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July 1: You Are Responsible For How You Handle Life Mark 5:21-43 I do not know about you but I have noticed that, whereas the highs make me glow, the lows make me grow. I believe this is why God put us in a world of both pleasure and pain, good and evil, highs and lows. The highs keep us going, but the lows keep us growing -- emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. May God through the Holy Spirit grant us faith to trust in Him in all things. C.S. Lewis said, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”
July 8: You Are Responsible To Share The Good News Mark 6:1-13 Have you noticed that Jesus’ ministry and message was not about up or down, success or failure, winning or losing? Jesus got to taste the raw f lavor of failure at the very onset of His public ministry because Jesus was fully human and fully divine at the same time. Jesus experienced what we experience when we go out into the world and try to
witness for Christ. Jesus made it clear that all who heard the gospel were responsible for what they did with it. The disciples were not to blame if the message was rejected, as long as they had faithfully and carefully presented it. We are not responsible when others reject Christ’s message of salvation, but we do have the responsibility to share the Good News clearly and faithfully.
July 15: You Are Responsible For Your Choices Mark 6:14-29 For over 4,000 years, the prophets of old have been crying out: “Choose you this day who you will serve.” Those that have died and gone before, who bravely fought the good fight so that we might hear the Good News today, are crying out: “Choose who you will serve!” You are a free moral agent created in the image of God; therefore, it is your choice to follow Jesus or not.
July 22: You Are Responsible For Who Feeds You Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 When you sense that need for rest and hunger, do you come searching for Jesus or do you try to fill that void with something else? We all need to stop and sharpen our spiritual axes and let Jesus fill our spiritual hunger so we can be effective in ministry.
July 29: You Are Responsible For Faith-Based Living John 6:1-21 Jesus knows how to solve our problems, our city’s problems, and our world’s problems. All He asks of us is the faith to bring our problems to Him and faithfully obey His lead, and then we will see Him work in ways far beyond what we can ask or imagine.
See you Sunday,
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
The only difference between being responsible and being irresponsible whittles down to two things: accountability and adaptability. What am I responsible for as a Christian? Jesus sends the disciples out on their own to proclaim and live the life Jesus lives in their presence. They are on their own because Jesus is not traveling with them. Or is He? Jesus gives them the command to proclaim, heal, and overcome evil and also gives them authority do to so. They are to go in His name, spirit, and power. Our mission may seem overwhelming until we remember that with our mission comes authority. We are responsible to go out into the world as Jesus commanded but we do not go alone. We go in the name, spirit, and power of God. May we be responsible to our calling “to go”!
sing, we bear witness to what we believe and help usher in the reign of God. Singing in the reign of God is one way we transmit primary (or essential) beliefs about God and Christ and the Spirit to future generations. Singing gives us a way to live into the story of Jesus Christ and call upon the promises of God. Great hymns perpetuate God’s story as that story is told in the hymn’s words. That’s why the words endure, even when the tunes change with the times. Charles Wesley, John’s youngest brother, and the 18th child born to parents Samuel and Susanna, was a great hymn writer. He wrote over 7,000 hymns. Almost all of them were poetic masterpieces, though a few were quite bad and have thankfully disappeared from the canons of hymnody. Many of his hymns are still sung in traditional worship services, and some have been re-mixed, or combined with more modern songs for contemporary and emergent-style services. The words of Charles Wesley’s hymns have endured for over four centuries. Charles’ contemporaries, Henry Ward Beecher and Robert Southey, often gave him high praise, referring to his hymns as treasures and stating they’d rather have written one of his hymns than have all the fame in the world. Among the treasures he gave us are these: “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” “Ye Servants of God,” “Spirit of Faith, Come Down,” “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,” “A Charge to Keep I Have,” along with the Christmas classics, “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” and “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing,” as well as a hymn that’s sung every Easter, “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” There are 43 additional Charles Wesley hymns in our Methodist hymnal, along with 8 other poems and 6 responses. Nearly all of Charles’ hymns were Bible-centered. There was hardly a scriptural passage that he did not include in a hymn or poem. Once one of his hymns was analyzed and found to contain over 40 different references to Biblical texts. In addition, there was also much teaching on Christian theology. Charles’ favorite theological themes were the doctrines of the grace of God, the assurance of salvation, the witness of the Holy Spirit, and the will of God to make us perfect in love in this lifetime. It’s been said that what we believe of God we learn from the hymns and songs we sing. Hymns are thus considered “primary theology,” or the source of what we primarily believe about God and how God acts in history. Thus as we
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Shortly before his death, Charles Wesley wrote his last hymn, based on Hosea 14:2 which reads: “Take words with you and return to the Lord; say to him, ‘Take away all guilt; accept that which is good, and we will offer the fruit of our lips.’” When he became so weak he could no longer sit and hold his pen, he moved back to his bed and called in his wife to write the last words as he dictated them: “In age and feebleness extreme, who shall a sinful worm redeem?” Charles knew the answer, of course, for in his lifetime he had experienced the mercy and forgiveness of God, he had accepted the goodness of God, and he most definitely had offered the fruit of his lips. Three of his children survived. The oldest son became a Roman Catholic and the greatest organist of his day. He wrote music before he could write the alphabet and by age 8 had composed the oratorio, Ruth. His daughter became a poet and friend of Dr. Samuel Johnson. His youngest son, and namesake, could play the harpsichord before he was 3 years old, and by age 18, was regularly being summoned by King George III to play in the palace at Windsor. One of his grandsons became Chaplain to the Queen and another, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, became even more famous as a musician, poet, and hymn-writer. Charles Wesley was converted one day before his brother, John, went out into the fields to preach alongside John, was frequently mobbed like John, and started the first Methodist Society long before John began establishing them everywhere. His contribution to the Methodist movement was significant and continues through his hymns, so that we might also offer the fruit of our lips.
We will be publishing periodic articles on our United Methodist heritage and beliefs. If you have a topic you would like addressed, please send your requests to Karen LaMotta at KarenL@cumcsl.org.
“O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of his grace! My gracious Master and my God, assist me to proclaim, to spread through all the earth abroad the honors of thy name.”
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
-Charles Wesley
On July 4th, Americans will observe Independence Day, that historic day when the document declaring our independence from Great Britain was officially adopted. To commemorate the day, we’ll gather together with family and friends to enjoy summer-time treats like hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon and homemade ice cream. We’ll play games and perhaps even swim in the surf or the pool. And as the day comes to a close, we’ll cheer the bursts of fireworks appearing all around us, lighting up the nighttime sky.
As human beings, we place a high value on independence, beginning at a very young age. My son was f lexing his “independence muscle” early on in life, first insisting that he could pour his own milk… then make his own bed… then retrieve that book from the top shelf of the bookcase, all without my assistance. His “muscle f lexing” empowered and emboldened him to pursue even greater degrees of selfsufficiency through the years. I recall first welcoming and taking great pride in his movements toward independence; that is, until the time for him to depart for college arrived and I wished we could somehow return to the start of his life, when he relied upon me for everything! But, like humans are wont to do, he is seeking (and is finding) independence.
“When I decided to give my life over to the care of Christ it seemed as though I was riding a tandem bike with Christ pedaling on the back seat. I kept steering the bike as best as I could. It was a hard and rocky road. So I kept pleading for Christ to pedal harder to help me make it through the dangerous areas. There were treacherous corners, steep mountains, large rocks and deep holes on the road I was traveling. Because of the complexity of the path I kept crashing the bike and running off the road. I kept getting injured and I often lost hope that I could follow such a difficult path. After several serious mishaps, my Savior asked, ‘Might I steer for a while?’ Reluctantly, I agreed and climbed on the back of the bike and began pedaling as best as I could. I watched in wonder as to the new way that Christ maneuvered the
Given our seemingly innate desire for freedom, it is almost counter-intuitive to strive for complete reliance upon Christ. But the Bible reminds us time and again that dependence on Christ is the key to abundant living; to fruitfulness. John 15:5 states: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” Christ is the vine, providing sustenance and care to those branches attached to Him. Branches most reliant upon Christ will be stronger and more fruitful. While on my Walk to Emmaus, I heard a story that painted for me a wonderful mental picture of a life rooted in, or reliant upon, Christ:
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bicycle through the obstacles on the path. He was able to navigate through every danger ahead. If I ever felt frightened He would lean back and touch me with comforting assurance. When I needed rest, He would stop pedaling to give me living water and the bread of life. He guided me to places and people who helped me gain knowledge, healing, acceptance and joy. Now I understand,
Independence, like that wrought from the British over 200 years ago, is often a noble quest. And humans seem inclined to seek it. Still, great beauty is found in God’s plan of total dependence upon Christ. When I allow Christ to do the driving along the roadway that is my life, rocky roads become less treacherous, the pedaling becomes easier, and navigating the path God has set before me becomes less taxing because Christ offers me nourishment, rest and encouragement all along the way. So, on July 4th, I’ll join with my fellow Americans in the festivities of the day, honoring those who bravely fought so that we might have the privilege of living in the manner that we do, enjoying the gift of independence. But I hope that my celebration will most importantly include thanks to God for His gift of dependence, a dependence I pledge to daily seek. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son… the True Vine on whom we can rely as we journey through life.
the power of the tandem bike is to let Christ do the steering and when I think that maybe I can’t do it anymore, Christ always smiles at me and reminds me to keep pedaling.”
This independent, self-sufficient approach to life is the fundamental sin of so many of us... It is the refusal of grace. It is the failure to acknowledge Abba as the Divine Almsgiver. It is Adam and Eve reaching for the apple all over again. But, luckily, self-sufficiency can take us only so far. Sooner or later we run up against a brick wall. We get a sudden glimpse into our existential selfdeficiency. We finish eating the apple and discover, a few hours later, that we are hungry again. We gradually realize where we actually are and where we truly belong.
-Albert Haase
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
(Author unknown)
Designing children’s worship is the focus of my Sabbatical in July. It’s a given that all children need safe environments and the loving support of trustworthy adults to develop a foundation upon which to build a life of faith. To that end we’re bringing our whole family together – grandparents, parents, and children – so we can pray and play together, prepare and share meals together, and build memories that will last a lifetime. We’ll read those stories from the Bible where the people did what God wanted them to do, and we’ll sing simple songs as well as learn to recognize the Lord’s Prayer, the Doxology, and the books of the Bible. We’ll choose a day to spend baking Communion bread and designing a celebration of the Lord’s Supper that will help them deepen their understanding of this Sacrament. With God’s help, the children will get to observe their older (and much older) family members praying, reading the Bible, talking about God and their own faith, offering thanks to God, and giving back to God through acts of service, even as all of us together experience the wonder and awe of God’s amazing creation and what it means to be good stewards of what’s been given us. I suspect the faith of we older (and much older) ones will grow the most because children are so open to God. Jesus knew that and welcomed them every chance He got. All children try to make sense of the world through the stories they hear, the images they encounter, and the experiences they have. It’s sad when the only stories and images and experiences available to them are limited to what the world has to offer. My prayer for all of you this July is you’ll be mindful of the children in your life and consider what they might be missing when it comes to worship of God. Then fill the gaps.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
JULY 30 - AUGUST 3 K - 5th GRADE PHONE: 281.980.6888, EXT.4765 • KIMR@CUMCSL.ORG
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Sunday July 1 2:00 - 6:00 pm Christ United Methodist Church 3300 Austin Parkway
Unique jewelry & accessories, home décor, custom artwork, make-up & health products, gourmet foods, party decorations, and more!!
vendor information: mops.cumc.sugarland@gmail.com
GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO INVITE YOUR NEIGHBORS! CHURCH PICNIC & MOPS FIRECRACKER FAIR 2 - 6 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER Mark your calendars for the MOPS Firecracker Fair and Church Picnic, to be held on July 1 in the Family Life Center at Christ Church! The Firecracker Fair, a craft fair and silent auction, begins at 2 pm, while the church picnic begins at 4 pm. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and lemonade will be served at the picnic, and church members will be asked to contribute potluck sides and desserts. A Skeeters’ baseball mascot will be our special guest from 4:30 to 5:30 pm to help generate excitement for the August 12 “Faith Night” game and concert at Constellation Field, sponsored by Christ Church. Faith Night tickets will be available for purchase at the picnic on a first-come, first-served basis for $12 each. Please contact Missy Thompson missylonghorn98@gmail.com if you are interested in helping with this fun event!
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
FAA MUSICAL THEATER CAMP JULY 9 - 13 & 16 - 20 • 9 AM - 3 PM
The Fine Arts Academy will be offering a two-week Musical Theater Camp for 1st - 12th graders this summer. Camp will be held July 9 - 13 and July 16 - 20 from 9 am - 3 pm. Campers will prepare for two different plays: The Junior Ninja Force and Beware! The Midnight Hour!. The final performance on July 20 will include both 20-minute plays. Camp is $225; please contact us regarding the sibling discount (10% negotiable).
SAGE WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 • 12 - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
• All services, every first Sunday • Every Sunday in the Chapel, 8 to 8:15 am • Every Sunday in the hub, 11:15 to 11:30 am
The best way to wholeness and health is to walk with God in all of life, in good times and bad. God wants to be present in our lives, so that healing may come. Come meet Jesus, the Healer, on Tuesday evening, July 10. CHANGE IN ROUTINE
On Sunday, August 26, the recycling of worship bulletins will end in the Sanctuary. The baskets will be removed from the back doors. One of the goals of our Communications Team is to re-train you to take your bulletin home so you can refer to it for information on upcoming ministry events, find out who the contact persons are, and discover how you can get connected, how you can serve, and where you’re needed. Think about this, too: you can also use your bulletin to introduce neighbors, co-workers, and friends to the church as you invite them to come with you. Help share the good things happening at Christ Church by recycling in a new way - out in the neighborhood, and out in the world! Help support the staff, lay leaders, and volunteers by allowing your bulletin to remind you to pray for them. Help yourself by stepping out in faith, praying over the ministry announcements, and asking God to show you how you might get connected by serving. Thank you for your support in this effort.
Medical specialists from Sugar Land Methodist Hospital partner with Christ Church to present monthly seminars on preventive medicine recommendations, latest news in treatment options, and other topics relevant to their specialty. Everyone welcome. OLDER ADULT FAITH AND FITNESS TUESDAYS AT 11 AM & FRIDAYS AT 9:30 AM • ROOMS 302/303
Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to focus on prayer, scripture and physical fitness (flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength and breathing). Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15, 2 days a week is $30. COME LEARN TO PRAISE DANCE JULY 9 - 10, 16 - 17 • 11 AM - 12 PM
The Fine Arts Academy is offering free praise dance classes on July 9, 10, 16, and 17. All generations encouraged to participate (ages 11 - 99)! Participants will be performing their new “gift” in worship services on July 22. Come learn something new! No dance experience required. Contact Tracei Wilson at tracei@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4759 to sign up.
July is the month we get a bit more casual in worship. The Choir takes the month off, but Lahonda plans for hymn sings, special solos and duets. The hub is casual every Sunday! The pastors send their robes to the cleaners and enjoy wearing street clothes for a change. Communion’s by intinction in all the services to give the volunteers a break. Because summer Sundays often have people headed from church to outings and family events, everyone’s invited to come dressed for their day. Summer’s also a great time to invite neighbors, co-workers, and friends to church. Start with July 1; it’s a Communion Sunday and the day for our all-church picnic. As usual, Forgiven is calling for a shorts, sandals and Hawaiian shirt day on July 8th in the 8:15 service! The band will join you in dressing this way and prizes will be given for the wildest Hawaiian shirts. If you think you’ve got the wildest one, make sure David Daniels sees it! Hope to see you there. FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL
If you’ve read a Christian book recently that you’d like to share with others, please consider submitting a book review to Christ Corner Bookstore. Contact Tricia Baltazar for submissions or questions at ccb@cumcsl.org.
Normal bookstore hours are Sundays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm & by appointment Monday-Friday
For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
This class is composed of singles and couples of all ages with a participatory format and Bible-based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS
This class consists of couples in their 30’s - 50’s, with children of all ages. This group is a discussion-oriented class studying a variety of Biblical topics. We use study guides, videos, guest speakers and music to enhance our studies. Meets in room 302/303 in the Family Life Center. BARNABAS
This class is a friendly community consisting of adults in their 40’s - 60’s united by a shared belief in Christ, seeking and providing encouragement to one another through prayer, Bible study, topical studies and lots of fellowship. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL
All singles are invited to join us. Meets in room 309 in the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST
This class consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. It is a relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS
All ages and stages of life are welcome (married, single, single on Sunday). This class has a participatory rather than lecture format. We love a great discussion! Study facilitators rotate among interested class members. Meets in room 301 in the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES
This class is composed of choir members who love to study God’s word and discuss relevant issues. Meets in the Choir Room. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)
Our name reflects our focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out our activities for members, ages 40’s - 70’s. Meets in room 311 in the Family Life Center. JUBILEE
This class is made up of mature individuals, ages 50+ who enjoy the fellowship of others and share in the nourishment gained from Bible-based studies. Lively discussions abound under the leadership of Jan Randolph. Meets in rooms 11/12. SEEKERS
This is a class of mixed ages with couples, singles, and single on Sundays that concentrates on Bible study, missions and lively discussion. Meets in room 308 in the Family Life Center.
It’s time to update our records! To do so, we’re asking all families with children ages birth through entering 5th Grade to complete an online Sunday School/Nursery registration form for the 2012-2013 school year. The link to the registration form can be found at www.cumcsl. org/children. Please complete this registration prior to August 1. Children will move to their new classes on Promotion Sunday, August 26. Classroom assignments will be e-mailed to registered children the week prior to Promotion Sunday. GROW GROUPS ARE....GROWING!!
Beginning September 9, Christ Church will begin a church-wide study entitled The Master Plan of Evangelism. We hope you’ll join us by participating in or facilitating this short-term study. All facilitators will be well-equipped to lead their Grow groups, as training will be provided to them by Mike Mayhugh in August. If you feel called to serve as a Grow group facilitator, please contact Tricia Baltazar at 281.690.4774 or tricia@cumcsl.org. Registration for this study will begin on July 15. BEYOND THE GOLD SPORTS CAMP
Children’s Ministries is excited that UW Sports Ministry will be at Christ Church July 30 through August 3. The Ministry team provides quality coaching while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Children that have completed Kindergarten through 5th Grade can choose basketball, cheer, flag football, or soccer. A special Team 45 Camp will be available for children entering Kindergarten this fall (age 5 by 9/1/12). A special prize will be given to the Christ Church kid that registers the most friends! Camp time is 5 - 8:15 pm. Cost is $65. Registration is available online. Sign up today!! If you are a youth or adult and have an interest in sports or children, this is a great serve opportunity for you! We need volunteers for all of the following areas: Coaching, Prayer, Registration, Security, Snack, Sports Flash. For complete job descriptions and/or more information please check the church webpage or contact Kim Ripley at kimr@ cumcsl.org or 281.690.4765.
This class consists of single parents, remarried couples, and blended families, ages 30-50’s, exploring a mix of Biblical studies and contemporary issues. Meets in room 310 in the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)
This class is made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. THE HUB LIFEGROUP
From 9:45 - 10:45 in the Family Life Center Gym each Sunday morning. Come explore God’s Word in a relaxed and comfortable setting. WEAVERS
This class is made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. This class is very mission-oriented. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS
This class is made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. We primarily do Bible-based studies and various service projects. Meets in room 307 in the Family Life Center. FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Primarily for college and career aged, 18-29. Meets in the Family Life TWITTER.COM/CUMCSL Center Gym.
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Summer Camps are continuing through the end of July! We have lots of options for children currently 3 years of age through 5th grade. For a complete list of camps with online registration, please go to www. cumcsl.org/camp. For more information, contact Kim Ripley at kimr@ cumcsl.org or 281.690.4765. STUDY OF PAUL, HIS LIFE, WRITINGS, AND MINISTRY TO BEGIN SUNDAYS • 9:45 AM • ROOM 301
The Grace Abounds Sunday School class is beginning a new study on the life and ministry of the apostle Paul. The study will take us through Paul’s life, conversion, writings, and missionary journeys in the new Christian churches. Join us at 9:45 am in Room 301 (Family Life Center near the hub) to learn more about the study, which is expected to run through the year. If you are searching for a Sunday School class, we’d love to meet you! Drop-ins are welcome. Contact Norma Pharr at Pharrbo@aol.com or Robin Henry at RobinHenry62@earthlink.net for more information.
Please join us for a church-wide study on the book, The Master Plan of Evangelism. “Few books have had as great an impact on the cause of world evangelization in our generation as Robert Coleman’s The Master Plan of Evangelism.” – Billy Graham. What is The Master Plan of Evangelism? The Master Plan of Evangelism is a classic work on Christian Evangelism written by Robert E. Coleman, distinguished Professor of Evangelism and Discipleship at GordenConwell Theological Seminary. This amazing book also features an interactive group-oriented study guide, which can be completed in 11 sessions. How will this study help me? Participants will be challenged and encouraged in their efforts toward reaching our world for Christ. Participants will also receive instruction directly from the Bible on how to fulfill God’s priority for His people, which is to reach out in love to a confused and dying world with the good news of God’s forgiveness and peace and hope through Jesus Christ. What is the timeframe? The Master Plan of Evangelism study will begin Sunday, September 9 and conclude Sunday, November 18. This study will consist of 9 study sessions, supplemented with a video teaching component for each session, and 2 sessions on developing Your Plan. Where is the study offered? Participants will be taking this study in one of our many participating Grow groups. This includes many of our current Sunday School classes, as well as many of our HomeGroups and other campus-based Grow groups that meet throughout the week. New Grow groups are currently being established for our September 9 start date. When & how do I register? Registration begins July 15 and will continue through September 9. Grow cards will be available throughout the church and online registration will be available beginning July 15 on our website at www.cumcsl.org. More Questions? Interested in hosting a Grow group for this study? Contact Tricia Baltazar at 281.690.4774 or tricia@cumcsl.org.
All middle school youth (6th – 8th grade) are invited to join us in the Family Life Center Gym every Sunday night from 5 - 7:15 pm. We will begin with games, then move to a small group time and end with worship. HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAYS • 6:15 - 8:30 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER
This is a great place for high school youth to hang out and relax together in Christian fellowship, Sundays from 6:15 - 8:30 pm in the Family Life Center. 412 - THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 7 - 8:30 PM • CHAPEL
High school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday evenings from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Chapel. RELAY FOR LIFE - CONFIRMATION PROGRAM 2013
Registration for our upcoming Confirmation program, “Relay for Life,” beginning in January 2013 is now open online. Beginning on January 27, 2013, and ending on May 5, 2013, this program is open to all incoming 6th graders and any other middle school youth not yet confirmed. Program cost is $250, with a $50 deposit due upon registration, with balance due November 1. Registration is open thru October 1. For more details and to register online, go to the church website, or contact Lisa Mayhugh at 281.778.1912 or lwmayhugh@ yahoo.com. SMALL SEEDS, MIGHTY TREES
Paul wrote, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow” (1 Corinthians 3:6). Is it time to add more water to the seeds of faith that have been planted in you? Consider serving our congregation as a Stephen Minister. A Stephen Minister is a one-onone confidential Christian caregiver to a person going through crisis. Our congregation is asking about your interest in becoming a Stephen Minister. When we have enough persons showing interest, a Stephen Ministry training class will be scheduled. Training equips you to listen, explore feelings, pray, share Christ’s love, maintain confidentiality, and attend to the caregiving process, leaving the results to God. To indicate your interest and/or find out more about Stephen Ministry, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719.
Weekly Schedule for The Master Plan of Evangelism: The Master and His Plan Selection Association Consecration Impartation Demonstration Delegation Supervision Reproduction Your Plan (Steps 1-2) Your Plan (Steps 3-4)
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people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
09.09 09.16 09.23 09.30 10.07 10.14 10.21 10.28 11.04 11.11 11.18
Join us for our next Carpenter’s Hands workday. Breakfast (beginning at 7 am) and lunch are included. Our day will begin at 8 am with a devotion. Crews will be made up of a mix of skill levels, with at least one or two members having prior experience. Our purpose is to beautify the church as well as add practical improvements to the facility that will enhance current usages. Types of work available include: cleaning (carpet and floors), patching and painting (interior and exterior), repairing drywall, cleaning out storage areas, shelving in storage areas, power washing, and refurbishing classrooms. Please sign up in advance if you are willing to help; this will help us plan our work crews and organize the work we hope to accomplish. You can sign up in the Ministry Center, online or by emailing Roland at roro@ cumcsl.org. This event is open to all adults as well as youth 12 and up (if accompanied by a parent). If you can’t attend, but you still want to support this effort, you can make a financial donation to help purchase supplies. Drop off a check in the church office (indicate “Carpenter’s Hands” in the memo line of your check), or you may donate online. FREEDOM WALK TOUR JULY 12 • CAROL VANCE PRISON UNIT
Curious about how God is creating REAL crime prevention? Join this one-hour tour experience the second Thursday of the month at either 2 or 7:30 pm. Sign up at least a week in advance. Bible studies and other groups are welcome! Contact Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761 to sign up or to get more information. UM ARMY 2012 JULY 22 - 28 • DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS JULY 16!
Join us in the summer of 2012, as we will be hosted by St. Paul’s UMC in Bridge City, TX for our UM Army Mission. During this week, participants will be assigned to work teams which combine their unique strengths and gifts in order to meet the home repair and maintenance needs of the less fortunate in the area. This is an amazing mission that allows us to share the Gospel message of love and hope offered by Jesus Christ through our hands and our hearts. For more info and to register, please visit www.cumcsl.org/youth. UM ARMY NEEDS YOUR HELP!
On July 22, our high school youth will travel to Bridge City, TX for their annual UM ARMY mission. In order to help support the mission, we are looking for donations of not only non-perishable food items, but also certain paper goods. Please visit the UM ARMY table in the Ministry Center beginning June 24 to pick up a collection bag and list of items that are needed. Or, go to the church website for a complete list. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MONDAYS & FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER
Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance, and presence. We meet Fridays and Mondays. Don’t know how to crochet or knit? We’ll teach you! Email Jan Randolph at jan@cumcsl. org for information.
Christ United Methodist Church www.cumcsl.org
Oh, think twice, it’s another day for you and me in paradise Oh, Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do Oh Lord, there must be something you can say These lyrics from a Phil Collins’ song entitled Another Day in Paradise are related to people displaced from their homes. Can you step out of your paradise and help some families in crisis right here at Christ Church? The week of July 29 - August 5 Christ Church will once again serve as a host church for Fort Bend Family Promise, a local program assisting families displaced from their homes. You can be “hands on” or “behind the scenes.” If you can step out of your paradise, please contact Kira Halcarz at 832.654.9356 or kira.halcarz@gmail.com. A family in crisis needs your Christian love and hands to serve. YOU SAID “YES!”
Thank you to all 432 of you who turned in your “My Plan to Serve Christ” forms! The leaders of those ministries you said “yes” to should be contacting you soon, letting you know how to join in or welcoming you back for another year. Blessings to each and every one of you for being “people helping people find fullness in Christ.” If you forgot to complete your form, it’s never too late! Grab a form from the literature rack in the Ministry Center and put it in Renee Teel’s mailbox in the Church workroom or fill it out online at www.cumcsl.org/serve. Don’t miss out on all the joy that can happen when you say “YES to Christ!” GOAL!
In 2008, Christ United Methodist Church made a $90,000 pledge to help East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry build a new food pantry and client counseling center. We are thrilled to announce that we have honored that pledge IN FULL thanks to the members of this church opening their hearts through extravagant generosity. Blessings on you for seeing to it that His love for those in need continues to be a driving force of His church in our community. MEALS ON WHEELS VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED
Christ Church has expanded its partnership with Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels! Christ Church is now functioning as the meal distribution center, serving home-bound older adults who live in Sugar Land, Missouri City, Stafford, and surrounding communities in Fort Bend. The Meals on Wheels distribution center at Christ Church is located just inside the covered drive on the Austin Parkway side of the campus from 8 am to noon, Monday Friday. Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels delivers nutritious meals to approximately 750 home-bound older adults who are unable to prepare nutritious meals for themselves. Volunteering to help deliver meals only takes about 1 to 1 ½ hours of time each week. For more information on volunteering with Fort Bend Seniors, please contact Christ Church member Leah Doyle at leah@fortbendseniors.org or 281.633.7053.
Men of all ages, join the Older Adult Men for lunch and fellowship at Live Oak Grill. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond. A FRIEND IN NEED
In times of trouble, we look to caring Christian friends to listen to us while we work through our feelings. A Stephen Minister can be such a friend, either to you or to someone you know. Last month our Stephen Ministers studied forgiveness as they continue to learn ways of caring for people with needs. Our Stephen Ministers are committed to providing the best Christian care possible for others experiencing many different needs. If you or someone you know could benefit from the trained, caring presence and listening ear of a Stephen Minister, contact referrals coordinator, Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. ATTENTION CURRENT HOMEGROUPS...
In an effort to update the information we have on file, please send your current roster and day/time/frequency of meetings to Tricia Baltazar at tricia@cumcsl.org. NEW MEMBER CLASS AUGUST 5, 12 AND 19 GATHERING HALL & VOLUNTEER CENTER
If you’re looking for a church home, we invite you to unite with Christ Church, where you will find a faithful family ready to help. Join us at the next New Member Class starting August 5 to meet some of our staff, make new friends and learn a lot from our senior pastor about being a United Methodist Christian. Please note: August 5 & 19 classes begin at 5:30 pm. August 12 class will be 3 - 4 pm so everyone can attend Faith Night with the Skeeters at Constellation Field, sponsored by Christ Church. Pregame concert begins at 4:30 pm; game begins at 6:05 pm. Register online at www.cumcsl.org, email Benita Sebesta at benitas@cumcsl.org or sign up at the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings.
Grab the kids and invite your neighbors to join fellow Christ Church friends at Constellation Field for faith, fun and Skeeters baseball. The game between the Sugar Land Skeeters and the Lancaster Barnstormers begins 6:05 pm. Come early for the pregame concert starting at 4:30 pm and expect fun all evening. Christ United Methodist Church is sponsoring this August 12 Faith Night as an outreach for our community. So, reach out and INVITE someone new to experience faith and fun with Christ Church friends. At the ballpark, reach out again and INVITE others to attend worship with us the following Sunday. For your convenience and for an opportunity to sit with others in our congregation, tickets to Faith Night will be available for purchase for $12 on a first-come, first-served basis during our July 1 picnic. A visit from a Skeeters’ mascot during the picnic is bound to generate lots of laughter and anticipation from “kids” of all ages about Faith Night! For more information on Faith Night, contact Karen LaMotta at karenl@cumcsl.org or 281.690.4767. Volunteers are needed at the ballpark on August 12 to help distribute Christ Church information. Can you help? GAME DAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 • 10:30 AM - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12
Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. Lunch includes a roundtable discussion of Scripture and faith. YOUTH TRIP TO NEW BRAUNFELS & SCHLITTERBAHN MONDAY, AUGUST 6 - TUESDAY, AUGUST 7
Join us for some fun in the sun this summer as we head to New Braunfels to float the Comal River on one day and spend the entire day at Schlitterbahn Water Park the next. Hope to see you at the ‘Bahn’! All youth who have completed the 5th - 12th grades as of May 31, 2012 and adult chaperones are welcome. Cost is $135 (Youth); $75 (Adults). Deadline to Register is July 23, 2012. Reserve your space today with a $25 deposit through July 1. Balance due on July 24. MONDAY MADNESS GOING ON NOW!
All high school youth (incoming 9th – 12th) are invited to join us weekly for Monday Madness from 7 - 9 pm. Check the youth webpage for details and a schedule of upcoming weeks. Questions? Contact Tripp or Joan in the Youth office by calling 281.980.6888. TUESDAY FUN DAYS GOING ON NOW!
Middle school youth (incoming 6th – 8th) are invited to join us weekly on Tuesdays for a fun activity on campus or off-site from 1 - 3 pm. Check the youth webpage for details and a schedule of upcoming weeks. Questions? Contact Tripp or Joan in the Youth office by calling 281.980.6888. CHRIST’S HANDS IN ACTION (C.H.I.A)
UMW circle for Christ Church, C.H.I.A. will resume monthly meetings beginning September 10. For questions or additional information, please contact Billie Blair at BillieBuddyB@aol.com or 281.242.3695.
WATCH FOR THE SEPTEMBER EDITION OF THE CONNECTION FOR A FULL LISTING AND PICTURES OF NEW MEMBERS! people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve
Mark your calendars for the MOPS Firecracker Fair and Church Picnic, to be held on July 1 in the Family Life Center at Christ Church! The Firecracker Fair, a craft fair and silent auction, begins at 2 pm, while the church picnic begins at 4 pm. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and lemonade will be served at the picnic, and church members will be asked to contribute potluck sides and desserts. A Skeeters’ baseball mascot will be our special guest from 4:30 to 5:30 pm to help generate excitement for the August 12 “Faith Night” game and concert at Constellation Field, sponsored by Christ Church. Faith Night tickets will be available for purchase at the picnic on a first-come, first-served basis for $12 each. Please contact Missy Thompson missylonghorn98@ gmail.com if you are interested in helping with this fun event!
Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor
SATUR DAY, JUNE 3 0 ,Nelson, 2 012 Rev. Jason Associate Pastor
Karen LaMotta, Executive Director - Connect Ministries Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Tripp Kerth, Director - 412 Youth Ministries IngredNE Lathrop, R EG I S TER O NLI ATDirector - Children’s Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries W WW. C UMC S L. O RG /Sharp, HADirector NDS- Music & Fine Arts Lahonda Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Tricia Baltazar, Coordinator - Grow Groups & Bookstore 2 012 Jeanne Damon, Coordinator - Grow Teams
For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at www.cumcsl.org/staff WE’RE HERE TO HELP!
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Helen Andrew; Cole Callen; Kathy Hilton’s friend; Martha Baer’s brother-in-law; Sarah Guffey; Michael Adam’s grandmother; Sterling Bittenbender’s roommate; Reba McNally’s friend; Sharon Queen; Bret Dyer’s stepfather; Sharon Hilburn’s mother; Gigi Powell’s brothers; Chad Mavity’s aunt; Barbara Montz’ husband; Kylie Lopez’ friend; Vicki Alexander’s friend’s son; Chad Mavity’s aunt; Sandy White’s granddaughter’s friend; Sandy White’s family friends; Sharon Hilburn’s mother; Regina Leveque; Audrey Haase’s daughter; Kathy Fry’s nephew; Debra Martin’s IFI leader; Lynne Sewell’s friend; Carol & Bob Campbell’s pew partner; Franni Bakewell’s son; and all those serving in the military. ANSWERED PRAYERS... Milly Patterson’s friend; Richard Jordan’s father; Tripp Kerth; Heather Rathnau’s sister-in-law; Charolyn Adams & family; Amy Abels; Michelle Wilkerson’s friend; Clay Callen; Bill & Robbin Mallett’s son; Peter Olson; Jesse Yeakel; Cyndy & Andy Barnett’s son; James Buchanan; Carl Wright; Jenny Banker’s son and her brother. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO... Christie Lord on the death of her father; family and friends of Marsha Hayden; Mary Jane Pharis on the death of her mother-in-law; Maureen Balogh on the death of her father; Mike McGee on the death of his father; Annette Smith on the death of her brother-in-law; Jolene Lanier on the death of her father.
SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member281.980.6888 care ministry leaders. PHONE: • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL
people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve