木頭公仔唔准笑 Don’t Laugh! Wooden Doll! 韋然 曲、詞
Music and Words by Wai Yin
Frankie Ho 編 Arranged by Frankie Ho
CU Chorus Choral Series
樂曲介紹 韋然素有「香港兒歌之父」美譽,這源於他在1970年代末開始以當時流傳下來僅能唸誦的童謠歌詞為基礎, 重 新創作成大量可供唱詠的兒歌。這些兒歌自發表後大受歡迎,甚至流傳至廣州,多年來在一代又一代的兒童間傳 唱,歷久不衰,已成現代 語文化的瑰寶。我與韋然結緣於2014年的音樂劇製作《飛行棋》,當中引用了多首 韋然的兒歌作品。因此,當中大合唱團指揮朱振威邀請我從韋然的兒歌作品挑選改編成混聲合唱,我很自然地選 擇了三首當年曾採用的歌曲,因為這些都是韋然作品中知名度最高,最廣為人知也最廣受傳唱,這會讓事情更好 玩!羅西尼與比才的歌劇合唱寫法一直深得我喜愛,改編兒歌時他們的風格正好大派用場。特別是喜劇能手羅西 尼,他將人聲當成樂器的寫法,例如要男聲唱著急速的斷音與樂團的巴松管配合,能有效炮製出幽默效果。《木 頭公仔唔准笑》(1977/2021) 要歌手模仿動物叫聲的段落,就是受羅西尼 發。 《狐狸先生幾點鐘?》(CUCCS0022)、《何家小雞何家猜》(CUCCS0011)、《木頭公仔唔准笑》三首 可順序組合為《 語童謠三首》無間斷接續演唱,而各首也可獨立演唱,全部由中大合唱協會出版。 韋然(作曲、作詞) 香港知名民間音樂工作者、有「香港兒歌之父」之雅號,作品多達二千五百多首,知名作品有 語兒歌《 轉》、《何家小雞何家猜》、《小明上廣州》、《十二隻恐龍去野餐》; 另類歌謠《我向你求婚》、《搖搖擺 擺》、《廟街》; 城市民歌《足印》、《南丫島的故事》、《淺水灣的早晨》; 英語童謠《Apple Round, Apple Red》、《Boy & girl》、《Donkey Donkey》; 語古詩詞歌曲《床前明月光》、《江雪》等等。 著有澳門 小城故事系列繪本小說《戀愛巷》、《小孩與狗》; 校本音樂教材《廣東歌謠選》、《快樂歌謠齊齊唱》; 飲食書 《黃花紅酒醉龍華》、《泰昌蛋撻》; 漫畫集《小明探阿爺》等等。 Frankie Ho(編曲) 香港演藝學院音樂學院及戲劇學院畢業生,師隨羅永暉(作曲)及陳敢權(導演)。現為香港作曲家及作詞家協 會會員。 Frankie 曾為多齣音樂劇擔任作曲、編曲及音樂總監,包括香港演藝學院的《少女夢》;香港話劇團 的《香港一定得》、《時間列車 00:00》、《奇幻聖誕夜》及《嗚啦啦啦啦你的歌》;城市大學的《城市傳 奇》;劇場空間的《戀上你的歌》;TNT Production 的《但願人長久》;劇場工作室的《流浪在彩色街頭》; 異人實現劇場的《異型金剛》;中英劇團的《搶奪芳心喜自由》及《戇大人》;劇場工作室及異人實現劇場聯合 製作的《四千金》;Theatre Noir 的《動物農莊》;團劇團的《秋城故事》、《Cabaret 2011》及《港式愛 擁》;林澤群實現劇場的《DIVA 先生的華麗戲劇教室》及《One Night in Falsettoland in Concert》;香港 兒童音樂劇團的《飛行棋》;7A班戲劇組的《老娘企硬》;糊塗戲班的《螢火蟲》;Cabarets - 《Listen》、 《W.A.R.》、《R.A.W.》及《Women, Love, and Life》。 *樂曲介紹可在音樂會簡介及場刊上自由轉載。 *此曲需以 語演唱。本樂譜之 語注音採用香港語言學會 https://www.lshk.org/jyutping
Programme Note Wai Yin is famed as the Father of Nursery Rhymes in Hong Kong. This originates from his large number of recomposed nursery rhymes from the late 1970s, based on the lyrics circulated in oral tradition. These new rhymes soon became popular in Hong Kong and even in Guangzhou for many generations till today, forming an important treasure of Cantonese culture. My first collaboration with Wai Yin was Wong Sze Ma's My Boy the Musical, in which many Wai Yin's nursery rhymes are quoted. When Leon Chu, the Music Director of CU Chorus, invited me to arrange Wai Yin's rhymes for mixed choir, I picked the three most famous tunes which are used in my musical. The whole process of arrangement gave me a lot of fun! The writing of choral scenes in operas by Rossini and Bizet are of my big favour, which I adapt in my arrangement of this nursery rhyme. In Rossini's comic operas, the vocal lines often sound instrumental, such as quick staccato of male singers coupling with bassoons, which effectively bring comic effects. This inspires me to arrange Don’t Laugh! Wooden Doll!, with singers imitating animal sounds. The three arrangements Mr Fox, What Time Is It Now? (CUCCS0022), Whose Little Rooster? Whose? Guess! (CUCCS0011) and Don’t Laugh! Wooden Doll! form a choral sequence as Three Cantonese Nursery Rhymes, which should be performed without any pause between the pieces. They can be performed individually or as a cycle. All published by CU Chorus Association.
Wai Yin (composer, lyricist) Wai Yin is a well known local folk music worker in Hong Kong. He is also known as the father of Hong Kong children's songs for his contribution in the children’s music field . Until now, he has written more than 2,500 musical works, well-known pieces include Cantonese children's songs Ring-around the daisy garden, Whose little rooster? Whose? Guess!, Siu Ming visits Canton, Twelve dinosaurs go for a picnic; alternative songs Won’t you marry me ?, Temple Street; urban folk songs Footprint, The Story of Lamma Island, Good morning, Repulse Bay!; English nursery rhymes Apple Round, Apple Red, Boy & girl, Donkey Donkey; Cantonese poetry songs The moon shines on the bedside, Snow falling on the river etc., Wai Yin has also written several story books, such as Love Lane, Me and my Puppy; school-based music textbook A collection of Cantonese Folks, Happy Junior Songs; Beverage book The daisy, the red wine and Lung Wah Hotel, Taichang Egg Tart; The comic book Siu Ming Visits Canton and many more.
Frankie Ho (arranger) Frankie Ho graduated from both School of Music and School of Drama of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He studied under Law Wing-fai (Composition) and Anthony Chan (Directing). Frankie is now a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd. Frankie has been the composer, arranger and music director for many musicals, including Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts' The Dream of a Young Girl; Hong Kong Repertory Theatre's Hong Kong For Sure!, Departure 00:00, Scrooge, and Sing Your Life a Musical; City University of Hong Kong's City Legend; Theatre Space's They're Playing Our Song; TNT Production's Forever Teresa Teng Musical; and Drama Gallery's Vagabond: The Musical, 2 On Stage's Homo Superus, Chung Ying Theatre Company's A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum, and The Government Inspector: The Musical, Drama Gallery + 2 On Stage's Four Thousand Gold; Theatre Noir's Animal Farm; Wholetheatre's Autumn City Story, Cabaret 2011, and Nothing is Whole without Love; Pichead On Stage's Mr. DIVA's Masterclass, and One Night in Falsettoland in Concert, Hong Kong Children's Musical Theatre's Wong Sze Ma's My Boy the Musical; Class 7A Drama Group's Mother Courage in China; The Nonsensemakers' The Rainbow Troops - The Musical; Cabarets - Listen, W.A.R, R.A.W, and Women, Love, and Life.
*Programme Notes can be freely reproduced in concert introduction and house programmes. *This piece must be sung in Cantonese. The Cantonese transliteration of the sheet music is based on The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Cantonese Romanisation Scheme (Jyutping). For guidance on Cantonese pronunciation, please refer to this website: https://www.lshk.org/jyutping
唔准郁! 唔准笑! 唔准呱呱叫!
Do not move! Do not laugh! Do not make any noise!
小花貓今早上堂 不聽書班裡成日笑 「罰你企!」 先生說: 「懲罰你皆因你太愛笑!」 唔准郁 唔准笑 唔准呱呱叫
Early morning Kitty goes to school, laughs and plays around in the class "Time out now!" The teacher says “I must give you a lesson! You laugh too much!" Do not move, do not laugh, do not make any noise
罰你做個木頭公仔 唔准郁 唔准笑
Time out and be a wooden doll, Do not move, do not laugh!
小汪汪今早旅行 山邊溪水邊胡亂跳 「罰你企!」 爸爸說: 「懲罰你皆因你太百厭!」 唔准郁 唔准笑 唔准呱呱叫
Early morning doggie goes outing, up and down running here and there “Time out now” His father says “I must give you a lesson! You play too much!" Do not move, do not laugh, do not make any noise
罰你做個木頭公仔 唔准郁 唔准笑
Time out and be a wooden doll, Do not move, do not laugh!
小黑豬今早買鞋 窗飾邊一再嘈又叫 「罰你企!」 媽媽說: 「懲罰你皆因你太曳了!」 唔准郁 唔准笑 唔准呱呱叫
Early morning piggie goes shopping, sing and dance going in and out “Time out now” Her mother says “I must give you a lesson! It’s just too much!" Do not move, do not laugh, do not make any noise
English translation of lyrics
Wai Yin
中大合唱協會 語合唱作品樂譜 豉油撈飯 譚天樂 曲、編 岑偉宗 詞 (混聲合唱及鋼琴) CUCCS0001
不散 黃旨穎 曲、編 唐家穎 詞 (混聲合唱及鋼琴) CUCCS0026
戀之花 蘇梓安 曲、詞 (混聲合唱及鋼琴) CUCCS0002
元宇宙幻想曲( 語版) 黃旨穎 曲、詞 (混聲合唱及鋼琴) CUCCS0027
出發 黃旨穎 曲、編 唐家穎、黃旨穎 詞 (混聲合唱及鋼琴) CUCCS0003
合唱組曲《一水南天》 劉穎途 曲 張飛帆 詞 王樂行 編 (獨唱、混聲合唱及鋼琴) 1. 天命 CUCCS0030 2. 金粉世界 CUCCS0031 3. 為富不仁(獨唱) CUCCS0032 4. 月光光 CUCCS0033 5. 家船(獨唱) CUCCS0034 6. 變天 CUCCS0035 7. 新鬼(無伴奏合唱) CUCCS0036 8. 焚城 CUCCS0037
長頸鹿 譚天樂 曲、詞 (女聲三部及鋼琴) CUCCS0009 大笨象 譚天樂 曲、詞 (女聲三部及鋼琴) CUCCS0010 語童謠三首 韋然 曲、詞 Frankie Ho 編 (混聲合唱、無伴奏) 1. 狐狸先生幾點鐘? CUCCS0022 2. 何家小雞何家猜 CUCCS0011 3. 木頭公仔唔准笑 CUCCS0023 π3.14 譚天樂 曲 (女聲三部及鋼琴) CUCCS0012 沒有沒有傷口的宇宙 譚天樂 曲 岑偉宗 詞 (女聲三部及鋼琴) CUCCS0013 (混聲四部及鋼琴) CUCCS0024 點心歌三首 伍華晞 曲 謝偉傑 詞 (男聲三部及鋼琴) CUCCS0015 柳美里 高世章 曲 岑偉宗 詞 伍卓賢 編 (混聲合唱、無伴奏) CUCCS0017 上半生相遇 譚天樂 曲 岑偉宗 詞 (女聲二部及鋼琴) CUCCS0019 (女聲三部及鋼琴) CUCCS0018 (混聲四部及鋼琴) CUCCS0025
更多樂譜及訂購資訊請瀏覽 https://www.cuchorus.org.hk/cucchoralseries
Cantonese Choral Music Published by CU Chorus Association Soy Sauce Rice Music & Arr.: Alex Tam Lyrics: Chris Shum (SATB & Piano) CUCCS0001 Flower of Love Music & Lyrics: Andy So (SATB & Piano) CUCCS0002 Set Off Music & Arr.: Cynthia Wong Lyrics: Serena Tong, Cynthia Wong (SATB & Piano) CUCCS0003 Giraffe Music & Lyrics: Alex Tam (SSA & Piano) CUCCS0009 The Elephant Dance Music & Lyrics: Alex Tam (SSA & Piano) CUCCS0010 Three Cantonese Nursery Rhymes Music & Lyrics: Wai Yin Arr.: Frankie Ho (SATB a cappella) 1. Mr Fox, What Time Is It Now? CUCCS0022 2. Whose Little Rooster? Whose? Guess! CUCCS0011 3. Donʼt Laugh! Wooden Doll! CUCCS0023 π3.14 Music: Alex Tam (SSA & Piano) CUCCS0012
You, My Prelude Music: Alex Tam Lyrics: Chris Shum (SA & Piano) CUCCS0019 (SSA & Piano) CUCCS0018 (SATB & Piano) CUCCS0025 Goodbye, Hello! Music & Arr.: Cynthia Wong Lyrics: Serena Tong (SATB & Piano) CUCCS0026 Metaverse Fantasy (Cantonese version) Music & Lyrics: Cynthia Wong (SATB & Piano) CUCCS0027 Choral Suite "A Tale of the Southern Sky" Music: Lau Wing-tao Lyrics: Cheung Fei-fan Arr.: Amos Wong (Vocal soli, SATB & Piano) 1. Destiny CUCCS0030 2. A World of Glitter CUCCS0031 3. Must Rich Men be Malevolent? (vocal solo) CUCCS0032 4. Moonlight CUCCS0033 5. The Yu Fleet (vocal solo) CUCCS0034 6. Deluge CUCCS0035 7. The Crossing Spirit (SATB a cappella) CUCCS0036 8. City on Fire CUCCS0037
No Woundless World Music: Alex Tam Lyrics: Chris Shum (SSA & Piano) CUCCS0013 (SATB & Piano) CUCCS0024 Three Dim Sum Songs Music: Ng Wah-hei Lyrics: Horris Tse (TBarB & Piano) CUCCS0015 The Willow Lane Music: Leon Ko Lyrics: Chris Shum Arr.: Ng Cheuk-yin (SATB a cappella) CUCCS0017
For more sheet music and order information, please visit https://www.cuchorus.org.hk/cucchoralseries
2022 第一版 First Edition 2022 中大合唱協會有限公司出版 Published by CU Chorus Association Limited 總編輯 Editor-in-chief: 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong 樂曲介紹 Programme Notes: Frankie Ho 樂譜排版 Music Typesetting: 太元 Zha Taiyuan 中文編輯 Chinese Editor: 朱振威 Leon Chu 英文編輯 English Editor: 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong © 2022 中大合唱協會有限公司 CU Chorus Association Limited www.cuchorus.org.hk cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk
版權所有,不得翻印。 All rights reserved. Copying and unauthorized reproduction prohibited by law.
Catalogue No. CUCCS0023 ISMN 979-0-805701-12-7