CU Chorus Campus Lecture-Concert 2018

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香港中文大學合唱團《誰是伯恩斯坦?》校園講座音樂會 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus “Who is Leonard Bernstein?” Campus Lecture-Concert 10/4/2018 (星期二 Tue) 8pm 香港中文大學崇基禮拜堂 Chung Chi College Chapel, CUHK 節目 Programme 《讚美上主》Yigdal (1949)

《夢斷城西》West Side Story (1957) 「今夜」五重唱 Tonight Quintet

第三交響曲《哀悼禱文》 Symphony No.3, “Kaddish”(1962)

Riff Bernardo Anita Tony Maria

II. 聆訊 Din-torah

朗誦 Narration

陳載恩 Johanna Chan

《大溪地煩惱》Trouble in Tahiti (1952) 前奏 Prelude

三重唱 Trio

許菀珊 Shirley Hui 鄭智峰 Gavin Cheng 王栢濤 Plato Wong

《雲雀》The Lark (1955) 前奏 Prelude 宮廷之歌 Court Song 士兵之歌 Soldier’s Song 安魂曲 Requiem

獨唱 Soli

清原思香 Kiyohara Moka 羅玉鈴 Kirstie Law

《坎第德》Candide (1956) 西發里亞合唱 Westphalia Chorale 萬物皆善 Universal Good 讓我們的花園盛放 Make Our Garden Grow Candide Cunegonde Paquette Maximilian Pangloss

李泱道 Darius Lee 奚婷妤 Ting-Yu Xi 童駿敏 Queenie Tung 張偉文 Raymond Cheung 張凱傑 Hoi-Kit Cheung

黃智衡 Antonius Wong 何文政 Rachael Ho 吳學而 Sari Ng 莊景樂 Felix Chong 陳悅晴 Kristy Chan

《彌撒曲》MASS (1971) 一首簡單的歌 A Simple Song

獨唱 Solo

張偉文 Raymond Cheung

阿肋路亞 Alleluia 第一沉思曲 Meditation No.1

大提琴獨奏 Cello Solo 鮑力卓 Richard Bamping* 全能的聖父 Almighty Father

演出者 Performers 香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 指揮及主講 Conductor & Speaker

朱振威 Leon Chu

客席講者及大提琴獨奏 Guest Speaker & Cello Solo

鮑力卓* Richard Bamping*

鋼琴 Pianists

羅元宏 Andy Luo 鄧慧琦 Vicky Tang 黃歷琛 Alexander Wong

敲擊 Percussionist

謝竣宇 Felix Tse

* 承蒙香港管弦樂團允許鮑力卓參與是次演出。 * Thanks for the kind permission by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for Richard Bamping’s participation in this concert.

場地規則 House Rules 各位觀眾: 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,觀眾請勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發 光的裝置,並在演出期間保持安靜,切勿攝影、錄音或錄影。多謝各位合作。 Dear Patrons, In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from smoking, eating or drinking in the chapel. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Recording, filming, taking photographs during performance are not allowed. Kindly keep noise level to the minimum. Thank you for your kind co-operation.




我是因為馬勒而開始接觸古典音樂。在那個沒有YouTube、沒有Spotify的年代,我常常到尖沙嘴的藝 術團書館看LD、聽CD。既然從馬勒開始,很快就發現了伯恩斯坦,也愛上伯恩斯坦:既是熱情奔放的 「指揮家伯恩斯坦」,也是創意無限的「作曲家伯恩斯坦」。 如果你以為今年用兩個音樂會紀念伯恩斯坦是我籌備經年的多年心願嗎?不是,只是兩年前忽然很想找 一些演員加合唱團的作品演出,找到了《雲雀》,而當時的演出排期剛好最快是2018年6月可以演,腦 中「叮」一聲的忽然想到可以為他做百歲紀念,然後無意中得李正欣博士幫助跟伯恩斯坦後人聯繫上, 更將最後定名為《劇場裡的伯恩斯坦》的紀念音樂會列入全球慶祝活動之一。 能夠為美國音樂界的民族英雄兼自己從小崇拜的偶像做慶祝音樂會,想來多令人興奮!不過自從有此決 定,兩年來就不斷遇到團友問我「誰是伯恩斯坦」,腦中的「叮」一聲已變成長鳴警鐘。或許,想大家 來跟我們一起慶賀伯恩斯坦慶百歲大壽前,實在要先跟大家介紹一番。既然當年伯恩斯坦以「年輕人音 樂會」散播愛樂種子,今天以相同形式的講座音樂會讓大家認識伯恩斯坦,你說能有更好的方法嗎?有 ,就是找一個真的跟伯恩斯坦合作過的人來現身說法啊,於是我想到找鮑力卓,然後他極爽快的一口答 應 - 這樣就變成了今晚的「誰是伯恩斯坦?」講座音樂會。 我總覺得,我並沒有「想出」這兩場演出,是這兩場演出不知怎的「找上」了我。

