“Son of God: Who is He?” is the next sermon series we will go through together as a church family from Lent to Easter. Do you remember last year when the highly successful mini-series “The Bible” came out on A&E? My family watched it each week along with 13.1 million viewers. The success of this mini-series caused directors Downey and Burnett to come to the conclusion that “Americans want to see more Christianthemed entertainment, including a motion picture.” For Downey and Burnett, the mini-series was just a beginning. They took their cue from the public’s desire to know and see more and started with the Jesus segment from the “The Bible.” They added more to the story and began the creative extension of the life of Christ. We have the unique opportunity to be living in a day and age where the Scriptures come to life in a way that goes beyond our stained-glassed windows. I want to encourage everyone to see the movie “Son of God,” especially since our new sermon series will reflect upon it. We will be showing clips from the movie in order to relate the life of Christ to our lives. The film is set to be released in theaters on February 28. It will take a PG-13 look at the life story of Jesus from His humble birth through His teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. I believe the message of hope in this movie will touch all our hearts and lives in a meaningful way as we experience on-screen the love that Jesus has for all of us. My prayer is that, as we walk through this season of Lent, we will be reminded that we are beloved children of God and will also be humbled and honored enough to invite a friend with us on the journey to meet the “Son of God.”
3/2: The Son of God Luke 5:17–26 3/5: He is the Revealed Word Ash Wednesday Matthew 4:1–11 3/9: He is the Sinner’s Friend Luke 18:9–14 3/16: He is the Anointed One Luke 4:16–30 3/23: He is Living Water John 4:1–26 3/30: He is a Healer John 9:1–12 4/6: He is a Friend John 11:1–16 4/13: He is the Coming King Luke 19:28–38 4/17: He is our Teacher Maundy Thursday John 13:1–17 4/18: He is our Suffering Servant Good Friday John 18:1–11 4/20: He is the Risen One Easter Matthew 28:1–10
Christ United Methodist Church
churchmatters LENT, A JOURNEY FOR LIFE by linda summers pierce In reflecting on the Lenten journey toward Easter Sunday, Don Saliers, renowned author and professor of Christian worship, wrote: “God remembers and embraces human life with a love and grace that death cannot undo, and we are to be the witnesses. As Christ was sent, so are we.” Thus, the holy season of Lent is a time to be sent - sent more deeply into God’s Word, sent on fresh encounters with the Holy Spirit’s presence, sent to greater involvement in the community of the faithful, sent out in ministry as baptized Christians, sent to witness God’s love in Jesus Christ. We’ll take the first steps of this journey on Ash Wednesday, March 5, when we gather in worship to meditate on our mortality and sinfulness, and our great need for a Savior. There we’ll commit to daily repentance, and recall that Christ conquered sin and death so we might have life. Then we will be imposed. The imposition of ashes on our foreheads will remind us we are dust: “ . . . for dust you are and to dust you will return.” These are the very words God spoke to Adam as Adam was sent from the garden. And they are the words the Church has used through the centuries to send persons on their Lenten journeys. They remind us to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive in Christ as we reflect on our relationship with God in all of God’s persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and as we reflect on our relationships with others, especially to strangers in need of God. Lent is a time to be sent on a confrontation with all that would prevent us from God’s life-giving embrace and from sharing God’s love and grace with others. Our Lenten journey will be about forty days long. The number forty is significant, for Israel wandered for forty years and Jesus endured a fast for forty days in the wilderness. Basically, the number forty means “for as long as it took” for God’s will to be done. There will be signposts along our journey to remind us of the call to repentance - somber colors, rough textures, a special altar setting, and wooden, not brass, altar furnishings. This year our journey will lead us to encounter Jesus as Son of God, the sinner’s friend, the anointed One, the living water, our healer, our friend, and our King. During Holy Week, our journey will begin to focus on the passion of Christ, on His suffering, His abandonment, and His crucifixion. On Thursday night before Easter, we will gather for Maundy Thursday worship, share Communion, and recall how Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. It was then He commanded His disciples to love one another. The next night we will gather again, for Good Friday worship, called “good” because of what His death meant for the redemption of the whole world. In a powerfully moving service we will journey to a place of profound gratitude for His sacrifice. Those who journey through Holy Week will be blessed on Easter morning with a very real sense of the presence of Jesus Christ whose arms will be open and offering an embrace (as depicted in our Sanctuary’s Resurrection window). Through His embrace and our witness to it, the whole world may be won by God’s love and mercy.
APARTMENT MINISTRY by drew essen The Apartment Ministry team is praising God for a very fruitful 2014 so far. Through personal invitations, sign postings around the complex, outreach events and being present in the community, we have seen God increase our numbers in just a few months. We are currently studying The Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight on Wednesday nights with our Bible study group. The study is seven lessons on loving God and loving others and is focused on exploring the Shema of Deuteronomy and what Jesus adds to it in Matthew:
“Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, With all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” We as a community have chosen to embrace these words as we live out our faith in the world. We have adopted these words into our everyday lives by reading them multiple times a day, individually and corporately. We do this in the hope that these words will become second nature to us instead of something we read daily. The goal is that this will help us to love God and others to the fullest. We continue to covet your prayers as we seek to meet the stranger the way that Christ would. Pray that we as a faith community can be a beacon of hope for those who are hurting spiritually in our community. Thank you for being a church that is living intentionally for the Kingdom of God!
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
This is how the Lenten journey is a journey for life! May it be so in your life! Thanks be to God. Amen.
I have always grown spiritually by being in the choir. The music goes around in my head from Wednesday to Sunday – from Sunday to Wednesday. For me, going to choir is like going to a worship service. It refreshes me, and I try to do God's will until I am refreshed again on Sunday. Over the years, I have had many caring friends from the choir who care for me, and I love and care for them. I have been singing since we joined Christ Church; in fact, it was one of the reasons we joined. –Billie Blair
Beautiful music often brings the unique feeling of the Holy Spirit flooding my being. It can be choral or instrumental or a solo. This is certainly something which enriches my spiritual life. I am especially grateful for the fine music program at Christ Church which is offered under Lahonda's leadership. –Liz Lobdell
The Chancel, Joyful Noise, and Festival choirs have enriched my spiritual life over the past several years. Sharing the love of music and using music to enhance Christ Church worship services make my spiritual life much more fulfilled than I generally relate to others. The choir is like a worship home or small group for me. We learn, practice and share the Word of God through music to share God's love with others. –Don Henderson
Jonathan Heironimus* Robert Coffman* Peter Allan Shey Fiscus
Brian Burkhart Susie Duggan Andy Barnett Jill McGavin
With the conclusion of the Conference that was held on February 15th, the Vision and Planning Committee has gathered all of the responses given from people involved in every area of our Church. Prayerfully, we will consider everything that was said, and will draw out all main themes and ideas in order to discern where God is leading our Church as a whole. We are committed to glorify God is this opportunity and are excited for what is in store. Thank you to all who participated and invested their time and effort to the betterment of Christ's Church.
My son, Michael (age 21) was driving in Alief the other day and saw a homeless man on the street. He stopped and told him that he didn't have any money, but would love to pray for him. The man said he would like that and they held hands through the car window as Michael prayed for him. Don't you love it when our kids "get it?" I bought Michael some Manna bags to hand out along with the prayers next time. :) God is good! Thanks for keeping the Manna Bag program active in our church! –Jolene Lanier
It helps to know that He really does care for us, and He will be with us in our hardest times.
YOUTH When asked the question, "How does God's grace help you want to make good choices?", a middle schooler answered,
Because even if I make a mistake, He'll forgive me. This makes me feel better about the good choices I make."
God's grace has helped me make good choices; it gave me a reason to believe and actually come to church.
At Confirmation Retreat we saw God move on Saturday night when we all sat around the campfire and shared our God moments of the weekend. Those included: "I saw God in worship as we were all singing together;" "I saw God in the High School leaders and in Mrs. Lisa and Drew's testimonies;" "How can you look at these stars and not know there is a God that made this all for us?"
Darrell Thomas* Kevin Bastin Bobby Ritter Nelda Adams
Chris Pecheux Jim Jordon Jimmy Skrapka Dwight Helms
Jim Andrews Ace Alexander Jon Andersen Matt Thummell
At our January meeting, the Finance Committee reviewed the financial report for 2013 and considered and approved the proposed budget for 2014 that was presented to our church for approval at the February Leadership Council meeting.
Mark Huffer* Lee Dorger Lisa Pepin
Craig Fredrickson Donavan Brown Becky Neese
Evan Gisler Bryan Tullos Mary Ellen Wahlheim
The Board of Trustees for Christ Church is charged with managing the resources of the church. To that end, we would like to keep you informed with a few things we have been doing this past month. Any facility of this size, especially one used as often as ours, is in almost constant need of repair and maintenance. The Trustees have developed a five-year plan to maintain and replace equipment and furnishings as needed, and we are in the process of finalizing that plan. We are also in the process of revising and updating our Building Use Policy as it pertains to both groups that are part of our ministry and groups outside our ministries who desire to use our facilities. We have also updated and revised the Wedding Guideline Policy. On February 1, this place was swarming with carpenters - approximately 50 members who painted, cleaned, dusted and did some minor repair work to the church. We will be scheduling additional "Carpenters' Hands" days on May 17th and November 15th, so mark those dates on your calendar. No special skills are needed, only a willingness to help maintain God's house.
Chad Mavity* Debbie Floyd Bill Preston Ray Johnson Colleen Flint Brian Baer
Becky Tullos Robin Clearman Casey Mueller
The search for a Director of Youth Ministries is ongoing and is currently SPR's top priority.
EXECTUIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Chair: Martha Baer Past Chair: Bret Dyer Vice Chair: Justin Flint Treasurer: Jim Rose Trustees: Mark Huffer CCS Board: Gillian Smith Finance: Darrell Thomas Endowment: Mark Huffer SPRC: Chad Mavity Nominations: Linda Parker Vision & Planning: Jonathan Heironimus
Per the Book of Discipline of the UMC, the Executive Council shall “provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in a local church along with leadership training and administration of the church’s temporal affairs.” With this as our charge, we committed ourselves to these responsibilities. In our first meeting of 2014, we: · Welcomed our newest members: Justin Flint, Chad Mavity, Gillian Smith, and Linda Parker. · Reviewed the workshop handout and agenda for our February 15th Church-Wide Visioning Conference. · Reflected on what we learned at the District Vibrant Church Fair hosted by Christ Church in January, and · Heard committee chair and pastor/staff reports. Since we are moving toward a more laity-driven church, we appreciated your attendance and your contribution of information, ideas, and suggestions at the Church-Wide Visioning Conference. Your valuable input will be compiled in the near future, and the Vision & Planning Committee will make their recommendations to Executive Council and to the congregation, with implementation to follow. Let's be mindful that “the work of the church is to honor and glorify God by creating settings where, children, youth, and adults can enter into a life-changing relationship with God".
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
SAGE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 • 12 - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
...a Stephen Minister can be there with you. A Stephen Minister is trained to provide you with one-to-one Christian care as you go through this rough time of crisis. They will be there to listen and to walk beside you. For more information, contact referrals coordinator Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719.
Men of all ages, join together for lunch and fellowship at Live Oak Grill. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond. GAME DAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 • 10:30 AM - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. Lunch includes a roundtable discussion about faith and our faith community.
Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options.
Are you interested in your ancestors? Virginia and Glenn Morrison lead this group in exploring your family genealogy. It is exciting to see how God has been working through generation after generation. This month, we will meet at the church and carpool to the Clayton Library for additional research opportunities. To help you in your explorations it is necessary for you to bring information about the earliest ancestor you have knowledge about (name, place and dates/approximate dates of: birth, residence or death.) Bring a sack lunch, mobile technology (if available), and join us. BE FIT TUESDAYS AT 11 AM AND FRIDAYS AT 9:30 AM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER, ROOMS 302/303
Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. A Scripture is shared and class ends with a quiet time of prayer. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30.
Christ United Methodist Church
THE COLOR PURPLE AND OTHER THINGS The paraments, or altar cloths, that are used during the season of Lent are purple, a color long-associated with penitence in the history of Christianity. Purple is used to remind us, first of all, of the suffering Jesus endured as well as the suffering of a world where sin still reigns. But purple also reminds us of royalty. Because the making of purple cloth was a very expensive process in Jesus' day, involving the dangerous harvesting of deep water shellfish, such cloth could only be afforded by the very wealthy at the time. Thus, when Pilate's soldiers draped Jesus' shoulders with a purple robe and put a crown of thorns on His head, they were mocking Him in a very painful way that carried many levels of meaning. This was part of His suffering. Purple invites us to receive Him as our Suffering Servant, and through prayer and fasting and other spiritual disciplines, to grow closer to Him through personal and corporate repentance. Purple also reminds us He is our King. The plain, wooden altar furnishings are meant to help us recall His cross and His death. As the Son of God's journey toward the cross was a time of ever-deepening shadows and eventual darkness, so, too, we remove all that would reflect light from the altar furnishings. The beautiful brass pieces will return on Easter morning. Until then, let the purple fabrics, the special altar design, and the wooden furnishings remind you of our Savior's suffering and the redemption His crucifixion and death won for us. And be grateful. SON OF GOD – RELEASED FEBRUARY 28 AT YOUR LOCAL MOVIE THEATER
See and experience the Son of God in a new way. Discover real answers to who He is, and what His life, death, and resurrection mean for you, for the Church, and for the world today. Outreach Ministries in conjunction with Lightworkers Media and Hearst Productions will release the major motion picture, "Son of God" on Friday, February 28. Local theaters should have various show times. This year's Lenten sermon series, "Son of God: Who is He?" will highlight the movie with the aim of taking us deeper into the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Hope you'll make plans to see the movie. The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5, and viewing this film would be an excellent way to recall the wonders of His love, the bounty of His grace, and the redemption that came through His suffering. MARCH HEALING PRAYER WORSHIP SERVICE TUESDAY, MARCH 11 • 7 PM • SANCTUARY
Sometimes the burdens of life weigh heavy on our hearts and minds. Grief can overwhelm us and chronic pain can sap our spiritual strength. Yet God has promised we will not be given more than we can bear. Our regular monthly Healing Prayer worship services provide an opportunity to be assured of God's promises and to encounter the healing power of Jesus Christ's own presence. We meet at the Lord's Table, share in His holy meal, then kneel for prayer. Calming, peaceful music is played throughout. God welcomes all with needs, all who are suffering, and all in pain. This service is open to the entire community. Show someone you care and bring them to this service.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent which begins a season of prayer, fasting, and renewal in the church that corresponds to Christ's forty-day fast. During our brief services, we will meditate on our mortality, our sinfulness, and our need for a Savior. We'll renew our commitment to daily repentance and the spiritual disciplines of prayer and study. Most of all, we'll remember with gratitude that Christ has conquered sin and death. Music will be provided by Lahonda Sharp at 6:30 am, Drew Essen at noon, and the Festival Choir at 6:30 pm. All three services will offer a time for prayer and the imposition of ashes. Begin your observance of the holy season of Lent by attending one of these worship services. Come before work, during your lunch break, or on your way home. You will be blessed. EASTER LILY SALES MARCH 23 THROUGH APRIL 13
Order an Easter lily to adorn our Sanctuary and Family Life Center this Easter Sunday. They may be given "in honor of" or "in memory of" a loved one. After you attend one of our Easter worship services, you're invited to take your lily home with you as a beautiful reminder of Jesus' glorious resurrection. Order forms may be found in the pew pockets in the Sanctuary or in the Welcome Area at the hub. Please complete the form, attach your payment of $10 (checks payable to "CUMC"), and drop them both in the box on the ministry table in the Volunteer Center. Order forms may also be given to Sandy White in the church's front office. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP THURSDAY, APRIL 17 • 7 PM • SANCTUARY
Holy Week begins with Palm/Passion Sunday on April 13. Please plan now to attend Maundy Thursday worship during that week on April 17. This special remembrance of Jesus' Last Supper with His disciples will help us recall His commandment to love. At this service, we'll be strengthened to love and serve in His name. GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP SERVICE FRIDAY, APRIL 18 • 7 PM • SANCTUARY AND FLC GYM
Good Friday is universally celebrated among all Christians as a time to express gratitude for the redemption made possible by Christ's sacrifice of Himself. He is our Suffering Servant. Through somber music, prayerful messages, and the heaviness of darkness, this service will call us to profound wonder and repentance. It will also prepare us to receive Easter with joy. Please plan now to attend. SENIOR RINGERS MONDAYS AT 6 PM • CHOIR ROOM
This musical opportunity is available to all interested persons, especially Older Adults. It offers a place to learn, serve and fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. The group is still accepting new members, and requests for ringers to perform in the community during the day have already been coming in. To join this ensemble, contact Molly Ness at 281.344.8343.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Open to all ages with a participatory format and biblically based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS
Consists of members ages 30 and up, with and without children. Discussion-oriented, studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to daily life. Enjoys fellowship, mission projects and social activities. Meets in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center. AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish. Meets in Room 312 of the Family Life Center. BARNABAS
Consists of adults, 50 years and older, who are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others, both within and outside the class. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL
Open to all singles of any age, with and without children. Enjoys discussionoriented Bible studies. Meets in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST
Consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. A relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS
Welcomes people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). Participatory format. Delves into scriptural truths and seeks to grow the faith of its members. Meets in Room 301 of the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES
Allows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While the class is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. Meets in the Resource Library. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)
Name reflects class’ focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out activities for members, who are in their 40’s - 70’s. Meets in Room 311 of the Family Life Center. JUBILEE
Made up of mature individuals, age 65 - 90+, who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons presented by Jan Randolph. Meets in Rooms 11/12. SEEKERS
Couples, singles, and those solo on Sunday (mixed ages) that concentrate on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion always included. Meets in Room 308 of the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)
Made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS
Made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS
Made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. Engages primarily in Bible-based studies and service projects. Meets in Room 307 of the Family Life Center. LAST CLASS ON THE RIGHT
A new adult Sunday School class is forming, with the objectives of deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith. Meets in room 310 (last classroom on the right) of the Family Life Center at 9:45 a.m.
Sometimes it takes more than a parka or a blanket to keep another person warm. Sometimes it takes the presence of a caring Christian friend. Stephen Ministers share the warmth of God's love with those who need it most: the lonely, the depressed, the grieving, those in crisis. Is God calling you to reach out to those who are hurting? Consider serving as a Stephen Minister. Training will teach skills in listening and in how to provide one-to-one Christian care. For more information on possible upcoming training, please contact Sally McKnight at 701.306.1719. If enough interest is expressed, a session will be held this year. AFFECTED BY CANCER? GET SUPPORT! 3RD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH • 7 - 8:30 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
The Colors of Cancer group welcomes all adults who have had a diagnosis of any type of cancer, as well as their caregivers. We use the Reconstruction of a Survivor curriculum to guide our monthly discussions. Come and check us out on the 3rd Tuesday of EVERY month, from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Volunteer Center. For more information, contact Lynn Taylor at "A DISRUPTIVE FAITH" BY A. W. TOZER SATURDAY MORNING MEN'S BIBLE STUDY SATURDAYS • 8 - 9:30 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
A. W. Tozer uses Hebrews to encourage Christians to develop a deepening, genuine faith in preparation for an everlasting glorious life to come. All men are invited to this ongoing study and fellowship. Questions? Contact Larry Gilbert at or 281.389.2966. WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY: BREAKING FREE SUNDAYS, ONGOING - MAY 11 • 6 - 8 PM • LIBRARY
Beth Moore says, “God spoke to my heart and said something like this: 'I sent my Son to set the captives free. You will go forth and ring the liberty bell.'" She said she was confused by the words God spoke to her heart because she had argued many times that TRUE believers could not LIVE in bondage. What she learned was that she had been held in captivity – she was a “prisoner unaware” until God began to set her free. We will use Galatians 5:1 as our reference point: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Register online by visiting the Christ Church "Women of Christ" page. ONE ROOM BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the March meeting is The Orphan Train by Christina Kline. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join us. COME JOIN THE NEW ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS! SUNDAYS • 9:45 AM • FLC ROOM 310
A new adult Sunday School class is forming, with the objectives of deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith. All are welcome.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2014 JUNE 23 - 27 • 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM (M-TH), 9:15 AM - 12:30 PM (FR)
"Our new website has a ton of information about our organization," says Robbin Mallett, Fort Bend Family Promise Board member and leader of the website redesign project. "We hope it will help us get the word out about all we've accomplished in 2013 as well as recognize our hundreds of volunteers and promote ways new supporters can get involved. For example, have you heard about Club 214? If not, check out the website and find out."
Our lives are full of stories. One way to secure those memories for ourselves and future generations is to “put it in writing.” Jan Randolph leads this monthly writers’ workshop designed to encourage and support participants in the writing process. Our explorations include (but are not necessarily limited to) memoirs, journal writing, prayer journals, faith stories, family narratives, and poetry. Just bring paper and pencil and your mind full of stories.
Get ready for a peek at the unique! At “Weird Animals VBS,” kids will discover that Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind. "Weird Animals" is a habitat filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences! Registration is $25 per child 4 years old (as of September 1, 2013) through 5th grade, and will be open from March 1 through June 1. Are you feeling called to volunteer, or are your children younger than 4? Perfect! We can’t have a successful VBS without YOU! Register online at and click on the “Weird Animals VBS 2014” link today! Questions? Contact Kate Flint at 281.690.4748 or Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765.
At this event, guests will be served a simple meal of bread and soup donated by popular area restaurants in recognition and support of those in our community who do not have enough food to eat. The evening will include entertainment provided by local talent, both silent and live auctions and the sale of hand-painted ceramic soup bowls donated by individuals and groups throughout the community. All proceeds go to East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry.
Tickets to the event are on sale for $30 per person and can be purchased at EFBHNM or online at LAS MANOS DE CRISTO 2014: BELIZE JUNE 18 - 25 • BELIZE
Students who have completed 8th grade by June plus those in grades 9 through 12: Join 412 Youth Ministries as we share Christ's love by ministering to the people of Belize! The mission cost is $1,800 per person, and students are expected to participate in group fundraisers in advance of this mission trip. A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot on the mission team.
In honor of the anniversary of their founding on February 14, 2003, Fort Bend Family Promise would like to announce that their website is now new and improved!
In 2013, FBFP served 128 individuals including 80 children from all over Fort Bend County. 90% of the families served exited the program and have attained permanent housing, but on average 19 qualified families per month are left waiting to enter the program. Our church supports this organization, but more is needed. Can you help? Check out the website at and like their Facebook page. TAKE THE FEINSTEIN CHALLENGE FOR EFBHNM ONGOING MINISTRY
For the 17th year, philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein will divide $1 million proportionately among hunger-fighting agencies throughout the country who accept his challenge. All donations (cash, checks and food items) made to the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry during March and April will be counted toward this great challenge. The more donations made to EFBHNM, the more of the Feinstein $1 million the ministry will get. Please help us lessen hunger in East Fort Bend County by making a donation during the months of March and April. Checks can be made out to CUMC (note EFBHNM in the memo line). Place non-perishable food item donations in the EFBHNM bin downstairs at the Collection Corner. Food items will be valued at $1.00 per item. CAN YOU HELP DELIVER MEALS TO HOMEBOUND SENIORS? ONGOING MINISTRY
Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels is committed to helping Seniors in our area to remain independent by enhancing their quality of life through services and resources. Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels (FBSMOW) is one of Fort Bend County's oldest non-profit agencies, and serves approximately 1000 hot meals daily to Seniors 60 years and older. FBSMOW provides comprehensive services and programs including home delivery of hot meals to homebound Seniors, congregate meals, emergency shelf-stable meals, transportation, case management, telephone reassurance, health screenings, information and referral services, and social activities. If you can spare an hour or two each week, we can use your help to deliver hot meals to Seniors in our community or assist with other Senior activities. Please contact Sue Lang at 281.980.6074 or for more information about how you can help this wonderful ministry.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Visit to register or to learn more. Still have questions? Contact Drew Essen at 281.980.6888.
United Methodist Women of Christ Church is once again sponsoring our church-wide mission project benefitting UMCOR. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is always among the very first relief organizations on the ground after a disaster. This year, the items we have been asked to collect are for Health Kits. These Health Kits will be distributed in the US and around the world wherever people are in crisis. Please prayerfully consider making a donation of either items or cash for the purchase of Health Kit items. These kits truly make a difference in the lives of those who are experiencing the most difficult of circumstances. It is a most tangible way for us to send our love and God's love to all parts of the world. Items include: - 1 hand towel 15"X25" to 17"X27" - (No kitchen, cleaning or micro-fiber towels can be accepted.) - 1 washcloth - 1 comb (Comb needs to be sturdy & at least 8" long. No picks or pocket combs please. Rattail combs & combs w/o handles are acceptable.) - 1 metal nail file or clipper (No emery boards or toenail clippers.) - 1 bath size soap 3 oz. & larger (Must be in original package.) - 1 toothbrush (Adult size in original package.) - 6 adhesive bandages 3/4" - 1" size (Common household band aids.) - 1 plastic bag (One gallon size sealable bags only.) - $1.00 to purchase toothpaste Please note: All items must be new and in original packaging. Do not wash any items or they will be considered used. There are strict rules that govern entry of products into international countries, so it is important that the kits include only the requested items, nothing more. The $1.00 should be included inside an envelope. Thank you in advance for your support of this very important mission. For questions, please contact Pam Bluestein at 281.343.9913 or JOIN THE STREAM TEAM! HELP US PROCLAIM "JESUS LIVES!" LIVE ON THE WEB EVERY SUNDAY DURING WORSHIP!
Christ Church streams its worship services live on the internet. We need volunteers who want to remotely control cameras, click a mouse, and chat with people who watch the stream! You do not need previous experience; we will train you. If you are interested, contact Helen Ford at or sign up to volunteer online by visiting PRAYER SHAWL TEAM MONDAYS AND/OR FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If you don’t know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you! Email Jan Randolph at for information.
Christ United Methodist Church
We have an odd request from Shared Dreams. They are collecting old and ugly shoes. These shoes are not being reused here but being sold for 40 cents a pound to a recycler. He takes the rubber, leather, cloth, pleather, steel out of steel toe boots, and sells to people who purchase recycling material. They are using the money to purchase new shoes for children after the Spring Break. All shoes are welcomed. Golf shoes, baseball, snow boots, steel toe, heels, tap, anything! The more weight we have the better it will be for purchasing new shoes. Please put all shoes in the designated Collection Bin located downstairs near Rooms 11/12. Deadline is March 2. WE'RE HAVING A BABY SHOWER! SUNDAY, MARCH 23 • 2:30 - 4 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
UMW of Christ Church is having a Baby Shower! And no, you don't have to have a baby to attend! All women of the church are invited to join us for a fun baby shower benefitting the teen moms of YoungLives, a ministry of Young Life. Please bring a new, wrapped gift - you will not be opening your own gift! We will enjoy fun games, fellowship, and at the same time, will be sharing God's love with these young moms and their babies. What a great combination! Much needed items include: diapers, baby wipes, blankets, crib sheets, bibs, clothing for newborn - 4 yrs. old, baby brushes and combs, small toys, lotions, diaper ointment, baby shampoo, towels. We'd appreciate anything and everything for a baby/toddler! All gifts will go into the "club store" where the girls may "purchase" items with points they accumulate by attending parenting classes, staying in school or working, etc. We will also be collecting gently used items for the club store. If you have friends or family that are spring cleaning, let them know we are collecting items for these moms! Facebook is a great place to inquire among your friends and relatives. Questions? Contact Pam Bluestein at 281.343.9913 or MISSION TEAM LEADER TRAINING SATURDAY, MARCH 1 • 9 AM TO 2 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER (LUNCH PROVIDED!)
Do you feel God calling you to take on a challenge? To reach further than you ever have before? If so, please consider attending the Partners In Mission (PIM) Leadership Training that our Texas Conference offers. This training prepares you for all the ins and outs of leading a PIM mission team such as: disaster relief in Galveston, mission to UMCOR Sager Brown, or construction in Haiti. If you are interested, please contact Renee at 281.980.6888 or by Monday, February 26.
Can't make it to worship in person? Then, join us for worship online. Sanctuary Services broadcast live on Sunday at 8:15 am, 9:45 am and 11:05 am. Visit our Christ Church Channel on Ustream to watch past services. Services in the hub broadcast live on Sunday at 11 am. Visit the hub Channel on Ustream to watch past services.
• Purchased Spanish Bible literature to help spread the Gospel to Hispanic communities in our area. • Provided Rainbow Room with funding to help buy supplies for children in the Child Protective Services system. • Donated to the Bethel Port Ministries who minister to the crewmen of over 465 ships from 68 different countries that come to the Port of Houston. • Contributed to Native American Ministries to help with missions to Native Americans and provide scholarships for United Methodist Native American seminarians. • Helped fund the United Methodist Committee on Relief through the One Great Hour of Sharing. • Made a contribution to help with our 13th Habitat Home build.
We are expanding our A/V Team. If you would like to serve and learn more about sound or running visuals during our worship services or other events, please contact Jeanne Damon at No experience is necessary. For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
• Donated to the Parks Youth Ranch for lunches for homeless teens. • Contributed to our missionaries in Spain. • Contributed to the Children’s Haven International Orphanage in Mexico. • Donated to the Methodist Children’s Home who provides services to more than 1,400 children and youth. • Assisted our Christ Church missionary leaders in Belize and Haiti. • Contributed to Fort Bend CORPS to help repair homes of our neighbors in need. • Helped buy supplies for Free City Wide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. • Purchased H-E-B cards for those that come to our church who are in desperate situations. • Assisted a Christ Church college student and a seminary student in their missionary efforts. • Donated funds to Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels. • Assisted with relief efforts from the explosion in West, Texas. • Donated to Wesley Community Center. • Contributed to local Human Trafficking initiatives to help end modern day slavery. • Donated to typhoon recovery and relief efforts in Philippines. • Contributed to Fort Bend County Women’s Center to help those seeking shelter from domestic violence.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Pastor Rev. Dan Conway, Exec. Associate Pastor - GROW Ministries Rev. Preston Morgan, Executive Associate Pastor Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Helen Ford, Communications Coordinator/Designer Kate Flint, Director - Children & Family Ministries Lisa Mayhugh, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School
ASH WEDNESDAY – Wednesday, March 5
6:30 am, noon, and 6:30 pm Sanctuary
MAUNDY THURSDAY – Thursday, April 17
7 pm, Sanctuary
GOOD FRIDAY – Friday, April 18
7 pm, Sanctuary and FLC Gym
EASTER SUNDAY – Sunday, April 20
8 am, Contemporary 9:30 am, Traditional 11 am, Traditional
For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at
the hub 9 am, casual 11 am, casual
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Jon Daniels, Lori Matthews’ friend, Kathy Hilton’s cousins, Kathy Hilton’s friend, Tracy Walker’s daughter, Jennifer, Janice Gilbert’s daughter, Gayle & Bob Culak’s nephew’s wife, Betty Clark’s friends, Emily Henderson’s friend, Wilma Baker’s great-grandson, Molly Fleener, Dorothy Holoway’s brother-in-law, Dana Rice’s mother Jo Ann Gregory, Ellie Whiddon, Robert Doerr’s mother, Jim Heitzenrater, Jim Heitzenrater’s nephew, CJ Ryan’s extended family member, Susan Jaroszewski’s son, Jon Daniels, Sheila Schubarth’s nephew’s nieces, Shirley Connally’s granddaughter, daughter and son-in-law, Hallie Wilson’s friend, Joyce Cochran’s friend, Pam Moye, Anita Samuel, Anita Samuel's friend, Chris Ellison, Jenny Banker’s friend, Debbie Straw’s brother, Liz Williams. JOYS . . . Matt Strickland, Karen LaMotta’s father, Karen LaMotta’s mother, Kelsey Nelson, Ellie Whiddon’s friend’s daughter, Sheila Gunn’s mother, Sandy & Courtney White’s friend, Courtney White, Lisa Warren’s sister, Carrie Bastin, Marilynn Scanlin, Matt Duggan's family friend, Jean Reeve’s sister, Lindsay Wright, Mark & Cathy Buhrke, Mark Buhrke’s mother, Sally Lambert, Maria Larson’s nephew, Roland Huysman, Robin Oliver’s sister-in-law. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Jan Mott on the death of her mother, Claire Unger on the death of her friend, Linda Havas on the death of her mother, Tammy Vinson on the death of her mother, Lian Frazier on the death of her father, John Ward on the death of his sister, Cindy Masaki on the death of her mother, Tracy Graves on the death of her mother.
SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call SandyPHONE: White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders. 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve