。把這些用 特別合唱技巧表達意境的不同段落串連起來的,是女高音獨唱及男 聲齊唱的樂段─女聲優雅、感性以男聲有活力的旋律帶領合唱的微 妙和聲。配合詩詞中的意境,樂曲尾以女獨唱以合唱夢境似的二度 和弦及模仿豎琴的鋼琴平和地完結,就像船邊的水紋漸漸遠去。

Ripples is written for five-part mixed voice choir, soprano soli, handbells, percussion and piano accompaniment. The lyrics are based on an expressive poem written by a modern female poet, Xiong Hung (1940-). Some contemporary choral techniques – whispering, recitation and vocal imitation – have been applied. A number of second interval in the high voices is also used to achieve a watery effect. Along with the wind blowing imitated by the male voices, the whole piece depicts a taste of youthful nature. The many ad lib sections enable all singers to express their own understanding of the music – with the unique tempo and voice range by individual singers. All sections are cohered with alternation between choir and soli; voices and sound; singing and instrumental. In the final passage, the tone cluster supports the soprano soli in which the image of the leaving boat is visualized, while the clusters sung by the choir resemble water ripples.

Lesley Ka-Hei Chan graduated from the Department of Music, The University of Hong Kong in 2003, and then pursued a Master of Arts in Music at the University of London. In 2007, he completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Music Education) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2008, 28

歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes

錢南章 Chien Nan-Chang (生於 b. 1948)


The Maiden of Malan (selections) * 黃昏之歌 我們真是感謝上蒼的護庇 願神祝福你們 我們一起歌唱為了今天美好快樂的日子 我們真是感謝上蒼的護庇 願神祝福我們大家

Song of Dusk We are grateful for the blessings from heaven May god bless you We sing together for the happiness today We are grateful for the blessings from heaven May god bless we all

荷美雅亞 我們聚集在一起 是因為豐年祭 這祭典是很久以前 祖先代代流傳下來的

Ho Mei Ya Ya We gather here for the Harvest Festival It is an ancient ceremony passed down through the generations

讚美歌唱 我們齊聲讚美我們的上帝直到永遠 我們齊聲歌唱快樂榮耀我們的上主

Song of Praise Let us praise our God forever Let us sing joyfully and glorify our Lord

錢南章生於中國江蘇省,甫出生數月就隨國民政府到台灣,於台北 成長。 1966年考入中國文化學院(今中國文化大學),主修鋼琴。 後受劉德義啟發前往德國深造作曲, 1973年考入慕尼黑音樂學院。 回台後任教中國文化學院,現任教於國立台北藝術大學作曲系。錢 氏作品愈五十多首,從交響樂到室樂到獨唱曲不等。

Deyi to further his studies in music composition at Munich Music College, Germany. After returning to Taiwan, Chien taught in College of Chinese Culture. He is currently teaching Composition at Department of Music, Taipei National University of the Arts. Chien has written over 50 pieces, ranging from symphonies, chamber music to solos.


「黃昏之歌」來自排灣族,是與山林為伍的族人,在黃昏之時與大 自然和應的吟唱,同時也訴說一天的生活即將過去。

In 1996, Dirk DuHei commissioned Chien to compose a symphonicchoral piece with aboriginal themes for the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus to perform in Taipei International Choral Festival. Chien took 8 pieces from the Solo Album Score of Taiwan’s Aboriginal Music by Professor Yu Chin-fu of Yu-Shan Theological College and Seminary, and arranged them into The Maiden of Malan suite. 3 pieces from the suite are performed in this concert:

「荷美雅亞」來自聚居日月潭的鄒族,是豐年祭時歌頌祖先的歌 曲,象徵著鄒族大、小社之間的文化命脈的連結,讓感恩、不忘本 的心意長存,也凝聚了族人的情誼。

Song of Dusk is from the Paiwan tribe, who live in mountainous forest; they sing this song at sunset each day in harmony with the nature, acknowledging the passing of the day.

「讚美歌唱」來自魯凱族,這是族人經外國傳教士而接受基督教 後,以自己的方法創作的聖詩。

Ho Mei Ya Ya is a folk song from the Tsou tribe around the world famous Sun-Moon Lake area, symbolizing the cultural connection among different tribes and expressing the everlasting thankfulness to their ancestors.

為題材創作一套交響合唱作品供台北愛樂合唱團演出。錢南章從余 錦福的《台灣原住民》獨唱曲集中挑了八首歌,編寫成這套組曲, 是次演唱其中三首歌:

Chien Nan-Chang was born in Jiangsu, China, and migrated to Taiwan in his infancy. Growing up in Taipei, he attended the College of Chinese Culture (now Chinese Culture University) in 1966, majoring in piano. In 1973, he was inspired by Liu

Song of Praise is from the Rukai tribe, a hymn in aboriginal style after missionaries introduced Christian to the people. 29


Lyrics and Programme Notes

鄭智仁 Cheng Chi-Jen (生於 b. 1951)


My Father's Kite (Edgar Macapili arr.) * 阮阿爸教阮來做風吹, 伊講你敢知咱人生親像風吹焉耳飛, 飛呀飛,風愈大愈高, 有時會飛入濛霧中, 飛呀飛,風愈大愈高, 有時乎風來騙不知。

My father taught me to make a kite. He said do you know our life is like a kite flying. Fly and fly, going higher with the wind, sometimes flying into the fog. Fly and fly, going higher with the wind, sometimes deceived by the wind.

阮阿爸率阮去放風吹, 伊講有一工你若會親像風吹焉耳飛, 飛呀飛,愈飛愈高, 看到的物就愈未清 , 飛呀飛,愈飛愈高, 不當忘記線的起頭彼雙手。 風吹呀飛,風吹呀飛, 飛過阮細漢一直有的夢, 風吹呀飛,風吹呀飛, 飛過阮懵懂的夢。

My father took me to fly the kite. He said one day you will fly like the kite. Fly and fly, going higher and higher, the things you see are less clear. Fly and fly, going higher and higher, don’t forget the hands anchoring the string. Flying kite, flying kite, fly over my childhood dream. Flying kite, flying kite, fly over my muddled dream.


Original lyrics by Cheng Chi-Jen

鄭 智 仁 1951 年 生 於 台 灣 彰 化 , 在 中 山 醫 學 院 畢 業 , 是 細 胞 學 、 放 射線學、生殖醫學專家。 40歲結婚生子之後,開始用其母語台語寫 歌,作品文詞優美、旋律感人,深具本土意識與人文關懷,深獲人 們的共鳴與喜愛。鄭智仁 2000年獲選美國關懷台灣基金會對台奉獻 獎,其獲獎評價是:鄭智仁先生是本世紀重要的、影響深遠的台灣 歌謠作家。

Cheng Chi-Jen was born in Changhua, Taiwan in 1951. He graduated at the Chung Shan Medical University, and specializes in cytology, actinology and reproductive medicine. He started writing songs in his native tongue, Taiwanese, in his forties. His works show a deep awareness of the native culture, with graceful lyrics and moving melodies, inspire sympathy in many people and are widely liked. In 2000, Cheng was awarded for his contributions to the Taiwanese culture by the American Taiwanese Care Inc., commending him as “the most important and influential Taiwanese song composer of the century”.

從懵懂直到走過不惑之年,再來回顧生活中的點滴。《阿爸的風 吹》是作者緬懷小學老師以風箏來比喻人生的教誨,如慈母般的叮 嚀,有感而寫。

Written by a man who knows the ways of the world, My Father’s Kite is a revisit to the innocence of youth. It was inspired by the composer’s primary school teacher, who likened life’s passage as the flight of a kite, giving kind advices to the children.


歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes

陳明章 Chen Ming-Chang (生於 b. 1956)


Travelling to Tam Sui (Hsu Shuan-Lian arr.) * 有緣,無緣,大家來作伙, 燒酒喝一杯,乎乾啦!

Whether we’re meant to be friends, come together, have some liquor, cheers!

扞著風琴,提著結他,雙人牽作伙, 為著生活流浪到淡水。 想起故鄉心愛的人,感情用這厚, 才知影痴情,是第一憨的人。 燒酒落喉,心情輕鬆,鬱卒放棄捨, 往事將伊當作一場夢。 想起故鄉心愛的人,將伊放味記, 流浪到他鄉,重新過日子。

Carrying the accordion, taking the guitar, two as a pair, travelling to Tam Sui for a living. Think of the beloved back at home, the feelings so deep, and realize my passion, being a naive person. Throw back the liquor, lighten the mood, leave the gloominess, treat the past as a dream. Think of the beloved back at home, leave her in memories, travelling to a new place, living a new life.

阮不是喜愛虛華, 阮只是環境來拖磨。 人客若叫阮,風雨嘛著行, 為伊唱出留戀的情歌。

I’m not looking for luxuries, I’m just striving under the circumstances. If a patron calls, even through wind and rain, I will sing you a romantic love song.

人生浮沉起起落落,毋免來煩惱。 有時月圓,有時也味平。 趁著今晚歡歡喜喜,鬥陣來作伙, 你來跳舞,我來唸歌詩。

Life has its ups and downs, there’s no need to worry. Sometimes the moon is full, sometimes it wanes. Let’s make merriment tonight, come together here, you can dance, I will sing.

有緣,無緣,大家來作伙, 燒酒喝一杯,乎乾啦!

Whether we’re meant to be friends, come together, have some liquor, cheers! Original lyrics by Chen Ming-Chang


這是台灣視障歌手金門王和李炳輝的成名曲。他們一人手風琴一人 吉他,在淡水的茶室走唱二十餘年,唱出小人物的心聲。《流浪到 淡水》是他們合作發行的第一張同名專輯,也是他們二人最紅的 金曲。

Travelling to Tam Sui is the song that shot visually impaired Taiwanese singers Jin Men Wang and Lee Bing Hui to fame. Finding their ways together, they travelled to Tam Sui with an accordion and a guitar, to begin their career as regular café performers that endured more than 20 years.



Lyrics and Programme Notes

冉天豪(編曲) Jen Tien-hao (arr.) (生於 b. 1973)

懷舊時代曲精選 Selections of Mandarin Ol 不了情 Love Without End * 忘不了 忘不了 忘不了你的錯 忘不了你的好 忘不了雨中的散步 也忘不了那風裏的擁抱

Can’t forget, can’t forget can’t forget your faults, can’t forget your virtues Can’t forget the walk in the rain nor the embrace in the wind

忘不了 忘不了 忘不了你的淚 忘不了你的笑 忘不了葉落的惆悵 也忘不了那花開的煩惱

Can’t forget, can’t forget Can’t forget your tears, can’t forget your laughs Can’t forget the melancholy of falling leaves nor the worries of blooming flowers

寂寞的長巷 而今斜月清照 冷落的鞦韆 而今迎風輕搖 它重複你的叮嚀 一聲聲 忘了 忘了 它低訴我的衷曲 一聲聲 難了 難了

Lonely lane, now lit by the moon Desolate swing, now swaying with the wind It repeats your advice, over and over: to forget, to forget It chants my heart’s song, over and over: it’s so hard, so hard

忘不了 忘不了 忘不了春已盡 忘不了花已老 忘不了離別的滋味 也忘不了那相思的苦惱

Can’t forget, can’t forget can’t forget spring has passed, can’t forget flowers have wilted Can’t forget the taste of parting nor the torment of yearning


Original lyrics by Tao Qin


歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes

ldies 再見我的愛人 Goodbye My Love my love 我的愛人 再見 * Goodbye Goodbye my love 相見不知那一天 我把一切給了你 希望你要珍惜 不要辜負我的真情意

Goodbye my love 我的愛人 再見 Goodbye my love 從此和你分離

Goodbye my love, my beloved, goodbye Goodbye my love, don’t know when we’d meet again I’ve given you everything, I hope you can cherish that Don’t disappoint my heartfelt affections

我會永遠永遠愛你在心裡 希望你不要把我忘記

Goodbye my love, my beloved, goodbye Goodbye my love, parted from you hereafter I will love you forever in my heart I hope you won’t forget me

我永遠懷念你 溫柔的情懷裡 熱紅的心懷念你 甜蜜的吻懷念你 那醉人的歌聲 怎能忘記這段情 我的愛再見 不知那日再相見

I’ll miss you forever, miss you in the warm embrace miss you in the passionate heart, miss you in the sweet kiss That ravishing song, how can I forget our love My beloved, goodbye, don’t know when we’d meet again


Goodbye my love

We will meet again one day Goodbye my love


Original lyrics by Wen Cai



Lyrics and Programme Notes


The Moon Represents My Heart * 你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分 我的情也真,我的愛也真 月亮代表我的心

You ask how much I love you how deep is my love My feeling is true, my love is real the moon represents my heart

你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分 我的情不移,我的愛不變 月亮代表我的心

You ask how much I love you how deep is my love My feeling stays strong, my love unchanging the moon represents my heart

輕輕的一個吻 已經打動我的心 深深的一段情 教我思念到如今

So light a kiss already touched my heart So deep the love that I still miss it today

你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分 你去想一想,你去看一看 月亮代表我的心 我愛你有多深

You ask how much I love you how deep is my love Just pause and think, just go and see the moon represents my heart how deep I love you


Original lyrics by Sun Yi

冉天豪 1973年生於台北,畢業於國立政治大學英語系,現為全職音 樂創作者。 2001年開始投入中文音樂劇作曲與監製,至今已完成七 部原創作品與三部改編作品。 1994年開始從事合唱編曲,至今已有 超過六十首作品發表,現為台北愛樂合唱團特約編曲。曾任福爾摩 沙合唱團、台北男聲合唱團、 T42 Singers駐團編曲, 2002年獲台 灣重唱大賽最佳編曲獎。 2003年開始從事管絃樂團編曲。音樂創作 之外,亦不定期撰寫專欄與樂評。


以下四首作品均為冉天豪為台北愛樂合唱團及台北愛樂劇工場 2008 《台北.上海-雙城戀曲》製作所改編。

黎錦光( 1907-1993)所作、金嗓歌后周璇原唱的《愛神的箭》, 和 1970年代翁清溪所作、一代妖姬崔苔青原唱的《愛神》,都是紅 極一時、轟動當代的流行金曲。冉天豪將代表兩岸、兩個時代的經 典愛情老歌結合,原汁原味地展現兩個不同的舊時代、各具代表性 流行樂曲風,並加注音樂劇元素改編成鋼琴與合唱的版本。

《不了情》原是 1961年上映的一部香港電影,由陶秦執導,林黛及 關山主演。電影同名主題曲《不了情》為導演陶秦作詞,以《今宵 多珍重》、《南屏晚鐘》等歌曲聞名於世的作曲家王福齡( 19251989) 譜 曲 , 因 其 優 美 的 旋 律 與 動 人 的 歌 詞 成 為 了 著 名 國 語 流 行 曲,屢屢傳唱至今。 《再見我的愛人》這首經典情歌是日本作曲家平尾昌晃(生於 1937 )所作,也是永遠的歌后鄧麗君的名曲之一。深刻的音符加上鄧麗 君溫柔的嗓音,把歌詞中即將與愛人訣別的不捨表現得淋漓盡致, 34

《 月 亮 代 表 我 的 心 》 由 台 灣 流 行 音 樂 大 師 翁 清 溪 ( 生 於 1936 ) 作 曲,堪稱是華人世界最熟悉的經典歌曲。一般都認為此曲是鄧麗君 原唱,但原唱者其實是台語歌后-陳芬蘭,初次在臺灣發表時並未 受到特別的注意,反而在新加坡等地大受歡迎,最後以婉約秀麗的 鄧麗君版本唱紅回臺灣,至今此曲仍是歌壇上無可取代的經典老情歌。

Jen Tien-hao was born in 1973 in Taipei. He graduated from the Department of English, National Chengchi University, and is currently a professional music writer. Since 2001, Jan has participated in composing and producing Chinese musicals. To date he has completed 7 original works and 3 adaptations. Jen has been arranging choral pieces since

歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes


Cupid's Arrow / Cupid * 愛神的箭射向何方 射向那少女的心坎上 少女的心徬徨 情話要偷偷地講

在哪裡 在哪裡 不要隱藏你自己 要高興 要歡喜 愛神已經找到你

Where did Cupid shoot his arrow Into the heart of a young girl Anxious is the heart of the girl Whispers of love spoken in secret

Where are you, where are you Don’t hide yourself away Be glad, be joyful Cupid has found you

愛神的箭射向何方 射向那少男的心坎上 少男的心惆悵 情網要輕輕地闖

真的情 真的意 不要埋在你心裡 要接受 要珍惜 愛神已經找到你

Where did Cupid shoot his arrow Into the heart of a young boy Pensive is the heart of the boy Gates of love to be charged gently

True feelings, real intentions Don’t bury them in your heart Accept them, cherish them Cupid has found you

愛神有的是好心腸 兩顆心 串一雙 多情的人兒如願償 朝朝暮暮常偎傍

讓我們在一起 做一對好情侶 說出你心裡的話 拋開那煩惱憂慮

Cupid has a kind heart Make a link between two hearts Passionate lovers get their wish Day in day out stay together

Let us be together Be a good couple Say what is in your heart Let go of the worries

情網是軟綿綿的床 情話是甜蜜蜜的糖 談情話 睡情網 愛神的功德無量

在此時 在此刻 這裡有我也有你 要開心 要得意 愛神已經找到你

The net of love makes a soft bed The whispers of love taste like sweets Talking sweet nothings, entangled in love Great are the works of Cupid

At this moment, at this hour I am here, and so are you Be happy, be pleased Cupid has found you


Great are the works of Cupid


Original lyrics by Chan Dip-Yi and Sun Yi

1994, and has published over 60 works. He was the resident arranger for the Formosa Singers, Taipei Male Choir, and T42 Singers. Currently he serves as a special arranger for the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. Jen was awarded Best Arranger in the 2002 Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival. In 2003, Jen started arranging music for symphonic orchestra as well. Aside from writing music, he also writes as a columnist and a music critic. The following four pieces were specially arranged by Jen for Taipei Philharmonic Choir and Taipei Philharmonic Theater’s 2008 production A Love Story About Shanghai and Taipei. Love Without End is from a 1961 Hong Kong film directed by Tao Qin, who also wrote the lyrics for film’s theme song of the same name. The song was composed by famous songwriter Wang Fu-Ling (1925-1989). Due to its beautiful melody and touching lyrics, the song has gained much popularity, and is still a well-known mandarin pop song nowadays.

Originally a Japanese pop tune by Hirao Masaaki (b. 1937), the song Goodbye My Love is one of Teresa Teng’s all-time favourites. The song begins with the lyrics “Goodbye my love” as the singer bid farewell to the memories of a romantic relationship, pronouncing the lingering feelings of parting lovers in the recurring lines of melody. Hailed as the most popular Chinese pop song in history, The Moon Represents My Heart, composed by Weng Ching-Hsi (b. 1936) is familiar for audience all around the world, and was sung not only by the legendary Teresa Teng, but also other great singers, including Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung and Tsai Chin. Cupid’s Arrow, composed by Li Jin-Guang (1907-1993) is one of the popular tunes that make the glorious days of Chinese pop music in Shanghai in the 30s. Weng Ching-Hsi’s Cupid, on the other hand, is a top hit of the 70s, sung by the sexy singer-actress Tsui Tai-Ching. Jamming two famous pop songs together in this arrangement, the composer Jen Tien-Hao really shows his humor and creativity in this arrangement. 35


Lyrics and Programme Notes

黑人靈歌 Negro Spiritual

悄然離去(盧波夫編) Steal Away (Norman Luboff arr.) away to Jesus * Steal Steal away home

遠離地上的家園 回到耶穌的懷中

I ain’t got long to stay here My Lord, he calls me He calls me by the thunders The trumpet sounds within-a my soul

我在此的時日無多 我主在召喚我 祂在雷聲中呼喚我 我靈魂深處的小號也隨之響起應答

I ain’t got long to stay here


盧波夫( 1917-1987)是一位美國的編曲家、音樂出版人及合唱指 揮。他曾為多套電視節目及超過八十齣電影配樂。在 1950年成立了 華爾頓音樂公司,發行自己的作品。亦是 1950至 70年代頂尖合唱團 之一的盧波夫合唱團之創辦人及指揮。

Norman Luboff (1917-1987) was an American music arranger, music publisher, and choir director. He made a successful career scoring many television programs and more than eighty motion pictures. In 1950, he established Walton Music Corporation, to publish his music. Luboff was the founder and conductor of the Norman Luboff Choir, one of the leading choral groups of the 1950s to 70s.

《悄然離去》是一首傳統的黑人靈歌曲調,盧波夫編成以爵士樂 伴奏,有著濃郁的藍調風味,但亦不失內心虔誠的信仰以及對天家 的嚮往。通常黑人靈歌的歌詞都會有雙重意義,因此像「遠離地 上的家園……我在此的時日無多」,亦可以解讀成「一起逃去北方 吧……我不會在這個農場久待」,暗暗表達黑人奴隸的心聲。


Steal Away is an American Negro spiritual. Luboff arranged it with jazz accompaniment, lending it a strong blues element, while retaining its original religious expression. Like most Negro spirituals, the lyrics here have double meanings: “Steal away to Jesus... I ain’t got long to stay here” can also be interpreted as “Let’s escape to the North... I’ll not be long on this plantation”, voicing the Black slaves’ wish in secret.

歌詞及樂曲介紹 Lyrics and Programme Notes

漢普頓 Keith Hampton (生於 b. 1957)

讚美主聖名 Praise His Holy Name till the power of the Lord come down. * Sing Shout Hallelujah! Praise His Holy name!

引吭高歌直到我主威能盈滿週遍 大呼哈雷路亞! 讚美祂聖名!

Amazing grace,how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me; I once was lost,but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.

奇異恩典,何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免! 前我失喪,今被尋回, 瞎眼今得看見。

Jesus, Jesus, how I love Thee! Shout Hallelujah! Praise His Holy name!

耶穌,耶穌,我多麼親愛禰! 大呼哈雷路亞! 讚美祂聖名!

Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free? No, there’s a cross for ev’ryone and there’s a cross for me.

並非耶穌獨負十架 世人自由閒暇? 各人原來都有十架 我亦當負十架。

Holy Jesus, Praise His Name, Oh! Hallelujah, Praise His Holy Name! Praise Him!

耶穌,讚美祂的名! 噢!哈雷路亞!讚美祂聖名! 讚美祂!

漢普頓是活躍於芝加哥教會的作曲家、指揮家、管風琴演奏家及教 育家。他在西敏合唱學院獲得音樂教育學士學位,到馬利蘭大學完 成音樂藝術碩士,然後在西北大學得音樂博士,主修教會音樂。漢 普頓現為芝加哥社區合唱團及多隊合唱團的音樂總監。漢普頓也是 Dr. K.Y. Productions, Inc. 主席,該機構致力將黑人福音音樂整理 樂譜並且出版,以保存及推廣這些音樂。

Arts in Music at The University of Maryland, and a Doctor of Music at Northwestern University, majoring in church music. Hampton is currently the music director of Chicago Community Choir and many other choirs. He is also the president of Dr. K.Y. Productions, Inc., which mission is to score and publish Gospel music, to further its preservation and promotion.

《讚美祂聖名》是漢普頓眾多福音歌曲中最受歡迎的一首。樂曲 雖為原創,歌詞卻用了多首經典聖詩如《奇妙恩典》、《各有十架 歌》等。樂曲巧妙地運用重覆,讓新素材在續次反覆中加入,使篇 幅短少的樂曲卻能有豐富層次與變化,甚至可隨意延長,充份反映 了黑人教會音樂的即興性。

Hampton is a composer, conductor, organist and educator active in the Chicago church. He obtained a Bachelor degree in Music Education at Westminster Choir College, a Master of

Praise His Holy Name is the most popular among Hampton’s music. While the tune is original, the lyrics come from wellknown hymns like Amazing Grace and Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone. The song makes clever use of repeats, adding new elements in each consecutive repetition, giving depth and variations to the relatively short piece. Because of this design, the song can also be extended ad lib, reflecting the impromptu nature of Afro-American church music.



Lyrics and Programme Notes

華倫 Mervyn Warren (生於 b. 1964)


Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration – Hallelujah * Hallelujah! For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

哈利路亞! 因為主我們的上帝,全能者作王了。

The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever. King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

世上的國 成了我主和主基督的國; 他要作王,直到永永遠遠。 萬王之王,萬主之主。

黑人流行音樂家華倫是著名無伴奏合唱組合 Take 6成員,也是行內 有 名 的 唱 片 監 製 。 1992 年 華 倫 聯 同 當 時 最 頂 尖 的 福 音 音 樂 人 , 將 韓德爾著名的《彌賽亞》以黑人風格重新演繹,成了《韓德爾的彌 賽亞:騷靈慶曲》大碟,該唱片更榮獲格林美獎。是次演出當中的 新編「哈雷路亞」大合唱,音樂是徹底的黑人風格版本,盡攬爵士 樂、福音音樂及節奏藍調風格。聽過這個加入了爵士樂的律動、節 奏以及和聲的「哈雷路亞」,相信會讓人恍然大悟:「原來韓德爾 可以這麼搖滾而瘋狂!」

American-African pop musician Mervyn Warren is a member of famous a cappella group Take 6, and also an acclaimed producer in the industry. In 1992, he called for the aid from the best gospel musicians, produced the album “Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration”, which brought him a Grammy Award as a result. The arrangement of Hallelujah performed in this concert is taken from that legendary album, where Messiah was set in jazz, gospel, rhythm and blues. It lends Hallelujah chorus the swing, rhythm and harmony of jazz music, while capturing all the original drive and excitement, and merging contemporary with classic in a refreshing way.




演出者 Performers 指揮 Conductors

鋼琴 Pianist 爵士鼓 Drumset

杜黑 Dirk DuHei 古育仲 Yu-Chung John Ku 黃穎兒、黃歷琛、謝嘉盈 Solomon Wong, Alexander Wong, Tse Ka Ying 陳江平 Ken Chan

香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus

香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 女高音 Soprano 戚芷君 蔡菁華 何嘉雯 賀曼玲 勞翰琳 羅玉鈴* 李彥霖 李彥樂 梁錦鈴 單顥鈺* 崔泳芝 黃舜瑜

女低音 Alto

CHIK Tsz Kwan CHOI Ching Wah HO Ka Man HO Man Ling LAO Helen Hon Lam LAW Yuk Ling* LEE Yin Lam Patricia LEE Yin Lok LEUNG Kam Ling SHAN Hao Yu* TSUI Wing Chi WONG Shun Yu

男高音 Tenor 陳嘉麟 張偉文* 范建明 方樂知 何翱宇 李雲龍 盧安晞 伍澤鴻 黃家駿 阮政喬*

陳翠儀 陳倩鈺 陳蘊明* 張紫瑤 趙惠聰 胡婷 羅于裴 李彥婷 廖潔盈 劉璐 劉冉 倪雪映 司徒嘉欣* 鄧汀琳 黃芷菁

CHAN Chui Yee CHAN Sin Yuk CHAN Wan Ming* CHEUNG Tsz Yiu CHIU Wai Chung HU Ting LAW Yu Pui LI Yan Ting LIU Kit Ying LIU Lu LIU Ran NI Xueying SI TOU Ka Yan* TANG Ding Lin WONG Flora Chi Ching

男低音 Bass

CHAN Ka Lun CHEUNG Wai Man* FAN Kin Ming FONG Lok Chi HO Ngo Yu LI Wan Lung David LO On Hei Solomon NG Chak Hung WONG Ka Chun YUEN Ching Kiu*

陳韋丞 張凱傑* 程啓翔 朱立榮 郭潤山 盧居樂* 任義 唐錦亮 謝勇存 王慶森 汪然 謝宜霖 辛欣

CHAN Wai Shing CHEUNG Hoi Kit* CHING Kai Cheung CHU Lap Wing KWOK Yun Shan Peter LO Kui Lok* REN Yi TONG Kam Leong TSE Yeong Tswen Jorden WANG Qingsen WANG Ran XIE Yilin XIN Xin

* 聲部長 Part leader


幹事會、籌委會成員及職員 Committee Members and Staffs

香港中文大學合唱團幹事會 2010–11

Executive Committee 2010–11, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 團長 Chairperson 黃家駿 Wong Ka Chun 譜務 Score Librarian 副團長 Vice-Chairperson 羅于裴 Law Yu Pui 總務 General Affairs Officer 秘書 Secretary 司徒嘉欣 Si Tou Ka Yan 福利 Welfare Officer 財政 Treasurer 朱立榮 Chu Lap Wing 宣傳及出版 Promotion Officer 伍澤鴻 Ng Chak Hung

陳榮慰 Chan Wing Wai 梁境融 Leung King Yung 汪然 Wang Ran


Concert Organizing Committee 2011, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 主席 Chairperson 羅于裴 Law Yu Pui 財政 Treasurer 朱立榮 Chu Lap Wing 市場推廣部 Marketing Department 經理 Department Manager 黃家駿 Wong Ka Chun 成員 Member 張紫瑤 Cheung Tsz Yiu 宣傳部 Promotion Department 經理 Department Manager 司徒嘉欣 Si Tou Ka Yan 成員 Members 方樂知 Fong Lok Chi 盧安晞 Lo On Hei 出版部 Publication Department 經理 Department Manager 陳蘊明 Chan Wan Ming 成員 Member 王慶森 Wang Qingsen 票務 Ticketing Officer

職員 Staffs 舞台總監 Stage Manager 攝影師 Photographer 錄像監製 Video Producer 錄音監製 Record Engineer

梁國順 余錦超 謝劍飛 胡銘堯

Gordon Leung Martin Yu Zac Tse Dennis Wu

出版 Publication 編輯 Editors 陳蘊明 Chan Wan Ming 朱振威 Leon Chu 美術總監 Art Director 朱念爵 Richard Chu

伍澤鴻 Ng Chak Hung

加入我們! Join Us! 香港中文大學合唱團是香港其中一隊最受推崇,充滿活力的大學合唱團。 每年,中大合唱團都有著令人驚艷且多元化的演出計劃。既有搜羅多首動聽合唱經 典及富挑戰性作品的周年音樂會,也有一年一度於半島酒店等著名地標舉行聖誕演 出;在亞洲各大城市頻密出訪向外展示實力的同時,為數不少的客席演出又讓合唱 團有機會與世界各地不同樂團、獨唱家及指揮家合作,擴闊學生視野。 常規排練逢星期一晚上進行,所有團員均須通過試音,內容包括獨唱、試唱測試及 簡短訪談。

演出預告: 暹羅愛樂樂團馬勒系列 馬勒第二交響曲,《復活》 曼谷, 2011年 10月(暫定)

Our next performance: Siam Philharmonic’s Mahler Cycle Mahler’s Symphony No.2, “Resurrection” Bangkok, October 2011 (Pending)

我們新一輪試音將於五月舉行。如果你有興趣加入中大合唱團,請電郵 報名。學生(本科生與研究生)及校友均歡迎參加!

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus is one of the most highly respected and vibrant university choirs in Hong Kong. Each year CU Chorus has a variety of exhilarating and varied projects. We perform popular classics and sing unusual or challenging music in the annual concert, and give Christmas performances in renowned venues (e.g. The Peninsula). CU Chorus’ frequent tours to cities in Asia continue to promote its reputation for music-making at the highest standard, and the number of guest appearances let members have the opportunities to work with various orchestras, soloists and conductors worldwide. Regular Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings, and all members are required to pass an audition consisting of a solo piece, a sight-reading test and an interview. Our coming audition sessions will be held in May. If you would like to join us, please email to apply for an audition. Both current students (undergraduates and post-graduates) and alumni are welcome! 41


Support and Co-operation

音樂會指導機構 Guiding Organisation of Annual Performance 財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會

Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education

教師合唱指揮講座合辦機構 Co-organiser of Teacher's Choral Conducting Workshop 香港特別行政區教育局藝術教育組

Arts Education Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR

傳媒伙伴 Media Partners


Kwang Hua Information and Culture Center 星島日報 Sing Tao Daily 明報周刊 Ming Pao Weekly 亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan 大公報 Ta Kung Pao 東方日報 Oriental Daily

香港電台第四台 RTHK Radio 4 新城知訊台 MetroInfo 文化地圖 CULTaMAP 中大校園電台 The Campus Radio of The Chinese University 中大學生報 Chinese University Student Press

音樂伙伴 Music Partners


Parsons Music 香港手鈴藝術學院 Hong Kong Handbell Academy 香港中樂團 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 崇基合唱團 Chung Chi Choir


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students' Union Chinese Orchestra 香港科技大學學生會合唱團 The University Choir, HKUSTSU 香港科技大學學生會管弦樂團

University Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSTSU 香港城市大學管弦樂團 City University Philharmonic Orchestra 香港教師愛樂合唱團 Hong Kong Teachers' Chorus 明儀合唱團 Allegro Singers 香港中文大學校友事務處 Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK 香港中文大學藝術行政主任辦公室

Office of the Arts Administrator, CUHK 邵逸夫堂 Sir Run Run Shaw Hall 聯合書院 United College 逸夫書院 Shaw College 香港中文大學各教學部門

Various Teaching Departments at CUHK 陳秋蓉小姐 Ms. CHAN Chau Yung 陳江平先生 Mr. Ken CHAN 陳勵奮先生 Mr. CHAN Lai Fai 陳石明先生 Mr. CHAN Shek Ming 陳少君女士 Ms. CHAN Siu Kwan 陳榮慰先生 Mr. CHAN Wing Wai 周愛玲女士 Ms. CHOW Ai Ling


香港藝術節協會有限公司 Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Ltd 香港歌劇院合唱團 Opera Hong Kong Chorus 香港演奏家管樂團 Hong Kong Performers Winds 香港交響樂團 Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra 香港華夏之聲藝術團

Hong Kong Hua Xia Zhi Sheng Performing Arts Association 貝多芬音樂藝術學院 Beethoven Music And Arts Studio 亞洲匯藝 Asia Meets Asia 香港鋼琴音樂協會 Hong Kong Piano Music Association 葉氏兒童音樂實踐中心

Yip's Children's Choral and Performing Arts Centre 音樂領域 Music Domain 朱念爵先生 Mr. Richard CHU 馮彩霞小姐 Ms. FUNG Choi Ha 徐牧君小姐 Ms. Amber Mu-Chun HSU 李泳杰先生 Mr. LEE Yung-Jye 梁國順先生 Mr. Gordon LEUNG 梁境融先生 Mr. LEUNG King Yung 劉曉書小姐 Ms. LIU Hsiao-Shu 劉葳莉女士 Ms. Willy LIU 吳美珠女士 Ms. Debbie M.C. NG 戴傑文先生 Mr. TAI Kit Man 譚宏標先生 Mr. TAM Wang Bui 謝劍飛先生 Mr. Zac TSE 王戩先生 Mr. WANG Jian 王舒慧小姐 Ms. WANG Su-Huei 王海平先生 Mr. WONG Hoi Ping 胡銘堯先生 Mr. Dennis WU 胡愛珠小姐 Ms. WU Oi Chu 余錦超先生 Mr. Martin YU

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