embracing our vision
It is with great appreciation that I say thank you to our congregation and community for Easter at the Creek 2011. God blessed us with beautiful weather as well as dedicated volunteers so Christ Church could offer the joy of the resurrection to over 1,700 attendees at Oyster Creek Park. Thank you so much to each volunteer for cheerfully handling every detail and task. The enthusiastic spirit with which you served was infectious and is, to a large extent, why Easter at the Creek does indeed make a difference to our community. It was such a privilege to serve beside each of our team leaders over several months of prayerful planning: Dan Simeone, Beverly Scheliga, Carol Thomas, Lynn DeBlance, John MacDonald, James Thompson, Missy Thompson, Kelly Decarteret, Lori Tucker and Steve Schultheis. I greatly appreciate your faithful attendance at many meetings, your input, your attention to detail and your skilled leadership. I am extremely grateful for our pastors, choir members, the hub band, Forgiven! and The Edge for wonderful music and inspiration. I also want to thank all my staff partners who give countless hours and continuous encouragement. Others who also helped in special ways include Drew Essen, Priscilla Thomas, Mike Pede, Janet Johnson and Courtney White. I extend appreciation to Bill Moore for use of his truck, Louise and Tony Alcock for their van, Joey Panozzo and Johnny Tedder for donating golf carts, Boy Scout Troup 441 and to the numerous gifted photographers. I pray that everyone who participated in Easter at the Creek or attended services at Christ Church experienced the love of Christ and the joy of the resurrection in very meaningful ways. Karen LaMotta
Are you connected to a Sunday
School class, HomeGroup or Bible Study? Need help finding the right group for you?
Contact Jeanne Damon at 281.690.4756. people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
LETTER FROM MORRIS I have something exciting I want you to know about, but before I can tell you what it is, I feel the need to give you a little background. Every year clergy and an equal number of lay people from our church attend a meeting called Annual Conference. The delegates who attend are representing UM churches in the east Texas and greater Houston area. At Annual Conference we hear reports about activities in local churches and in the conference over the past year. We pass a budget which is supported by money we give to the conference. We remember those clergy who have died in the previous year, honor those who are retiring, and ordain those who are coming into the ministry. It’s also a great time of fellowship as you’re reunited with people you dearly love but rarely see. Annual conference will be held this year, for the first time, at the George R. Brown Convention Center. It will begin on Sunday evening, May 29th and end the following Wednesday. Now, this is the part I really want you to know about. One of the highlights of conference this year is that Rev. Adam Hamilton will be speaking. Adam is senior pastor at Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. He started the church some twenty years ago, and it has grown to become one of the largest United Methodist churches in the country. I have had the pleasure of spending some time with Adam and find him to be thoughtful, deeply spiritual, and as well-grounded a person as I have ever known. He has written numerous books including 24 Hours That Changed the World, Confronting the Controversies, and more. His is a leading voice for renewal in the church, and he speaks with the authority of one who is making it work in the front lines of ministry. He will speak three times for an hour and a half each time. He is scheduled to speak on Monday (Memorial Day) at 4:00 pm. He will speak again on Tuesday at 10:00 am and again at 3:15 pm. While only the delegates can vote, anybody can attend Annual Conference. I have not heard what the topics of his talks will be, but I think I know Adam’s heart well enough to know he will talk about ministry and how we can do it most effectively as United Methodists. He will probably talk about the realities we face in these changing times and the ways we can be hopeful about where God is leading us in the future. I think it will be challenging, inspiring and lead to many thought provoking conversations for laity and clergy alike. If there is a way you could be there, I believe you would find it more than worth your while. It would also give you a sense of what our connection as a denomination looks like and how it functions. Please be in prayer for all of us from Christ Church who will be attending as delegates. Those include: Linda Summers Pierce, Jason Nelson, Bob Peirce, Sonny Tutt, Bryan Tullos, Lahonda Sharp, Nancy Burford, Mark Huffer and me. With long meetings and lots of votes, we’ll need your prayer support. If there is any way you can come hear Adam speak, I am certain you will be glad you came.
Morris Matthis, Senior Pastor
Christ United Methodist Church
Into The Wardrobe
Into The Wardrobe: Faith And Fairy Tale For The Whole Family All adults, youth and elementaryaged children are encouraged to join us this summer as we take a step into C.S. Lewis’ timeless and beloved adventure, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This special multigenerational event will be facilitated by Andrew Lazo on June 12, 19, 26 and July 3 at 9:45 am in the Family Life Center Gym. Childcare and preschool Sunday School will be provided; however, there will not be Sunday School for older kids & youth on those dates.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
As we prepare for our multi-generational Sunday School opportunity, Christ Church will host a Family Movie Night with pizza. We will be watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Elementary-aged kids, youth and adults are all welcome to come join us on Friday, June 10 at 6:30 pm in rooms 210/211. Bring a snack to share. RSVP to or call 281.690.4748 so we know how much pizza to order. Childcare will be available for toddlers and babies; contact kimr@ or 281.980.6888, ext. 4765 to make a childcare reservation.
Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:43-47
“Grace with skin on” BY JASON NELSON
“I’ll help you!” What do we mean by this? Sometimes we mean, “I’ll help you move.” Sometimes we say we’ll help someone after we discover he’s throwing a party or she’s decorating her office. Other times this is the response we give to a stressed-out friend who really needs help in the kitchen. I’ve said it at times to mean, “I’ll help you with the dishes.” These ways of helping others are good. Helping our friends and family move, throw parties, decorate, cook, or do the dishes is meaningful and is appreciated, I’m sure. But, let’s challenge ourselves a bit in the coming weeks.
Christ United Methodist Church
Let’s ask ourselves, “In what new and deeper ways can I help others in need?” Chances are our answers will differ because we all have different gifts, convictions and circumstances. But, in the end when we help others, we will have made an eternal impact on the lives of individuals because we are the Church, and as the Church, we are the Body of Christ. We are His spiritual and physical representation in the world. When we touch the lives of others, Christ touches them, helping them experience greater fullness in this life and preparing them for an eternity with Him. We are God’s grace with skin on.
Let us touch
the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received, and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.
—Mother Teresa
Thank you for this opportunity to serve God and our community. Our family delivered food to a family of 6. Though neither of the parents were home at the time the young man watching the children was very kind and appreciative, and this was a wonderful time for us to talk as a family about how God calls us to serve others, specifically those that are hungry. My 2 young children were especially blessed by this experience when they saw the smiles on the sweet children who lived in the home. Though we have talked about it, I don’t think they realized that children could be affected by hunger. God bless you and this ministry. Amy S.
Last weekend Damon and I helped with the Change the World food distribution. We loaded up our groceries at the church and headed down to Four Corners to find our family. As we pulled up in front of their house, the comments were just rolling out of our mouths. “This house is as big as ours! This neighborhood is super nice. These people don’t need this food any more than we do!” And on and on we went. But the minute that front door opened, our words (and our hearts) were caught in our throats. The small, soft-spoken woman who opened the door was a foster mom to three children: two teenagers and an eight-year-old boy. The boy, Jordan, was sight, hearing, and mentally impaired. The mom told us how glad she was to get him five months ago because he came from a place where he had never been to school, couldn’t communicate, and didn’t have any sort of assistance in dealing with his disabilities. She and her whole family were learning sign language with him so they could communicate. After watching us speak for a few minutes, Jordan took my hand and led me around the house, showing me picture after picture of children the mom had fostered. worship And she• connect followed, talking about each one. It • grow • serve was never, “That’s Joe. He stayed here for two years;” it was “my son this” or “my daughter that” – they were all her children. And that big house? Sparsely furnished, no electricity upstairs, and a garden in the back so they could grow their own food. They were so thankful for the food we brought and to us for bringing it. We both got warm hugs and left, much humbled and very grateful for the experience. Lori T
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Many thanks for planning this special day! It was all so well organized! Our family was home and excited to see us! We met the mom, who didn’t speak English, her 2nd grade daughter who translated for us and a cute 3 year old. They were so happy and overwhelmed by all the food! They thanked us and hugged us! The mother told us “it was very important for the family because the father is not at home right now.” It was a blessing to them and to us! Sunday and Robert
S.A.G.E. JUNE 8 • NOON - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
If you are experiencing the grief of loss or suffering due to illness or brokenness, God is ready to bring healing, wholeness and salvation to you. Christ Church offers monthly services of hope and healing every second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
Wednesday, June 8, noon - 1:00 pm rooms 11/12. SAGE Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital working together will bring our congregation our next monthly seminar in which Dr. David Amran will be discussing allergies. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 13 - JUNE 17
We are going to have a great week of fun at our SonSurf Beach Bash VBS June 13 - 17 from 9:15 am - 12:30 pm. Cost is $25. Register to volunteer or attend at
Prayer partners connect people in need with the power and presence of God. Just reach out your hands at the altar rail during Communion or after worship, and a prayer partner will come pray with you. SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US
Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward these to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.
Join us in the volunteer center 9:30 am every other Tuesday starting June 21 thru August 16. We’ll enjoy coffee, fellowship and a closer look at this joyful epistle. No homework, no signups, just come whenever you can. NEW BRAUNFELS & SCHLITTERBAHN AUGUST 8 & 9
Join us for some fun in the sun this summer as we head to New Braunfels to float the Comal River Monday, August 8 and spend all day Tuesday, August 9 at Schlitterbahn Water Park. We hope to see you at the ‘Bahn! Get more information at CHRIST CHURCH SCHOOL REGISTRATION
Membership is about much more than having your name on a roster; it is a commitment to growing spiritually. If you are looking for a new church home, we invite you to participate in our New Member Class. Learn more about spiritual growth and how our church is ready to partner with you in the journey to a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. Come and get to know the pastors, connect with new friends, learn the vision of Christ Church, and find your unique place in our faith family. Reserve your spot at the Welcome Center in the Gathering Hall or online. The next class begins on August 14. SAVE THE DATES
Ladies of the church, put these two dates down on your calendars! Saturday, September 17 at 9:00 am we’ll be hosting Fashion, Friends and Finds, a breakfast featuring Rebecca Matthews, an image and style consultant, and the charity Dress for Success. Also, our fall women’s retreat will be October 7 - 9 at Camp Tejas. MENS LUNCH REMINDER JUNE 9 • 11:30 AM • SPRING CREEK BBQ
Men of all ages, join the Older Adult Men for lunch and fellowship at Spring Creek BBQ June 9 at 11:30 am. This is a wonderful cross generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond.
Christ United Methodist Church
Christ Church School has limited openings in the Toddler I and Toddler II classes, Bridge Class and the Kindergarten Class for the 2011-2012 School Year. For more information please contact Beth or Becky at 281.980.2582, Monday through Friday. MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAMS FLIPSIDE • SUNDAYS • 5 - 7:15 PM • GYM
All middle school youth (6th – 8th grade) are invited to join us in the Family Life Center Gym every Sunday night from 5:00 - 7:15 pm. We will begin with games, then move to a small group time and end with worship. HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS THE LOFT • SUNDAYS • 6:15 - 8:30 PM • FLC
This is a great place for high school youth to hang out and relax together in Christian fellowship, Sundays from 6:15 - 8:30 pm in the Family Life Center. THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 7 - 8:30 PM • CHAPEL
High school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the Chapel.
For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
We still need volunteers for our SonSurf Beach Bash VBS June 13 - 17 from 9:15 am - 12:30 pm. If you can volunteer, please register at CAN YOU HELP . . . JUNE 3 • 9 - 1 PM
. . . with our school supply pick up? We have 23 Fort Bend Schools who have volunteered to collect used school supplies for our 5th grade Reynosa mission project. We need volunteers to either: drive to a local school, pick up the donations and deliver them to Church Gym on Friday, June 3, between 9:00 11:00 am. OR help sort the supplies in the Gym, as they come in on June 3, between the hours of 9:00 - 1:00 pm. Contact Louise Alcock at or 281.804.5134. FREEDOM WALK TOUR JUNE 9 & JULY 14 • CAROL VANCE
The Freedom Walks are very moving and a lot of fun. They are on Thursdays at either 2:00 or 7:30 pm and only take 1 hour. We can also arrange tours for Bible studies and other groups if needed. Individuals and groups should sign-up at least a week in advance. Contact Betty Waedemon at 281.980.5368 to sign up for a walk or to get more information. NEW SOCK & UNDERWEAR DRIVE NOW - MAY 31
A drive is underway to provide NEW socks (boy’s/girl’s shoe size 10 - adult) and underwear (size 6 - adult). Items will benefit students in need in Lamar CISD. A Collection Bin is available for donations through Tuesday, May 31. Questions? Contact Sandra Vautrain at 281.265.2404 or
Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance, and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If you don’t know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you! Email Jan Randolph for information at FERTILE GROUND NOW - MAY 31
Imagine what it would be like being released from prison with no place to go, no home or family, the clothes on your back, a bus ticket and $100. What would you do, and where would you go? Fertile Ground is a Christian transitional home where men released from the Carol Vance Unit can go to begin the task of learning how to make decisions and live for Christ on the “outside.” Fertile Ground is in need of lamps, end tables, dressers, a dining table, pictures for the walls, big screen TV, and twin bedding. Please contact Betty Waedemon at 281-980-5368, or to arrange for pick up of items that you can donate. They also need paper towels, toilet paper, bottled water and sodas. These items can be left in the donation bins through June 19. Thanks for your help. EAST FORT BEND HUMAN NEEDS FEINSTEIN CHALLENGE UPDATE
Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Feinstein Challenge a big success for EFBHNM! The total food items donated during March and April was 36,515 and the Food Pantry received $136,051 in monetary donations for a total of
The 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December) from 10:00 am – noon is the Food Fair at EFBHNM. Several pallates of food are donated to the Ministry by the Houston Food Bank, and the food is given out to 250+ families during a two hour period. Volunteers are always needed; no experience is necessary! The next Food Fair dates are Thursdays, May 26 & June 23. Come out and help if you have the time to lend a helping hand to a worthy cause. OUR NEXT HABITAT HOUSE BUILD FALL 2011
Building will begin around late September to early October at the Teal Run home site, and 15 to 20 volunteers will be needed each Saturday, so place a reminder on your calendar. Financial assistance is also needed to cover the costs of construction materials. For additional information, contact Mark Buhrke ( or Stanton Brown (
For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
Normal bookstore hours are Sundays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm & Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
The Christ Church Mission Committee is now taking applications for our mission to Haiti scheduled for November 3 - 10. Go to and complete the online application by June 19. A team of 9 will be selected and attendance at 4 informational team building meetings will be required. Cost will be appr. $1700 per person. Questions? Contact Renee Teel at 281.980.6888.
Phillip Casey Miranda Choat Marilyn Clark Beau Dahlman Shanna Daniel William Dille Christina Dillon Chris Edgar Drew Essen
Christy Furman Mark Hibler Samantha Horst B. J. Jordan Zachary Lathrop Allison Love Kelsey Lowe Katie Michael Brita Minin
Chelsea Moore Haley Ostrander Amanda Panozzo Samuel Pharr Emily Preston Caroline Thomas Cooper Till Brian Walther
We are delighted you are part of Christ Church. If you have a question or if we can help you within the life of the church, please feel free to contact us. Rev. Morris Matthis, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor
Jeanne Damon, Discipleship Ministries Stacey Fleck, Business Manager Roland Huysman, Facilities Tripp Kerth, Youth Ministries Karen LaMotta, Outreach Ministries Ingred Lathrop, Children’s Ministries Jason Nelson, Discipleship Ministries Jan Randolph, Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Music Ministries Renee Teel, Mission Ministries
For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Jason & Kelsey Nelson’s daughter, John Mullendore, Carol Lee Prusinski’s family friend, Marke Buhrke’s father, Jimmie Spence, Samantha Saxer’s aunt, Roseann Johnson’s friend, Cheryl Brown’s father, RaMona Riggs’ family, Linda Hammagren’s family, Mary Boysen’s friend, Ace Alexander, Joy Dowell’s friend, Jim & Beverly Price’s friend, Jane Brooks, Cornelia Post, and all those serving in the military.
ANSWERED PRAYERS... Lindsey Cullison’s relative, Anne Strodtbeck’s friend, Lisa Northrup’s uncle & uncle’s daughter, Amy Stonesifer’s mother, Carl Russell, Lisa Short’s father, Bill & Sandra Vautrain’s nephew, Kerry Adams, Anita & Daniel Samuel’s son, Ann Strodtbeck’s mother, Deborah Dinsmoor’s brother.
CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO... Elaine Boudjellali on the loss of her mother-in-law, Lynn Schwab on the loss of her mother, Mindy King on the loss of her husband, Lynda Hammagren on the loss of her father; Maxine Hillman and Sandra Lowe on the loss of spouse and father, Grady Hillman.
PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve