Joppa Jericho
An Advent Journey
Hebron December. 2014
From high above an ancient ridge Where Jonah walked there came a bridge To span the gap from death to life And bring an end to ceaseless strife. For as the prophet once said, ‘No,’ To Nineveh he would not go, Another servant of the Lord Said ‘Yes’ to bear the Living Word. So from those hills of Galilee From Nazareth where few would see An Advent journey thus began To bring new hope to every man. They walked for miles both up and down Across the mountains, through each town Until they passed Jerusalem And came at last to Bethlehem. And there within that ‘house of bread’ The Christ was born, as it was said. That we might know the depths of love Sent from the Father’s heart above. For if we follow He yet leads All those who love in word and deeds So may we journey even still To do our Father’s perfect will.
Christ United Methodist Church
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Christ United Methodist Church
Journey to Complete Joy
As Christmas nears, we sing of the joy in the angels’ glad tidings to the shepherds abiding in the fields around Bethlehem. We sing, too, of the Magi’s joy at seeing the star that would guide them to the place where the righteous Branch from David’s lineage had sprouted forth (Jeremiah 33:14-16). This time of year, we long for the lighter, brighter experiences of joy that come to us from God as gift, as grace, as a sharing of God’s own joy in loving us, and we celebrate what we have received. Yet as Jesus faced the cross, He spoke of a deeper dimension of joy that comes, not so much from receiving, as from surrendering. Saint Paul often wrote of this latter joy. From beginning to end, his whole ministry was a journey toward it. Over and over he reminded Christians that wherever they went, no matter their
trials, they would be known as followers of Christ by the joy that overflowed out of their relationship with God. Near the end of his life, when he was suffering much, the holiness of complete joy radiated through Paul’s every witness. It was his constant prayer that Christians everywhere and in every time might have the same witness. So we, too, may journey to holy and complete joy by moving ourselves from the center of the world so that God may reside there, by ceasing to resist God’s actions upon our souls, and by enduring the troubles that come our way without murmuring and grumbling. Once upon a time, another saint, Saint Francis of Assisi, and Brother Leo were discussing the nature of perfect, holy, and complete joy. Perfect joy, Francis argued, did not come from anything that one did. It was not the result of being able to work for God. Rather, pointing to Christ’s own abandonment of Himself on the cross, Francis declared perfect joy comes only from a total surrendering of self. After cataloging all possible sources of vexation in life – rudeness, disappointments, betrayals, persecutions, weariness, sickness, and more – he finally concluded: “If we suffer these things with patience and with gladness and with love, then, oh, Brother Leo, write that therein is Perfect Joy!” My Christmas prayer for all of us will be to ask for this perfect, holy, and complete joy, so that the ups and downs of life will cease to hurt us, and we’ll unburden ourselves of unnecessary discord rooted in self-interest. It will be a prayer for God to become everything to us, so that God may extend the joy of salvation to others through us. It will be a prayer for the humility that makes us truly, deeply, completely, and ecstatically joyful from the inside out! I believe this is what Jesus tells us we may not only ask for, but also expect to receive. May you journey closer to complete joy this Christmas. BY PASTOR LINDA SUMMERS PIERCE
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
After Jesus had washed His disciples’ feet, and shared bread with them in observance of the Passover, He began to tell them He must die. Sensing the pain of their disbelief, He sought to comfort them. He assured them they would always abide in Him as surely as any branch abides in the vine that gives it life. He told them no matter their future trials, His Spirit would be with them to guide them in the way of truth. Seeing they wanted to ask Him about this, “He said to them, Are you asking one another what I meant when I said, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me’? I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. . . Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” (John 16:19-20, 22-24, NIV)
The prayer offered is selected by Pastor Dan Conway to assist you in your ‘Journey to Hope’ this Advent season.
