
Windfall is a very picturesque 1,489 hectare (3,680 acre) grazing and irrigation property located in the Manilla region of NSW. It sits alongside the banks of the Namoi River and rises to an elevation of approximately 900 metres, where it sometimes snows in winter.
Approximately 90% of the property is used for fine wool, prime lambs and cattle production. Windfall enjoys approximately 1.3 kilometres of Namoi River frontage at the front of property along with river flats under irrigation.
Windfall would suit investors who are in the market for a productive farm or country getaway. The farm has the financial ability to support a full-time manager with all day-to-day operational costs covered.
Windfall has numerous beautiful lookout locations, nature walks, hunting and fishing spots along the river.
For the more adventurous the Warrabah National Park is approximately 20 kilometres away.

Currently approximately 90% of Windfall is used for fine wool and fat lamb production as well as running cattle.
There are also two centre pivots, covering approximately 40 hectares (100 acres). The pivots and irrigation are used to grow dual purpose crops for finishing and fattening livestock. There is additional suitable arable river flats to expand the irrigation.
Currently Windfall is run by the farm manager with additional staff when required.
The properties timber assets could be investigated to see if the timber and regrowth would be suitable for biobanking or carbon offsets. This would add additional value and revenue to the property with positive environmental outcomes if suitable.
Carrying Capacity
Windfall is considered to have a current carrying capacity of approximately 4,000 - 5,000 Dry Sheep Equivalent (DSE). This could be expanded with further utilisation of the water allocations, troughs and fencing.
Windfall was once a successful Poll Hereford stud for 20 years.
The fencing is a combination of plain and barb and in various condition. The farm manager is currently upgrading to stock proof paddocks as they rotate stock around the property. The fencing on Windfall is considered adequate overall, excellent along the river flats and improved as needed.
Currently there is a mixture of improved, native pastures with established Lucerne under the pivots.
Approximately 120 hectares (300 acres) of the property is used for crops with the balance grazing.
The soils consist of rich alluvial river flats to fertile red basalt hillside.
The topography ranges from river flats to steeper hillside with a mixture of open grazing and timber ridges.

The accommodation on Winfall comprises a nuumber of original buildings in various condition. The main homestead is comfortable and currently used by the farm manager.

The infrastructure on Windfall includes a newly built shearing shed and additional older style shedding. All are located together at the front entrance to Windfall and road.

- New 4-stand (3 setup), large windows and ventilation


Water is a feature on Windfall with approximately 1.3 kilometre frontage to the Namoi River, approximately 23 dams and numerous spring fed creeks.
With an average rainfall of approximately 717 millimetres (Rainfall details on page 30-31).
The Namoi River is a vital waterway in eastern Australia, flowing through the New South Wales region. It meanders through a diverse landscape, encompassing agricultural plains, woodlands, and national parks. This river serves as a lifeline for the communities along its course, providing water for irrigation, livestock, and local industries.
The Namoi River’s waters are sourced from various tributaries, with its headwaters originating in the Nandewar Range. As it winds its way through the region, it plays a crucial role in sustaining both the environment and the economy.
Its significance lies, not only in the water it provides, but also in the cultural and recreational opportunities it offers, making it an integral part of the Australian landscape.

Windfall has approximately 40 hectares (100 acres) under irrigation via two centre pivots. The main crops grown are dual purpose mainly for fattening and finishing livestock.
There is additional river flat and arable land which would be suitable for further irrigation.
Water Features Include:
• 2 x Centre pivots covering approx 40 hectares
• 212 megalitre of river water licence
• 100 megalitre aquifer/groundwater water licence
• Approximately 23 dams
• Header tank system with troughs located throughout the property
• 2 x Bores
Source: WaterNSW
Manilla is a historic country town that lies 44 kilometres north of Tamworth at the junction of the Manilla and Namoi Rivers. It has grown from a rich agricultural base and continues to prosper as a service centre for the highly productive agricultural sector.
The town features an abundance of beautiful period architecture with distinctive façades, lead-light windows, pressed metal ceilings, verandas and ornate balconies.
Manilla is a world-renowned centre for paragliding and nearby Mount Borah hosts world championships. Lying between two magnificent lakes, Lake Keepit and Split Rock Dam, Manilla has water activities for swimmers, fishermen, water skiers, sailors and windsurfers.
Manilla 20min 22km
50min 65km
55min 67km
Sydney - Tamworth 45 minute flight time
Source: google.com/maps (approx)

Coffs Harbour
Port Macquarie
Werris Creek
Station: Manilla (Rosedale)
Number: 55303
Opened: 2000 to present day
Latitude: 30.81° S
Longitude: 150.75° E
Elevation: 420m
Mean Annual Rainfall: 717.7mm
Lowest: 305.4mm
Highest: 1,106.2mm
The closest weather station to Windfall, recording rainfall, is located south west at Manilla (Rosedale). The closest weather station recording temperature is to the south at Tamworth Airport.
The climate can be best described as having hot summers and cold winters and mostly clear year round.
Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 2°C to 32°C and is rarely below -1°C or above 37°C.
Station: Tamworth (Airport)
Number: 55325
Opened: 1993 to present day
Latitude: 31.07° S
Longitude: 150.84° E
Elevation: 395m
Mean Lowest Temperature: 23.4°C
Mean Highest Temperature: 27.5°C
Rain falls throughout the year in Manilla with the wettest months being November and December. The driest months are April and May.
Source: bom.gov.au & weatherspark.com

Source: Bureau of Meteorology (Australian Government)
Property Address 2195 Namoi River Road, Namoi River NSW 2346
Certificates of Title Lots 26, 27, 41, 59, 65, 70, 77, 78, 80 & 90 DP752190
Land Size 1,489 hectares (approx 3,680 acres) - Subject to Contract for Sale and survey
Local Council Tamworth Regional Council
Council Rates To be advised
Land Zoning RU1: Primary Production
Minimum Lot Size
800 hectares
240v mains and 3-Phase power
212 Megalitre - General River (WAL3261)
100 Megalitre - Aquifer 2 x Bores
Phone & Internet Starlink NBN Satellite (limited mobile reception)
This timetable is provided as a guide only and may be varied at the vendor’s discretion.
Information Memorandum
Email or call Richard or Deborah to receive a copy
Via private appointment at a mutually agreed day and time
Closing Date For Offers
No official closing date. Vendors will consider all offers
Contract For Sale
A Contract for Sale is available on request
The vendors will consider vendor finance or any other commercial terms put forward.
Private appointment
Livestock & Machinery
Sale price is exclusive of livestock and machinery
Agent Comment
The vendors are open to vendor terms and finance
Richard Royle
+61 418 961 575
Deborah Cullen
+61 401 849 955


Lot 27 DP752190 Lot 59 DP752190 Lot 41 DP752190
26 DP752190
Lot 90 DP752190
Lot 65 DP752190
Lot 80 DP752190
Lot 70 DP752190
Lot 79 DP752190 Lot 77DP752190

Disclaimer: The information provided in this document is for general purposes only and does not purport to contain all of the information purchasers may require. Purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy and completeness of this information through physical inspections, enquiries, surveys and searches. All areas, amounts, measurements, distances and other numerical information are approximate only. Purchasers should make their own enquiries and obtain their own independent advice in order to verify the accuracy of the information in this document.