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We are never more like God than when we choose to serve. When we decide to serve others we are following the ultimate example of servant leadership that we find exemplified in Jesus Christ. We tend to believe that the only way we can serve Christ is to be in the field of ministry as a Preacher, Missionary, Teacher or Worship Leader. But all too often we can hear Christ calling us to do something more than this. It is in the ordinary moments of service that Christ speaks the loudest. It is you making a decision to park further out so that others can park closer. It is when you work behind the scenes to make a big program work. It is when you volunteer to paint or power-wash the side of the building. It is when you see a dirty window and decide to help by cleaning it yourself. Or when you look at the yard and see what needs to be done to make it more beautiful. Mark 10:44 - 45 records Jesus as saying: “… and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus compared greatness in this world’s kingdom with that in God’s kingdom. Greatness in the kingdom of the world is to rule over people, and greatness in the Kingdom of God is to humbly serve people. Jesus
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came not to be served but to serve, even to the point of laying down his life for our redemption. There are many places that you can serve others at Christ United Methodist Church. Please prayerfully look over the various ministries of the church found in the SERVE booklet, and complete the “My Plan to Serve Christ” form and bring it to worship on SERVE Sunday, May 5 th. There is also a spiritual gifts test you can take online at our website that will help you discern where you can serve. It is a fun test that may surprise you as you learn about gifts you didn’t know you have. I want to thank you in advance for faithfully using your God-given abilities in serving others. I know God will be glorified as others see Christ in you as you serve others! So I encourage you to say, “Yes” to serving, for when you do, you say “Yes” to Christ.
Jesus used
You don’t want to miss Sunday morning, April 28, at Christ Church! That’s the day evangelist, storyteller, dramatist, and musician Wesley Putnam will be in all four worship services to give us a preview of what he’ll be doing when he ...throughout His ministry to in impart eternal a returns for four days and nights August. Expecttruths to hearin a lively, engaging message delivered through story, song, and Word! Plan on singing as you’ve never sung before! Get ready to rejoice as God brings renewal to broken hearts and way the people could understand.The art of storytelling spirits through his preaching! Save the date now – April 28 – and begin praying for Putnam’s preview visit as well has theAugust abilityrevival. to engage audiences andnews to of the Gospel come to life in you! as his Ask God to use himoftoall let ages, the good
The Master’s Storyteller is available to come to your community in several different event formats:
penetrate even the hardest of hearts. That’s the spirit r EBZ SFOFXBM FWFOU GFBUVSJOH NVTJD TUPSZUFMMJOH BOE (You can learn about “The Master’s Storyteller� at his website, www.wesleyputnam.org and by listening online to his latest album, “Treasures.� August 11 behind Themore Master’s Storyteller.
ministry (Typically Sunday – 14 will be the time when Putnam returns to present his Dayspring Revival, which will include a verychildren’s special ministry to children called “Bible Quest.�morning Putnam’s ministry is supported by love offerings.) Wednesday night) The ministry of The Master’s Storyteller was born in a
small church camp in Northwest Texas, where Wesley Putnam was asked to make the stories in the Bible relevant to over 300 elementary children. The question that created many of his characters was,“I wonder what this person would be like if he lived today?�
Elijah comes to life as a tough-as-nails Bronx cop, complete with police New York dialect. New uniform Sermonand Series star ting April 7
Daniel struts on stage in his boots and black hat as “Cowboy Dan�. Jonah tells the story of his encounter with God as a South Louisiana Cajun. There are also stories that are told by the Christmas shepherd and James, the brother of Jesus. The Master’s storyteller stays true to the Scriptures but uses humor to engage the audience.When the time comes to call for a response, the walls of defense have come down, and the Spirit moves in a mighty way.
Wesley Putnam ser ved as a pastor for nearly nine years before stepping into full-time evangelism in 1981. A graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary, Wesley served as both president and executive director of the National Association of United Methodist Evangelists. He was involved with the United Methodist Congress on Evangelism as a worship leader for over twenty years. He has been honored by his peers in receiving the Philip Award and the Denman award for his work in evangelism. He and his wife, Felicia, have three sons and fourteen grandchildren. people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Gideon is a Yiddish version of Barney Fife; a small, unlikely hero.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Bring your family and invite your neighbors. the hub band’s contemporary songs will usher us in and prepare our hearts for Mike Mayhugh’s inspirational message to our community. Lots of family fun, familiar faces, and special additions planned throughout the game – including “Pops in the Park” - Fireworks after the game. Buy your tickets early! COMMUNITY FOOD DRIVE
This year, the Skeeters will join with Christ Church in hosting a community food drive benefitting East Fort Bend Human Needs, which will launch April 6 during FanFest. The canned food drive will conclude on Saturday, April 20. Canned foods may be dropped off at the Constellation Field Box Office or the EFBHN table during FanFest. Those who donate five or more canned goods will receive a voucher for $2.00 off any Monday-Thursday Skeeters home game during the 2013 season. There will also be an opportunity during the game to further support East Fort Bend Human Needs as we pass the cap. What a great chance to help others in our community. FANFEST APRIL 6 11AM – 2PM – OUTSIDE THE ENTRANCE TO CONSTELLATION FIELD
This event is free to the public and includes a rare opportunity to dunk Gary Gaetti, great food, crafts, activities and time with the mascots. Bring the kids and canned goods. Stop by our Christ Church table to say hello. Call 281-240-4487 for more information.
TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT CHRIST CHURCH WHILE SUPPLIES LAST - $12 OR THROUGH SKEETERS STARTING APRIL 6. Please contact Karen LaMotta to offer your help or for more information. 281-690-4767 or karenl@cumcsl.org • www.cumcsl.org/faithnight
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
And the Word became f lesh and lived among us. So says Saint John at the beginning of his gospel. The Word had skin on it. The Word had compassion. The Word had healing. The Word had forgiveness. The Word fed the hungry. The Word lived, breathed, loved, celebrated, grieved, worshiped and prayed. And, at times, it seems that the Church has turned the f lesh back into words. Words of good advice, which sometimes seem rather hollow. Words of comfort that might not always seem comforting. Words of wisdom and encouragement that don’t always seem wise or encouraging. Words of rules and regulations and judgments. But what changes the world is f lesh - words with skin on them. Words that greet with a hug. Words that cry in another’s grief. Words that play with you for the fun of it. Words that love you because you are a child of God. Words that rebuke with love and compassion when you have strayed off the path. Words that go into prisons and are willing to help make them go back into the world. Words that visit the sick and the elderly. Words that build houses. Words that feed the hungry. Words that teach children to read. Words that will sit quietly and listen, not making a sound. Words that will walk across the street or travel thousands of miles because there are needs to be filled.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Our Lord put skin to words every day He walked this earth. So… are you just words, or are willing to put some skin on them?
“Whoever serves me must follow me” WHAT’S THE NEXT STEP John 12:26a ON YOUR FAITH JOURNEY?
Over and over again we read in the Bible all the mighty ways God loves us. How can we return that love? How do we turn our lives into an act of worship? How do we follow Him and put the 727,969 words we’ve just read into action?
When we say Yes to serving, we say Yes to Christ! All around the church, starting April 14th, you will find Serve Ministry Guides and the My Plan to Serve Christ forms to give you more detailed information about all the ways you can serve Christ in His church, in our neighborhoods, and in God’s world.
So What Do I Do? ♦ Pray
Dear God, Thank You for all the wonderful gifts with which You have blessed my life. Help me to use them well, in service to You and to others in Your name. Grant me wisdom and discernment as I read through these ministries so I may discover where it is You want me to serve Christ in His church, in our neighborhoods, and in Your world. I ask this in Your Son’s precious Name. Amen. ♦ Pick
Complete the My Plan to Serve Christ form and mark the box of the ministry(ies) you’d like to explore, get involved in or re-commit to. Say “YES!” to serving Christ.
♦ Present
On SERVE Sunday, May 5 come to worship and return your form as you come forward for Holy Communion. You may also complete the form online at WWW.CUMCSL.ORG/SERVE, place it in the SERVE basket in the workroom anytime or mail your form to 3300 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land, 77479. th
By following Him, God uses our hands and feet to bring His love to the world. By saying yes to His call, we put the Gospel into practice and become people helping people find fullness in Christ every day of the week, including Sunday!
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
My Plan to Serve Christ When we say “Yes!” to serving, we say “Yes!” to Christ. After praying for discernment of God’s plan for your life, please complete this form, and bring it with you to worship on SERVE Sunday, May 5th. You may also return your form to the SERVE basket in the church workroom. There are SERVE Ministry Guides available at the church or online at www.cumcsl.org/serve if you need more information regarding these service opportunities. Name: _________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email: ____________________________________ By checking the boxes below, I commit to serve by continuing my involvement with, or becoming involved in, the following ministries:
412 Youth
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412 Administration Help 412 Supper Club 412 Youth Council Adult & Youth Helper Confirmation Teacher Drama Team Member Care Team Mission Trip Counselor Multimedia Team Praise Team Prayer Team Retreat Trip Counselor Welcome Team Youth Communion Server Youth Lay Reader Youth Ministry Discipleship Team Coordinator Youth SS Coordinator Youth SS Teacher & Assistant Teacher
Adult Grow
Celebrate Singles Team Curriculum Review Team DivorceCare Team Emmaus Retreat Team HomeGroup Host Library Assistant Long-term Study Teacher Marriage Enrichment Team
Men of Christ Leadership
Team Piecemakers Short-term Study Teacher Sunday School Class Leader Sunday School Roving Teacher The Table Planning Team United Methodist Women Women of Christ
Wee Worship Team (3 yr
Axiom - Young Adults
Event Coordinators Ministry Team Mission Coordinators
Sunday School Teacher (18
mos – 5th Grade) Rotation Workshop Teacher (1st & 2nd Grade) Sunday School Coordinator (Age/Grade Level) Substitute Teacher (18 mos – 5th Grade) Mission Coordinator (4th & 5th Grade) Summer Sunday School Team Children’s Kiosk Check-In Assistant
old – Kindergarten) “Girl Time” Leader (4th or 5th Grade) “Guy and Dad Time” Leader (4th & 5th Grade) 5th Grade “Girlz” Bible Study Leader MOPS Steering Team Special Events Team Member UW Sports Camp Volunteer VBS Leadership Team VBS Volunteer Volunteer Breakfast Coordinator The Table: Children’s Team
Church A/V & Operations Support
Camera Photography Production Sound (Sanctuary) Sound (the hub) Visuals (Sanctuary) Visuals (the hub) Carpenters Hands Work Day Carpenters Hands Food Prep
Out” Support Weekly Maintenance Help
Community Outreach Greeters Hospitality Muggers New Member Shepherd Park and Walk Parking Lot Ministry Sunday Receptionist Telephone Assistant Welcome Call Team Welcome Center
Acts of Mercy Repair
Ministry Angel Tree Disaster Relief East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry Fort Bend Family Promise Garden Ministry Gifts Unto Others H.O.M.E. Project Habitat for Humanity Haiti Missions Help the Hurting Holley Elementary Manna Bags Meals on Wheels Mexico Missions Restorative Justice Ministry S.O.S. School Supplies Soles for Souls
Music & Fine Arts
Grace in Grief Funeral
Chancel Choir Joyful Noise Choir Festival Choir Singing Churchmen Bella Voce (Women’s Choir) Handbells: Jubilation Ringers Handbells: Joy Bells Praise Band Instrumentalist Music Office Volunteer Sacred Harp Ensemble
Ministry Hearts of Grace Prayer Group Pray Now! Stephen Ministry Telephone Buddies
Worship Sanctuary Acolyte Acolyte Coordinator Advent/Christmas
Caring Card Correspondent ENCORE! Planning Team ENCORE! Luncheon Theme
Decorating Altar Flower Delivery Altar Guild Communion Coordinator Communion Server Communion Prep Healing Prayer Service Lay Reader Coordinator Lay Reader Sanctuary Care Coordinator Sanctuary Care Usher
Team Homebound Communion Celebration Homebound Visitation JOY! Planning Team Prayer Shawl Team
Communion Server Hospitality Prayer Team Usher Welcome Team
Children Children’s Choir / Chimes
Parent Helper Costume Coordinator Prop Coordinator - Musicals Administrative Volunteer
Older Adults
the hub
Prayer, Care & Support
Altar Prayer Partner Care Team Cookie Angels Cooking Crew
“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.” -1 Peter 4:10 (Contemporary English Version)
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Communications and “Mail
“We insist that personal salvation always involves Christian mission and service to the world. By joining heart and hand, we assert that personal religion, evangelical witness, and Christian social action are reciprocal and mutually reinforcing. Scriptural holiness entails more than personal piety; love of God is always linked with love of neighbor, a passion for justice and renewal in the life of the world.” from “Our Doctrinal Heritage, The United Methodist Book of Discipline”
