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Seniors’ Favorite High School Memories
What will these seniors always remember about their time at CHS?
Olivia Britton, Staff Writer

Definitely my senior volleyball season. Everything about that time of my life was so much fun, and I got to experience it with my teammates and best friends.

was probably the trip; it was so much fun.
My favorite memory is pep rallies before football games because they were finally normal this year. Another memory is all the hours we spent pomping and how much closer our class got during it!

Dressing up as colonel women and driving 50 through the Chick-Fil-A parking lot to make the senior sunrise.
My favorite things about Cullman High School range from Key Club freshman year to splatball wars in the summer and everything in between. I think more than all, watching the class of 2023 grow closer together and support each other through various sports, band, and arts has been my favorite part of my highschool years. Could not ask for a better class to be a part of.


I would say my favorite memory was winning the state championship for cheerleading in 9th grade.
My favorite memory is the first regular season football game against Mars Hill. Coming into the game no one expected us to win and we had already been written off. All the players are nervous and ready to hit someone else beside their teammates. Defense does their thing and we hold them to a close game. With a few seconds left we got them back up to their own end zone and the plan was for them to fake a safety and win the game. But we weren’t ready to quit. The ball was snapped and we are full steam ahead for the punter. I catch up to him before he steps out of the end zone and strip the ball. Ben Washburn lands on the ball in the end zone as the clock hits 0. We won the game. Everyone goes crazy, the fans can’t believe it and the players can’t believe it either. I will never forget that night and the excitement on all the coaches faces and the roar of our student section. I love those guys and none of it could have been possible without the glory of God!