when kicks you below the belt
God doesn’t
delight in the death of any of God’s own, for God created all beings and all things so that they might exist and be healthy, whole, and holy.
—Linda Summers Pierce
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
kicks you below the belt
The Psalmist gives voice to what we feel when life hits us below
the belt. How long, O LORD, must I suffer? O LORD, will You forget me forever? Rise up in anger, O LORD, against my enemies! Help me, O LORD, for my friends have forsaken me!
Losing loved ones, serious illnesses, bouts of depression,
financial crises, unemployment, broken marriages, failed friendships, disappointments, and accidents are just some of the ways life can hit us hard, leaving us breathless, dazed, confused, in pain – and – wondering sometimes, like the Psalmist, if God has noticed or cares. We may feel like the ground’s been snatched from underneath our feet and we are falling
pain crisis unemployement
failure brokenness
alone disappointment
out of control with ever-increasing speed toward a bottomless pit of despair. Without a clear path, or some sign of hope, it becomes difficult to even think straight.
When life hits us hard, well-meaning family members and friends
may say a lot about surrendering to God’s will, but who would choose to follow a God that wills human suffering? I remember a time when my best friend lost her husband in a tragic farm truck accident. I was a new mom, with a first son we had named Daniel. She was a month away from giving birth to their first child, a daughter, whom they were going to name Danielle. The news came while Charlotte and I were in Choir practice. I took her home and sat on the floor beside her as she lay on the sofa and wailed through the night. By morning her questions began: Why, God? Why now? Who will teach Danielle how to walk? Ride a horse? Praise her little successes? Pick her up when she falls down? Stand beside her when she walks down the aisle? Of course, there were no answers to lessen her grief. Yet, I knew by the strength of Charlotte’s grip on my hand that my presence was helpful, somehow. I prayed silently and let her pour out her pain as she held my hand.
God did not will my friend’s husband’s death. God doesn’t delight
in the death of any of God’s own, for God created all beings and all things so that they might exist and be healthy, whole, and holy. God’s will from the time of creation has been to give life and sustain life. When the people
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Israel were wandering in the wilderness of Sin, God called Moses up Mount Sinai and spoke ten words of life to him to give as a gift to the people (Exodus 20). These “Ten Commandments” were/are God’s divine plan for how to live in relationship with God and with each other in ways that foster wholeness, holiness, harmony, justice, and peace. God, incarnate in Jesus Christ, assured us that Christ had come to bring abundant life to everyone (John 10:10). Saint Paul said in Romans 5:1-5 that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us, the Holy Spirit Christ Himself promised would come after He had returned to God.
Who better than Jesus can understand what it’s like when life hits
us where it hurts. He was misunderstood, ignored, threatened, chastised, berated, plotted against, and betrayed, and all that from those closest to Him. He endured suffering at the hands of others and an unspeakably cruel death so that we might come to understand the lengths to which God will go to give us life and sustain that life in the present, no matter how difficult that present is, and beyond, on into eternity.
When life hits us below the belt, when our hearts are broken and
our plans for life have been shattered into shards that can never be reunited, here is what I know and believe: we find help in the assurance of Christ’s presence with us and are able to be honest with God and ultimately trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us through the valley of suffering back to the place of abundant life (Psalm 23). Life is an intermingling of joy and sorrow, full of breath-taking moments and moments that knock the breath out of us. Even
broken misunderstood
shattered death
sufferred chastised betrayed
in the hardest, darkest, most fearful times, God is present with us, Jesus has our hand in His, and holding on, we finally see that the Spirit has never once stopped breathing wholeness and holiness everywhere. Thanks be to God.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor
“When you live with an addict you live in a fog, unable to see life clearly. It’s not until you are taken out of the situation that you can truly look at your past, present, and future decisions and choices.
I tried for a long time to save my mother. I put my life and future on hold to
cater to her troubling needs. My life revolved hopelessly around an addict. It takes an enormous amount of dedication, effort, strength, and need to lift your head up high, to open your eyes to what is really going on, and decide that you want something different for your life. Within myself I found those exact traits, and beyond that, I had the desire to move forward. The only option I allow myself to have is believing I can accomplish my goals, even a goal as ambitious as working my way through college. I decided I wouldn’t let anyone or anything hold me back.
The experiences in my life have made me more aware of a new path I am eager
to take. I will keep going after what I want to be successful and happy, no matter how hard the struggle. I made a choice a year and a half ago that I was going to be the person my mother could look up to. I look forward to fulfilling my dreams and using the talents and gifts I have been blessed enough to have, to continue bettering my life and the lives of others.” Published with permission of the author.
