The Connection - january 2012

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people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve

JANUARY 1 Epiphany Sunday Matthew 2: 1-12 “Extreme Gifts”

JANUARY 8 Genesis 1: 1-5 “Extreme Beginnings”

JANUARY 15 I Samuel 3: 1-10 “Extreme Faith”

JANUARY 22 Mark 1: 14-20 “Extreme Discipleship: The Ride of Your Life”

JANUARY 29 Mark 1: 21-28 “Extreme Discipline”


Christ United Methodist Church


Beginning January 1st, I want to invite you to join me in our new sermon series “Extreme Living.” You have heard about “extreme” sports. These are sports that are way-out there, intense, and in some cases so risky that it is not reasonable. Did you know you also could live extremely for Jesus Christ? Your life can be way-out there, intense, and in some cases so risky that it appears to be unreasonable.

what He tells us. Like Samuel, we must proclaim, “Here I am” when God calls us into action. It doesn’t matter what your age is or what stage you are going through in your life. God is looking for faithful followers. We need to be prepared for God to work at anyplace at anytime, and through anyone he chooses. God is looking for men and women who have extreme faith. He is calling… will you listen?

As we begin this series, we will take a look at the “Extreme Gifts” the Wise Men brought to the Christ Child. Why would you bring gold to a baby unless somehow you knew He was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Why would you bring frankincense, an incense used at the altar of God, unless somehow you knew He was going to be our perfect great High Priest? Why would you bring Myrrh, a burial spice used for embalming, unless you knew that someday He would die on our behalf to save us from our sins?

Finally, we will look at “Extreme Discipleship.” It should be a vital part of our lives. We should follow Jesus and teach others how to follow along the journey with us. We often assume that Jesus’ disciples were great men of faith from the first time they met Jesus. But they had to grow in their faith just as all believers do. Jesus is still calling us to follow him just like he did the very first disciples. It may take a while for God to get through our thick skulls, and there may be times when we may falter and fail. Whatever happens, the good news is God is not through with us yet, and we must never stop following Jesus.

We are also called to live with “Extreme Faith.” Listening and responding is vital in our relationship with God. Although God does not always use the sound of a human voice, God speaks clearly through His Word. To receive God’s messages we must be ready to listen and act upon

To be a follower of Christ we must practice “Extreme Discipline” by following Jesus and his mindset. Who is this Jesus? What is his mission? Where does his power come from? The answer, though obvious to the fallen angels that possessed the unknown man, are still unrealized by the disciples. Unrealized…we must focus on that concept in the form of a question. On a scale of one to ten, how much authority does Jesus have in your life? What would He have to cast out to rate a ten? I invite you to come and live an extreme life in Jesus at Christ United Methodist Church!

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Jesus also believed in “Extreme Beginnings,” as He exemplified through His baptism by John the Baptist to show to us how we should begin our life with Him. On January 8th, we will recall our own baptism, which calls us to live as people of the light even though we live in the face of much darkness. This will also be an opportunity for those who have never received baptism to come forward and be baptized.



Christ United Methodist Church


Worship is about coming together regularly as God’s covenant community to celebrate all the grace-filled ways God’s goodness has been and is being revealed to us and in our lives. As we worship God, we reaffirm our commitment to be God’s people. Just like God’s people through the ages, we need to observe and participate in special times of renewal, recommitment, and rededication. On Sunday, January 8th, the “extreme beginning” of Baptism will be the focus in morning worship. The story of Jesus’ baptism by John will be preached, and we’ll remember that Jesus showed us this was how to begin our life in relationship with Him. Those who’ve never been baptized will be invited to receive the Sacrament, and all who’ve been baptized already will be invited to remember. What will you remember? Remembering is not so much about recalling the particular day on which you were baptized. Rather remembering is about celebrating the gift of God’s divine grace. It’s God’s grace that identifies us as God’s people. We know God’s grace best in the gift of that grace, Jesus Christ. We journey through life living in the continuing presence of that grace, the Holy Spirit. What we remember is God’s grace was and never will be contingent on our goodness. What we celebrate is that God never withholds or withdraws divine grace in spite of how often we fail to accept that grace. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian who was imprisoned and ultimately executed for plotting against Hitler, once wrote this about God’s grace: “Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again, the gift which must be asked for, the door at which a man must knock. It is costly because it calls us to follow, and it is grace because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ.

It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life.” We cheapen God’s grace by leaving out the cross of Christ, Bonhoeffer said. When forgiveness is preached without any expectation of repentance or reconciliation, and when baptism is offered without any expectation that the church will keep its vows, we scorn God’s gift of divine, costly grace. So here are some things to consider as you prepare to remember. What nurture and support do you need from your brothers and sisters in Christ to deepen your own discipleship and become better equipped to persevere through life’s struggles? How is God calling you to ministry in daily life? Where is the Holy Spirit leading you? How will you live your life differently after you’ve remembered? You’re also invited to pray with Isaac of Nineveh, who wrote this over fourteen hundred years ago:

“. . . .O God my father and Lord of my life, illumine your lamp within me, place in me what belongs to you so that I may forget what belongs to myself. Cast upon me the constraint of wonder of you, so that the constraint of nature may be overpowered by it. Stir up within me the vision of your Mysteries so that I may become aware of what was placed in me at holy baptism. You paved within me a Guide: may he show me your glory at all times. Amen.”

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Salvation is not just an event; it’s also a journey, a journey of deepening our appreciation for the good news of Jesus Christ and enlarging our commitment to serve others in His name in spite of the challenges and changes life brings. Christians are “formed” by God’s grace in both good and difficult times, all through their lives.


The Alpha program is designed to help new believers learn the fundamentals of Christianity. This letter is a short synopsis of how God used the Alpha program to not only teach me these fundamentals but also to help rebuild the relationship between my mother and me. It all starts after I asked the Lord to take over my life in November 2006. At that time, I was on the Mark Stiles Unit in Beaumont and hadn’t spoken with my mother in almost 18 years. Shortly thereafter we started corresponding through the mail and visiting twice a month. For the next year and a half I began trying to learn who the Lord was and what it meant to be a Christian all while working on the relationship with my mom and living in a maximum security prison. This would all change after the parole board offered me the opportunity to attend the Inner Change Freedom Initiative Program at the Carol Vance Unit. It was at this time that I learned about the Christ United Methodist Church, Sugar Land involvement with the IFI program and the fact that my mother was a member of the church. Through her friends, we learned of the Alpha Program and that family members were allowed to come into the unit and attend the program. I participated in two 13-week segments of Alpha which my mother and stepfather both attended with me. During this time I learned important things that I had not be able to in my prior situation such as what faith is, why do Christians pray, what is hope, and much more. However also during this time my mother and I were able to discuss how and why we had lost the hope and faith in each other that led to the many years when we didn’t talk. We were also able to learn where each of us was now through the group discussions.


Christ United Methodist Church

The Alpha program played a significant role in helping me to learn a lot of the basic fundamentals of being a Christian that I hadn’t learned even though I had read many books trying to grow my faith. It also helped to grow and strengthen the relationship between my mother and me. Using the small group discussion, we were able to understand that although our memories of the past are a little different, it’s our relationship with Christ that allows us to forgive and grow.


Please join us at noon on January 15 for a free luncheon as we lift up Restorative Justice Ministry Sunday here at Christ Church. Our worship services that day will be filled with testimony and song from the men in prison whose lives are being changed by God. Come and join us in fun and fellowship as we celebrate people helping people find fullness in Christ. For info contact Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761. TAKE THE FREEDOM BUS

Join Pastor Mike and Congressman Pete Olson for a special ride on the Freedom Bus to Carol Vance Prison unit January 14 at noon. Come witness God’s power behind the bars! The bus will drop everyone off for a Freedom Walk Tour, so if you would like to see first-hand how God is working miracles, call Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761 by January 2 to reserve your seat!


September 2001, my good friend was murdered. A few months after the capture of the serial killer who took her life, a friend at church asked if I’d consider working the prison ministry. The words and moment of my response are crystal clear in my memory as I stood in our church and said, “Let them all rot in hell.” That moment frequently haunted me when sometime later I found myself sitting with my loved one in a prison visitation room. During time spent in that visitation room, my heart was broken as I watched a young man, so similar to one of my boys, meet his baby daughter for the first time. A private precious moment played out between plastic chairs and strangers. I watched as families struggled to hold their lives together crammed into a small room, sharing vending machine meals in the midst of guards and bars. The impact of each man’s incarceration tentacled out to those in his life. Smart, educated people were mixed with those steeped in poverty and ignorance as the prison system included all types. I soon realized, innocent or guilty, the price of a prison sentence is borne by the prisoner, the family members and each of us in our shared community. The request came again, this time from the Holy Spirit, to work in the prison ministry. I must admit I was not thrilled to go “inside” the Carol Vance Unit (CVU) when I volunteered for Alpha. My first visit the doors clanged too loudly. The guards looked mean. I was nervous to be in a room with 100+ prisoners. All of these “challenges” soon blurred into the background as God’s power and the moving of the Holy Spirit evidenced itself in an atmosphere of joy and hope that I have rarely experienced in the churches I’ve attended. I would never have imagined I’d find such fellowship in a prison! The CVU Alpha classes encourage the prisoner’s family members to attend with the inmate. This facilitates the Holy Spirit in rebuilding those broken relationships, strengthens the ties that will support the inmate upon his release and promotes accountability in the spiritual and legal aspects of his life. I am into my third Alpha class. My small groups have included a young man with NBA potential waylaid by drugs and several men you’d easily mistake for someone’s grandpa except for their white uniform. We share lively, joyous worship, an Alpha lesson and learn how each of us – inmate or facilitator – needs prayer, Bible study and the community of our fellow Christians to bring us through our trials and temptations to serve God to our best each day. I thought I went into the prison ministry to make a difference in the lives of the prisoners and their families. As so many of you know, our God works in mysterious ways. This prison ministry has proven to be as instrumental in creating changes in my life as the changes I may have brought about in the lives of others. For me, my friends in white at CVU keep the light of God burning brightly in my life as I share my time with them each Thursday evening.

HAVE YOU READ A GREAT BOOK LATELY? If you’ve read a Christian book recently that you’d like to share with others, please consider submitting a book review to Christ Corner Bookstore. Contact Tricia Baltazar for submissions or questions at

Normal bookstore hours are Sundays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm & Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.


Can religion reduce crime and delinquency? This is the question that criminologist Byron R. Johnson tackles in his recent release. He proves that religion CAN be a powerful antidote to crime. The book describes how faith communities, congregations, and faith-based organizations are essential in forming partnerships necessary to provide the human and spiritual capital to effectively address crime, offender rehabilitation, and the substantial aftercare problems facing former prisoners. There is scattered research literature on religion and crime but until now, there has never been one publication that systematically and rigorously analyzes what we know from this largely overlooked body of research in a lay-friendly format. The data shows that when compared to current strategies, faith-based approaches to crime prevention bring added value in targeting those factors known to cause crime: poverty, lack of education, and unemployment. In an age of limited fiscal resources, Americans can’t afford a criminal justice system that turns its nose up at volunteer efforts that could not only work better than the abysmal status quo, but also save billions of dollars at the same time. This book provides readers with practical insights and recommendations for a faith-based response that could do just that. To learn more about this intriguing subject and to learn what role you can play, please join Christ Church on January 14 for the More God, Less Crime Conference beginning at 10 am in the Family Life Center or visit for more information. More God, Less Crime is available for purchase from Christ Corner Bookstore at a special 20% off retail price in conjunction with the More God, Less Crime Conference.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve




Many United Methodist congregations observe a “Covenant Renewal Service” on New Year’s Day. But the first real celebration of the Covenant service in the Methodist movement was held by John Wesley on Monday, August 11, 1755. The seed for these services was planted some 92 years earlier by a Puritan named Richard Alleine who published a pamphlet entitled, A Vindication of Godliness in the Greater Strictness and Spirituality of It. This noble title attracted Wesley’s attention in 1753. And as Wesley found it to his liking, he republished one whole chapter of Alleine’s work in his “A Christian Library” anthology in 1753. Two years later Wesley was still being moved by Alleine’s writing and determined to fashion a meaningful worship celebration based on the content. He finished writing the order just before August, 1755. After that first experience Wesley wrote in his journal: “Many mourned before God, and many were comforted.” Wesley would conduct Covenant Renewal Services whenever he visited the Methodist Societies, though in London, where there were other clergy able to conduct them, these services came to be held on New Year’s Day. Twenty years later, Wesley was still holding Covenant services, writing in 1775: “I do not know that ever we had a greater blessing. Afterwards many desired to return thanks, either for a sense of pardon, for full salvation, or for a fresh manifestation of His graces, healing all their backslidings.” As time went by Wesley’s Covenant Renewal Service underwent several transformations. Several different versions of the service were developed. The present order retains only the Invitation and Covenant Prayer of Wesley’s original 1755 service. However, these two elements make up the “heart” of the service, for they invite persons to commit themselves to God— entirely! The covenant is serious, requiring preparation through study and prayer. What follows is Wesley’s Invitation. Read it prayerfully, and see if it does not speak to you, as you consider what you will do differently and what you will continue to do the same in the new year, 2012: Commit yourselves to Christ as his servants. Give yourselves to him, that you may belong to him. Christ has many services to be done. Some are more easy and honorable, others are more difficult and disgraceful. Some are suitable to our inclinations and interests, others are contrary to both. In some we may please Christ and please ourselves. But then there are other works where we cannot please Christ except by denying ourselves. It is necessary, therefore, that we consider what it means to be a servant of Christ. Let us, therefore, go to Christ, and pray: Let me be your servant, under your command. I will no longer be my own. I will give up myself to your will in all things. Be satisfied that Christ shall give you your place and work. Lord, make me what you will. I put myself fully into your hands: put me to doing, put me to suffering, let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and with a willing heart give it all to your pleasure and disposal. Christ will be the Savior of none but his servants. He is the source of all salvation to those who obey. Christ will have no servants except by consent; Christ will not accept anything except full consent to all that he requires. Christ will be all in all, or he will be nothing. Confirm this by a holy covenant. To make this covenant a reality in your life, listen to these admonitions: First, set apart some time, more than once, to be spent alone before the Lord; in seeking earnestly God’s special assistance and gracious acceptance of you; in carefully thinking through all the conditions of the covenant; in searching your hearts whether you have already freely given your life to Christ. Consider what your sins are. Consider the laws of Christ, how holy, strict, and spiritual they are, and whether you, after having carefully considered them, are willing to choose them all. Be sure you are clear in these matters, see that you do not lie to God. Second, be serious and in a spirit of holy awe and reverence. Third, claim God’s covenant, rely upon God’s promise of giving grace and strength, so you can keep your promise. Trust not your own strength and power. Fourth, resolve to be faithful. You have given to the Lord your hearts, you have opened your mouths to the Lord, and you have dedicated yourself to God. With God’s power, never go back. And last, be then prepared to renew your covenant with the Lord. Fall down on your knees, lift your hands toward heaven, open your hearts to the Lord, as we pray: ** What would you pray after hearing and accepting this Invitation? May God bless you with renewed commitment as you look forward to a new year. (**You can find the Covenant Prayer in The United Methodist Book of Worship.) We will be publishing periodic articles on our United Methodist heritage and beliefs. If you have a topic you would like addressed, please send your requests to Karen LaMotta at


Christ United Methodist Church






• All services, every first Sunday • Every Sunday in the Chapel, 8:00 to 8:15 am • Every Sunday in the hub, 11:15 to 11:30 am


Join us for “Ships in Bottles” presented by Burt Reckles of the Houston Maritime Museum. Worship is at 11 am in the Sanctuary followed by a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall. The program will be in the Sanctuary after lunch. $7 donation. Pre-registration is required for the meal and closes January 3. Reserve your space by emailing 4TH GRADE FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES FRIDAY, JANUARY 6 • 6 - 8 PM • ROOMS 210/211

You’re invited to come for a brief time of devotion followed by “undecorating” the church on Saturday, January 7, from 10 am to noon. We’ll carefully inventory and put away all our Advent and Christmas decorations so they are ready for next year’s celebrations. No need to sign up; just show up. Leftover Christmas goodies would be welcomed, and beverages and other snacks will be provided.

All 4th Graders are encouraged to join us on Friday January 6 for Pizza and a Movie. We will meet in room 210/211 from 6 - 8 pm. Bring $3 for the pizza and a dessert to share. We would love for you to invite your friends, bring a pillow and blanket and come have a FUN Friday Night. RSVP to Ingred Lathrop at 281.690.4748 or children@cumcsl. org by noon on Friday.



If you are experiencing the grief of loss or suffering due to illness or brokenness, God is ready to bring healing, wholeness and salvation to you. This service of hope and healing is held in the Sanctuary at 7 o’clock the second Tuesday of every month. Our worship together will include prayer, music, Scripture, and a time of anointing and the laying on of hands for prayer. Childcare will be provided.

All 4th and 5th Grade Guys and their dads are encouraged to join us for Sports Sunday on January 8 in the Family Life Center Gym from 1 - 2:30 pm.


Parents of youth in grades 5 - 12 are invited to attend a Parent Meeting with the Youth Director, Tripp Kerth. Come find out how your child(ren) can get involved in 2012 with our Youth group, including details and registration information regarding upcoming events such as retreats, missions and camps for the winter, spring and summer of the new year. For more details, please check out


Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options.

Normal bookstore hours are Sundays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm & Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.

For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG


Men of all ages, join the Older Adult Men for lunch and fellowship at Corelli’s. This is a wonderful cross generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond. TRADITIONAL CHINESE MUSIC CONCERT JANUARY 14 • 7:30 PM • SANCTUARY

The Traditional Chinese Music Concert is celebrating the Chinese New Year (The Year of the Dragon). This group performed a concert in August at our facility that was well attended and enjoyed by all. The performance starts at 7:30 on January 14, 2012. The Rev. Mike Mayhugh will present an introduction and message. This is an exciting way for us to connect with members of our community and invite them to visit our Church services. Tickets will be on sale at the Bookstore for $10 each.


people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Reserve your 2012 altar flower arrangement date in the Ministry Center. Cost is $50. Place checks payable to Christ Church in the manila envelope and be sure to write “altar flowers” on the memo line. Contact Stephanie Strickland at or 281.690.4747.





Want to find a small group, but don’t know where to look? Overwhelmed by where to start? Join the Women of Christ Church on Saturday, February 18 from 8:30 - 10 am for a breakfast and a chance to connect with small groups offered just for women. Come here our speaker, Lisa Mayhugh, share her thoughts with us. The event is free, but we ask that you register online or with Jeanne Damon at by February 15. WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HOMEGROUPS? JANUARY 22• 6:30 - 8:00 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

Join us for an informal gathering to connect with others and start forming more HomeGroups. We’ll be meeting in the Volunteer Center on Sunday, January 22 from 6:30-8. Contact Jeanne Damon at for more info or to RSVP.


Membership is about much more than having your name on a roster; it is a commitment to grow spiritually and to participate in our life together at Christ Church. If you are looking for a new church home, we invite you to participate in our New Member Class. It is a great opportunity to learn more about spiritual growth and how we can help one another in our journey to find fullness in Christ. You will get to know the pastors, meet staff, make new friends, learn the vision of our church, find your unique ways to serve, and discover how to connect to a greater involvement within the church. Reserve your spot at our Welcome Center or online.

NAME TAGS... Remember to wear your name tags. If you need one, please visit the Welcome Center.

For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG



Christ United Methodist Church


Curious about how God is creating REAL crime prevention? Join this 1 hour tour experience on Thursdays at either 2 or 7:30 pm. Sign up at least a week in advance. Bible studies and other groups are welcome! Contact Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761 to sign up or to get more information. PHONE VOLUNTEERS

Christ Church has a continuing opportunity for our members to serve in the church. It is a chance for you to be that first friendly voice people hear when they call our church. We are in need of two friendly people who will volunteer to take a half day shift at our receptionist desk each week for Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings. We will train you on how to operate the switchboard, help you to know how to answer questions, and equip in every way to perform this important task. To find out more about this ministry, contact Debbie Meier at dmeier@ PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MONDAYS & FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance, and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If you don’t know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you! Email Jan Randolph at for information. SENIOR RINGERS MONDAYS • 5 - 6 PM • CHOIR ROOM

This musical opportunity is available to all interested persons, especially Older Adults. It offers a place to learn, serve and fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. To join this ensemble, contact Molly Ness at 281.344.8343. BOY SCOUT TROOP 441 MULCH SALE NOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 6

We are selling several types of bag mulch as well as potting mix as a fund raiser starting now and going through February 6. Mulch will be delivered to your door on February 25. The profits from the sale wil help the boys pay for scouting activities. We will be in the Ministry Center January 15 - 29; come get more information and place your order. You can also call 281.352.6923. Please help our boys learn the rewards of self-reliance and achievement by purchasing your springtime mulch from them. MORE GOD, LESS CRIME CONFERENCE JANUARY 14 • 10 AM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER GYM

If you have a desire for witnessing God’s transformative love in action you won’t want to miss this regional conference on the powerful effects of faith in prison. Congressman Pete Olson will open this event here in the Christ Church Gym on January 14 starting at 10 am. Renowned criminologist and Distinguished Professor from Baylor University, Byron R. Johnson, will present the findings from his book “More God, Less Crime” proving that religion can be a powerful antidote to crime. Come hear how faith communities are making a real difference. Personal testimonies will also be given by current and former prisoners. The event includes lunch and ends with a field trip on the Freedom Bus to the Carol Vance Prison unit to witness God’s power behind the bars. Everyone is welcome! Register at .

Looking for a new ministry to serve in this New Year? It occurs one week each quarter right here at Christ Church and over 300 volunteer hours are logged in, so your help is needed. Family Promise, a program that reaches out to families displaced from their homes, returns to Christ Church for the first 2012 rotation the week of Sunday, January 22. Ways to serve in this ministry include behind the scenes such as providing supplies, setting up and breaking down the rooms, doing laundry, and providing meals. Opportunities such as being a Dinner Host, staying overnight, and staying at the Family Center the 2nd weekend provide contact with the families in need of Christian love. If you can extend your Christian hospitality, contact Kira Halcarz at kira. or 832.654.9356. CARPENTER’S HANDS “ONE DAY, GOD’S HOUSE” SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 • 8 AM* - 3:30 PM BREAKFAST BEGINS AT 7 AM

On May 21 Christ Church had approximately 150 volunteer workers (skilled and unskilled) do repairs, painting, refurbishing, and selected building improvements around the facility. Join us for our next Carpenters Hands event on Saturday, February 11, 2012. Breakfast (beginning at 7 am) and lunch are included, and our day will begin at 8 am with a time of devotion. Crews will be made up of a mix of skill levels, with at least one or two members having prior experience with the work to be done. Our purpose is to beautify the church as well as add practical improvements to the facility that will enhance current usages. FYSH ‘HOME BASE’ CAMP 2012 JUNE 4 - 7 • 8:30 AM - 3 PM DAILY

All youth who have completed 5th - 8th grade as of June 2012 are invited to join us this summer for FYSH ‘Home Base’ Camp. This is a great opportunity to help your student find their servant heart in a home-based environment, and to have them meet new friends through service, fellowship and worship. For more info and to register, please visit BIG HOUSE 2012 - SPACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 15 YOUTH WHO REGISTER JUNE 14 - 17 • CALDWELL, TX

We want to give opportunity for youth, 6th through the 8th grade, to come together and grow in their Christian experience, through all aspects of our mission trip, whether it be on the worksite, or in fellowship with one another. For more info and to register, please visit UM ARMY 2012 JULY 22 - 28

Join us in the summer of 2012, as we will be hosted by St. Paul’s UMC in Bridge City, TX for our UM Army Mission. During this week, participants will be assigned to work teams which combine their unique strengths and gifts in order to meet the home repair and maintenance needs of the less fortunate in the area. This is an amazing mission that allows us to share the Gospel message of love and hope offered by Jesus Christ through our hands and our hearts. For more info and to register, please visit

Every $1 bill placed in the offering plate each Sunday is known as a Mission Dollar. Mission Dollars are used for various mission needs. Here are some highlights of your mission dollars hard at work in 2011: • Purchased H-E-B cards for those that come to our church who are in desperate situations • Paid rent for a battered woman trying to stay in her apartment • Contributed to Christ Church’s H.O.M.E. Project Fee • Purchased much needed fuel for Great Commission Air’s Med Evac plane • Donated to Fort Bend Family Promise • Sponsored a room at the new Parks Youth Ranch for homeless teens • Paid for supplies to help restore Dabou Hospital in Cote d’Ivoire • Donated funds to help retired pastors in developing countries • Provided funding for East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry • Purchased Seafarer’s Boxes for the Port of Houston for sailors in need • Helped fund the medical evacuation of Chad Swenson • Sponsored a child of an inmate for the “Break the Cycle” Frontier Camp • Provided Mother’s Day Gift cards to the women of the Fort Bend County Shelter • Donated to the Red Bird Mission School for the poor in rural Appalachia • Adopted a student in Cote d’Ivoire, Africa • Donated to aid needed in flood-ravaged Pakistan • Purchased 20 Supply Kits for the Supply Our Students (SOS) Drive • Donated to Jobs Ministry Southwest to aid the unemployed • Contributed to Fort Bend Cares to further the outreach to children in need • Helped buy supplies for Free City Wide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve



WATCH FOR GREAT CHANGES IN 2012 The Communications Ministry at Christ Church is excited about upcoming opportunities in 2012 to better help invite, inform and inspire our guests, community and congregation in fresh, timely, and creative ways. Early in the year, you can expect to see our new logo begin to appear. As our church continues to align efforts with our vision and mission, we feel this change will be a major advance in promoting the unique ways Christ Church is called to glorify God and to make disciples of Jesus Christ. As part of the logo change, you will also notice new looks for our welcome brochure, ministry tri-folds and other print media. The crucial part of the entire visioning and promotional process, though, is each of us being committed to share our own faith stories, the unique story of Christ Church, and to invite others to be people helping people find fullness in Christ. Done well, we become individuals speaking with a powerful meaning as one family. Our logo is a tool in the process, not the process. Work is also underway on redesigning our website in order to update its look and functionality so we can offer even more ease of use and effectiveness in reinforcing that we are a unified church working toward a common mission. This process will include the development of a guest home page in addition to our main home page which will allow us to be more invitational and provide a more user friendly starting point for people who are new to our church or those who are just looking for a few basics about us. We will also update our e-blast format which currently has over 1,500 viewers. In addition, the Communications Team is moving to a monthly publication of The Connection. This will allow us to continue to provide the extensive, inspirational newsletter you have seen in 2011 as well as allow the team to focus on additional communications opportunities. Each edition will promote events for the coming month and will be mailed approximately 10 days before the month begins. Copies will continue to be available throughout the month in literature racks, at the Welcome Center and online (on our website, Facebook page and through a link on our weekly e-blast) using our new issuu subscription which you can locate here: Our team feels privileged to serve Christ Church and we aim for excellence, clarity, and appropriate balances between information and inspiration, as well as balance between needs of guests and our own ministry audience. How we all communicate with each other brings our values to life and truly communicates who we are. Please help us celebrate the amazing ways God is using Christ United Methodist Church for the transformation of the world. Create lots of conversations, invite, invite, invite, and give thanks to God for exciting changes coming in 2012.


Christ United Methodist Church


During the spring and fall of each year, Christ Church hosts Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship (WBSF). Through WBSF, participants are afforded a wonderful chance to meet other women and to focus on a study of God’s Word. All women are invited to be part of WBSF! The cost for each session is fixed and includes all class materials. Groups meet at the church for approximately 2 hours each week. Visit to register online. We are offering three great studies in Spring 2012: • Jeanette Stoltz will lead “Live Relationally: Lessons from the Women of Genesis” on Mondays at 9:30 am starting January 30. Cost is $20. • Laura Gratz will lead the Precept Upon Precept study “Philippians: How to Have Joy” on Tuesdays at 9:30 am starting January 10. Cost is $35. • Debe Fannin will lead “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” on Thursdays, starting January 12. Cost is $20. Need childcare? Limited space available with an advance reservation only by contacting Kim Ripley at 281.690.4784. MIDDLE SCHOOL FLIPSIDE • SUNDAYS • 5 - 7:15 PM • GYM

All middle school youth (6th – 8th grade) are invited to join us in the Family Life Center Gym every Sunday night from 5 - 7:15 pm. We will begin with games, then move to a small group time and end with worship. HIGH SCHOOL THE LOFT • SUNDAYS • 6:15 - 8:30 PM • FLC

This is a great place for high school youth to hang out and relax together in Christian fellowship, Sundays from 6:15 - 8:30 pm in the Family Life Center. THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 7 - 8:30 PM • CHAPEL

High school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday evenings from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Chapel. UMW BOOKCLUB SECOND TUES. OF EACH MONTH • VOLUNTEER CENTER

Please join us January 10, 2012 as we begin a new book Old Testament Prophets for Today by Carolyn J. Sharp. We meet in the Volunteer Center the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Contact Benita Sebesta at or 281.732.2217 for more information. 5TH GRADE GIRLZ BIBLE STUDY STARTING JANUARY 11• REGISTER ONLINE NOW

All 5th Grade Girls are invited to join us for a 4-week Bible study starting on Wednesday January 11 through February 1. We will meet in the ground floor room 11/12 for snack and study. Mom’s this is a really great time for the girls and we encourage you to load up a group from your daughter’s school and bring them from 3:30 - 4:30. This has proven to be a really special time for our 5th grade girls as they look toward their transition into middle school. Please register on line so we know how many to feed, or you can RSVP to Ingred Lathrop at 281.690.4748 or

For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG



This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The January 18 meeting will be a discussion of The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join Book Club. SPIRITUAL GIFTS - WHAT ARE MINE? WEDNESDAYS, BEGINNING JANUARY 18 • 7 - 8 PM ROOM 305

Wondering what God’s will is for you? A very good place to start is by figuring out the spiritual gifts HE gave to you. Join us for a 6-week study beginning Wednesday, January 18 using the book Spiritual Gifts by David Francis. The study is $10 and requires outside reading of the book which can be completed in 30 minutes each week. Visit to register online. ALPHA WEDNESDAYS, BEGINNING JANUARY 18 • 7 - 8:30 PM VOLUNTEER CENTER

Alpha is a relaxed and fun opportunity to explore your questions and learn more about Christianity. No question is regarded as too simple or too difficult. All are invited to come explore with us. Alpha is a 9-week program, beginning Wednesday, January 18, 2012 from 7 8:30 pm. Childcare is available. Visit to register online. ACQUIRE THE FIRE (ATF) JANUARY 20 - 21, 2012 • GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH

Start the New Year off right by joining the Christ Church Youth group in attending Acquire the Fire (ATF) over the weekend of January 20 21, 2012. This is a high energy two-day event produced by a national touring group and attended by youth from throughout the Houston area and includes awesome worship, speakers and small group time. To view more about the upcoming tour, go to All youth in grades 7-12 and adults are invited to attend. Registration end January 15. Cost is $49, and you can register online. Hope to see you there! YOUTH MID-WINTER RETREAT 2012 @ FOREST GLEN FEBRUARY 17 - 19

Join us for our District Mid-Winter Retreat. This year we will be heading to the piney woods of Huntsville by attending Mid-Winter at Forest Glen Camp. Come reconnect with your friends from summer camp and meet some new ones! Please note changes on pricing: Early Bird (thru 1/23): $165 Youth and $105 Adults Late (thru 2/6): $190 Youth and $130 Adults Check out all the details online at

This class is composed of singles and couples of all ages with a participatory format and Bible-based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS

This class consists of couples in their 30’s - 50’s, with children of all ages. This group is a discussion-oriented class studying a variety of Biblical topics. We use study guides, videos, guest speakers and music to enhance our studies. Meets in room 302/303 in the Family Life Center. BARNABAS

This class is a friendly community consisting of adults in their 40’s - 60’s united by a shared belief in Christ, seeking and providing encouragement to one another through prayer, Bible study, topical studies and lots of fellowship. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL

All singles are invited to join us for our new Sunday School class. Meets in room 309 in the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST

This class consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. It is a relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS

All ages and stages of life are welcome (married, single, single on Sunday). This class has a participatory rather than lecture format. We love a great discussion! Study facilitators rotate among interested class members. Meets in room 301 in the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES

This class is composed of choir members who love to study God’s word and discuss relevant issues. Meets in the Choir Room. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)

Our name reflects our focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out our activities for members, ages 40’s - 70’s. Meets in room 311 in the Family Life Center. JUBILEE

This class is made up of mature individuals, ages 50+ who enjoy the fellowship of others and share in the nourishment gained from Bible-based studies. Lively discussions abound under the leadership of Jan Randolph. Meets in rooms 11/12. SEEKERS

This is a class of mixed ages with couples, singles, and single on Sundays that concentrates on Bible study, missions and lively discussion. Meets in room 308 in the Family Life Center. STAGES

This class consists of single parents, remarried couples, and blended families, ages 30-50’s, exploring a mix of Biblical studies and contemporary issues. Meets in room 310 in the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)

This class is made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. THE HUB LIFEGROUP

From 9:45 - 10:45 in the Family Life Center Gym each Sunday morning. Come explore God’s Word in a relaxed and comfortable setting. WEAVERS

This class is made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. This class is very mission-oriented. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS


people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


This class is made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. We primarily do Bible-based studies and various service projects. Meets in room 307 in the Family Life Center. YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Primarily for college and career aged, 18-29. Meets in the Family Life Center Gym.


Christ United Methodist Church

For nine years, the Adventurer ’s Sunday School class has been packing and sending holiday gift boxes to the troops. In that time, they have shipped over 4,000 boxes to those ser ving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The people of Christ Church have supported this ef fort by generously donating items including candy, snacks, magazines and games. In addition, children from Christ Church and local elementar y schools have written letters and cards of support to include in the boxes. The project involves a great deal of work on the part of the class, but as one member of Adventurers explained, “The letters and cards we receive back from the troops of fer us more love than our ef fort.” These are just some of the thank you notes sent this year to the class and Christ Church.

Name: Zachar y G. Smith Address: Afghanistan zachar All, thank you so much for the care package you guys sent. Your package was originally sent and received by Alex Urankar but he was kind enough to share it with me as I’m one of his best friends. We shared it with a lot of our younger Marines and it brought so much morale and happiness to so many. Also, the letters that were written were ver y kind! Please tell all the kids thank you so much. The books, socks, and candy were amazing! Thank you so much again and feel free to write back. God bless.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Zachar y Smith





We are delighted you are part of Christ Church. If you have a question or if we can help you within the life of the church, please feel free to contact us. CHRIST CHURCH STAFF

Dear Congregation: We are writing to express our deepest thanks for your recent donation to Fertile Ground. Generous gifts from donors like you provide the financial and moral support needed to continue our mission. There is no doubt that the need is huge. There are an estimated 35,000 ex-offenders returning to our area annually. However; the support of Christ Church, (a Church on the move) is making it possible for the formerly incarcerated to receive the gift of a “Transformed Life.” There is no way to fully express our gratitude for your loyalty to the “Last, the Least, and the Lost.” We at Fertile Ground are continually inspired by the dedication and generosity of partners like you who truly answer the call again and again. Thank you again for your compassionate support in our expansion project. We hope that you will continue to partner with us in our commitment to “The Least of These.”


Sincerely, The “Men of Fertile Ground”

Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor Rev. Jason Nelson, Exec. Director of Discipleship Ministries Karen LaMotta, Exec. Dir. of Outreach Ministries Jeanne Damon, Discipleship Ministries Stacey Fleck, Business Manager Roland Huysman, Facilities Tripp Kerth, Youth Ministries Ingred Lathrop, Children’s Ministries Jan Randolph, Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Music Ministries Renee Teel, Mission Ministries For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Dorothy Hallett, Sue Gaston, Debbie Seime’s nephew, Tom Pace’s mother, Janice Gilbert, Geri Torno’s daughter, Kristen Hattingh’s co-worker, Deborah Dinsmoor, Lillian Bussells, Diane Sindelar’s mother, Ann Caraway, Ginger Musgrove, Tracye Han’s friend, Sherry Raven’s uncle, Milly Bergman’s friend, Gen Jordan’s friend, Stacy Howdeshell’s aunt, and all those serving in the military. ANSWERED PRAYERS... Linda Barnett’s mother, Jean Garrison; Georgia Dagonir’s friend’s son, Nelda Adam’s daughter, Sue Harris, Diana Gordon’s daughter & son, Diana Gordon’s step-son, The Mayhugh family, Cheryl Herrington-Foster’s family friend. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO... Barry Gilbert on the death of his mother; Bob Ripley on the death of is niece; Rick Nagai on the death of his mother; friends and family of Cathy Petru; Pat Kelly on the death of her husband; Missy Waterwall on the death of her mother; Al Guerrero and family on the death of his son. SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US

Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders. PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve

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