The Connection - May Edition

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THE VOW When we think of vows, we often ponder our wedding vows “…to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.” Or, if we were in the military or public service, we remember our vow to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” Vows are a very important part of our lives. When we think of our vows to Christ, the words, “Follow me,” may come to our minds. As a matter of fact, Jesus says, “Follow me,” 21 times in all four Gospels. Every time Jesus made this statement it required a decisive action. When we think about it, an invitation always calls for an active response. That is why we have an invitation every Sunday for people to join us in following Christ. It is an invitation to follow Jesus with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. This is the vow we make to one another when we join a United Methodist church. As we begin our SERVE campaign, we will explore and consider new ways to live out those vows; to put our faith into action. Belief and action are two sides of a heart that lead to transformation, and all of it is centered on love of God and others. Tom Brown tells this story: A lady was in the hospital giving birth to her first baby. As the pain and contractions increased, she grabbed the nurse, pulled her close to her and screamed, “Is the hard part over?” The nurse smiled and said, “Honey, this is the easy part. The hard part is in the next 18 years.” Brown points out, “It’s easy to get saved. You simply need to accept Jesus Christ into your heart. You are saved by grace, not by works. The hard part is living for Christ once you’re saved.” So join me during our SERVE campaign as we reflect upon the vows of Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness that are vital parts of a life lived for Christ.

APRIL 27 • OUR PRAYERS • PHILIPPIANS 4:4-7 John Wesley gave members of his discipleship group 22 questions, and one of them was this: “Am I enjoying prayer?” Wesley thought this was very important. MAY 4 • OUR PRESENCE • JOHN 15:1-11 The Methodist movement was born at Oxford University with small groups of students studying God’s Word. There was no such thing as “Solo Christianity” for early Methodists because our presence together as the body of Christ was essential for Christian growth. MAY 11 • OUR GIFTS • 1 CORINTHIANS 16:1-2 & 2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-15 William Sloane Coffin said, “It is the preacher’s job not to tell people what to do, but rather to remind them who they are; in this instance, agents, or stewards, of God’s bounty...The goal of Christianity is not detachment from material wealth, but the loving use of it.” We give our gifts freely and joyfully including our skills, talents, hands and feet...all we have to Samaria and beyond. MAY 18 • OUR SERVICE • 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-12, 27-31 Service is the practice by which the love of God becomes a tangible reality in our lives and through which we become active participants in God’s transformation of the world. MAY 25 • OUR WITNESS • MATTHEW 5:13-16 & 1 PETER 3:15-16 As Methodists, we use invitational evangelism as a means to share the Gospel in a spirit of love and grace. We don’t cram religion down people’s throats or shout condemnations from the street corners. Rather we share the Good News of what God has done, through Christ, for us and for others. Come and experience “The Vow” as we seek to follow Jesus together and live out God’s transformative grace.



Christ United Methodist Church

Serve Campaign 2014 “Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.” –1 Peter 4:10 (Contemporary English Version)

Nearly every Serving ministry available at Christ Church has a combined element of all our church's strategies, which are to:





However, this year we have presented each serving opportunity in what we believe is its primary inspirational goal. Our prayer is that serving in any of these will help you and others find more fullness in Christ. SO WHAT DO I DO? 1. Pray

Dear God, Thank You for all the wonderful gifts with which You have blessed my life. Help me to use them well, in service to You and to others in Your name. Grant me wisdom and discernment as I read through these ministries so I may discover where it is You want me to help people find fullness in Your Son through serving the church, our neighborhoods, and Your world. I ask this in Your Son’s precious Name. Amen.

2. Pick

Complete the (My Plan to Serve Christ) form and mark the box of the ministry(ies) you’d like to explore, get involved in or re-commit to. If you need help discerning your spiritual gifts, take the online assesment at 3. Present

• Come to worship on SERVE Sunday, May 18th, and return your form, which is found on page 10, as your personal act of worship. • Complete the form online at WWW.CUMCSL.ORG/SERVE.

• Place your form in the SERVE basket found on the counter of the church workroom anytime. • Mail your form to 3300 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land, 77479.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve






Engage children in opening activities. Then go with the children to the Worship room for story/video lesson and Worship. All curriculum is provided; meets from 11 am–12:15 pm.

Provide musical leadership for 11:05 am worship service.

JOYFUL NOISE CHOIR Provide musical leadership for the 9:45 am worship service.


412 MINISTRIES 412 YOUTH DRAMA TEAM Write, practice and perform dramas at 412 Youth on Sunday nights (Adults and 7th–12th graders). Adults willing to guide them.

Present major choral works with orchestra and sing for special services (Easter & Christmas); combines Joyful Noise, Chancel Choir, and those individuals who, due to time restraints, choose to participate in this choir for special events.


412 YOUTH MULTIMEDIA TEAM Write and edit original videos for 412 Youth Worship and special events and provide PowerPoint presentations for 412 Youth Worship on Sunday nights (Adults and 7th–12th graders).

412 YOUTH PRAISE TEAM Instrumentalists, singers, assistant sound techs, PowerPoint techs, and set-up techs lead contemporary worship at 412 Youth Worship on Sunday nights and special events (7th–12th grade students; audition required).

YOUTH COMMUNION SERVER Serve elements during 412 Youth Worship service; clean up after service.

YOUTH LAY READER Read the Scripture at one of the morning services.

Rehearse and sing periodically for the 9:45 am and 11:05 am services.

BELLA VOCE (WOMEN’S CHOIR) Rehearse and sing periodically for the 9:45 am and 11:05 am services and special occasions.

HANDBELLS: JUBILATION RINGERS This ensemble of auditioned ringers create an inspirational atmosphere to enhance worship and is active in community outreach.

HANDBELLS: JOY BELLS This ensemble, open to all, serves the church and community in worship and outreach.

PRAISE BAND This auditioned group of singers and instrumentalists, named Forgiven!, provides contemporary musical leadership for the 8:15 am worship service.



AXIOM WORSHIP TEAM Need 18–35 year olds to plan and participate in monthly worship experiences.

A variety of music instrumentalists enhance worship experiences with inspirational music performed for the glory of God.

MUSIC OFFICE VOLUNTEER Use organizational and administrative gifts to work with others in the music library at specific times and with special projects as needed.

OLDER ADULTS HOMEBOUND COMMUNION CELEBRATION Serve consecrated Communion elements once a month to members that are no longer able to attend church.

SACRED HARP ENSEMBLE Beginning and experienced harpists who play periodically for worship services and special occasions.

CHILDREN’S CHIMES PARENT HELPER Assist Children's Chimes Director as needed during practice and during ringing in worship services.


Christ United Methodist Church

Children’s 412 Youth Axiom—Young Adults Older Adults

Adult Grow Music and Fine Arts Connect Missions

Church A/V & Operations Support Prayer, Care and Support Worship - The Sanctuary Worship - the hub

I want to help people WORSHIP. MUSIC & FINE ARTS (CONT.)




Inventory costumes and identify additional costume needs for the Christmas and spring musicals.

Carry the light of Christ at 8:15 am or 11:05 am.


Schedule acolytes for worship services; advertise and provide training for new acolytes.

Work with Children's Choir Director in identifying prop needs for the children's musicals.

CHILDREN’S CHOIR ADMINISTRATIVE VOLUNTEER Use organizational and administrative gifts to help with Children's Choir.


ADVENT/CHRISTMAS DECORATING Help decorate church for Advent and Christmas; remove decorations and prepare them for storage after the New Year.

ALTAR GUILD CHURCH AUDIO/VISUAL & OPERATIONS SUPPORT PRODUCTION Various opportunities, including: administrative, audio/video editing, lighting, graphic design, voice over, and scriptwriting.

SOUND (SANCTUARY OR the hub) Operate sound equipment for worship and various ministry events.

VISUALS (SANCTUARY OR the hub) Learn and operate media presentation software and video switcher for on-screen presentation.

STREAM TEAM Assist with live streaming of worship services on Sunday morning.

WORSHIP - the hub

Meet to pray together and prepare Communion juice trays; occasionally polish the Altarware.

COMMUNION COORDINATOR Buy and prepare elements for Communion; schedule Communion servers and train servers; help acolytes with their Communion duties.

COMMUNION SERVER Serve Communion in the service you attend.

COMMUNION PREP Prepare the tables on Communion Sunday.

HEALING PRAYER SERVICE Meet once a month to plan monthly services on 2nd Tuesday nights; study and pray together.

LAY READER Read Scripture during the worship service you attend.



Serve Communion in the hub.

Schedule times to prepare the Sanctuary for Sunday worship services and other events held in the Sanctuary; order supplies, clean paraments and train new team members.

Prepare Sunday morning coffee and refreshments for worship fellowship time, including set-up and clean-up.

the hub USHER Collect offering and record attendance for weekly worship at the hub.

PRAYER, CARE & SUPPORT ALTAR PRAYER PARTNER Serve as a vessel of God's grace to people who request a prayer partner at the Altar rail.

SANCTUARY CARE Prepare Sanctuary for worship, care for paraments, straighten and resupply info in pew racks, maintain Baptismal font, polish brass, maintain candles, dust furniture in Sanctuary.

USHER Greet people; distribute bulletins; assist in finding seating, assist elderly, assist with special needs and equipment, maintain order during service, collect offering, direct flow of Communion, record attendance, collect and deliver attendance sheets to workroom.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve







Assist families with check-in and printing name tags on Sunday morning

Need 18–35 year olds to organize weekly fellowship activities and special events.

from 9:15–10 am.


“GIRL TIME” LEADER (4TH & 5TH GRADE) Organize and oversee monthly activities for 4th and 5th grade girls to encourage fellowship and fun.

Need 18 –35 year olds to organize and/or prepare weekly Sunday lunches.


Need 18–35 year olds to intentionally welcome visitors and new members of Axiom.

Organize and oversee activities for 4th and 5th grade guys and their dads that encourage fellowship and fun.



MOPS STEERING TEAM Plan twice-a-month meeting of the Mothers of Preschoolers. Must be a member of our MOPS group.

CHILDREN’S SPECIAL EVENTS TEAM MEMBER Promote and plan events for children (i.e. father/daughter dance, Created by God, New Life Celebration, Communion classes, etc.)

CHILDREN’S VOLUNTEER BREAKFAST COORDINATOR Contact parents to enlist donations of food items for one Sunday per month.

CELEBRATE SINGLES TEAM Create, plan, prepare, coordinate and/or facilitate events/programs such as DivorceCare, singles’ retreats, study groups, and/or other social and service opportunities.

DIVORCECARE TEAM As a sign of God’s love, offer hope and healing to adults and children affected by divorce or separation.



Create, plan, prepare, coordinate and/or facilitate events/programs such as men’s breakfasts, retreats, golf tournaments, study groups and/or other social and service opportunities.



Help with copying, folding, mail outs, and other office projects (Adults).

412 YOUTH SUPPER CLUB Help prepare Sunday night meals and other special events.

412 YOUTH COUNCIL Join the leadership team that works with the Youth Director and Youth Assistant to plan and coordinate Youth events.

Create, plan, prepare, coordinate and/or facilitate programs such as women’s retreat, Bible study groups, breakfasts, and/or other social and service opportunities.

OLDER ADULTS CARING CARD CORRESPONDENT Write and send notes and cards to homebound members.

412 ADULT & YOUTH EVENTS HELPER Help as needed for special 412 Youth events.



Assist as part of a team in planning and arranging for on-site luncheons and programs for monthly ENCORE! events.

Care for youth and adults in our congregation through notes of encouragement, birthday cards, care packages and phone calls (Adults and 7th–12th graders).

412 YOUTH RETREAT TRIP COUNSELOR Attend weekend and/or week-long retreats or camps as a counselor/ mentor (Adults).

412 YOUTH WELCOME TEAM Set-up and staff the Welcome Table at 412 Youth on Sunday nights (Adults and 7th–12th graders).


Christ United Methodist Church

Children’s 412 Youth Axiom—Young Adults Older Adults

ENCORE! LUNCHEON THEME TEAM Work as part of a team in decorating tables and gathering area for monthly ENCORE! events.

HOMEBOUND VISITATION Visit in person or by phone with members that are no longer able to attend church regularly to ensure they feel connected to the faith community.

JOY! PLANNING TEAM Assist as part of a team in planning off-site trips and events. Adult Grow Music and Fine Arts Connect Missions

Church A/V & Operations Support Prayer, Care and Support Worship - The Sanctuary Worship - the hub

I want to help people CONNECT. CONNECT




Serve periodically at special community outreach events, such as neighborhood prayer walks & bike rides, Faith Night at the Skeeter’s baseball stadium, new resident visitations and other events.

Prepare home baked goodies and deliver them to church for special functions, meetings, and fellowship.


Provide New Member dinner for Membership Class or other church events.

HOSPITALITY Prepare Sunday morning coffee and refreshments, including set-up and clean-up of hospitality area.

MUGGERS Deliver coffee mugs to new visitors to Christ Church from your neighborhood area, thanking them for their visit and inviting them back.

NEW MEMBER SHEPHERD Help a new member become fully connected into the life of Christ Church and encourage them in their faith journey.

PARKING LOT MINISTRY Welcome and assist guests with parking on high attendance Sundays. This is a desired new ministry.

SUNDAY RECEPTIONIST Serve at the receptionist desk on Sunday mornings to help welcome and answer questions.

WELCOME CALL TEAM Personally telephone, welcome and follow-up with first time visitors (call from home).

WELCOME CENTER Serve as an immediate information resource for all those attending Sunday worship and special events; distribute welcome packets and gifts to first time visitors.

TELEPHONE BUDDIES Make regular phone calls to Christ Church members that are homebound and unable to physically be a part of our church community’s fellowship.

WORSHIP - the hub the hub WELCOME TEAM Create a welcoming atmosphere by greeting people, distributing the hub notes, helping them find a seat and assisting at the visitor table during fellowship.

CHURCH AUDIO/VISUAL & OPERATIONS SUPPORT PHOTOGRAPHY Photograph worship services, ministry events (on and off campus) and new members as needed.

CARPENTER'S HANDS WORK DAY Three times a year on a Saturday we will schedule a workday where painting, repairs, small projects and clean-up will be done to the church.

CARPENTER'S HANDS FOOD PREP When there is a Carpenter's Hands workday, we serve breakfast and lunch to those who are working.

COMMUNICATIONS AND “MAIL OUT” SUPPORT Periodically help label The Connection, stuff bulletins, and prepare other mail outs or special projects.

MAINTENANCE HELP Assist maintenance personnel with odd jobs, painting, and repairs on a weekly, biweekly, or whenever basis.

TELEPHONE ASSISTANT Answer the telephone in the main office reception area during regular office hours, Monday–Friday. Pick your preferred day or half day—or serve as a substitute.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Greet and welcome those attending Sunday worship services and, periodically, other special events.


I want to help people GROW. CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES




Team teach in a class and share God’s love with a small group of children. Curriculum and craft supplies are provided.

Teach the Confirmation curriculum to 6th grade students and mentor them through the program on Sunday evenings, field trips and retreats (Adults).

ROTATION WORKSHOP TEACHER (1ST & 2ND GRADE) Teach the same Bible story during the 6 week unit using your workshop medium (art, drama, music, science, geography, cooking, games, storytelling, missions and prayer). Curriculum provided.

YOUTH MINISTRY DISCIPLESHIP TEAM COORDINATOR Work with the Director of Youth Ministry to provide support, encouragement, and leadership for the Youth Discipleship Team (Adults).



Oversee and facilitate Sunday School and additional activities involving the children in your age/grade. Support teachers, serve on Children’s leadership team and put together the craft baskets for your age/grade each week.

Work with the Director of Youth Ministries to provide support, encouragement and leadership for the Youth Sunday School Team – Middle & High School Coordinators (Adults).


High school youth and adults who partner to teach Bible-based Sunday School lessons to youth in 6th–12th grades.


Serve in a children’s classroom on Sundays from 9:45–10:45 am or 11 am–12:15 pm when needed.

CHILDREN’S SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL TEAM Team teach a class (June 8–August 17, 2014) and share God’s love with a small group of children. Curriculum and craft supplies provided.


ADULT GROW EMMAUS RETREAT TEAM Serve as a recruiter, sponsor and/or weekend supporter of pilgrims.

5TH GRADE “GIRLZ” BIBLE STUDY LEADER Lead a 4-week Bible study for 5th grade girls meeting Wednesdays after school in the Spring of 2015.

YOUTH HELPER IN SUNDAY SCHOOL (18 MOS–5TH GRADE) Assist teacher in Children’s Sunday School classroom. Ages 14 & up. 9:45–10:45 am or 11 am–12:15 pm.

VBS VOLUNTEER YOUTH AND ADULT Volunteers are needed for VBS 2014 ”Weird Animals.” Crafts, music, science, games and more! June 23–27.

HOMEGROUP HOST Lead or facilitate a HomeGroup study from your home.

LIBRARY ASSISTANT Promote, catalog, develop and administer the Christ Church Library.

LONG-TERM STUDY TEACHER Teach a Bible-based 6 to 9 month curriculum in a Sunday School, HomeGroup and/or study group setting—ex. DISCIPLE, Christian Believer, Covenant, etc..

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT TEAM Plan or facilitate Marriage Enrichment seminars offered at Christ Church.

SHORT-TERM STUDY TEACHER Teach a Bible-based 1–5 month curriculum in a Sunday School, HomeGroup and/or study group setting.

SUNDAY SCHOOL ROVING TEACHER Offer teaching abilities and time to teach Sunday School classes.


Christ United Methodist Church

Children’s 412 Youth Axiom—Young Adults Older Adults

Adult Grow Music and Fine Arts Connect Missions

Church A/V & Operations Support Prayer, Care and Support Worship - The Sanctuary Worship - the hub

I want to help SERVE people. CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES




Maintain mission calendar and activities for the year. 4th graders concentrate on local missions and 5th graders on global missions. All events and activities are pre-planned and occur Sundays from 11 am–noon.

Meet every Monday morning to extend God’s love to members and friends listed in the Heartbeat.

412 MINISTRIES 412 YOUTH MISSION COUNSELOR Attend one-day, weekend or week-long missions as a 412 Youth counselor/mentor (Adults).

412 YOUTH PRAYER TEAM Pray for our Youth group, lift up youth prayer concerns.

AXIOM - YOUNG ADULTS AXIOM MISSION TEAM Need 18–35 year olds to help coordinate monthly mission projects.

ADULT GROW UNITED METHODIST WOMEN LEADERSHIP Help plan and prepare mission activities for this group of women who serve those in need.


GRACE IN GRIEF FUNERAL MINISTRY Provide support on the day of the funeral or memorial service by assisting the pastors, hosting the family and preparing a small reception when requested.

HEARTS OF GRACE PRAYER GROUP Meet Wednesday mornings to lift up congregational prayer requests, the church’s ministries and other concerns.

PRAY NOW! Be willing to stop and pray when emergency requests for prayer are received. Short-term, as needed.

STEPHEN MINISTRY Provide a one-on-one, long-term listening ministry as an aid and a means of God’s healing love for those working through difficult times in their lives.

WORSHIP - SANCTUARY ALTAR FLOWER DELIVERY Coordinate with Associate Pastors in choosing individuals from our Heartbeat to receive altar flower arrangements after Sunday services are over; team members make the deliveries on Sunday afternoons.


people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Knit or crochet simple shawls for individuals needing a flexible, tangible expression of our church’s prayers enfolding them at difficult times in their lives; participants can work individually or in groups that meet regularly.

I want to help SERVE people. MISSIONS




Help deliver Christmas gifts and dinners to families adopted through FBISD Shared Dreams, and Restorative Justice, and to the elderly in local nursing homes.

Provide mentoring, tutoring, supplies and Sonshine to teachers and students of our partner school.


Provide non-perishable food items and “soul food” to the homeless; sold in the Ministry Center.

Be part of a trained Early Responder Team, provide relief supplies or assist in recovery/relief efforts in the event of a disaster.

EAST FORT BEND HUMAN NEEDS MINISTRY Provide assistance to families in temporary financial crisis in the form of food, clothing, and financial assistance by working in the Food Pantry, the Resale Shop, and/or administratively.

FORT BEND FAMILY PROMISE Christ Church serves as a host church 4 weeks a year for homeless families; dinner hosts, meal preparation, drivers and overnight hosting are needed during our host week; help is also needed at the Family Center on an ongoing basis.

GARDEN MINISTRY Come harvest to help the hungry. Christ Church garden, located behind the Family Life Center, grows fresh vegetables that are donated to the EFBHNM Food Bank. Meets on Saturday mornings.

GIFTS UNTO OTHERS Help lift up this alternative opportunity for gift givers to select gifts that benefit local, national and international mission projects.

H.O.M.E. PROJECT A one day service project, held in the spring, that makes repairs to low income housing in the Fort Bend area; special skills are not required, only willing hearts and hands.



MEALS ON WHEELS Deliver meals to home-bound seniors in the Fort Bend area; small time commitment provides a much needed service for our elderly friends. Help the distribution center here at Christ Church.

MEXICO MISSIONS Help our friends in the impoverished barrios of Reynosa, Mexico, by providing Christ’s love through food, medicine, school supplies, VBS and The Word.

PIECEMAKERS Combine the art of quilting and missions by creating and donating quilts to those people and organizations in need.

RESTORATIVE JUSTICE MINISTRY We support Kairos (Walk to Emmaus), Alpha, DISCIPLE Bible Study, Embracing the Father, one-on-one mentoring, tutoring, letters of support and Aftercare for those in men’s & women’s prisons, Cool Water for the officers and support for families.

S.O.S. (SUPPLY OUR STUDENTS) SCHOOL SUPPLIES Assist with the sponsorship drive to purchase NEW pre-packaged school supplies for FBISD and SMD students in need.

SOLES FOR SOULS Assist with the drive for NEW shoes for FBISD and LCISD students in need serviced through the Shared Dreams and Common Threads programs.

Build dreams, one board at a time! Help build and finance an affordable home for a deserving family.

HAITI MISSIONS Support the continuing efforts to restore Haiti. Serve on a team and share Christ’s love, become a prayer partner or provide with supplies/donations.


Christ United Methodist Church

Children’s 412 Youth Axiom—Young Adults Older Adults

Adult Grow Music and Fine Arts Connect Missions

Church A/V & Operations Support Prayer, Care and Support Worship - The Sanctuary Worship - the hub

My Plan to Serve Christ Serve Campaign 2014



*One form per person.

Phone By checking the boxes below, I commit to serve by continuing my involvement with, becoming involved in or explore, the following ministries:


WORSHIP – the hub


Wee Worship Team (3 year old – Kindergarten)

Handbells: Joy Bells Praise Band Instrumentalist Music Office Volunteer Sacred Harp Ensemble Children’s Chimes Parent Helper Children’s Costume Coordinator Props Coordinator – Children’s Musicals Children’s Choir Administrative Volunteer


412 Youth Drama Team 412 Youth Multimedia Team 412 Youth Praise Team Youth Communion Server Youth Lay Reader

AXIOM – YOUNG ADULTS Axiom Worship Team


Homebound Communion Celebration


Chancel Choir Joyful Noise Choir Festival Choir Singing Churchmen (Men’s Choir) Bella Voce (Women’s Choir) Handbells: Jubilation Ringers


Production Sound (Sanctuary or the hub) Visuals (Sanctuary or the hub) Stream Team

the hub Communion Server the hub Hospitality the hub Usher

PRAYER, CARE & SUPPORT Altar Prayer Partner


Acolyte Acolyte Coordinator Advent/Christmas Decorating Altar Guild Communion Coordinator Communion Server Communion Prep Healing Prayer Service Lay Reader Sanctuary Care Coordinator Sanctuary Care Usher

I WANT TO HELP PEOPLE CONNECT. Children’s Kiosk Check-In Assistant “Girl Time” Leader (4th & 5th Grade) “Guys Only” Leader (4th & 5th Grade) MOPS Steering Team Children’s Special Events Team Member Children’s Volunteer Breakfast Coordinator


412 Youth Administration Help 412 Youth Supper Club 412 Youth Council 412 Adult & Youth Events Helper 412 Youth Member Care Team 412 Youth Retreat Trip Counselor 412 Youth Welcome Team

AXIOM – YOUNG ADULTS Axiom Event Team Axiom Lunch Team Axiom Hospitality Team


Celebrate Singles Team DivorceCare Team Men of Christ Leadership Team Women of Christ Leadership


Caring Card Correspondent ENCORE! Planning Team ENCORE! Luncheon Theme Team Homebound Visitation JOY! Planning Team


Community Outreach Greeters Hospitality Muggers New Member Shepherd Parking Lot Ministry Sunday Receptionist Welcome Call Team Welcome Center

PRAYER, CARE & SUPPORT Cookie Angels Cooking Crew Telephone Buddies

WORSHIP – the hub

the hub Welcome Team


Photography Carpenter’s Hands Work Day Carpenter’s Hands Food Prep Communications and “Mail Out” Support Maintenance Help Telephone Assistant

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve




Sunday School Teacher (18 mos - 5th grade) Rotation Workshop Teacher (1st & 2nd Grade) Sunday School Coordinator (Age/Grade Level) Substitute Teacher (18 mos - 5th grade) Children’s Summer Sunday School Team 5th Grade “Girlz” Bible Study Leader Youth Helper in Sunday School (18 mos - 5th grade) VBS Volunteer –Youth and Adult


Confirmation Teacher Youth Ministry Discipleship Team Coordinator Youth Sunday School Coordinator Youth Sunday School Teacher & Assistant Teacher


Emmaus Retreat Team HomeGroup Host Library Assistant Long-term Study Teacher Marriage Enrichment Team Short-term Study Teacher Sunday School Roving Teacher


Mission Coordinator (4th & 5th Grade)


412 Youth Mission Counselor 412 Youth Prayer Team

AXIOM – YOUNG ADULTS Axiom Mission Team



Care Team Grace in Grief Funeral Ministry Hearts of Grace Prayer Group Pray Now! Stephen Ministry

WORSHIP – THE SANCTUARY Altar Flower Delivery

United Methodist Women Leadership


Prayer Shawl Team


Angel Tree Disaster Relief East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry Fort Bend Family Promise Garden Ministry Gifts Unto Others H.O.M.E. Project Habitat for Humanity Haiti Missions Holley Elementary Manna Bags Meals on Wheels Mexico Missions Piecemakers Restorative Justice Ministry S.O.S. (Supply Our Students) School Supplies Soles for Souls

Come to worship on SERVE Sunday, May 18th, and return your form as your personal act of worship, or mail it in to: 3300 Austin Parkway Sugar Land, TX 77479


Christ United Methodist Church

OVERCOME WITH THANKFULNESS by Ms. Shannon Morgan My morning starts off with my waking up to my 17-month old playfully hitting me in my face, a sign that she is ready to get up and wants me up, too. It’s my first day off, so I am a bit reluctant to get up. I feel her little hand hit my cheek again, I open one eye, look at her, she breaks out into a smile and then she starts laughing. I smile at her, say good morning, and now I’m up as well. We wash up, eat, move around a bit, and then she starts hitting the back door (this lets me know she wants to go outside). So, outside we go. I’m sitting outside on my patio, watching my daughter play with our dog, Pryce. She then starts running around the picnic table that some volunteers built for us. I watch her run, and play, and enjoy her backyard. My 17-year old comes out and starts playing with her sister. As I watch my children enjoy each other and run around their yard, I am overcome with such thankfulness… so much emotion.

He had already prepared a place for us before I had a clue. I begin thanking God for my windows, the siding I painted, the Hardiplank I was taught to nail and measure and put onto my home. I thank Him for the caulk that helps to insulate my windows - the caulk I learned to apply around the windowpanes. I thank Him for the paint and the brick. I thank Him for this moment. For the chance to sit here in my yard, watching my kids happily enjoy their yard. And then, I thank God for you... for Fort Bend Habitat for Humanity, Christ United Methodist Church, family, friends, volunteers, and volunteers from St. Laurence Catholic Church. Please know that you are not forgotten.

Proverbs 16:9 states: In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Again, I thank you all. God continuously blesses me through the kindness of others. I have great neighbors, a nice neighborhood for my kids, a beautiful home, and a yard. My kids will have a home after I’m gone. May He keep giving you strength to do what you do. From a blessed and thankful homeowner, Ms. Shannon Morgan (2011 Habitat Home recipient)

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


I moved into my home in December, 2011. Before then, I had never heard of a Fresno in Texas. When I got approved for my Habitat home, my 15-year old daughter and I were living with my sister and were told our home would be a 3-bedroom (how awesome was that)! We immediately started thinking of things we could do with that third bedroom. At the end of January, 2012, however, I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant. God knew a child was on the way! He knew what that third bedroom was for - He had already prepared a place for us before I had a clue.

churchmatters Have you ever wondered how each dollar donated to our church gets divvied up? Our church’s Finance, Trustees, and Staff-Parish Relations Committees work hard to be excellent stewards of the resources given to the church for God’s work in our congregation, neighborhood, and world. Below is a graphic expressing how each dollar is used in ministry, and the accompanying article explains the extra ministry and support that can be accomplished because Christ United Methodist Church paid off our loan early through the Mission Possible campaign!

CHRIST CHURCH BUDGET 2014 – (100%) $3,135,640.74

ADULT DISCIPLESHIP – (2%) $56,450.45

MEMBER CARE – (3%) $85,332.76

Axiom, Small Groups, Older Adult Ministries, Adult Discipleship, Adult Curriculum, and Supporting Staff

Resources and Supporting Staff

BUILDING OPERATIONS – (18%) $569,818.71

Missions Budget and Supporting Staff

Audio/Video Technologies, Building Maintenance, A/C & Heating, Other Utilities, and Supporting Staff

CHILDRENS – (4%) $113,680.50

Children & Family Ministries Budget and Supporting Staff

COMMUNICATIONS – (6%) $199,291.87

Communications Budget and Supporting Staff

GENERAL ADMIN ISTRATION – (12%) $365,431.74 Resources and Supporting Staff

MISSIONS – (3%) $100,522.37 MUSIC– (11%) $335,940.96

Music Budget and Supporting Staff

YOUTH – (6%) $190,386.20

Youth Budget and Supporting Staff

APPORTIONMENTS– (10%) $299,471.00

Apportionment paid to the Conference and greater United Methodist Church to support our connectional resources and global ministry and relief endeavors.

OUTREACH – (2%) $53,503.80

Outreach Budget and Supporting Staff

SAVINGS DISTRIBUTION– (11%) $357,148.64

Portion of the budget that was formerly allocated to regular loan payments not including Mission Possible funds. This portion of the budget is distributed according to the plans put in place by the initial Mission Possible program.

WORSHIP– (13%) $408,661.74

Worship Budget and Supporting Staff

*** The salaries of staff members serving in multiple areas are divided between those areas based on their hourly commitment to each area. *** These figures reflect the church’s budget and do not include fundraising events from individual ministries.

FINANCIAL UPDATE – SAVINGS DISTRIBUTION Why do we still talk about our loan, since it has been paid off? Many of you may have wondered why you still see or hear references to our loan. After all, it has now been a year since we paid this loan off, so why are we still talking about it? As part of our loan repayment plan, our church also established a plan for use of the loan payment savings, about $441,000 each year, to provide funding for specific purposes. To accomplish this, two funds were to be created as a part of our annual operating budget. The first, the “Future Fund,” would be for capital expenditures, operating budget shortfalls and other special needs not covered by our operating budget. This fund would receive about 75% of the savings. The second, the “Extraordinary Missions and Ministries Fund,” would be for special programs, missions and ministries proposed by our pastoral staff and approved by our church. This fund would receive the remaining 25% of loan payment savings. During the economic downturn over the last five years, we did not have sufficient funds to restore a reserve maintained by our Board of Trustees to pay the deductible on a claim under our property insurance policy if we were to sustain damage to our facilities. Also, certain maintenance and capital projects for our facilities – projects that our Trustees determined could be deferred - were also not funded. When our loan was repaid, budget priorities were established for using the loan savings, first to restore the insurance deductible and to fund deferred maintenance and capital projects, and then to fund the two new designated funds described above.

Where do we go from here? Our pastors, staff and appointed committees are all working to be good stewards of all that we receive. To that end, our financial status is being closely monitored and changes to our plans will be proposed if needed. Everyone is encouraged to pray for wisdom and guidance for all who are involved in the administration of our church’s finances and for faithful support from all who attend. We should each do our part to support our church and continue to have faith that God will provide for our needs.

Where are we now?

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Our budget for this year allocated most of the loan savings to the Trustees budget to continue restoring the reserve for the insurance deductible and to fund maintenance and capital expenses under a 5-year plan developed by the Trustees. The remainder for this year is allocated to cover operating budget needs. However, these savings are only available for use if we receive the funds as planned in our approved budget. As you have likely seen from the weekly financial status updates included in our worship service bulletins, we are experiencing shortfalls from our expected giving levels this year. If these shortfalls continue at the current rate, we will not achieve the planned savings and may also fall short of covering the remaining operating budget.



Darrell Thomas* Kevin Bastin Bobby Ritter Nelda Adams Chris Pecheux Jim Jordon


denotes chair

Jimmy Skrapka Dwight Helms Jim Andrews Ace Alexander Jon Andersen Matt Thummell

"Due to a schedule conflict for our regular monthly meeting with the Maundy Thursday service, the Finance Committee had a joint meeting with the Trustees in April. After reviewing the March financial results, we discussed ways to manage our expenditures to respond to continuing shortfalls in giving levels needed to support the approved budget. We also discussed with the Trustees the maintenance and capital expenditure projects which will need to be addressed this year in order to ensure sufficient funds will be available. Spending is being carefully managed to stay within our available resources." –Darrell Thomas, Chair

EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Acting Chair: Justin Flint Treasurer: Jim Rose Trustees: Mark Huffer CCS Board: Gillian Smith Finance: Darrell Thomas Endowment: Mark Huffer Nominations: Linda Parker SPRC: Chad Mavity Past Chair: Bret Dyer Vision & Planning: Jonathan Heironimus


Mark Huffer* Donavan Brown Becky Neese Lee Dorger Evan Gisler Lisa Pepin Craig Fredrickson Bryan Tullos Mary Ellen Wahlheim

"Executive Council is working diligently to create as many new avenues for communication and information sharing within the church as possible. A "Town Hall"-style ChurchWide Council meeting will soon be held so that church members can ask directed questions about the status and direction of the church and its ministries. We are fervently praying for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but we welcome your input, too! Please email any ideas to the clergy or to the Vision & Planning Committee at" –Justin Flint, Acting Chair

1. We are looking into what we can do about the wax from candles that are used by the congregation during the Christmas Eve Service that tends to get on the carpet and pews. 2. Carpenter's Hands will be May 7th. 3. We are revising the Safe Sanctuary Policy according to the conference changes. 4. Taking bids to recaulk the windows in the sanctuary. 5. Generally looking at ways to hold down expenses during this budget shortfall. –Mark Huffer, Chair


Chad Mavity* Ray Johnson Brian Baer Debbie Floyd Bill Preston

Colleen Flint Becky Tullos Robin Clearman Casey Mueller


Jonathan Heironimus* Robert Coffman* Peter Allan Shey Fiscus

Brian Burkhart Susie Duggan Andy Barnett Jill McGavin

"SPR is pleased to report that an offer has been made to and accepted by Todd Harris to be the Director of 412 Youth Ministries, effective May 1. SPR has also withdrawn its request for an additional clergy position due to budget concerns." –Chad Mavity, Chair

We are currently compiling all of the data summaries from the six categories discussed at the V&P conference in February. This will be an expanded report that will represent the data in wider detail. Please spend some time reviewing this information. We aim to have it published both in hard copies, and on the church website, –Jonathan Heironimus, Chair

churchmatters APARTMENT MINISTRY by kyle macdonald

The Apartment Ministry in the Foundations at Rivercrest is going wonderfully! To update all of you, we just finished and thoroughly enjoyed our “Son of God: Who is He?” Bible study. In this study, we observed and analyzed scenes found in the Son of God movie, then compared them to the verses within the Gospels. This process was interesting and enhanced our Bible knowledge, as we looked at Scripture in ways we never had before. I would highly recommend this study to ANY small group. The layout is as follows:

SESSION 1: THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD Here we looked at Jesus and His disciples, and considered why He chose those disciples. We explored questions like, “Why did Jesus choose these specific disciples?” and “What did the disciples represent?” and “What qualifications does Jesus look for when He calls followers?”

SESSION 2: THE SON OF GOD This session was focused on Jesus being recognized as the true Son of God and His miracle of feeding the five thousand. Questions we considered included, “Why did Jesus’ disciples doubt him?” “Who would you think Jesus was if you were one of five thousand in that crowd?” and “How would you feel being one of the first individuals to come to the revelation that Jesus is the Son of God?”

SESSION 3: THE MAN OF SORROWS This session covers the time right before Jesus’ crucifixion, where Jesus is praying to God to take the cup from Him. We wondered, “How do you respond to a call from God you don’t want to answer?” and also the sorrow Jesus was going through because He knew what lay in front of Him.

SESSION 4: LAMB OF GOD As you might have guessed, this session covers Jesus’ crucifixion. We discussed the emotions that would have been felt during the crucifixion. The emotions not just of followers of Jesus, but also of the individuals who hated Him, and those of ones who were merely there and might have been indifferent about Jesus’ situation. We also covered in great detail the level of sacrifice of God and Jesus to show us mercy and grace. What love God has for us.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


Again, I would recommend this study to any group who is willing to give it a try! As always please be in prayer for our ministry and for the individuals who we might reach. Pray that hearts are softened as we continue our calling to bring followers to Jesus Christ.


God is always ready to heal our hurts and mend our broken hearts. The grace and goodness of God's mercies are without end, and God never grows weary of hearing from his hurting children. Come and encounter Christ the Healer at May's Healing Prayer service. Communion will be celebrated. CONFIRMATION SUNDAY SUNDAY, MAY 4 • 11:05 AM SANCTUARY SERVICE

On this day, Christ Church will have the privilege of participating in one of the oldest traditions of worship in the church. We will be confirming our Confirmation Class of 2014. This tradition goes back to our early church history. It began as the same sacrament as baptism. In the early church, adult baptism was the norm. Over the centuries, this practice has changed. Today we baptize our infants and instruct them to begin their own faith journey. At the conclusion of each Confirmation year, we give our youth the opportunity to claim the faith of Christ as their own. That is what makes this day so very special. “I have had the honor of watching these young men and women make the choices in their faith and ask the questions that matter to their decisions, and have been blessed by their enthusiasm and commitment. They have had amazing teachers and our very own 412 Youth Leadership Council has taken an active role in helping these youth grow in their journeys.” Lisa Mayhugh BACCALAUREATE SERVICE SUNDAY, JUNE 1 • 11 AM HUB SERVICE & 11:05 AM TRADITIONAL SERVICE


The entire Body of Christ benefits whenever anyone serves Christ with their worshipful work. Becoming Christ's servant in worship is one way to complete Christ's work in the world. Christ needs persons to tend to His table, preparing it for Communion and administering His body and blood. Christ needs persons to assist in reading God's Word and in welcoming all who come to worship Him. Christ needs persons to share their ministries of prayer and their gift of singing. How will you serve Christ in your church by helping people worship? Commit to the worshipful work of serving Christ on SERVE Commitment Sunday by volunteering to help people find fullness in Christ through worship. Thank you! (For detailed information or to volunteer, please contact Sandy White in the front office.) WORD OF THANKS!

The Worship Planning Team would like to say a special word of "thanks" to all who helped make our celebrations of Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday welcoming and meaningful for everyone who attended. Your help and hospitality were greatly appreciated in the Sanctuary and in the Family Life Center. Because of your willingness to serve and your commitment to helping people find fullness in Christ through worship, our church has been blessed. JOY BELLS MONDAYS AT 6 PM • CHOIR ROOM

This musical opportunity is available to all interested persons, especially Older Adults. It offers a place to learn, serve and fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. The group is still accepting new members, and requests for ringers to perform in the community during the day have already been coming in. To join this ensemble, contact Molly Ness at 281.344.8343.

The Baccalaureate ceremony is a service of worship that celebrates and gives thanks for lives dedicated to learning and wisdom, and Christ Church has much to celebrate! History tells us that the baccalaureate service is believed to have originated at the University of Oxford in 1432 when each bachelor was required to deliver a sermon in Latin as part of his academic requirements. Although that is not going to be a requirement for our Seniors, Christ Church can proudly say that it has shared much wisdom with these young men and women over many years. The education that has been poured into these Seniors through their Sunday School classes, Youth group activities, Mission trips, Bible studies and several hours of service in the community is now coming to its culmination, and we can proudly stand next to them and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


Please make every effort to come and support these youth as they celebrate this major achievement in their lives. Join us at the conclusion of services for a lunch honoring these graduates. What a celebration this will be!

God is waiting to make a difference in people's lives through you! If you want to find out more about how you can become involved in this oneto-one caregiving ministry, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. If enough people are interested, a training session may follow later this year.


Christ United Methodist Church


Every day you see people who are hurting: those who have lost a job, lost a loved one, gone through a divorce, or are battling a terminal illness. Stephen Ministers are God's representatives who bring His love to those who are hurting. They are lay persons who receive training in confidential Christian caring and listening.


A new adult Sunday School class, with the objectives of deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith is waiting to welcome you. Come join us! AFFECTED BY CANCER? GET SUPPORT! 3RD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH • 7–8:30 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

The Colors of Cancer group welcomes all men and women who have had a diagnosis of any type of cancer, as well as their caregivers. We use many Bible-based resources to guide our monthly discussions. For more information, contact Lynn Taylor at SATURDAY MORNING MEN'S BIBLE STUDY SATURDAYS • 8–9:30 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

Come join our Bible-based men's group and experience Christian fellowship, discussion, and study. Don't forget your Bible and coffee mug! All men are welcome! ONE ROOM BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 • 9–10:30 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the May meeting is The Burgess Boys by Elizabeth Strout. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join us. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2014 JUNE 23 - 27 • 9:15 AM–12:15 PM (M-TH), 9:15 AM–12:30 PM (FR)

Get ready for a peek at the unique! At “Weird Animals VBS,” kids will discover that Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind. "Weird Animals" is a habitat filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences! Registration is $25 per child 4 years old (as of September 1, 2013) through 5th grade, and will be open from March 1 through June 1. Are you feeling called to volunteer, or are your children younger than 4? Perfect! We can’t have a successful VBS without YOU! Register online at and click on the “Weird Animals VBS 2014” link today! Questions? Contact Kate Flint at 281.690.4748 or Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765.


Open to all ages with a participatory format and biblically based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room. 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ADVENTURERS

Consists of members ages 30 and up, with and without children. Discussion-oriented, studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to daily life. Enjoys fellowship, mission projects and social activities. Meets in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center. AXIOM - YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish. Meets in Room 312 of the Family Life Center. BARNABAS

Consists of adults, 50 years and older, who are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others, both within and outside the class. Meets in the Chapel. CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOL

Open to all singles of any age, with and without children. Enjoys discussion-oriented Bible studies. Meets in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRIST

Consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. A relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary). GRACE ABOUNDS

Welcomes people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). Participatory format. Delves into scriptural truths and seeks to grow the faith of its members. Meets in Room 301 of the Family Life Center. GRACE NOTES

Allows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While the class is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. Meets in the Resource Library. H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)

Name reflects class’ focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out activities for members, who are in their 40’s - 70’s. Meets in Room 311 of the Family Life Center. JUBILEE

Made up of mature individuals, age 65 - 90+, who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons presented by Jan Randolph. Meets in Rooms 11/12. SEEKERS

Couples, singles, and those solo on Sunday (mixed ages) that concentrate on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion always included. Meets in Room 308 of the Family Life Center. TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)

Made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack. WEAVERS

Made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary). WOMEN’S CLASS

Made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. Engages primarily in Bible-based studies and service projects. Meets in Room 307 of the Family Life Center. LAST CLASS ON THE RIGHT

A new adult Sunday School class has formed, with the objectives of deepening our knowledge of God’s Word and strengthening our community of faith. Meets in room 310 (last classroom on the right) of the Family Life Center.


Are you ready to learn more about Christ Church and what we believe? Please join us for our New Member Class. Dinner is included the first evening at no charge. There is no fee to attend, and childcare is available. Register at the Welcome Center, by contacting Benita Sebesta at benitas@, or online at NEEDING SOMEONE TO TALK TO? STEPHEN MINISTRY COULD HELP

Ever felt this way? Caring communication with others is a basic human need. Stephen Ministers can help meet that need. A Stephen Minister is a trained lay person who offers confidential, Christian caring as they walk alongside you through life's challenges. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, a serious illness, a surgery or hospitalization, a divorce, job loss or other life change, we stand ready to offer a listening ear. To find out more information about Stephen Ministry, contact Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. I'LL SAY I'M ONLY GONNA HAVE ONE, BUT... MONDAYS • 8 PM • ROOMS 210/211 & WEDNESDAY & FRIDAYS • 12 PM • ROOM 305

If you have a desire to stop drinking, Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is for you. There is help and hope. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. The only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Just come to any one of the meetings listed above - no registration or RSVP necessary. For more info, contact Renee at 281.980.6888. IF THEY WOULD JUST STOP DRINKING, EVERYTHING WOULD BE FINE. MONDAYS • 12 PM • ROOM 305

If your life has been affected by someone else's drinking, there is hope. Al-Anon is an anonymous fellowship that helps family and friends of alcoholics. For more info, call Renee at 281.980.6888. IF IT'S SPRING...IT'S SUNDRESS AND SALAD SUNDAY! SUNDAY, MAY 4 • 1:30–3:30 PM • FLC GYM

Who doesn't love to celebrate Spring and the re-birth of God's earth? Easter is over and summer is looming ahead. It is time for our Sundress and Salad Luncheon! Come relax, enjoy great fellowship and a light luncheon. We will host Kathy Behrman, Christian actor/performer, who will help us journey into Bible stories with those that were there, but never written about. Kathy's shows have provided fun, fresh prospective, and inspiration to women all over Texas. If you have not attended a UMW event this year, May 4 is the day to come for the first time! We are a busy, mission-oriented, loving group of women of all ages and walks of life. We want to know you, serve with you and grow Women's Ministries here at Christ Church. Since we will be serving lunch, RSVP to Pam Bluestein at psbluestein@ or 281.343.9913 by Friday, May 2. We will also provide childcare with an advanced reservation. Just let us know!


Christ United Methodist Church

GAME DAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 • 10:30 AM–1:30 PM • ROOMS 11/12

Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. If you would be interested in a weekly Bridge or Forty-two group, contact ENCORE WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 • 11 AM–1:30 PM • SANCTUARY AND GATHERING HALL

Don't miss the annual talent show presented by members of Christ Church. Worship is at 11 am in the Sanctuary followed by a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall. The program will be in the Sanctuary after lunch. $7 is requested to cover the cost of the meal. Pre-registration is required for the meal and closes May 5. Reserve your space by emailing Jan Randolph at We are depending on willing volunteers to showcase their talent (singing, dancing, comedy, magic, playing an instrument, story telling, etc). Performance time for acts is about 3 minutes. Contact Jan Randolph at PRAYER, MOVEMENT, LAUGHTER, NURTURING TOUCH, GREEN SMOOTHIES & HOME-COOKED MEALS! JUNE 2 • 7–9 PM • ROOMS 11/12

"Stewardship of health is the responsibility of each person to whom health has been entrusted... We encourage individuals to pursue a healthy lifestyle and affirm the importance of preventative health care, health education, environmental and occupational safety, good nutrition, and secure housing in achieving health." (Methodist Book of Discipline) What do prayer, movement, laughter, nurturing touch, green smoothies and home-cooked meals have in common? They are all important for healthy living! Ever wonder what you could do to improve your overall health? What about your family’s health? Is buying organic necessary? What’s a GMO? Really…you can use coconut oil for that? If you have a desire to improve your overall health and the health of those you love, then this event for you! The goal will be to learn together through sharing and discussion. Please attend the first gathering of this newly-formed Women's group, to be held on on Monday, June 2 at 7 pm in Rooms 11/12. On this evening, we will “name” our group and come up with a plan for future meetings. Bring ideas, and bring a healthy use for coconut oil. Girls of all ages are invited – teens to 100! Online registration (from church website) is encouraged - just so we’ll know how many to prepare for! Questions? Contact Kim Ripley at or 281.690.4765. 412 GREAT ESCAPE JULY 7 - 10 • TEXAS HILL COUNTRY

Students who have completed 6th-12th grade are invited to join us for our 2nd annual 412 Great Escape. This $325 trip includes Schlitterbahn, Six Flags, and a Comal River float! Register at

4, 20143

Hey Kids…if you’re age 3 (by 9.1.2014) through current Kindergarten, come join us this summer for camp! The cost per camp is $125. For camp details and on-line registration visit the Children’s page at www. Contact Kim Ripley at or 281.690.4765 with your questions. Camp 1: God-Grown Science (July 14 - 17: 9 am–1 pm) Learn how to take what God provided for us to use in the kitchen, and use it to cook up some science fun! Everyday kitchen items like flour, spices, milk, food coloring, etc. make for a very fun learning experience. Thank you God for making this possible! Camp 2: God's Sensory Sensations (July 21 - 24: 9 am–1 pm) God gave us eyes to see, hands to help, ears to listen, noses to smell, and a mouth to taste. We will use our senses to make ooey, gooey concoctions and fun, sensory art projects. You don't want to miss this! Camp 3: Recycling God's Way (July 28 - 31: 9 am–1 pm) God loves when we use ordinary trash and turn it into a treasure or when we retell the fairy tales of old over and over again. This camp is for anyone who loves to use their imagination...just as God intended!

Camp Instructor Bios: Joanne Shipman is a 6-year camp instructor! She is married to Charlie and has 4 children. Her two sons, Christopher and Nicholas, live in Colorado. Her oldest daughter, Meredith, lives in Houston. Her youngest daughter, Caroline, is a Senior at Clements High School. Joanne has been a teacher/assistant at Christ Church School for 19 years and has loved all of the children who have been in her care during those years. Bonnie Wilson currently teaches the Bridge Class at Christ Church School, and has been working there for 21 years. Bonnie has four adult children: 3 sons and 1 daughter, and four precious grandchildren. Bonnie has a love of teaching and it shines through every day! She is very excited to return her 2nd year to teach summer camps at Christ Church. Denise Zimmer has worked at Christ Church School for 18 years, teaching two year olds. She has 3 adult children and 2 beautiful granddaughters. She loves working with children and has a special knack for teaching two year olds! She thinks they are so much fun and they keep her on her toes! This will be Denise’s 4th year teaching summer camps.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve





During the week of April 27–May 3, Christ Church will once again serve as a host church for Fort Bend Family Promise, a local program assisting families displaced from their homes. Qualified clients will have dinner and stay the night at Christ Church during our host week. Many volunteer opportunities are available. You can be “hands on” or “behind the scenes.” Contact Kira Halcarz at 832.654.9356 or kira.halcarz@gmail. com for more information. A family in crisis needs your Christian love and hands to serve. H.O.M.E. PROJECT WORKDAY SET!! SATURDAY, MAY 3

Come join over 200 volunteers from surrounding Methodist churches for the annual home repair project. Since 1994, the H.O.M.E. Project has repaired over 300 homes for the elderly and financially challenged neighbors in our immediate area. Repair efforts will be concentrated in the West Fort Bend County area this year. Come join us as we follow in the footsteps of the "Great Carpenter" for a one-day volunteer effort. No repair experience is necessary! Registration forms available at the H.O.M.E. Project table in the Volunteer Center or online at Contact Mark Pharr at 281.980.7744 or Tom Brune at 281.265.6277 for more details. GIFTS UNTO OTHERS (GUO) IS STILL ACTIVE! SUNDAYS, MAY 4, 11 AND 17 • BETWEEN SERVICES • VOLUNTEER CENTER

Did you know the Gifts Unto Others (GUO) Program is active all year, not just during the Christmas Season? That’s right – it is active all year to allow you to honor and remember people special in your life by making a gift to a favorite charity. Consider giving through GUO for birthdays, thank you's, memorials and other special occasions. Order online at or complete the order form found in the catalogs in the literature racks in various locations around the church. To make your giving easier for end of school year thank yous, graduations, Mother’s Day and more, we will have a table in the Volunteer Center on May 4, 11, and 17 with order forms and ‘On the Spot’ cards for several of the most popular ministries. If you have questions, contact Debbie Straw at or 281.980.2607. JOIN THE STREAM TEAM! HELP US PROCLAIM "JESUS LIVES!" LIVE ON THE WEB EVERY SUNDAY DURING WORSHIP!

Christ Church streams its worship services live on the internet. We need volunteers who want to remotely control cameras, click a mouse, and chat with people who watch the stream! You do not need previous experience; we will train you. If you are interested, contact Helen Ford at or sign up to volunteer online by visiting CARPENTER'S HANDS MAY 17 • 8 AM TO 3 PM •MEET IN FLC GYM

Join us for a day to spruce up our church. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Skilled and unskilled volunteers, ages 12+, are invited. We will repair, restore and paint the facility.


Christ United Methodist Church


On July 13 - 18, the Seekers Sunday School class is scheduled to go on what is known as "the Cadillac of Missions" to UMCOR Sager Brown in Baldwin, Louisiana. They are looking for 3 more people to complete their group of ten. While there, you will assemble kits for disaster relief, sort/pack items and perhaps do some sewing if you are so talented. Join the team and you'll be helping people all over the globe! The cost is approximately $210 and covers meals (they feed you VERY well) and lodging (double occupancy). Seekers made their reservation a year in advance since there is such a high demand to attend this mission. The deadline for deposit submission is May 13. Contact Renee Teel for more info at or 281.980.6888. CAN YOU HELP DELIVER MEALS TO HOMEBOUND SENIORS? WEEKDAYS FROM OUR CHURCH

Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels (FBSMOW) is committed to helping Seniors in our area to remain independent by enhancing their quality of life through services and resources. FBSMOW is one of Fort Bend County's oldest non-profit agencies, and serves approximately 1,000 hot meals daily to Seniors, 60 years and older. FBSMOW provides comprehensive services and programs including home delivery of hot meals to homebound Seniors, congregate meals, emergency shelf-stable meals, transportation, case management, telephone reassurance, health screenings, information and referral services, and social activities. If you can spare an hour or two each week, we can use your help to deliver hot meals to Seniors in our community or assist with other Senior activities. Please contact Sue Lang at 281.980.6074 or for more information on how you can help this wonderful ministry. DID YOU KNOW? EVERY SATURDAY AT 9 AM • CHRIST CHURCH GARDEN BEHIND THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER • FAMILIES WELCOME!

Every Saturday at 9 am you have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of God’s bounty and the company of some really nice people. Christ Church's garden, located directly behind the Family Life Center, grows fresh vegetables and always welcomes those that would like to participate in this great ministry. The vegetables are donated to the EFBHNM Food Bank. Last year we donated 2,330 pounds!! It is also an opportunity to work together with your kids to show them where food comes from, and it is a great chance for students to get YES service hours! No need for a green thumb, just an open heart for working with others, learning about gardening and a desire to help others in need. For more info, please contact Mark Larson at 281.261.6481 or just stop by any Saturday. FYSH CAMP JUNE 9 - 12 • 8:30 AM - 3 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER

Students who have completed 5th through 8th grade are invited to attend our annual FYSH Camp service week! Come serve others and have fun! Camp cost $120. For more info and to register go to



Students who have completed 8th grade by June plus those in grades 9–12:

Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars. A specialist comes with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options.

Join 412 Youth Ministries as we share Christ's love by ministering to the people of Belize! The mission cost is $1,800 per person, and students are expected to participate in group fundraisers in advance of this mission trip. A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot on the mission team. Visit to register or to learn more. Still have questions? Contact Lisa Mayhugh at 281.980.6888. 412 UM ARMY 2014 JULY 20 - 26 • CALDWELL, TEXAS

Students who have completed 8th-12th grade are invited to serve others at our annual UM ARMY mission trip. We will be traveling to Caldwell, TX. Mission cost is $295, but you can reserve your spot through June 30 with a $50 deposit. For more info and to register go to


The Women’s Retreat committee is hosting an Arts and Crafts Show! Proceeds will benefit the 2015 women’s retreat by funding scholarships and speaker fees. Whether you need gifts for Mother’s Day, graduation or birthdays, or something special for you– this is the place to find them! Bring a friend! Need directions? Call Gen Jordan at 281.265.7804. Contact Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765 or with your questions.


Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. A Scripture is shared and class ends with a quiet time of prayer. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30. WANTED: COMPASSIONATE HEARTS

Caring for one another is what church is about. So has God gifted you with a heart for walking alongside those in pain? Are you blessed with being able to listen to another's struggles with compassion and genuine concern? Have you received confirmation through the Holy Spirit that God does indeed answer prayers? Do you believe that Scripture teaches us to bear each other's burdens and celebrate each other's joys? Then God may be calling you to serve in one of Christ Church's Member Care ministries! Compassionate hearts for companioning are needed. As you complete your SERVE commitment this year, please consider how you might offer the compassionate heart of Jesus Christ through the ministries of the Care Team, Hearts of Grace, Pray Now!, and Altar Prayer Partners. Thank you for your continued faithfulness to the vow you made to uphold this part of the Body of Christ with your prayers. Many volunteers, the church staff, and those in need are depending on those prayers!


Men of all ages, join together for lunch and fellowship at Baytown Seafood. This a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to get to know men on staff at Christ Church. ROOTS RESEARCH THURSDAY, MAY 15 • 11:00 AM • ROOMS 11/12

Are you interested in your ancestors? Virginia and Glenn Morrison lead this group in exploring your family genealogy. It is exciting to see how God has been working through generation after generation.

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


To help you in your explorations it is necessary for you to bring information about the earliest ancestor you have knowledge about (name, place of birth or residence or death, dates/approximate dates). Bring a sack lunch, mobile technology (if available), and join us.



INTERESTED IN AUDIO-VISUAL? EVERY SUNDAY • ALL SERVICES We are expanding our A/V Team. If you would like to serve and learn more about sound or running visuals during our worship services or other events, please contact Jeanne Damon at No experience is necessary.


Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Pastor Rev. Dan Conway, Exec. Associate Pastor - GROW Ministries Rev. Preston Morgan, Executive Associate Pastor Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Helen Ford, Communications Coordinator/Designer Kate Flint, Director - Children & Family Ministries Todd Harris, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School

For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at



PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Dotty Lantz, Linda Huysman’s father, Pat Kelly’s friend, Matt Duggan’s co-worker, Bob Culak’s brother, Michelle Wilkerson’s brother, Courtney & Sandy White’s friend, Russ Kardos, Lisa Panozzo’s father, Tom & Jennifer Lowe (Chaplain & wife at Jesters Unit), Ken Crouch’s friend’s wife, Tom Bittenbender’s niece, Ann Upp’s son, Hugh Hitchcock, Pat Sonier’s aunt & cousin, Fran & John Crocker, Sandra Lowe’s ex-brother-in-law, Sandra Lowe’s daughter, Kelli Mitchell’s mother, Connie Hagler’s brother-in-law, Kirsten Jordon’s mother. JOYS . . . Nancy Wells’ father, Carl Russell, Barry Gilbert, Wilma Baker’s great-grandson, Stacee Hawkins’ boss’ son, Cyndi Barnett’s father, Pat & Way Mathew’s mother, Clair Unger’s uncle, Greg Mekras’ mother, Debbie & Jeff Jacobson’s son, Ruby Pruitt’s daughter, Ann Lancaster’s nephew. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Linda and Larry Miller on the death of her father, David and Stacy Howdeshell on the death of his father, David James on the death of his father, Jo Beth Moore and family on the death of her aunt and cousin, Kenny Regetz on the death of his grandmother, Lynda Hammagren on the death of her mother, the family & friends of Chris Ellison.

SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.

PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve

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