The Connection - January 2013

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Christ United Methodist Church



The Bible is a well-written work! After all, it was inspired by God! Therefore, it’s definitely a good read that’s worth our time and effort! The Bible in 90 Days asks us to read the Bible in the same way we’d read a novel. To read the Bible like a novel is to expect to encounter a story that not only entertains us but also proves insightful to us, a story that’s filled with characters in whom we see ourselves, and a story that, in the end, makes us better human beings and makes of our world, a better world. I’ll never forget how the late Dr. Albert Outler answered the question, “What is the Bible?” The question came up in an interview with Bishop Richard Wilke. DISCIPLE 1 graduates will remember this interview from their first class session. Here’s a part of what Dr. Outler said: “The word (Bible) means ‘book’ and for Christians, this is the book that is a unique book of many books, with many kinds of literature: saga, history, law, poetry, liturgy, prophecy, one gospel in four versions, a slice of early church history, a collection of epistles with

occasional pieces like Ruth, Esther, Jonah, and Job, and a rousing, but bewildering climax. . . .its integrated vision is simple enough to be discerned by anyone. . . .It is still one coherent narrative from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of what God has been doing on earth, is doing, will always be doing in and for His people, what He has created and designed us for, and what He rightfully expects from us, and what we can count on from Him. It’s the story about covenant-making and covenant-keeping on His part, covenant-making, covenant-breaking from our side. It’s a book that’s less about God, than a revelation, or self-communication of God who helps us to recognize His providence in ways that also help us to become truly and fully human. . . . ” Dr. Outler went on to advise that we not get bogged down in the story’s details or become too bewildered by its context. He said we must always remember that it’s a revelation, not a puzzle to be solved. Think of the Bible, he said, as a single, primal narrative with a coherent, consistent message about the sovereign grace of God who is lovingly trying to communicate something about Himself and something about His grace. When we can get beyond the details and read it for the big picture, then we can hear what God is saying to us about ourselves. It’s exciting to read the Bible this way. It’s fun to start a good read expecting to be enlightened. But the best thing is that we can count on God to speak to us in selfrevealing, life-giving, grace-filling, ever-blessing ways! Thanks be to God!

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


People often say, “It’s a good read,” when they’ve finished a well-written work of any kind, whether fiction, history, poetry, or biography. A good read can mean any number of things: it was entertaining and took the reader on an adventure; it had well-developed characters with whom the reader could identify; it proved insightful and meaningful to the reader; it appealed to the reader’s better nature. The bottom line meaning is that, in the reader’s judgment, it was well worth their investment of time and energy.


What is The Bible in 90 Days Challenge? The Bible in 90 Days is a Bible reading curriculum. It is a challenge to read attentively the entire Bible, from cover to cover, in 90 days. Reading the Bible as a novel, rather than a Bible study, will allow participants to see the overall story of God’s grace interwoven through the pages. Many “studies” focus on a particular book or character in the Bible. This challenge will allow readers to make connections from one page to the next or one book to the next that they otherwise might have missed. Cohesiveness and clarity will be evident in ways previously unseen. What will my experience be if I participate in this 90 day challenge? It’s hard to give an answer to that question. For some, this will be life-changing. It may be a grand experience or a quiet experience. Some may meet Jesus Christ for the first time. It’s our desire that everyone who reads the Bible in 90 days will develop a deeper relationship with God and hear Him speaking in the pages. By embarking on this experience together, as a church-wide community,


Christ United Methodist Church

great things can happen. We can become energized and renewed. The possibilities are endless. Do I have to use a special Bible? Overall, your chances of being successful increase tremendously if you do use The Bible in 90 Days special Bible. It is a thin, portable NIV translation with large print. It is clear where to start and stop reading each day. There are no study notes or personal notations to get bogged down in and slow you down. There is a difference between a study Bible and a reading Bible. When in a group setting, it is much easier to have everyone turn to the same page. Additionally, discussion can focus on the actual text, not the various expressions of different versions.

questions in the participant guide or from your leaders, then watch the weekly DVD lesson. If you are meeting at church (Sunday 11 am-12:15 pm, Sunday 6:30 - 8:00 pm, or Wednesday 7 - 8:30 pm), you’ll first meet in your discussion group. Then all of the discussion groups will come together for a live talk given by Carl Hamilton covering the highlights from the week’s readings. Tools to help you: 1- The Bible in 90 Days Bible and participant guide $20

2- All sermons will correlate with weekly reading 3- Jason Nelson will be tweeting daily reading summaries @RevJasonJNelson.

Should I participate in a group discussion?

When is the challenge?

Again, your chances of being successful increase tremendously if you do participate in group discussion. Whether participating via a newly formed group, a Sunday School, or a HomeGroup, these settings provide accountability. It is also a means to both give and receive encouragement and support. Each participant in a discussion group is reading the same pages, facing the same challenges, and having similar questions. This is the setting in which personal growth and bonding with fellow Christians is sure to occur.

The Bible in 90 Days challenge is scheduled to begin January 6, 2013. This is the Sunday the correlating sermons will begin as well. We will read daily and meet weekly, taking the week of Easter off and complete the challenge two weeks after Easter, on April 14, 2013. The timing with Easter is just perfect. We will get to experience a more powerful, profound Easter as a result of the reading and the challenge.

What if I fall behind? There are 2 grace days built into the program. Additionally, if you fall a little behind, add a page or two to your daily reading until you’re caught up. If you fall farther behind, you may have to block some time, perhaps on a Saturday, to catch up. Whatever you do, DO NOT SKIP AHEAD. This would defeat the purpose of the overall objective, which is to read the Bible from cover to cover in 90 days. Perhaps you’ll need to give up a TV show to complete the daily reading. Perhaps you’ll get up a little earlier. You can split the reading up, 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. There are options. We are always willing to carve out time for something we want to do. Let’s move reading the Bible to the top of that list.

To accept The Bible in 90 Days Challenge, complete the simple online registration at www.cumcsl. org/90days. The Bible in 90 Days special Bible and participant guide can be purchased online after registering. You may also complete registration cards that are located throughout the church. Materials will be received at the first meeting.

If you feel led to help with the discussion groups or if you need additional information, please contact Tricia Baltazar at or by calling 281.690.4761.

What will the class time look like?

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


If you are participating in the challenge with a Sunday School or HomeGroup, you’ll all do your daily readings then come together weekly, discuss



We United Methodists believe God is present and active in our world, and want to discover how we can be involved in God’s work in faithful ways. Just like our founder, John Wesley, we make that discovery by becoming “people of one book” – the Holy Bible. This doesn’t mean other books aren’t important for our journeys in discipleship. But what it does mean is that God’s Word is primary; in other words, the Bible takes first place among all other books for us. Our basic United Methodist beliefs about the Bible include the following: • the Word of God was inspired by and came into being at God’s initiative; • God is revealed to us and present to us in Scripture, always offering us relationship; • Jesus Christ is God’s Word in the f lesh, always revealing God’s love; • God’s Word is sufficient for our salvation, and therefore has authority for our lives; • God’s Word is worthy of individual and group study; • God’s Word provides the direction and guidance we need for living faithfully. The Holy Bible is our book of faith. It is the first place we turn when we’re faced with difficult decisions. We may call upon tradition (our story of faith), experience (our sense of faith), and reason (our test of faith), but even they depend upon the Bible, our book of faith. Tradition is what the church has taught and continues to teach about God and Jesus Christ; that teaching is Bible-based. Experience references our experience of God, our acceptance of Jesus Christ, and our living as disciples; what we understand of “new life” comes directly from the Bible. Reason means loving God and our neighbors with our minds as well as our hearts in ways that are faithful to the past, relevant to the present, and viable for the future; not just talking, but walking the walk of faith requires that we ref lect on God’s Word all the time! United Methodists understand the importance of reading the Bible daily, ref lecting on its teachings, discussing its truths in small group settings, and answering its call to living a faithful life. They rely upon God’s Holy Spirit for receiving Biblical teachings and writing them on their hearts. They declare that everything relevant to faith and necessary for salvation is revealed in God’s Word. In this way, United Methodists are, like John Wesley, people of one book, people whose Bibles are well-read and therefore, whose lives are well-led. We will be publishing periodic articles on our United Methodist heritage and beliefs. If you have a topic you would like addressed, please send your requests to Karen LaMotta at


Christ United Methodist Church


For me, every year-end provides an opportunity for personal ref lection, and I presently find myself analyzing the manner in which I used God’s gift of time during 2012. I grieve the time I spent complaining, or worrying, disbelieving, serving myself rather than those around me… the list could go on and on. I vow to do better in the coming year, so am resolving that in 2013 I will: • Live with a renewed awareness of, and gratitude for, God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice for humankind.

Welcome Our Newest Members!


• Boldly seize opportunities to share the Good News of this sacrificial love with others. • Surrender more completely to God, casting my worries upon Him and seeking His will, rather than my own, for my life.

• Worship, study, pray and serve with increased frequency so that my faith is strengthened and perhaps even serves to encourage the faith of another. As I review this list of resolutions, I give God thanks, once again, for His infinite patience with and unconditional love for me, as it seems that my personal “analyses” and resolutions change very little from year to year! Rick Warren once observed, “Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time.” Time really is a precious and limited resource. Recognizing this truth, how will you spend your gift of time in 2013? Don’t contemplate this question for too long – remember that time’s a wastin’


If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about what we believe, you are invited to participate in a New Member Class. During 3 gatherings, you will visit with the pastors, make new friends, and discover the vision of Christ Church in our community. You will also learn how you can become involved in the life of the church and its ministries. The sessions are held on consecutive Sunday evenings beginning February 10, 2013. You will then be invited to join the church the following Sunday during services. The first week includes a dinner with the staff, the second week provides an opportunity for you to learn more about the group opportunities we offer and the third week includes an ice cream social with some of the ministry leaders of Christ Church. There is no fee to attend. Childcare is available. To speak to someone about joining the church, please contact Benita Sebesta at 281.690.4763,, or register at

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


• Proceed forward with a fresh sense of purpose, using the gifts and talents God has provided me to bless the body of Christ and build God’s kingdom here on earth.


• All services, every first Sunday • Every Sunday in the Chapel, 8 to 8:15 am • Every Sunday in the hub, 11:15 to 11:30 am


The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month in all the Sanctuary worship services. Servers are always needed. But there’s also a need for persons to make sure the elements are in place before each worship service, and a small group is needed to clean up following the last service. While Servers are generally easy to find, Preparers are much harder to find. If you would be willing to help in either of these roles, please contact Sandy White at or 281.690.4777. Thank you! THANKS, AWESOME ACOLYTES!

Our Christ Church Acolytes (and their leaders, Victor and Judy Hicks, and Sharon Hazel) are truly awesome! Thank you - all of you - for assembling the Christmas Eve candles, serving in our Christmas EveEve and Christmas Eve services, and committing to leadership in worship throughout the year. May God bless each of you with a wonderful year as you continue to serve, bearing the light of Christ to remind us whose we are. THANK YOU, ALTAR GUILD

Thanks hardly seem enough for this small but dedicated group who meet every first Saturday to prepare the Communion elements for the next day’s worship services in the Sanctuary. They begin and end their service with prayer and then undertake the worshipful work of preparing the elements. In addition, another servant of God stays up most of the night Saturday night baking the bread. And several others help set the Sanctuary before and after each service. As you give thanks this week, remember to thank God for these special servants. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK THURSDAY, JANUARY 3 • 1 PM GATHERING HALL, NARTHEX, SANCTUARY

Many hands really do make light work. Please come lend a hand and help us put away our Advent and Christmas decorations. Inventory lists and storage tubs will be provided. This is easy work that should only take about an hour to complete. Fellowship guaranteed and treats provided - or - bring leftover Christmas goodies to share. Direct your questions to Sandy White at 281.690.4777.


God resolved to love us and make us whole in Jesus Christ. He is the Healer who’s ready to meet us in our hopelessness and pain. Come meet Him at the January Healing Prayer Worship Service on Tuesday evening, January 8, at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. Prayers and Scriptures will center on the renewal made possible by God’s love. 2013 ALTAR FLOWERS NOW - JANUARY 31 • MINISTRY CENTER

Reserve your 2013 altar flower arrangement date in the Ministry Center. Cost is $50. Place checks payable to Christ Church in the manila envelope and be sure to write “altar flowers” on the memo line. Contact Stephanie Strickland at or 281.690.4747.


Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options. The speaker for Wednesday, January 9 is Dr. Nick Desai, a podiatrist. The program is entitled “These Feet Are Made For Walking.” BE FIT TUESDAYS AT 11 AM • FRIDAYS AT 9:30 AM • FLC ROOMS 302/303

Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. A Scripture is shared and class ends with a quiet time of prayer. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30. ONE ROOM BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the January meeting is The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join Book Club. OAM FIFTH WEDNESDAY SEMINAR: SAFETY FIRST WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 • 12 - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12

This seminar is provided by Sugar Land Fire Department with older adults and care givers both in mind. The program is aimed at providing information seniors need to insure their safety.



For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG Christ United Methodist Church





Join us for our next Carpenter’s Hands workday. Breakfast (beginning at 7 am) and lunch are included. Our day will begin at 8 am with a devotion. Crews will be made up of a mix of skill levels, with at least one or two members having prior experience. Our purpose is to beautify the church as well as add practical improvements to the facility that will enhance current usages. This event is open to all adults as well as youth 12 and up (if accompanied by a parent). Questions? Contact Roland Huysman at 281.690.4760 or PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MONDAYS & FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance, and presence. We meet Fridays and Mondays. Don’t know how to crochet or knit? We’ll teach you! For information, email Jan Randolph at SENIOR RINGERS MONDAYS • 6 PM • CHOIR ROOM

This musical opportunity is available to all interested persons, especially Older Adults. It offers a place to learn, serve and fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. The group is still accepting new members, and requests for ringers to perform in the community during the day have already been coming in. To join this ensemble, contact Molly Ness at 281.344.8343. EFBHNM GREATEST NEEDS IN JANUARY

From now until after the Souper Bowl of Caring, the majority of donations to EFBHNM come in. Many more volunteers are needed to help sort and box the generous donations received at the Food Pantry. Volunteers are needed Monday through Friday 10 am until 1:30 pm and Monday and Wednesday evenings 6 - 8 pm. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, contact Ginny Schabacker at schabginny@ or 281.980.1179.

Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. Lunch includes a roundtable discussion of Scripture and faith. UMW (UNITED METHODIST WOMEN) QUARTERLY MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 • ROOMS 11/12 • 2:30 PM

Inviting all women to an quarterly Unit meeting where we’ll hear about new changes in UMW. Join us for fellowship. Contact Billie Blair 281.242.3695 or with questions. MEN’S LUNCH THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 • 11:30 AM • LUPITA’S

Men of all ages, join the Older Adult Men for lunch and fellowship at Lupita’s. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond. WAS IT REALLY ONLY LAST YEAR?

You stayed up to watch the New Year come in together. You talked about the past year, all the memories, good and bad. How you laughed over some of them. But this year you’re alone. And memories bring you nothing but pain. During this time of pain, a Stephen Minister would like to be there for you. He or she will listen and care as you sort through your feelings. Stephen Ministers are confidential Christian caregivers, trained to help you through loss and crisis times. Contact Sally McKnight, at 713.306.1719 for more information on obtaining a Stephen Minister to care for you. NEW MEMBER CLASS BEGINNING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10 AT 5:30 PM FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE SUNDAYS

The next New Member Class begins February 10 at 5:30 pm and runs for three consecutive Sundays. You may register online, by visiting the Welcome Desk, or by contacting


FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL TWITTER.COM/CUMCSL For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Looking for a place to serve in 2013? Consider Family Promise, a program that reaches out to families displaced from their homes by providing them with a temporary place to stay, right here at Christ Church. Rotations occur one week each quarter, and the first rotation of 2013 will take place during the week of Sunday, February 10. Over 300 volunteer hours are logged in during each rotation, so your help is needed! Serve behind the scenes by providing supplies, setting up and breaking down the rooms, doing laundry, and providing meals. Or connect directly with the families by being a dinner host, staying overnight, or by staffing the Family Center at New Hope Lutheran Church during the rotation’s 2nd weekend. Allow some families in need to experience Christian love in the new year by extending to them some Christ Church hospitality! Contact Kira Halcarz at kira. or 832.654.9356.


A new Men’s Bible Study group will begin on January 5 from 8 – 9:30am in the Chapel. ALL men are welcomed and encouraged to consider becoming part of this group. And, please invite a friend to come with you. The focus of this group will be studying and discussing relevant topics from a biblical perspective. Please place this on your schedule and/or contact Larry Gilbert at 281.389.2966 or larry. PUT IT IN WRITING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 • 3 PM• CHURCH LIBRARY

Our lives are full of stories. One way to secure those memories for ourselves and future generations is to “put it in writing.” Jan Randolph will lead this monthly writers’ workshop designed to instruct, inspire, encourage and support participants in the writing process. Our explorations will include (but not necessarily be limited to) memoirs, journal writing, prayer journals, faith stories, family narratives, and poetry. Just bring paper and pencil and your mind full of stories. IMPACT: 4TH AND 5TH GRADE MOTHER/DAUGHTER RETREAT MARCH 1 - 2 • RIO LAGO RANCH

All 4th and 5th grade girls and their moms are invited to register for our upcoming retreat. Registration is available at www.cumcsl. org. Space is limited so register early! We will enjoy a great time of mother / daughter connectedness as well as fellowship with one another at the beautiful Rio Lago Ranch ( on the San Bernard River. You won’t want to miss the fun! The cost is $50. Registration will close on January 25 (or sooner if space is full). You are welcome to invite your 4th and 5th grade girlfriends / moms as space allows. DENIM & DIAMONDS WOMEN’S RETREAT 2013 FEBRUARY 22 - 24 • THE ORCHARD AT CANEY CREEK WHARTON, TX

Ladies of Christ Church: The Christmas holidays are behind us and we’ve brought in the New Year so now let’s enjoy a peaceful and restful Women’s Retreat! There will be something for everyone so make plans to join us in February. Enjoy popular speaker and author, Carla MacDougal, and experience powerful worship at The Orchard at Caney Creek. Although space is limited at our retreat site, we have arranged for overflow accommodations at a Wharton-area hotel to ensure there is room for all! Retreat cost is $199, but you can reserve your spot with a $100 deposit (the balance is due on February 1). Register now at for what promises to be a wonderful, spirit-filled time away with God and one another. Questions? Contact Kim Daniels at 832.620.9092 or kimdaniels1@


Christ United Methodist Church


5th Grade Girls Bible Study starts on Wednesday, January 9. Parents, please plan now to pick your daughters up from school, along with a group of their friends, on these 4 weeks and bring them to Christ Church for a fun hour of food and sharing. Oh, by the way, we will be talking about friendships. You won’t want them to miss it! DISTRICT LEADERSHIP TRAINING SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 • 8:45 AM - 1:30 PM ST. PETER’S UMC, KATY, TX

You’re invited to attend the Texas Annual Conference Southwest District Leadership Training. Our conference is placing special emphasis on discipling the young, so if you minister to children or youth, you’re encouraged to attend. They will also have special sessions for those serving on church committees such as Trustees, SPR or Finance Committee. The event is hosted by St. Peter’s UMC located at 20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, TX 77450. Register at www. under upcoming events. ACQUIRE THE FIRE (ATF) WEEKEND OF JANUARY 18 - 19

This is a high energy two-day event produced by a national touring group and attended by youth from throughout the Houston area. It takes place at Grace Community Church and includes awesome worship, speakers and small group time. All youth in grades 7-12 and adults are welcome. Registration is $49 (Youth) and $25 (Adults). Register at Your spot can be reserved with a $25 deposit. The outstanding balance and forms are due January 11, 2013. YOUTH MID-WINTER RETREAT 2013 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 CAMP CHO-YEH IN LIVINGSTON, TX

How does a weekend away with some really fun people and an opportunity to spend time with your friends and Jesus sound? Join us for a Mid-Winter Retreat over the weekend of February 15. This year we will be heading to the piney woods of Livingston to Camp Choyeh. Come reconnect with your friends from school and meet some new ones! Who can attend? All Youth in grades 7-12 and Adults. How much? On-Time Registration: $165 (Youth) and $85 (Adults) for all who register on or before 1/21/13; deposit of $50 at time of registration thru 1/14/13 with balance due 1/21/13. Late Registration: $185 (Youth) and $105 (Adults); late fees apply for registrations received from 1/22/13 thru 2/4/13. What does it include? Retreat cost and round-trip transportation. How do I register? Register online. Register NOW and your spot will be reserved with a $50 deposit (through 1/14/13). The outstanding balance and forms are due 1/21/13. What is the deadline? 1/21/13 (On-Time); 2/4/13 (Late)



All middle school & high school youth are invited to join us in the Family Life Center Gym every Sunday night from 5 - 8 pm. During that time we will have dinner, games, worship and Bible study. Our youth worship service begins at 6 pm. Bring $2, and enjoy dinner with us. 412 - THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 6:30 - 8 PM • CHAPEL

High school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8 pm in the Chapel.

This class is composed of singles and couples of all ages with a participatory format and Bible-based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS

This class consists of couples in their 30’s - 50’s, with children of all ages. This group is a discussion-oriented class studying a variety of Biblical topics. We use study guides, videos, guest speakers and music to enhance our studies. Meets in room 302/303 in the Family Life Center. BARNABAS

This class is a friendly community consisting of adults in their 40’s - 60’s united by a shared belief in Christ, seeking and providing encouragement to one another through prayer, Bible study, topical studies and lots of fellowship. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL

All singles are invited to join us. Meets in room 309 in the Family Life Center.



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This class consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. It is a relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS

All ages and stages of life are welcome (married, single, single on Sunday). This class has a participatory rather than lecture format. We love a great discussion! Study facilitators rotate among interested class members. Meets in room 301 in the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES

This class is composed of choir members who love to study God’s word and discuss relevant issues. Meets in the Choir Room. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)

Our name reflects our focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out our activities for members, ages 40’s - 70’s. Meets in room 311 in the Family Life Center. JUBILEE

The Bible in 90 Days Challenge begins January 6. Are you up for it? It won’t be easy. Not everyone will say yes. Not everyone will finish. But those who do will most definitely be rewarded. Will you accept the challenge?

This class is made up of mature individuals, ages 50+ who enjoy the fellowship of others and share in the nourishment gained from Bible-based studies. Lively discussions abound under the leadership of Jan Randolph. Meets in rooms 11/12. SEEKERS

This is a class of mixed ages with couples, singles, and single on Sundays that concentrates on Bible study, missions and lively discussion. Meets in room 308 in the Family Life Center. STAGES

This class consists of single parents, remarried couples, and blended families, ages 30-50’s, exploring a mix of biblical studies and contemporary issues. Meets in room 310 in the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)


This class is made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS

This class is made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. This class is very mission-oriented. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS

This class is made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. We primarily do Bible-based studies and various service projects. Meets in room 307 in the Family Life Center. YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Primarily for college and career aged, 18-29. Meets in the Family Life Center Gym.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Need help finding a small group to join for this study? Contact Tricia Baltazar at 281.690.4761 or tricia@






Please remember that Monday, December 31, will be the last day you can mail your contribution checks in order to claim a charitable deduction for 2012. Sunday, December 30, will be the last day donations can be accepted in the offering plate for 2012 charitable deductions. Checks that are placed in the offering on the first Sunday of 2013 will not qualify for a charitable contribution deduction in 2012 even if the check is backdated to 2012. However, checks that are written, mailed and postmarked in 2012 will be deductible in 2012 even if not received by the church until 2013. To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, please do not file your 2012 tax return until you receive your 2012 Statement of Contributions. These will be mailed in mid-January.

Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor Rev. Jason Nelson, Associate Pastor Karen LaMotta, Executive Director - Connect Ministries Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Lisa Mayhugh, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Ingred Lathrop, Director - Children’s Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Tricia Baltazar, Coordinator - Grow Groups & Bookstore Jeanne Damon, Coordinator - Grow Teams For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at WE’RE HERE TO HELP!



Contributions will be accepted on December 27, 1- 4 PM, if you call 281-690-4747 to be met at the office door.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Cynde Lomonte’s great-nephew, Betty Denton, Lee & Susie Duggan’s grandson, Carla Rozario, Tom Bittenbender’s relative, Robin Oliver’s mother, Evan Juneau’s friend, Dave Hagler, Patti Long’s son, Al Guerrero, Pat Wyeth’s mother, Kurt Diekroeger’s friend, Emily Fortenberry, Tim Daly’s friend’s foster child, Linda Lockwood’s nephew, Judy Edmondson’s friends, Lynn Taylor’s friend, Linda & Mike Lockwood’s friend, Cyndi Barnett’s grandmother, Zureck Family, Steve Smith’s step-father, Harriett Morrow’s friend, Debbie MacDonald, Jolene Lanier, Herb Krog, George & Nancy Kuebler’s friend, Mary Boysen’s new grandson, Liz Williams’ mother, and all those serving in the military. JOYS... Gentre Bradford, Debbie MacDonald, Monique Harrison’s mother, James Brooks, Michelle Brumley, Lisa Mayhugh, Joe Guzman’s mother, Matt & Allison Thummell’s son, Wayne Gray, Sharon Queen, Vicki Alexander’s friend, Barbara Sanderson’s mother; Marc Brubaker, Paul Stimson’s brother. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO... Cyndi Barnett on the death of her grandmother; Valerie Dull on the death of her mother; family and friends of Pat Gilhaus; Kevin Epps on the death of his grandfather; family and friends of Barbara Peterson; Alison Thornton and family on the death of her father.

SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders. PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve

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