Stylist Natasha Robinson Photgrapher Cristen Geller
Model Jade Holden Make Up Christina Smith
and the
Gluttony The curse the apple has caused Snow White become studiose when eating, committing the worse of the seven sins. DRESS Vintage.
Lust Her desire to stay the fairest of them all; Snow White with skinas white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony, could tempt any prince with her ageless beauty. SKIRT Forever21 $24.90, CORSET Vintage.
Sloth Being asleep for so long Snow White got use to the luxury of sleeping through her days. Little does she know she can’t utilize her talents and gifts. NIGHT SLIP Vintage.
After being in a coma from the red apple, Snow White takes out her anger on the witch with every apple she now eats.
Snow White always seem to want more than she needs not only with food or love with also with money. To her money helps her stay the fairest of them all.
LACE TOP Vintage
Envy “Mirror. Mirror on the wall who is he fairest one of all?” says the Witch. “Queen, you are full fair, ‘tis true, but Snow White is fairer than you.” Replies the mirror. Not being the fairest of them all anymore the witch cannot help but envy Snow White. Snow White: COSTUME Victorian Vintage $45.00 rental fee, Witch: LACE TOP Vintage, CLOAK Photographer’s, SKIRT Photographer’s.
Pride Knowing that she is the fairest one of them all Snow White cannot help but look at her beauty. She sees her white as snow skin, her blood red lips, and her ebony black hair and realizes how fairest she is. COSTUME Victorian Vintage $45.00 rental fee, SHOES Payless $19.99.