Originally created as "Iconic Movable Outdoor Seating," the Bucket Seat is designed to be functionable, durable, and simple. Designed for waterfront public seating, the chair embodies a playfulness associated with sandcastles and beach pails.
Stack Stool
campbell woodward
In Honor of John Doe
Constructed using plastic injection molding, the fiberglass reinforced polypropylene gives the chair the necessary strength and durability for public outdoor use. Perforations function as a reduction in mass for easier transportation while also allowing the chair to drain water after cleaning or exposure to rain.
The rope serves as a handle or shoulder strap during transport. Similar to climbing rope, it is intened to be semi-elastic and tough. It also serves as a connection between the seatback and bucket in order to prevent separating the individual elements while loosely reflecting the idea of an armchair.