June 2014
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
ur District Superintendent, Rev. Jay Jackson, announced in worship services on May 11 that our Senior Pastor, Rev. Mike Mayhugh, has requested a renewal leave, effective June 2. Following his renewal leave, Mike has requested to be appointed to another church. The Staff Parish Relations Committee has accepted Mike’s request. The Cabinet1 has been meeting with the immediate, as well as long term, well-being of the congregation and its pastoral staff of central importance in its deliberations. The Cabinet is in active discussions—with the assistance of SPRC—with the goal of the appointment of a Senior Pastor to begin serving September 1. With the assistance of Rev. Jackson, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee has engaged Peter Steinke, an expert in church conflict resolution, to address the concerns of and conflict within the Christ United Methodist Church congregation. Dr. Steinke will meet with the Leadership Council, SPRC, Christ Church clergy, and representatives of the staff and congregation. Dr. Steinke will also moderate a church-wide meeting and provide all members of the congregation with the opportunity to share their concerns with him. The goal of the process is the development of an action plan to effect healing within the church. More detail on the process will be made available.
The Cabinet is comprised of the District Superintendents, the Bishop, and key Conference leaders.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
rom June 8 until the end of June, the District Superintendent, Rev. Jay Jackson, will provide guidance to the Christ Church staff. Rev. Dr. Keith A. Jenkins will preach the Sunday morning Sanctuary services. Rev. Dr. Jenkins is an Elder in the Texas Annual Conference with over thirty-five years of ministry experience in the local church, campus ministry, and higher education. His most recent appointment was as President of Houston Graduate School of Theology. He is a Master of Divinity summa cum laude graduate of Duke Divinity School and holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Rice University. He and his spouse, Barbara, have two children in the Houston area.
churchmatters The Christ Church Mission Committee went on a retreat in March to discuss how to be a church that practices Risk-Taking Missions and Service. We shared ideas and discussed questions such as: What does God want to accomplish in the world through our church? What should be our guiding mission Scripture, definition and statement? What are our strengths and weaknesses? Our priorities? We also collected answers to some of these questions from our current Mission Ministry leaders. We then handed out all the results at the church-wide meeting on April 1. Please contact any one of us for your copy. –Missions Committee | Colleen Flint – Chair Ashley Clearman Bob Sime Olinda Jehovics Sonny Tutt Pam Johnson Betty Waedemon
Axiom has started a Monthly Mission Saturday around our local community. We know there is a need worldwide as well as in our own backyard and God is guiding us down a path to impact both. Our mission this month was to help fix the house of an elderly woman in the Houston area. 16 young adults came to help out and the day was wonderful! In addition to transforming the physical part of the house, we were also able to have a conversation with the family of the house and noticed God’s presence in our conversation. –Makenzie Van Hook | AXIOM
In 2009 and in response to a call from God through our church, I started mentoring a fifth grader at Holly Elementary School. It has been a joy to be a part of my mentee’s life - to see him grow and to share with him in the ups and downs of growing up under difficult circumstances. –Sara Jane White | Mentoring
Christ Church MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) are wrapping up a wonderful year! We serve 52 women in our group. Not only are we building relationships with moms in the area, but we have also adopted Young Lives (an organization that helps young mothers) as our mission project. We have made and served meals and helped with childcare and transportation to their meetings so the young mothers can meet in a Christian setting. We have also collected diapers, formula and toys for the Young Lives families. It feels great to help out our community, all while enjoying fellowship! –Liz Brown | MOPS
If you do not currently receive the weekly E-mail Blast, you may sign up on our church website at
or by contacting Laura Gratz at laura@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4764.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
WELCOME TO OUR NEW CHRIST CHURCH MEMBERS! In Toddler’s Sunday School, we’ve been learning about how God made the sun and the moon. Even though we have been covering this for a few weeks, most of the kiddos seem to forget that God was the reason for it all. This Sunday, the weather was so beautiful that we decided to take the kids outside to see all God had made. As soon as we walked outside, Nolan pointed up in the sky and screamed, “The sun! God made that!” And all the other kids started clapping and squealing - we’ll call that a Snails’ Success story! –Liz Brown | Children’s Ministry
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
the hub completed a four week children’s book drive for the Interchange Freedom Initiative (IFI) at the Carol Vance Unit. Over 200 books were donated, and on March 23, we prayed over the books and laid hands on Darrel, an IFI employee to ask God to bless the ministry and the families who will receive these gifts. IFI will use these books so that fathers can be recorded reading to their children. Even while incarcerated, the children who receive these books will hear their fathers’ voices. –Preston Morgan | the hub
denotes chair
Donavan Brown Mark Huffer* Becky Neese Lee Dorger Evan Gisler Lisa Pepin Craig Fredrickson Bryan Tullos Mary Ellen Wahlheim
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Acting Chair: Justin Flint Treasurer: Jim Rose Trustees: Mark Huffer CCS Board: Gillian Smith Finance: Darrell Thomas Endowment: Mark Huffer Nominations: Linda Parker SPRC: Chad Mavity Past Chair: Bret Dyer Vision & Planning: Jonathan Heironimus
Darrell Thomas* Bobby Ritter Nelda Adams Chris Pecheux Jim Jordon Jimmy Skrapka
Dwight Helms Jim Andrews Ace Alexander Jon Andersen Matt Thummell
MAY REPORTS “The Board of Trustees is taking bids to caulk the stained glass windows in the sanctuary. We have put in place safety procedures for Carpenter’s Hands and are also investigating upgrades to outside lighting. We are reviewing the yearly capital budget in light of giving to do only what must be done.” –Mark Huffer, Chair
“The open forum meetings scheduled for May 6 and May 12 have been postponed at the request of the District Superintendent, Jay Jackson. Rev. Jackson will meet with the Staff-Parish Relations committee and with church leadership and the open forum meetings will be rescheduled as soon as practicable.” –Justin Flint, Acting Chair
“The Finance Committee’s regularly scheduled meeting for May occurred after the deadline for this report and an update from our April meeting was included in the May Connection. As we begin summer, the Finance Committee would like to use this opportunity to provide a reminder that giving has been less than anticipated this year and urge everyone to faithfully support our church. If you normally give when attending, but will be away for a time during the summer, the online giving option through our church website (http://www.cumcsl.org/give) provides a convenient, confidential and secure means to keep current.” –Darrell Thomas, Chair
Chad Mavity* Ray Johnson Brian Baer Debbie Floyd Bill Preston
Colleen Flint Becky Tullos Robin Clearman Casey Mueller
Jonathan Heironimus* Robert Coffman* Peter Allan Shey Fiscus
Brian Burkhart Susie Duggan Andy Barnett Jill McGavin
“SPR has prepared a report for the Congregation which can be found on page 2 of this edition of The Connection.” –Chad Mavity, Chair
“At this month's meeting, we spent time with members of the Vintage V&P committee in order to further understand the wonderful work they have done in creating the Christ Church Vision Frame. I recommend that all Christ Church members become familiar with this document, as it will act like a filter to future work of the committee. Together we were able to collaborate and gain clarity on how we can operate to best serve the people involved in Christ Church going forward. We are still actively brainstorming in how we can propel the Church to new heights, with new healing, and new Vision.” –Jonathan Heironimus
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
churchmatters | APARTMENT MINISTRY
We are moving forward in our Bible study format to a more personal and relational study called “I Am Second.” This study will switch our focus from what God and Jesus have done in Scripture to a more personal exploration of what God does in our lives today. We’ll do this by watching very personal and transparent testimonies from famous or well-known individuals. When we watch these videos we’ll learn about the struggles they have been through and their stories of accepting Christ. This will lead into a discussion of those testimonies followed by discussion of our own testimonies.
As we move through these questions, individuals in our Bible study, including myself, should begin to feel more comfortable as a group and become more transparent about God’s working in our lives. Our hope is that this will lead to wonderful, truthful, and organic discussion about what we have been through and how God has been there. If you are looking for a study that promotes organic, transparent, and deep discussion about what God has done in your individual lives, I highly recommend “I Am Second.” Please pray for us at the Apartment Ministry! Pray that the “I Am Second” study continues to create great discussion. Also, please pray that the hearts of apartment residents would be softened so that they would be more open to taking a step of faith. . .by knocking on the door of Apartment #1224 on Wednesdays at 7 pm!
We’ll ask questions such as:
How do you or don’t you relate to his/her testimony?
How do you fit into this testimony?
What about his/her testimony spoke to you about your own walk with Christ?
Have you ever felt the same feeling he/she spoke about?
Thank you!
kyle macdonald
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
The Apartment Ministry in the Foundations at Rivercrest is taking its next step in faith, discipleship, and community. As you know, we have been engaging in different studies of Scripture and the Gospels. These included The Story of God with Us: An Advent Devotional, The Jesus Creed, and Son of God: Who is He? With these studies we read, analyzed, and related scriptural themes to our lives.
CHURCH-WIDE VISIONING CONFERENCE REPORT MADE FOR GREATER THINGS FEBRUARY 15, 2014 The Vision and Planning Committee has presented their findings from the Church-Wide Visioning Conference on February 15. The most common responses have been included here. A complete list of responses from the conference can be found at www.cumcsl.org/vision.
RADICAL HOSPITALITY Greeting Genuine Greeting to Everyone Home Groups More Conducive to Invite Newcomers Church Provided Leader Training Shepherding Intentional Leading to an Appropriate Ministry
MULTIPLYING VIBRANCY Growing Lay Leaders Conflict Resolution Increased Communication & Transparency Involvement in Decision Making Newcomers Generation Integration
RISK-TAKING MISSIONS Mission Field Congregation Visitors Neighborhood Unchurched How We are Perceived "Fat Cats" Need to Address Turmoil Heart for Missions Increasing Involvement & Success Fear of Rejection: Training Personal Commitment to Disciple Others Ministry Moments Be Excellent in a Few Ministries Special Events & Programs
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
PASSIONATE WORSHIP Support the Clergy Ministry Moments Youth Involvement Two-Way Communication Intentional Welcoming Passion
INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT Promoting Small Groups & Special Events Ministry Moments Open Houses Media Provide Support & Training Potential & Current Group Leaders Offering Options for Personal Devotions Fostering Relationships Pastors & Laity Pastors & New Members
EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY Giving Inspiration Biblically-Based Defined Goals
WELCOME, HARRIS FAMILY! Please join us in welcoming our new Youth Director, Todd Harris, who officially joined the Christ Church staff on May 1! Todd and his family come to us from the great state of Florida, where Todd most recently served as Youth Pastor at Orange Park United Methodist Church. Todd was born in Marion, IN and grew up in Gas City, IN, while his wife, Amanda, was born in Oklahoma City, OK and was raised in Orange Park, FL. Todd and Amanda met while in college at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY and they married in 2002. Todd and Amanda have three children: Gavin Riley (age 7), Ansley Arnett (age 5), and Gage Bryson (15 months). Welcome to our Christ Church family, Harris family!
412 WORSHIP Held every Sunday evening from 5–8 pm in the Family Life Center Gym. Dinner is served at 5 pm ($2).
POOLSIDE MONDAYS Open to all Sr. High Youth, and will be held at different locations from 7–9 pm. Weekly locations will be available on 4-12.net. WACKY WEDNESDAYS Open to all Youth, this event will be held at different locations from 6–8 pm. Weekly locations will be available on 4-12.net.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
412 SUNDAY SCHOOL 6th–12th grades meet at 9:45 am in the Family Life Center Gym.
Summer doesn't always mean a slower pace. Schedules tend to become over-booked and family demands increase. When you add to this pace the pain of sickness and grief, daily responsibilities can easily overwhelm. Christ the Healer offers an easy yoke and a place to rest. Come and rest in His presence at this short service, where you will find a respite in Scriptures, prayers, and the celebration of Holy Communion. PRAYER MEETING FRIDAY NIGHTS • 7 PM • CHAPEL
In Acts 1:8, Jesus says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
The Joyful Noise and Chancel choirs continue to sing in worship throughout the months of June and August; however, they are on break in the month of July. If you would like to participate in Joyful Noise, which sings in the 9:45 am service, rehearsal is Sunday mornings at 8:30 am in the Choir Room. The Chancel Choir, which sings in the 11:05 am service, rehearses Wednesdays from 7–9 pm in the Choir Room. Our handbell choirs, Joy Bells and Jubilation Ringers, are on break for the summer but will resume in the fall. IT'S PENTECOST! WEAR RED TO CHURCH! SUNDAY, JUNE 8
On Sunday, June 8, we'll celebrate the Day of Pentecost, the fiftieth and last day of the Easter season. It was on this day the Church received the gift of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2). The parament color will change to red to reflect the fire with which God's Spirit infused the church. You're invited to wear red as a sign you are alive and “vibrant” in the Spirit. Thanks be to God for all the gifts of God's Spirit!
We know that this is what we are called to do. But as this verse implies, we cannot do it without the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Happy Birthday, Church! Happy Pentecost, Christian!
Join us at these weekly meetings as we welcome the Holy Spirit to be present with us.
A huge "THANK YOU!" to all who decided to help people worship during last month's SERVE Campaign! Sunday morning services in the Sanctuary couldn't happen without Communion servants, Lay Readers, Acolytes, Sanctuary Care volunteers, and Ushers! And every service would be diminished without Audio/Visual volunteers, Sound Technicians, and others who prepare ahead of time to offer their best. People find fullness in Christ through worship! Your service allows Christ to be experienced by those who come in praise of Him. God bless you!
The Baccalaureate ceremony is a service of worship that celebrates and gives thanks for lives dedicated to learning and wisdom, and Christ Church has much to celebrate! History tells us that the baccalaureate service is believed to have originated at the University of Oxford in 1432 when each bachelor was required to deliver a sermon in Latin as part of his academic requirements. Although that is not going to be a requirement for our Seniors, Christ Church can proudly say that it has shared much wisdom with these young men and women over many years. The education that has been poured into these Seniors through their Sunday School classes, Youth group activities, Mission trips, Bible studies and several hours of service in the community is now coming to its culmination, and we can proudly stand next to them and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Please make every effort to come and support these youth as they celebrate this major achievement in their lives. What a celebration this will be!
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
Faith, mercy, teaching the faith, encouragement, or knowing: Do one or more of these gifts describe you? If so, check out Stephen Ministry, our congregation's one-to-one care-giving ministry. If enough persons express interest, a new training class may be held this year. Contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719 to find out more about what you can do for the Lord. COME JOIN THE NEW ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS! SUNDAYS • 9:45 AM • FLC ROOM 310
Open to all ages with a participatory format and biblically based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS
Consists of members ages 30 and up, with and without children. Discussionoriented, studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to daily life. Enjoys fellowship, mission projects and social activities. Meets in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center. AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish. Meets in Room 312 of the Family Life Center.
A new adult Sunday School class, with the objectives of deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith is waiting to welcome you. Come join us!
The Colors of Cancer group welcomes all men and women who have had a diagnosis of any type of cancer, as well as their caregivers. We use many Bible-based resources to guide our monthly discussions. For more information, contact Lynn Taylor at lynn@cumcsl.org.
Come join our Bible-based men's group and experience Christian fellowship, discussion, and study. Don't forget your Bible and coffee mug! All men are welcome! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2014 JUNE 23–27 • 9:15 AM–12:15 PM (M–TH), 9:15 AM–12:30 PM (FR)
Get ready for a peek at the unique! At “Weird Animals VBS,” kids will discover that Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind. "Weird Animals" is a habitat filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences! Registration is $25 per child 4 years old (as of September 1, 2013) through 5th grade, and will be open from March 1 through June 1. Are you feeling called to volunteer, or are your children younger than 4? Perfect! We can’t have a successful VBS without YOU! Register online at www.cumcsl.org/vbs today! Questions? Contact Kate Flint at 281.690.4748 or Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765.
Consists of adults, 50 years and older, who are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others, both within and outside the class. Meets in the Chapel. Open to all singles of any age, with and without children. Enjoys discussionoriented Bible studies. Meets in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. Consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. A relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). Welcomes people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). Participatory format. Delves into scriptural truths and seeks to grow the faith of its members. Meets in Room 301 of the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES
Allows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While the class is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. Meets in the Resource Library. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)
Name reflects class’ focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out activities for members, who are in their 40’s - 70’s. Meets in Room 311 of the Family Life Center. JUBILEE
Made up of mature individuals, age 65 - 90+, who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons presented by Jan Randolph. Meets in Rooms 11/12. SEEKERS
Couples, singles, and those solo on Sunday (mixed ages) that concentrate on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion always included. Meets in Room 308 of the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)
Made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS
Made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS
Made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. Engages primarily in Bible-based studies and service projects. Meets in Room 307 of the Family Life Center. LAST CLASS ON THE RIGHT
A new adult Sunday School class has formed, with the objectives of deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith. Meets in room 310 (last classroom on the right) of the Family Life Center.
G.A.L.S. (Godly Active Ladies Serving) meets the last Tuesday each month from January through October to encourage one another in our daily lives and to find ways to serve women in all stages of life. We have a new meeting time. Our meetings will be at local restaurants in the Sugar Land and Missouri City areas at 6 pm. June 24 at Hoggs & Chicks July 29 at Pei Wei August 26 at Red Oak Grill September 30 at Cafe Express October 28 at Spring Creek BBQ Join us for a meal, tea, or dessert as we lift each other up. For more information contact Norma Pharr at 281.980.7744 or pharrbo@aol.com. "I'LL BE WITH YOU" STEPHEN MINISTRY COULD HELP
What a comfort it can be to have a concerned person willing to stay with you through trouble. A Stephen Minister can be that person. He or she is willing and able to care for you by listening and being there while you work through this tough time. All information and requests are kept confidential, and all Stephen Ministers are trained to maintain strict confidentiality in any caring relationship. So if this is the kind of care for you, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719 to request a Stephen Minister. IF THEY WOULD JUST STOP DRINKING, EVERYTHING WOULD BE FINE. MONDAYS • 12 PM • ROOM 305
If your life has been affected by someone else's drinking, there is hope. Al-Anon is an anonymous fellowship that helps family and friends of alcoholics. For more info, call Renee at 281.980.6888. LADIES FELLOWSHIP NIGHT TUESDAY, JUNE 17 • 7–9 PM • PAINTING WITH A TWIST • SUGAR LAND
It is summertime! And we need to get out and do something fun! We have just the ticket... Ladies, you are invited to join us for an evening of fun, fellowship and painting! UMW is sponsoring a private painting party at Painting with a Twist in Sugar Land. You do not have to be an artist to come enjoy snacks and laughs! And at the end of the evening, you'll go home with great memories and a painting! The cost is $35 per person and includes all supplies. Please bring your favorite snack to share - we will provide drinks. You must pre-register to attend. The link is http://www.paintingwithatwist. com/events/viewEvent.aspx?eventID=231793. The passcode is BLUESTEIN. Check out our FB page for more details! Come on out for a fun ladies' night out! Questions? Please contact Pam Bluestein at psbluestein@hotmail.com or 281.343.9913.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
If you have a desire to stop drinking, Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is for you. There is help and hope. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. The only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Just come to any one of the meetings listed above - no registration or RSVP necessary. For more info, contact Renee at 281.980.6888. PRAYER, MOVEMENT, LAUGHTER, NURTURING TOUCH, GREEN SMOOTHIES & HOME-COOKED MEALS! JUNE 2 • 7–9 PM • ROOMS 11/12
"Stewardship of health is the responsibility of each person to whom health has been entrusted... We encourage individuals to pursue a healthy lifestyle and affirm the importance of preventative health care, health education, environmental and occupational safety, good nutrition, and secure housing in achieving health." (Methodist Book of Discipline) What do prayer, movement, laughter, nurturing touch, green smoothies and home-cooked meals have in common? They are all important for healthy living! Ever wonder what you could do to improve your overall health? What about your family’s health? Is buying organic necessary? What’s a GMO? Really…you can use coconut oil for that? If you have a desire to improve your overall health and the health of those you love, then this event for you! The goal will be to learn together through sharing and discussion. Please attend the first gathering of this newly-formed Women's group, to be held on on Monday, June 2 at 7 pm in Rooms 11/12. On this evening, we will “name” our group and come up with a plan for future meetings. Bring ideas, and bring a healthy use for coconut oil. Girls of all ages are invited–teens to 100! Online registration (from church website) is encouraged just so we’ll know how many to prepare for! Questions? Contact Kim Ripley at kimr@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4765. 412 GREAT ESCAPE JULY 7–10 • TEXAS HILL COUNTRY
Students who have completed 6th–12th grade are invited to join us for our 2nd annual 412 Great Escape. This $325 trip includes Schlitterbahn, Six Flags, and a Comal River float! Register at 4-12.net. HAVE AN URGENT PRAYER REQUEST?
Christ Church has a group of prayer ministry volunteers who are willing to “stop and pray” on a moment's notice for those in crisis due to an emergency situation, accident, tragedy, or sudden loss. These volunteers come from all of the church's Member Care ministries, Sunday School classes, and other groups. They are notified via email, once the person in crisis contacts the church office and gives their permission for the situation to be shared and requests urgent prayer. For those wanting to keep their situation confidential, the online Prayer Request is a better option. This is just one way Christ Church's "prayer warriors" serve Jesus Christ and their brothers and sisters in Christ. Remember “Pray Now!” when you have an urgent need for the support of prayer.
Hey Kids…if you’re age 3 (by 9.1.2014) through current Kindergarten, come join us this summer for camp! The cost per camp is $125. For camp details and on-line registration visit the Children’s page at www. cumcsl.org/camp. Contact Kim Ripley at kimr@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4765 with your questions. Camp 1: God-Grown Science (July 14 - 17: 9 am–1 pm) Learn how to take what God provided for us to use in the kitchen, and use it to cook up some science fun! Everyday kitchen items like flour, spices, milk, food coloring, etc. make for a very fun learning experience. Thank you God for making this possible! Camp 2: God's Sensory Sensations (July 21 - 24: 9 am–1 pm) God gave us eyes to see, hands to help, ears to listen, noses to smell, and a mouth to taste. We will use our senses to make ooey, gooey concoctions and fun, sensory art projects. You don't want to miss this! Camp 3: Recycling God's Way (July 28 - 31: 9 am–1 pm) God loves when we use ordinary trash and turn it into a treasure or when we retell the fairy tales of old over and over again. This camp is for anyone who loves to use their imagination...just as God intended! Camp Instructor Bios: Joanne Shipman is a 6-year camp instructor! She is married to Charlie and has 4 children. Her two sons, Christopher and Nicholas, live in Colorado. Her oldest daughter, Meredith, lives in Houston. Her youngest daughter, Caroline, is a Senior at Clements High School. Joanne has been a teacher/ assistant at Christ Church School for 19 years and has loved all of the children who have been in her care during those years. Bonnie Wilson currently teaches the Bridge Class at Christ Church School, and has been working there for 21 years. Bonnie has four adult children: 3 sons and 1 daughter, and four precious grandchildren. Bonnie has a love of teaching and it shines through every day! She is very excited to return her 2nd year to teach summer camps at Christ Church.
Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars. A specialist comes with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options. BE FIT TUESDAYS AT 11 AM AND/OR FRIDAYS AT 9:30 AM • FLC, ROOMS 302/303
Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15, 2 days a week is $30. GAME DAY WEDNESDAYS, JUNE 4 AND JUNE 25 • 10:30 AM–1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. MEN'S LUNCH THURSDAY, JUNE 12 • SPRING CREEK BBQ • 11:30 AM
Men of all ages, join together for lunch and fellowship at Spring Creek BBQ. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community. ROOTS RESEARCH THURSDAY, JUNE 19 • 11 AM • ROOMS 11/12
Are you interested in your ancestors? Virginia and Glenn Morrison will lead this group in exploring your family genealogy. It is exciting to see how God has been working through generation after generation. To help you in your explorations it is necessary for you to bring information about the earliest ancestor you have knowledge about (name, place of birth or residence or death, dates/approximate dates). Bring a sack lunch, mobile technology (if available), and join us.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Denise Zimmer has worked at Christ Church School for 18 years, teaching two year olds. She has 3 adult children and 2 beautiful granddaughters. She loves working with children and has a special knack for teaching two year olds! She thinks they are so much fun and they keep her on her toes! This will be Denise’s 4th year teaching summer camps.
Attention any kids or youth ages 7 and up who are interested in participating in the VBS skit troupe: Renata Smith will be holding auditions for 5 roles. Boys and girls welcome; please come ready to have fun!
Great Family Project! We need 4 families or individuals willing to shop (using church dollars) and store VBS supplies/crafts for the children in Mexico. Everything would need to be returned here to the church by the morning of June 19 to load into the vans heading for the Mexico border. This is a great way to help the children of Mexico from your own casa!
We have approximately 19 Fort Bend Schools that have volunteered to collect used school supplies for our 5th grade Reynosa mission project. We are in need of volunteers to: Drive to a local school, pick up the donations and deliver them to the church’s FLC Gym on Friday, June 6, between 1:30–3:30pm; AND/OR Help sort the supplies in the Gym as they come in on June 6; drop in anytime between the hours of 1:30–6:30 pm. Dinner will be provided if we have to go later! If you can help, contact Louise Alcock at Louise.Alcock@earthlink.net or 281.804.5134. FYSH CAMP JUNE 9 - 12 • 8:30 AM–3 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER
Contact Mexico Missions at 281.690.4755 as soon as possible...these 4 chances to serve fill up quickly! LAS MANOS DE CRISTO 2014: BELIZE JUNE 18–25 • BELIZE
Students who have completed 8th grade by June plus those in grades 9–12: Join 412 Youth Ministries as we share Christ’s love by ministering to the people of Belize! The mission cost is $1,800 per person, and students are expected to participate in group fundraisers in advance of this mission trip. A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot on the mission team. Visit 4-12.net to register or to learn more. Contact Todd Harris at 281.980.6888. JOY SUNDAY, JUNE 22 AND JUNE 29 • VOLUNTEER CENTER
Students who have completed 5th through 8th grade are invited to attend our annual FYSH Camp service week! Come serve others and have fun! Camp cost $120. For more info and to register go to 4-12.net.
One thing I especially love about our church is the way we always answer the call to help those in need! For the last 14 years, Christ Church has come through in a big way for the students of FBISD. It is that time of year again- Supply Our Students!
If you would like to volunteer, sign up on Monday, June 23. Please e-mail Pam Bluestein (psbluestein@hotmail.com) for details. We are especially in need of anyone who speaks Spanish - even a little bit!
Don’t forget that you can use Gifts Unto Others (GUO) for all your giftgiving needs. Submit your order for personalized cards online at www. cumsl.org/GUO or use the form on the back of the catalog. STOP SUMMER HUNGER FOOD DRIVE SUNDAYS, JUNE 15 & 22 • BARRELS IN GATHERING HALL OR FLC GYM
For many students in East Fort Bend, summer means no school, and no school means no breakfast or lunch. During the summer, EFBHNM Food Pantry gives additional foods to families with children so they can have breakfast and lunch every day. As you leave church on June 8, an empty grocery sack with a needs list attached will be available for you to take as a reminder to donate. Foods needed most: cereal, jelly, crackers, canned meat (chicken, stew, chili), canned pasta, breakfast bars, pudding cups, juice boxes, flour (2 lb. bag), corn meal (2 lb. bag), sugar (2 lb. bag). Also needed: laundry powder, dish soap, toothbrushes (individually packaged), toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant. Please place your donations in collections barrels in the Gathering Hall and Family Life Center on June 15 or June 22.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
On Sundays beginning June 22 and running through July 13, we will be taking monetary donations for pre-packaged school supplies. Please prayerfully consider donating to help a deserving student in our area. Every student has been pre-qualified through our partner, EFBHNM. Giving brand new school supplies to students gives them the confidence they need to get the new school year off to a great start. On day one, when they walk in with new supplies, there are smiles all around! We are helping to grow the next generation of scholars, workers and citizens. JOY! It is such a HUGE thing to give to a child and truly, it is priceless! Visit the Ministry Center on June 22 or 29 with your questions or to make a monetary donation. 412 UM ARMY 2014 JULY 20–26 • CALDWELL, TEXAS
Students who have completed 8th-12th grade are invited to serve others at our annual UM ARMY mission trip. We will be traveling to Caldwell, TX. Mission cost is $295, but you can reserve your spot through June 30 with a $50 deposit. For more info and to register go to 4-12.net.
Are you looking for a spiritual adventure? Are you ready to experience the joy of serving outside your comfort zone? If so, I have the mission for you! I am leading our fourth mission to Haiti on November 10 through 17. On previous missions, God has touched our hearts so deeply that many members of our previous teams are going back, but we can take a team of up to 10 members and we need a few more servants to join us. What will we do? Where will we go? We will not know until closer to our departure date, but in the past our mission has included some building/ repair, crochet training for the local women, ministry to the Haitian children, and amazing worship. This has always been a moving experience, and I can guarantee you will not return home untouched. We expect the trip's cost to be about $1,800 per person but we have historically offset nearly 2/3 of that cost through successful fundraising. Registration is now open at cumcsl.org/haiti. Spaces are limited so please sign up before they are all gone. Deadline is July 11, as our first team meeting will be held on July 14 at 7 pm! Bondye beni ou! (God bless you!) Questions? Contact Bob Sime at rsime@ comcast.net or 281.755.1936. FORT BEND SENIORS MEALS ON WHEELS ACTIVE ALL YEAR
Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels (FBSMOW) is committed to helping Seniors in our area to remain independent by enhancing their quality of life through services and resources. FBSMOW is one of Fort Bend County's oldest non-profit agencies, and serves approximately 1,000 hot meals daily to Seniors, 60 years and older. FBSMOW provides comprehensive services and programs including home delivery of hot meals to homebound Seniors, congregate meals, emergency shelf-stable meals, transportation, case management, telephone reassurance, health screenings, information and referral services, and social activities. If you can spare an hour or two each week, we can use your help to deliver hot meals to Seniors in our community or assist with other Senior activities. Please contact Sue Lang at 281.980.6074 or slang26@comcast.net for more information on how you can help this wonderful ministry. CARE TEAM, HEARTS OF GRACE, ALTAR PRAYER TEAM OPENINGS
Has God given you a compassionate heart? Do you have the gift of connecting others with God’s love? Are you able to bear another’s burdens in confidence and Christian love? Have you completed your SERVE form, but still feel God nudging you to let your compassionate heart care for others? Then, consider becoming an Altar Prayer Partner, a Care Team member, or a Hearts of Grace intercessor. Altar Prayer Partners serve in the 8:15 and 11:05 am Sanctuary services. They come and stand behind the rail, ready to pray with any who kneel and open their hands to receive prayer. Care Team members gather on Monday mornings to receive Sunday’s prayer requests and follow up with those who submitted them for as long as the support of prayer and presence is needed. Hearts of Grace members meet together and pray on Wednesday mornings, interceding on behalf of those who are suffering from sickness, grief, despair, anxiety, and other needs. These ministries are all vitally important to the life and health of our congregation. To learn more contact Rev. Linda Summers Pierce or Sandy White.
Have you heard stories about the power and witness in Prison Ministry? The recidivism rate drops nearly 60% once the inmates go thru the Carol Vance RJM (Restorative Justice Ministry) program. If you would like to witness how God is working miracles in these men’s lives, please join us on a Freedom Walk tour. It is a great, easy way to see what the Prison Ministry is all about without having to make a commitment. The Freedom Walks are VERY moving and a lot of fun. They are on the second Thursdays of every month at either 2 or 7 pm and only take 1 hour. We can also arrange tours for Bible studies and other groups at other dates/times if needed. Individuals and groups should sign up at least a week in advance. Contact Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761 to sign up for a walk or to get more information.
THE IRONY OF GRACE A friend of mine was in prison a few years back. He shared with me that for him, a simple visit from a Christian volunteer was a sign of hope that he could get out and be sober, be employed, be a dad ... and be a man of God. My friend was blessed by a Jesus-following family who visited monthly, and volunteers who discipled him and led Bible studies while he was incarcerated. In addition, a local church cared for and assisted his family, and his little girl received gifts from Angel Tree. When this man was released, the Church and his friends were waiting. My friend credits this to his finding grace, hope, and joy in Jesus, thanks to caring Christians who never gave up on him. “I am where I am because of Jesus and His Church,” he says. It took sacrifice for the Church to show up for my friend. Like everything we value – building our relationship with the Lord, raising children, or doing a good day’s work – effective ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families requires that God’s people pour out the gifts He has poured into them. But ironically, and by God’s design, the more we faithfully serve to bring restoration to others, the more we are restored. As we seek to empower, we are empowered. As we extend grace and propose truth, we are given grace, and the truth sets us free. We wind up richer and more fulfilled than we were at the beginning! Join me on the journey to bring peace to a broken world through grace, justice, and truth so that together we can see the restoration of those affected by crime and the communities that surround them. For His Kingdom, Jim Liske President and CEO Prison Fellowship Ministries
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
MISSED AN EMAIL? If you do not currently receive the weekly E-mail Blast, you may sign up on our church website at www.cumcsl.org/blast or by contacting Laura Gratz at laura@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4764.
Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Pastor Rev. Dan Conway, Exec. Associate Pastor - GROW Ministries Rev. Preston Morgan, Executive Associate Pastor Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Helen Ford, Communications Coordinator/Designer Kate Flint, Director - Children & Family Ministries Todd Harris, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at www. cumcsl.org/staff
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Ann Upp’s son, Kirsten Jordon’s mother, Norma Mendez’s sister, Amy Lewis’ brother, Brenda DeBlance’s sister, Connie Hagler’s brother-in-law, Carolyn Fall, Ashlyn & Annabeth Heisig’s uncle, Tony Clark’s brother, Kendall Clark’s friend, Mark Waedemon’s friend’s son, Laine Cipolla, Georgia Trudeau’s mother, David Howdeshell’s co-worker, Nancy Kuebler, Bill Finley’s friend, Sherry Raven’s mother, Mark Hulse’s parents, Andrew Yesudas’ wife & grandson, Reba McNally’s grandson, Judy Hicks’ daughter (Ty Sponsel’s mother), Robert Crenshaw’s friend, Sandy & Courtney White’s son, Beverly Scheliga’s father, Becky Tullos’ daughter’s friend, Wes & Ellie Whiddon’s grandson, Karen LaMotta’s mother, Stephen Schubarth, Laurie Shallwood, Nikki Peacock’s friend, Jeanne & Scott Martin’s daughter (Laine Cipolla), the Mayhughs, Jeff & Debbie Jacobson’s brotherin-law, Dorothy Holoway’s sister. JOYS . . . Debbie & Jeff Jacobson’s son, Ruby Pruitt’s daughter, Ann Lancaster’s nephew, Patsy Riddle’s son, Matt Duggan’s coworker, friends, & friend’s father, Elisa McIntire’s sister, uncle & aunt, Nancy Well’s father, Robin Henry, Rhonda Lowery’s granddaughter, Linda Havas’ friend, Ellie Whiddon, Liz Williams, Patty Ergenbright, Sandra Lowe’s daughter. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . the family & friends of Chris Ellison, Chris Godbold on the death of his grandfather, Kathy Snider on the death of her uncle, Layne Givens on the death of his mother, Anne & Stan Keller on the death of her mother, family and friends of Larry Kethan, Bob and Sara Jane White on the death of his uncle, family and friends of Florence Moye, the family and friends of Susan Cavazos.
SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call SandyPHONE: White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders. 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve