CUCCS0017 The Willow Lane 柳美里 (SATB)

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選自演戲家族音樂劇《一屋寶貝》 from the Actors’ Family musical THE PASSAGE BEYOND


The Willow Lane 高世章 曲 Music by Leon Ko

岑偉宗 詞

Words by Chris Shum

伍卓賢 編

Arranged by Ng Cheuk-Yin

CU Chorus Choral Series


樂曲介紹 《一屋寶貝》取材自韓裔日本作家柳美里2005年出版的小說《雨と夢のあとに》(在雨和夢之後),同年在日 本已被迅即改編為電視劇播出。2009年由張飛帆連同彭鎮南、高世章及岑偉宗共同改編的音樂劇版本。故事圍 繞陰陽相隔的父女英朝晴與英小雨展開,與鄰居、好友、家人經歷連串靈異事件後, 人醒覺親情可貴。〈柳美 里〉是全劇終曲,父親鬼魂已離開人間,只剩小雨一人,小雨唱出 首以記憶為主題的民謠風格歌曲,開始有著 淡淡哀傷,中段如 間舞蹈的間奏又似是對未來有著憧憬,然而幽怨的結尾似是對過去沒能完全忘懷。此無伴奏 合唱版本於2015年由香港中文大學合唱團委約伍卓賢編曲。 高世章(作曲) 紐約大學音樂劇創作碩士,憑音樂劇《Heading East》獲美國Richard Rodgers Development Award。音 樂劇《Takeaway》曾於倫敦Theatre Royal Stratford East上演。憑 語音樂劇《四川好人》,《白蛇新傳》, 《頂頭 》、《一屋寶貝》、《大殉情》及《奮青樂與路》八度獲香港舞台劇獎「最佳音樂創作」及「最佳原創 曲詞」。高世章憑電影《如果.愛》先後獲金馬獎、香港電影金像獎、亞太影展及香港金紫荊的音樂獎,後再憑 電影《大上海》主題曲〈定風波〉獲香港電影金像獎「最佳原創電影歌曲」。曾為任白慈善基金《帝女花》等 劇譜寫新音樂,並為音樂劇《雪狼湖》國語版擔任音樂總監。 岑偉宗(作詞) 香港浸會大學中文系畢業,香港大學教育學院哲學碩士。現職作詞人,主力創作音樂劇,詞作亦散見電影及電視 等媒介。同時也翻譯戲劇及歌詞。自九十年代開始填寫歌詞,作品無數,包括舞台劇、音樂劇、舞劇、電影、電 視劇及聲樂作品。曾獲第三十二屆香港電影金像獎最佳原創電影歌曲獎、第四十三屆台灣金馬獎最佳原創電影歌 曲獎,兩度獲香港CASH金帆音樂獎,以及四度獲得香港舞台劇獎最佳原創曲詞獎等等。著有《音樂劇場•事筆 宜詞》、《半步詞──由音樂劇到跨媒界的填詞進路》、《 寫 順戲̶岑偉宗劇本選集》。 伍卓賢(編曲) 音樂創作人、製作人、笙演奏家及無伴奏合唱藝術家。伍氏為香港小交響樂團首位駐團藝術家、新融合音樂組合 「SIU2」音樂總監及無伴奏合唱劇團「一舖清唱」聯合藝術總監。伍氏畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,主修作曲, 其後到東京國際基督教大學研修日語及到荷蘭 Codarts 修讀爵士樂。2012 年獲香港藝術發展局頒發「年度最 佳藝術家獎」、2013 年及 2009 年分別憑雙笙協奏曲《在 城崩壞之前》和合唱劇場《石堅》取得 CASH 金 帆獎最佳正統音樂作品獎。2014 年及 2019 年兩度憑合唱作品《我唱出了世界的聲音》獲 CASH 金帆獎最廣 泛演出獎(正統音樂)。

*樂曲介紹可在音樂會簡介及場刊上自由轉載。 *此曲需以 語演唱。本樂譜之 語注音採用香港語言學會



Programme Note The Passage Beyond is adapted from the novel After Rain and the Dream (2005) by Japanese writer Miri Yu, which was soon adapted as a TV drama in the same year in Japan. The Cantonese musical version, adapted by Cheung Fei-fan together with the creative trio Victor Pang, Leon Ko and Chris Shum, received its première in 2009. The story is centered around Sunny and his daughter Rain, both are separated between the worlds of the living and the deceased. They honour parental love after a series of supernatural happenings with their neighbours, friends and family members. The Willow Lane is the final number of the Cantonese musical. The spirit of Sunny finally departs from the living world, leaving Rain alone. Rain sings this folk-style number. opening with deep remembrance. The middle section with village-dance flavour portrays her hope for the future, but the melancolic ending suggests that Rain still cannot forget the past happenings. This a cappella choral arrangement is arranged by Ng Cheuk-yin, commissioned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus in 2015.

Leon Ko (composer) Leon Ko received a master’s degree in Musical Theatre Writing from New York University. His musical Heading East won a Richard Rodgers Development Award in the United States. His musical Takeaway was performed at Theatre Royal Stratford East in London. For his Cantonese musicals, such as The Good Person of Szechwan, Field of Dreams, The Passage Beyond, Our Immortal Cantata, and Sing Out, he won eight awards at the Hong Kong Drama Awards. For his film scores, he garnered a Golden Horse Award in Taiwan and a Hong Kong Film Award with his music for Perhaps Love. He won “Best Original Song” at the Hong Kong Film Awards for the title song of The Last Tycoon. Leon wrote new music for the Cantonese operas such as Princess Chang Ping, and was music director for the Mandarin edition of Jacky Cheung’s musical Snow. Wolf. Lake.

Chris Shum (lyricist) Chris Shum graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University, and the Master programme of Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. He has been an active lyricist since the 1990s, writing lyrics for theatre, musicals, dance, films, TV programmes and songs. He also makes Cantonese translations of Western lyrics and plays. His lyrical works won numerous awards in Hong Kong Film Award, Taipei Golden Horse Awards, CASH Golden Sail Music Awards and Hong Kong Drama Awards. Chris Shum also published a few books on lyrics writing, and an anthology of translated plays.

Ng Cheuk-Yin (arranger) Ng Cheuk-yin is a composer, music producer, sheng performer and a cappella artist. Ng is Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s first Artist Associate, Music Director of the fusion group SIU2 and a Co-artistic Director of the a cappella choral theatre company, Yat Po Singers. After receiving a post-graduate degree from the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he went on to study Japanese at the International Christian University in Tokyo and Jazz Music at Codarts in the Netherlands. In 2012, Ng received the Award for Best Artist from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. In 2009 and 2013, Ng received the Best Serious Composition in CASH Golden Sail Music Awards by the theatrical choral concert Rock Hard and double sheng concerto Before the City Collapses respectively. And his choral work Singing Voices of the World was awarded twice the CASH Golden Sail Most Performed Works Award (Serious Music) in 2014 and 2019.

*Programme Note can be freely reproduced in concert introduction and house programmes. *This piece must be sung in Cantonese. The Cantonese transliteration of the sheet music is based on The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Cantonese Romanisation Scheme (Jyutping). For guidance on Cantonese pronunciation, please refer to this website:



細風撥著夕陽與山接壤 有小蜻蜓落 柳枝揖揚 擔桿放在稻田歇息那樣 記得家門闔上

A light wind prevails as the sun sets on the mountain A dragonfly descends lightly upon a willow branch A pole sits atop a rice paddy for a moment of repose Remember to shut the doors

記憶裡面未磨碎的印象 幾多陰晴 過幾多衣裳 駐足里 在無數的 上 柳枝抑揚地唱

Memories have not faded I remember the changing weather and drying my clothes I remember countless nights living in the alleyway The willows sing with enchantment

如果天空沒有朝陽 嚴冬應該沒雪霜 沒有季節越會荒涼 一切失去滋養

If the sun doesn’t shine Perhaps there’d be no frost in winter Without the changing seasons, the earth would be barren Nothing will be nourished

柳枝插在大門美得漂亮 再多一年又再接觸天涼 每一里路亦如潮汐潮漲 記憶不能闔上

Willow branches hang by the gate As the year passes, the weather cools Every mile I tread is like the ebb and flow of the tide Memories are indelible 歌詞英譯 English translation of lyrics 李正欣 Joanna C Lee


Sample Recording

2021 第一版 First Edition 2021 中大合唱協會有限公司出版 Published by CU Chorus Association Limited 樂曲介紹 Programme Note: 朱振威 Leon Chu 樂譜排版 Music Typesetting: 太元 Zha Tai-yuan 編輯 Editor: 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong

© 2021 中大合唱協會有限公司 CU Chorus Association Limited




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ÈÒÌÍ OMOÚFÚNFKMFGÚFLÚL Catalogue No. CUCCS0017 ISMN 979-0-805701-06-6


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