CUCCS0026 Goodbye, Hello! 不散 (SATB)

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選自演戲家族音樂劇《路比和 的鐵路5號》 from the Actors' Family musical CINEMATIC MEMORIES ON TRAIN NO. 5


Goodbye, Hello! 黃旨穎 曲

Music by Cynthia Wong

唐家穎 詞

Words by Serena Tong

黃旨穎 編

Arranged by Cynthia Wong

CU Chorus Choral Series


樂曲介紹 音樂劇《路比和 的鐵路5號》由莫翠盛編劇、黃旨穎作曲、唐家穎作詞,於2021年國際綜藝合家歡由演戲家族製作 首演。故事講述患有腦退化的 逝世,由於要心無牽掛方能前往天堂,於是按車長指示邀請了孫兒路比一同乘搭回憶列 車重溫過去,以放下心事,旅途上三人雖然經歷意外險阻,路比最終還是從回憶之旅了解到 的愛從未變改,最後日子 的冷漠與疏忽,都只是 受疾病折磨的結果,兩 孫冰釋前嫌, 終能坦然上路。〈不散〉是全劇終曲,唱於兩 孫 離別之時,合唱版本由黃旨穎親自改編。鋼琴引子的八度動機猶如鐵路交叉口的指示鐘聲,合唱團的無詞段落將氣氛變得 夢幻瑰麗,卻同時散發淡淡哀愁。女聲唱出簡潔的旋律,聲響在各部輪流加入後變得豐厚,有著如同教會聖詩的和聲與織 體的副歌,溫暖人心。 黃旨穎(作曲) 黃旨穎畢業於香港演藝學院音樂學院,主修作曲,師隨羅永暉、麥偉鑄及曾葉發;2010年在紐約大學完成藝術碩士課 程,主修音樂劇寫作。黃氏的音樂劇作品先後在美國多個州份公開演出,亦是少數獲美國BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop取錄的亞洲作曲學員。回港後多次與演戲家族合作,並憑《美麗的1天》獲得第二十三屆香港舞台劇 獎最佳原創曲詞,及後《仲夏夜之夢》也獲得第二十六屆香港舞台劇獎年度優秀製作。黃氏現擔任香港演藝學院兼職講 師,教授音樂劇創作,並與不同藝團合作。 Facebook專頁: cynthiawongmusic 唐家穎(作詞) 唐家穎畢業於紐約大學,並取得哥倫比亞大學音樂及音樂教育碩士學位。回港後受聘於鮑比達的工作室,負責協助音樂制 作和歌詞創作,公開發表歌詞作品包括電影《葉問2》香港地區主題曲《百折不撓》、 海洋公園海洋劇場《海洋奇遇》主 題曲《海之歌》、《葉麗儀45年香港情演唱會》點題作品《Dear Hong Kong》等。2015和2017年與演戲家族合作, 填寫音樂劇《愛情漫曼谷》及《朝暮有情人》全劇 語歌詞 。 *樂曲介紹可在音樂會簡介及場刊上自由轉載。 *此曲需以 語演唱。本樂譜之 語注音採用香港語言學會


拼),相關指引請參考網頁 https://

Programme Notes The musical Cinematic Memories on Train No. 5, written by Benny Mok, with music by Cynthia Wong and lyrics by Serena Tong, was first staged by Actor's Family in International Arts Carnival 2021. In the story, Robbie’s grandmother, who has been suffering from dementia, is in her last moments of life. As it is believed that one can only enter heaven with a released mind, Grandma invited Robbie to join her on an imaginary rail trip into the past, as told by the Conductor of the Train, in order to resolve their old conflicts. They encounter many incidents during the trip, through which Robbie realizes the love of Grandma has never ceased, and that he often felt ignored in the past is merely due to Grandma's ailing condition in her last days. After their reconciliation, Grandma finally enters heaven. Goodbye, Hello!, arranged by original composer Cynthia Wong for mixed choir and piano, is the final number of the musical, marking the parting scene of Robbie and Grandma. The opening ringing octaves on the piano resemble the railroad crossing alarm, with the wordless chorus setting a dreamy, gloomy background to the piece. The melody is first sung by female voices, with more voices joining in to enrich the texture, leading to a heart-warming, chorale-like chorus section.

Cynthia Wong (composer, lyricist) Cynthia Chi-Wing Wong obtained her Master of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre Writing at New York University and Bachelor of Music (Composition) at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Her works are performed and staged in various cities of the United States. Cynthia was one of the few Asian composers admitted to the prestigious BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop in New York. The first full-length musical she wrote after her return to Hong Kong, A Beautiful Day, won the Best Original Score for the 23rd Hong Kong Drama Awards. Her another full-length Cantonese musical A Midsummer Night’s Dream was awarded as one of the Best Production of the year in 2016. Cynthia is currently a part-time teacher at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, teaching musical theatre writing, and participates in various musical productions. Facebook Page: cynthiawongmusic

Serena Tong (lyricist) Serena Tong graduated from New York University, and obtained a Master of Arts in Music and Music Education from Columbia University. After returning to Hong Kong, Serena worked for Chris Babida in his studio as a music production assistant and lyricist. Some of her published lyrics include the Hong Kong regional theme song of the movie Ip Man 2, the theme song of the Ocean Theater Ocean Wonders at Ocean Park, and the featured song Dear Hong Kong by Frances Yip in her concert 2015. Serena later wrote all of the Cantonese lyrics in two musicals, The Lesson I Learnt in Bangkok and A Lily in the Valley, produced by Actor’s Family in 2015 and 2017 respectively.

*Programme Notes can be freely reproduced in concert introduction and house programmes. *This piece must be sung in Cantonese. The Cantonese transliteration of the sheet music is based on The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Cantonese Romanisation Scheme (Jyutping). For guidance on Cantonese pronunciation, please refer to this website:



雲散了 再飛返 極光裡 翩翩拍翼無間 有黑暗 方珍惜一瞬間 亮照美麗的蔚藍

Clouds dissipate, but they return Amidst the aurora, wings soar high Because of darkness, we learn to treasure those moments They shine bright in that azure sky

曾見過 記心間 耀眼繽紛色彩千變萬化 曾共一起走過看人間 讓你思憶更璀璨

Moments we've experienced are lodged in our hearts Radiant colours transform in myriad ways We've shared our journey in the mortal world Memories are thus all the more bedazzled

年月隨蝴蝶轉 燃亮華麗滿天 但未停在我手未抱住

The years pass as butterflies make their turns They illuminate the whole sky with splendour But I can't grasp them, I can't catch them

還想可經歷多次 能逆轉抵擋變遷(能盼兌現) 還想可相聚多次 留住光影與歡笑

I still want to share more experiences We'll endure misfortune and change (I hope they'll come true) I still want to keep you company again To capture all the light, shadows, joy and laughter

We cannot turn back the clocks 年月難被逆轉 The times we share do change 同度時日變遷 如未停在我手望記住(凝望視線) Though I can't grasp them, I hope to remember (by my gazing) 能一起經歷多次 才驟覺精彩每天 能好好揮別一次 留在心底最真摯

We've shared a lot Now I know every day is an exciting day As we bid a fond farewell The purest sincerity remains in the heart

垂柳處 野花間 漫天思憶的璀璨 不散

By the willows, among wildflowers Glorious memories fill the sky They linger on


Memories are thus all the more bedazzled

English translation of lyrics:

Joanna C Lee

Reprint with kind permission of The Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government

2022 第一版 First Edition 2022 中大合唱協會有限公司出版 Published by CU Chorus Association Limited 總編輯 Editor-in-chief: 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong 樂譜排版 Music Typesetting:

太元 Zha Taiyuan

樂曲介紹 Programme Notes: 朱振威 Leon Chu 中文編輯 Chinese Editor: 朱振威 Leon Chu 英文編輯 English Editor: 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong © 2022 中大合唱協會有限公司 CU Chorus Association Limited




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ÈÒÌÍ OMOÚFÚNFKMFGÚGKÚN Catalogue No. CUCCS0026 ISMN 979-0-805701-15-8


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