AOC Usability Test 06.18.2009 Summary of Findings and Recommendations General satisfaction with the overall navigation and impression of the home page was much higher with the proposed site. Successes & Improvements with the redesigned site: General:
Users responded well to the use of drop‐downs in the top navigation.
The home page targeted tabbed content was noticed and used heavily.
The home page engaged and hence encouraged scrolling below the fold (as many users remembered noticing the “careers” section).
The Court Interpreter page was well received with users easily locating it and quickly identifying what they would “do next” on the page.
Users in general found it easier to return to the home page and orient themselves within the proposed site than with the current site.
Users who noticed the Quick Links for forms found them helpful.
Visual Design:
Most users cited that the proposed site visual design was improved or “more attractive” with a more authentic/professional feel as opposed to the current website.
Most users did not initially notice the image of the courthouse building in the banner area until prompted with questions—indicating that the imagery is working well as a background design element. When prompted for further impressions of the image users generally responded with comments like “it’s fine…I guess” or “it’s nice”
Issues & Recommendations: Improvements to the proposed site are mostly centered on labeling and content issues that include: Issue
Home Participants frequently used the spotlight area & Quick Links of the home page for access to Self‐help, Jury Service, and Small Claims. The original plan for this area was to rotate “spotlight” content. Testing has shown that this area will be noticed and used often.
Maintain some or all Spotlight content as persistent elements, such as Jury Duty and the Self‐Help Center
On‐going study of analytics to ensure Quick Links and home page “Spotlight” content items are best serving user needs
Rewrite Quick Links to be action/task‐based
Use hyper links as quick links for some “Spotlight” content for quicker access to commonly used content— rather than “sentence explanation”
Creating form kits in the “Self‐ Help” areas
Possible inclusion of “How to Videos” for how to fill out forms
Forms may need additional consideration, reorganization, and grouping
Review analytics to ensure “Quick Links” accurately display most commonly accessed forms
Most users found the small claims content within the self‐help area quickly. Volunteers participating in the study noted that it would be helpful to create form groups or “kits” as there are a general set of forms that all small claims plaintiffs will need to file. Volunteers also noted that most of the people they assist are well informed about their legal situation—and that the majority (~over half) simply need help finding the correct forms and need help filling them out correctly. Forms & Rules
The Lawyers looking for the Civil Case Cover Sheet did not expect that it would be located within “Case Management”.
Invitations to Comment
“Invitations to Comment” content was not easily located—with some users attempting to click “rules” from the “Forms & Rules” drop‐down (which was not available in the prototype). Most users did not directly go to Invitations to Comment as a couple users cited that it is more logical to review/revisit the rule proposed for change and then comment.
Invitations to comment should be placed in context and more prominently within forms & rules
Re‐labeling of “Find My Court”
Addition of annotations explaining what this search does
Elevation of the module or additional highly visible link on pages specific to Jury Duty
Find My Court
Most users did not use the “Find My Court” module. Most also appeared to be focused on their task and the words “Jury Service” not linking “Find My Court” to their task.
General: Content and Labeling Issues
Users were not clear on the naming convention of some links— such as:
Jury Instruction—where users thought this would house information on Jury Duty for the public
Policy & Administration and California Courts—where users attempted to click on “California Courts” to return to the home page and where it was very unclear that Invitations to Comment would be housed in Policy & Administration
Revision of taxonomy to clarify the distinctions between various terms and features, such as “Jury Instructions
Addition of annotations to all tabs and revision of main navigation labels such as “Policy & Administration” and “California Courts”
Duplication or elevation of links in areas of lower pages to highlight commonly accessed items and to help redirect users in some locations—such as Jury Instructions
Some users did not realize the logo could be used to return to the home page.
Elevation of home page link— possibly via increasing font size of “home” within breadcrumb navigation.