The Connection September Special Edition - Grow

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GROW IN CHRIST TOGETHER Friends of Christ Church, The beginning of a new school year is upon us, and opportunities for many other new beginnings will be coming our way, as well. As our summer routines transition into a new season, I invite you to prayerfully seek answers to questions such as: •

How is God calling me to grow personally and spiritually this year?

What past experiences have most spurred me on in developing my faith and deepening my sense of connection with my church family?

Which of the GROW group opportunities available to me at Christ church will best help me to become more fully the person I know God wants me to be?

While our Christian faith is deeply personal and much can be gained from private study and prayer, the Christian journey was never intended to be taken alone. Our faith is strongest when we are discussing and sharing it in a community of Christian friends who are engaging in God’s Word together. In Acts 8:30-31, “Philip ran over and heard the man reading the prophet Isaiah. Phillip asked, ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ The man replied, ‘How can I, unless someone instructs me?’ And he urged Phillip to come up into the carriage and sit with him.” Who will you be sitting with this year? Sometimes God’s Word can be difficult to understand, and we find that we need a little help. Please prayerfully read through the spiritual growth opportunities being offered in the 2013 - 2014 year, and be ready to commit to one of them on Sunday, August 25th, during our worship services. Most of the groups will begin meeting later that week or in early September. As you may have discovered with “The Bible in 90 Days” experience last spring, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. If you have not taken a Disciple course before, that would be a great group in which to establish a firm foundation for your understanding of God’s Word. If you have already been through Disciple, or cannot commit to that level of daily reading and meeting time, Christ Church is also launching new GROW groups, meeting in homes and at church, which will engage in “The Story,” a 31-week curriculum. See page 3 for more information on “The Story.” Other spiritual growth opportunities such as Sunday School classes, men’s and women’s Bible studies and fellowship events, the Walk To Emmaus retreats in October and other short-term studies are listed for your consideration within this month’s Connection. If you would like to form a new GROW group that is not listed here, please contact me at 281.980.6888 or so that we can expand our GROW group options together. Friends, let’s get ready to grow in Christ together this year! May the Peace and Grace of Jesus Christ be yours.



Christ United Methodist Church



“The Story” is both a best-selling abridged chronological Bible that captures the essential Story of God with God’s people in 31 chapters in a novel format, and also a high-quality, 31-week small group curriculum. With the goal of understanding the one overarching Story of God and God’s people throughout Scripture and history, just the essential characters and key pivotal points in the narrative are included in a simple, straightforward, and chronological manner. Both experienced students and beginners to Bible study can greatly benefit from being in a “The Story” GROW group, as all can identify their story in God’s story as it unfolds. This experience will reveal how the different parts of the Bible fit together without the intimidation of covering the entire Bible, and provide opportunity for “extras” and “helps” for those who would like to go deeper in their study. Each session begins with a 10-11 minute video that includes about 2 minutes of reading the theme passages and 8-9 minutes of captivating storytelling and teaching by Christian author and pastor, Randy Frazee. “The Story” works best in groups that allow time for unrushed discussion, or about 75-90 minutes of total meeting time.


The children’s version of “The Story” and the teen version for those in senior high will be offered on Wednesday nights at church, while some adult “The Story” GROW groups will also be meeting. Middle school volunteers will be assisting in the children’s program. What a night for families to be growing together at Christ Church! New HomeGroups, some existing HomeGroups and some regular adult Bible Studies will also be participating in this 31-week spiritual journey, both in homes and at church, on Wednesday nights and at other times of the week as well. Wednesday groups will begin their first weekly session on September 11th. When the school holidays are allowed for (plus two additional session breaks in December), the themes of the crucifixion and resurrection will line up with the church calendar and Holy Week, and the final session conclude on Wednesday, May 21st.


people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


One of Christ Church’s new Associate Pastors, Rev. Dan Conway, is working with the GROW ministries of the church. Dan would love to help you get involved in a “The Story” GROW group. You can reach Dan at 281.980.6888 or at dconway@ More information about “The Story” is available at Come and learn about this epic story that reveals the great extents that God will go in order to get His people back. This is your story; this is God’s story; this is the greatest story ever told!


2013 - 2014

“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...” -2 Peter 3:18

Spiritual growth is central to participating in and growing the Kingdom of God. How can Christ Church help you to GROW? By offering countless opportunities for spiritual growth, including Sunday School and other classes, HomeGroups, Bible studies and retreats. Please read through Christ Church’s 2013 – 2014 GROW Catalog to learn more about the many GROW opportunities that our church will offer in the coming academic year. Prayerfully consider and decide where God is leading you to GROW, then affirm your decision by submitting a GROW Commitment Card so that we can prepare a place for you!

Adults and young adults, we encourage you to GROW in community by participating in a Sunday School class, HomeGroup or other GROW opportunity.

Middle school and high school students, we encourage you to GROW in community by participating in 412 Youth Ministries. GROW Commitment Cards are available throughout the church, online and in this edition of The Connection. If you would like to complete your card online, visit www.cumcsl. org/grow. If you prefer to use the card’s printed version, you will have an opportunity to bring it forward during worship on Sunday, August 25th. You may also place your completed card in one of the designated baskets located in the Ministry Center, Family Life Center foyer or church workroom. Let’s get ready to GROW in Christ together this year!


Christ United Methodist Church


The Children’s Ministries team at Christ Church is committed to providing each child with a life-long love of Jesus Christ.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: With goals and objectives for each age and grade level, our interactive Sunday School environment is a great place for children to learn and GROW in their faith. Our desire is that every child 18 months old and older attends Sunday School on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am. If you have a child who has not attended Sunday School, all you need to do is check in at one of the computer kiosk stations in the Education Building on Sunday mornings. Our helpful kiosk volunteers will assist you in getting your child to his/her classroom. Younger children are invited to our childcare center, where they will be cared for by our loving childcare staff and introduced to BIBLE TIME, a curriculum that is specifically designed for infants and toddlers.

CHILDREN’S “ THE STORY”: On Wednesday nights during the 2013 - 14 school year, we invite you and your children to come to church from 6:45 – 8 pm and participate in “The Story.” For more information on this curriculum, see “‘The Story’ Grow Groups at Christ Church” (see page 3). The children’s version of “The Story” will follow the same weekly themes as the adult groups, but on an age-appropriate level, with specialized videos and activities. Senior High Youth will also be going through the teen version of “The Story” during that same time. Middle school volunteers will be assisting in the children’s program. We encourage you to let Wednesday nights be an opportunity to explore God’s Story and Your Story as a family by attending Christ Church together. Questions? Contact Ingred Lathrop at or 281.690.4748; or Kim Ripley at or 281.690.4765.

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412 Student Ministries at Christ Church are open to students in grades 6 through 12. We offer our youth a safe and Spirit-filled place to learn about God and GROW in relationship with Christ. 412 Student Ministries is broken down into several growth areas. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @ “412sugarland”

412 SUNDAY NIGHTS FROM 5 – 8 PM: • 5 pm Dinner, Fellowship and Games • 6 pm Worship and Bible Study • 7 – 8 pm Small Group Discussion and Fellowship Time

412 SUNDAY SCHOOL FROM 9:30 - 10:45 AM:

• 9:30 am Gathering in Room 306 for donuts, coffee and fellowship • After fellowship, break out into grade levels: 6th Grade to Room 304 7th & 8th Grade to Room 305 9th & 10th Grade to Room 306 11th & 12th Grade to Room 312

412 CONFIRMATION CLASS FROM 5 – 8 PM: From January until early May of each year, 6th graders are encouraged to participate in the Confirmation Relay for Life, an in-depth program designed to prepare 6th grade students for a deeper understanding of their faith to become disciples of Christ and professing members of Christ Church. Registration is required and available at


412 4-12.NET


Christ United Methodist Church

• Guys’ Night Out: A Bible study for high school boys which meets weekly in individual homes. For more information, contact • Girls’ Night Out: A Bible study for high school girls which meets weekly in individual homes. For more information, contact

41 2 W E D N E S DAY E N CO U N T E R ( H I G H SC H O O L BIBLE STUDY) FROM 5:30 – 8 PM: • Weekly dinners at local restaurants at 5:30 pm followed by Bible study at the church from 6:45 – 8 pm. This school year’s Bible study will be “The Story.” Follow us on Facebook at Wednesday Night Pre-Encounter. Questions? Contact Lisa Mayhugh at or Drew Essen at


The Axiom Young Adult Ministry at Christ Church is geared to those aged 18 - 35ish who are seeking to GROW closer in their relationships with Christ and one another. In addition to a Sunday School class and Bible studies, Axiom also hosts fun fellowship events most weeks! • Y O U N G A D U LT S U N D AY S C H O O L : For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish, we meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Room 310 of the Family Life Center. We usually go out to lunch or games after church, so don’t miss out. • Y O U N G A D U L T H O M E G R O U P : Primarily for the young professionals in our group, we meet at a leader’s house every Monday evening for fellowship and a small group study. Most of us are 25 - 35ish, but all who are interested and identify as “young adult” are welcome. This fall, Kate Flint will be leading discussions based on “The Story” on Mondays at 6:30 pm. Contact Kate at or 281.627.2082. • YO U N G A D U LT D I SC I P L E S H I P G RO U P S : In these groups, we seek to disciple one another and learn to disciple others beyond the church walls. Through relationships we grow in our faith and bring others to Christ. Questions? Contact Rev. Preston Morgan at or 281.980.6888. Stay in Touch with Axiom

To see our Axiom video, scan above or go to PAGE.07 special grow edition


There is an adult Sunday School class for every age and interest. Brief descriptions are provided to help you choose the class that is right for you.

ADVENTURERS This class consists of members ages 30 and up, with and without children. The group is a discussion-oriented class studying a variety of biblical topics applicable to our daily lives. We enjoy fellowship, mission projects and social activities. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Rooms 302/303 of the Family Life Center. Questions? Contact Richard Jordan at, or just drop in and visit us!

AXIOM YOUNG ADULTS For those in college and early on in their careers, aged 18 - 35ish, we meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Room 310 of the Family Life Center. We usually go out to lunch or games after church, so don’t miss out. Questions? Contact Rev. Preston Morgan at or 281.980.6888.

BARNABAS This class is a friendly community consisting of adults 50 years old and older. We are united by a shared belief in Christ and seek to provide encouragement to others both inside and outside our class. We do this through outreach activities, prayers, Bible studies, topical studies, and fellowship events. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in the Chapel.

Questions? Contact Debbie Straw at, Maria Larson at or Patt Anderson at

CELEBRATE SINGLES This class is open to all singles of any age, with and without children. We enjoy Bible studies and are discussion-oriented. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Room 309 of the Family Life Center. Please join us anytime. Questions? Contact Chris Godbold at

COUPLES FOR CHRIST This class consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s, with or without children. It is a relaxed, yet engaging, class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support and opportunities for service. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in the Bride’s Room.

Questions? Contact Allison Thummel at or Dwight Helms at


Christ United Methodist Church

CRUSADERS This class is open to all ages. It has a participatory format and the studies are Biblically based. We meet at 8:30 am on Sundays in the Bride’s Room (childcare is available in the nursery for preschool children). Questions? Contact Brent Kirkendall at or at 281.277.4756.