At least by Wesley’s design, and our unique understanding of how God’s grace works in human lives, we United Methodists are those whose everyday involvement in the world bears witness to what we believe about God and our relationships with God, Jesus Christ, and others. Since John Wesley’s days, Methodists have been directed to maintain the unity between faith and good works so that Methodist discipleship becomes faith lived out through ministries of love and service. These ministries of love and service are governed by what we call our General Rules: 1) do no harm; 2) do all the good you can anytime you can; and 3) stay in love with God through prayer, worship, Bible study, and participation in the Sacraments. Wesley gave us these simple rules so we might be able to move from adhering to general principles to specific actions as we matured in our faith and understanding of how God works in the world. Of most importance to Wesley was that members of the Societies and Classes (i.e., small groups for accountability and discipleship) continued to evidence desire of salvation. If they did, then they did no harm, did not take God’s name in vain, observed the Sabbath, stayed away from liquor, avoided fighting and quarrelling, and a number of other things. They acted on every opportunity to do good to all people by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, mentoring the immature in faith, exhorting fellow believers to do their best, running the Christian race with patience, taking up their cross every day, and submitting to Christ’s commands. Because Wesley knew the ability and strength and power to do these things came from God’s Holy Spirit, he insisted on their regular presence in worship, in Bible study, and at the Lord’s Table (Holy Communion). He urged private and family prayer times outside of worship, daily private reading of God’s Word, and occasional times of fasting and abstinence in order to draw closer to God. To make it clearer he referred to some things as Works of Mercy (good works) and others as Works of Piety (faith). While faith is the only response necessary for salvation, the General Rules remind us that salvation evidences itself in good works. Both faith and good works depend on God’s grace and God’s love working in us and through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. So how would Wesley advise we respond to the SERVE Campaign? He might remind us that the Bible teaches a tree will be known by its fruit – or – that good works are always pleasing and acceptable to God when offered on behalf of Christ – or – that one’s faithfulness is seen in kind and loving actions that spring forth from a heart filled with true, lively, and vital faith – or – all of the above, and more. (He was never short on words!) In the language of our denomination today, he would tell us our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by bearing witness to God’s grace as we live out Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor. It is Christ we serve, and as His servants, we are sent into the world to do His works: to love, heal, feed, clothe, mend, repair, build, teach, rebuke, nurture, lead, follow, advocate, reveal, help, and struggle for justice – all in order to bring God’s Kingdom into reality, just like He did. When we say “yes” to serving, we evidence our desire of salvation, our love of God, God’s love of us, and our willingness to follow Jesus Christ. Therefore, we say “yes” to Him.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
We will be publishing periodic articles on our United Methodist heritage and beliefs. If you have a topic you would like addressed, please send your requests to Karen LaMotta at KarenL@cumcsl.org.
• All services, every first Sunday • Every Sunday in the Chapel, 8 to 8:15 am • Every Sunday in the hub, 11:15 to 11:30 am
We live our lives as “Easter people” assured of our salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ. Still, circumstances in life can overwhelm us, especially when the pain and grief seems too much to bear. The One who died for our sake is the Healer we seek when we meet together for healing prayer and Communion at His table. Join us for April’s monthly service. CHILDREN’S SPRING MUSICAL SUNDAY, APRIL 21 • 3 PM • SANCTUARY
The Children’s Choir of Christ Church will be presenting HEROES OF THE FAITH, a story about children on a unique field trip. Biblical characters come to life to teach modern-day children how to become heroes. The children learn lessons of faith when they discover David, Deborah, Elijah and Moses while touring a museum exhibition. These Bible heroes tell about their exciting adventures and how ordinary people become extraordinary heroes who can change the world - or at least their world - when they listen and follow God’s commands. MAKE ROOM FOR OTHERS
On Sunday mornings, staff, members and regular attenders of Christ United Methodist Church are asked to park across the street at First Colony Middle School, at the Little League/Pony lot adjacent to our campus, or on the back grass area so our guests, older adults and those with physical limitations can park more easily on our campus. Making room for more people to park quickly and easily is one of the most simple and impactful ways we can offer our best to others, from the moment they arrive for worship.
FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL TWITTER.COM/CUMCSL For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry will be hosting their biggest fundraiser of the year! The evening will include live entertainment, provided by the Sugar Land Sweet Adelines and the Salvation Army Harbor Light Choir. There will also be silent and live auctions! Commissioner James Patterson is serving as the event auctioneer. Guests will be served a meal of soup and bread as a reminder of families in Fort Bend County who don’t have enough food to eat. The soups will be provided by some of the best restaurants in the area. Featured at the event will be hand-painted soup bowls which have been donated by local professionals and amateur artists. These bowls will be available for purchase to help raise funds to help families in need in our community. Tickets for Fort Bend Empty Bowls are only $25 per person and may be purchased at East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry, online at www. humanneeds.org or at Christ Church, on Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (ask for Renee). Please help fill empty bowls throughout our community. TWO SERVE MINISTRIES CELEBRATE THEIR FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY
“Pray Now!” and “Colors of Cancer” are celebrating the completion of their first year, and both continue to meet needs in our church family and beyond. “Pray Now!” volunteers are “prayer warriors” who stand ready to pray on a moment’s notice for those in crisis due to an emergency situation, accident, tragedy, or sudden loss. This past year they have prayed for church members, their family members, and people in our community and around the nation. They have become a vital part of Christ Church’s prayer ministries and part of the reason this church continues to be known as a “praying church.” “Colors of Cancer” meets every third Tuesday at 7 pm in the Volunteer Center. Their meetings remain open to anyone who has ever had a diagnosis of cancer. Caregivers are also welcome. Leaders Amy Abels and Vicki Schleimer use a curriculum that helps those living with cancer find fellowship and support, experience joy and laughter, and draw closer to the One who is able to sustain them. We thank God that the Spirit’s still moving at Christ Church, directing new ministries just when they are needed most. FORT BEND FAMILY PROMISE: A FAMILY IN CRISIS NEEDS YOU! APRIL 21 - 28
Christ Church will once again serve as a host church for Fort Bend Family Promise, a local program assisting families displaced from their homes. Qualified clients will have dinner and stay the night at Christ Church during our host week. Many volunteer opportunities are available. You can be “hands on” or “behind the scenes” in your service efforts. Contact Kira Halcarz at 832.654.9356 or kira.halcarz@ gmail.com to learn more. A family in crisis needs your Christian love and hands to serve.
ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES For the 16th year, philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein will divide $1 million proportionately among hunger-fighting agencies throughout the country who accept his challenge. All donations (cash, checks and food items) made to the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry during March and April will be counted as part of this great Challenge. The more donations made to EFBHNM, the more of the Feinstein $1 million the ministry will get. Please help us lessen hunger in East Fort Bend County by making a donation during the months of March and April. Checks can be made out to CUMC; note EFBHNM in the memo line. Place non-perishable food item donations in the EFBHNM bin downstairs at the Collection Corner. Food items will be valued at $1.00 per item. “TRASH TO TREASURES” SPRING HOUSE CLEANING DRIVE
Your “trash” can be another person’s “treasure” at the Tri-City Churches Resale Shop! Don’t throw away perfectly good items. Donate them to the Resale Shop, where all proceeds go to support the Food Pantry and Financial Assistance programs of EFBHNM. The Resale Shop truck will be at the church from 8:30 am till 1 pm on Sunday, April 14 and Sunday, April 21 to accept donations of household items, clothing, working electronics, furniture, sports equipment and toys. Go to www. humanneeds.org for a complete list of accepted items. Volunteers are needed to assist with receiving donations. If you can donate an hour or more of your time to help, contact Ginny Schabacker at schabginny@ windstream.net or 281.980.1179. CHRIST CHURCH’S NEWEST STEPHEN MINISTERS
What does it take to become a Stephen Minister? Most importantly, it takes a calling from God, and a strong commitment to offer distinctively Christian care to those among us who are hurting the most. Then it takes a little more than 50 hours of classroom training over several months that involves two weekend retreats and a final worship service in which trainees promise to pray daily for their care receivers, meet often with them, participate faithfully in peer supervision meetings and do all they can to stay connected to Jesus Christ. On Sunday, May 5, at 11:05 am in the Sanctuary, Barbara Buchanan, Ron Rathnau, and Dr. Bret Dyer will be formally commissioned as Christ Church’s newest Stephen Ministers. They began their training on January 10 and will complete it April 28. Christ Church is pleased to have been able to partner with Fishers of Men Lutheran Church in order to share leadership of weekly training events that covered topics like feelings, assertiveness, listening skills, grief, addiction, depression, telecare and many other topics. FYSH ‘HOME BASE’ CAMP 2013 MONDAY, JUNE 10 - THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2013 • 8:30 AM TO 3 PM • FLC GYM AND SURROUNDING AREA
All youth who have completed 5th - 8th grade as of June 2013 are invited to join us this summer for FYSH ‘Home Base’ Camp. Designed especially for middle school youth, FYSH ‘Home Base’ is a day camp which will include a service project in the surrounding area each morning, followed by a fun activity in the afternoon. This is a great opportunity to help your student find their servant heart in a homebased environment, and to have them meet new friends through service, fellowship and worship. Cost: $85 (Youth); Adult Chaperones/Drivers are free of charge. A non-refundable deposit of $25 is due at registration through May 15. Remaining balance is due May 30. Deadline to register: May 31, 2013.
Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where medical specialists come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options. The April meeting, “Headaches,” will be presented by a neurologist, Dr. Tran. BE FIT TUESDAYS AT 11 AM • FRIDAYS AT 9:30 AM • FLC ROOMS 302/303
Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. A Scripture is shared and class ends with a quiet time of prayer. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30. JOY! TRIP TUESDAY, APRIL 23 • 8 AM - 4 PM MOODY GARDENS; GALVESTON
Join others from Christ Church for an off-site day trip that provides Christian fellowship, enrichment, and recreation. We will be traveling by bus to Moody Gardens in Galveston. Attractions include Rainforest, Aquarium, Museum, Theaters, and Paddleboat Cruise. Email jan@ cumcsl.org for more information. GAME DAY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 • 10:30 AM - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. Lunch includes a roundtable discussion of Scripture and faith.
We are excited to offer to the women of Christ Church one more way to connect with each other, serve our community and experience meaningful programs on relevant topics. UMW of Christ Church will be unique. It is the goal of our Board to serve the women and children of Christ Church and to also minister to our greater community. We want to work beside every woman in this church to be the hands and feet of Christ right here in our community. We invite every woman of Christ Church to our first general meeting and officer installation on Sunday, April 14th at 3 pm in Rooms 11/12. After the officer installation, we will give a brief overview of our vision for UMW at Christ Church and then have a short program on the Power of Prayer. Childcare will be offered, but we will need a headcount, so please call Kim Ripley at the church to put your child on the list. We can’t wait to fellowship with you! Questions? Call Vice-President Pam Bluestein at 281.343.9913.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Join us for an informative presentation, Let the Little Children Come, by Ross Purdy, representative of The Methodist Children’s Home. Worship is at 11 am in the Sanctuary followed by a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall. The program will be in the Sanctuary after lunch. $7 donation. Pre-registration is required for the meal and closes March 31. Reserve your space by emailing jan@cumcsl.org.
Our lives are full of stories. One way to secure those memories for ourselves and future generations is to “put it in writing.” Jan Randolph will lead this monthly writers’ workshop designed to instruct, inspire, encourage and support participants in the writing process. Our explorations will include (but not necessarily be limited to) memoirs, journal writing, prayer journals, faith stories, family narratives, and poetry. Just bring paper and pencil and your mind full of stories.
One of Christ Church’s main values is “Connected Community,” where we nurture relationships with one another and Jesus Christ. If you are ready to learn more about Christ Church and what we believe, please join us for our next New Member Class. During this fun and informative class, you will: visit with pastors, staff and ministry leaders, meet new friends, discover the vision of Christ Church in our community, and learn how you can become involved in the life of the church and its ministries. There is no fee to attend, and childcare is available. We hope you will choose to become a member of our church family. Register online, at the Welcome Center, or by contacting Benita Sebesta at benitas@ cumcsl.org. MEN’S LUNCH THURSDAY, APRIL 11 • 11:30 AM • CORELLI’S
Men of all ages, join the Older Adult men for lunch and fellowship at Corelli’s. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond. SECOND ANNUAL FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 13, FROM 5 TO 8 PM
All fathers (and father-figures) are invited along with their little girls (age 4 through 5th grade). Price is $27 per father/father-figure and $10 per daughter/girl. Price includes dinner, corsage, photograph, and dancing. Online reservations can be made at www.cumcsl.org. Space is limited and reservations are requested by April 5, 2013; please no walk-ins. Sponsored by Children’s Ministry. Contact: Kim Ripley at kimr@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4765. UNITED STATES HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE PETE OLSON SHARES HIS FAITH WITH THE MEN OF CHRIST MAY 4TH @ 8:30 AM IN THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED
Please contact the Men of Christ at menofchrist@cumcsl.org for more information or to request childcare. 412 GREAT ESCAPE JULY 8 - 11
All students 6th-12th grades are invited to join 412 Ministries in our Great Escape 2013. During this 4-day trip, we will be heading to San Antonio for a day at Six Flags, followed by a 3-night stay at Schliterbahn Resorts which will include an all-access pass for a day in Schlitterbahn, a day down the Comal River and a trip to Enchanted Rock. Price will include all food, tickets, transportation and lodging. Visit 4-12.net to register!
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the April meeting is The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join Book Club. 2013 SUMMER CAMPS FOR KIDS
Hey, kids … if you’re age 3 through first grade, come join us this summer for camp! This year’s themes are: God’s Wonderful World of Imagination, Biblical Bugs, God Created the Heavens and the Earth, and Exciting Experiments in God’s World. For camp details and online registration, visit www.cumcsl.org/children. Contact Kim Ripley at kimr@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4765. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2013 MONDAY, JUNE 24 - FRIDAY, JUNE 28 • 9:15 AM TO 12:15 PM
It’s about time for your kids to strap on their shields, put on their crowns and let their imaginations go wild! Christ Church will be transforming into “Kingdom Rock” for 5 days, “Where Kids Stand Strong for God.” At Kingdom Rock, your kids and their friends will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, dig into yummy treats, experience epic Bible adventures, test out sciency-fun gizmos, and create crafts all week they’ll be able to bring home and share with the family. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Our 5th graders will participate in a God-inspired mission, and they’ll foster their gifts of service in these 5 days of VBS. Friday afternoon concludes with Fanfare Finale celebration that gets everyone involved in living out what he or she has learned. Family and friends are encouraged to join in this special time! Kingdom Rock is for kids from 4 years old (as of September, 1, 2012) to 5th grade. If you have children younger than 4, no problem! Be a VBS Volunteer and we will have a place for your little ones to participate. Register on line as an adult volunteer and you will receive instructions for your Pre-VBS aged child/children. VBS cannot happen without our faithful volunteers! So sign up today—you and your kids—at www.cumcsl.org/children. Registration is $25 per child. If you have any questions, please contact Ingred Lathrop at 281.690.4748 or Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765. We’ll see you and your kids “Stand Strong for God” at Kingdom Rock this summer!
All middle school & high school youth are invited to join us in the Family Life Center Gym every Sunday night from 5 - 8 pm. During that time we will have dinner, games, worship and Bible study. Our youth worship service begins at 6 pm. Bring $2, and enjoy dinner with us. 412 - THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 6:30 - 8 PM • CHAPEL
High school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8 pm in the Chapel.
This class is composed of singles and couples of all ages with a participatory format and Bible-based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS
This class consists of couples in their 30’s - 50’s, with children of all ages. This group is a discussion-oriented class studying a variety of Biblical topics. We use study guides, videos, guest speakers and music to enhance our studies. Meets in room 302/303 in the Family Life Center. BARNABAS
This class is a friendly community consisting of adults in their 40’s - 60’s united by a shared belief in Christ, seeking and providing encouragement to one another through prayer, Bible study, topical studies and lots of fellowship. Meets in the Chapel.
on facebook & twitter OFF THE BENCH SPORTS CAMP JULY 8 - JULY 12
Children’s Ministries is excited that UW Sports Ministry will be returning to Christ Church this summer! The Ministry team provides quality coaching while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Football is available for boys currently in 2nd through 5th grades. Soccer is available for boys and girls currently in K through 5th grades. Cheer is available for girls currently in K through 5th grades. Basketball is available for girls and boys currently in 2nd through 5th grades (limited space). A special Team 45 Camp is available for children that will be age 4 or 5 by camp date. Camp time is 5 - 8:15 pm. Cost is $65. For online registration visit the children’s page at www.cumcsl.org/ children. Sign up today!! If you are a youth or adult and have an interest in sports and/or children, this is a great SERVE opportunity for you. We need volunteers for the following areas: Coaching, Prayer, Registration, Security, Snack and Team 45. Contact Kim Ripley at kimr@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4765.
All singles are invited to join us. Meets in room 309 in the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST
This class consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. It is a relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS
All ages and stages of life are welcome (married, single, single on Sunday). This class has a participatory rather than lecture format. We love a great discussion! Study facilitators rotate among interested class members. Meets in room 301 in the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES
This class is composed of choir members who love to study God’s word and discuss relevant issues. Meets in the Choir Room. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)
Our name reflects our focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out our activities for members, ages 40’s - 70’s. Meets in room 311 in the Family Life Center. JUBILEE
This class is made up of mature individuals, ages 50+ who enjoy the fellowship of others and share in the nourishment gained from Bible-based studies. Lively discussions abound under the leadership of Jan Randolph. Meets in rooms 11/12. SEEKERS
This is a class of mixed ages with couples, singles, and single on Sundays that concentrates on Bible study, missions and lively discussion. Meets in room 308 in the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)
This class is made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS
This class is made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. This class is very mission-oriented. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS
This class is made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. We primarily do Bible-based studies and various service projects. Meets in room 307 in the Family Life Center. AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Primarily for college and career aged, 18-29. Meets in room 310 in the Family Life Center.
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor Rev. Jason Nelson, Associate Pastor Karen LaMotta, Executive Director - CONNECT Ministries Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Lisa Mayhugh, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Ingred Lathrop, Director - Children’s Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Tricia Baltazar, Coordinator - GROW Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School
EASTER PARK AND RIDE – Please help Christ Church offer our best to others on Easter morning by allowing our guests and older adults to park closer and more easily. As you are able, please park at the First Colony Community Center and enjoy a brief walk to church or ride the free shuttle provided for your convenience. Additional parking is also available across the street at First Colony Middle School, the Little League/Pony lot adjacent to our campus, and the grass area at the end of the main lot. We are offering 5 worship services on Easter morning - your cooperation will help others have a great experience from the moment they arrive.
For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at www.cumcsl.org/staff WE’RE HERE TO HELP!
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Danny Penczak, JoAnn Eck’s friend’s niece, Robin Oliver’s son, Nancy Wilkins’ friend’s grandson, Judy Hicks’ daughter and Ty Sponsel’s mother, Erica Seigneur’s newborn daughter, Don Williams’ mother, Gael Bittenbender’s friends, Jean Ulrich, Elisa McIntire’s uncle and aunt, Lynda Miller, Susan Brubaker’s friend’s daughter, Joyce Cochran’s granddaughter’s fiance & his grandfather, Christy Burrmann’s friend’s son, Kay Breuer’s father, Kay Breuer’s friend, Courtney White’s friend, Aimee Schultheis’ cousin, Priscilla Thomas’ aunt, Doris St. Cyr, Rod Montz, Linda Lockwood’s sister, Gael & Tom Bittenbender’s friends, Elisa McIntire’s co-worker, Nancy Kuebler’s daughter-in-law, Debra Dowden, Pat Kelly’s friend, Bill & Robin Mallett’s friend’s daughter, Thelma Jones’ friend, Jolene Lanier and family, Judy Monroe, Kay Breuer’s father, Kay Breuer’s friend, and all those serving in the military. JOYS . . . Mike & Erica Seigneur on birth of daughter; Erin Meier; Tricia Baltazar’s sister’s co-worker; Gary Taylor; Bob Smith; Dick VanVliet; Ron Floyd’s friend; Bill Guffey’s niece; Stacey Adams’ parents; Ann Edgar’s cousin; Louise Alcock’s stepmother & stepsister. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Kathy Fry on the death of her nephew; Tom Byrd on the death of his grandmother; the family of Adrian Hassall; friends and family of Johnny O’Leary; Steve Smith on the death of his stepfather; family and friends of Audrey Smith ; Bryan and Becky Tullos on death of his sister, Nona; Kurt and Leigh Anne Diekroeger on death of her father; Jordon Brumley on death of his uncle; Sherry Raven on death of her uncle; Georgia Linn on death of her daughter; Herb & Merilyn Krog on the death of their son.
SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the281.980.6888 church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your•message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders. PHONE: • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve