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JUNE 2013 • Issue TWO •


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Issue two | JUNE 13

04 Study shows sponsorship success 07 Local news briefs 08 Kiwis on a mission 10 Progress despite adversity 11 At work trust is fragile 12 Liberty bring you Kingdom Come 14 Classifieds

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Editors note...

Welcome to Issue 2 of Christian Life. I am hoping you enjoyed our inaugural issue, but if you were not able to get your hands on a copy, then I hope you enjoy this issue. In Issue 1 we did not touch on the fact that Christian Life is inadvertently replacing Challenge Weekly. This was not a slip up; at this time we were not aware of whether Challenge was going to re-enter the marketplace under new leadership, so it was not appropriate to discuss it.


However, as we enter Issue 2 of Christian Life, and we are now here to stay, I just want to take this opportunity to honour John Massam, the Publisher of Challenge Weekly. John has done a phenomenal job with Challenge Weekly over many decades. Christian media is not an easy place to be; in fact most parts of Christian ministry require a huge amount of work to keep operating, and so John is to be publicly commended for the job he has done in keeping a weekly newspaper operating over such a long period of time. While Challenge will be sorely missed by many, I just pray we can help fill the void. Please remember to get to your local Christian bookshop to pick up your copy – and please also let your family, friends and church friends know that they too can grab their free copy. And don’t forget that you can head to our website - - to read the latest New Zealand news. Matt Danswan Publisher

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Child sponsorship organisations in New Zealand are celebrating the release of a peer-reviewed independent study on the practicality of international child sponsorship, which has given the initiative a thumbs-up. “This is a particularly heartening study and underscores why, in the case of child sponsorship, TEAR Fund and Compassion choose to work directly with individual children in need,” says Ian McInnes, TEAR Fund’s CEO. “Locally-run child sponsorship programmes that invest in the lives of children over a number of years ensure these children do not fall through the cracks. They grow up better educated, healthier, more confident and spiritually connected.”

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Dr. Bruce Wydick, professor of Economics and International studies at the University of San Francisco, has revealed in his study that through TEAR Fund’s partner Compassion International, Christian child sponsorship is not only effective but life-changing. “Given the number of individuals involved in child sponsorship relationship and the billions of dollars committed to them, it is surprising that almost no research exists that evaluates the impacts of these programs,” he says. Along with his colleagues Dr. Paul Glewwe and Laine Rutledge, Dr. Wydick spent two years researching six countries; Bolivia, Guatemala, India, Kenya,

the Philippines and Uganda. Over 1,800 adults who had been sponsored children between 1980 and 1992 were interviewed. Additionally non-sponsored siblings and other non-sponsored individuals were interviewed, bringing the total to over 10,000. The team focused on: years of formal education, type of current employment, and community leadership positions and found that children who participated in the child development sponsorship programme stayed in school longer, were more likely to have salaried or white-collar employment and were more likely to be leaders within their communities and churches than their peers who did not participate.

4/06/13 11:44 AM |3

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In fact, it was found that formerly sponsored children stayed in school 1 to 1.5 years longer than their non-sponsored peers, were 27 to 40 per cent more likely to finish secondary education than those who were not enrolled in the Child Sponsorship Program, and were 50 to 80 per cent more likely to complete a university education than non-sponsored children. The research found that children formerly sponsored through Compassion were, as adults, 14 to 18 per cent more likely to have salaried employment than those who had not been not part of the programme, were, as adults, 40 to 70 per cent more likely to become church leaders than their non-sponsored peers, and were, as adults, 63 per cent more likely to become teachers than their non-sponsored peers. Dr. Wydick refers to Compassion’s Child Sponsorship Program as “the great equalizer” as he feels that it levels the playing field for children seeking an education in the developing world. Also, in countries where the need is greater or where children face greater obstacles to achieving an education, Compassion appears to have a greater impact. The results, which were published in the April 2013 Journal of Political Economy, stated “large and statistically significant positive impacts from child sponsorship on years of completed schooling, primary, secondary and tertiary school completion, and on the probability and quality of adult employment.” And with over nine million children around the world are enrolled in some sort of child sponsorship programme, this is great news for other child sponsorship organisations too. “At ChildFund we hear of individual success stories, of former sponsored children becoming leaders, doctors and lawyers and this research shows just how wide ranging the impact is,” says ChildFund New Zealand Chief Executive Paul Brown. “It confirms what sponsored children tell us; that not only is practical support important but the knowledge that

someone far away cares about them and provides encouragement helps them believe in themselves and succeed.” In addition to the above research, Dr. Wydick’s team conducted follow-up studies in Bolivia, Kenya and Indonesia. Although these studies will not be published as part of the article in the Journal of Political Economy they nevertheless provide useful insight into the benefits of child sponsorship. The purpose of the three studies was to “investigate whether adult life outcomes may have been shaped by Compassion’s program focus on developing self-esteem and nurturing aspirations during childhood,” and look at children who are currently being sponsored through Compassion. The studies were able to show that, in each of the countries, current Compassion-sponsored children had higher expectations regarding their educationlevel and the type of employment that would be open to them in the future, and were generally more hopeful than those who weren’t sponsored. The researchers concluded this additional research by admitting, “While further work is required to establish a causal link between aspirations and adult life outcomes, the possibility that nurturing aspirations can have important effects on economic development has intriguing implications.” TEAR Fund and Compassion have expanded their programmes since this research was conducted and hope that further developments will offer their sponsored children even more development and nurturing opportunities. Mr McInnes understands that child sponsorship is not the only way to tackle poverty, “however, it’s a particularly effective way to nurture children directly, and it’s clearly working,” he says. | 5

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Local news briefs

NZ Greens accuse Prime Minister John Key of spying plan

Website toxic, warns NZ Mum A mother will lobby New Zealand companies to pull their advertisements from a Latvia-based social networking site after her 12-year-old daughter was asked to provide explicit photos and subjected to extreme abuse while using it. The woman, who declined to have her name published to protect her daughter, said local companies would be horrified to see what their brand was aligned with on And yesterday, after Herald inquiries, State Insurance and BNZ both said they had taken steps to ensure their adverts would not appear on the website. The police and NetSafe are in contact with’s owners about concerns, including that users can pose questions anonymously, enabling bullying and abuse. The woman said within a month of her 12-year-old daughter signing up to the site she was asked to provide naked pictures of herself, told to kill herself and called a whore and slut. She looked at her daughter’s friends’ profiles, and in three days found two children threatening to kill themselves in response to abuse on the website. One, a 13-year-old girl, was sent violent pornography depicting a rape, was challenged to fights and was told, “I am outside your house watching you” at night. “How a 13-year-old copes with all of that I just do not know, it gave me bad dreams for a few nights. The horrifying thing is you can send pornography in video or picture form, and there is no way to know what you are going to open.”

NZ head of charity kept behind bars The New Zealand boss of a Christian charity who allegedly smuggled 8.5kg of drugs into Australia has been denied bail in Darwin. Bernadine Prince, 41, appeared before magistrate John Neill on Thursday on three charges related to importing, possessing and supplying drugs. The pregnant mother of three and chief executive of the Oasis of Grace Christian mission faces life in prison if found guilty. Prosecutor Raphael De Vietri alleged that on May 24 two suitcases owned by Prince were found containing seven backpacks that had methamphetamine and heroin concealed in their lining. Prince, from Whakatane, was allegedly found with two passports in different names and six credit cards in several names. Mr De Vietri said Prince had claimed the suitcases were given to her on a trip to Kenya, where her mission does charity work, by a stranger known only as “Mummy Rose”. Defence counsel Michael Burrows said importing drugs did not fit with Prince’s background. “How does a person go from being CEO of an international Christian mission to being an international drug trafficker?” Mr Burrows said.

Green Party co-leader Russel Norman has accused Prime Minister John Key of conspiring to establish a surveillance state in New Zealand by encouraging American data-mining company Palantir to set up shop here. The comments prompted a savage response from Rod Drury, a business associate of Palantir co-founder Peter Thiel, with Mr Drury labelling the attack another example of economic vandalism. Dr Norman voiced concerns this week about Palantir and its software Prism, which he suggested was similar to the huge online data gathering and tracking tool of the same name used by United States spy organisation the National Security Agency. He also pointed out Palantir had set up an office in Wellington and was advertising for an analyst to be embedded with the Government. Yesterday he said: “We need to know, is John Key effectively trying to replicate Prism in New Zealand by getting this organisation Palantir to set up here and start spying on all of our internet communications and everything digital that we do?” In Parliament he questioned Mr Key on what contact New Zealand intelligence agencies had with Palantir but Mr Key said it was his long-standing practice not to discuss operational matters and contracts of those agencies. The Prime Minister confirmed he had met Mr Thiel – who sometimes lives in New Zealand – a few times but said he had never discussed intelligence matters with him. Mr Thiel, a billionaire Silicon Valley entrepreneur and former PayPal chief executive, was “extremely generous after the Christchurch earthquake”, Mr Key said. Dr Norman later tweeted: “When crony govt meets surveillance state – John Key appoints Peter Thiel’s Palantir to spy on NZers”. That drew an angry response from Mr Drury who tweeted: “Don’t be w***ers”, and followed that up with “Hey Greens. Cheating NZ out of $200m on Mighty River Power now spinning this rubbish. Please put NZ ahead of yourselves.” He said the Greens were “ruining relationships and/by insinuating cronyism is vandalism. Politics in NZ is getting nasty. Lift the game.” State Owned Enterprises Minister Tony Ryall said Dr Norman suffered from paranoia and called him the Chicken Little of New Zealand politics. “Every time he talks about anything the sky’s falling in ... it’s all big business big politics, the right against the innocent little Greens.”

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Kiwis on a MISSION By Gemma Margerison | Editor New Zealand has a diverse and ever-increasing list of mission and ministry organisations working within and outside of its borders. From worldwide initiatives such as TEAR Fund to local specialisations like Auckland City Mission, dedicated Kiwis are working around the clock to bring hope to those in need. Leprosy Mission New Zealand Leprosy Mission New Zealand is a Christian overseas development organisation that works with leprosy-affected families and their communities. Established in 1912, it is one of the most enduring charities in New Zealand. Leprosy Mission New Zealand directly supports six countries where leprosy still exists - China, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea. “Although thought of as a disease of the past, there are 5 million people affected by leprosy in the world today. The physical and social impact of leprosy is very real for people like Kiran,” says Communications and Marketing Coordinator Tracey Adamson. “Kiran is a 15 year old girl living in rural India. Her journey with leprosy began when she saw ants biting her hand, but felt nothing; she knew something was dreadfully wrong. Her mum and dad pleaded with a local doctor to cure her, but she was not given enough medicine. Kiran’s need had become urgent; she had a clawed hand from leprosy. Kiran’s hand has now been straightened through reconstructive hand surgery. “New Zealanders can get involved in making a difference for people like Kiran by assisting The Leprosy Mission with a Street appeal on Tuesday 30th July, joining their Running 4 Rights team in fun walk/run events or travelling to Nepal as a Youth Advocate.” Interserve Interserve is an interdenominational mission organisation which seeks to bring God’s love to the people of Asia and the Arab world through word and action. Their mission partners use their professional skills, such as medicine, teaching or business, to share the love of Christ with the people with whom they live and work, acting as salt and light in some of the hardest places in Asia and the Arab world. Wherever people are cut off from the Good News by barriers of gender, culture, religion or nationality, Interserve works at bridging the gap. Interserve was formed in 1852 by visionary British women who challenged the norms of their own society in order to help alleviate the suffering of Indian women, many of whom lived their entire lives in seclusion in women’s quarters with no access to education, medical care, or the message of Christ. Interserve was the first interdenominational mission society in the United Kingdom, a pioneer in women’s medical missions, and was instrumental in convincing Queen Victoria to grant official sanction to the training of women doctors in the United Kingdom.

8 | Christian Life Issue Two June 13

“Interserve works in a wide variety of partnerships where we share similar values: with local and national churches; with ministries, other mission groups, and increasingly, with emerging mission movements in the majority world; with educational and medical institutions, social and development agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs); and with the business community. Throughout its history Interserve was instrumental in developing, and partnering in, joint agencies working with a common goal in places like Nepal (UMN), Bangladesh (HEED), Mongolia (JCS), and others in various nations of North Africa, the Arab world and Asia,” says Lisa Holliday. “Interserve’s aim is to get followers of Christ involved in His global mission. Our focus is cross-cultural, and on the hard places; amongst the neediest, most marginalised, and least reached; and in a wide variety of missional involvements, overseas, whether short or longer-term. Short-term placements are available for anytime from one month to two years, and we currently have three short-term team planned for North Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East.” However, there are also opportunities to be involved - with mission, and with Interserve - right here in New Zealand. These include joining in with their Prayer Groups or prayer network, supporting Partners or projects, and linking in with their Business as Mission, Consultants in Mission and Mentoring for Mission networks. Teen Missions International Teen Missions International has been giving teens the opportunity to put their enthusiasm, energies and passion into serving the Lord and assisting missions around the world during their summer vacation time for over 40 years. In 1986 the organization was incorporated in Australia making it possible for Kiwi and Aussie young people to serve God and get to know Him better. “The programme consists of ten days training at The Lord’s Boot Camp on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, three weeks on the field, on a project ranging from building to evangelism, followed by a four-day debriefing,” says Elizabeth Little. “Teams planned for 2013-14 will go to Madagascar, Germany, Philippines, Tonga, Cambodia, India and Samoa; they run over Christmas and into the New Year.” OAC Ministries OAC Ministries, formerly Open Air Campaigners, is an organisation of evangelists. “Our mandate is to take the gospel to the world of the unbelieving, and to equip believers and churches to do the same,” says Lew Meyer. OAC has 9 branches in New Zealand, though some have only one evangelist. We are in Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Manawatu, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson, Canterbury and Otago.

“Our evangelists are all committed to outdoor evangelism in streets, parks, markets, beach missions etc. We are all required to be active members of local churches. We work in other areas including prisons, schools, High schools, Universities and Technical Institutes, camps, youth groups, churches, and retirement homes,” says Mr Meyer. “We also equip fledgling evangelists in evangelism both in New Zealand and Fiji. OAC has branches in about 30 countries.” All OAC evangelists are part of the NZ Association of Evangelists and OAC are looking forward to taking advantage of the bicentenary of evangelism with outreaches to “heartland” New Zealand next year. “We have also just launched an outreach training series called “Ignition”. This is to equip churches and believers to better understand and share the gospel,” says Mr Meyer. World Vision NZ World Vision NZ have just closed their Trade Me auction ahead of their celebrity hike up Africa’s highest peak, Mt Kilimanjaro, to launch World Vision Micro. Rhys Darby, Mahe Drysdale, Boh Runga, Kerre Woodham and Juliette Haigh auctioned themselves off for World Vision from May 27 and are set to scale the mountain from June 19. “Bidders could choose from five exclusive auctions, including: a personalised voice message from Rhys Darby; a rowing lesson on Lake Karapiro with Mahe Drysdale and Juliette Haigh; an opportunity to have Kerre Woodham MC an event; or a piece of Boh Runga’s own-designed jewellery plus a pamper pack from Trilogy,” says Media Advisor Chloe Irvine. World Vision was also auctioning off a trip with CEO Chris Clarke to see a Microfinance project. Kerre Woodham says, “This year, I was intending to take a sabbatical from public speaking. But then I was asked to climb Mt Kilimanjaro with Team World Vision to raise funds and awareness for microfinance. So I’m dusting off the sequins and hooking up the booster bra and will make myself available for a one off MC-ing gig.” World Vision Micro will enable Kiwis to go online and choose an entrepreneur to support from Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya or Cambodia. While the celeb team is in Tanzania, they will also meet some of the entrepreneurs World Vision Micro will be supporting. “I can’t wait to meet the aspiring entrepreneurs and hopefully raise a lot of money to help them out,” says Mahe Drysdale. These are just a few examples of the work being done by missions and ministries throughout New Zealand and abroad. Christian Life aims to support and encourage these and other organisations through advertising and editorial. For more information please contact the Christian Life team.

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Progress despite adversity The Pasifika community once again comes under political scrutiny to bring hope and change. Gemma Margerison reports...

Over 100 people attended the launch of the first Salvation Army State of the Nation report on Pasifika people in New Zealand, which was held in Auckland on May 20. The report, which reveals that communities are making modest progress despite difficult conditions, was welcomed in by a crowd including eight politicians from four political parties, as well as community workers and church ministers. “My unit, the Social Policy & Parliamentary Unit, wants to do some work on specific communities in New Zealand,” says Ronji Tanielu, Social Policy Advisor and co-author of the report. “As we advance into the second decade of the millennium, the prospects facing Pacific people in New Zealand are both exciting and daunting.” Entitled ‘More than Churches, Rugby and Festivals’ the report focuses on Pacific people in New Zealand under five key social indicators: children and youth, incomes and poverty, housing, crime and justice, and social hazards. It also gives information on the history of Pacific people and how the Salvation Army is involved in their communities. The 1945 New Zealand census showed there were over 2,000 Pacific people living in New Zealand. By 2006 this number had risen to nearly 266,000, including over 131,000 Samoans and 50,000 Tongans. In June 2012 this figure had risen again to around 360,000—an increase of around 58,000 in six years, and it is estimated that the Pacific population will continue to grow at around 500-800 people a month. This population can be divided into three nearly equal parts: a third living in South Auckland, a third living elsewhere in Auckland, and a third living outside

of Auckland. The localised concentration, and the fact that the Pacific population is relatively young, means that Pacific people will play a large role in Auckland’s future, particularly in South Auckland. The challenge now comes in the future planning of public services and policies. “With Pacific people now an intrinsic part of New Zealand society, it is crucial that policymakers include Pasifika people in their plans and decisions,” says Mr Tanielu. One of the key areas in which Pacific communities are in need of help is with their rate of child poverty. The report indicates that 40 per cent of Pacific children live in poverty and is therefore calling on the Government to action the eight recommendations specific to reducing Pasifika child poverty that were put forward by the Children’s Commissioner’s Expert Advisory Group (EAG). The 2012 report from the EAG on Solutions to Child Poverty provided a range of recommendations, spanning from those that could be implemented immediately to others which were more long term. The eight recommendations regarding reducing child poverty for Pasifika children and families included improving transitions for Pacific youth into employment and providing easier access to health care services. The Salvation Army would also like to see the passing of legislation to introduce fully State-funded breakfast and lunch programmes into all decile one to four schools. “This would go some way to ease poverty and give these children a better chance of fully participating in education and in the job market as adults,” says Mr Tanielu. According to the report, as of March 2013, there were 523 decile 1 and 2 schools across New Zealand, which accounts for more than twenty per cent of all schools. About 31 per cent, or over 35,000 of the children enrolled in these schools were Pasifika and 48 per cent, or just over 55,000 of these children were Maori. As a result, any initiative dealing with food assistance in decile 1 and 2 schools would have an impact on these Maori and Pacific children and their families. However, there have been challenges to these proTuesday 18 June – Levin grammes, including arguments that New Zealand can7pm, Horowhenua College Hall, 65 Weraroa Road, not afford the estimated cost of £100 million a year, Levin. and that such programmes allow parents and caregivers to shirk their responsibility of providing regular Tuesday 2 July – Papatoetoe, Auckland and nutritious meals for their children. 7pm, Papatoetoe Town Hall, 35 St George Street, The Salvation Army recognises that there are fisPapatoetoe. cal constraints but also believes that the Government could and should collaborate with the agencies alFriday 5 July – Whangarei ready delivering food programmes into schools. This 7pm, Christian Renewal Fellowship, 2 Tarewa Road, will ensure funding continues for these groups and Whangarei. allows for information and sponsorship to be shared. Saturday 6 July – Whangarei full day seminar Another area of concern is the economic position 9am-4pm, Christian Renewal Fellowship, 2 Tarewa of Pasifika people. The report suggests that since the Road, Whangarei start of the recession Pacific people are worse off economically than other New Zealanders due to a number For more information and further meeting updates visit: of factors. Firstly, the unemployment rate for Pacific people is consistently two or three times higher than that of or Freephone 0800 36 36 83


10 | Christian Life Issue Two June 13

the general population. Secondly, the average weekly income of Pacific people has risen by only $2 a week over the past five years, compared to an increase of $54 for non-Pacific people. However, the numbers of Pacific people claiming benefit are not as high as these numbers suggest they could be. The report suggests that Pacific people are finding other ways of sustaining themselves, which perhaps means they are placing greater pressure on family budgets than they have done before. Over the years several initiatives have been established to combat these gaps. For example, The Pacific Employment Support Services programme, initiated in 2010 and administered by the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs (MPIA), which aims to support disengaged Pacific youth into employment and training. Funding of $4.8 million was assigned to the MPIA who in turn selected four Auckland-based groups to provide ways for Pacific young people to get into employment or education: C-Me Mentoring Foundation Trust, Crosspower Ministries Trust, In-Work New Zealand Ltd, and SENZ Charitable Trust. In their report The Salvation Army applauds this type of approach and believes that other areas such as Tokoroa, parts of Wellington, Hawke’s Bay and parts of Christchurch could benefit from this or a similar programme. However, despite the success of some programmes, initiatives and services, there is still more that needs to be done in order to raise the standards of living for New Zealand’s Pasifika people. For example, there is a need to find ways of tackling the overrepresentation of Pacific people in the criminal offending statistics and in the prisons. Also there needs to be a way of improving housing conditions, as in April this year Statistics New Zealand published their finding that 30% of Pacific people reported having major housing problems including the house being too cold, damp or small for their housing needs. The Salvation Army continues to be committed to working with Pacific people through their Pasifika members, through employing Pacific people in a variety of jobs and through their social services and community ministry hubs. One service that has seen a dramatic rise in Pasifika participation is the food parcel programme, which has increased 564% since 2007, a figure that The Salvation Army finds incredibly concerning. From this report Mr Tanielu hopes that New Zealand will celebrate Pacific contributions to the country, and acknowledge that change is urgently needed in specific areas, and also that politicians, policy makers, and even the Pacific community itself will be challenged to respond to issues. “The social progress of Pasifika people is not just a responsibility of Pasifika themselves, but for all New Zealanders, if we are to honour our unwritten social contract where all Kiwis should be concerned about the safety, prosperity and social condition of one another,” he says. Gemma Margerison Editor

Inspired Business

At Work Trust Is Fragile Trust in the workplace is fragile. Companies and their leaders have added to the inherent suspicion people carry for their bosses by using the terms trust, teamwork, and transparency as buzz words. They hire consultants, hold special meetings, or do teambuilding and trust-building exercises. Then everyone goes right back to what they were doing before the feel-good exercise, nothing changes, and skepticism and distrust prevail. What is missing in these often empty exercises is that trust is personal. It is emotional. It is earned. It is a foundation that is built—one brick at a time. In leadership building, maintaining trust in relationships with your people means providing consistent evidence that you can be trusted. Evidence—not empty buzzwords and slogans. Steven R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, likens building trust to making deposits in an “Emotional Bank Account.” Using this metaphor, Covey explains that you build trust by making regular deposits (consistent evidence that you are trustworthy) in another person’s emotional bank account. As you make deposits, like keeping commitments and delivering on promises, the balance of trust in the account grows. When you fail to honor commitments, renege on promises, make the other person feel unimportant or unappreciated, behave in an unlikeable or inconsistent way, you make withdrawals. The theory is, by making regular deposits, trust will be maintained, and there will be greater tolerance for your future indiscretions and mistakes—which you will make, because no matter how hard you try you’ll never be perfect. However, like any bank account, when you make too many withdrawals and allow your account balance to get low or become overdrawn, you lose trust and place the relationship in jeopardy. Though many factors contribute to the trust your people have in you, the important takeaway from this metaphor is that in leadership, trust is something you

TOM ZIGLAR discusses the key factor to business success... trust in you.

earn. In Covey’s metaphor, each relationship begins with a neutral balance. I argue that in twenty-firstcentury business the trust that employees have for managers has deteriorated to such an extent that these relationships always begin in the red. Until trust is established, each party in the relationship is suspicious of the real motivations of the other party. Because of

this, you are almost always starting off in a hole with your people. This is why you must lay a foundation of trust with consistent evidence that you can be trusted. How important is trust? Consider these findings from a 2010 Maritz Research poll (www. g reatleadersh ipbyd /2010/04/new-pollemployees-dont-trust-their.html). The study found that employees with a high degree of trust in their



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leaders were significantly happier, more committed, less likely to leave the company, and looked forward to coming to work more than those who did not trust their leaders. This translates to higher productivity. Fifty-eight percent with strong trust in their management were completely satisfied with their job, while only four percent of respondents with weak trust in management cited they were completely satisfied with their job. Sixty-three percent of respondents with strong trust in their management would be happy to spend the rest of their career with their present company. This compares to only seven percent of respondents who have weak trust in management. Fifty-one percent with strong management trust would invest money in their company if they could versus only six percent of those surveyed with weak management trust. Fifty percent of those with strong trust in their management looked forward to coming to work every day while only three percent of respondents with weak management trust looked forward to coming to work. Trust is the foundation on which your success as a leader rests. Every action, decision, and behavior links back to and directly impacts trust—positively or negatively. Simply put, you will never gain the success you desire without the trust of your people. You will not consistently achieve your business objectives. Without trust your people will not give you their best work. Without trust, there is no loyalty. People won’t watch your back when the chips are down. The best people will not want to work for you. You will not earn promotions or raises. Without trust, your reputation suffers. The bottom line is no matter how likeable you are or how connected you are, how many wins your people get, or how many nice things you do, you absolutely, positively cannot lead without trust. Tom Ziglar

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Narrows Park




Liberty bring you KINGDOM COME Are you tired of living a Christian life that doesn’t look like what we see in the gospels? Ever desired to be used by God to heal the sick? This June’s conference at Liberty Christian Church in Auckland will allow you to experience the power of God yourself and also be mobilised to bring His power to those around you. This will be a significant event for the activation of the body in the area of healing as an evangelical tool. Liberty is a church committed to celebrating the goodness of God and seeing the extension of God’s Kingdom through His manifest presence. The atmosphere of Liberty is one of faith, thankfulness and glistening joy and this is evident in all their conferences. It is their hearts desire to raise up and equip a body of believers who know their identity in Christ, who walk in the full power and authority that Christ has won for us and who exhibit the love of Christ, shown to all, everywhere we go. Kingdom Come is about modelling, imparting

and empowering believers by equipping them to partner with the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the area of healing, signs and wonders. It is designed to help people understand what God is doing in our time so that we can invade earth with heavens realities. Sessions will teach, impart and activate the healing gifts, increase understanding of how to carry the anointing, and explain how to create an atmosphere of faith. If you have a hunger to be used by God in the realms of the supernatural then this conference is for you. Don’t delay – there are many who have registered already. He is present where those who love him gather together; imagine what will happen with so many hungry hearts in one place! Visit their website for more information and to register.

randy CLARK Randy Clark holds a Masters of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing his doctorate at United Theological Seminary. On January 20, 1994, this unassuming pastor from St. Louis walked into a small storefront church near the Toronto airport in Canada. Originally scheduled for 4 days, his meetings have turned into a worldwide revival that has impacted millions of people, namely the Toronto revival. Now an international speaker, Randy Clark demonstrates the Lord’s sovereign power to heal, with great tenacity. Randy’s anointing in healing is only surpassed by his unmistakable teaching gift. Using his extensive educational background, Randy delineates even the most difficult concepts to the lay person. His ministry crosses denominational lines and he has been welcomed into a plethora

of different streams. Randy has recently set up Global Medical Research Institute (GMRI) in co-operation with a number of health professionals (doctors, nurses and medical researchers). GMRI is applying rigorous methods of evidence-based medicine to study Christian spiritual healing practices—specifically, prayer to God in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. They have already published a number of articles in various secular medical journals throughout USA. In the words of Bill Johnson: “Few people in modern history have had the kind of effect on the Church around the world that Randy Clark has had. His humble approach to ministry and his abandonment to the move of God have kept him on the cutting edge of revival… The impartation he has received has been passed on to countless others who are now changing their world… At least four other giants were killed in the Bible besides Goliath – and they were all killed by men who followed David. If you want to kill giants, follow a giant killer.”

chris GORE Chris Gore is a New Zealander who believed in healing for many years but up to 2005 had failed to see anybody healed even after praying for close to 1000 people. In 2005 Chris had an incredible encounter with God and he saw his first person instantly healed. In 2006 Chris went on a mission trip to India with Randy Clark and saw many thousands of people healed by the power of Jesus. This reality of the gospel impacted Chris to continue to push forward to see nothing but an authentic gospel displayed through the lives of all believers and the extravagant love of the father poured out. In mid 2005 God spoke clearly to the family to sell everything that they had and to take a season at Bethel Church in Redding, California to equip them with the necessary tools to take revival to the nations of the world. Chris is now working at Bethel as the Director of Healing Ministries. He regularly speaks to leaders throughout Europe and South America as well as in the USA and ministers across denominational lines. Chris’s heart is to see the supernatural become natural to every believer. He has experienced many miracles, including the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, cancer tumors dissolving and the lame walking. This is the normal part of Christian living! In Chris’s words “Miracles are not just for Pastors and Evangelists. Jesus commissioned all believers. Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy, and the work of the cross is a finished work. As believers we are not called to sit in survival mode and wait for the great escape. Instead Jesus gave us all authority, and the power of the resurrected Christ. His Kingdom is within us and He commissioned us to release the realities of heaven onto earth. The world needs a demonstration of God’s power and love, and the saints are the ones that He calls to take it to the world. When we shine our light, He releases His glory!”

KINGDOM COME’ Healing Conference Wednesday June 19th to Saturday June 22nd 2013 An incredible 3 days and 4 nights of teaching and impartation with Randy Clark and Chris Gore For Senior leaders there is a special Senior Pastors dinner (including Q and A) with Randy and Chris on the Friday evening of the conference. Email if you are interested in the pastor’s dinner. 12 | Christian Life Issue Two June 13

I’d literally walked out of my life, which has many responsibilities... and into heaven – and in the auditorium the lovely fragrances – was it the candles? The sounds of women…only women… talking together completed what was for me slice of heaven.

She who OVERCOMES Each year Liberty hosts a unique and very special women’s event designed to encourage women and lead them into God’s presence. With different theme’s each year, this year it is “She Who Overcomes” If you’ve not been to one of these events before here’s how it works…Liberty’s auditorium will be transformed into areas where you can come and encounter God. There are specific places where you can take part in different activities that will lead you closer to God. A very different event, this is not a conference. There is no speaker and no set agenda. This time will be all about you and God. The team from Liberty are simply facilitators to enable you to walk into His presence and hear what He is wants to say to you at that moment. There will be opportunity for everyone to receive a personal prophecy or a piece of prophetic art. God is a good God and he only has good things to say. Each one of us is the love of His life and we delight Him by being us. This will be an extraordinary opportunity to encounter God, unlike anything you have experienced before. Liberty Christian Church’s annual night of encounter for 2013 will be held on the weekend of October 11th and 12th. Because of the huge interest in these events you will now have the choice of attending Friday night or Saturday. Attend for as short or as long

a period of time as you like during this time. Many women now allow 4 or more hours, but if you’ve only got an hour do still pop in. Just be warned that you will probably wish you had allowed longer! Liberty’s Slice of Heaven cafe will be open and is large enough that they can accommodate women’s groups who might like to come as a group and have an espresso coffee, frappe or smoothie together afterwards. In the words of one attendee: “I attended the women’s afternoon on Saturday having no idea what to expect… I came in with little expectation. My words probably cannot express properly my deep gratitude and the enormous uplifting of those 2 ½ hours for which I’m soooooo thankful. I went from colour station to colour station almost in tears just soaking up the sheer beauty of the displays. Much thought, prayer and time must have been lavished on it all as every large and tiny detail was beautifully created, even down to the laminated reflections on the walls. I read in the blue section that: “God had a dream and wrapped my body round it” I sat reading it for almost 15 minutes, I could hardly tear my eyes off it and go to the next section. The exquisitely cut shortbreads and lovely tables with crystals in glasses were the first things I saw when


I came into your building. Even at that point I had to blink back tears... gosh I sound quite hammy... But I’d literally walked out of my life, which has many responsibilities... and into heaven – and in the auditorium the lovely fragrances – was it the candles? The sounds of women…only women… talking together completed what was for me slice of heaven. I realised while there how fatigued and tired I’ve become these last 18 months and your gift of Arise & Shine was miraculous. The artist prophet I met was Cheryl... I shall keep the picture that Cheryl drew for me my entire life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I shall remember last Saturday for a long long time…what a wonderful gift you gave..” From one grateful, uplifted and encouraged sister in Christ

‘She who overcomes’ runs on October 11th and 12th. at Liberty Christian Church (96 Lansford Crescent, Avondale, Auckland). For more information on the conference visit or contact the church office on (09) 820-0168. We hope to see you there!

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Classifieds... brought to you by My Christian Daily Jobs


Ministry Camp Co-ordinator/Office Worker Position Vacant; Christian Youth Camps Inc. Ngaruawahia is a large, growing campsite situated on 38 hectares of land between the Waipa River and the Hakarimata Scenic Reserve. For almost 60 years CYC has been providing a place where groups can come and experience the wonder of God’s creation and take time to enjoy the activities and facilities. CYC is also committed to impacting the local community by providing ministry camps such as school holiday, teen, solo parent, family and leadership training camps. We are looking for someone to take over the role of ministry camp coordinator/ office worker. The job involves helping our team to organise, run and supervise our ministry camps. The suitable applicant would also be required to help in the camp office doing a wide variety of administration work. At times the applicant would be required to do practical work in and around the camp. This person needs to be a team player, enthusiastic, committed and passionate about the impact camping can have in the lives of campers. A strong call to the ministry of CYC is essential. They need to have great people skills and ability to communicate to all age levels. Experience in various office computer programs and social networking would be an advantage. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Ted, the CYC Director on 07 8248495 or

Coming to Christchurch for the rebuild? Rebuilding the spiritual lives of young people a passion? Our church is looking for a married couple who would lead our vibrant high school youth group. This is a volunteer position. Email for details.

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All enquiries to: Pastor Phil Coates Ch: (04) 388 6535 Mob: 021 236 8139 1. Children & Families Pastor (20 hrs/week) This role would suit someone who is passionate about helping children grow to know Jesus and grow in spiritual gifts; excited about helping parents grow as spiritual caregivers; loves running children’s programs and family-oriented worship services; has some experience and/or qualifications in children’s ministry; and is filled with the Spirit & faith.

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2. Community Pastor (15 hrs/week) This role would suit someone who is passionate about reaching out to the spiritually lost; enjoys leading Alpha and community outreach projects: naturally builds networks with people and links between the church and the community; and is filled with the Spirit and faith.

Builder needed for an office renovation project! Interserve requires a (retired) builder on a voluntary basis to help renovate our office in Auckland. The renovation will allow us to increase capacity and facilitate future growth. Please contact our Project Manager, John Mowbray, on (027) 291 6755 for more details. Interserve is a Christian mission agency that is committed to serving and sharing Christ in some of the hardest places in Asia and the Arab world. With over 800 mission Partners from about 20 nationalities serving in almost 30 countries, Interserve mobilises ordinary Christians to achieve extraordinary things!

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Walter Scheer

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Walter Scheer

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Thursday 18th to Sunday 21st July 2013 24 Duncansby Road (TBC) Stanmore Bay Whangaparaoa

In the Friendship Room of the Central Baptist Church Charlemont St Hamilton For more information and messages visit; Pastors Dennis and Penny Cell 021 384452

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For cost and details see brochure or contact: Wycliffe Bible Translators NZ Phone: 09 262 8440 Toll free: 0508 Wycliffe (992 543) Email:

About the Fathers Business Workshops • Exhibitors Keynote Speakers • Networking

Saturday 3 August 2013

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God, want do You want me to do here? Do you have a calling to reach boys & girls for God? Join us for a morning of fellowship, testimonies and encouragement! Theme: God’s guidance – discovering and doing God’s will. Saturday 27 July 2013 @ 10am Birkenhead Baptist Church All enquiries to: Suzanne Szilagyi; Mob: 022 368 0304


Totara Springs Christian Centre is one of the largest centre’s of its kind in New Zealand and is a venue for school camps, church retreats, business conferences, sporting and artistic events, holiday camps and weddings. We are situated in a beautiful setting, nestled at the foot of the Kaimai mountain ranges just outside Matamata. There are 90 plus acres of parklike grounds with accommodation for 420 people in fully serviced motels, 3 lodge complexes and 18 cabins. All our camps are fully catered by our resident catering team or or phone 07-8884700

We are delighted to be partnering with the Christian bookshops of NZ to make Christian Life absolutely FREE of charge each month. That’s right, it won’t cost you a cent to read each edition! To pick up your copy each month FIND A CHRISTIAN STORE NEAR YOU. Visit or | 15

You’ve seen it happen to others. Don’t let it happen to you! How you measure success, how you cope with discouragement and how good you are at sharing the load with others will determine your staying power. Self-care is just part of the essential training provided by the CViC Community Link Training Course, which helps passionate church-based volunteer leaders make the right start, build a team and develop leaders to succeed them. The full course spans 2 years and includes • 6 one-day training modules • a mentoring programme • reading and reflection

Course Feedback

• wonderful networking opportunities. The course costs $500 +gst a year.

Want to first ‘taste and see’? Sign up for both modules in July and pay only $50! Topics include: • One is the loneliest number • Burnout and the way out

I am as k een as musta rd to complete the training !

ay aturd Last S st he be was t hat vent t day e ! een to I've b

ly I was tru by d inspire day the two course.

Loved the small group discussion opportunities!

• Working yourself out of a job • Measuring success, dealing with discouragement We think you will enjoy it so much you will want to experience the full course and become a trained Community Link!

9am - 4.30pm Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July Auckland Bible Church, 300 Great South Road, Greenlane

Do you know how to

Some of the passionate facilitators you will meet:

save yourself from burnout?

Jacqui Ritchie is the founder of one of New Zealand's fastest growing not-for-profit organisations, Bellyful NZ. She believes that if you see a need, you've been called to fill it! She oversees a network of over 400 women in NZ and Australia and understands the importance of building effective teams and training and growing leaders.

This is the focus of our training 5– 6 July

As National Director of FamilyLife, Andy Bray is passionate about helping the families of NZ. But behind his highly successful ministry is Andy’s personal story. He survives on dialysis and has suffered cancer, heart attacks and a stroke. On 15 April 2008 he lost his daughter in the OPC Mangatepopo River Tragedy. Andy will therefore be sharing from deep experience.

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your volunteer teams and your community. Register today! Call Howard Webb on 021 832 390 or email

Kath Wells is a mainlander who has lived and worked as a missionary in London and Zambia, and pastored and discipled in NZ. Her own experience gives her a deep interest in midlife crisis and burnout. She loves to stir people up to prayer, care and share in their unique ways, through workshops and life coaching.

Mark Beale planted St Elizabeth’s Anglican Church in Clendon in 1988, now a church of over 300. He founded the Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust which employs over 40 people as well as the St Elizabeth's Community Housing Trust which has helped 17 families into home ownership. He is the chair of Promisekeepers, a keen cricketer and photographer.

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