GRACE ABOUNDS We welcome people from all ages and stages of life (married, single, solo on Sunday) including those at different places in their spiritual journey (believers or seekers). This class has a participatory format, and we delve into scriptural truths relevant to our lives and relationships and seek to grow our faith. We love a great discussion. Study facilitators rotate among interested class members. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Room 301 of the Family Life Center. Questions? Contact Norma Pharr at or Janet Johnson at janetlynnj@

GRACE NOTES This class allows members of the Chancel Choir to attend a Sunday School class and still participate in the Music Ministry of Christ Church. While it is geared towards Choir members, everyone is welcome. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in the Choir Room. Questions? Contact Robert Doerr at

H.O.P.E. 24/7 Our name, “Hear Our Prayers Everyday 24/7,” reflects this class’ focus on prayer. Once a month, members share joys and concerns. Discussionoriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out our activities, and our members range in age from their 40’s – 70’s. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Room 311 of the Family Life Center. Questions? Contact Mary McCaine at or Sharon Hazel at

JUBILEE This large class is made up of mature individuals (ages range from 65 – 90+) who enjoy the fellowship of others and hope to continue to grow in their faith through Bible-based studies. Thought-provoking lessons are presented by Jan Randolph. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Rooms 11/12. Questions? Contact Jan Randolph at

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SEEKERS This is a class of mixed ages with couples, singles, and those solo on Sunday that concentrates on Bible study, missions and fellowship. Lively discussion is always included. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Room 308 of the Family Life Center. Questions? Contact Dennis Dull at 281.343.7948.

TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY) This class is made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. We meet at 9:45am on Sundays in the Scout Shack. Questions? Contact Tricia Bradbury at or Alison Penczak at

WEAVERS This class is made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship, and service. This class is very mission-oriented, and we like to socialize and laugh together. We meet in the Library, across from the Sanctuary, at 9:45 am each Sunday. Questions? Contact Dale Dowden at

WOMEN’S CLASS This class is made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. We primarily do Bible-based studies and various service projects throughout the year. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays in Room 307 of the Family Life Center. Questions? Contact Kira Halcarz at

If you need additional information or assistance on our Sunday School classes, please contact Rev. Dan Conway at or 281.980.6888.

“I took Disciple I Bible Study in the Spring. So many people recommended this highly, that I was very happy when my expectations were exceeded. Not only did I learn that the Bible is not that hard to understand, I got to study it with some really fine people. If you can give some time each week to understanding God’s word, you might just change your life.” ERIC GRIMM PAGE.10

Christ United Methodist Church


Tuesdays 6:45 - 8:45 pm at church • September 10 – October 15 Facilitated by Alan Schleimer Caregivers need care too. Ensure the best care for your loved ones by taking better care of yourself. Receive tips to reduce stress, improve self-confidence and balance your life. Improve communications with your care receiver, other family members and healthcare professionals. Open to current direct or indirect caregivers. Class size is limited. Register online at The $30 registration fee includes your workbook.

DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY I This course covers 70% of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and develops Christian friendship and promotes life transformation. Weekly meetings include video, discussion and fellowship time. Daily reading is required. Register online at The $40 registration fee includes your workbook.

Two classes available: • Wednesdays 7 – 9 pm at church Starts with September 4 orientation • Thursdays 3 – 5 pm at church Starts with September 5 orientation • Facilitated by Jan Randolph

DIVORCECARE This will not be offered in the fall 2013 but is coming in spring 2014. Facilitated by Linda Parker

“THE STORY” GROW GROUPS Make Wednesdays your family night at Christ Church as adults, children and senior high youth embark on this 31-week small group journey through God’s Story and Your Story. Childcare and “The Story” children’s program are provided. For more information, see “The Story” on page 3. • Adults with Young Children Group Wednesdays 6:45 – 8 pm at church • Starts September 11 • Women’s Group Wednesdays 6:45 – 8 pm at church • Starts September 11 • Mixed Adult Group Wednesdays 6:45 – 8 pm at church • Starts September 11 • New “The Story” HomeGroups forming See “GROW HomeGroups” listing Want to start a new “The Story” GROW group at a time not listed? Contact Rev. Dan Conway at or 281.980.6888.

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Mondays 9:30 - 11:30 am • Room 11/12 August 26 – November 18 Facilitated by Jeanette Stoltz Moses had led the Jews out of Egypt and through the wilderness. He even conversed with God on Mt. Sinai! So, Joshua had some big shoes to fill. Yet he proved to be more than capable. What was his secret? How did Joshua live so fearlessly? What can his story teach us today? This study requires approximately 20 minutes of homework each day. Register online at The $20 registration fee includes your workbook. Questions? Contact Jeanette Stoltz at or 713.385.8338.


Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30 am • Volunteer Center September 3 - November 19 Facilitated by Laura Gratz Are you prepared for suffering? Will trials and persecutions reveal your faith and bring glory to God? Come explore what Peter says to believers enduring tribulations in the 12-week Precept Upon Precept Bible study of 1 Peter. This is an in-depth study that requires approximately 45 minutes of homework per day (5 days/week). Register online at The $27 registration fee includes your workbook. Questions? Contact Laura Gratz at or 281.794.5196.


Wednesdays 6:45 – 8 pm at church • Starts September 11 Make Wednesdays your family night at Christ Church. Embark on this 31-week small group journey through God’s Story and Your Story. Childcare and “The Story” children’s program are provided. For more information, see “The Story” on page 3.


Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30 am • Volunteer Center September 5 – November 7 Facilitated by Debe Fannin Award-winning author Philip Yancey serves as guide and interpretive leader of 8 video study sessions. In a series of in-depth interviews and explanations he covers 5 crucial segments of the Old Testament: 1. Job: Seeing in the Dark 2. Deuteronomy: A Taste of Bittersweet 3. Psalms: Spirituality in Every Key 4. Ecclesiastes: The End of Wisdom 5. The Prophets: God Talks Back

Register online at The $20 registration fee includes your workbook. Questions? Contact Debe Fannin at or 281.265.4082.


Christ United Methodist Church


Sundays 6:30 – 8 pm Facilitated by Cindy Kirkendall This class will not be offered in the fall 2013 but is coming in spring 2014.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN OF CHRIST CHURCH We are currently starting several new interest groups such as a monthly prayer group and a book club. The Christ Hands In Action interest group, C.H.I.A., meets the second Monday of each month at 10 am for hands-on mission projects and studies. Our mission is to glorify God and be the hands and feet of Christ in this community. We offer the women of this church an opportunity to fellowship and worship together in a spirit of love and unity. Questions? Contact Pam Bluestein at or 713.818.0923.


Meets twice monthly on Fridays (September through May) 9:30 am – noon Starts September 6 MOPS is designed to nurture every mother of preschoolers by meeting her distinct needs to the glory of Jesus Christ. This group is at capacity for the fall 2013, but those interested in being a part of MOPS at Christ Church in the spring of 2014 are invited to contact Liz Brown to be added to a Spring 2014 waitlist. Questions? Contact Liz Brown at or 281.494.1442.


Meets twice monthly on Wednesdays (September thru May) 9:30 - 11:30 am Starts September 10 MOMSnext is designed to encourage, equip, and develop moms for the challenges and issues that arise with school-aged children. Meetings include fellowship, discussion and prayer, followed by an optional lunch out. Throughout the year we will participate in many fun activities including potluck lunches and service projects with our children. Questions? Contact Amy Abels at or 281.208.0289, or Stacey Johnson at


January 17 - 19 See “GROW Weekend Retreat Experiences” listing.

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Christ United Methodist Church’s HomeGroups were modeled after the house groups that represented the early church. Paul referenced these groups numerous times in his writings, speaking of their importance in offering believers a safe place where faith and Christian relationships might be nurtured to grow. Like the house groups of old, today’s HomeGroups provide participants with a wonderful means of enjoying God’s presence in the company of friends; a way to grow in their faith so that they may become mature followers of Christ. During meeting time, members enjoy fellowship, study and discuss Biblical topics, pray together, and extend support to one another. New HomeGroups will begin the second week of September and will study “The Story,” a 31-week small group curriculum that runs concurrently with the school year. Interested in getting in a new HomeGroup? Just fill out and submit a GROW group commitment card on August 25th in a worship service or submit a commitment card online, and Rev. Dan Conway will help you find a HomeGroup. Questions? Contact Dan at or 281.980.6888.

To see video testimonies and complete information, scan QR code above or go to


Christ United Methodist Church

MEN’S GROW GROUPS MEN OF CHRIST Men of Christ is a ministry that provides the men of Christ Church and the community with an opportunity to fellowship with one another in a Christian environment and to facilitate small group studies, retreats, special events and programs that will help bring men closer to Christ. The Men of Christ focus on short-term Bible studies that address specific issues important to men and place a strong emphasis on small group discussion and building Christian community. You are invited and encouraged to attend any of the following men’s study groups: • Tuesday nights 7:15 - 9 pm • Main Library, opposite the Sanctuary Contact Jim Havas at 832.369.5407 or

• Friday mornings 6 - 7 am • Gathering Hall

Contact Dean Seime at 713.315.0955, (work) or (home).

• Saturday mornings 8 - 9:30 am • Volunteer Center Contact Larry Gilbert at 281.389.2966 or

• Sunday evenings 7:30 - 9 pm • Family Life Center; Room 307

Contact Joe Mieczkowski at 281.980.2883 or

For general information about Men of Christ, email

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January 17-19 • Featuring Mary Willis This year, the women of Christ Church will be at Jordan Ranch in Schulenburg, TX with guest speaker Mary Willis. Registration will be available online soon. The cost is $220 per person, and the group size is limited to 70. Register early! Questions? Contact Amy Abels at or 281.208.0289.


Men’s Walk #75 • October 10 Women’s Walk #76 • October 17 Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour Christian spiritual retreat designed to build leadership in the local church as well as provide spiritual renewal to both those attending a retreat and the volunteers who serve on a retreat. To participate in the Walk to Emmaus, one must have a sponsor who has already attended an Emmaus weekend. These individuals are easily identifiable as they often wear their Emmaus cross on a colorful cord on the first Sunday of each month. Any of these individuals can answer your questions about the Emmaus experience. Application forms, sponsor forms and additional information are available at the Houston West Emmaus Community website, Questions? Contact Annette or Bob Smith at 281.980.9277.

NOTE: Information about additional Adult groups that fall under the other areas of WORSHIP, SERVE or CONNECT can be found on our website at


Christ United Methodist Church

To see video testimonies and complete information, scan QR code above or go to (Cut here and return during Worship on August 25)

2013-2014 GROW COMMITMENT CARD NAME: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . . . -2 Peter 3:18 This GROW Commitment Card is a way of helping you become more intentional about how you will grow as a follower of Jesus Christ in the coming year. You will be encouraged to GROW in community by participating in a GROW Group; e.g., Sunday School class, HomeGroup, and/or other small group. Please prayerfully read the GROW Catalog in the September edition of The Connection and make your commitment using this GROW Commitment Card or by visiting the website at




JOIN US FOR A JOURNEY THROUGH THE STORY! The Story is a book of selections from the Bible, arranged chronologically, that reads like a novel. During this unique 31-week experience, every member of the family or small group can read their own version of The Story. Come discover together with us how our story is found in God’s story!

A new HomeGroup that is going through “The Story” together Please provide the following information so we can place you in a HomeGroup in your area. Neighborhood: Street Address: City: State: Zip: More GROW Group(s)

412 Youth

Sunday Nights Sunday School Confirmation Class* Monday Guys’ Night Out Monday Girls’ Night Out Wednesday Encounter

Axiom Young Adults


Sunday School HomeGroup (Monday PM) Discipleship Groups

Tuesday PM Friday AM Saturday AM Sunday PM

Adult Sunday School

Adventurers Barnabas Celebrate Singles Couples for Christ Crusaders Grace Abounds Grace Notes H.O.P.E. 24/7 Jubilee Seekers T.G.I.S. Weavers Women’s

Weekend Retreat Experiences

2014 Women’s Retreat* Men’s Walk to Emmaus Women’s Walk to Emmaus

Adult Classes

Powerful Tools for Caregivers* Disciple Bible Study I (Wednesday PM)* Disciple Bible Study I (Thursday PM)* DivorceCare (Spring 2014)*

Adult “The Story” (Wednesdays 6:45 – 8 pm)

Adults with Young Children Women’s Mixed Adult


Live Fearlessly: Joshua (Monday AM Bible Study)* How to Stand Firm (Tuesday AM Bible Study)* The Bible Jesus Read (Thursday AM Bible Study)* Breaking Free (Spring 2014 Bible Study)* United Methodist Women MOPS (Spring 2014 waitlist) MOMSnext

I WOULD LIKE A PASTOR TO CONTACT ME ABOUT LEADING A NEW GROW GROUP THAT IS NOT LISTED HERE, SUCH AS: *These GROW Groups require registration including a class fee. You may register online at or contact the group facilitator for more information.

For my wife and me, our Home Group offers us a chance for fellowship and to walk and grow in our faith together as we study God’s word and seek to understand His plan for our lives.” JIM RICE




DEAR FRIENDS IN CHRIST The approach of fall seems to offer us an opportunity for thought and excitement regarding changes. Students’ and teachers’ schedules are changing once again, daylight hours and temperatures begin to change ever so slightly, and even the leaves remind us of a change in seasons. Around Christ Church this fall, we will hear a lot of great conversations about “what’s next?” For me personally, “what’s next” includes a major change this month, as I am transitioning out of my staff position at Christ Church. As I do that, I want to extend my sincere appreciation to Christ Church for the privilege and opportunity to serve in ministry with you. To all the wonderful friends with whom I have worked on countless projects and outreach events – thank you! To all the volunteers who have served or currently serve on our Outreach and Communications Teams with me – thank you! To all of you who have trusted me with your prayer requests - thank you. To our pastors and staff – I so appreciate all you do and all you are; it has been an honor to partner with you – thank you! I covet your prayers as I move into this new season, and I look forward to what’s next within the changes God has planned for me and for Christ Church. Love and Blessings, Karen LaMotta

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve


“Home Groups are the essence of how our Christian faith took hold and grew – meeting in small groups in private homes. It is in this environment we come together to share our family life experiences with our friends and apply the lessons we learn from reading, studying and discussing the Bible lessons we choose to undertake.

Welcome Our Newest Members!


• All services, every first Sunday • Every Sunday in the Chapel, 8 to 8:15 am • Every Sunday in the hub


“Family Portrait” will be the first sermon in a new series on modern families beginning September 1. The texts for this sermon will include that great roll call of our ancestors in the faith from Hebrews 11 and the reminder that we are citizens of God’s Kingdom and members of God’s family in a household of faith that spans all time. Christ Church would like to recognize the importance of family, beginning with your households. You are invited to bring a small, framed “family portrait” you’re willing to share to worship on September 1. Yours, along with the others, will be displayed during services that day and will then become a part of a month-long display in our gathering areas. Please be sure to label the back of your portraits with your family name and your preferred phone number for contacts. Thank you for sharing your family this way, allowing our Christ Church family to celebrate who we are in Jesus Christ, who unites us in one holy family for the sake of God’s Kingdom. Other family-oriented celebrations in worship in September will include the giving of new Bibles to our third graders and celebrating the births of new babies into individual households within the church. It will be an exciting month of delving more deeply into issues that affect all families. THIRD GRADE BIBLE SUNDAY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 • 11:05 AM SANCTUARY WORSHIP & 11 AM HUB WORSHIP

As is our tradition at Christ Church, all 3rd graders will be receiving a Bible in worship on Sunday, September 8, during the 11 am the hub service and the 11:05 am Sanctuary service. As preparation for this special day, we invite all 3rd graders and their parents to attend a Faith Milestone Bible class and dinner on Thursday, September 5, at 6:30 pm in Room 210/211. RSVP to at 281.690.4748. Please be in prayer for our 3rd graders who will be committing to spend time in God’s Word. SEPTEMBER HEALING PRAYER WORSHIP SERVICE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 • 7 PM • SANCTUARY

Painful memories can hinder healing. But Christ’s presence spans all time - empowering, loving, and healing - yesterday, today, and forever. Hold on to the memory that you’re never alone. Meet the One who always goes with you on Tuesday evening, September 10. Join us as we bear one another’s burdens through prayer and fellowship at the Lord’s Table.


Christ United Methodist Church


Christ United Methodist Church is so excited about every new child that is born into the congregation! If you have added a new child to your household in the past 12 months, then we invite you and your child to attend a New Life Celebration class and breakfast on Saturday, September 28, at 9:30 am in Room 210/211. A special Celebration of Birth will take place in all worship services on Sunday ,September 29. For more information please contact our Children’s Ministry director, Ingred Lathrop, at 281.690.4748. NEW ACOLYTE TRAINING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 • 12:15 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

If your child is in the 3rd through 8th grade and would like to serve as an Acolyte in worship by bearing the light of Christ, please plan now to attend this fall’s training event. After a pizza and cookie lunch in the Volunteer Center, new Acolytes will receive a special book and then go to the Sanctuary for a video and an opportunity to practice. For more information, please contact Judy Hicks at 281.980.8727. Watch for a personal invitation to come your way soon! MEMORIAL PAVER SALES AUGUST 25 TO SEPTEMBER 15 • MINISTRY CENTER

Christ Church will celebrate a special All Saints’ Day service after morning worship at 12:30 pm on Sunday, November 3, in front of the Sanctuary. This service is in addition to our All Saints remembrance as part of our morning worship the same day. You may purchase an engraved paver ($100) to be placed in the walk area and consecrated at that service. Forms may be filled out online under “Giving” or picked up in the church office or Ministry Center on Sundays, August 25 through September 15. Paver proceeds will benefit Christ Church’s Endowment Fund. All orders are due by September 15; please include your check with your order. Contact Debbie Meier at dmeier@cumcsl. org or 281.980.6888, ext. 4740 for more information. ALL SAINTS’ CELEBRATION AND MEMORIAL PAVER DEDICATION BEGINS SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 • MINISTRY CENTER

All Saints’ Sunday will be observed November 3. The names of those now residing with the Communion of Saints will be read in morning worship. At 12:30 pm the Memorial Pavers will be consecrated in a brief service held just outside the Sanctuary’s main doors. Memorial Pavers may be purchased in the Ministry Center, in the church office, or online anytime beginning August 25 and ending September 15. Proceeds will benefit Christ Church’s permanent endowment fund. In order to have sufficient time for the pavers to be engraved, orders received after September 15 cannot be guaranteed to be completed. Please remember to include your check with your order form. For more information, please contact Debbie Meier at or 281.980.6888, ext. 4740. For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG

GROW Children’s Ministry is gearing up for another great year of Sunday School. August 25 will be Promotion Sunday for all children who have previously attended Sunday School. Each child will automatically be promoted up to the next age or grade and will be assigned to a new classroom beginning August 25. If your child is 18 months old or older we would love to have them in Sunday School at 9:45 am every Sunday. If you have a child who has not attended Sunday School or if you have any questions about Sunday School for children, please contact Ingred Lathrop at 281.690.4748 or UMW OF CHRIST CHURCH REIGNITING THE FLAME! SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 • 2:30 - 4 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

UMW of Christ Church would like to thank everyone for all the support and encouragement you have given us as we work hard to re-ignite the flame of this very special group! We are happy to report that our first mission project, the UMCOR sewing kits, went amazingly well. With your help, we were able to put together 52 complete kits for families in crisis. We thank you so much for every package of needles, spools of thread, fabric and all the buttons and scissors. Special thanks must go out to the TGIS Sunday School class and the Women’s Sunday School class for their over the top donations! Please know that somewhere in the world, your donation is being even more appreciated by those in need. Our unit has also given money to support the 412 Youth Ministry mission trip as well as the District’s effort to combat human trafficking. The SOS campaign received great donations and support. So thank you, Christ Church, for being a blessing to women and children in our community, families around the world, and to us! At our next meeting, we will be “Sailing into Service,” exploring ways that we can all make a difference here in our community and even in far-off places. We want to bring together all the women of Christ Church in a spirit of love – this is your personal invitation to come join us for a little “you” time – fellowship, prayer, praise, devotional time and a chance to learn how you can be His hands and feet right here in Fort Bend County! Childcare available by reservation. Questions? Call Pam Bluestein at 281.343.9913. We look forward to welcoming you on the 25th! CHILDREN’S CHOIR KICKOFF PARTY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 • 4:30 - 6:30 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER GYM

Children’s Choir is gearing up for the 2013-14 school year. The Choir rehearses on Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm with Chimes (3rd – 5th graders) meeting 4:45 – 5:30 pm. Sunday Choir rehearsal options include during the 8:15 and 11:00 Services. Directors this year will be Lajuan Ellis, Jordan Morgan and Lynne Clark. Children’s Choir will host a kickoff party for all kids preK (4 year old) - 5th grade in the Family Life Center Gym. There will be snacks, a moonwalk (for the little ones) and a blowup combo (for the older ones). Directors will be there to answer all your questions, and there will be a computer there to facilitate online registration. If you have a child who may be interested in Children’s Choir for the coming school year, please join us. For more information please contact Tracei Wilson at tracei@ or 281.690.4759.


We offer piano, guitar, voice, harp and art lessons throughout the school year. More information can be found on our website at www. For further information or questions, contact the Academy Director, Lahonda Sharp at 281.980.6888, ext. 4741. DINNER WITH THE DOMESTIC ADMINISTRATOR & WOMEN OF CHRIST SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 • 6 - 8 PM • GATHERING HALL

Join the Women of Christ on Sunday, September 8 for dinner with The Domestic Administrator, Lisa Boesen. As Domestic Administrators, we all try to be good scouts and “be prepared!” We prepare dinner, prepare home budgets, and prepare kids for school. We prepare, prepare, prepare. But how prepared are your spouse, parents or family in case of a medical emergency or chronic condition that could limit the ability to share important documents and manage your household? In a 30-minute session following our meal, Lisa will share her tips for putting some PEP (Personal Emergency Preparedness) in your life and show you how to get your important documents out of your memory and into a portfolio for easy access and peace of mind. By doing this, you will also become more organized in your everyday life so you can be a blessing to your family. Lisa is a professional speaker, author, coach and domestic administrator. She promotes “Mastering the Art of Household Management with an apron, spreadsheets and a smile!” She has experience as a healthcare professional, organizational development / HR consultant, MBTI practitioner, and compassion fatigue specialist. You can learn more at Tickets to this event are $10 and include dinner. Please register at For more information, contact Kathleen Randall at 832.423.9624. ONE ROOM BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

This group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the September meeting is Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join Book Club. PUT IT IN WRITING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 • 10 - 11:30 AM • CHURCH LIBRARY

Our lives are full of stories. One way to secure those memories for ourselves and future generations is to “put it in writing.” Jan Randolph will lead this monthly writers’ workshop designed to instruct, inspire, encourage and support participants in the writing process. Our explorations will include (but not necessarily be limited to) memoirs, journal writing, prayer journals, faith stories, family narratives, and poetry. Just bring paper and pencil and your mind full of stories. COMMUNION CLASS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 • 4 PM • ROOM 210/211

All children and their parents are invited to attend this Communion class, where we’ll explore the meaning behind this wonderful Holy Sacrament. FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL TWITTER.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve







All youth (including incoming 6th graders) and parents: Join us for hot dogs & burgers, big toys, worship and a parent meeting at our annual “Back to School Bash!” Come see what 412 is all about! For more information, contact Lisa Mayhugh or Drew Essen at 281.980.6888. ENCORE! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 • 11 AM - 1:30 PM • SANCTUARY AND GATHERING HALL

Come and enjoy the many facets of ENCORE! Worship is at 11 am in the Sanctuary, followed by a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall. An entertaining program will be in the Sanctuary after lunch. $7 is requested to cover the cost of the meal. Pre-registration is required for the meal and closes September 2. Reserve your space by emailing MEN’S LUNCH THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 • 11:30 AM • CORELLI’S

Men of all ages: Join the Older Adult Men for lunch and fellowship at Corelli’s. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond. WHEN MY MOM DIED...

I needed someone to listen to me as I told her history and nurtured my memory of her. I needed someone to listen to all that we were to each other. I needed someone to let me be angry, to let me be sad, to let me cry. Now I know where I can find someone who is there just for me. Stephen Ministry. For more information on how a Stephen Minister may be able to be there just for you when a crisis happens, contact Referrals Coordinator, Sally McKnight, at 713.306.1719. Confidentiality is a top priority for Stephen Ministers, and all calls for information are kept confidential. CELEBRATE SINGLES FIRST SUNDAY LUNCHES SCHEDULED

All singles are welcome to join the Celebrate Singles class at our First Sunday lunches, occurring at 12:30 pm at area restaurants. Upcoming lunches include: • September 1: Chipotle in Sugar Land Town Square; • October 6: Live Oak Grill. Please make plans to join us!

FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL TWITTER.COM/CUMCSL For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG

Old neckties needed! If you have a closet full of old ties that you are no longer wearing, please consider donating them to our Children’s Ministry. Our first and second graders need them for a craft project they will be doing in the fall. Drop them off in the Children’s Ministry office by August 25. DISTRICT CONFERENCE, INSTALLATION OF NEW DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2013, HOLY COVENANT UMC, KATY, TEXAS, 4 PM

The Southwest District of the Texas Annual Conference is one of the strongest districts in the entire Conference. Our own Christ Church member, Priscilla Thomas, is our District’s lay representative to the Annual Conference and serves as a District leader in many other capacities. This year’s District Conference will be held Sunday afternoon, September 8, at 4 pm, at Holy Covenant UMC in Katy. Our new District Superintendent, the Rev. Jay Jackson, will convene the Conference and will be officially “installed” in a special worship service that will follow the business session. A reception in his honor will complete the day. All are invited to attend - not just Conference delegates or key church leaders. This is an opportunity to meet and greet others who serve as leaders in their home churches and in the district. SAGE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 • 12 - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12

Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists will come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options. HAVE YOU BEEN IMPACTED BY CANCER? GET SUPPORT! EVERY 3RD TUESDAY • 7 - 8:30 PM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

The Colors of Cancer group welcomes all adults who have had a diagnosis of any type of cancer, as well as their caregivers. We use the Reconstruction of a Survivor curriculum to guide our monthly discussions. Come and check us out on the 3rd Tuesday of EVERY month, from 7 - 8:30 pm in the Volunteer Center. For more information, contact Amy Abels at ROOTS RESEARCH THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 • 11 AM • ROOMS 11/12

Are you interested in your ancestors? Virginia and Glenn Morrison will lead this group in exploring your family genealogy. It is exciting to see how God has been working through generation after generation. To help you in your explorations, it is necessary for you to bring information about the earliest ancestor you have knowledge about (name, place/county of birth or residence or death, dates/approximate dates). Bring a sack lunch, any mobile technology you have available, and join us. GAME DAY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 • 10:30 AM - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12

Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. Lunch includes a roundtable discussion of Scriptures, faith, and our faith community.


2014 EUROPEAN CHOIR TOUR JUNE 29 - JULY 9, 2014 Christ United Methodist Church

Come explore Budapest, Vienna and Prague as we share God’s Word through song. For more information, contact Lahonda Sharp at 281.980.6888, x4741 or view the flier online for details and prices.

SERVE Drop by the Habitat table in the Ministry Center and join in the fun and fellowship of giving a family a hand up. Christ Church is building our 13th home for a deserving family. Come to the site and work alongside the family as they complete the required 300 “sweat equity” hours to finish their home by December. We need your support. Help us with your time, your donations and your prayers. If you don’t feel comfortable swinging a hammer, help us by serving our hungry workers or performing other needed onsite chores. Sign up with Doug McCubbin at or visit our webpage at and check out the great videos of our progress so far. Or help us raise the funds needed for building materials by donating today toward our $70,000 goal. The joy of seeing a deserving family fulfill their dream of home ownership is unsurpassed. Join us! SOULS FOR SOLES AND MORE AUGUST 18 AND 25 AND SEPTEMBER 1 AND 8

The 2013 Soles for Souls and More campaign is underway. Soles for Souls and More is a Christ Church mission program which provides brand NEW tennis shoes, socks and underwear for local students in grades K-12. These children in need are serviced through FBISD Shared Dreams or Lamar CISD Common Threads programs. Stop by the Ministry Center on August 18 or 25, September 1 or 8 to pick up one or more shoe card(s) and purchase the specific size(s). Sizes start at boy’s and girl’s size 10 through adult. These shoes are for underprivileged students right here in our area. Any NEW tennis shoes (preferably in boxes for storage purposes) can be dropped off at the Ministry Center before or after services or in the Soles for Souls and More collection bin through September 8. Monetary donations are also encouraged - make your check payable to CUMC and designate it for Soles for Souls and More. Questions? Contact Norma Mendez 281.687.0961 or CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEEDS YOU!

As we prepare for a new year in Children’s Sunday School, we are looking for adult and youth volunteers who have a desire to serve Jesus by being in a classroom with children on Sunday mornings. If God has nudged you to get more involved and you want to share God’s love with children, then we need you! We have a great team of coordinators who will provide all that you will need to be successful in the classroom. Come join our team! Contact Ingred Lathrop at 281.690.4748 or email HOLLEY CHILDREN NEED HELP! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 • 9:30 AM • BOARDROOM OF THE FBISD ADMIN BLDG ON LEXINGTON AND AUSTIN PKWY

The children of Holley Elementary need mentors, but what does that entail? If you’re curious, take this 1 hour free training to get all the answers on how you can become one child’s hero. Contact Katie Flint for more info at For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit WWW.CUMCSL.ORG



On October 21, several Christ Church members will be leaving for Haiti to actively share Christ’s love and we could use your help. We need your prayers and your gifts to make this mission successful. We know we can count on your prayers and we’ll be having a bazaar and silent action so that you can give. Come to the Ministry Center on September 15, 22 and 29 after all services; talk to team members and see our Haitian handcrafted items, free trade coffee, chocolate and more. A Silent Auction will be open all 3 Sundays and will close September 29 at 11 am. What a great way to be a part of the team! We’ll see you there. Mesi Anpil (a Creole way of saying “Thanks a lot”)! JOIN US “UNDER THE BIG TOP!” SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 • 4 PM • SANCTUARY

Join us “Under the Big Top” for a time of FUN music including a sampling of many of our musical ensembles, complete with popcorn. After a short presentation from the various groups, there will be time for a “hands-on” musical experience and refreshments. EMMAUS CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 • PINE FOREST COUNTRY CLUB, HOUSTON

The Houston West Emmaus Community (HWEC) is proud to present the 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Pine Forest Country Club on Monday, October 7. Proceeds from the tournament will be used to lower participant costs for their Walk to Emmaus, support the scholarship program, purchase equipment for the facility and support Chrysalis, an equivalent to Emmaus specifically designed for teenagers. The Golf Tournament will be followed immediately by a Live and Silent Auction, Dinner and Awards Ceremony. Everyone is invited to fellowship, dine and shop at the auction, whether or not they play golf. The dinner speaker will be Becky Turner, Christian inspirational speaker and leader in bringing the Walk to Emmaus to Russia. The Master of Ceremonies will be Christine Dobbyn of KTRK-TV (ABC) Eyewitness News Team. For more information, contact Debbie or John MacDonald at 281.565.7626, or visit the website at PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MONDAYS & FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTER

Join members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance, and presence. We meet Fridays and Mondays. Don’t know how to crochet or knit? We’ll teach you! For information, email Jan Randolph at JOIN THE STREAM TEAM! HELP US PROCLAIM “JESUS LIVES!” LIVE ON THE WEB EVERY SUNDAY DURING EVERY SERVICE

Christ Church wants to stream every worship service live on the internet! We are forming a new ministry team dubbed the “STREAM TEAM!” We need volunteers who want to remotely control cameras, click a mouse, and chat with people who watch the stream! If you are interested, contact Rev. Preston at You’ll be a proud owner of the exclusive STREAM TEAM t-shirt!

people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve






How do our families place Christ first in a world that cries for everything else, even our own desires, to be of the utmost importance?

Beginning in September

Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Pastor Rev. Preston Morgan, Executive Associate Pastor Rev. Dan Conway, Exec. Associate Pastor - GROW Ministries Karen LaMotta, Executive Director - CONNECT Ministries Roland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Lisa Mayhugh, Director - 412 Youth Ministries Ingred Lathrop, Director - Children’s Ministries Jan Randolph, Director - Older Adult Ministries Lahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine Arts Renee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Beth Carter, Director - Christ Church School For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at




PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Laura Driscoll, Joyce Cochran’s friend, Heather Rathnau’s sisterin-law, Evan Hazel, Larry Harrison, Jo Ann Power, Charles, Dale McCall; Al Fountain, Jon Daniels, Candee Chandler’s grandson, Nick Teel, Wayne Gray, Denise Fisher’s daughter, Susan Zvonkovic’s friend’s baby, Gayle Culak’s uncle, Al Fountain, Lori Matthews’ niece, David & Kim Daniel’s son, Candee Chandler’s grandson, Dale McCall, Katherine Fine/Terri Osborn cousin/niece, Courtney & Sandy White’s friend, Tom Bittenbender’s mother, Linda Lockwood’s niece, Monique Harrison’s sister, Anne Keller’s husband, his mother, & his sisters , Janice Gilberts mother, Lori Matthew’s mother-in-law, Christy Burmann’s friend, Janet Land, Ingred Lathrop’s nephew, Joyce Cochran, and all those serving in the military. JOYS . . . Sandy Carouth’s son & family; Denise Fisher’s friend’s daughter; Susan Jaroszewski; Jean Reeves’ cousin’s son; Sandy White’s daughter & son-in-law, C.J. Ryan’s friend, Benita Sebesta’s sister, Wes Whidden, Gary Taylor, Pat Kelly’s daughter-in-law, Norma Mendez’ mother. CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Ann Edgar on the death of her brother; the Santoro family on the death of their nephew; Debe Fannin on the death of a family member; Ken Crouch on the death of his sister-in-law; Sherry Raven on the death of her aunt; Mary and John Pound on the death of their sister-in-law; Rev. Linda Summers Pierce and family on the death of her husband, Rev. Dr. Robert “Bob” Pierce.

SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH US Your pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.

PHONE: 281.980.6888 • WWW.CUMCSL.ORG • FACEBOOK.COM/CUMCSL people helping people find fullness in Christ worship • connect • grow • serve

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