Christ United Methodist Church
Giver of Hope* … Do not give up on us when we let go of hope, surrender to disappointment, drift into aimlessness, or sink into gloom and despair. Stir us, again and again, to dream of new possibilities, and energize each other with new expectations. Hear our prayer for all who wait in hope for a smile, a handshake, and a welcome; and for all who long to find joy beyond sorrow, healing beyond hurt, peace beyond conflict, and dawn after dark night. Breathe and blow through this congregation and kindle your gifts of patience, kindness, humility, fidelity, gentleness, and self-control. Revive in us now the freedom to give and receive, to make mistakes and start again to forgive and accept forgiveness. Energize the worldwide church. Strengthen those who are persecuted for their faith. Give courage to women, children and men who day by day struggle to survive. … To you, most humble, most wise, yet ever untamable Spirit, with the Word made flesh and the Source of all things, Holy Three, Holy One, be glory and honor, worship and praise, now and for ever. Amen.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
* Portions of prayer taken from “Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany” by Brain Wren, pgs 26-27
Peace Peace
Sometimes the strangest things bring us peace. When I was in college one of my favorite summertime activities was to take a road trip with my best friend. Around finals time in the spring semester, when our stress was highest, we would become escapist and daydream about which city or national treasure in the U.S. we wanted to see that summer. After finals ended we would pick a week for our journey, and that was about as much planning as we did. When the week arrived my friend would drive from the University of Houston to Southwestern University, I would hop in the car with him, and then we would drive. We never planned anything other than the destination but had a roaming interest in everything along the way. When we had an idea of where we were going, we would call friends and extended family members who were along the
Christ United Methodist Church
route and offer for them to share in our travels for a day when we arrived in their town. We loved learning from them, as they became our native guides for their area. Amazingly, a time or two we would accidentally run into someone we knew on the other side of the country and join our parties for the day. There were times our travels were fun and times when they were scary. But for some reason we always headed West because the driving, conversation, and landscape brought us both peace. This Advent our church will take a journey of a different kind as we travel with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. In a way our party and their party can join at the hip and experience life together. And when it’s all over as we arrive at our destination, we just might meet someone new. A baby, perhaps. A shepherd. A guide. A Savior. Sometimes the strangest things bring us peace.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
November 30
Advent Kick-Off Worship with We Are The Monks 6 pm • Sanctuary
December 7
Festival Choir & Orchestra presents Angels We have Heard On High! 7 pm • Sanctuary
December 9
Silent Night: Healing Prayer Service 7 pm • Sanctuary
December 14
Children’s Choir presents Room For Christmas During 9:45 am service • Sanctuary
December 14
Pastor Chappell’s Bible Study A Look at the Land of the Advent Journey One Night Only • 5 pm • Sanctuary
December 24
Christmas Eve at Christ Church 3 pm - Children’s- Sanctuary 5 pm - Traditional - Sanctuary 6 pm - Casual (the hub - FLC Gym) 7:30 pm - Traditional - Sanctuary 9 pm - Contemporary - (FLC Gym) 11 pm - Traditional - Sanctuary
Christ United Methodist Church
The Festival Choir and Orchestra of Christ Church
Lahonda Sharp, Conductor Beth McConnell, Organist present
Pre-concert music at 5:30 pm
Gloria by John Rutter The Many Moods of Christmas by Robert Shaw
Aija Izaks - Featured Violinist Bodie Gilbert & Michael Vaughn - Guest soloists
Ballet Grace
With a Christmas meditation by Lead Pastor Chappell Temple Admission is free. Invite a friend to this special evening! Childcare by reservation, contact Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765.
Our committees wish you a blessed & merry Christmas. Thank you for your support over this past year. We look forward to serving with you in 2015! –From the 2014 Committees Board of Trustees, Leadership Council, Finance Committee, Staff-Parish Relations Committee, and Vision and Planning Committee
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Also featuring: Children’s Choir
Women’s Retreat 2015:
Join us this year as we adorn the church and its worship spaces for our Advent, Christmas Eve, and Christmas season celebrations! We’ll begin with a pitch-in brunch at 10 am that will include a brief devotion that shares the meaning behind the symbols of the season. Then we’ll divide into decorating teams for specific assignments, including the placement of the beautiful poinsettias. All materials and instructions will be provided. We plan to be finished around noon. Children, youth, and families are especially encouraged to participate and will be welcomed with joy. Please consider being a part of this festive family time as we work side-byside. If you don’t have time to prepare a brunch item, please don’t let that keep you from coming. Drinks, fruits, and sweet breads will be provided. AFTER THANKSGIVING, ADVENT ARRIVES! NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER 7, DECEMBER 14, AND DECEMBER 21
REGISTER AT WWW.CUMCSL.ORG/WOMEN BY JANUARY 9 Our weekend will be led by Carole Lewis, First Place 4 Health’s National Director Emeritus, where she served from 1987 to 2013. As a member of the original First Place group that began in 1981, she watched the program grow from 12 groups in one church to thousands of members at more than 12,000 churches throughout the nation and in many foreign countries. Carole is a popular speaker and author of 15 books, including her most recent, “Live Life: Right Here, Right Now.” Her audiences know her as warm, transparent, honest, and humorous, and she will lead our retreat with emphasis on personal and spiritual balance, fitness, and encouragement. Retreat Price(per person pricing/based upon availability): $220 for triple, $300 for double, $500 for single occupancies Contact Debbie MacDonald at 281.723.2413 or
Christ United Methodist Church
The Sunday after Thanksgiving begins the season of Advent. “Advent” comes from the Latin “adventus” and means “coming.” During Advent we celebrate the comings of Christ - His birth, His presence with us in worship in Word and Spirit, and His coming again. “Hope,” “Peace,” “Joy,” and “Love” are the themes of the four Sundays of Advent. We also light candles on an “Advent Wreath” and say and sing words together that help us prepare to receive Christ anew in our lives so we may commit to pursuing Him and His righteousness all of our lives. Families with children help lead us in this special time in worship by lighting the right number of candles on the wreath for the particular Sunday. Families are also encouraged to have small Advent Wreaths at home where they light the candles and offer words of praise and thanks for Jesus. Plan now to have an especially meaningful Advent season’s observance in your church, in your home and in your heart. JOY BELLS MONDAYS, DECEMBER 1 & 8 • 6 PM • CHOIR ROOM
This musical opportunity is available to all interested persons. It offers a place to learn, serve and experience fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. To join this ensemble, contact Molly at 281.344.8343. HONOR A LOVED ONE - POINSETTIA SALES NOW - DECEMBER 7 • $15 EACH
When we place a poinsettia in our worship spaces to remember a loved one or honor someone who has blessed our life, we honor Christ and offer our hearts in celebration of his birth. Beautiful poinsettias from Brookwood Nursery may be purchased in the Volunteer Center, online, and through the front office from November 23 through December 7. Look for the red order forms in the Volunteer Center and Sanctuary pew pockets. The poinsettias will be placed in worship on Christmas Eve and available for you to take home after the service you attend. Contact Sandy White at 281.690.4777 for additional information. Available online at
The Christmas season can be a painful time for those who’ve experienced loss. Instead of bringing excitement, joy, and happiness, it brings reminders of empty places at the table and in the heart. This beautiful, quiet, peaceful candlelight service offers time to reflect on God who weeps with us and wants to restore our joy. Hope is offered through prayers, a special Advent wreath liturgy, and the pastor’s meditation. The joy of the sounds and songs of the season are gifted those who attend by the Festival Choir, the Sacred Harps ensemble, and bells. Candles will be lit during the singing of “Silent Night” which will include a verse written just for this night celebrating the new life we have in Jesus Christ. All are invited to attend this service. Extended family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances are most welcome. If you’ve been blessed not to have experienced loss, then come and help bear the burdens of grief for your brothers and sisters. Your presence and prayers will be a blessing. USHERS NEEDED DECEMBER 24 • ALL SERVICES
Christmas Eve is an exciting time, with our highest attendance. We would not be able to accommodate the crowds without the help of our wonderful ushers. Please prayerfully consider one day of service by volunteering to usher during this special evening. Contact Sandy White at to volunteer. Detailed instructions will be provided. Thank you. COMMUNION SERVANTS NEEDED DECEMBER 24 • ALL SERVICES
Because we welcome our largest attendance on Christmas Eve, additional servants are needed to prepare and serve Communion at this special time. Please prayerfully consider this one day of service in His Name and contact Sandy White at to volunteer. Detailed instructions and training provided. Thank you. ACOLYTES’ CHRISTMAS PARTY AND SERVICE PROJECT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 • 3 TO 5 PM • ROOMS 210/211
Acolytes help us begin worship by bringing the light of Christ into the gathered congregation, and they remind us of our mission as a church by leading us out to shine the light of Christ in this dark world. All the Acolytes come together once a year to celebrate the Advent season and to assemble up to 3,000 Christmas Eve candles for use in those special candlelight services. This year, we’ll meet for a time of exploring the theme, “Miracle in the Manger” through Scripture, drama, games, relays and service. Treats will be served and gifts given to each one present. Grateful thanks to Victor and Judy Hicks and their grandson, Ty Sponsel, for their leadership of this event and this important ministry.
THE WORD MADE FRESH Upcoming Sermons at Christ Church
New Testament Lesson: Luke 1:26-38 Sermon Title: Troubling News in Nazareth (Pastor Temple preaching the Sanctuary services; Pastor Morgan preaching the hub) December 7: PEACE
New Testament Lesson: Luke 1:39-56 Sermon Title: Hill Country Halleluias (Pastor Temple preaching the 8:15 am Sanctuary service and the hub; Pastor Pierce preaching the 9:45 and 11:05 am Sanctuary services) December 14: JOY
Old Testament Lesson: Jeremiah 33:14-16 Sermon Title: A Promise to Jerusalem (Pastor Morgan preaching the 8:15 am Sanctuary service and the hub; Pastor Temple preaching the 9:45 and 11:05 am Sanctuary services) December 21: LOVE
New Testament Lesson: Luke 2:1-5 Sermon Title: Going Back to Bethlehem (Pastor Temple preaching the 8:15 and 11:05 am Sanctuary services; Pastor Conway preaching the 9:45 am Sanctuary service and the hub) December 24: CHRISTMAS EVE
New Testament Lesson: John 1:1-14 Sermon Title: Come and See (Preaching Rotation TBD) 3 pm · Children’s - Sanctuary 5 pm · Traditional -Sanctuary 6 pm · Casual (the hub - FLC Gym) 7:30 pm · Traditional - Sanctuary 9 pm · Contemporary (FLC Gym) 11 pm - Traditional - Sanctuary All services include Holy Communion. NOTE: December 28
9:45 am – Sanctuary 11:00 – the hub (No Sunday School)
Our 2015 Confirmation program, called The Way, will introduce your child to the life of Jesus Christ in a real and personal way. In addition, your child will be introduced to the Methodist church, make new friends, be encouraged to attend worship services on a consistent basis, experience many different types of worship, and have FUN! The Way is a short-term program that will start in January with a simple “get to know you” gathering and end on May 3, Confirmation Sunday. The weeks will be filled with teaching from all the pastors of Christ Church, the Student Ministries Director, and many volunteers who make this class possible.
Ken & Karen Kaser
Terri Skeen
New this year, we are asking for the families to only cover $25 of the program expenses. We feel it’s vitally important to have everyone go through the program and don’t want expenses to stand in the way. You must sign up and pay online before December 28 so that we can secure all the items needed for the class. You can find the link to sign up at If you have questions or would like to talk about The Way, please feel free to reach out to Todd Harris at 281.690.4746 or email We look forward to seeing you along The Way! ONE ROOM BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 • 9 - 11 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
The December meeting of the Book Club is our annual Christmas social. We each bring a special piece of prose or poetry to read to the group. Some even share a sample of their own writing. Members also provide festive refreshments for the gathering. Come and join us. SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S BIBLE STUDY SATURDAYS • 8–9:30 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
Earl & Abby Flowers
Choir and Orchestra’s Christmas nd Children’s Choir singing. And hoir for this special presentation Can't make it to worship in person? ohn Rutter, many familiar carols mas” by Robert Shaw, Then, joinandusBeth for worship online. no. For information about joining f beautiful music, contact Lahon-
Sanctuary Services broadcast live on Sunday at 8:15 am, 9:45 am and 11:05 am, and services in the hub broadcast live on Sunday at 11 am. PAGE.09
Christ United Methodist Church
Come join our Bible-based men’s group and experience Christian fellowship, discussion, and study. Don’t forget your Bible and coffee mug! All men are welcome! CONNECTED & GROWING GROUPS ADVENT STUDY “UNDER WRAPS” WEDNESDAYS, 6:45 - 8 PM STARTING DECEMBER 3 • FLC VISIT WWW.CUMCSL.ORG/GROW TO REGISTER
A new “Connected & Growing” Advent/Christmas study begins Wednesday, December 3 at 6:45pm for children, youth and adults. “Under Wraps” is a video-based study by Jessica LaGrone that all will enjoy this Christmas season. Adults, please register yourself and your children online. A $10 participant fee applies. Senior High youth meet in the Volunteer Center. The study concludes the week before Christmas on Wednesday, December 17.
Here’s what one Stephen Minister has to say about Stephen Ministry: “At first I wasn’t sure about all this caregiving stuff. I mean, didn’t I love others enough already? Then I finished my Stephen Ministry training and met with the person for whom I provided care. Now I know what Christian love is all about! I did not expect the wonderful gifts of love and friendship that God gave me through my caring relationship. What a wonderful ministry this is!” November will be the latest possible time to apply for a training class for Stephen Ministers that begins in January. Pray about and consider this opportunity to grow. For more information, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. PASTOR CHAPPELL’S BIBLE STUDY A LOOK AT THE LAND OF THE ADVENT JOURNEY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 • 5 - 6PM • SANCTUARY
Come and join Pastor Temple for a one-night study on why place matters in the whole Nativity story. Slides of sites in Israel and more in-depth explanations about the settings and times surrounding the birth of our Savior will be shared. All are welcomed!
Open to all ages with a participatory format and biblically based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS
Consists of members ages 40s and up, with and without children. Discussionoriented, studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to daily life. Enjoys fellowship, mission projects and social activities. Meets in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center. AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish. Meets in Room 312 of the Family Life Center. BARNABAS
Consists of adults, 50 years and older, who are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others, both within and outside the class. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL
Open to all singles of any age, with and without children. Enjoys discussionoriented Bible studies. Meets in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST
Consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. A relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS
Welcomes people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). Participatory format. Delves into scriptural truths and seeks to grow the faith of its members. Meets in Room 301 of the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES
Allows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While the class is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. Meets in the Resource Library. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)
Name reflects class’ focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out activities for members, who are in their 40’s - 70’s. Meets in Room 311 of the Family Life Center. JUBILEE
Made up of mature individuals, age 65 - 90+, who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons presented by Jan Randolph. Meets in Rooms 11/12. SEEKERS
Couples, singles, and those solo on Sunday (mixed ages) concentrate on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion always included. Meets in Room 308 of the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)
Made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS
Made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS
Made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. Engages primarily in Bible-based studies and service projects. Meets in Room 307 of the Family Life Center. LAST CLASS ON THE RIGHT
Our objectives are deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith. Meets in room 310 (last classroom on the right) of the Family Life Center.
Fall Festival Report The Family Ministry Team and Christ Church School would like to thank everyone who made our 2014 Fall Festival a success! Money was raised for Christ Church School, Home for Hope, Habitat for Humanity, and Mission Programs. “I loved seeing the kids come back to the Bible Knowledge Quiz over and over to answer more questions, even though they had maxed out the number of free tickets (given them for correct answers). They were excited to talk about Scripture!” “Great weather, great turnout, we had a wonderful time!” “Looking forward to next year!” “Lots of new faces!” “The Ministry Tables were a great sampling of the diverse service and learning opportunities in our church.” “I enjoyed the book sale.” “I brought my neighbor to our church for the first time!”
The judges of the Christ Church Fall Festival Pie Baking Contest were Rev. Dr. Chappell Temple, Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Rev. Dan Conway, and Rev. Preston Morgan. In one of their sweetest assignments, the pastors were blessed with the opportunity to taste some delicious pies! First Prize Kentucky Derby Pie by Denise Zimmer Second Prize Cherry Pie by Lou Campbell Third Prize Mexican Lime Pie by Cindy Highsmith Fourth Prize Chess Pie by Mark Pharr Thanks go out to the bakers and to the judges.
A night of dodgeball, games, and worship songs. Whether you are home from college, visiting for the holidays, new to Axiom or a regular member, all Young Adults are welcome! Bring a snack or dessert and join the fun! “SING WE NOW OF CHRISTMAS” BY CRADLE OF TEXAS CHORUS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 • 12 - 1:30 PM GATHERING HALL AND SANCTUARY
Join us for a delightful Christmas musical program presented by Cradle of Texas Chorus. This group is a women’s barbershop chorus affiliated with Sweet Adelines International. The event begins with a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall at noon. The program will be in the Sanctuary at 12:45 pm. $7 is requested to cover the cost of the meal. Pre-register for the meal by contacting Jan Randolph at by December 1. ALL SINGLES INVITED TO LUNCH WITH CELEBRATE SINGLES FIRST SUNDAY • AFTER 11 AM SERVICES
The Celebrate Singles Class invites all singles to join them for lunch the first Sunday of every month after 11 am worship services. On December 7, we’ll meet at Genghis Grill. We hope to see all singles there! MEN’S LUNCH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 • 11:30 AM • CORELLI’S
Men of all ages, join together for lunch and fellowship at Corelli’s. This is a wonderful cross-generational event that provides an opportunity to get to know other men in our congregation and on our staff. A COOKIE CHRISTMAS! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 • 2 - 4 PM • FLC GYM • RSVP BY 12/11 TO PSBLUESTEIN@HOTMAIL.COM OR 713.818.0923
It is the most wonderful time of year! We celebrate the birth of our King with song, worship and fellowship! In the spirit of the season, all ladies are invited to our annual Christmas Cookie Exchange. Please bring a dozen cookies to share and a dozen cookies to enjoy at the event. We will enjoy fellowship, music and a special performance by Christian actress, Kathy Berhman. In the spirit of giving, we will collect a love offering for Home of Hope, a sanctuary for teen victims of human trafficking. We will also have Angel/ Christmas pins for sale, which also benefit Home of Hope. Come, relax and enjoy sweet fellowship with your sisters in Christ. Bring your mom, daughter, friend or co-worker. This is a great time of year to share His love and yours!
Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy, but for many people it brings only sadness and painful memories. A Stephen Minister can provide extra support and a listening ear during this difficult season. For more information, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. I’LL SAY I’M ONLY GONNA HAVE ONE, BUT... MONDAY NIGHTS @ 8 PM; ROOMS 210/211 AND WEDNESDAYS @ 12 PM; ROOM 305
If you have a desire to stop drinking, Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is for you. There is help and hope. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. The only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Just come to any one of the meetings listed above - no registration or RSVP necessary. For more info, contact Renee at 281.980.6888. IF THEY WOULD JUST STOP DRINKING, EVERYTHING WOULD BE FINE. MONDAYS @ 12 PM • ROOM 305
If your life has been affected by someone else’s drinking, there is hope. AlAnon is an anonymous fellowship that helps family and friends of alcoholics. For more info, call Renee at 281.980.6888. BOOT CAMP MONDAYS • ROOMS 210/211 • 9:35 - 10:30 AM
Are you looking for a fun, different workout? Don’t let the name scare you - this class is designed for all levels of fitness! Each week is a different workout with cardio, strength, and core work. Class is $5. Childcare is available with advance reservations, for a donation. Contact Allison Thummel at 281.778.8440 for more information.
For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Questions? Please contact Pam Bluestein at
Come pick one or several tags off the Angel Tree and make someone’s Christmas a special one. Each tag represents a Christmas wish from an elderly person in a nursing home; or a child in FBISD’s Shared Dreams Program, Family Promise, Parks Youth Ranch, Rainbow Room or who has a parent in prison. All presents must be returned by or before December 14 at 11:30 am. Don’t have time to shop? Financial donations are welcome. Drop your check in the gift box next to the Angel Tree. Thank you for sharing Christ’s love toward those in need this Christmas season. Questions? Contact Terri Schnakenberg at 281.924.4597 or Susan Die at 281.778.6988. PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 • 6 - 10 PM REGISTER AT WWW.CUMCSL.ORG/PNO 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE
Parents, enjoy a night on the town while we provide your children with fun, age-appropriate activities and even dinner! This program is suitable for children ages 3 months – 5th grade. Not only will you get a night to yourself, but you’ll be helping the youth who are serving you to raise funds that will be placed in their individual student accounts. Monies in these accounts help these students to participate in the many Christ Church trips and missions offered throughout the year! Cost: $15 first child, $10 second and third child (each), $40 max per family. You must register online 48 hours in advance to secure your spot. If you fail to show up, you will be charged for one child. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help the youth on Parents’ Night Out, please contact Todd Harris at ANGEL TREE GIFT DELIVERY! PLEASE BRING ALL ANGEL TREE GIFTS TO THE GATHERING HALL BY 11:30 AM ON DECEMBER 14!
All Angel Tree presents must be returned no later than 11:30 am on December 14 with their original Angel Tree tag lovingly attached. All gifts will then be delivered immediately following the 11:05 service on that day. Thank you for your thoughtfulness to those in need this Christmas season. Questions? Contact Terri at 281.924.4597. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION
Here is an easy way you can help support Mary Austin Holley Elementary School children. Just save Box Tops for Education coupons located on the following products:
If you have 30 minutes a week to spend with a child who is struggling in school, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make in their life and yours. There’s no lesson plan, no agenda, no special training - just 30 minutes playing games, reading or just listening to your student. Kids selected by school counselors for mentoring have different personalities, come from different backgrounds, are smart enough but, for some reason, need more help or encouragement than the classroom teacher can give them. This is where you can help, by being a constant positive presence in their school life - for 30 minutes per week. “My first student, a very, very, very shy third grader girl, was struggling in math to the point that she was tested for resource learning needs. She tested too high to meet criteria for special assistance, and yet she was failing third grade. Toward the end of that first year she and I started talking (well, I was talking, she seemed to be listening) about being afraid to ask for help, being embarrassed about not understanding, about being teased for failing and being afraid of testing. She did fail third grade that year. The second year we continued playing games while talking about how different children have different learning styles, how not to be afraid to ask for help or take a test, and when kids teased her about being slow that they were “just wrong.” As she gained confidence in herself she began to do better, passed third grade and in the fall of the next year she didn’t need a mentor any longer. Not the case for many, but for this student it was all she needed.” Being a mentor is an outstanding way to encourage a child who may be in a difficult situation. And all you need to do is to be there 30 minutes a week to play games and listen. Give it a try, both you and your student will be richly rewarded.” Linda Miller | Mentor PRAYER SHAWL TEAM MONDAY AND FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If you don’t know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you! Email Jan Randolph at jan@ for information. No meeting on 11/28, 12/26, or 12/29. CARING CASSEROLES
Betty Crocker
General Mills
This group gathers monthly (meeting dates vary) to prepare and assemble casseroles which can be distributed to members of our church family facing illness, celebrating the birth of a child, or otherwise in need of a home-cooked meal.
Green Giant
Questions? Contact Kim Daniels at
Scott Paper Products
Progresso Soup
The school PTA is currently using the proceeds from the coupons to purchase a cover for playground equipment. The Box Tops for Education collection box is located at the information desk across from the church office. Questions? Contact Elaine Huffer at 281.499.6648. Thank you for your support and participation!
Christ United Methodist Church
Gifts Unto Others (GUO) is a great way to honor and remember people special in your life while also making a gift to a favorite charity. Consider giving through GUO this Christmas: •Give something meaningful to extended family members •Include your children as you demonstrate the spirit of giving •Acknowledge the leader of your small group •Add a request for a gift to your favorite mission to your Christmas list New this year: The GUO catalog of Missions has been updated to align more closely with our slogan ‘‘from me, to you, for others.’’ We’ve added a number of missions to add variety to the offerings and we’ve removed the suggested donation amounts so that you may give the amount of your own choosing. The catalog with the order form is available in the literature racks in various locations around the church and at You may complete your order online or complete the order form and bring it to the church office. With each gift designated for Christmas you will receive a personalized Christmas card for that person. Orders will normally be available to be picked up at the church within 2 to 3 business days after receiving the order. We will also have a table in the Volunteer Center on Sundays, November 30 through December 21 with order forms and “On-the- Spot” cards for several of our more popular missions. If you have questions, contact Debbie Straw at or call 281.980.2607. CHRISTMAS UM ARMY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 - SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 REGISTER AT WWW.CUMCSL.ORG/ARMY BY 12/21
This year’s Christmas UM ARMY will take place in downtown Houston. It’s sure to be a great week, and a wonderful way to ring in a new year, as we serve those who are truly in need.
Some families in our community will not have a Christmas dinner without a Holiday Food Basket from EFBHNM. This year the food pantry plans to give out 300 baskets containing everything needed to fix a traditional Christmas meal. Donations of the following items are needed: $15 gift card (for turkey), turkey or chicken gravy mix, stuffing mix, evaporated milk, canned pie filling, cake mix, frosting, canned sweet potatoes, canned pumpkin, cranberry sauce, chicken broth. Please place your donations in the Collection Bins located across from Rooms 11/12.
Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30. No meeting on 11/28, 12/23, or 12/26. HANG AN ORNAMENT ON THE CHRIST CHURCH FAMILY TREE ANY SUNDAY IN ADVENT CHRISTMAS TREES IN THE GATHERING HALL
From now through Christmas Eve, you and your family may place an ornament on one of our Christ Church family Christmas trees in the Gathering Hall. There is a tree beside each stairwell. Simply choose an ornament that represents your family, mark it with “2014,” bring it to church, and hang it on the tree with a short prayer of thanksgiving. Then watch as the trees come to life with family photos and the symbols of Christmas that are meaningful to our church families. These ornaments will be kept and placed on future trees. Thank you for blessing your church family by sharing what Christmas means to your family.
We will be staying and working out of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in downtown Houston. The total cost for the week is $300 per person and includes everything needed for the week. Open to students, 9th grade and above. If you have participated in Summer UM ARMY, why not try your hand at Winter UM ARMY? It’s much cooler!
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Sign up online now! Have questions or want to be involved in another way? Please reach out to Todd Harris at
CHURCH-WIDE ADVENT KICKOFF CELEBRATION Sunday, November 30 • 6 pm • Sanctuary Leading Us In Worship
Shellie & Trent Monk
We Are The Monks
Rev. Dr. Chappell Temple, Lead Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Pastor Rev. Dan Conway, Pastor - GROW Ministries Rev. Preston Morgan, Pastor Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Helen Ford, Communications Coordinator/Designer Kate Flint, Director - Children & Family Ministries Todd Harris, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at
Preconcert Music: 5:30–6 pm Pastor Chappell Temple on piano PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Adele Booth, Liz Williams’ mom, Sarah McGee, Laurie Markoe’s friend, Carl Russell, Jolene Lanier, Linda Brandino, Terri Thompson’s aunt, Carol Campbell, Carl Russell, Buddy Blair, Reed Bradford’s mother, Joyce’s grandson, Christen Barnes’ friend, Cindy Masaki’s friend’s husband, Cindy Masaki’s friend, Amy Pike, Jo Ann Shaver’s ex-husband, Tony Clark, Stacy Howdeshell’s aunt, Matt Decker, Matt & Kay Decker’s daughter, Matt & Kay Decker’s aunt, Kenny & Bem Heisig’s fathers, William Baker, Jim Brown’s father, Lee and Susie Duggan’s grandson, Carla Clark, Kerry Adams, Pam Bluestein’s cousin’s baby, Carolyn Moses’ relative, Alison Thornton’s mother, Shirley Connally’s granddaughter, Sharon Hodgson Hilburn’s friends, John Damon & his mother, Janice Gilbert’s sister. JOYS . . . Debbie Meier’s niece, David Strickland, Pam Moye, Kathy Fry’s daughter, Courtney & Sandy White’s friend, Ken & Cindy Masaki’s daughter and baby son, Laura Driscoll, Kevin Delaney, Monique Harrison’s mother, Vicki Bailey, Helen Yesudas. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Eddie Godwin and family on the death of his grandfather, Julia Godwin and family on the death of her grandfather, Terri Thompson on the death of her uncle, Randy Rogers on the death of his father, Beth & Chris Camp and family on the death of their infant son, Carrie Bastin on the death of her aunt, Sandra Low on the death of her ex-brother-in-law, Lori Matthews on the death of her aunt, Carla Rosario on the death of her father-in-law, Larry Sherlock on the death of his sister.
SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.
PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve