Creating Contacts

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Introduction • Networks & networking • Mapping your contacts

• Planning your approach • How to build networks & contacts - Guest speaker • Making contact

Networks & Networking • What is a network? • Modern networking: online / offline • Strong & weak ties • Cultivating relationships • What are the benefits?

Benefits of networks • Opportunities & skill sharing • Peer support & mentoring • Knowledge & expertise • Brainstorming & market research • Friendship & support

‘Modern networking is about ideas fitness’ Julia Hobsbawn

Mapping your contacts • Identifying current contacts • Where are the gaps? • How to get the information you want / need • Capturing contacts

Mapping your contacts • Connectors • Mavens • Salesmen

The Law of the Few from “The Tipping Point” Malcolm Gladwell 2000

Capitalising on events and opportunities • Where to look • Who connected you to the opportunity?

• Who helped make it happen? • Who attended, visited and commented? • Who else did you meet as a result?

Where to start • Creative Scotland Opportunities • Central Station: Event Bulletin

• Meetup: find your people • Eventbrite • City Networks • Sector organisations • Business networks

• Support Directory – search Networks

Why is social media so important? • Benefits • Engagement

• Digital watercooler • Strategy & maintenance

Tools of the trade

How to build networks and contacts • Guest speaker

Planning your approach • Defining your goals • Being authentic • Clarity around who you are & what you do • What do you have to offer? • Elevator pitch

Be prepared • Culture • Engagement • Updates & materials • Follow up actions

Making contact • Making your own luck • Talking with confidence • Conversations basics • Observer model

Talking with confidence Know what you want • Your intention

• Mentally rehearse having it already • Think of the consequences, + and - of getting it • Take action yourself – don’t depend on others

Good to remember • Spoken words (7%) – what you say • Voice (38%) – how you say it • Body language (55%) – your face & body

Conversation basics Know what you want

• What’s your intention? • Starting point Keep it going

• Listening • Questioning • Speaking: up and out

Observer Consider the interaction from an independent view e.g. fly on the wall. What do you observe? What insight does this give you to take back to self?

Self Look at the situation from your viewpoint. What do you see, hear, feel? What thoughts do you have? What needs are you trying to meet?

Other Look at the situation as if you were the other person. What do you see, hear, feel? What thoughts do you have? What needs are you trying to meet?

Observer Model: Perceptual Positions

Sources of information • • Getting Connected – FAQs • Marketing – How to Contact the Press & Media • Support Directory – search Networks • Your Sector

• External Events

Go to an event

Create a profile

Designer 123 Bright Studios Glasgow

Make the phone call to...

G1 7PY

Please note: Clients and other organisations have kindly given permission for Cultural Enterprise Office to use some content only within the workshop. Therefore some of the slides shown in the workshop are not reproduced in this document. Where possible we have attributed the source of the content in the presentation for clients to research further.

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