World Art Contemporary Exhibition 2017

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general informa-on

Exclusive event for Queen Art Studio Chief Execu-ve Curator | Gonçalo Madeira Curator | Maria Grazia Todaro Dura-on of the Show | April 15th – 22th 2017 Loca-on | Atelier Natalia Gromicho Rua Nova da Trindade, 5C Piso S/L 1200 Lisboa - PORTUGAL Exhibi-on Hours | Tue-Sat from 2 to 5pm Private View | April 15th, 2015, 5pm Vernissage Schedule | April 15th, from 5pm - 6pm Website |hWp:// Email Address |


Studies of Graphic Design, Visual Communica-on, Art and Photography at AGDW Berlin Her main emphasis in Art is abstract work in acryl and since early 2015 the encaus-c technic. She appreciate par-cularly the strong points of the encaus-c technic: brilliance of color, the structure, gradient and effects. Early on Study of Classical and Contemporary Dance at the Berliner Tanzakademie Berlin Co-founder of the 'ZanPolo” Theater Berlin Career as freelance dancer and actor at various Theaters in Berlin. Choreographer for TV produc-ons. Tap dance produc-on with Chris-an Toberenzas Tap dance Comedians in "Die gnadenlosen Füße" Diploma from Technische Universitat Berlin in Psychology, Hypnosis, Regressions Coach and Therapist DK method, and Quantum Technic. , Yager-Therapy Her main emphasis right now is Art and Photography. Color form structure in her pain-ngs appear to occur naturally, ohen working on several pain-ng at a -me.

Circle Mixed Technique 80x60cm

Nino Anin | German

Sparckling Town| Mixed Technique | 80x80cm


Discovering the Paper has been one of the great finds and experiences of my life. Its a material that gives me the possibility of expressing myself with freedom without ceasing to amaze me, it became my second skin. It is a material that works in silence, in in-macy, noble, feminine and duc-le, warm to the touch. On the other hand, Steel allows me to work in large format pieces, is virile, also noble and duc-le. It works in large, noisy spaces, with heavy tools and loud sounds. Working with these two materials Paper and Steel, I have achieved a complicity in the management of space, light, feminine and masculine.

Abulón y Flores| Paper and wood

JoseďŹ na Temin| Mexico

Palmitas y Cocoles| Paper and wood


He began pain-ng in 1972, in gouache, oil and acrylic. He started as a hobby, he was already an entrepreneur. Quickly fell in love with pain-ng. He par-cipated in several collec-ve exhibi-ons and made a solo exhibi-on in Brazil. At the -me he decided to focus on his ac-vi-es as a businessman. Had a company that demanded all his -me, unfortunately, leh the pain-ng four years later. The passion for pain-ng remained. When began to appear the digital pain-ng sohware became interested again in art. In 2009, with the sale of his company, he returned to devote himself to pain-ng. He made two solo exhibi-ons in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with works in gouache. In 2015 he par-cipated in a group exhibi-on in London in Brick Lane Gallery, with pain-ngs in acrylic. But currently is excited more with digital while con-nuing to paint in acrylic.

Abstract Illusion | Mixed Technique | 80x80cm

Ronaldo Weigand| Brazil

Topazio| Mixed Technique | 80x80cm


Ar-sta mul-disciplinare che divide la propria vita tra S. Donà e Venezia dove ricopre la carica di restauratore permanente di mosaico nella Basilica di San Marco dal 1973. Ricco di “capacità tecniche e do- umane”, così recita la mo-vazione con la quale ha conseguito il premio “Pietro Torta”, ha eseguito numerosi interven- di restauro su mosaico, oltre che a Venezia, a Torcello, Napoli e Roma in importan- monumen- e luoghi di culto. Come membro della “Scuola del Mosaico” ha lavorato per la realizzazione di grandi opere per il Kuwait, la Nigeria, l’Arabia Saudita e per il palazzo di vetro di New York. Le sue Opere tra cui i Sassi scolpi- raccol- dal fiume interrompono con l'Ar-sta il loro naturale des-no. L'uomo interviene per inscrivervi una forma nuova e lanciarli nel futuro. E’ un restauratore di mosaici ha esposto al museo di arte sacra e al palazzo delle prigioni di Venezia ha partecipato a Fiere Internazionali oltre a varie rassegne e mostre organizzate da Queen Arte Studio Padova, al Padiglione TIbet della Biennale di Venezia ad Expo Internazionali con V.con Sgarbi e G.Forauni, con notevole successo e primi premi.

Siro PolazzeWo| Italy



He was born on 25/10/1975 and he is married with 3 children. An accident (electric shock ) deprived his working ability but it didn’t deprive his dream, the necessity of crea-ng.The main characteris-c of his pain-ngs is lively and intense colours. In Cyprus he had exhibited individually twice and organises the third one.He has taken part in group exhibi-ons too.He had also taken part in group exhibi-ons abroad(Greece) and nowadays he tries to organise an exhibi-on in Seoul, Lisbon,Louvre,England and Greece.

Innocent Power Oil on Canvas 76x51cm

Andreas Ioannides | Greece

No name| Oil on canvas | 81x65cm


Mi chiamo Luigi Crobu, sono nato a Sassari, laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione, fin da bambino nutro una grande passione e predisposizione per il disegno, ma in par-colare mi ha da sempre affascinato il "ritraWo", che da autodidaWa ormai col-vo e porto avan- da diverso tempo. La forma del viso, i trau soma-ci, i giochi di chiaro/scuro, mi permeWono di rendere su un foglio di carta le molteplici sfumature delle diverse personalità con cui vengo a contaWo. Eseguo ritrau partendo da una fotografia, il che mi permeWe di far risaltare anche i più piccoli par-colari, facendo si che il ritraWo sia il più fedele possibile e poter lavorare con la giusta tranquillità!

Cavaliere| Mixed Technique | 42x29,7cm


The luminous pain-ngs of Chinese ar-st Chijia He hearken back to a more simple -me, when the boundaries between human and landscape were much more blurred. Each composi-on is almost lyrical in nature, blending color, texture, and form to create something uWerly harmonious and inexplicably real. Working in an impressionist style reminiscent of both Monet and the American rural painter, Andrew Wyeth, he is a master of light and shadow—an element that has come to be a hallmark of his work.

Sunset Glow| Oil on canvas Technique | 40x50cm


I am a painter and photographer. Married and living in Istanbul-Turkey. Into arts since 1992 and worked in different masters'(Hasan Kavruk, Mehmet, Köran, etc...) workshops up to 2002 while working in insurance business. Yet, working in my own atelier with two ar-st friends in Istanbul.

Birthday| Mixed Technique | 40x50cm


Cris-na Maya Caetano is Portuguese. In her oil-on-canvas she is inspired from her own poems and both were born in her heart and in her soul in a beWer concep-on than the exis-ng reality. It is in tune with the essence of spirituality that she expresses herself using bold colors and wave forms in the breeze of her soul, in a gree-ng to life and to nature. What her eyes see, what her ďŹ ve senses feel, she analyze inwardly and in the silence of her being she create with love each work, uniquely. She works with interna-onal curators, museums and galleries and her work is published in specialized Magazines and Art books. Men-ons and awards are also part of her curriculum. She par-cipates in important interna-onal exhibi-ons (Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, USA, Scotland, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Austria, England, Switzerland). Cris-na par-cipates in exhibi-ons permanent in Denmark (European Art Museum) and in Austria (MAMAG). Cris%na is a writer, an ar%st, a poet and an illustrator. She has a degree in Regional and Urban Planning, Post-Gradua%on in European and Communitarian Studies and the Master Degree in African Studies.

Embrace Oil on canvas 80x80cm


G. Maria Ausilia, pseudonym of Gabriella Di Natale, self-taught passionate, painter, born in Piazza Armerina in 1971. In her childhood, she drew landscapes and animals. In 1992, she graduated from Commerce High School in Piazza Armerina, Italy. Since 1993, she dedicated her -me to pain-ng. In 1999, she studied the restora-on of an-que furniture and decora-ons. She accomplished various works un-l 2002 the year in which forces her to interrupt her restora-on career. She con-nued to dedicate herself to pain-ng with the use of recyclable found materials giving them a new life. In 2004, the wish to understand pushes her to leave in a camper together with her husband and two children to France. During her travels she documented her experiences on films and photographs taking notes in her diary. The voyage to France is followed by other trips throughout Europe. In Italy, she focused, mostly in the south, especially in Sicily, her na-ve land: a rich land oppressed by several foreign conquerors. A strong and proud people of the south, intelligent, generous and hospitable, that more than others, has been living in the past and the present of the problem of immigra-on caused by crisis and lack of work. Protagonist and also spectator today of the migratory flow of countless non-European union ci-zens that disembark by "fortunate" means of her canvas, of those who, despite the war, have decided to stay in their country anchored to their routs and tradi-ons and able to find joy in the liWle that they have. In 2016 she begins the period dedicated to exhibi-ons in the south of Italy.

Il Cristo Nero| Mixed Technique | 150x220cm


Ar-sta d'origine centroamericana. In Messico consegue il diploma presso l’Accademia d’Arte visuale di PUEBLA, dove inizia la sua carriera di piWrice. Inizia in SeWembre del 1989 e finisce in Giugno del 1993 Da 13 anni in Italia, decide di rimeWersi in gioco e giocando con grande impegno, trasforma le tele in superfici vibran-, dinamiche, piene di vita e di calore. Per lei è l’inizio di una nuova ricerca, un punto di partenza su cui lavorare per riuscire a dare sfogo a ciò che vede, immagina, sogna, pensa e sente. Ma chi e “GUIKNI “ Guillermina Rivera? La sua opere abbraccia vari periodi ha lavorato e restaurato affreschi,sviluppa la grafica e d'avanguardia, si dedica anche alla restaurazione , quando studiamo le opere di Guikni Rivera possiamo definirla non solo come concentrata nei suoi colori, nelle sue materializzazioni delle sue idee nelle tele,ma come ar-sta filosofa che tenta di svegliare nello speWatore la sensazione di condividere quello che lei fa anche se sente un contrasto chiaramente definito tra luce e ombra

joya del viento Oil on canvas 100x80cm

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