A Message from Conductor

Leon Chu

The year 2018 marks the centennial of Leonard Bernstein, CU Chorus will present two concerts to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Bernstein’s birth - the lecture-concert “Who is Leonard Bernstein?” tonight, and “Bernstein in the Theater” on 17 June. As an educator, Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts with the New York Philharmonic inspired countless kids worldwide to classical music. I believe this lecture-concert tonight, which is modeled on Young People’s Concerts, is the best way to pay tribute to this American musical genius, and get more people to know about his music. Bernstein loves Gustav Mahler. He even made a claim that he was the reincarnation of him. Indeed they shared some similarities: both are Jews, both are conductor-composers. However, to understand Bernstein better, we have to look into the things he does not share with Mahler instead. Therefore, in this lecture-concert, I will emphasise on their different views on Jewish lineage, and on theatrical compositions. These fundamental differences explained why we can regard Bernstein as a choral composer, while Mahler is a pure symphonist.


香港中文大學合唱團 音樂總監兼指揮:朱振威 經過四十多年努力不懈追求卓越,香港中文大學合唱團已經成為香港其中一隊最具實力的大學合唱團。 植根香港,放眼國際,在香港舞台耕耘之外,多年來已踏遍華南地區以至多個東南亞國家。中大合唱團 一直致力以高水準的演出,充滿創意的節目,向普羅大眾推廣合唱藝術。 中大合唱團於1972年由一班中大學生自發成立,早期由學生擔任指揮。九十年代起設立固定音樂總監 兼指揮一職,歷任總監有伍德榮、葉長盛及現任朱振威。從參加「學聯之夜」歌唱比賽到每年主辦一場 周年公演,現在中大合唱團每年演出活動已擴展至包括周年公演、免費校園音樂會、海外交流演出、聖 誕演出、指揮工作坊、公益外展演出不等。 中大合唱團曾推出多個廣受歡迎而內容多元化的主題節目,不少外國作曲家的作品也藉著中大合唱團演 出而引進香港樂壇。近年合唱團舉辦以作曲家為主題的專場音樂會,於2012至2014年間,先後舉行韋 塔克(Eric Whitacre)、雅羅(Ola Gjeilo)、冉天豪、顧嘉煇及伍卓賢的原創及改編作品專場。另外 ,也與爵士樂音樂家侯活麥格尼合作演出《Howard McCrary的爵士聖誕》(2012) 及《冬日戀曲》( 2013)兩場聖誕音樂會。中大合唱團的演出除了對本地合唱團開拓曲目發揮影響力,更藉著網絡將影 響伸至全球 — 2009年以色列《新消息報》(Yedioth Ahronoth) 專題報道,中大合唱團的一段YouTube 錄影於世界各地猶太人間流傳,引發巨大迴響。 多年來曾與中大合唱團合作的本地及海外藝人不計其數,近期例子有香港流行音樂大師顧嘉煇、敲擊演 奏家邵俊傑、香港電台弦樂四重奏、台灣指揮家杜黑、古育仲、保加利亞指揮家帕羅薇琪、美國指揮家 韓多普、艾力史達克、以及爵士樂大師侯活麥格尼等。自1970年代起,中大合唱團持續與中國內地及 東南亞各地合唱團作音樂交流,曾到訪城市包括北京、上海、台北、台南、馬尼拉、曼谷、新加坡、新 山等。除交流活動,合唱團也多次應邀以客席演出者身份參與本港及外地演出,如2006年澳門國際音 樂節、2013年暹羅愛樂樂團馬勒第八交響曲泰國首演、2015年上海之春音樂節冼星海《黃河大合唱》 莫斯科原版的世界首演、及香港中樂團之近期演出。 從成立之始,推動香港合唱創作就是中大合唱團的使命之一。合唱團不斷邀請香港作曲家如胡銘堯、蘇 梓安、楊嘉輝、鄧樂妍、伍華晞、伍卓賢、以及台灣作曲家冉天豪譜寫新曲,2016年更與演戲家族合 作,委約多位作曲家改編粵語原創音樂劇選曲,為建立富香港色彩的合唱作品而努力。2008及2009年 ,中大合唱團先後應邀出訪上海師範大學及彰化大葉大學舉行示範講座,向當地大學生介紹香港粵語合 唱創作,大獲好評。 2014年6月,中大合唱團推出首張商業錄音專輯《春風吻上我的臉—冉天豪合唱作品選》,由現代音像 發行。甫推出後反應熱烈,得到不少樂迷支持,更榮獲《IFPI香港唱片銷量大獎2014》全年「最暢銷古 典、戲曲唱片」之一。專輯亦瞬即獲廣州天藝唱片作全國發行。 為了打下更穩固的基礎,持續發展永不止息的藝術追求,2012年1月合唱團以慈善團體有限公司形式成 立「中大合唱協會」。透過藝術、管理、行政三部份的分工,讓源自中大、立足中大的中大合唱團,能 夠在中大本科生、研究生及校友三方面的同心協力下,繼續翻過一座又一座的藝術高峰。

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus Music Director and Conductor: Leon Chu For 40 years’ pursuit of excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (CU Chorus) has become one of the best local university choirs in Hong Kong. With a global vision, CU Chorus has performed not only on the local stage, but also in various cities in southern China and Southeast Asia. With its high quality performances and innovative programmes, CU Chorus is dedicated to promote the art of choral music to the general public. CU Chorus was founded in 1972 by a group of CUHK students. In the early days, the role of conductor was taken up by students. Since the 1990s, the formal post of Music Director and Conductor is established. The post is first taken up by Dennis Ng, followed by Yeh Cheung-shing from


2000 to 2005, and currently Leon Chu from 2006. From a group that once taken part in joint-university singing contest by the Hong Kong Federation of Students, to the one that organises annual performances, CU Chorus has now developed its range of performances including public concerts every year, free campus concerts, overseas exchange performances, Christmas caroling, conducting workshops and charity outreach performances. CU Chorus presented a number of popular programmes with diverse themes, through which many foreign composers and their works were introduced to the Hong Kong music scene. In recent years, the Chorus presented a number of composer-portrait concerts to feature original choral works and arrangements by Eric Whitacre (2012), Ola Gjeilo (2013), Jan Tien-hao (2014), Joseph Koo (2014) and Ng Cheuk-yin (2017). The composers also sent personal regards to the concerts. With the American jazz legend Howard McCrary, the Chorus hosted two Christmas concerts — A Jazzy Christmas with Howard McCrary (2012) and In the Mood for Love (2013) — with all newly-arranged Christmas songs, a novel take of the festive celebrations. While making an influence in repertoire expansion in local choral scene, CU Chorus’ performances also made an impact through the internet: the YouTube video of CU Chorus received coverage in the Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, for its wide circulation and resonance in Jewish communities worldwide. Over the years, CU Chorus has collaborated with numerous local and overseas artists, including Joseph Koo, the godfather of Hong Kong pop music scene, as well as percussionist Louis Siu, the RTHK Quartet, Taiwanese conductors Dirk DuHei and Johnny Ku, Bulgarian choral conductor Theodora Pavlovitch, American conductors Paul Hondorp and Eric Stark, and American jazz musician Howard McCrary. Since the 1970s, CU Chorus has constantly engaged in exchange activities with choirs in the mainland China and Southeast Asia, visiting cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Tainan, Manila, Bangkok, Singapore and Johor Bahru. CU Chorus was also invited to various guest performances, both local and overseas, including the 20th Macau International Music Festival in 2006, the Thai premiere of Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 by Siam Philharmonic Orchestra in 2013, the world premiere of the original Moscow version of Xian Xing-hai’s Yellow River Cantata in the 2015 Shanghai Spring International Music Festival, and recent concerts by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Promoting Hong Kong choral compositions is one of the mission of CU Chorus since its establishment. CU Chorus has regularly commissioned Hong Kong composers such as Dennis Wu, Andy So, Samson Young, Tang Lok-yin, Ng Wah-hei, Ng Cheuk-yin, and Taiwan composer Jan Tienhao for new pieces. In 2016, in collaboration with Actors’ Family, CU Chorus commissioned choral arrangements of various numbers from the company’s original Cantonese musicals, altogether forming a unique and local voice in Hong Kong choral music. In 2008 and 2009, CU Chorus was invited for demonstrative talks in Shanghai Normal University and Dayeh University, Taiwan respectively, introducing Hong Kong Cantonese choral compositions to the mainland and Taiwanese students, receiving much acclaim. CU Chorus released its first commercial album Spring Breeze Kisses My Face — The Choral Music of Jan Tien-hao on The Modern Audio label in June 2014. Since its initial release, the album has been well-received by music lovers, to such acclaim that it is awarded as one of the Best Sales Releases (Classical and Operatic Works Recording) in the IFPI Hong Kong Top Sales Music Award 2014. The album is now being licensed and distributed in mainland China by Tianyi Records, Guangzhou. To lay a better foundation for its never-ending artistic pursuit, CU Chorus registered charitable organisation status with CU Chorus Association (a limited-liability company) in January 2012. The new governing body, with its finer division of labour in artistic, management and administrative aspects, better facilitates the collaboration of CUHK undergraduates, postgraduates and alumni in their efforts to raise CU Chorus – a group coming from and based in CUHK – to ever-higher artistic heights.


