1 minute read
Impacting Underclassmen
The influence of this year’s senior lass
Olivia Britton, Staff Writer

are always so funny and they help me with my homework and they’ve just inspired me to be a good person.”
- by showing me what a true godly person is like. She has always shown up for church and is there when I need her.”
- “I just… I mean… Olivia Britton. This year’s been a rough year, without Olivia Britton… She inspires me to be better. I look over and I see that Rouge… roaming and I just…seriously Britt has motivated me so much. Without her, how would I get to practice??”
She’s just very reliable and loyal. She’s always there for you if you need her. She’s very protective and will do whatever.” obviously. She’s the best big sister and role model because she’s taught me how to care for the people around me, and try my hardest at everything in life. me how to create creative Google Slides.”
She taught me how kindness can literally get you through anything and how friendship is so important, and how you need to always make new friends and have them for a lifetime.”
SADIE - “Olivia Britton. I love her. She takes us on trips in the Rouge. Without her motivation and inspiration I don’t know what I would do with my life. She’s motivational. Listen listen listen, when I’m in the dugout, just sitting there, I look over and she gives me the peptalk. She brings a smile to my face. I don’t know what I would do without her. When she leaves there’s gonna be tears. I’m already tearing up right now.” be a leader in tough situations.” need him too.” has been the best friend and teammate on the soccer team this year. She’s a real one, and she’s always there when I ask her to, [be] ; even if it’s something she doesnt support me in.”

- has positively affected me. She has really given me advice that has changed my life and made me a better person.”

She has been my best friend since the 2nd grade. [Ivey] really has kinda kept me in line with all of my friends and made me realize that not every single high school friendship has to crumble and fall apart because there’s always gonna be someone there for you.”
Kirk has affected my life because last year she gave me a ride to an archery tournament and I’ve really appreciated her since she’s done that.”