4 minute read
SENIOR SECTION 25 words of advice
jessie & jerriesue godbee
Senior Letters To Freshmen Siblings

sophie & livi caretti
anna beth & knox mauldin

Dear JerrieSue,
I know that you are just a freshman right now and believe that time is moving astronomically slowly, but I would advise you to enjoy every step of your high school experience. It truly does go by so quickly, and after this, you will be in “the real world,” so enjoy every second. Be nice to everyone (including your teachers, Jerrie). Make friends with people who are outside of your normal friend group. Even if your “friends” look down upon them, you should not. I will be asking people if you are nice at school, and if they say no, I will be smacking you when I come home. Persevere through your honors/AP classes; they might be hard, but you will be much better off in college because of them. Do not worry about honors chemistry; you are better at math than I am, and if I could do it, you can do it. On the club/extracurricular exhibition days, be open to joining a new crowd. You will be surprised at how much you might enjoy some of them (i.e. theatre, scholar’s bowl, etc.) Do not wait until you are a senior to try something new! My biggest piece of advice for you is to not care about what people think; do not let the thoughts of others deter you from wearing certain clothes, joining a different extracurricular activity, or taking a certain class. You are the only JerrieSue I know, so act like it. Do not vape because nobody wants to be operated on by a surgeon who has emphysema. Even if you change your mind about your career choice, do not let anybody change your mind about the former. Try not to miss me too much, and be sure to spend time with Mom. I love you!
Love, Jessie
Dear Livi,
Going into freshman year I thought these would be the longest four years of my life. While at some points they were and I hated it, now I’m less than a month from graduating and it’s hard to believe those four years are over. I’m more than thankful to have been able to spend my last year with you as a freshman. It makes my day when we see each other in the hallway, sit in the car before school and talk, oh and the times I yell at you for getting out of soccer late even though you can’t help it… but seriously I love having you here so much. Since I won’t be here to tell you what to do for the next three years I made you a list of tips from one sister to another.
-Go to all the games because eventually, you won’t be able to sit in the student section.
-Don’t be afraid to participate because no one will remember and you’ll have a great time in the process.
-DON’T stop at the stop sign on Stadium in the mornings…
-Just follow the seniority rules.
-Don’t sit in the senior section if you aren’t a senior.
-Don’t be in the front three rows of a sporting event if you aren’t a senior (maybe a junior).
-Don’t stress about college till senior year.
-A test grade does not define you.
-Do the work, join the clubs, and be nice-scholarships will thank you senior year, trust me.
-Listen to the older kids because when they say time flies they mean it.
-Most important: have fun, do the thing, don’t not do something because you may regret it, take the road less traveled, be YOU.
Here’s a quote to live by:
“It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” - John Templeton. I love you so much and can’t wait to see what these next years at CHS hold for you.
Forever and Always, Sophie <3
As my senior year comes to an end, I realize your time in high school has just begun. I know I have had my share of complaining about school and you have too, but the truth is that you are going to look back and wish you would have taken in high school a little bit more. It is so hard to believe that I am graduating and you and Ellie are just right there behind me. With that being said, I am going to miss waking you up on some mornings (no matter how frustrated I was at you), spontaneous trips to 31, you begging me to take you to Tropical Smoothie, the look we give each other when Ellie says something dumb or when Dad is getting on to us, and getting to pick you up from baseball in the afternoons. They might not have meant much to you, but I have been taking in those moments a little bit more lately. This year has gone by so fast, and it has not been easy in the moments when I remember I will be off to college soon.
It has been a blessing watching you grow up and seeing you spread your kindness to others. You have a heart unlike no other, and seeing you share your compassion is something I am so lucky to have constantly witnessed. I am so proud of you and the kind, witty, and respectable man you have grown up to be. I wish I had just one more school year to spend alongside you and Ellie. I am so incredibly happy that I get to call myself your sister.
I love you,
Anna Beth
Dear Ty,
My time at CHS is coming to an end but yours is just getting started. Even though you feel like you have all the time in the world, it will be over in a blink of an eye. Don’t hold back with anything and do everything to the best of your ability. Take chances and risks and have fun because you never know what it will lead to. Enjoy your time in high school while you can before it’s gone. Follow your dreams and go do what you want to do and don’t let anything stop you.
Your big brother, Riley
Dear Audrey,
I can’t believe you’re already in high school and before you know it, you’ll be a senior. Try your best to soak up all the moments with your friends because it flies by. Always try your best in all that you do and remember that your mistakes don’t define you. Don’t be afraid to fail, because failure leads to success. P.s. don’t climb on the roof.
Love, Cole