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Seniors’ Favorite High School Memories (Continued)
What will these seniors always remember about their time at CHS?
Olivia Britton, Staff Writer

do what I love.
Ella Kate Green -

My favorite thing from high school would be probably getting close to a lot of people and just getting to have the fun memories of Friday night lights, pep rallies, homecoming events, and dress up days. It was truly so fun and will always be something I remember forever.
I have greatly enjoyed these past 4 years of being a Cullman Bearcat! Some of my favorite parts of high school have been the Key Club dance freshman year at Top of the Town, being a part of the Cullman Chaos student section last year for the Final 4 and State-winning basketball games, the outdoor movie nights in the parking lot during sophomore and junior year, getting involved with FCCLA and going on trips with Mrs. Rains, friday nights in the fall at Oliver Woodard watching football in the student section and taking pictures, going on adventures and getting to capture timeless memories with the Southerner yearbook staff for the past 3 years, homecoming week as a senior (and winning basically everything), and making bonds with my friends, classmates, and teachers that will last a lifetime!
Pep rallies (especially the dance some of the teachers did freshman year dressed as zombies), being able to do clinicals senior year, and the basketball student section the past 2 years.
I have truly had the time of my life at Cullman High School. If I had to go back I doubt I would change a thing. My favorite memory would probably be the first football game I photographed my junior year. The energy on the sidelines is something I’ll always remember. It was discovering the feeling of doing something I truly enjoy and am passionate about.

My favorite things about high school would be getting to play baseball with my best friends and having funny conversations at lunch everyday.
My favorite high school memory would have to be homecoming junior year, more specifically the bonfire.
My favorite memory is doing the womanless year.
I have truly made the best memories these past four years at Cullman High School. A few of my favorites would have to be each volleyball season with my best friends, working on the newspaper, getting to pomp each Homeocming week with our grade (including our sleepovers), and Coach Drake’s computer science class my senior year.

My fave memory is presenting my Beowulf project in AP Literature. It was a bunch of food and everyone was overwhelmed by all of the containers.