people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
“Focus in every word, Change my path, Maybe I could leave a mark. Try and prove the poets wrong There must be a time, Maybe we could be the song to march us on.” –NEEDTOBREATHE
Christ United Methodist Church
GREAT OPPORTU NITI ES One of my favorite bands is NEEDTOBREATHE. This band is an American-Christian rock group that has been together for twelve years and is one of the most successful cross-over bands in the history of contemporary music. Brothers Bo and Bear Rhinehardt come from humble small-town beginnings in South Carolina. One of my favorite things about these men is that they never forget where they come from, and they never forget what they were created for. They stand in amazement at their success and humbly thank God for giving them the opportunity to know that they were made for greater things. During the month of February, we will begin focusing on what it means as a Christian to be “Made for Greater Things.”
On February 9th, we will discover we are “Made for Greater Things” because we are called to be representatives for Christ. We represent Christ by doing what Christ did. We are to become “ambassadors for Christ,” doing what He did then, here, and now in our time. On February 16th, we will discern that we are “Made for Greater Things” by having the courage to trust in God through the storms of life. The winds of life can be difficult. Life is indeed an uphill battle at times. Family life, our careers, school, relationships, and even ministry place demands on us. It is a daily, living, breathing challenge to keep things under control. We are reminded, however, of the Good News that Jesus walked on the water, went to the disciples and calmed the storm. He didn’t stop!
And He never stops! Even now, Jesus comes to us amidst the storms of life, and this should give us hope. You may feel like you are drowning but know that He won’t let you. He will walk on water to get to you! On February 23rd, we’ll be blessed to have Jim Liske and Paul Cowley preach on “Restorative Justice Ministry” Sunday. Our men in white will lead us in worship as we consider that being “Made for Greater Things” means visiting and ministering to those who are in need. Just as Paul reminds us to do in Hebrews 13:3. . . “Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” Please join us in February as we explore together a few of the many ways we are “Made for Greater Things.”
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
On February 2nd, fellowship will be our theme and we will learn that we are “Made for Greater Things” by claiming our life together. We live in such a busy world and too many times the demands on our lives overshadow our deepest human needs. It is important to know that through fellowship we belong and are connected, not only with other human beings but with God, the Sustainer and Giver of all our lives.
THE ALPHA SERIES One cold December night, a day before my parole hearing a couple years back, I remember praying, “God if you are real and you hear my prayers, please don’t let me do anything that would cause me to return back to prison. I pray Father, not for parole but to do well and be a man serving you.” I was sitting in my first Alpha Series “small group discussion" thinking of this prayer. How ironic that I should be at this place, at this moment in time, talking to absolute strangers about God. I had so much bitterness and hate in my system, I could hardly bear to be around anyone but myself. Bob and Betty were two people who really got my attention. In the beginning, I would just sit and listen to them speaking about Jesus and wonder when their real motives would be revealed. Today I am getting ready “THE ALPHA SERIES to go home to a new life PROGRAM WAS THE in Christ, and I just smile at my past paranoia and BEGINNING OF MY self doubt. Little did I know TRUE TURNAROUND” that God was already at work answering the prayer I laid before Him months earlier. The Alpha Series program was the beginning of my true turnaround. The term “turnaround” is more than just a change of behavior, it is a change from the inner self; spiritually and philosophically. The interaction with the program members’ families, along with the spiritual guidance from the Alpha Series volunteers, showed me how God·Jesus·HolySpirit were the same: all of us experienced a “Spiritual Epiphany.” Once I was able to let go of all the preconceived ideas I had acquired about what a Christian was supposed to be, I was able to really understand what God had in store for me. Now, the Alpha Series began to make sense. We would start our sessions with an open discussion with family, volunteers, and InnerChange members. The interaction in our small group discussions was so very instrumental in breaking down the barriers most of us had placed in our lives.
Christ United Methodist Church
Reaching out to non-believers and offering the love that God has shown to us is so much a part of our being a Christian. Jesus commands us to love each other as we love ourselves. This unconditional love is such a great part of the Alpha Series. Some of us here at InnerChange have never known what true unconditional love is. Thanks for the love and devotion shown to us here at the InnerChange Program by our very own Faithful Alpha Series in the true light of our Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father, for letting me be part of this great experience called the Alpha Series. In closing, I wish to express how deeply I feel towards the aftercare I received from our Alpha Series volunteers. My sister, whom I had been very close to, suffered through a long and painful battle with cancer. The hurt and confusion I was going through while my sister was battling cancer had me at a point where I felt I had nowhere to turn. The pain I was feeling seemed to gather more and more each day. In my confusion and moment of doubt and shame, I asked Bob if he would speak with me. His first advice was for us to go to the Lord in prayer. From that moment on, I felt a great relief in my Spirit. I know in my heart she is with Him. I still pray for her, all my family, and loved ones; futhermore, I pray for all of the volunteers who are so gracious in coming to our program to do volunteer work. I have been so blessed to be able to fellowship with these folks. In fact, each week when they come to have a class, they all speak to me as though I am part of their family. God is real—real in everything we do and real in all our lives. I can never thank the Alpha Series volunteers enough for being there in my hour of need. I love you all very much. Your Brother in Christ Jesus, William D. Lowrey
Our church has a proud history of active involvement in prison ministry. I have watched it from a distance on Restorative Justice Ministry Sundays, and I have heard enthusiastic endorsements from those actively involved. Over time, I found the Holy Spirit nudging me in a new direction as my daughter graduated from our youth program where I had been actively involved in the past. I resisted God’s whispering for awhile, and then one day I told myself that if I happened to see Betty Waedemon, a prison ministry leader in our congregation, at church that day, I would ask her more about it. Well, wouldn’t you know that I just happened to run into her that day. Funny how those ‘coincidences’ happen. She cheerfully told me about the Alpha program underway at the nearby Carol Vance unit, and by the next Thursday, I found myself in prison. The enthusiasm of the other volunteers was infectious, and the expression of appreciation by the inmates was impressive. They were genuinely touched by our willingness to spend time with them and share our faith with them. The program is well organized with a short message by a volunteer, and then, a small group time. The opportunity to get to know them in the small groups is very rewarding. Some are new Christians while others are spiritually mature. But they are all eager to learn and grow. I am learning and growing as well as I watch these men live out their faith in challenging circumstances. The genuineness with which they express their love of Jesus Christ is inspiring. I find that these experiences in prison ministry are renewing my awareness of the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Come join us in prison and see how your life can be changed as well through this ministry.
There are 29 prisons and jails within the Houston, Texas area with an inmate population of over 40,000. In Harris County alone, there are over 1,290 Christian congregations. While many individual volunteers, ministries and community organizations are engaged in providing programs and services for these facilities, inmates continue to be underserved. Many of these underserved inmates will return to our communities with a greater likelihood of re-offending. Alpha Houston and Prison Fellowship Ministries are working in collaboration with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Together, they have designed an initiative to generate more opportunities for Houston area churches, volunteers, and community organizations to broaden the base of programs and services to local area criminal justice facilities.
SATURDAY: Will be a day of Vision Casting and Alpha/PF training. Following the training there will be an opportunity for attendees to visit the InnerChange Freedom Initiative at the Carol Vance Prison Unit. We encourage anyone interested in or currently involved in prison ministry to attend. This is a time for those of us who are interested in taking Jesus into the prisons to come together. Church leaders are welcome so that they may better understand the need for their involvement in “the mission field in our own backyard.”
SUNDAY: Will be a day of celebration at Christ Church with Paul Cowley and Jim Liske delivering the messages of Restorative Justice. The Winds of Change Inmate Choir from Carol Vance Unit will provide special music.
Jim Liske - 8:15 and 11:05, sanctuary Paul Cowley - 9:45, sanctuary, and 11:00, the hub
There is no cost to attend. Register today at
Christ United Methodist Church
WHERE: Christ United Methodist Church 3300 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land, Texas Sponsored by Alpha-Houston & Prison Fellowship Ministries in collaboration with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” –Matthew 9:37
A man came up to the gate today and asked to be let in. The guard took a long look at the man and thought, “I wonder what’s the matter with him?”
But the man with the title of “Prison Volunteer” is about as tough a man as you’ll find.
Now the life inside is one you can abide but morality runs very low.
He walks past the fences and razor wire
We’ve made mistakes, we’ve lost control...
He leaves behind his safety of cell phones, burglar alarms and the security of nine-one-one.
We do reap what we sow.
Past the locked doors and tear gas guns.
So the man at the gate continues to ask, “Won’t you please let me inside!”
He walks in with a message and a Bible
While us in here know not where to go but we’ve no place left to hide.
He takes us to a place of peace and shows us how we get there.
The man outside has a road map of how all men should live.
The world beyond he’s introduced us to brings us a peacefulness deep inside.
So finally he walks in with confidence, ready to give all he has to give.
And I, for one, have experienced God
He directs our thoughts and minds to places we’ve never been. He makes us feel no different than others.
And his message is beyond compare.
And I’ll never again have to hide. So thank the man with the “volunteer” tag on his shirt and the love of God in his heart.
He says that all men sin.
For those of us that want it he’s given us a place to start.
Week after week he comes through the gates with his Book, a smile and a bell.
So thank you, friend, for being the man not afraid to come inside.
Teaching wisdom and love and peacefulness trying to save us from a life in hell.
For walking places where few men would go and helping us turn the tide.
Now I’ve known some pretty tough men in my day
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
And some men with a stubborn mind.
Over a year ago, I saw an announcement in our church bulletin about tutors needed at Carol Vance Prison Unit. I had visited the prison when our choir had sung there during one of their celebration weeks. I knew what the prison looked like inside and how cheerful and friendly the inmates were. They greeted us with such enthusiasm and could not have been more helpful. When I read that they needed tutors, I felt an immediate nudge to answer the call. I telephoned the IFI director and he arranged for my visit to see what the Education Department did. The Education Department consists of two rooms where inmates who do not have a high school diploma are in classes, in some cases, to learn to read, and in other cases, to expand and develop their reading until they are ready to take the GED exam. I saw all of these men in white and some inmate "I WAS IN PRISON, tutors in various stages of learning, and I knew that AND YOU VISITED ME” God wanted me to be there –MATTHEW 25:26 teaching and probably even learning from them. I signed up immediately and started the next week. At first, I went only one day a week and taught two classes. Before long, I had rearranged my schedule, and I was teaching four classes, two days a week. The week is divided with Math taught Monday through Wednesday, and English/ Reading taught on Thursday and Friday. I have been blessed every day I go to the Unit. I look forward to seeing the men and what they can accomplish as days go into weeks and then months. The men are passionate about their faith and their opportunity to learn. I have a chance to talk individually when an inmate wants to vent about his concerns or to tell me of his joy about having the Lord in his life. As Jesus said in Mathew 25:26... “I was in prison, and you visited me.” We often talk about their families and what they want to do when they get on the “outside." We continually say they will be alright as long as they walk with God, and we bless each other as they leave class. When some inmates go to take the GED, all of us are praying until the results come back. As I write this, we are awaiting the results from six men who went on November 20 and 21. I can’t think of a better place to serve.
Christ United Methodist Church
APARTMENT MINISTRY PRESTON MORGAN | EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATE PASTOR A key element of the apartment ministry, or any neomonastic community, is to practice discipleship and evangelism through community. Our ultimate goal as a missional community is to be the presence of Christ at The Foundations so that our neighbors, who have all levels of faith in God, can grow deeper in their relationship with and understanding of God. This is no easy task as I’m sure you can appreciate. Many neo-monastic communities around the country find setting a pattern or set of rules for living and engaging their neighbors is essential for practicing discipleship and evangelism through community. It allows the community to intentionally order its life around Christ and to agree on rules that will fuel the spiritual and daily lives of everyone in and around the community. These rules are called a Rule of Life, and Kyle, Dan, Drew, and I have been wrestling with what practices would make our community most effective in discipleship and evangelism within our context at The Foundations. The four of us will live by these Rules for the duration of the missional community, and when God leads others (apartment neighbors or church members) to also be fully present in the apartment ministry, they, too, can join the mission by following these Rules. We have printed the Rules here in The Connection for our church family to see, and we strongly encourage everyone to draft, as a HomeGroup, a family, a couple, or an individual, your own Rule of Life and intentionally place Christ at the center of your life. You will notice that we structured ours after the vows of membership in the United Methodist Church, but other neo-monastic communities order theirs differently. You are welcome to mimic ours or create your own. If you have any questions about a Rule of Life or about the apartment ministry, let us know. Dan and I are also available to visit Sunday school classes if it interests your class. Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
churchmatters CHRIST AT FOUNDATIONS RULES OF LIFE Christ at Foundations is an intentional missional community with authentic relationships that lead to sharing life together in order to follow more closely the teachings and practices of Jesus with his disciples. Our group strives to meet people where they are and offers varying degrees of commitment and involvement, both thick and thin community. PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Pray daily, individually or corporately for personal spiritual formation, the people of the Foundations community, and Christ United Methodist Church. Read and reflect on scripture daily and fulfill the “going deeper” readings of our current studies. Walk around the Foundations once a week to pray. PRESENCE Host monthly community events. Host weekly Bible study. Worship weekly in the body of Christ. Be available weekly in public areas. GIFTS Pursue tithing our income for God’s work in the world. Identify and use our spiritual gifts, talents and abilities to serve God within and beyond this community. SERVICE Seek opportunities for acts of compassion towards our neighbors. Love and support our covenant community in weekly conversation about pursuing our Rules of Life. Practice regular Sabbath as a means of renewal.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
WITNESS Strive to meet the stranger the way Christ would. Invite others to participate and grow in their spiritual walk through both thick and thin community events. Live out the Gospel through authentic love.
churchmatters 2014 COMMITTEES •
denotes chair
Darrell Thomas• Kevin Bastin Bobby Ritter Nelda Adams
Chris Pecheux Jim Jordon Jimmy Skrapka Dwight Helms
Jim Andrews Ace Alexander Jon Andersen Matt Thummell
Chair: Martha Baer Vice Chair: Justin Flint Trustees: John Larson Finance: Darrell Thomas SPRC: Chad Mavity Past Chair: Bret Dyer
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE MINISTRY | BETTY WAEDEMON “Last night during Alpha at the Carol Vance Prison I was greeted by Michael, a prisoner who had been very quiet and distrustful when we began together, but tonight had a smile from ear to ear. He had asked me to pray for him to pass his GED. Michael said that he prayed for the Spirit to grant him peace, something that he never would have done in the past. That wonderful smile meant one thing. . . he had passed!”
Treasurer: Jim Rose CCS Board: Gillian Smith Endowment: Mark Huffer Nominations: Linda Parker Vision & Planning: TBA
John Larson• Wayne Gray Robert Coffman Lisa Pepin
Mark Huffer Bryan Tullos Becky Neese Craig Fredrickson Evan Gisler Donavan Brown Mary Ellen Wahlheim
Chad Mavity • Ray Johnson Brian Baer
Christ United Methodist Church
Debbie Floyd Becky Tullos Bill Preston Robin Clearman Colleen Flint Casey Mueller
AXIOM YOUNG ADULT | KATE FLINT “Our Discipleship group has been an intensely moving experience. I’ve found sisterhood unlike anything I’ve ever had before, and I’ve been encouraged to truly search for God’s voice in my life.”
OLDER ADULT MINISTRY | ANONYMOUS “I decided to join this church when I attended ENCORE! As the congregants, some using walkers and canes, made their way up the aisle to receive Communion, tears came to my eyes. It was obvious the Christ Church community of believers treasured their older members, and I wanted to be part of a church like that.“
OLDER ADULT MINISTRY | ANONYMOUS “A patient suffering before upcoming surgery; a widow in anguish over the death of her husband; a member experiencing their final days of this earthly life; a toddler being rolled into surgery; a man sitting through chemotherapy; an infant struggling with life-threatening health issues. What do all these have in common? They have all been covered by our prayers and our prayer shawls. The shawls are a tangible reminder of God’s loving presence and the prayers lifted up by our faith community on their behalf. The recipients gratefully report being comforted and strengthened in their time of need.”
MEXICO MISSIONS | OLINDA JEHOVICS “This December was the first time in 5 years that we were able to deliver food bags and gifts in the poorest barrios of Reynosa. We walked home-to-home delivering gifts and were greeted with smiles and welcomed inside. We would hold their hands and say a prayer over them. Tears were shed, and hugs were shared. What a blessing to be part of this ministry! I especially want to thank all the children and parents from our church that collected and wrapped all the gifts and candy we delivered. Your giving helped over 900 children and families experience God’s love.”
WORSHIP | ONE WHO ATTENDS “I have found that at the healing service there is a peace and calmness that comes over me like no other. All my problems, troubles, failures are gone. Feeling joy and knowing His Oneness leads me HOME. That when I give with love it’s only a splinter compared to what JESUS gave. All this is felt in a simple healing service.”
WORSHIP | A MEMBER OF THE ALTAR GUILD “There’s just something very special about filling Communion cups, then sharing prayer concerns and praying together before breaking bread together over brunch. The fellowship with one another in the presence of God’s Spirit always helps prepare me for receiving Communion.”
Christians are indeed made for greater things, and one of those things is to represent Christ. Saint Paul gives us the best Biblical understanding of what this means. We are called to belong to Christ (Romans 1:6), to have His mind (1 Corinthians 2:16), and to serve as His ambassadors. When we profess our faith in Christ and receive the gift of Baptism, we die to ourselves so that Christ might live in us (Galatians 2:19-20); Saint Paul says we literally clothe ourselves with Christ (Galatians 3:27). But what does all this mean, really?
"Saint Paul says we literally clothe ourselves with Christ (Galatians 3:27.)"
Seems every few years some creative phrase or program appears on the scene to help us understand how to better represent Christ. The “WWJD” (or “What would Jesus do?”) campaign is one in recent memory. This campaign and others help us refocus on the call to represent Christ. We can go deeper, though.
Michael and Mary Ann Kovach
Kerry Jongeward
Helen Ford
Bob and Carol Butzke Pat Knerr
Representing Christ means to re-present Christ to the world. It means that we actually and literally complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions (Colossians 1:24) by doing what He did, bringing God’s Kingdom near. What do you imagine when you remember that Jesus said His disciples would do greater things than He did? Meditate on that as you consider how God is calling you to re-present Christ to the lost, the last, and the least.
Wayne Walker and Jeana Jaster, Mira, 3 months
Christ United Methodist Church
CONNECT Is there a space in your home or office that is a mess? The beginning of a new year is a good time to do something about it. Join us for a program by author Lisa Giesler entitled, “Organizing 101.” Worship begins at 11 am in the Sanctuary, and is followed by a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall. Our program will be held in the Sanctuary immediately after lunch and concludes by 1:30 pm. Those wishing to eat lunch with the group must pre-register ($7 is requested to cover the meal’s cost); reserve your space by emailing Jan Randolph at by February 2. GAME DAY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 • 10:30 AM - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. Lunch includes a roundtable discussion of living out our faith from an individual and community perspective. FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE FEBRUARY 22 • 5 - 7:30 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER
All fathers (and father-figures) are invited, along with their little girls (age 4 through 5th grade), to Christ Church’s third annual Father-Daughter Dance. Invite your friends to this great event! Price is $27 per Father/Father-Figure and $10 per daughter/girl. Price includes dinner, corsage, photograph, and dancing. Online reservations are available at Space is limited and reservations are requested by February 17; please no walk-ins. Sponsored by our Children’s Ministry, please contact Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765 or with your questions. BIG GAME BASH 2014 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 • FLC GYM AND CHURCH GROUNDS
Celebrate America’s biggest football game with our church family! The annual Men of Christ vs. 412 flag football game will start at 4 pm and the “Big Game” kickoff will begin at 5:30 pm. Food and drinks will be provided! Bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive. “THINGS WILL GET BETTER---JUST HOLD ON.” ONGOING MINISTRY
You appreciate your friends’ concern. But until things get better, you need extra support. If you find you are at the end of your rope, Stephen Ministers can help you tie a knot and hang on. Stephen Ministers are trained, one-to-one Christian caregivers. For someone who will be there to listen and help you find the resources you need to get through this tough time, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
February 22 and 23 is Restorative Justice Ministry Weekend!
On February 23, Christ Church’s worship services will be filled with testimonies and song from the men in prison whose lives are being transformed by Christ. Also, Prison Fellowship President, Jim Liske, and Alpha International Director, Rev. Paul Cowley, will be alternately preaching at all services. Immediately following the 11 am service, you are cordially invited to join us in Rooms 210/211 for our annual free luncheon, where we’ll enjoy fun and fellowship and share Christ’s love with the men in white. For more information, call Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761.
The season of Lent will begin with Ash Wednesday worship throughout the day in March. Times will be announced soon. Plan now to attend a service on your way to work, over your lunch hour, or at the end of your day. At these brief services we will meditate on our mortality, our sinfulness, and our need for a Savior. We’ll renew our commitment to daily repentance, and, most of all, we’ll remember with gratitude that Christ our Savior has conquered sin and death. Special music will be a part of every service, and each one will offer a time for prayer and the imposition of ashes. We hope you will attend one of these services to begin your observance of a Holy Lenten season this year. HEALING PRAYER SERVICE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 • 7 PM • SANCTUARY
So many things can break our hearts - grief over losing a loved one or a relationship, betrayals by family or friends, children who aren’t making good decisions, failures at work, personal addictions and disxease. . . . If your heart is broken, come gather with others seeking the presence of Christ the Healer. Let Christ heal your hurts and make you whole through God’s Word, meditative music, the celebration of Holy Communion, and healing prayers. JOIN THE STREAM TEAM! HELP US PROCLAIM “JESUS LIVES!” LIVE ON THE WEB EVERY SUNDAY DURING EVERY SERVICE
Christ Church wants to stream every worship service live on the internet! We are forming a new ministry team dubbed the “STREAM TEAM!” We need volunteers who want to remotely control cameras, click a mouse, and chat with people who watch the stream! If you are interested, contact Helen Ford at You’ll be a proud owner of the exclusive STREAM TEAM t-shirt!
TWITTER.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Open to all ages with a participatory format and biblically based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS
Consists of members ages 30 and up, with and without children. Discussion-oriented, studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to daily life. Enjoys fellowship, mission projects and social activities. Meets in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center. AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish. Meets in Room 312 of the Family Life Center. BARNABAS
Consists of adults, 50 years and older, who are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others, both within and outside the class. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL
Open to all singles of any age, with and without children. Enjoys discussionoriented Bible studies. Meets in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST
Consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. A relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS
Welcomes people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). Participatory format. Delves into scriptural truths and seeks to grow the faith of its members. Meets in Room 301 of the Family Life Center.
Join us for a day to spruce up our church. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Skilled and unskilled volunteers, ages 12+, are invited. We will repair, restore and paint the facility. CHRIST CHURCH COMMUNITY GARDEN MINISTRY GATHERING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 • 6 PM • AT THE HOME OF MARK LARSON
Come join our community garden ministry members at a gathering at the home of Mark Larson and Donna Kottwitz on February 15 at 6 pm. The address is 410 Oyster Creek Village Dr., Missouri City. We will celebrate our progress, discuss our future and most of all enjoy visiting with each other. Please bring a dish to share and a cheerful spirit. The Christ Church community garden is located behind the Family Life Center and produces about 2,000 pounds of vegetables each year that are given to the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry’s Food Pantry. This garden provides an opportunity for our 4th grade Missions group to work and learn about gardening. It provides a place for service hours for our youth, Girl Scouts, 5th grade Vacation Bible School and other groups. Best of all, we really enjoy working together in the garden so it is an opportunity for fellowship. Interested but not yet a gardener? Contact Mark Larson at ddkmel@ or 281.961.7818 for more information.
Allows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While the class is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. Meets in the Resource Library. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)
Name reflects class’ focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out activities for members, who are in their 40’s - 70’s. Meets in Room 311 of the Family Life Center. JUBILEE
Made up of mature individuals, age 65 - 90+, who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons presented by Jan Randolph. Meets in Rooms 11/12. SEEKERS
Couples, singles, and those solo on Sunday (mixed ages) that concentrate on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion always included. Meets in Room 308 of the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)
Made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS
Made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS
Made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. Engages primarily in Bible-based studies and service projects. Meets in Room 307 of the Family Life Center.
Christ United Methodist Church
Our lives are full of stories. One way to secure those memories for ourselves and future generations is to “put it in writing.” Jan Randolph leads this monthly writers’ workshop designed to inspire, encourage and support participants in the writing process. Our explorations will include (but not necessarily be limited to) memoirs, journal writing, prayer journals, faith stories, family narratives, and poetry. Just bring paper and pencil and your mind full of stories. ONE ROOM BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the February meeting is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join Book Club. AFFECTED BY CANCER? GET SUPPORT! 3RD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH • 7 - 8:30 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
The Colors of Cancer group welcomes all adults who have had a diagnosis of any type of cancer, as well as their caregivers. We use the Reconstruction of a Survivor curriculum to guide our monthly discussions. Come and check us out on the 3rd Tuesday of EVERY month, from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Volunteer Center. For more information, contact Lynn Taylor at
Searching for a new ministry opportunity in our congregation? There will be a cost, you know, but there will also be great rewards. Stephen Ministry is our congregation’s one-to-one caring ministry. Right now we’re looking for members who are willing to pay the C ommitment Of S elf and T ime and become Stephen Ministers, remembering that the blessings will outweigh the costs. To find out more about this ministry, please contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. If enough interest is expressed, training may be held in the Spring.
Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists will come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options. ROOTS RESEARCH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 • 11 AM • ROOMS 11/12
Are you interested in your ancestors? Virginia and Glenn Morrison lead this group in exploring your family genealogy. It is exciting to see how God has been working through generation after generation. To help you in your explorations it is necessary for you to bring information about the earliest ancestor you have knowledge about (name, place of birth or residence or death, dates/approximate dates). Bring a sack lunch, mobile technology (if available), and join us. MEN’S LUNCH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 • 11:30 AM • CORELLI’S
JOS HUA TREE Then they answered Joshua, “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.” Joshua 1:16 As we prepare for life’s journeys, we are all in need of supplies. Faith, trust, the commitment to work hard, and knowledge of the Word of God and His promises for us are all things that a Christian needs. Would you help a fellow traveler on his way? Christ Church’s Joshua Tree will begin its ministry on February 23 in the Sanctuary and the hub Gathering Halls. Come and choose a way to help the men at the Carol Vance Unit as they commit their lives to the Lord and work their way to the Promised Land of a life with Christ at its center. You will be able to lead as Joshua led the people by providing incarcerated men and women with supplies such as a Bible, a Disciple study book, a Kairos sponsorship, and many other life changing gifts. This is a blessed opportunity to help place the feet of these “pilgrims” on the path towards the life God wants for them. Keep your eyes out for the Joshua Tree. Reach out to a fellow Christian who is on his journey.
Men of all ages, join together for lunch and fellowship at Corelli’s. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond. LOST & FOUND THROUGH FEBRUARY • VOLUNTEER CENTER
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
All items that have been found in the church during the year will be placed on a ministry table for you to collect. Items not claimed will be donated to East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry.
SOUPER BOWL OF CARING NOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 2 On Sunday, February 2, millions of people will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship.
At the same time, there will be families and individuals in our community who are hungry and feel hopeless. Please help demonstrate God’s love by participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring. You can purchase a pre-packaged food bag at a participating H-E-B, Kroger or Randalls store OR place non-perishable foods in the Collection Bin downstairs thru February 2. All donations go directly to East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry.
Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Pastor Rev. Dan Conway, Exec. Associate Pastor - GROW Ministries Rev. Preston Morgan, Executive Associate Pastor Helen Ford, Communications Coordinator/Designer Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Kate Flint, Director - Children & Family Ministries Lisa Mayhugh, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at WE’RE HERE TO HELP!
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Bob Sime's sister, Sharon Rae, Benita Sebesta's mother, Cindy Finley, Lori Matthews’ aunt, Susan Zvonkovic’s friend’s son, CJ Ryan’s friend’s son, Sally Lambert, Carrie Bastin’s father, Lori Matthews’ aunt, Christen Barnes’ friend, Judy Edmondson’s aunt, Karen and Richard West, John Crocker, Ken Crouch’s friend, Sandy White’s grandson, Rehaan Douglas, Linda Havas’ parents, Stacee Hawkins’ aunt, Pam Moye’s mother, Carol Maa, Lynda Miller, Vicki Wise’s grandmother, Janice Gilbert’s daughter, Reba McNally, Debbie Meier’s grandmother. JOYS . . . Traci Wilson’s mother, Mary Francis Ashmore, Lynda Miller’s husband, Lynda Miller & family, Aimee Schultheis’ sister-in-law’s friend, Monique Harrison’s great nephew, Maria Eggenschwiler, Robin Oliver’s mother, Cynde Lomonte’s cousin, Reed Shirley, Vicky Wise’s mother, Kim Horst’s friend’s son. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Lynda & Warren Miller on the death of their daughter-inlaw’s father, Diane Keller on the death of her father, Matt Duggan on the death of his uncle, Tim & Ellen Millard on the death of Ellen’s uncle, Sarah & Mark McMeans on the death of her father, Sharon Hutchinson on the death of her brother, Bill Campbell on the death of his sister, Christy Burrmann on the death of her father, Candee Chandler on the death of her friend, Sallie Smith on the death of her brother, Jaye Talus on the death of her husband.
SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.
PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve