Orientashon pa boluntario Danki pa djòin Curaçao Cares
Welcome! Bon • Thank youBiní! for signing up as a volunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. Danki pa registrá komo un boluntario! Nos ta apresiá bo kompromiso pa duna un man.
• This orientation is meant to: Intenshon di e orientashon aki ta pa:
• Review how we work, and volunteer policies and Tuma nota kon nos ta funshoná i konosé nos regla i instrukshonnan guidelines •
Yudabu inskribí pa un proyekto i kuminsá traha komo boluntario
you signbonup Yamabu binífor komoprojects boluntario and start volunteering.
• Highlight community projects where you can lend a helping hand as a volunteer • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Our Story Nos in struktura • Founded October 2012, after two friends were inspired by the successes of New York Cares, Nederland Cares andCares other volunteer centers around the world. Curaçao ta afiliá ofisialmente na Handson Network, e netwèrk mas •
grandi di sentro pa trabou boluntario. Aktualmente Handson Network ta konta mas ku 250 sentro na 20 pais. Curaçao Cares ta risibí sosten organisa Curaçao Cares is ani idea. official affiliate of Handson torio i akseso na rekurso Network, the largest network of volunteer action Curaçao Cares su meta pa hasi trabou boluntario mas pa perso in centers around theta world, currently at aksesibel 250 centers nanan ku keCuraçao kontribuí na komunidat. countries. Cares receives support, access to
resources and ideas. Nos ta dependé di donashon, spònser i partnernan empresarial ku tambe ta komprometé nan mes pa establesé un programa boluntario.
• Curaçao Cares’ goal is to make flexible volunteer work more accessible to people wanting to help their community. • We rely on the financial support of donors, foundations and corporate partners who are also committed to establishing a corporate volunteer program.
Welcome! Nos • Thank youstruktura for signing up as a volunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. Nos ta djòin forsa ku partnernan di komunidat (organisashonnan sosial) pa diseñá i manehá proyektonan kaminda e boluntario por duna su aporte.
• This orientation is meant to:
Nos ta promové e proyektonan aki atraves di nos plataforma online i ta manehá komunikashon ku boluntario i partnernan sosial.
• Review how we work, and volunteer policies and guidelines Nos proyektonan mayoria biaha ta organisá den tim i semper tin un hende
enkargá ku supervishon, den forma di un staf entrená òf un lider boluntario.
• HelpNos you sign up forna projects start volunteering. proyektonan ta mará diferente niveland di tempu, lokalidat i kompromiso. • Highlight community projects where you can …ta pa hasi trabou boluntario agradabel i dibertido pa unlend i tur! a helping hand as a volunteer • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Our Story Bo Partisipashon • Founded in October 2012, after two friends were inspired by the successes of New York Cares, Nederland Cares and other volunteer Komprometé manera bo por! centers around the world. Djòin nos:
• Curaçao Cares is an official affiliate of Handson Network, the largest network of volunteer action 1. Proyekto flèksibelthe –proyektonan insidental of kontinuo ku no ta eksigí in 20 centers around world, currently at pero 250 centers kompromiso regular; simplemente kontribuí mas support, tantu biaha ku bo por. countries. Curaçao Cares receives access to resources and ideas. 2. Kompromiso pa un término kòrtiku – tin proyektonan ku ta rekerí un kompromiso semanal òf mensual.
• Curaçao Cares’ goal is to make flexible volunteer work 3. Traha trabou boluntario den grupo – multipliká e impakto! more accessible to people wanting to help their Bini unu bini tur. Tuma kontakto ku nos pa oportunidatnan spesífiko. community. • We rely on the financial support of donors, foundations and corporate partners who are also committed to establishing a corporate volunteer program.
Welcome! Áreanan di interes • Thank you for signing up as a volunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. Nos proyektonan ta skohé of diseñá spesialmente pa fasilitá interakshon i p’es ei ta aliñá ku áreanan spesífiko òf ku nesesidatnan di e grupo di enfoke.
• This orientation is meant to:
Edukashon, rekreashon i arte pa mucha
Proyektonan pa hóben i pa enkurashá servisio komunitario
• Review how we work, and volunteer policies and Edukashon i sosten pa adulto i hende grandi guidelines
Proyektonan medio ambiente i kuido di bestia • Help you sign up di for projects and start volunteering.
Evenementonan di konsientisashon, kultural, edukativo
of deportivo • Highlight community projects where you can lend a helping hand as aanual volunteer Proyektonan pa henter komunidat
• Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Kuminsá! Registrá i keda embolbí
Welcome! Registrá pa un up proyekto • Thank you for signing as a volunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. 1. Krea un Care account pa bo mes. Yena bo profil i konta nos un tiki mas di bo mes.
• This orientation is meant to: • • •
2. Bai na “buska oportunidatnan boluntario”. Skohe nos kalènder di proyekto i registrá pa un proyekto boluntario! Boluntarionan mester “log in” Review how we work, and volunteer policies and pa registrá pa u proyekto.
3. Si ta bo promé biaha komo boluntario, lesa nos presentashon orientativo òf bishitá nos seshonnan orientativo kada siman pasa. (Nota: Si bo ta un Help you sign upe fase fororientativo projects and start volunteering. boluntario nobo, ta obligatorio.) 4. Keda konektá dor di inskribí pa nos “newsletter” i bishitá nos website i Highlight projects where you can lend a Media community Sosialkontinuamente pa bo keda informá
helping hand as a volunteer
• Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Welcome! Maneho boluntario • Thank you for signing up as a volunteer! We welcome nos ta spera di nos to boluntarionan yourKiko commitment making a difference. • This orientation is meant to: • Review how we work, and volunteer policies and guidelines • Help you sign up for projects and start volunteering. • Highlight community projects where you can lend a helping hand as a volunteer • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Welcome! Maneho di presensia kompensashon • Thank you for signing up as aivolunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. • Yega na tempu i kumpli ku e durashon di e proyekto.
• This orientation is meant to:
• Si bo no por asistí tuma kontakto ku Curaçao Cares por lo ménos 48 ora promé ku e aktividat.
• Review how we work, and volunteer policies and • Emergensia semper por tuma lugá. Mas ku DOS kanselashon òf no guidelines partisipashon lo resultá den suspenshon di un account.
• Help• Ta you sign eup for projects enkurashá boluntario pa chèkriba and paginastart di profilvolunteering. e proyektonan ku a keda kompletá pa garantisá ku asistensha ta bon registrá.
• Highlight projects cangastu lend • Curaçaocommunity Cares lamentablemente no where por pagayou ningun di a helping handnias volunteer transporte otroagastunan ku e boluntario a hasi. • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Welcome! Kódigo Kondukta e boluntario • Thank you fordi signing up as a di volunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. • No ta risibí invitado na un proyekto sin pèrmit
• No keda bo so ku un partisipante òf transportá e partisipante sin tin pèrmit
• This orientation is meant to: por eskrito.
• Sirbi ku rèspèt, ‘sea’ profeshonal i koperativo
• Review how we work, and volunteer policies and • No promové partido polítiko, religion òf kualke otro afiliashon guidelines • No ta usa vokabulario òf komportashon diskriminatorio, i no ta permiti aserkamentu seksual, alkohòl òf kualke droga ilegal òf ehersé aktividatnan
• Help you sign up for projects and start volunteering. ilegal òf no apropiá. • No ta tolerá interakshon ku un partisipante pafó di proyektonan bou di
• Highlight nòmbercommunity di Curaçao Cares. projects where you can lend a helping hand as a volunteer • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Our Story Kódigo di Kondukta di two e boluntario • Founded in October 2012, after friends were inspired by the successes of New York Cares, Nederland Cares andCares other volunteer centers around the world. Curaçao ta eksigí pa kada boluntario ku ta embolbí den un proyekto tene su mes na e prinsipio di bon kondukta. Sirbi na un manera respetuoso, profeshonal i koperativo.
• Curaçao Cares is an official affiliate of Handson Network, the dilargest of volunteer action Konsientisashon e mishon i network balornan di Curaçao Cares ta importante. centers around the world, currently at 250 centers in 20 Curaçao Cares ta keda kuCares e derechireceives di ekskluí boluntarionan i partnernan countries. Curaçao support, access to empresarial na partisipashon di kualke proyekto si a violá nos prinsipionan. resources and ideas. • Curaçao Cares’ goal is to make flexible volunteer work more accessible to people wanting to help their community. • We rely on the financial support of donors, foundations and corporate partners who are also committed to establishing a corporate volunteer program.
Welcome! Privasidat • Thank you for signing up as a volunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. •
Curaçao Cares ta komprometé su mes pa preservá privasidat di su boluntario i bishitante di su website. Curaçao Cares ta atendé tur dato personal This kuorientation is meant to: atenshon.
Lo usa informashon pa buska partisipashon na proyektonan boluntario i pa • Review how we work, and volunteer policies and komuniká ku posibel boluntarionan di Curaçao Cares kiko e oportunidatnan ta. guidelines
Komo boluntario bo ta duna Curaçao Cares e derechi, título i interes di tur potrèt, video, grabashon ku Curaçao Cares a hasi durante un proyekto bolun Helptario. you up forkompensashon projects pa and start volunteering. No sign por eksigí ningun esakinan.
• Highlight community projects where you can lend a helping hand as a volunteer • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Our Story Responsabilidat • Founded in October 2012, after two friends were inspired by the successes of New York Cares, Nederland Cares andCares other volunteer centers around thepromé, world. Curaçao ta ekskluí tur responsabilidat pa kualke daño direkto durante òf despues di un proyekto
• Curaçao is an official affiliateta of CuraçaoCares Cares i nos partnernan di komunidat hasiHandson lo máksimo pa Network, the largest of volunteer action proyektonan boluntario tuma network lugá. centers around the world, currently at 250 centers in 20 Curaçao Cares no ta responsabel pa kanselashon di proyektonan pa motibunan countries. Curaçao Cares receives support, access to fuera di su alkanse manera kondishon di mal wer, malesa òf sirkunstansha resources and ideas. nan no premirá Curaçao Cares ta hasi tur loke ta na su alkanse pa proveé informashonnan • Curaçao Cares’ goal is to make flexible volunteer work kompletu, pero kambionan den un proyekto relashoná ku kontenido, lokalidat i more accessible to people wanting to help their tempu por tuma lugá i proyektonan por ser kanselá inesperá. Curaçao Cares community. ta ekskluí kualke responsabilidat pa informashonnan ku a kambia i ku ta inkompletu den e kaso aki.
• We rely on the financial support of donors, foundations and corporate partners who are also committed to establishing a corporate volunteer program.
Welcome! • Thank you for signing up as a volunteer! We welcome your commitment to making a difference. • This orientation is meant to: • Review how we work, and volunteer policies and guidelines •
Dikon trabou bolunario? Help you sign up for projects and start volunteering. Pasombra kambio ta kuminsá ku ABO!
• Highlight community projects where you can lend a helping hand aswww.curacaocares.org a volunteer • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
Welcome! boa ta miembro • Thank youOfisialmente for signing up as volunteer! We welcome ditoCuraçao your commitment making a Cares. difference. ta kla to: pa kuminsá • This orientationBo is meant Registrá awe!
• Review how we work, and volunteer policies and guidelines •
Pa kualke pregunta tei paand yuda! Help you sign up Nos for projects start volunteering.
• Highlight community projects where you Tuma kontakto ku nos nacan lend a helping handinfo@curacaocares.org as a volunteer
Telefòn: 736-1951 Ext.218 • Welcome you to the volunteer community!
óf 514-3224 / 516-1647