Usability Study, California Judicial Branch: Test Schedule

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 Off site: Superior Court of San Francisco County McAllister at Polk Time Name User type Facilitators 8:30 a.m. Donna judge Javier Diaz‐Infante 4:00pm Bob Judge Javier Diaz‐Infante On site: Administrative Office of the Courts, 455 Golden Gate Avenue 3rd FL, Benicia Room (conference room is reserved from 8:30 to 5:00) Time Name User Type Facilitators 9:00 – 10:00 Laura reporter Jenny 10:00 – 11:00 Mike reporter Javier Diaz‐Infante 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:30 12:30 – 1:30 1:30 – 2:30 Julie reporter Javier Diaz‐Infante 2:30 – 3:00 3:30 – 4:30 Mary lawyer Jenny 4:30 – 5:00 Friday, June 12, 2009 Off site: Superior Court of San Francisco County McAllister at Polk Time Name User type Facilitators NA NA On site: Administrative Office of the Courts, 455 Golden Gate Avenue 3rd FL, Golden Gate Room (conference room is reserved from 8:30 to 5:00) Time Name User Type Facilitators 8:30 – 9:30 NA 9:30 – 10:30 NA 10:30 – 11:30 NA 11:30 – 12:00 NA 12:00 – 1:00 Morgan lawyer Jenny 2:00 – 3:00 NA 3:00 – 4:00 NA

4:00 – 5:00 NA Monday, June 14, 2009 Off site: Superior Court of San Francisco County – PUBLIC: all day Access Center, 575 Polk Street Time Name User type 10:00 – 3:00 Self‐Help Center Public On site: Administrative Office of the Courts, 455 Golden Gate Avenue 3rd FL, Catalina Room (conference room is reserved from 8:30 to 5:00) Time Name User Type 9:00 – 10:00 NA 10:00 – 11:00 NA 11:00 – 12:00 NA 12:00 – 1:00 NA 1:00 – 2:00 NA 2:00 – 3:00 NA 3:00 – 4:00 NA 4:00 – 5:00 NA AOC Testing Topic Guide (DRAFT)



Date: 042809 Main Objectives: -

Confirm redesign of AOC site is representing the AOC properly from a design and “brand” perspective


Confirm the Navigational Taxonomy is intuitive and mutually exclusive, ie, does not mislead users


Confirm whether specific tasks that make up a large part of online traffic can be accessed or completed within three clicks.

Participant assumptions: Recruit/test 14 people to be divided as such: -

2 judges


3 reporters


4 attorneys


5 members of the general public

Pre‐testing screener/questionnaire: See attached document (name) INTRODUCTION (2 minutes)  Welcome - Today we’ll be looking at the AOC website. We will look at the current site briefly and I will ask you to complete some tasks. Then we will look at a redesigned version and try doing the same tasks. - Explain the room and the fact that I will be observing/recording their behavior online.  Explain Process - I am going to show you the current site then the new site. Tell me what you think of each and don’t worry about saying the wrong thing. There are no wrong answers. We are testing the design, not you. - Think‐out‐loud, talk to yourself as you navigate the site – you may feel silly, but it will be very helpful - Both positive and negative feedback are welcome - I’d like you go through the site on your own as much as possible. I will answer any questions at the end. - Use your mouse as a pointer – not your finger – and if you’re looking at an area, as you normally would, move your mouse to show me where you’re looking.  Because the new site is a prototype, only some parts of the screen will be working at this time, and it is limited in functionality. Current Site: Topic 1: Find out when and where to show up for jury duty [~7‐8 min for both current and new site] -

Let’s take a look at the current home page. Can you describe your immediate reaction to this site?



Let’s say you’ve been called for Jury Duty in Santa Clara County, and you come to this page. How would you find out how and where to show up for jury duty? Walk us through it and talk to us as you do. (Count the clicks to complete the activity.) Would you use Search to find out about jury duty information on the site? If so, what would you enter into the Search box?

Topic 2: Find a Form: File a small claims ORDER to go to small claims court (7‐8 mins for both current and new sites) - You’ve received notification from your previous landlord that your rental deposit was non‐refundable due to damage to the apartment. You’ve tried to resolve the dispute with your landlord, but no progress. Now you’ve decided to file a small claim against your landlord. Find the online form to start your case. - Would you use Search to find a form on the site? If so what would you enter into the Search box? Topic 3: Find out how to become a court interpreter (7‐8 mins for both current and new sites) - Your current employer has indicated that things are really slowing down so you’ve decided to make a career change. You’ve been interested in the California Court Interpreter program for a while now and you’re interested in learning what it takes to become one. - Would you use Search to find information on being a court interpreter? If so, what would you enter in the search box? Repeat exercise with prototype. Judge/Attorney Topic 1: Find Jury Instructions: Find the Judicial Council of California civil jury instructions (CACI) - Let’s take a look at the current home page. Can you describe your immediate reaction to this site? - You’re about to excuse the jury for deliberation but you need to find the California Civil Jury Instructions first in order to clarify some details. How would you proceed from this page? Topic 2: Find a form: File a civil case cover sheet for your client


A client of your was involved in a business venture that went wrong. His partner breached contract. You’ve been asked to file a case for your client and you need to find the cover sheet to file a civil case.

Topic 3: Comment on a Rule - Your client is filing a civil case with a subpoena in action pending outside of California, but you just learned that there’s been a proposed change to the civil discovery rule that’s open for comment on the Cal Courts website. Find information on the proposed rule change, on how to comment then submit your comments. Topic 4: Find an Opinion: Find a published Supreme Court opinion on the ruling of Sheehan v. San Francisco 49ers ‐ S155742 - A client of yours is filing a Supreme Court case that is very similar to the Sheehan v. San Francisco 49ers case, S155742. Given that your client’s case has some similarities, you’re interested in researching the out come of the Sheehan v. San Francisco 49ers case to review with your client. WRAP‐UP (5 minutes)  Now that you’ve explored the site on your own and with me, how would you describe the difference between the two sites.  What would you tell others about the AOC based on the redesigned site?  Do you have any specific suggestions for improving the site?  Do you have any suggestions on how this information could be presented more simply? (MODERATOR CHECKS FOR QUESTIONS FROM BACK ROOM IF THERE IS SUCH)  Do you have any final comments about the site?  Those are all my questions – thank you very much.

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