“How long will it take you?”
Sometimes I get the privilege to read something really inspiring. This year, I found the letter above in my inbox. It was written by a young lady looking for scholarship opportunities at her high school. I must say I was really touched in so many ways. As a father myself, I was upset at what she had to endure but yet very proud this young woman was overcoming adversity and moving in the direction she had been called. Yes, I made that assumption, “She had been called” to do great things with her life. Just as the sick man at Bethesda did not know who had healed him, so often we do not know who heals us but we find out later in life that God intervened and we never knew it! How amazing is this
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young woman’s story, knowing God was there for her. She could have waited as the sick man at Bethesda did for another 20 years to match his 38, waiting to get in the pool. She didn’t. To be honest, at 18 years old, I don’t know if I could have heard His call. I do know that God saved me many times, and I never knew His face. I hope and pray our teenagers grow up one day and can look back and say, “that was God working in my life,” just as I have. Or even better, how great would it be if our teenagers actually knew that God was working in their lives right here and now. So I will ask a question. What are we doing as parents and adults to encourage this in our youth? Do we encourage our
children to have a personal relationship with God? Do our actions speak this on a daily basis? Can we be used as a role model within the Church? Can our children watch our walk and see God working in our lives? So when you have a minute, open your Bible to John 5 and start reading. It was an amazing story 2,000 years ago, and it is even more powerful when you can witness it first hand in this lifetime. Has God saved you, and you didn’t know it? Has Jesus told you to rise? Did you? I know this young lady got up, gathered her bedroll and walked! Let her serve as inspiration to me every time I think life is rough and/ or I am in control. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I am everything!
My life revolved
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Bobbyclopedia definition of Bible: “Human user manual.” Keep it with you at all times!
around an addict
If you are experiencing the grief of loss or suffering due to illness or brokenness, God is ready to bring healing, wholeness and salvation to you. Christ Church offers monthly services of hope and healing every second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. MARCIA MCFEE WORKSHOP JUNE 18 • 9 AM - NOON • GATHERING HALL
Join us for a morning of worship, inspiration and training with Dr. Marcia McFee, worship professor, consultant and Director of Worship for General Conference! Marcia travels across the country teaching exciting and interactive worshops for local congregations that send teams home feeling inspired for their work and with resources and tools to make it happen--no matter the size of congregation or “style” of worship. Refresh your passion and skills for the work of worship design and leadership. Learn how to use more sensory-rich and effective communication and how to plan deeply meaningful worship without getting burned out. This event is presented by The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts in conjunction with The Southwest District. Attendance is free, but pre-registration is required. RSVP to Tracei Wilson at 281.690.4759. JUNE 19, nationally recognized worship designer, Dr. Marcia
Membership is about much more than having your name on a roster; it is a commitment to grow spiritually and to participate in our life together at Christ Church. If you are looking for a new church home, we invite you to participate in our New Member Class. It is a great opportunity to learn more about spiritual growth and how we can help one another in our journey to find fullness in Christ. You will get to know the pastors, meet staff, make new friends, learn the vision of our church, find your unique ways to serve, and discover how to connect to a greater involvement within the church. Reserve your spot at our Welcome Center or online. The next class begins on August 14. NEW LIGHT COFFEEHOUSE JUNE 18 • 7 - 9 PM • FLC GYM
Join us for live music from “Jerusalem” which is a high energy Christian group. Everyone is welcome. $ 10.00 admission per person with snacks and drinks provided. Learn more at www.cumcsl.org/newlightcoffeehouse 2ND ANNUAL ALL CHURCH PICNIC JULY 3 • 4 - 6 PM
Let’s get together as a church family for our 2nd Annual AllChurch Picnic. Water games and moon bounces provided for the kids; hamburgers, hotdogs, and lemonade provided for all. If your last name starts with A-K, please bring a side item; if it’s L-Z, please bring a dessert.
McFee, will lead all our Sanctuary worship services. Marcia works with many Annual Conferences and designs worship for General Conference every four years. She has planned times of worship that will be inspiring, uplifting, participatory, and celebrative. You won’t want to miss worship on June 19.
JUNE 26, Bishop Robert Hayes will be our Guest Preacher.
Bishop Hayes presides over the Oklahoma Annual Conference and the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference. He’s a powerful, dynamic, engaging preacher. We’ll also be celebrating Native American Sunday that day with a special altar and music and maybe some other surprises. ALTAR PRAYER PARTNERS
Prayer partners connect people in need with the power and presence of God. Just reach out your hands at the altar rail during Communion or after worship, and a prayer partner will come pray with you. SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US
Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.
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New College Ministry Home Group forming now. Please contact Shey Fiscus at shey@cumcsl.org if you would like to get involved or would like more information.
This program is open to all incoming 6th graders and information packets are available for pick-up in the Ministry Center through June 18. Questions? Go to www.cumcsl. org/confirmation, or contact Donna Hine at 281.343.9769 or cumcconfirm@earthlink.net . WBSF - THE JESUS I NEVER KNEW JUNE 23 - AUGUST 4 • THURSDAYS 9:30 - 11:30 AM
Women’s Bible Study is starting a new study, The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey. At home, each member will read assigned chapters form the book The Jesus I Never Knew. In class, we will see several film depictions of Jesus, His life and His ministry. After reacting to the film clips, we will turn to the Gospel accounts of these same scenes and discuss what we believe really happened. Questions? Contact Debe Fannin, the study leader, at debe23@ aol.com or 281.265.4082. (Please do not contact Debe until June 17th as she will be unavailable until then.) To register, contact Jeanne Damon at Jeanne@cumcsl.org . For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
OAM FOOD, FELLOWSHIP & FUN JUNE 22 • 10:30 - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
Come enjoy food, fellowship and fun with the Older Adult Ministry. We will be playing games, Wii, card games, bridge and much much more. Bring a sack lunch. Questions? Contact Jan Randolph at jan@cumcsl.org or 281.980.6888. FRAPPE WITH PHILIPPIANS: WOMEN’S SUMMER BIBLE STUDY JUNE 21 - AUGUST 16
Join us in the volunteer center 9:30 am every other Tuesday starting June 21 thru August 16. We’ll enjoy coffee, fellowship and a closer look at this joyful epistle. No homework, no signups, just come whenever you can. NEW BRAUNFELS & SCHLITTERBAHN AUGUST 8 & 9
Join us for some fun in the sun this summer as we head to New Braunfels to float the Comal River Monday, August 8 and spend all day Tuesday, August 9 at Schlitterbahn Water Park. We hope to see you at the ‘Bahn! Get more information at www.cumcsl.org/youth. CHRIST CHURCH SCHOOL REGISTRATION
Christ Church School has limited openings in the Toddler I and Toddler II classes, Bridge Class and the Kindergarten Class for the 2011-2012 School Year. For more information please contact Beth or Becky at 281.980.2582, Monday through Friday. MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAMS FLIPSIDE • SUNDAYS • 5 - 7:15 PM • GYM
All middle school youth (6th – 8th grade) are invited to join us in the Family Life Center Gym every Sunday night from 5:00 - 7:15 pm. We will begin with games, then move to a small group time and end with worship. TUESDAY FUN DAYS • TUESDAYS • 1 - 3 PM
The Freedom Walks are very moving and a lot of fun. They are on Thursdays at either 2:00 or 7:30 pm and only take 1 hour. We can also arrange tours for Bible studies and other groups if needed. Individuals and groups should signup at least a week in advance. Contact Betty Waedemon at 281.980.5368 to sign up for a walk or to get more information. SCHOOL IS OUT! FOOD NEEDS
During the summer months the children in our community do not have access to free school breakfast and lunch programs. To help meet the needs of those served at East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry the Food Pantry is in need of donations of the following items: macaroni & cheese, canned fruit, peanut butter and canned pasta. Thank you for helping to feed children in need in our community! FOOD FAIR FUN AT EAST FORT BEND HUMAN NEEDS
The 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December) from 10:00 am – noon is the Food Fair at EFBHNM. Several pallets of food are donated to the ministry by the Houston Food Bank, and the food is given out to 250+ families. Volunteers are always needed; no experience is necessary! The next Food Fair date is Thursday, June 23. AT HOME FAMILY SERVICE PROJECT
We need 4 families or individuals willing to come up with 2 crafts for a Mexico VBS day. Adopt a Craft Day would also involve purchasing enough supplies so 300 children can make each craft (you would have a $200 church budget) and then making some completed samples of each craft. Everything would need to be returned here to the church by the morning of July 15 to load into the vans heading for the Mexico border. This is a great way to help the children of Mexico from your own casa! WE ARE GOING TO HAITI! NOVEMBER 3-10 • HAITI
Middle school youth (incoming 6th – 8th) are invited to join us weekly on Tuesdays for a fun activity on campus or off-site from 1 - 3 pm. We will meet at various locations; check website for details and a complete schedule of upcoming events. Bring $ to play. Questions? Contact Tripp or Joan in the Youth office.
We are now taking applications for our mission to Haiti scheduled for November. Go to www.cumcsl.org/missions and complete the online application by June 19. A team of 9 will be selected and attendance at 4 informational team building meetings will be required. Cost will be approximately $1700 per person. Questions? Contact Renee Teel at 281.980.6888.
This is a great place for high school youth to hang out and relax together in Christian fellowship, Sundays from 6:15 - 8:30 pm in the Family Life Center. THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 7 - 8:30 PM • CHAPEL
High school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday evenings from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Chapel. MONDAY MADNESS • MONDAYS • 7 - 9 PM
All high school youth (incoming 9th – outgoing 12th) are invited to join us weekly for Monday Madness from 7 - 9 pm. We will meet at various locations; check website for details and a complete schedule of upcoming events. Bring $ to play. Questions? Contact Tripp or Joan in the Youth office.
Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance, and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If you don’t know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you! Email Jan Randolph at jan@cumcsl.org for information. FERTILE GROUND NOW - MAY 31
Imagine what it would be like being released from prison with no place to go, no home or family, the clothes on your back, a bus ticket and $100. Fertile Ground is a Christian transitional home where men released from the Carol Vance Unit can go to begin the task of learning how to make decisions and live for Christ on the “outside.” Fertile Ground is in need of lamps, end tables, dressers, a dining table, pictures for the walls, big screen TV, and twin bedding. Please contact Betty Waedemon at 281-980-5368, or BBW1M@aol.com to arrange for pick up of items that you can donate. They also need paper towels, toilet paper, bottled water and sodas. These items can be left in the donation bins through June 19. Thanks for your help. people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
The Las Manos youth mission to Honduras would like to thank Spring Creek BBQ for its generous support on Monday, May 2. With Spring Creek’s help, the mission was able to raise $1,000 towards its general mission fundraising for this summer’s event. Way to go! JUNE SALE: 20% OFF EVERYTHING
Stop by Christ Corner Bookstore during the month of June and take advantage of 20% savings on your entire purchase! Normal bookstore hours are Sundays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm & Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm. CAREGIVERS NC2
Caregivers need care too. As a caregiver to a family member, it’s common to feel stretched or overwhelmed. Whether you already feel that way or want to avoid it, there is hope. It’s called Powerful Tools for Caregivers, a nationally recognized program. In six weekly classes you will learn how to ensure the best care for your loved one by taking better care of yourself. Get some surefire tips how to reduce stress, improve self-confidence, and better balance your life. You’ll also practice how to improve communications with your care receiver, other family members, and healthcare professionals. You will receive a book, The Caregivers Helpbook. A $25 donation will help defray the cost of the book, but is not required. A light snack will be provided. Classes will be on Mondays 6:30 to 8:30 pm, starting July 11 and running through August 15. Class size is limited and pre-registration is required, so sign up now by calling Jeanne Damon at the church at 281.980.6888. A specially trained class leader will call you to confirm your attendance and answer any questions.
We are delighted you are part of Christ Church. If you have a question or if we can help you within the life of the church, please feel free to contact us. Rev. Morris Matthis, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor Rev. Jason Nelson, Exec. Director of Discipleship Ministries Jeanne Damon, Discipleship Ministries Stacey Fleck, Business Manager Roland Huysman, Facilities Tripp Kerth, Youth Ministries Karen LaMotta, Outreach Ministries Ingred Lathrop, Children’s Ministries Jan Randolph, Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Music Ministries Renee Teel, Mission Ministries For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at www.cumcsl.org
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Judy Monroe’s mother, Annette Smith’s brother-in-law, Lauren Dorger’s father, Sterling Bittenbender, Becky Bain’s step-niece, Marylyn Dromgoole, Barbara Harris, Maxine Westerfield, Alice Griffith, Ruby Langley, Ross & Mistie Porter’s son, Claudia Yeakel’s unborn grandchild, Jill Koenig, Gael Bittenbender’s brother, Debbie Meier’s mother, Joan Murray’s cousin, and all those serving in the military.
ANSWERED PRAYERS... Keli Daniels, Jason Nelson’s daughter, Jo Shukers, Maria Brockie’s sister, Sam Power’s mother, Jettie Beckett, Blondina Porter’s son, Vivian Montgomery.
CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO... Julia Maddox on the loss of her brother, Donna Horsley on the loss of her husband, Ken, Joan Murray on the loss of her cousin, Mary Lou Sinclair on the death of her mother, Denise & Steve Lind on the death of her father, Pat Wyeth on the death of her father.
PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve