Message from the Vice-Chancellor I am very pleased to be invited to the Christmas concert of the CU Chorus, a fine tradition which no doubt the current organizers have taken great trouble to maintain and improve on. As one of the earliest established campus choral groups in Hong Kong, and one that is often proved to be among the best in public competitions, CU Chorus has chosen for its theme the performance of jazz music in their 2012 presentation, a bold attempt and a gust of fresh air into the traditional college choral repertoire. Over the years jazz music has not been the choice of mainstream choral conductors in Hong Kong, partly because not all conductors are familiar with the genre and its particular modes of expression, and partly because of its seeming distance from the classical masterpieces. Hence well-executed jazz music is a rare treat for the audience in Hong Kong, especially when performed by a mixed choir of considerable size. I am sure the CU Chorus, as an experienced and professionally trained ensemble, will rise to the occasion in the jazz renditions of Christmas favourites that we are hearing tonight, and that the audience will come away well sated with good music.
今天晚上承中大合唱團邀請,出席他們的聖誕音樂會,至感歡欣。 合唱團的負責人花上不少精神和氣力去籌備這個音樂會,並使之更 瑧完美,實在令人敬佩。中大合唱團是本港高校中同類團體中歷 史最悠久的其中之一,也在公開比賽中屢屢奪標。合唱團是次的公 演,選擇了爵士樂的演繹,在本港校園合唱團中是比較少見的,也 為合唱團的曲目帶來新意。 歷年來爵士樂曲鮮為主流合唱團指揮所選用,其原因之一固然是有 很多指揮並不熟習爵士樂與其獨特的演奏方式,而另一方面,也有 不少人認為爵士樂與正統古典音樂有很大的差異。因此,在香港要 欣賞一場高水準的爵士音樂會並非易事,由大規模混聲合唱團來演 出就更少見了。我深信訓練有素,經驗豐富的中大合唱團在今晚以 爵士樂形式演唱耳熟能詳的聖誕歌曲,定必勝任愉快,令在場聽眾 耳目一新。
I also take the opportunity here to extend my best wishes to the CU Chorus, and look forward to the pleasure of listening more to their music as they seek to break new and worthy grounds in the expansion of their repertoire.
Joseph J Y Sung Vice-Chancellor and President The Chinese University of Hong Kong
我亦藉此機會祝願中大合唱團百尺竿頭,更進一步,在開拓音樂新 領域的事業上繼續邁進。
香港中文大學校長 沈祖堯 Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
Howard McCrary 獻辭 Message from Howard McCrary 英文中「啟發」 (inspired) 一字,來自「精神所在」 (in spirit)。
To be “inspired” derives from the expression “in spirit”.
一詞記之,這場音樂會的目的就是「啟發」。最重要的:這是聖誕 節!這是一年之中,我們慶祝人類慈愛與美善的日子,這次更結合 了天才指揮朱振威帶領下的香港中文大學合唱團天使般的聲音,演 唱我為他們重新編曲的新舊聖誕歌曲。這次世界首演的聖誕作品以 爵士與福音風格為主,也有一點香港流行曲的味道。我們有香港最 好的樂手一起演奏:令人驚艷的低音大提琴手蕭偉中、傳奇結他手 Skip Moy,以及為我們演奏薩克管的特別嘉賓,既漂亮又富才華的 Kitty Ng 。當創意與喜樂的心相遇,凡事皆可能。我也會演唱兩首 在我首張在香港發行的慈善大碟《 World Peace and Love》的歌曲。
This is what this concert is all about – “inspiration”! First and foremost, it’s Christmas! The time of year when we celebrate kindness and goodwill to all mankind, combined with the exuberance of the well-trained and purely angelic voices of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus, under the direction of their gifted conductor Leon Chu, singing new and traditional songs that I have arranged especially for them. This will be a world premiere of Christmas Jazz and Gospel with a touch of Canton Pop. We also have some of Hong Kong’s finest musicians performing with us: the amazingly competent Justin Siu on bass, the legendary Skip Moy on guitar, and our special guest on saxophone, the beautiful and talented Kitty Ng. Whenever creative and joyful hearts get together, anything is possible. I am also performing two numbers from my debut HK charity CD World Peace and Love.
希望這是一個難忘的愉快爵士夜! 讓我們一起享受歡欣……這是聖誕節!
We hope this will be an unforgettable evening of Jazz and Joy! Let us rejoice together... it’s Christmas! 2
A Jazzy Christmas with Howard McCrary
Message from President, CU Chorus Association On behalf of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus, first I would like to wish every dear audience here an early merry little Christmas.
首先謹代表香港中文大學合唱團,預祝各位觀眾聖誕快樂。 能夠流傳後世、膾炙人口的聖誕音樂,大多旋律優美而平易近人。 它們往往不是出自名家之手,而是透過教會、合唱團爭相傳頌而為 世人所熟知。能歷久常新、為人津津樂道者,必為好音樂,也要 跟觀眾分享。今年香港中文大學合唱團為大家帶來的一系列聖誕音 樂,熟悉以外還有著一點新鮮感。我們很榮幸邀得美國爵士樂大師 Howard McCrary 為我們改編本來耳熟能詳的聖誕歌曲,注入爵士 樂元素,除了對團員們的節奏感、聽力設下新挑戰外,亦期望能讓 觀眾耳目一新,在十二月初的週末,輕鬆感受合唱音樂與爵士樂隊 營造的獨特氛圍。 對合唱團而言,聖誕節是一年一度佈佳音的日子。香港中文大學合 唱團多年來一直維持聖誕佈佳音的傳統,與群眾分享聖誕節、分享 合唱音樂帶來的歡樂,亦歡迎各位前來觀賞我們酒店演出及街頭佈 佳音活動。有關詳情,請密切留意本團網站及臉書群組更新。 如果我們的努力值得大家認同,請踴躍支持我們的《乘著歌聲的翅 膀》贊助計劃,讓我們當中經濟能力稍遜、但對合唱音樂的熱情不 輸任何人的團員(尤其尚處於求學階段的本科生),有機會將美妙 的歌聲與世界各地的觀眾分享,為推廣香港合唱音樂共同努力。我 衷心希望今晚的音樂能打進各位觀眾的心坎,亦在此保證,我們會 以同樣認真、嚴謹的態度,將同樣美妙的音樂帶至世界各地。有各 位的幫助,我們這小小的夢想才有機會成真。 最後,請各位細心欣賞中大合唱團的表演。
Though not all Christmas songs and carols sung to date are composed by renowned composers, they are in general beautiful yet down-to-earth. We believe that music which stays popular through centuries of varying audiences must be of the finest quality, and we take it as our mission to share them with fellow music lovers. This year, we are honoured to have invited Howard McCrary, the legendary American jazz singer and composer, to rearrange familiar Christmas carols into a brand new jazzy style for us. In order to present the audiences with a refreshing experience of the crossover between choral and jazz repertoire, CU Chorus members have risen to the challenge, stretching the limits of our rhythmic and aural skills, striving to become a native spiritual chorus. We hope that our efforts can successfully transform into an enjoyable performance tonight. Christmas caroling is one of the major choral activities throughout the world; it means more than just another performance for us. Always ready to serve the Hong Kong community with our voices, CU Chorus will continue with our caroling performance both in hotels and on the streets this Christmas. Please refer to our website and Facebook page for the latest updates. If you appreciate our efforts in pursuing musical excellence, please do not hesitate to support us through our “On Wings of Song” patronage scheme. Since bringing Hong Kong choral music to the world is one of CU Chorus’ major missions, it is truly regrettable that some very passionate yet less economically resourceful members, particularly undergraduates, cannot join our tours due to financial constraints. I hope that our concert tonight can impress you with our seriousness and sincerity in making good music, and we promise to share our music in other parts of the world with equal dedication. Your kind endorsement can help our dream come true. Please enjoy the performance of the CU Chorus. Cheung Wai Man President (2012-13) CU Chorus Association
中大合唱協會 二零一二至一三年度理事會會長 張偉文 Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
Message from Chairman, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus What does Christmas mean to you? A time for gathering with family and friends? To celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at the church? Or exchange of presents with your good friends? This year, CU Chorus will work together with Howard McCrary to present a set of Christmas songs rearranged in jazzy style, a refreshing take on the traditional tunes. I was so nervous when I got to know about the concert, as jazz music has always been improvising, it would be a great challenge for us to be performing with Howard in the view of choral singing. The harmony in jazz music is ever changing and the rhythm can also be quite complicated, yet I believe we will bring our audiences an unforgettable night with a fresh image.
聖誕節對你來說是怎樣的日子?跟家人、情人一起歡渡佳節?在聖 堂慶祝耶穌的降生?或只是與好友交換禮物? 今年,香港中文大學合唱團將會首次以爵士風格,演繹由 Howard McCrary重新編曲的一套聖誕歌,相信會給大家新鮮感。 剛知道今年有這場表演的時候真的十分緊張,因為爵士音樂是一種 即興音樂,所以在合唱的角度去看,我們合唱團跟 Howard合作是 一大挑戰。爵士音樂的和弦進行千變萬化,而且節奏複雜,不過我 相信這次音樂會將帶給觀眾一個難忘的夜晚以及給大家一個新鮮的 形象。
In the three months from the beginning of semester to this moment, we have put in a lot of efforts to prepare for the concert; after all the rehearsals, we can finally share this Jazzy Christmas with all of you. Hope you enjoy the show tonight! Man Ho Yin Chairman (2012–2013) The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
從開學到現在三個月期間,我們付出了很多時間精力籌備這場音 樂會,終於能夠在今晚跟大家一起渡過這個爵士聖誕,請大家細心 欣賞。 香港中文大學合唱團 二零一二至二零一三年度團長 文浩然
A Jazzy Christmas with Howard McCrary
Message from Music Director 今晚是中大合唱團很多的「第一次」: 第一次主辦自己的聖誕音樂會; 第一次演出全爵士曲目; 第一次為「乘著歌聲的翅膀」計劃舉行籌款音樂會; 最重要的,當然是第一次與美國樂壇的傳奇人物 Howard McCrary 同台演出! 回想年中與 Howard與 Ivy兩夫婦初次會面,其實也打定輸數,心想 大不了對方婉拒然後有緣再會吧。所以,當 Howard一口答應演出 邀請,且承諾為整場音樂會重新編曲,甚至動用自己的「人情牌」 邀請其他爵士好手加盟演出,實在教我喜出望外:能夠有如此大師 級人馬加盟演出,對團員及觀眾都是好事。 的確,爵士音樂或是富爵士樂元素的流行曲我們也許聽過很多, 但真正親身演繹,對我們大部份團員來說也是新鮮的事。託賴 Howard對我們諄諄善誘,讓我們能突破自己的框框,走入爵士樂 的世界。希望大家會喜歡我們努力的成果 —為了征服爵士和聲,很 多團員得日以繼夜夜以繼日地與樂譜及 Howard的 demo錄音為伴, 才得以成功!大家今晚所見,絕非僅僅「每星期排練三小時」就能 得到的結果。 儘 管 這 是 一 場 以 「 聖 誕 」 為 主 題 的 音 樂 會 , 但 我 與 Howard 在 討 論節目時都不約而同認為,聖誕節不應代表享樂或是消費,我們 都希望透過這場音樂會,回歸聖誕節那足以跨越不同文化與宗 教 的 真 義 : 愛 與 和 平 。 所 以 這 次 音 樂 會 也 選 唱 了 Howard 的 作 品 《 Change the World》,讓大家在搶先享受佳節氣氛之餘,也能帶 給大家一點啟示。 願各位平安喜樂。謝謝。 香港中文大學合唱團 音樂總監兼指揮 朱振威
Tonight marks many “firsts” for CU Chorus: The first Christmas concert we have presented on our own; The first performance with an all-jazz programme; The first fund-raising concert for “On Wings of Song” patronage scheme; And most importantly, the first collaboration with legendary American musician Howard McCrary!
Back in my first meeting with Howard and his wife Ivy in this summer, I dared not to hope that our proposal of collaboration would come to any fruition. To my pleasant surprise, not only did Howard accept the invitation to join our concert right away, he also promised to rearrange songs for the whole programme and to bring in other quality jazz musicians to the show. It is tremendously fortunate for both CU Chorus and the audiences to have such a high-calibre artist joining this performance. While we probably have all heard jazz music or jazzy pop songs, it is an uncharted territory for most of our members in terms of true musical expression in a jazzy style. Thanks to Howard and his guidance, we manage to venture out of the box and into the world of jazz music. I hope you would enjoy the fruit of our hard labour – many of our members had to practically live with the scores and Howard’s demo recordings days and nights to master the jazzy harmonies! The performance you witness tonight could not have been achieved with merely “three-hour weekly rehearsals”. Although the theme of this concert is “Christmas”, during the programme discussions Howard and I found that we both believe Christmas should not be a time of fun-seeking or spending; through this concert, we hope to bring back Christmas’ true meaning, the spirit that transcends cultures and religions: love and peace. Therefore, also included in the programme is Howard’s composition Change the World, offering a spark of inspiration amidst the seasonal joy. May peace be with you. Thank you. Leon Chu Music Director and Conductor The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
A Jazzy Christmas with Howard McCrary
曲目及演出者 Programme and Performers
二零一二年十二月一日(星期六) 晚上八時
1 December 2012 (Saturday) 8:00p.m. 香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA
Running time: approximately 2 hours, including 1 intermission
Programme 曲目 Mykola Leontovych:
Carol of the Bells*
Lowell Mason:
Joy to the World
George Frideric Handel:
Hallelujah (from Messiah)
Franz Xaver Gruber:
Silent Night
Howard McCrary (arr.): Children’s Medley – Jingle Bells Santa Claus is Coming to Town Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Frosty the Snowman Here Come Santa Claus Howard McCrary:
Change the World
Felix Mendelssohn:
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
– Intermission 中場休息 –
French Traditional 法國傳統歌曲 :
Ding Dong Merrily on High*
Joe Beal / Jim Boothe:
Jingle Bell Rock
Negro Spiritual 黑人靈歌 :
Go Tell it on the Mountain
Ralph Blane:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
George Michael:
Last Christmas
場地規則 House Rules
Howard McCrary:
The Christmas Song
English Traditional 英國傳統歌曲 :
The Twelve Days of Christmas
No eating and drinking 請勿拍照、錄音或錄影
除有 * 者外,所有曲目均由 Howard McCrary重新編曲
Except songs with *, all songs are newly arranged by Howard McCrary
Performers 演出者 香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 指揮 Conductor: 朱振威 Leon Chu 鋼琴∕獨唱 Piano / Vocal: Howard McCrary 結他 Guitar: Skip Moy 薩克斯管 Saxophone: Kitty Ng 低音大提琴 Double Bass: 蕭偉中 Justin Siu 鼓 Drums: 陳江平 Ken Chan 欲知更多合唱團資訊,請瀏覽:
No photography, recording and filming 請關掉手提電話及其他電子裝置
Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices 演奏期間請保持安靜
Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance 請留待整首樂曲完結後才報以掌聲鼓勵
Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work 如不欲保留場刊,請於完場後放回場地入口 以便回收
If you don’t wish to take this printed programme home, please return it to the admission point for recycling
For more news and information of CU Chorus, please visit: http://www.cuchorus.org.hk 13
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 「…唱來熱情充沛,正是年輕人的精神可貴之處。」 -李歐梵《明報》 經過近四十年努力不懈追求卓越,香港中文大學合唱團(中大合唱 團)已經成為香港其中一隊最具實力的大學合唱團。植根香港,放 眼國際,在香港舞台耕耘之外,多年來已踏遍華南地區以至東南亞 諸國。中大合唱團一直致力以高水準的演出,充滿創意的節目,向 普羅大眾推廣與分享合唱藝術。 中 大 合 唱 團 於 1972 年 由 一 班 中 大 學 生 自 發 成 立 , 早 期 由 學 生 擔 任 指揮。九十年代起設立固定音樂總監兼指揮一職,歷任總監有伍德 榮、葉長盛及現任朱振威。從參加學聯之夜歌唱比賽到每年主辦一 場周年公演,現在中大合唱團每年演出活動已擴展至包括主辦周年 音樂會、免費校園音樂會、海外交流演出、聖誕演出、指揮工作 坊、公益外展演出不等。 中大合唱團曾推出多個廣受歡迎的主題節目,內容多元化,不少外 國作曲家及作品也藉著中大合唱團演出而引進香港樂壇。近年主題 有推介世界各地特色作品的《聲音地圖》( 2008)、演繹古今中外 特色情歌的《愛.無處不在》( 2009)、回歸合唱根本,展示不同 風格聖樂作品的《爾名為聖》( 2010)、全面介紹台灣最新合唱面 貌的《台灣風情》( 2011),以及精選當代美國作曲家韋塔克作品 巡禮的《華麗之聲》( 2012)。中大合唱團演出除了對本地合唱團 開拓曲目發揮影響力,更藉著網絡將影響伸至全球 —2009年以色 列《新消息報》專題報道,中大合唱團的一段 YouTube錄影在當時 於世界各地猶太人間流傳,引發巨大迴響。 從成立之始,推動香港合唱創作就是中大合唱團的使命之一。合唱 團不斷邀請香港作曲家如胡銘堯、楊嘉輝、蘇梓安、鄧樂妍譜出新 曲,現時維持一年一部作品的速度,為建立屬於香港的獨特合唱之 聲而努力。 2008及 2009年,中大合唱團先後應邀出訪上海師範大 學及彰化大葉大學舉行示範講座,向當地大學生介紹香港粵語合唱 創作,大獲好評。 多年來曾與中大合唱團合作的本地及海外藝人不計其數,近期例子 有本地敲擊演奏家邵俊傑、作曲家楊嘉輝、台灣指揮家杜黑、古育 仲、美國指揮家韓多普、美國爵士樂手 Howard McCrary 等。自七 十年代起,中大合唱團持續與中國內地及東南亞各地合唱團作音樂 交流,至今曾到訪城市包括北京、上海、台北、台南、馬尼拉、曼 谷、新加坡、新山等。除交流活動,合唱團也多次應邀以客席演出 者身份參與外地演出,如 2006年澳門國際音樂節及 2010年暹羅愛 樂樂團馬勒第三交響曲泰國首演。 為了打下更堅實的基礎,持續發展永不止息的藝術追求,2012年1 月合唱團以慈善團體有限公司形式成立「中大合唱協會」作為管治 實體。透過藝術、管理、行政三部份的分工,讓源自中大、立足中 大的中大合唱團,能夠在中大本科生、研究生及校友三方面的同心 協力下,繼續翻過一座又一座的藝術高峰。 8
“CU Chorus were splendid in their collaboration with Siam Philharmonic in our ongoing complete Mahler Cycle. They sang like angels — just as the composer intended!” – Somtow Sucharitkul, Music Director of Siam Philharmonic After nearly 40 years’ pursuit of excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (CU Chorus) has become one of the best local university choirs. Rooted in Hong Kong with a global view, CU Chorus has performed not only at the local stage, but also in various cities in southern China and southeast Asia. With its high quality performances and innovative programmes, CU Chorus is dedicated to promoting and sharing the choral art with the public. CU Chorus was founded in 1972 by a group of CUHK students. In the early days, the role of conductor was served by students. In the 1990s, the post Music Director and Conductor was established, and has been served chronologically by Dennis Ng, Yeh Cheung-shing, and currently Leon Chu. From a group that took part in joint-university singing contest by the Hong Kong Federation of Students, to one that organized annual performances, nowadays CU Chorus has developed its range of performances to include annual concerts, free campus concerts, overseas interflow performances, Christmas caroling, conducting workshops and charity outreach performances.
A Jazzy Christmas with Howard McCrary
CU Chorus presented a number of popular programmes with diverse themes, through which many foreign composers and their works were introduced to the Hong Kong music scene. Performances in recent years include: The Atlas of Voice (2008) with characteristic choral pieces from around the world; Love is All Around (2009) with featured love songs throughout the ages; Hallowed be Thy Name (2010) with a showcase of sacred music – the root of choral music – in various styles; Formosan Panorama (2011) with the newest outlook in Taiwanese choral music; and the most recent The Glamorous Voice (2012) with a focus on dazzling choral works by contemporary American composer Eric Whitacre. In addition to having an influence on local choirs in expanding their repertoire, CU Chorus’ performances also made an impact through the internet: a YouTube video of CU Chorus received coverage in an Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, for its wide circulation among Jewish communities worldwide, to great resonance. Since its establishment, one of CU Chorus’ missions is to promote local choral compositions. CU Chorus regularly commissions Hong Kong composers such as Dennis Wu, Samson Young, Andy So and Tang Lok-yin for new pieces. At the pace of one new piece per year, CU Chorus strives to help develop a choral voice unique to Hong Kong. In 2008 and 2009, CU Chorus was invited for demonstrative talks in Shanghai Normal University and Da-yeh University respectively, introducing Hong Kong Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
Cantonese choral compositions to mainland and Taiwanese students, receiving much acclaim. Over the years, CU Chorus has collaborated with numerous local and overseas artists. Recent examples include local percussionist Louis Siu, Taiwanese conductors Dirk Duhei and John Ku, American conductor Paul Hondorp, and American jazz musician Howard McCrary. Since the 1970s, CU Chorus has consistently engaged in interflow activities with choirs in mainland China and southeast Asia; cities visited include Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Tainan, Manila, Bangkok, Singapore and Johor Bahru. Beside interflow activities, CU Chorus was also invited to various guest performances overseas, including the 20th Macau International Music Festival in 2006, and the Thailand premiere of Mahler’s 3rd Symphony by Siam Philharmonic Orchestra in 2010. To lay a better foundation for its never-ending artistic pursuit, CU Chorus established charitable organization status with “CU Chorus Association” (a limited company) in January 2012. The new governing body, with its finer division of labour in artistic, management and administrative aspects, could facilitate the collaboration of CUHK undergraduates, postgraduates and alumni in their efforts to boost CU Chorus – a group coming from and basing in CUHK – to ever-greater artistic heights. 9
合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
朱振威 Leon Chu 音樂總監兼指揮 Music Director and Conductor
朱振威 2006年起出任香港中文大學合唱團音樂總監,先後帶領合唱 團踏足香港、中國大陸、台灣及馬來西亞舞台。今天,這一支主要 由熱心學生組成的隊伍已成為香港最佳大學合唱團之一,在朱氏的 領導下,合唱團更藉由一系列演出錄影得到國際媒體注意。
is now one of the best university choruses made up primarily by devoted undergraduates. Under his leadership, the chorus catches attention of international press with a series of live concert footage.
朱氏以指揮、敲擊樂手、音樂及文化評論人身份活躍本地藝 壇。 2003年從香港中文大學畢業後,他先後應邀成為多個合唱團與 樂團的指揮。
Chu is a conductor, percussionist and critic of music and culture at large. After his graduation from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003, he has been appointed conductor of several choirs and ensembles.
作為樂評人,他的文章散見於各主要中文報章包括《明報》、 《信報財經新聞》、《香港經濟日報》,也為雜誌如《 HiFi 音響》、 《 Art Plus 》、《美樂集》及台灣《謬斯客》撰寫文章。 2008 年 他應邀為商業電台雷霆 881及香港公開大學合辦之《一人一大學》 「音樂無國界」節目擔任主持。 朱氏曾隨蔡立德學習敲擊樂及隨林俊學習聲樂,也先後受業於挪威 指揮家漢肯、保加利亞指揮家帕露薇琪、匈牙利指揮家嘉保豪勒龍 及加拿大指揮家蘭西泰爾法,深造指揮技巧。
Since 2006, Leon Chu has been leading The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus and bringing the chorus to stages across Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Malaysia. The chorus Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
Chu is an active critic, having his writings published for all major Chinese newspapers including Mingpao Daily, Hong Kong Economic Journal and Hong Kong Economic Time and his regular contributions to Hifi Review, Art Plus, Fine Music and Muzik of Taiwan. He was the guest speaker of a series on music appreciation on Commercial Radio 1 in 2008. After studying percussion with Choy Lap-tak and vocal with Albert Lim, Mr. Chu has also studied conducting under Norwegian conductor Kåre Hanken, Theodora Pavlovitch of Bulgaria, Gábor Hollerung of Hungary and Nancy Telfer of Canada. 11
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
Howard McCrary 編曲∕鋼琴∕獨唱 Arrangement / Piano / Vocal
遊走於福音與通俗音樂,多才多藝的 Howard McCrary是備受尊崇 的得獎歌手、創作人、監製與樂手,曾合作藝人盡是當代音樂界名 人。 Howard McCrary過往的所有作品,都是結合了藝術與熱忱、 技術與正能量。 生於俄亥俄州揚斯敦, Howard從小在音樂中成長。在十兄弟姊妹 之中, Howard與兩位兄弟及兩位姊妹組成了「 The McCrarys 」 合唱團,以福音音樂出道。在七十年代初,合唱團已在美加各地演 出,也為 Light Records灌錄了首張大碟《 Sunshine Day》。
1974年 , 當 家 人 決 定 合 唱 團 的 歌 路 要 從 福 音 轉 到 通 俗 音 樂, Howard決定作個人發展,也發掘出作為創作人、編曲人與伴 奏的天份。他聯合監製的大碟《 S o G o o d 》讓他獲得格林美獎 「最佳福音演繹(男歌手)」提名。在八十年代末, Howard時有 跟 隨 不 同 傳 教 士 穿 州 過 省 , 而 在 1987 年 , 他 因 著 傑 出 福 音 歌 曲 創 作獲 ASCAP艾靈頓公爵獎,也獲委約為布魯克林愛樂交響樂團創作 《 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow》。 八十年代末至九十年代初, Howard的工作更見豐富:他在昆西鍾 斯大賣專輯《 Back On The Block》擔任和音,也為米高積遜 1992 年的暢銷大碟《 Dangerous》之中「 Keep The Faith」一曲編寫和 音合唱。 1993年他開始為 Chaka Khan擔任鍵盤手及音樂總監。之 後,他與奧斯卡得獎者 Hans Zimmer合作,在電影《情繫我心》配 樂中演唱。 Howard也參與了偶像歌手珍妮花露芙希域及 R&B組合 Changing Faces的唱片製作。
2005年 Howard移居香港,很快就投入本地樂壇。他在王敏德的首 張爵士大樂隊專輯《 Cool Rhythm》中演出,也在電影《傷城》及 《 六 樓 後 座 2之 家 屬 謝 禮 》 的 配 樂 中 演 奏 ( 更 在 後 者 中 客 串 ! ) 。 2008年 他 與 閻 惠 昌 及 香 港 中 樂 團 在 作 首 次 全 國 性 演 出 , 隨 後 又 為 香港中樂團譜寫《水是生命》一曲。作為本地福音音樂發展的推 手, Howard參與了鍾氏兄弟《鐘聲》與《齊唱.吳秉堅之歌》的 製作。 Traversing the worlds of gospel and secular music, multitalented Howard McCrary has built a solid reputation as an award-winning singer, songwriter, producer and musician whose resume includes some of the most prestigious and important artists in contemporary music. Howard McCrary brings a mix of artistry, enthusiasm, skill and positive energy to each and every project. Born in Youngstown, Ohio, Howard grew up in a decidedly musical atmosphere. One of ten siblings, Howard became a part of the family group known as The McCrarys with two of his brothers and two of his sisters. The team’s initial work was in the 12
gospel field. In the early ‘70s, the group performed throughout the U.S. and Canada, recording one album Sunshine Day for Light Records. In 1974, when the family decided to move from gospel to secular music, Howard decided to step out on his own, exploring his talents as a writer, arranger and accompanist. He co-produced the album So Good and was nominated for a Grammy for “Best Gospel Performance, Male” for that record. During the late ‘80s, Howard traveled intermittently with different evangelists; in 1987, he was given ASCAP’s Duke Ellington Award for most promising writer in gospel music and was commissioned to A Jazzy Christmas with Howard McCrary
write the piece Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow for the Brooklyn Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. As the ‘80s ended and the ‘90s began, Howard’s workload accelerated considerably: he was featured as a background vocalist on Quincy Jones’ best-selling Back On The Block, as well as arranging vocal parts for the song Keep The Faith on Michael Jackson’s 1992 multi-platinum set Dangerous. He began working with Chaka Khan in 1993 as keyboardist and music director. Later, he worked with Oscar-winning composer Hans Zimmer on the film The Power Of One. Howard’s studio activities have included production work with teen idol Jennifer Love Hewitt and R&B group Changing Faces.
Howard moved to Hong Kong in 2005 and merged into the local music scene quickly. He featured in Michael Wong’s debut Big Band CD, Cool Rhythm. As a Hong Kong film debut, he performed on the soundtracks of the Chinese movies Confessions of Pain and Happy Funeral. He also performed with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, conducted by Maestro Hubert Yan, in his first national appearance in China in 2008, and composed Water is Life for the Chinese orchestra. As a driving force of the local gospel music development, Howard participated in the production of The Chung Brothers’ album The Chimes and Sing the Gospel Songbook of Benjamin Ng.
合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
Skip Moy 結他 Guitar
香港著名結他手 Skip Moy ,多年來遊走爵士與流行,擔任結他手 與監製。曾在三藩市 Kabuki Springs Festival、香港藝術節、香港 黃金海岸爵士音樂節等藝術節演出,也是 Grappas Jazz Festival主 辦人之一。合作過的音樂家及藝團包括羅尚正、包以正、星期六爵 士大樂團。近年參與演出專輯有陳奐仁《 Raw Jazz 》( 2009,結 他手)、 AMA《 A Taste of Life》( 2012,監製∕結他手)。此 外, Skip Moy也是一位極富經驗之音響設計及音響工程師,曾負責 如香港回歸交接儀式等大型活動之現場音響。
Skip Moy is a renowned Hong Kong guitarist, well-versed in jazz and pop genres as both a guitarist and a producer. He was one of the organizers for Grappas Jazz Festival, and performed in San Francisco Kabuki Springs Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival and Hong Kong Gold Coast Music Festival, among others. Skip Moy has collaborated with many artists and groups, including
Ted Lo, Eugene Pao, and Saturday Night Jazz Orchestra. He participated in the album recordings of Hanjin Tan’s Raw Jazz (2009, guitarist) and AMA’s A Taste of Life (2012, producer and guitarist). Aside from performances, Skip Moy is also an expert sound designer and engineer, taking commissions for big events such as Hong Kong Handover Ceremony in 1997.