指揮及主講 朱振威 Conductor & Speaker Leon Chu 朱振威出生於香港一個草根家庭,在學時期未有接受正統音樂訓練,直至初中時無意中接觸到馬勒交響 曲並為之著迷,方立志學習音樂。他的音樂訓練始於高中音樂科中央訓練計劃,同時跟隨蔡立德學習敲 擊樂。因緣際會考入香港中文大學現代語言及文化系後仍積極參與多個合唱團及樂團,亦隨林俊學習聲 樂。後隨Kåre Hanken、Theodora Pavlovitch及Gábor Hollerung等歐洲名家研習合唱指揮。2014年, 朱氏在澳門聖若瑟大學考獲合唱指揮碩士,期間受業於Colin Mawby、Nancy Telfer及Pedro Monteiro 。近年隨支韻怡深造聲樂。 2006年,朱氏獲邀出任香港中文大學合唱團音樂總監。 Born in a grassroot family, Leon Chu did not receive any formal music training during his teens. His first encounter with Mahler’s Symphonies sparkled his interest in music to pursue his musical studies, started with the Centralised Scheme of Music Training for Senior Secondary Students, and percussion studies with Choy Lap-tak. Upon his admission to the Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he joined a number of choruses and orchestras, and studied vocal under Albert Lim. He later studied choral conducting under renowned European masters including Kåre Hanken, Theodora Pavlovitch, and Gábor Hollerung. In 2014, Mr. Chu attained the Master degree of Choral Conducting from the University of Saint Joseph, Macau, under the tutelage of Colin Mawby, Nancy Telfer and Pedro Monteiro. Recently he furthered his vocal studies under Myra Chih. In 2006, Leon Chu took up the position as the Music Director of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus.

客席講者及大提琴獨奏 鮑力卓 Guest Speaker & Cello Solo Richard Bamping 鮑力卓自1993年起擔任香港管弦樂團大提琴首席。他曾與多位傑出的音樂家同台表演,包括曼紐因爵 士、卡華高斯、羅斯托波維奇、朱利尼、格爾吉耶夫、伯恩斯坦、馬捷爾、戴維斯爵士和阿巴度等等。 鮑力卓曾與亞洲至歐洲的樂團合演過多首重要的大提琴獨奏作品,他亦熱衷於室樂作品,有機會便經常 與朋友和樂團同事合奏。 鮑力卓所用的大提琴由安德里亞.瓜奈里於1674年在意大利克里蒙納所製,全球僅餘九把,極為罕有。 Richard Bamping has been the Principal Cellist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra since 1993. He has performed with many of the finest musicians of recent history—Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Leonidas Kavakos, Mstislav Rostropovich, Carlo Maria Giulini, Valery Gergiev, Leonard Bernstein, Lorin Maazel, Sir Colin Davis and Claudio Abbado, to name but a few. Bamping has performed many of the staples of the solo cello repertoire with orchestras from Europe to the Far East. He has a great passion for playing chamber music with friends and colleagues whenever he gets the chance. Bamping's cello, dated 1674 was made in Cremona by Andrea Guarneri and is one of only nine surviving examples of his work.


香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 音樂總監兼指揮 Music Director and Conductor:朱振威 Leon Chu 助理指揮:張偉文 Raymond Cheung、羅玉鈴 Kirstie Law 鋼琴伴奏 Pianists:羅元宏 Andy Luo、鄧慧琦 Vicky Tang 聲樂指導 Vocal Coach:林俊 Albert Lim 女高音Soprano 陳載恩 陳悅晴 許菀珊 江欣茜 羅玉鈴 李栩蒨 吳學而 奚婷妤 鄧鈺怡 楊寶玲

Johanna Chan Kristy Chan Shirley Hui Emily Kong Kirstie Law* Hosanna Lee Sari Ng Ting-yu Xi Katie Tang Pauline Yeung



陳雅靜 Angel Chan 蔡晴彥 Jamie Choi 吳頌恩 Stephanie Ghaw 李愛珊 Shirley Li 林怡菲 Fabe Lin 呂彥筠 Ingrid Lui 清原思香 Kiyohara Moka 譚琛元 Chloe Tam 童駿敏 Queenie Tung* 王卓然 Celia Wang 黃芷菁 Flora Wong

鄭智峰 莊景樂 馮卓廉 何翱宇 谷旻軒 李泱道 黃智衡

Gavin Cheng Felix Chong Charles Fung Omar Ho Terry Kuk Darius Lee Antonius Wong*

男低音Bass 區藝籃 張凱傑 張偉文 范建明 何文政 王栢濤

Linus Au Hoi-kit Cheung* Raymond Cheung* Ronald Fan Rachael Ho Plato Wong *聲部長 Part Leader

休假 On Leave 陳蘊明 Monica Chan 梁嘉穎 Karen Leung

樊梓晴 Venice Fan 譚穎雯 Carman Tam

香港中文大學學生會合唱學會幹事會 Committee of Choral Society, The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 會長 Chairperson 副會長 Vice-chairperson 財政 Treasurer 秘書 Secretary 常務幹事 General Affairs Officer

奚婷妤 李諾蘊 羅元宏 莊景樂 王卓然

Xi Ting Yu Chloe Lee Andy Luo Felix Chong Celia Wang

許家榮 Ron Hsu 黃玉琳 Sabrina Wong


李冰瑩 Avery Lee

Concert Crew and Helpers

攝影 Photography 錄音 Audio Recording 編輯 Editor 工作人員 Helpers

李志權 Martin Lee 程啟翔 Angelos Ching 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong 陳倩鈺 Katie Chan 陳蘊明 Monica Chan 林淑敏 Amy Lam 陳石明 Chan Shek Ming 李諾蘊 Chloe Lee 梁錦鈴 Sally Leung

鳴謝 Acknowledgement 香港中文大學學生事務處 香港中文大學校友事務處 香港中文大學崇基學院校牧室 鮑力卓先生 Mr. Richard Bamping 李志權博士 Dr. Martin Lee 李諾蘊小姐 Miss Chloe Lee 梁錦鈴小姐 Miss Sally Leung 禾叔@EMO

Office of Student Affairs, CUHK Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK Chung Chi College Chaplaincy, CUHK 謝竣宇先生 Mr. Felix Tse 林凱昌先生 Mr. Lam Hoi-cheong 程啟翔先生 Mr. Angelos Ching 陳倩鈺小姐 Miss Katie Chan 林淑敏小姐 Miss Amy Lam 陳石明先生 Mr. Chan Shek Ming 陳蘊明小姐 Miss Monica Chan 陳漢記 Chan Hon Kee 6

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