Natália Gromicho A brief moment to tell you that my art is my soul
Natália Gromicho in her Atelier “mee7NG Art Chiado”
Natália Gromicho was born in Lisbon, Portugal She graduated in Fine Arts at Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa, studied also Arts & Crafts – Ceramics and Intensive Painting in private Graduated School ArCo in Lisbon. Also made a Sculpture course with Cuban artist Hans Varela and also several painting workshops until now. More than 70 solo and group exhibitions, Natalia represented her country in international exhibition such as Italy (in the biggest international Human Rights exhibition), in Brazil (the most important south America Arts and Fashion Exhibition Casa Cor), in Miami (World Tour Exhibitions Contemporary Artists), the first Portuguese Artist in Adelaide, Australia (Adelaide Fringe Festival), New York (The Power of Perception II represented Portugal), Moscow (Russia invited by the Portuguese Embassy), France (Bordeaux invited to present her work for commemoration of Portugal day at the embassy), London (solo exhibition at Hay Hill Gallery and representation contract) She sold artworks for many countries, like Portugal, Brazil, Spain, United States, UK, France, Italy, Holland and Australia. Winner of several contests for example “Best Rolling Stone Alternative Logo” for Major Portuguese Radio Comercial in 1999 (win a trip to London and meet Rolling Stones in Bridges to Babylon Tour in Wembley. Her works are represented in several private and ins1tu1onal collec1ons all around the world.
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Interna1onal Associa1on of Art Cri1cs
I find Natalia Gromicho´s work very interes1ng, an expressionist style in which figura1on and abstrac1on merge. Colour and shape appear in most of her works, but also as a form of surrealism to show an incoherent reality, which is also present in her pictorial works. Gromicho, through the human figure, aims to teach the concerns, issues and reflec1ons which happen to every human being in their immediate surroundings. They are not always pleasant scenes, as the appearing protagonists, at some point show hos1le and aggressive postures. In contrast, if we look at the primal posi1on, the Portuguese ar1st has an aGtude more expectant, as though, the animals are observing our movements. The colour indicates the intangibility of their proposals, since they are not real shades at all, but rather appeal more to the expressionist idea of colour, from which the most in1mate feelings are reflected in all its magnitude. Also, the female nudes, who star in some of her works, are more reminiscent of the mannequins we see in a fashion showcase, not animated beings, approaching the metaphysical world of De Chirico or surreal Wifredo Lam.
The chrome background with primary hues, are balanced against the white of naked bodies, indica1ng that the ar1st is more interested in protec1ng the most in1mate aspects of human beings. As for the part where abstrac1on takes preference, we see the real Natalia Gromicho, in her most raw state, because her inten1on is to express herself with the most freedom, without too many considera1ons and ensuring that her proposals comply more with a European, expressionist style, rather than to ac1on pain1ng. In conclusion, Natalia Gromicho, has cemented a firm value in the European art scene with a strong and consistent presence, which indicates a great professionalism, as does her varied exhibi1ons held throughout Europe, as well as in other con1nents Ramon Casalé Member of Interna1onal Associa1on of Art Cri1cs (AICA)
CREATIVE CONCEPT INC PRESENTS NATÁLIA GROMICHO Crea1ve Concept is please to announce the representa1on of Portuguese ar1st Natália Gromicho. A giVed painter, in the purest sense, Natália has skillfully created a body of work that is simultaneously lyrical and mysterious, jubilant yet poe1c. Employing these paradoxes, she skillfully applies her raw talent into different mediums and styles crea1ng a sense of flux, depth and dominance. Natália’s work takes elemental images, from nature and the landscape to culture and individuals she encounters on her travels, and transforms using drama1c ploys such as contrasts in scale, shiVs in focus, mirrored reflec1ons, staccato images, and mul1ple or layered surfaces. Sensory percep1on for Natália is a spiritual ac1vity, one that leads to a heightened awareness of both nature and culture—this thought process points to a new kind of realism—one that is engaged with the actual processes of life. Yet, it also references the theore1cal avant-‐garde concep1ons of deconstruc1on emerging during Modernism. Her work is intense, yet moving, powerful yet sensi1ve. Gathering her subjects in her field of vision, she draws on her inner world, invi1ng us to join her on a journey of discovery of the essence of being, depic1ng new truths of the meaning of existence. Drawing us into an enigma1c and luxurious world of imagina1on, seduc1on, and spirit, she creates organic shape and flowing shapely contours. Her luscious approach is inspired. Layered shapes and elegant color dis1nguish her recent body of work, executed in a strongly stylized pain1ng method. The energy and vigor of her explosive potraits haunt the viewer with a dynamic juxtaposi1on of both playful, yet eerie implica1ons.
Studying Arts and CraVs, including ceramics, the Portuguese painter, also graduated from the private ArCo School of Art in Lisbon, where she undertook Intensive Pain1ng. Mul1talented, Natalia has addi1onally, specialized studies sculpture under the Cuban ar1st, Hans Varela, before finding her focus withing pain1ng. Her is oVen described as magical. From her rich applica1on of paint, the balance and flows created on the canvas surface, all represent a zealous vision of an ardent enthusiast. Relying equally on her unconscious, and the world around her for inspira1on, she employs a philosophy and approach embraced by many poets… Personal experimenta1on and an openness to forms enable Natália to reach into a deep inside the soul, and allow her to recreate these images with fervor on the surface, gorgeously applying the medium of paint with beauty and sensi1vity, capturing something so special and rare. Caught between descrip1on and dreamlike states, and the observed and the imagined, Natália’s work transforms the natural world into poe1c visions and fantasy, while s1ll u1lizing symbolic elements to convey psychological ideas and emphasize the “freedom” of art from tradi1onal culture. With more than 50 solo and group exhibi1ons, and in interna1onal art collec1ons from Brazil, Spain, United States, UK, France, Italy, Holland and Australia, it is very easy to see why respected collectors across the globe are choosing to invest in her unique asthe1c.
In Blue
Deep Blue
Acrílico s/tela | 50x80cm
Perfil de Pessoa
Técnica mista s/tela | 70x50cm
Mul1dão II
Acrílico s/tela | 75x80cm
Nocturno in Blue
Acrílico s/tela | 100x70cm
Rasgo Azul
Acrílico s/tela | 80x40cm
Técnica Mista s/tela | 90x60cm
Lisboa ao anoitecer
Acrílico s/tela | 100x80cm
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Acrílico s/tela | 80x40cm
Cais do Sodré
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Casa da Praia
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Na casa da Avó
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Contentores de Cria1vadade I
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Contentores de Cria1vadade II
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Saudade do Verão
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Acrílico s/tela | 80x30cm
Bairro da China
Acrílico s/tela | 80x60cm
Acrílico s/tela | 80x40cm
A chegada do comboio
Acrílico s/tela | 80x40cm
Avenida Toquio
Acrílico s/tela | 60x30cm
A janela japonesa
Acrílico s/tela | 60x30cm
O Treino do Samurai
Acrílico s/tela | 60x30cm
A new Lisbon
Acrílico s/tela | 90x90cm
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