Kitty Ng 薩克斯管 Saxophone
Kitty Ng 十三歲開始學習薩克斯管,先後於皇家音樂學院考試考獲 八級(優異)及於倫敦聖三一音樂學院考獲 ATCL演奏文憑。 2003 年於 Yamaha管樂大賽贏得最佳演出獎及銅獎。 2005年組成 funk樂 隊「 Rescue Squad」,且在同年 Asian Beat 樂隊比賽中贏得第 二名。
Kitty 的 演 出 經 驗 豐 富 , 曾 與 不 同 流 行 歌 手 及 獨 立 樂 隊 ( 如 大 頭 佛、 Site Access )合作,也參與不同的錄音工作及電影配樂工作 (如《新警察故事》、《韓城攻略》),及不同種類的現場演出, 將她別樹一格的聲音帶到爵士、 funk、 fusion、騷靈、搖滾及流行 音樂等各種流派之中。
the funk band “Rescue Squad” and won the 1st Runner-up in the Asian Beat Band Competition.
Kitty Ng started learning the saxophone at the age of thirteen. She got distinction in Saxophone Grade 8 Examination of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and ATCL Recital Diploma in Saxophone of Trinity College London. In 2003, she won the Best Performance Award and Bronze Prize in “Yamaha Wind Instrument Contest”. In 2005, she formed
Kitty has boosted her profile through performing with pop stars and indie bands (Tai Tau Fat, Site Access, etc.), and through recording projects, original soundtracks (New Police Story, Seoul Raider, etc.), and different types of live shows, bringing her unique sound to various musical genres including jazz, funk, fusion, soul, rock and pop.
Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
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合唱團及演出者介紹 Chorus Profile & Performers’ Biographies
蕭偉中 Justin Siu 低音大提琴 Double Bass
蕭偉中一直致力推動香港樂壇發展,竭誠為廣大觀眾帶來高質素音 樂。一切始於 2003年,當這位就讀劍橋大學的電腦科學怪傑,決定 放下電腦鍵盤,追求他的一生所愛:音樂。 往 後 的 歲 月 , 蕭 偉 中 透 過 與 羅 尚 正 、 包 以 正 、 李 安 琪 、 Blaine Whittaker、 Tommy Ho、廖綺玲及 Bob Morcasky的合作,成為知 名爵士低音大提琴手,更得到機會開展他的創作計劃,結合古典、 爵士、電子音樂與多媒體視像。作為最受追捧的樂手之一,蕭偉中 參與多種音樂類型的演出,從本地流行音樂到古典音樂不等。
As a driving force in Hong Kong’s music scene, Justin Siu is relentless in bringing quality music to an ever wider audience. It began in 2003 when the former computer science geek from the University of Cambridge, UK, decided to put down the computer keyboard and pursue his lifetime love - music. The years followed has not only won him acclaim as a jazz bass
player, having collaborated with renowned local jazz artists Ted Lo, Eugene Pao, Angelita Li, Blaine Whittaker, Tommy Ho, Elaine Liu, and Bob Morcasky, but also given him the opportunity to pioneer his own creative projects, which bring classical music, jazz, electronic music and multimedia visuals together. As one of the most sought after instrumentalists, Justin has vast involvement in many different genres of music, from local pop music to classical music.
陳江平 Ken Chan 鼓 Drums
陳江平是一名多元化敲擊樂手,其專長包括西洋敲擊、流行鼓、步 操鼓及拉丁鼓樂。陳氏曾隨董德亮和蔡立德學習敲擊,以及隨徐世 興學習爵士鼓, 2005年考獲倫敦聖三一音樂學院 ATCL敲擊樂優異 級文憑, 2006年赴美國洛杉磯音樂人學院之敲擊樂系 ( Musicians Institute – Percussion Institute of Technology) 深造。在美國期 間,陳氏隨爵士搖滾大師 Gary Garbatini 、拉丁鼓樂大師 Chuck Silverman、敲擊技術大師 B r u c e B e c k e r 及步操敲擊大師 Chris Rodriquez學習。 陳氏之樂團經驗豐富, 2010年更與香港節日管樂團合作演奏爵士鼓 協奏曲。 2009年陳氏成立了擊能量音樂中心,主力於該中心教授敲 擊樂,亦任教於音樂事務處及多間中小學之敲擊樂班。陳氏現時活 躍於多隊樂團之演出,包括星期六爵士大樂隊、香港青年爵士大樂 隊及 GIG-12敲擊樂團。
Ken Chan is a versatile percussion player with specialties including concert percussion, drumset, marching percussion and Latin percussion. He studied percussion with Tung Tak-leong and Choy Lap-tak, and drumset with Simon Chui. In 2005, he obtained the ATCL diploma in percussion with distinction from London Trinity College. In 2006, he furthered his percussion studies at the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, USA. He then Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
studied with jazz-rock master Gary Garbatini, Latin drumming master Chuck Silverman, hand technique master Bruce Becker and marching percussion master Chris Rodriquez. Mr. Chan has participated in numerous orchestras. He was invited to perform a drumset concerto with Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra in 2010. He established the PercussionSpirit Music Centre in 2009 and devoted himself into the percussion teaching career. He also teaches in Music Office and various primary and secondary schools. Currently, Mr. Chan is an active player in various ensembles including Saturday Night Jazz Orchestra, Hong Kong Youth Jazz Orchestra and GIG-12 Percussion Ensemble. 17
合唱團成員 Chorus Members
香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 音樂總監兼指揮 Music Director and Conductor 鋼琴 Piano 聲樂指導 Vocal Coach 助理指揮 Assistant Conductors 女高音 Soprano 陳家嬈 陳羽軒 羅玉鈴 * 李殷枏 梁錦玲 潘芷茵 單顥鈺 * 施雪瑩 謝嘉盈 * 溫倩文 黃惠娟 楊寶玲 趙 順
女低音 Alto
CHAN Ka Yiu CHAN Yu Hin LAW Yuk Ling* LEE Yan Nam LEUNG Kam Ling PUN Tsz Yan SHAN Hao Yu* SZE Suet Ying TSE Ka Ying* WAN Sin Man WONG Wai Kuen YEUNG Po Ling ZHAO Shun
男高音 Tenor 鮑文煒 張偉文 * 范建明 方樂知 * 何翱宇 賈朝暉 郭潤山 盧安晞 + 王子翹 黃 進 吳磅礡 * 聲部長 Part leader + 休假 On Leave
朱振威 Leon Chu 陳演日 Adrian Chan、林淑敏 Lam Shuk Man 林 俊 Albert Lim 謝勇存 Jorden Tse、張偉文 Cheung Wai Man、羅玉鈴 Law Yuk Ling
陳倩鈺 * 陳蕙瑜 陳蘊明 鍾采民 董淇澤 賀曼玲 林可兒 劉嘉欣 李彥婷 盧康盈 吳君明 曾海琪 王安琪 黃芷菁 鄭秋晨
CHAN Sin Yuk* CHAN Wai Yu CHAN Wan Ming CHUNG Tsoi Man DONG Qize HO Man Ling LAM Ho Yi LAU Ka Yan LI Yanting LO Hong Ying NG Kwan Ming TSANG Hoi Kee WONG On Kei WONG Chi Ching ZHENG Qiuchen
男低音 Bass
BAO Wenwei CHEUNG Wai Man* FAN Kin Ming FONG Lok Chi* HO Ngo Yu JIA Zhaohui KWOK Yun Shan LO On Hei + WONG Tsz Kiu WONG Brian WU Pangbo
陳韋丞 張文翰 張鍵聰 張凱傑 * 鄭智浩 朱 禹 李文傑 盧居樂 文浩然 唐錦亮 謝勇存 + 王慶森 黃俊維
CHAN Wai Shing CHEUNG Man Hon CHEUNG Kin Chung CHEUNG Hoi Kit* CHIANG Chi Ho CHU Yu LEE Man Kit LO Kui Lok MAN Ho Yin TONG Kam Leong TSE Jorden+ WANG Qingsen WONG Chun Wai
加入我們! Join Us! 中大合唱團將於明年一月招募新團員,有興趣之中大本科生、研究生及校友,請密切留意 本團官方網站 http://www.cuchorus.org.hk,或於觀眾問卷留下聯絡方法。 誠邀大家一起分享合唱樂趣!
CU Chorus will recruit new members in January 2013, interested CU undergraduates, graduate students and alumni, please stay in tune with us through our official website http://www.cuchorus.org.hk, or leave your contacts in the audience questionnaire. Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
幹事會、理事會及職員 Committees and Staffs
香港中文大學合唱團幹事會 2012-13
Committee 2012-13, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 團長 Chairperson 文浩然 Man Ho Yin
Management team of CU Chorus Association Concert Production 行政總監 Executive Director 舞台總監 Stage Manager 陳蘊明 Monica Chan 鍾寶發 Chung Po Fat
副團長 Vice-Chairperson 陳穎琦 Chan Wing Kei
副行政總監 Deputy Executive Directors 羅玉鈴 Kirstie Law 胡銘堯 Dennis Wu
財政 Treasurer 楊寶玲 Yeung Po Ling
節目部 Programme Department 陳羽軒 Charmaine Chan
文書 Secretary 陳家嬈 Chan Ka Yiu
製作部 Production Department 陳蘊明 Monica Chan
總務 General Affairs Officer 李殷枏 Lee Yan Nam
市場部 Marketing Department 方樂知 Roger Fong 羅玉鈴 Kirstie Law
中大合唱協會理事會 2012-13 Board 2012-13, CU Chorus Association 會長 President 張偉文 Raymond Cheung
發展部 Development Department 陳倩鈺 Katie Chan 張偉文 Raymond Cheung
副會長 Vice-president 陳蘊明 Monica Chan 成員 Members 陳倩鈺 Katie Chan 陳羽軒 Charmaine Chan 朱振威 Leon Chu 方樂知 Roger Fong 羅玉鈴 Kirstie Law 文浩然 Man Ho Yin 唐錦亮 Kenie Tong 謝嘉盈 Tse Ka Ying
資訊部 Information Department 唐錦亮 Kenie Tong 葉世豪 Yip Sai Ho 行政部 Administration Department 梁錦鈴 Sally Leung 楊寶玲 Yeung Po Ling 會計部 Accounting Department 賀曼玲 Mimosa Ho 單顥鈺 Jade Shan
錄像監製 Video Producer 謝劍飛 Zac Tse 錄音監製 Recording Producer 程啟翔 Angelos Ching 攝影師 Photographers 文澤堯 Man Chak Yiu 余錦超 Martin Yu 譚家輝 Tam Ka Fai 工作人員 Helpers 陳石明 Chan Shek Ming 蔡菁華 Ivy Choi 何嘉雯 Carmen Ho 何恩霖 Ho Yan Lam 勞嘉敏 Lo Ka Man 伍澤鴻 Chaky Ng 沈雪雁 Shum Suet Ngan 鄧汀琳 Angela Tang 曾敏婷 Kitty Tsang 黃詩媚 Wong Sze Mei 編輯及翻譯 Editors & Translators 陳蘊明 Monica Chan 朱振威 Leon Chu 胡銘堯 Dennis Wu 美術總監 Art Director 朱念爵 Richard Chu
中大合唱協會有限公司 CU Chorus Association Limited 香港西營盤正街 18號 啟正中心 505室
Room 505, Kaiser Centre, 18 Centre Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong 傳真 Fax: 2124 3352 電郵 Email: cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk
Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
2012-13年度贊助人名錄 Patrons 2012-13
白金贊助人 Platinum Patrons (Above HK$2500) 無名氏 Anonymous 黃雅各先生 Mr. Jacob WONG
銘謝以下人士慷慨捐助, 讓我們更多團員得以展翅高飛,將中大 合唱團的歌聲帶到世界其他角落。
金贊助人 Gold Patrons (Above HK$1,000) 無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2) 陳錦明先生 Mr. CHAN Kam Ming 陳韋丞先生 Mr. CHAN Wai Shing 張振山先生 Mr. CHEUNG C.S. 紀念高贊亨先生 In fond memory of Mr. KO Tsang Hung 鄭偉烈先生 Mr. CHIANG Wai Lit 范建明先生 Mr. FAN Kin Ming Ronald 關德仁先生 Mr. KWAN Tak Yan 沈祖堯校長 Prof. Joseph J. Y. SUNG 黃慧貞教授 Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela 銀贊助人 Silver Patrons (Above HK$500) 無名氏 Anonymous Mr. Oscar CHAN (英皇教育) 鄭智浩先生 Mr. CHIANG Chi Ho 秦家慧教授 Prof. CHUN Ka Wai Cecilia 許寶寶女士 Ms. HUI Bo Bo 聲暟音樂藝術中心 Joyful Sound Music 李丹教授 Prof. LEE Tan 田富民先生 Mr. TIN Fu Man 黃健興先生 Mr. WONG Kin Hing 中大合唱團之友 Friends of CU Chorus 無名氏 (4) Anonymous (4) 陳國洲先生 Mr. CHAN Kwok Chau 陳煒舜教授 Prof. Nicholas Louis CHAN 陳演日老師 Mr. CHAN Yin Yat 陳亮光教授 Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan 張志強教授 Prof. CHEUNG Chi Keung Peter 張國偉教授 Prof. CHEUNG Kwok-wai 張俊傑先生 Mr. CHEUNG Samson Chun Kit 張詠梅博士 Dr. CHEUNG Wing Mui 張越華教授 Prof. CHEUNG Yuet Wah 蔡文俊先生 Mr. CHOI Man Chun 鍾宇平先生 Mr. CHUNG Yue Ping 方樂知先生 Mr. FONG Lok Chi 何家偉先生 Mr. HO Ka Wai 何偉強先生 Mr. HO Wai Keung Kenneth 許敬文副校長 Prof. Michael K. M. HUI 葉珈甄女士 Ms. IP Ka Yan
Johnathan and Wilson
On Wings of Song Patronage Scheme 金贊助人 Gold Patrons (Above HK$1,000) 劉志剛先生 Mr. Savio LAU 譚天樂伉儷 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy TAM 銀贊助人 Silver Patrons (Above HK$500) 陳澤星先生 Mr. CHAN Chak Sing 陳依力女士 Ms. Elic CHAN
Miss Katie CHAN 梁樂行先生 Dr. Will LEUNG 吳偉賢教授 Prof. NG Wai Yin Will 沈祖堯校長 Prof. Joseph J. Y. SUNG Mr. TAM Man Kei 譚少薇教授 Prof. TAM Siu Mi Maria 中大合唱團之友 Friends of CU Chorus 無名氏 Anonymous 魏濤教授 Prof. NGAI To 潘銘基教授 Prof. POON Ming Kay 黃國彬教授 Prof. Laurence K. P. WONG 徐磊教授 Prof. XU Lei 詹晶教授 Prof. ZHAN Jing Vivian
高基存博士 郭文偉先生 林麗華教授 劉啟明先生 劉國智先生 李勁華博士 梁頌禧先生 林婉怡小姐 盧海珊女士 陸惠玲女士 潘佩英女士 薛裕霖先生 溫玉芬小姐 王志德醫生 王嘉敏小姐 黃念欣博士 姚懿芝女士 楊美熙女士 余秀珍教授
Dr. KO Kei Tsuen Mr. KWOK Man Wai Prof. LAM Lai Wah Mr. LAU Kai Meng Mr. LAU Kwok Chi Dr. LEE King Wa Miss LIN Wan Yi Ms. LO Hoi Shan Ms. LUK Wai Ling Ms. PUN Pui Ying Mr. SIT Yu Lam Francesco Miss WAN Yuk Fan Dr. WONG Chi Tak Danny Miss WONG Ka Man Dr. WONG Nim Yan Ms. YEUNG Mei Hay May Prof. YUE Sau Chun Judia
有關詳情,請瀏覽官方網站 http://www.cuchorus.org.hk/ 「支持我們」,或電郵 cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk 聯絡我們。
For more details, please visit our website http://www.cuchorus.org.hk/ “Support Us”, or contact us at cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk Howard McCrary 的爵士聖誕
鳴謝 Acknowledgement 傳媒伙伴 Media Partner
美樂集 Fine Music 星島日報 Sing Tao Daily 香港電台 RTHK
HK Magazine 好戲網 www.mask9.com GoCart Ltd.
Ms. Ivy Chan 陳江平先生 Mr. Ken Chan 陳石明先生 Mr. Chan Shek Ming 程啟翔先生 Mr. Angelos Ching 蔡菁華小姐 Miss Ivy Choi 朱念爵先生 Mr. Richard Chu 鍾寶發先生 Mr. Chung Po Fat 何嘉雯小姐 Miss Carmen Ho
鋼琴贊助 Piano Sponsor
香港中文大學校友事務處 Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK 香港中文大學傳訊及公共關係處 Communication and Public Relations Office, CUHK 香港中文大學資訊處 Information Service Office, CUHK 香港中文大學學術交流處 Office of Academic Links, CUHK 香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Kling Music Management Services Company Martin’s Studio
何恩霖小姐 Miss Ho Yan Lam 勞嘉敏小姐 Miss Lo Ka Man 文澤堯先生 Mr. Man Chak Yiu
Mr. Howard McCrary Mr. Skip Moy 伍澤鴻先生 Mr. Chaky Ng Ms. Kitty Ng 沈雪雁小姐 Miss Shum Suet Ngan
蕭偉中先生 譚家輝先生 鄧汀琳小姐 曾敏婷小姐 謝劍飛先生 黃詩媚小姐 姚少龍先生 余錦超先生
Mr. Justin Siu Mr. Tam Ka Fai Miss Angela Tang Miss Kitty Tsang Mr. Zac Tse Miss Wong Sze Mei Mr. Alex Yiu Mr. Martin Yu
節目預告 Upcoming Event 中大合唱團四十周年音樂會
CU Chorus 40th Anniversary Concert 2013/6/11(Tue) 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳
Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall 是次音樂會將演唱較早前舉行「大眾之選 1972-2012」網 上 投 票 獲 選 作 品 , 以 及 近 年 最 炙 手 可 熱 的 挪 威 作 曲 家 Ola Gjeilo的合唱精品,當中包括香港首演他為鋼琴五重奏與 合唱而寫的《靈魂黑夜》。
Ola Gjeilo
The concert will feature pieces elected earlier this year from “People’s Choice 1972-2012” online voting campaign, as well as selected works of Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo, including the Hong Kong premiere of his composition for choir and piano quintet, Dark Night of the Soul.
World Peace and Love
Limited Edition