February. 2015
I was in prison & you visited me –Matthew 25:36
Christ Church
No one seems to know just exactly who he was, but the stories abound. Some early church records list a number of martyrs by the name, but whether or not he was one of them we cannot say for certain. Still, it’s probable that he was a leader of the early church who lived in the third century after Christ, a time when accepting the Christian faith was almost always dangerous and sometimes even deadly. One account tells us that he was a Roman pastor who had a special feeling for young folks. When the empire needed soldiers, Claudius II decreed that no one could become engaged; believing that married men would want to stay home more than go off and fight wars! (Smart fellow, that Claudius, wasn’t he?) The kindly priest defied the emperor’s orders, however, and began to secretly marry a number of young couples. And the consequence was predictable: he was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and later put to death for his “crime” of aiding amour.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
Another legend suggests that this same priest was seized for helping Christians who were being persecuted by Claudius, and that during his imprisonment, the jailor and his family were so impressed by his sincerity and even joy that they became believers themselves. The priest was especially kind to the jailer’s blind daughter and, led by the Lord, he prayed for her to receive her sight. When the miracle occurred, he is said to have sent her a farewell message signed simply with his name, “From your Valentine.” Of course, they are all just legends. But perhaps in a time like our own of so much counterfeit compassion and non-sacrificial sentiments, such legends can remind us all of an eternal principle about life: only love that costs you something is worth giving away to another. Or as Jesus Himself once expressed it, “greater love has no man than this-- that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) He may never have seen a foil-wrapped heart and he could little have imagined what would later be done in his name each year at this time. But if the stories are true, it appears at least that the priest now known as St. Valentine understood the words of his master and so he tried, in turn, to show in his own life what true love is really all about.
This month is a time for remembering God’s love, not only to the special people in our lives, but also to those who may have known very little of it in their own. It’s likewise appropriate that before we begin the season of Lent we focus in on restorative justice for others around us as well.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
For when it comes to true love, even Hallmark can’t come close to those who are following the Lord and remembering His “new commandment,” that we love one another, even as He has loved us.
DEAR VOLUNTEER, First of all I can’t find the words to tell you how much my group and I appreciate you and the entire Alpha group. We just don’t know how to thank you for being a listening ear, for being a shoulder to cry on and giving encouragement throughout the quarter and through all the others. You’ve shown us how to share our hearts and how to give back, how to take back our families and to put God first in every situation or obstacle we face. I don’t know how to thank you for the warm reception you give week in and week out, regardless of what you were going through or your circumstances. You’ve taught us how to look forward to a miracle or blessings from God and to hold fast to his word. We believe in you and what you stand for and the rest of the Alpha facilitators. We commend all of you for your commitment and your allegiance to come out and share with us.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
So we deeply pray that the Spirit of God would indwell upon you and your family richly throughout your life. We give you our heart for encouragement, because we can trust and count on you. We believe in our hearts that you were truly sent by God to teach us a better way back into society and show us that somebody really cares for us. We give you our heart because we can trust you and that you give us hope for a brighter tomorrow. We believe in you and we pray God will sustain and keep you held close in his arms and bless you richly through his love for you. We give you our heart because we know there is victory after the struggle. We give you our heart most of all because you gave us yours. God Bless you, Ricky
My introduction came the same way that happened for many others. Someone invited me. John Blackman participated in the one-on-one mentoring program at the Central Unit some 30 years ago and would share stories with the Weavers Sunday School ‘Class. I was amazed by the life-changing counsel that John was able to share with his mentoring partner. It was beyond my capabilities. All that changed during my Walk to Emmaus journey in September, 1995. The Christ I served filled me with His love and presence in a way that went beyond my dreams. I finally understood that I was loved, warts and all. I was set free from the performance standard of perfection. It was OK to just do “me” best. I was able to begin seeing God’s grace and mercy working through me. During a late Saturday prayer time, God spoke “I’ve got good news and bad news for you…YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET! That’s both the good news and the bad news: Blessings, challenges, fulfillment, the excitement of new discoveries and new activities!” Shortly following that weekend, a Kairos representative visited, asking if Christ Church would be host church for a new Kairos program to be given at the Jester 2 Unit in Richmond, as a part of the first faithbased reentry program sponsored by Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship. I received a call asking for my participation. My immediate response was, “I don’t have time.” Later, a small voice reminded me that the Kairos Group would need someone from the church to open and close the building for them. I called back and volunteered to do that. My Kairos journey began with me being relieved that I would not have to go inside and ended at the last team meeting with my being just a little bit jealous of those who were getting to go inside. The dedication, joy, and camaraderie built during those hard-working days blew me away. I was hooked forever! Those of you who have served on Kairos and/or Emmaus understand what happened. I became part of a team that served the Lord our God with all of our hearts, our minds, and our strength…with joy.
The following week I called to become a prison Fellowship InnerChange volunteer. Also, I moved from the background to the battlefield, never looking back. I found out that if you join Christ hoeing cotton, He will set a pace that will challenge all your capabilities and resources. And, I discovered that God indeed equips the called. And you don’t see this until you join the battle. I excitedly expect to encounter new situations and to receive further training and receive wisdom and direction that John Blackman and others have talked about. After a couple of years, I told the Lord that it would be nice to have some more friends from Christ Church to serve with. He answered,“Go invite them.” The message He gave was a bulletin announcement… ” Want to go to prison? Call me, Rober t Crenshaw.” Betty Waedemon called. Betty is an indefatigable super organizer. It did not take her long to understand that I did indeed need organizing. “Robert, you go do, and I will handle the organizing.” Betty makes it easy for the rest of us to be doers of the Word and not Hearers only. Christ Church has over 50 certified TDCJ/IFI volunteers and many others helping with special events. Christ Church volunteers go to Jester 2 (Carol Vance) and J3 units almost every day and night of the week. I am especially blessed because prison ministry provided a meaningful place for me to be now that I’ve retired and my wife, Kay, succumbed to cancer- both about 12 years ago. I do have family that love and support me (4 children and 12 grands) and a church that helps watch over me and a big, big family of several hundred friends of Christ…”I have friends that I want you to go see.” Betty expresses this a little more succinctly: ”Robert, prison ministry saved your life!” I do have a new lease on life, a reason for living. I am literally having the best time of my life!!! We have plenty of “Get Into Prison Free!” cards. Come and see! Call Robert Crenshaw at 281.732.3884 or Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761. Ecclesiastes 4:7-12: “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help.”
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
I never even dreamed that I would be spending so many years in prison ministry (almost 20 years now). Much less become a certified volunteer chaplain. How did I get started?
MY GOD DOESN’T MAKE TRASH My Life Chastened by God Hebrews 12:6 “For whom the Lord loves He hastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” I know My God loves me and has received me into his family. Psalm 118:18 ”The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.” Now I understand His mercy toward me. God knew that by chastising me it would humble me and cause me to seek his will for my life. The chastisement does not feel good. But I can’t find any way out, so I will take my chastisement and let God do his work in my life. Hebrew 12:11 “Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the moment, but painful. Nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Right now God is still chastising me and I can see that complaining is not good and amounts to nothing. You see, I had to be punished in order to get my life in line with God’s will for me. Lamentations 3:39 “Why should a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sin?” First, the “wages of sin is death” and when God spares your life he has shown you grace and mercy and is giving you an opportunity to repent and start a new life. I understand that my life is in God’s hand and he is shaping me into what he has called me to be. Jeremiah 18:6 “Like as clay is in the potter’s hand so are you in my hand.” I know my life is in God’s hand and the finished product will be a beautiful life. Isaiah 64:8 “But now O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay and you are our potter and all we are the work of your hand.” My God Doesn’t Make Trash. Carol Vance IFI Member3.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
I HOPE THIS FEELING NEVER ENDS Hebrews 13: 2-3 “…Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.” In 2013 I accepted the invitation to take the Freedom Walk. I had not felt a strong calling to do Prison Ministry but had heard many good things about how God was working in the lives of men in this facility and was curious to see first-hand His transforming power in action. The walk was quite interesting and I felt very safe. Several men gave sincere, heart-felt, moving testimonies about how they had been powerfully transformed by the Holy Spirit and I felt an outpouring of Agape fellowship and support among the inmates, stronger than I have ever witnessed. I left greatly humbled and overwhelmed by the experience and concluded that I did not have adequate skills to contribute much of anything to their spiritual growth. I did commit to pray for these men and praised God for giving me a small glimpse of the power of His Glory unleashed. Several months passed and little did I know that the transforming power in action I was looking to see in the prison, God was busy working on in me. Reading Hebrews 13:2-3 one day, it became clear that God was gently nudging me to step out in faith and trust Him to use me in this ministry. A call for math tutors in the GED program at the Vance Unit was posted in the Christ Church bulletin for several weeks. Being an engineer by training and happening to enjoy math very much, I felt that perhaps this might be an area where I did have useful skills to contribute and prayerfully submitted my application. It’s been almost a year since I stepped out of the boat and started sharing my passion for math with students at the Vance unit. My official goal is to equip them with the math ‘tools’ they will need, show them how to use these ‘tools’ and neatly pack them away in their personal ‘tool bag’ where they can be easily accessed. In the short time that I’ve been tutoring, several students have received their GED and numerous others are testing now. While I may not have been successful transferring my ‘nutty’ passion for math to many students, I believe God is working mightily in this setting to equip them with life ‘tools.’ Tools of confidence in their abilities and a desire to learn and ‘tools’ to take on tough challenges and ‘tools’ to be successful. Their ‘tool bag’ of skills to lead a life pleasing to God is filling and His faithfulness to complete the good work He has begun is demonstrated daily. As with many volunteer opportunities, the wonder of volunteering in the Prison Ministry is not what I am giving to the inmates, it is God’s blessings poured back on me. It is the smile that comes when a particularly difficult math concept is finally understood, it’s seeing joy in eyes over a job done well, it’s seeing hope at the end of a long journey and peace from knowing that God is in control. The inmates and staff are extremely courteous and thankful for whatever time volunteers can offer to help. It is written that we should remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them. They covet our prayers and acceptance as brothers and sisters in Christ. Each time I go into the prison I still feel humbled and inadequate that God would use me to accomplish His work. I hope this feeling never ends.
WHAT HAPPENS TO ALL THOSE $1 BILLS? Each $1 bill placed in the offering plate on Sundays is known as a Mission Dollar. Mission Dollars are used for various mission needs and voted on by a Mission Committee made up of 7 members. Here is a list of your Mission Dollars hard at work for 2014: • Provided Rainbow Room with funding to help buy supplies for children in the Child Protective Services system
• Assisted 3 Christ Church college students in their missionary efforts
• Donated to the Howard T. Tellepsen Seafarers’ Center who minister to the crewmen of over 465 ships from 68 different countries that come to the Port of Houston
• Purchased approximately 87 new school supply kits to help with our Supply Our Students (SOS) drive
• Donated to Haitian Artisans for Peace International (HAPI) to assist with building their new medical center
• Made a donation and purchased needed gift cards for those transitioning out of homelessness through Family Promise
• Helped fund the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) through the One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday, so 100% of all donations continue to go directly to programs
• Donated to Lydia Patterson Institute, a United Methodist educational institution on the border that is committed to form bilingual and bicultural leaders for the church and society
• Donated to Fort Bend County’s only homeless shelter… the Parks Youth Ranch for homeless teens • Contributed to our missionary friends in Spain • Donated to tornado recovery and relief efforts in Arkansas • Contributed to the Children’s Haven International Orphanage in Mexico • Donated to the Fort Bend Cares which serves disadvantaged youth in Fort Bend County • Helped send our Christ Church team leader to Haiti • Donated to our Restorative Justice Ministry • Helped buy supplies for Free City Wide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals • Purchased H-E-B cards for those that come to our church who are in desperate situations
• Built a fence for Destineville Community School in Uganda
• Donated to typhoon recovery and relief efforts in Philippines • Contributed to Fort Bend County Women’s Center to help those seeking shelter from domestic violence • Funded our first Unity in Service Day activities where 206 Christ Church members brought Christ’s love through acts of service to 1989 people
“Dear Church, Thanks you 4 helping me come to Frontier camp. My favorite thing to do is go banana boating (water weenie) its Soo Fun. I learned that God will always love no matter what. My Counselors are Maris and Kate they are So Fun. Your Friend, Makayla”
So many things can break our hearts - grief over losing a loved one or a relationship, betrayals by family members and those closest to us, children who aren’t making good decisions, a frightening diagnosis. If your heart is broken, come gather with others seeking the presence of Christ the Healer at our monthly Healing Prayer service. Through Scripture, prayer, meditative music and the celebration of Holy Communion, you’ll be drawn nearer to the One who comforts, heals, restores. JOY BELLS MONDAYS • 6 PM • CHOIR ROOM
This musical opportunity is available to all interested persons. It offers a place to learn, serve and experience fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. To join this ensemble, contact Molly at 281.344.8343. ALTAR FLOWERS: 2015 DATES NOW AVAILABLE
“Dear Sponsors, Thank you so much for paying for me to come to camp. This is a very wonderful experience! My favorite activity was the blob. Thank you!!!”
“To the person who paid my way into this Camp. Thank you! I really appreciate you paying for me, why? Because through this week I’ve been thru Soo Much! It has been fun from falling off of the tube in the lake, to Serious, in worship. Since I was able to come to this camp, I was able to Re-cleanse my life, and get a new start and a new life in Jesus Christ!! Thank you Soooo Much!! Joshua”
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
Honor a person or mark an occasion by purchasing altar flowers for our Sunday Sanctuary services. Arrangements are $50. Questions? Contact Cheryl Johnson at finance@cumcsl.org or at 281.690.4747. KEN MEDEMA SUNDAY, MARCH 1 • 6 - 8 PM • SANCTUARY
On this evening, the amazing Ken Medema will share his gift for storytelling and music. This event is FREE, so invite a friend or two and join us for an inspiring, unforgettable night! Across the years, Ken has shared his passion for learning and discovery through storytelling and music with an ever-growing circle of followers around the world. Ken has been performing for over 40 years in many different venues: churches, conventions, colleges, corporations and more, for groups ranging from 50 to 50,000 people. Though blind from birth, Ken sees and hears with heart and mind, singing stories from his audience and accenting themes and perspectives from speakers and workshop leaders. Ken custom designs every musical moment through improvisation and new composition to bring each event to life. Ken and his wife, Jane, make their home in Alameda, California. Together, they work on program designs for Ken’s events, making time to explore new developments in religion, psychology and culture. They share a passion for movies (yes, Ken is an avid movie consumer), books, new music and politics, and love keeping up with two feisty grandchildren.
Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30. SAGE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 • 12 PM • ROOMS 11/12
Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options. LOST AND FOUND ITEMS MINISTRY TABLE IN VOLUNTEER CENTER • FEBRUARY 1, 8, AND 15
Have you lost an item or article of clothing at Christ Church? We will have a table set up in the Volunteer Center on February 1, 8 and 15 with items we have found during the year. All unclaimed items will be donated to East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry at the end of February. ROOTS RESEARCH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 • 11 AM • ROOMS 11/12
Are you interested in your ancestors? Virginia and Glenn Morrison lead this group in exploring family genealogy. It is exciting to see how God has been working through generation after generation. To help you in your explorations it is necessary for you to bring information about the earliest ancestor you have knowledge about (name, place and date of birth, death). Bring a sack lunch, mobile technology (if available), and join us.
For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
THE WORD MADE FRESH Upcoming Sermons at Christ Church
Februar y 1 - Superbowl Sunday New Testament Lesson: Ephesians 4:10-13 Sermon Title: Send Me In, Coach Pastor Temple preaching the 8:15 and the 11:05 am Sanctuary service; Pastor Morgan preaching the 9:45 am Sanctuary service & 11 am FLC service (the hub). Februar y 8 - Scout Sunday New Testament Lesson: 1 Peter 3:13-16 Sermon Title: Lost and Found Pastor Pierce preaching the 8:15 and the 11:05 am Sanctuary service; Pastor Temple preaching the 9:45 am Sanctuary service & 11 am FLC service (the hub). Februar y 15 - Restorative Justice Ministr y Sunday New Testament Lesson: Ephesians 2:1-10 Sermon Title: As for You Warden Monty Hudspeth preaching the 8:15 and the 11:05 am Sanctuary service; Quovadis Marshall, Director of Spiritual Development, preaching the 9:45 am Sanctuary service and 11 am FLC service (the hub). LENTEN SERMON SERIES: February 22 - April 5 One-on-One with The One Conversations with the Christ
Can't make it to worship in person? Then, join us for worship online. http://www.cumcsl.org/stream Sanctuary Services broadcast live on Sunday at 8:15 am, 9:45 am and 11:05 am, and services in the hub broadcast live on Sunday at 11 am.
An in-depth Bible study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians by Beth Moore. Is family life a challenge? Is work driving you crazy? Do you know God has a purpose for your life, but you can’t figure out what it is? Know that your circumstances are not coincidental. And God’s timing is impeccable. Join Beth Moore on the Thessalonian shores as she walks you through the truth of each verse of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. In this study, you’ll face crises, afflictions, relationships, doubts, concerns, and fears. Find encouragement for living the Christian life now and hope for when Christ returns. Questions? Contact Lynn Font at lynnfont@comcast.net or 281.265.7835. ONE ROOM BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 • 9 - 10:30 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting in January. The book to be discussed at the February meeting is Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join us.
Perkins School of Theology is offering a study on Revelation. This is not a “what will happen when” class. Dr. Abraham Smith will lead us on a study of Revelation as a document of its time. Revelation is revealed as an address to imperial powers, critiquing Rome’s brutal acts of terror and the cultural myths and practices that sustained its domination over colonized provinces. This course will not only look at the ethical implications of the book’s disturbing metaphors in the history of religious and political thought, but will also uncover its careful plot, its use of previous traditions of protest literature, its promotion of worship and radical endurance as ways to resist oppressive powers, and its argument for avoiding cultural accommodation and assimilation. More information and registration can be found at www.smu.edu/Perkins/PublicPrograms/LaySchools/Houston/Feb2015 or you can contact Mark Larson at 281.961.7818. “MORE BLESSINGS THAN I EVER EXPECTED!” STEPHEN MINISTRY
Here’s what one Stephen Minister has to say about Stephen Ministry: “At first I wasn’t sure about all this caregiving stuff. I mean, didn’t I love others enough already? Then I finished my Stephen Ministry training and met with the person for whom I provided care. Now I know what Christian love is all about! I did not expect the wonderful gifts of love and friendship that God gave me through my caring relationship. What a wonderful ministry this is!” Pray about and consider this opportunity to grow. For more information, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719.
Father-Daughter Dance S ATUR DAY, FEBR UARY 7 • 5 - 7:30 PM • FLC GYM REGISTER ONLINE BY FEBRUARY 2: WWW.CUMCSL.OR G/CHILDREN All fathers (and father-figures) are invited along with their little girls (age 4 through 5th grade) to Christ Church’s fourth annual Father-Daughter Dance. This is a great opportunity for you to invite your friends to our church. Price: $27 per father/father-figure & $10 per daughter/girl. Includes dinner, corsage, photograph, and dancing. No walk-ins, please.
Questions? Contact Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765 or kimr@cumcsl.org. Sponsored by Children’s Ministry. Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
Open to all ages with a participatory format and biblically based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS
Consists of members ages 40s and up, with and without children. Discussionoriented, studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to daily life. Enjoys fellowship, mission projects and social activities. Meets in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center. AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish. Meets in Room 312 of the Family Life Center. BARNABAS
Consists of adults, 50 years and older, who are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others, both within and outside the class. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL
Open to all singles of any age, with and without children. Enjoys discussionoriented Bible studies. Meets in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST
Josh and Amanda Hermes, Brady, (6), Luke (3)
Consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. A relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS
Welcomes people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). Participatory format. Delves into scriptural truths and seeks to grow the faith of its members. Meets in Room 301 of the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES
Allows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While the class is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. Meets in the Resource Library. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)
Name reflects class’ focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out activities for members, who are in their 40’s - 70’s. Meets in Room 311 of the Family Life Center. JUBILEE
Steve and Rhea Brown
Made up of mature individuals, age 65 - 90+, who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons presented by Jan Randolph. Meets in Rooms 11/12. SEEKERS
Couples, singles, and those solo on Sunday (mixed ages) concentrate on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion always included. Meets in Room 308 of the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)
Made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS
Made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS
Made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. Engages primarily in Bible-based studies and service projects. Meets in Room 307 of the Family Life Center.
Thomas and Tracy Anderson NOT PICTURED: Marvin Fuller
Our objectives are deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith. Meets in room 310 (last classroom on the right) of the Family Life Center.
All singles are warmly invited to join the Celebrate Singles Sunday School class for lunch the first Sunday of every month after the 11 am worship services. On 2/1 we’ll go to Pappasitos, on 3/1 we’ll visit the Black Walnut Cafe, on 4/5 the singles will eat at Chuy’s, on 5/3 we’ll be at Jason’s Deli and on 6/7 we’ll dine alfresco at Live Oak Grill. We hope to see all singles there!
Men of all ages, join together for lunch and fellowship at Lupitas. This is a wonderful cross-generational event that provides an opportunity to get to know other men in our congregation and on our staff.
Boot Camp: All ages & fitness levels welcome. Starts January 26. Come any Monday. It’s $5/class and childcare is available with 48 hours notice. A FRIEND IN NEED STEPHEN MINISTRY
In times of trouble, we look to caring Christian friends to listen to us while we work through our feelings. A Stephen Minister can be such a friend, either to you or to someone you know. This month our Stephen Ministers will be studying listening skills and confidentiality as they continue to learn ways of caring for people with needs. Our Stephen Ministers are committed to providing Christian care for others experiencing many different needs. If you or someone you know could benefit from the trained, caring presence and listening ear of a Stephen Minister, contact Sally McKnight, Referrals Coordinator at 713.306.1719 for more information. If you are making contact for someone else, be sure to obtain their permission first, or simply provide them with Sally’s phone number above. You can also hand them a Stephen Ministry pew card found in the pew pockets. It also contains Sally’s name and number. FAITHFUL PAWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 • 12 - 1:30 PM GATHERING HALL AND SANCTUARY
If you love animals, you will find this presentation captivating. Faithful Paws is a pet therapy program sponsored by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Volunteers visit people in nursing homes or hospitals with trained animals to provide therapeutic and recreational therapy. Representatives of Faithful Paws will share details of their group with us. The event begins with a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall at noon. The program will be held in the Sanctuary at 12:45 pm. If you would like to join us for the fellowship meal, pre-register by contacting Jan Randolph at jan@cumcsl.org by Monday morning, February 2. $7 is requested to cover the cost of the meal.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. We would love to start a Forty-Two group. Lunch includes a round table discussion about faith and our faith community. 2015 G.A.L.S. MEETINGS
Godly Active Ladies Serving (G.A.L.S.) meets on the last Tuesday evening of the months of January through October in local resturaunts throughout the Missouri City and Sugar Land area to offer one another encouragement in our daily walk with the Lord, and to serve in various ways to improve the lives of people everywhere. We invite you to join us whenever you can as we pray for one another, fellowship, and find ways to help others. Come and join us for the meal, dessert, or a cup of coffee and fellowship. For more information, please contact Jill Kimberling at jillkimberling@gmail.com or Norma Pharr at pharrbo.com. February 24 March 31 April 28 May 26 June 30 July 28 August 25 September 29 October 27
Red Oak Grill (Missouri City) 6–8 pm Ruggle’s Green (Sugar Land) 6–8 pm Hog’s & Chick’s (Missouri City) 6–8 pm Zoe’s Kitchen (Sugar Land) 6–8 pm Spring Creek BBQ (Missouri City) 6–8 pm Black Walnut (Sugar Land) 6–8 pm Russo’s Pizza (Missouri City) 6–8 pm Fadi’s (Sugar Land) 6–8 pm Brooklyn Pizza (Missouri City) 6–8 pm
t a e r t e R s ie r t is in M Fam ily register $55 March online per person Free 21–22 now!
kids 4 & under
Accommodations: bunk-beds in single or double family luxury cabins. Activities: crafts, a family service project, sports, fishing, zip line, optional workshop, archery, ropes course, s’mores & campfire songs, hiking, Sunday morning worship, and more.
Register online now! www.cumcsl.org/family
FAT TUESDAY PANCAKE DINNER! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 • 6 - 8 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER GYM Join us for a Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner in support of Youth Missions. Pancakes will be served hot and fresh, and we’ll even have some surprise “celebrity” flippers on site! Donations are much appreciated! For more information please contact Todd Harris at todd@cumcsl.org.
DONATIONS SUPPORT YOUTH MISSIONS! people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
“My Mentor makes me feel special…and my grades got better.” “My Mentor taught me math and I like that I can talk to someone who really cares.”
You are cordially invited to this annual free luncheon as we lift up Restorative Justice Ministry Sunday here at Christ Church. Our worship services that day will be filled with testimony and song from the men in prison whose lives are being changed by God.
If making a difference in the life of one child is where God is leading you, please mark your calendar for the upcoming one hour Mentor Training on February 4 at 9:30 am at the FBISD Admin. Bldg. on 16431 Lexington. Mentoring involves meeting with one student once a week for the school year. Time with your student can be spent reading, tutoring, playing games or just talking. You can mentor at Christ Church’s adopted school, Holley Elementary, where 58% of the students are economically disadvantaged OR right across the street at First Colony Middle School, where nearly 13% also financially struggle.
Come and join us for fun and fellowship as we share Christ’s love with our brothers in white. For information, please call Betty Wademon at 832.755.7761.
For more information contact Elaine Huffer at 281.499.6648.
Email Jan Randolph at jan@cumcsl.org for information.
Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If you don’t know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you!
On Parents’ Night Out, the Youth of Christ Church offer their services so that parents can enjoy a nice night out. Kids who attend will have dinner, crafts, and fun while you have some time to yourselves. All are welcomed! Visit www.cumcsl.org/pno to register or for more information.
Are you curious about Restorative Justice Ministries (RJM), but just unsure how to get started? PAGE.09
• What is it? • What ministries are included? • Is there training for volunteers? Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
Or perhaps you are experienced and need some new ideas and inspiration. Come get answers, training and more at Christ United Methodist Sugar Land. The Carol Vance Prison Winds of Change Choir will be there along with Warden Monty Hudspeth to inspire you with their joy and excitement about RJM. 6 workshops and TDCJ volunteer training will be offered as well.
Calling all Middle School students! Come and join us for a week of Missions here at home. Each day we will set out to serve in a different way around our area. Areas include packing meals for those children in need, assisting with our Garden Ministry at Christ Church, and helping out at the Houston Food Bank. This event is open to all students in Middle School, including those just starting 6th grade. On Wednesday we will have a special day where we head to the Houston Zoo. Sign up online at ww.cumcsl.org/412 to make sure that you have a spot before this activity fills up! Adults are much needed for this event. If you would like to help out, please reach out to Todd Harris at todd@cumcsl.org. Duties include driving rental vans, leading small groups, and having fun with the students! What could be better than that! UM ARMY: SUMMER JULY 26 - AUGUST 1 • REGISTER AT WWW.CUMCSL.ORG/ARMY BY 7/21
UM Army is a Missions program, open to all high schoolers, that has a rich history here at Christ Church. This year’s Summer U.M. ARMY will take place in the Port Arthur area. Cost is $300 per person and includes everything needed for the week. Open to students, 9th grade and above. This service opportunity has always been a highlight for all who participate, and this year should be no different. If you are an adult and would like to help with this event, please contact Todd Harris at todd@cumcsl.org. There are several ways you can serve, even if you’re unable to accompany us on the trip. We would love to get as many people plugged in as possible!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Dear Christ Church volunteer, It’s Jonathan born on June 7th 1991; I recently had my 23rd birthday; I have received the birthday card you all have sent me, I send my gratitude; this is the 1st birthday card I have received. And I have been incarcerated a total of 3 years; that’s county and prison time both, God continues to bless me on a daily basis; even when I fall short of the glory, receiving this birthday card was a huge blessing; thanks again. GOD BLESS!
Then they answered Joshua, “ Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.” (Joshua 1:16). We are all in need of supplies for the journey of this life. Help a fellow traveler on his way by stopping at the Joshua Tree and choosing an item to donate to the incarcerated men at the Carol Vance Prison Unit. Bibles, study guides, Kairos sponsorships and many other supplies are needed. This is a blessed opportunity to help place the feet of these men on the path towards the life God intended for them. Please come to the Joshua Tree in the Gathering Hall and help change a life with your gift.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP Wednesday, February 18 • 7 am and 7 pm Sanctuary
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent which is a holy season of prayer, fasting, and renewal in the church that corresponds to Christ’s forty-day fast. At these brief services, we will meditate on our mortality, our sinfulness and need for a Savior, and renew our commitment to daily repentance. Most of all, we’ll remember with gratitude and confidence that Christ has conquered sin and death. Special music will be provided at each of the services, and both will offer a time for personal prayer and receiving ashes. Choose a time that’s convenient for you and begin your Lenten journey with a renewed commitment to a closer walk with the Lord.
Rev. Dr. Chappell Temple, Lead Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Pastor Rev. Dan Conway, Pastor - GROW Ministries Rev. Preston Morgan, Pastor Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Helen Ford, Director - Communications Kate Flint, Director - Children & Family Ministries Todd Harris, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at www.cumcsl.org/staff.
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Jim Rose’s mother, Tom Bittenbender’s mother, Annabeth’s Heisig’s uncle, Hazel Chancellor, Joyce Cochran, Millie Patterson, Karen LaMotta’s mother, Carol Campbell’s friend, Carol Campbell’s sister, Karin Thornton’s brother, Ella & Steve Smith’s neighbor, Amy Bushman, Sherry Raven’s boss’ sister, Buddy Unger’s sister, Buddy & Claire Unger’s friends, Pearl Miller, Amy Lewis’ mother, Linda Brandino’s brother, Karen West, Judy Edmondson, Robin Sparwasser’s friend, Roni Thompson’s brother, Billie & Buddy Blair’s son. JOYS . . . Ellie Whiddon’s son, Ron Bailey’s father, John Damon & his mother, Buddy & Billy Blair, Jennie Sime’s mother, Kirk Lee’s mother, Carissa Gilbert & her traveling companions, Jim Rose’s mother, Tim Lanier. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . the family and friends of Adele Booth, Lahonda Sharp and family on the death of her father, Sandy & Tom Meinecke on the death of her mother, Bob Sime on the death of his sister, Bill Harris and family on the death of his mother, Susan Brubaker and family on the death of her mother.
SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.
PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve