Christian life issue nine_FEBRUARY 2014

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FEB 2014 • Issue NINE •




Tales from this years conference

How to raise Godly children

EVERLASTING MARRIAGE Practical keys from best-selling author John Sturt






Issue NINE | FEB 2014

03 Strengthening Marriages in NZ 05 Teaching the Next Generation 07 Message in a Bottle 09 Local News


10 NZ & Beyond 11 My Journey to Parachute 12

Utero Trauma




GLYNN CARPENTER chats to SARAH TENGVALL about an exciting new website to help strengthen NZ couples...

16 Shine TV programme guide 18 Christian Life Classifieds 07 NEXT ISSUE OUT MARCH 2014 Booking deadline: 28th February Art deadline: 3rd March Distribution: 10th March



2 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014

Publisher Matthew Danswan Editorial collaboration Sarah Tengvall Art Director Nicole Danswan Advertising P: 09 281 4896

Advertising Manager Ray Curle: Correspondence PO Box 47212, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144, New Zealand No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part, without prior written permission. Opinions


expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. All attempts are made to verify advertising material, and no responsibilty is taken for misleading or erroneous material.

This first 2014 issue of Christian Life arrives to you just at the end of New Zealand’s Marriage week, 7-14 February. This is a time to celebrate and recognise the importance and significance of ‘marriage.’ In a world, which increasingly devalues and undermines marriage many Christians are rising up to aid and support ‘marriage’ as the best way to be in life-long relationship. Glynn Carpenter of New Zealand Christian Network, a news gathering site, has stepped up with a dedicated

website called ‘Marriage Week’. This is a partnership of Marriage Week International and the World Evangelical Alliance. Mr Glynn states, “It’s good that New Zealand can now join other countries around the world where groups are working to strengthen marriage and the culture of marriage. The purpose of this website is to feature articles and resources about strengthening marriage and events related to Marriage Week.” Their key message is, “ Many people these days are

not aware that when it comes to intimate relationships, marriage offers by far the best chances of a good and successful outcome.” Mr Glynn’s website is intended to get this message out. “We hope to inspire, support and encourage the act of marriage,” he said. Also, in this article I am honoured to share with you the wisdom of John Sturt. He and late wife Agnes were pioneers in marriage education. Together they produced and ran ‘Marriage Enrichment’ seminars in the 1970s, at-

© Copyright 2014. | 3


Marriage gives people the opportunity to be themselves in a way where they can be vulnerable. The trust and commitment in a marriage relationship enables people to feel safe to share themselves and not be rejected.

Above: John with his late wife Agnes

tended by more than 3,000 kiwis. They co-authored the book ‘Mentoring for Marriage’, still in use today. However, John says perhaps their most useful book for marriage is “Created for Intimacy’ as intimacy is what people seek in their marriage. He believes there is a desperate need for “intimacy’ in marriages. It is very lacking and in the thousands of couples they mentored over the years he estimates only 15% of them had their desired level of intimacy. “There is a real hunger for closeness and as the bible puts it to become ‘one’. To get past that stage of just friendship and move into an area where you can really trust the other person at a deeper level.” John and Agnes were married for 55 years, and it would have been sixty years last month, commented John, who has worked as a medical doctor, counsellor and spiritual director. He now provides therapeutic supervision to professionals throughout New Zealand. John says it is wonderful to have a week dedicated to celebrating marriage in the face of increasing bad press. “It is not regarded as essential anymore. Young people are happy to shack up. The whole commitment and sacredness of marriage is being eroded. The concept of young people just living together means there is no commitment. And the Marriage Amendment Act is just another erosion.” I asked John why he believes marriage is better than living together? “There is a commitment and accountability, it builds trust. When people just live together, we’ve observed that people are not free to be themselves. They are always just playing along and hoping things work out. Marriage gives people the opportunity to be themselves in a way where they can be vulnerable. The trust and commitment

in a marriage relationship enables people to feel safe to share themselves and not be rejected.” Talking about keys to a successful marriage he said, “for me it has been about learning to share my feelings because as a bloke, and my past experience of going to boarding school, I built a wall around me. Unless the wall comes down marriage is hard because you need to be totally transparent to build a long and satisfying marriage.” Another aspect people struggle with in marriage is communication. “Some people have never learnt how to communicate feelings and honesty and just something simple like beginning a sentence with ‘I’ instead of ‘you’. And until you can communicate well you can’t handle conflict.” As a Christian John bases his marriage teachings on Ephesians 5: 31, ‘As the scripture says, For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.’ He says it is a mutual submission. “That principle of mutual submission and oneness is something we believe and live. For example if conflict arises it changes your purpose from one of wining and dominating to one of looking for resolution and a conclusion. “Other-centredness is the key to marriage. We all start off self-centreded but aim to get there. And we submit out of a reverence to Christ. If you love the Lord it should be a joy to submit.” John has hope for marriage today and the days ahead, even in these times of the Marriage Amendment Act, because “ as evil grows so too does goodness grow.” And he believes there is still a strong desire for marriages in young people in New Zealand, especially among those who know the Lord.”

“It’s also amazing to see couples, who have been struggling in their marriage turn things around when they become Christians,” he commented. John also believes couples can be happily married but still not enjoying all the fullness of their relationship. “People can have a happy relationship that is still not nourishing at the deep level they desire. You don’t have to be sick to be better.” Talking about blended families John commented on just how extraordinarily difficult these relationships are. The average survival rate is five years, he says. But there is hope he says if people learn from, and deal with, their issues before moving into the second relationship. “The second relationship can be good provided you have cleared the decks. People need to ask themselves ‘who am I’ and ‘am I ready for commitment to another person in the sense that I can bring something rich to that other person’. Again it is about other-centred instead of me – need centred.” John and Agnes Sturt co-authored: Created for Love, Created to be Whole, Created for Intimacy, Mentoring for Marriage and Loving Life (John’s life story).

John and Agnes Sturt co-authored: Created

for Love, Created to be Whole, Created for Intimacy, Mentoring for Marriage and Loving

Hilary is the Team Leader for Scripture Union’s Children and Families Ministries. She will be speaking at the WAY2GO children’s ministry conference held in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin this year.

There’s a certain sort of bamboo that you plant and then you sit back and wait. And wait and wait and wait. For 4 years you wait. You don’t see anything. Not even a single green shoot. Then in the 5th year something amazing happens: a green shoot appears and in the space of 6 weeks it grows 30 metres. So here’s the question: Did the bamboo grow 30 metres in 6 weeks or in 5 years? Working with children can be like waiting for that bamboo. We can feel like we are working and working and we don’t see anything. But instead of getting impatient, we need to remember that this is God’s work and he’s doing it inside the children where we can’t always see it happening. God is helping our children grow roots deeply into him, just like the deep unseen roots of the bamboo. When the right time comes, life will burst through the surface for all to see. God will use the things that have been growing in the children’s lives to transform them in a wonderful way. Maybe we will see that happen, or maybe others will have that joy, but we can be confident that God is working deep inside them. Our role is to nourish the soil in which our children are planted. One important way we can do this is through helping our children grow into the Bible and meet God who is revealed in its pages. As we place a Bible in a child’s hands, there are a few things to be aware of. First, it’s a big and very adult book, so we want to help them know what is in it and the context in which it is set. We want to help them understand the words of the Bible We want them to feel confident in using the Bible for themselves. But while we do this, we need to be careful that we don’t teach them to see the Bible as an informational book. It is far more than a book of rules and guidelines. It is a book that transforms lives! It is not about reading the Bible to find out about God, but an exciting adventure in which they will actually meet God. Secondly, children need to see their own life stories as part of God’s big



than the





Dunedin - 15 March 2014 Auckland - 29 March 2014 Wellington - 12 April 2014 REGISTER:

Life (John’s life story).

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4 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014

Teaching the NEXT generation




Above: Director, Children and Families Ministry: Hilary Hague

story. Terry Clutterham puts it this way, “The Bible is God’s story and the story of our ancestors in the faith, which we want our children to enter into as their story, on God’s side.” We want our children to reflect on what the Bible has to say to them about their own lives and the joys and challenges and difficulties they are facing. We can do this by helping children to reflect on the story, rather than telling them the meaning or point we have decided beforehand. We can encourage them to draw their own conclusions. Our role therefore is to identify with their struggles, affirm their contributions and guide them towards good understanding. We can use open ended questions to help grow the children’s ability to think and to wonder about our amazing God. Ask your children what does this story show us about God? What part was the most important? Who else feels like you in the Bible? What did God say to them? What can we learn from this? And thirdly, the attitude of the people around children is a huge part of growing a positive attitude to the Bible in our children too. The way we feel about the Bible, the way we handle it and talk about it, will speak loudly to our children. Communicating to them about how the Bible has impacted our lives is very important. John Lane says, “A child’s long term openness to the Bible will only be maintained through the quality of life of the people who belong to God. If the people who carry the Bible are enthusiastic about it and want to obey it, and if its influence is evident in the life of the local congregation, then the children will stay with the Bible even through the toughest circumstances.” Having an adult they admire who is passionate about the Bible and encourages them with their Bible reading is probably the single most important way to keep children engaged with the Bible. Jeremiah uses the image of a tree in 17:7-8. He says that the person who trusts in God will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. Let’s tend the soil that our children are planted in, and let’s pray that as our children meet God in the Bible, he will grow them into strong trees whose roots are deep in God.


encourage and inspire children’s leaders. This year, our theme is ‘Bigger than the World Itself’, where we will explore children engaging with the Bible; helping children live and love in God’s Big Story. Find out more at

BY DAVID COWIE Check out these stories about children at Scripture Union’s SUPAkidz Camps. It is so encouraging to see God at work in the lives of these children.* MERE’S Bible was brand new, but by the end of the SUPAkidz Camp it didn’t look new. She had written her name along the side of it so that there was no mistaking the fact that it belonged to her. And she had highlighted special verses all the way through. It had been well read and Mere loved it. CALEB took his group of boys for a walk in the forest and while they were there he told them a story. It was a story from the Bible and when they got back from the walk, the boys rushed to look it up. Caleb’s story acted as a catalyst for all sorts of questions. How do I know God is listening to me? How does God talk to us? His boys talked about that Bible story for days. CHARLOTTE and KYLEE wanted to talk about the Bible. They asked about how to find one that they could read easily and how to read it regularly. They wanted the Bible stories they heard to be real to them so their leader asked if they would like to be prayed for. She asked God to help them know him better as they read their Bibles.

Top: Pacific Hope Healthcare; Bottom: Pacific Hope Cataracts

The scene was almost surreal yet I had seen it many times before. The sun was just setting and the smoke from the village fires was rising through the coconut palms and drifting toward us. You could hear the gentle slapping of the waves on the hull of the ship. We were all relaxing on the aft deck after a busy day ashore. Only the hum of our generators below deck disturbed the tranquillity. The medical teams from Youth With a Mission’s medical ship, the M/V Island Mercy, were talking about the day’s events and the patients they had seen ashore. They talked about the desperation of a mother with a very sick child and no where to turn. The island of Atafu, a small atoll in the Tokelau chain of islands is one of the most isolated. The M/V Island Mercy was the only ship of its kind in the whole of the Pacific Region and so a visit to this isolated Atoll would be extremely rare. As I listened to the stories, I picked up an empty bottle lying on the deck and thought of all those “message in a bottle” stories I had heard or seen in the movies. I decided to put one of our brochures and a hand scribbled note in two bottles and sealed them with

a cork. I then poured some candle wax on top for no other reason than that it seemed the right thing to do! I watched them drift off into the night wondering what destiny God would have for my bottles. We left the Tokelau Islands and headed south past the tiny island of Palmerton, population seventythree. A small canoe with an out board motor raced up to the ship with it occupants wildly calling for help. Apparently a little girl was desperately ill with asthma and could not breathe. Several relatives had died of the same illness. A medical team raced ashore with a nebuliser and saved the little girl’s life. After staying a few days to minister to the people, we headed on back to Fiji and then on to New Zealand. Over the following two years thousands of men, women and children received medical and spiritual care as our ships crisscrossed the Pacific. Thousands of people received medical help both ashore and in our surgeries on board. Thousands more received prayer with many coming into a personal relationship with the Lord. On a quiet island in the Yasawa group of the Fiji Islands, Tom Sadrugu took an evening stroll along the beach. As an elder in the local church, he pondered the


*The children’s names have been changed to protect their identity.

Scripture Union (SUNZ) runs 3 WAY2GO children’s ministry conferences each March/April to train,

CONFERENCE CHRISTCHURCH 17 - 19 MARCH & Auckland 20 - 22 March

at your local


WARKWORTH: Heartbeat Christian Store, 60 Queen St, Ph 09 425 9559 AUCKLAND: Lifestore Albany, Unit L, Courtside, 75 Corinthian Drive, Albany, Ph: 09 443 7928; St Joseph's Centre Gift Shop 1 Fred Thomas Drive, Ph: 09 489 5613 Children's Bible Ministries 9 Walters Rd, Ph:09 630 5271 Christian Resource Centre 323 Queen St, Ph: 09 377 4059; Bamboo Resource Centre, 591 Dominion Rd, Balmoral, Ph: 09 630 5997 Lifestore Elim, 159 Botany Road, Howick, Ph: 09 538 0374; Church of Christ Bookshop, 361 Mt AlbertRoad, Mt Albert, Ph: 09 620 5008; Adventist Book Centre, 743 Great SouthRoad, Manukau, Ph: 09 262 5643 Epic Christian Books & Gifts 63 Edinburgh St, Pukekohe, Ph: 09 238 8134 THAMES: Thames Christian Bookshop 732 Pollen St, Ph: 07 868 9115

Serving all NZ 6 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014 HAMILTON: Living Word Bookcentre, 634 Victoria St, Ph: 07 839 5607 CAMBRIDGE Solomon’s Couch, Capernwray, 3553 Cambridge Rd, Ph 07 823 1800 TAURANGA: Lighthouse Bookcentre, 54 Wharf Street, Ph: 07 578 6944 Sonshine Bookcentre, 84 1st Avenue, Ph: 07 578 8477 Sunrise Books, Shop 16 Cherrywood Court, Ph:07 576 1092 ROTURUA: Sonshine Bookcentre, 1129 Eruera St, Ph:07 349 1661 HASTINGS: Pleroma Christian Supplies, 38 Higginson Street, Otane Ph: 06 856 8378 NEW PLYMOUTH: Good News Centre, 581 Devon Street East, Ph: 06 758 4912 LEVIN: Beacon Christian Bookshop, 198A Oxford Street, Ph: 06 368 7683 BLEHEIM Christian Books and Music Centre, 14 Maxwell Rd, Ph: 03 366 1917

CHRISTCHURCH: Christian Superstore, 370 Colombo Street, Sydenham, Ph: 03 366 1917; New Millennium Books, 22 Grampian Street, Redwood, Ph: 03 359 1310 Catholic Shop, 79 Forfar St St Albans, Ph: 03 366 2853 ASHBURTON: Christian Superstore, 80-82 Tancred Street, Ph: 03 308 9235 TIMARU: Christian Superstore, 102 Stafford Street, Ph: 03 688 3431 OAMARU: North Otago Christian Bookstore, 27 Thames Street, Ph: 03 434 9025 QUEENSTOWN Salvation Army Bookshop 29 camp St, 03 442 51003 DUNEDIN: Catholic Centre Shop Moran Building 8 Octagon, Ph: 03 477 6342 MOSGIEL: Mosgiel Christian Bookshop, 135A Gordon Road, Ph: 03 489 4953




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Local news


Above: Pacific Hope Dental

state of his village - no electricity, no running water, no medical care of any kind and no school. Each morning the children would set of for the three-hour walk over the hill to a neighbouring bay to attend school. Some walked back that evening. For years his church had prayed for help but none came. All of a sudden, something glistened in the sand. The fact that a bottle had washed up on the beach was no surprise. It was the paper inside it that caught his attention. As I sat at my desk in Tauranga and wondered how I was going to pay the bills that day - an almost daily occurrence in this ministry – one of our staff dropped the mail on my desk and the stamp caught my eye - a Fijian stamp. The carefully written letter was by a Pastor who poured out the story of how one of his elders had found a bottle on the beach with a

BOOKS ON MARRIAGE AND LIFE WITH JOHN AND AGNES STURT Mentoring for Marriage ($20.00) A practical guide to all aspects of marriage and how to prepare thoroughly for this exciting journey. A valuable resource for pastors, counsellors, parents and couples. Created for Intimacy ($20.00) A comprehensive guide to developing intimacy with yourself, others and God. Especially helpful for couples who want to deepen the closeness of their relationship. (1996 NZ Booksellers Book of the Year) Marriage Enrichment Manual ($10.00) A practical workbook about all aspects of marriage to help couples make good marriages better. Understanding and Building Self Esteem ($20.00) Helping people to see themselves and love themselves as God does. Over 50,000 copies in print in five languages. Created for Love: Understanding and building self esteem ($20.00) Learn to see yourself and love yourself as God does. This book is now in five languages and has sold over 50,000 copies. Celebrating Service – loving and serving our neighbour ($10.00) An overview of how to become Christ’s servant. All books are practical workbooks with questions and exercises based on each chapter. Books available from: Manna and other Christian bookshops, Life Church bookshop. Or from the author: 247/221 Abbotts Way, Remuera, Auckland 1050. Phone: (09) 5706657; Email:

8 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014

message offering help to anyone who found it. Would we please bring our ship to minister to the village of Yasawairara?! Elaine stood looking out to sea with a mixture of emotions. Could it be true? Would a missionary ship really come to help? She had lived in the village all of her life and had seen the cruise ships arrive in the bay to take not give. The village saw little evidence of the money the cruise lines paid for such visits. For years she prayed that a mission ship would come to help. And then, on a bright sunny morning in July 1998, a white dot appeared on the horizon. As the M/V Island Mercy slid quietly into the bay and dropped anchor, tears poured down Elaine’s face. After drifting for four years and approximately 1000 miles from where the bottle had been tossed over the side of the Island Mercy, Elaine’s prayers for the village of Yasawarara were being answered. The medical teams and engineering teams went to work immediately. The dental and optical teams began seeing patients. The engineers installed a water system including a large water tank that had been brought in by the ship and floated ashore. Educational books were sent ashore for the beginning of a local schooling system. But it was the message of hope and love that made the difference. It was the compassion of young men and women who loved Jesus and prayed with anyone who wanted help that deeply moved the people. They too realised that in spite of their isolation and obscurity, God had not forgotten them and it all came to them in a bottle! Over the following years Marine Reach acquired more ships and more island communities were reached. Youth With a Missions’ first ship, the M/V Anastasis has long since been retired but six more ships have followed in its wake. Eighteen nations have received multiple ship visits with over 380,000 receiving both physical and spiritual care. Millions of dollars worth of free medicines and equipment were distributed. A sense of hopelessness consumed Mary’s life. As an elderly widow living in an isolated coastal village in Fiji she kept herself alive with her sewing machine. Now tragedy had struck. Not only was her sewing machine broken and appeared to be beyond repair but cataracts in her eyes made her partially blind. A sense of hopelessness consumed her life. One day a ship appeared off the coast. In keeping with Marine Reach’s calling, the ship’s crew and medical teams were once again targeting the more isolated and forgotten coast communities. Mary was taken on board and the optical team removed her cataracts. While those operations were taking place, Barry Coslett, the Second Engineer went ashore and repaired her sew machine. Mary was thrilled. Not only did she have her livelihood returned to her but her faith soared as she once again encountered a living God who cares. Since the birth of Marine Reach – Youth With a Mission in Tauranga in 1990, thousands of stories can be told of God’s healing and restoration across the Pacific. In July 2014 our newest ship, The M/V Pacific Hope will sail from Auckland on it’s maiden voyage back into the South Pacific after completing its refit in Tauranga. God’s love and hope will continue to change the lives of individuals and whole communities across the Pacific. Marine Reach Mission teams continued to visit the Yasawa Islands. Only one question remains. What happened to the other bottle?!

New Zealand and Beyond 2014 conference Pastor Tak Bhana’s church is expecting even more breakthrough at next month’s conference ‘New Zealand and Beyond 2014”. Now in its eight year, the event’s past highlight has been breakthrough for churches, communities, New Zealand, nations around the world and believers personally. This year’s theme, “Going the Extra Mile’ is about doing what others aren’t willing to and going beyond the call of duty. It will take going the full extra mile to fulfill the Great Commission explained Magdalene Paul of Auckland’s Church unlimited. Expanding on the theme she said,” Jesus said

whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. History teaches us this is a major key to advancing the Kingdom of God. How can we live in this counterculture grace that has the power to shock, and win the world.” The international line-up of keynote speakers includes: Joel Holm (Pathfinders International), Wayne Cordeiro (New Hope Christian Fellowship, Hawaii), Murray Thom (Kiwi entrepeneur), Paul Bennetts (Life Church at La Vida, Christchurch) and of course, Pastor Tak Bhana. A new addition this year is businessman Murray Thom talking about the gospel in the marketplace and

business. Also, new is the expanded role churches in Christchurch are taking running the conference, which is also held in Pakistan and for the first time later this year, the Middle East. Church unlimited is excited that churches are getting the vision of the Great Commission and that the conference draws people from all denominations. “Our goals are to unite the body of Christ and increasingly work together. And to encourage the church to fulfill the call on New Zealand to be a great missions nation,” said Magdalene. Register at

For more information on Marine Reach Mission visit | 9

Local news

Conference wrap-up

Religious belief ‘less relevant’ to most Kiwis It’s official: New Zealand is increasingly becoming a secular nation, by popular choice as well as official decree. The latest census reveals that less than half of us claim some sort of Christian affiliation, with 47.7 per cent ticking that box last year. Just on 42 per cent say they are non-religious. In the Nelson-Tasman region, religious belief still rules, but just by 0.3 per cent. Averaging Nelson’s 48 per cent with no religion, and Tasman’s 51.4 per cent – the highest rate of non-believers in New Zealand – would give a combined figure of

49.7 per cent non-believers. Exactly where the balance of 50.3 per cent stand on the issue was not made clear – though numbers of Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs are bucking the trend and evading the overall decline in numbers most organised religions are facing. Though religion might be slowly losing direct relevance in the lives of many individuals its influence remains. Most of us still celebrate Easter and Christmas regardless of whether we pay any attention to the ideas and ideals that underpin them.

Revival afresh Last month two significant events happened that many believe is setting the stage to usher in an unprecedented move of God. Catch The Fire Toronto church, one church in this now international family of churches worldwide, celebrated the 20-year anniversary of an amazing outpouring of God’s spirit. Known as the ‘Toronto Blessing’, the revival was witnessed by thousands including 200,000 first time visitors and 20,000 Christian leaders. The transferable anointing ignited some of the world’s most successful ministries today. Senior Pastor John Arnott, who led the celebrations with wife Carol, said “the effects of the Toronto Blessing were international in scope. Within a year of the outpouring, an estimated four thousand churches representing main denominations in the United Kingdom had been touched by the renewal.” Spiritual giants such as; Bill Johnson, Randy Clarke, Heidi Baker, Che Ahn, Georgian Banov and John Arnott gathered in Toronto to celebrate and remember while at the same time believing for more. Meanwhile prophecies from around the world including: Cindy Jacobs, Bob Jones and Bob Hartley

prosphecised that God is getting ready to pour out a tsunami revival harvest such as the earth has never seen before. Meanwhile God TV, which broadcasts to 437 million viewers across 200 nations world-wide, conscecrated their new revival prayer centre in Plymouth, England. Acting in obedience to the Lord, Founders Rory and Wendy Alec, are preparing a place of ‘habitation for the Lords presence’. It is to be a carrier of His Presence 24 hours a day seven days a week bringing revival to homes, and nations throughout the United Kingdom and globe. After the Alecs were given the location of Plymouth, they uncovered the ancient seaport’s motto in latin translated to: The name of Jehovah is the strongest tower.’! And of course, Plymouth was where the sailing ships from England left for the new world of America. Healing Evangelist Benny Hinn, joined the God TV team and hundreds of guests, to consecrate the Revival Prayer Centre to the Lord.

For daily local news visit

Pastor accused of Darwin drug import An evangelical Christian pastor from New Zealand accused of importing more than nine kilograms of methamphetamine and heroin into Darwin was ignorant and gullible – and innocent, her barrister says. Bernardine Prince, 41, was arrested in May last year for importing a commercial quantity of drugs into Australia. She had been travelling in Kenya and Cambodia for five weeks for a Christian organisation called Oasis of Grace, for which she was a pastor. Prince was on her way back to Australia when her luggage was delayed in Singapore, and when her bags arrived in Darwin a customs officer detected traces of drugs on seven vinyl backpacks inside them. He discovered packages sewn into each one containing crystal methamphetamine and heroin powder, with a combined weight of more than nine kilograms, Crown prosecutor Glen Rice said.

Kiwis after a fair crack of the whip in Oz Expatriate Kiwi advocates have launched another bid to win support from Australia’s human rights watchdogs in their campaign to end official discrimination against New Zealanders. Advocacy group OzKiwi has lodged complaints with the Race Discrimination, Disability Discrimination and Children’s commissioners outlining the measures taken against New Zealanders who arrived since 2001. Under changes declared unilaterally by the thenLiberal Government, Kiwis are automatically issued with “non-protected” special category visas that give them the right to live and work across the Tasman, but deny them access to almost all employment, welfare, education and social security services and benefits. Kiwis living in Australia before 2001 have “protected” visas that provide them with permanent resident status.

Faith Reading RACHEL’S MEMORIES By Rachel Millward Published by Rachel Millward, 2013. ISBN 978-0-473-25459-9. Rachel was just three at the outbreak of WWll when she left Scotland with her mother to join her father in New Zealand to start a new life. From a pastor’s wife in the back country to staying in a millionaire’s house in the centre of Jerusalem, her memories span not only what it was like growing up in New Zealand but also her awakening to the truth of the Almighty’s intentions for his Jewish people. Such was the impact of this knowledge that Rachel committed herself to taking 22 tour groups to Israel to impart her discoveries to others. With her husband Bill in strong support, Rachel became the director of The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (in NZ) and led this ministry for many years. One of the highlights of this book is Rachel’s commentaries on the persecution of the Jewish people in her lifetime, the birth of Israel as a nation and its ongoing, miraculous survival. As she says in her introduction; “it is simply the story of a very ordinary woman who, by God’s grace, was given some very memorable experiences, many of them quite extraordinary!” You can obtain a copy of Rachel’s Memories by emailing

10 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014

TURN BACK THE BATTLE: Isaiah Speaks to Christians Today By Elizabeth Kendal Published by Deror Books, Dec 2012 ISBN: 978-0-9807223-6-9 The world is changing, radically and rapidly. While many Christians in the West are realising that the spiritual battle is intensifying as evil forces gain ground, multitudes of other believers are already engulfed in conflict. International religious liberty analyst and advocate for the persecuted church Elizabeth Kendal, maintains that the insecurity threatening the 21st century church is nothing new. “The latter part of the 8th century BC was a time of immense geo-political instability and insecurity,” says Kendal, “and God’s people were gravely imperilled. But God sent his prophet into that political-military crisis to deliver -- to a people who had grown worldly and to leaders who were self-sufficient -- a prophetic, timeless and universal call to faith that is just as applicable today.” Isaiah commentator Dr Alec J Motyer regards Turn Back the Battle as “one of the most important and significant books to come my way . . . Kendal,” writes Motyer, “is as skilled in [Biblical] exposition as in interpreting today’s world.” (Evangelicals Now (UK), Nov 2013) With hardship, suffering, persecution and threat advancing, it is time to look afresh at Isaiah. Visit:

My journey to Parachute 2014 BY ANGELA JONES I’m convinced when you arrive at Hamilton’s Mystery Creek to attend Parachute, the Fathers heart blesses you by default. Back-sliders and crippled spirits aren’t sniffed out on entry. Good things happen at Parachute. Men with orange vests and smiles pile you onto trailers and drop you at your chosen camping area. I arrived at Parachute 2014 with my step father, brother, son (13) and daughter (10). An hour later our tent was pitched, my son separated himself to roam free and my daughter tried to convince me the $15 Turbo Boost theme-park ride would be fun. I disagreed and took passenger in her Dodgem car before a wander through the Village and finding the treat that was watching Stan Walker and crew wind up a rehearsal on Main-stage. This year’s line-up was incredible. So many artists, every kind of music covered. An older crowd chilled in the cool shelter of the Palladium on the Saturday for an unplugged styled interview with singer/songwriter Dave Dobbyn. Personal highlight alert insert here; Dave sharing the moment God made Himself present in his life, quote, “.....I prayed (internally). I said, God please help me. He waited until I was home with my wife before

He had me on the floor like a Muslim (smile)...had me drunk with His Spirit for the next three days”. Dobbyn I’m a newish Life FM listener so putting band name, origin and face to the many tracks I enjoy was really cool. Cooler still was the freedom to sit in on live interviews between Life FM staff and artists in a tented Rhema Media Centre. New Zealand’s Stan Walker rocked the Mainstage Saturday night taking time between hits to deliver his ever so important anti-bully and suicide awareness message to an adoring youth before contributing to Sunday night’s finale with a worship set so good it kept a praising, mosh-pit of youth through a torrential down pour whilst folks shared their umbrella corners and towels in the stands. Please note, you don’t have to be Christian to attend but you could leave thinking Christians are a whole lot cooler than you thought. Note to self, pack a rain coat for Parachute 2015!

Angela is a broadcasting student at NZRTS (New Zealand Radio Training School) at Whitireia New Zealand. | 11

Cover story


Utero Trauma


PASTOR SHARYN GLYNN has an interesting healing ministry for those who have suffered utero and birth trauma... The womb can be a tomb for many people according to Pastor Sharyn Glynn, who has a unique and special teaching relevant to every kiwi in the land! After all, we were all formed in a mother’s womb and born into this world. And Sharyn’s dynamic message elaborates on just how vital this process is. The Christchurch Pastor believes the womb can be a tomb for some people because of family violence, disruptions, arguments, abuse or alcoholism in the home while mum is pregnant. “What we don’t realise is often this is transferred straight on to the developing embryo because mothers are connected to the baby. Along with this can be anxiety, depression, eating disorders, shame and identity problems – all connected to life in the womb and an individual’s birth,” she said. ‘Trauma in Utero and Birth Trauma’ is the title of her book and teaching she recently presented to Jubilee Resources summer school and at churches throughout the south island. In it she comprehensively covers the gestation stages of the developing baby and ways trauma can enter and affect healthy development. This includes the birth and the mother’s emotional environment. Sharyn suggests healing to the whole person: spirit, soul and body, through a series of repentance and deliverance style prayers. Sharyn is passionate about this ministry because of her own personal experience.“ It is something very dear to my heart because of my own womb and birthing experience. I was a twin in the womb and my brother actually miscarried. And when I was born my parents wanted me to be the boy they had lost. So the grief and the trauma attacked my spirit and hit me when I was in the womb. From that point on death followed me all the days of my life until I had huge deliverance and found freedom in God, “ she described. This was the beginning of Sharyn’s message which she has spent years reading and researching. Together with husband Owen the couple have been pasturing since 1999 and are senior ministers of Revival Centre Church in Christchurch. In this healing ministry prays for people and asks them ‘what happened at your birth?’ and of young mums she asks about their pregnancy. “Some people would share the cord was around the neck and now they had asthma. There was just a lot of information and revelation that came through talking to people. There is no such thing as the ‘perfect birth’ so we are all traumatised to a point where there is pain involved and none of us really knows that damage that happens through the whole nine months.” Sharyn describes healing as a process. “It is layer upon layer precept upon precept. I think over time I’ve become more freer and aware of the huge need in peoples lives to get free and a lot can be traced back to what’s happened to them in the womb. People identify with the symptoms I describe and then they ask their mother about their birth and often it starts making sense.”

Identity is one of the most common areas Sharyn ministers to. “When people have their identity bound up in what they do, there is that whole sense of striving. I’ve got to do this, and this. Instead you’ve got to relax and just allow your identity to be in God. Healing comes when people function in what they are called to do and not try and be all things to all people because we can’t be.” Sharyn continues, “And we also need to recognise that we are just one cog – we don’t have all the picture – we only have the picture in part. So if I can help one person be healed in that area, then there are a lot of other ministries out there to continue the next step. “ But the beautiful thing about it is Jesus died to set us free, and pick up all the fragments of our lives. He says he wants to restore our soul. Our spirit is born again but he wants to restore our soul where we have been shattered and where our mind has been thinking from a clouded perspective, and not the truth, believing the lies of the enemy. God wants to realign all that stuff and bring us back into wholeness.” If people recognise some of symptoms in the book Sharyn said, “pray the prayers in the book or contact me. I’m quite happy to pray for people. Or else they can go to someone in the local church or a pastor who can help them. “My passion is to see the body of Christ trained, equipped and healed to fulfil each ones mandate: what’s on their scroll that God has predestined them to walk into.” Training is about dismantling a lot of foundational stuff where the enemy has got in, and often just realigning people into the truth,” she said. “I love to see the body of Christ working together but my passion is women’s ministry because I see where God has brought me from, and my life’s journey. Sharyn was also a President of Aglow ministries for women in the nineties. I’m encouraged when I see people who were very hurt and carrying a lot of stuff and I know how God has healed them. And I’m not saying I’ve got it altogether, I’m a work in progess, but if he can do it for me he can do it for them too.” Sharyn’s own testimony began as a dysfunctional teenager. “I was a smoker and went through three packets a day just to block out a lot of pain and trauma. I came to Lord when I was 24 years old through my sister, who kept asking me to church every Sunday for six weeks until I decided to go to stop her Sunday morning visits. We went to Hamilton Assembly of God and everyone was smiling, talking and quite free. It was not at all how I imagined church would be.” So Sharyn decided to revisit that evening to make sure it was the real deal and cried the whole service. “I went up on the altar call, gave my heart to the Lord and haven’t turned back since. God tipped my life upside down and inside out and all the grief and pain came tumbling out”

Is this the voice of God? JOSIE OLSEN is on a mission to bring the message of Christ to NZ before it’s too late... Sarah Tengvall

Sharyn’s book, Trauma in Utero and Birth Trauma, is available on the Jubilee Ministries resources website. Her email is:

Sharyn never imagined she would be a pastor despite this being prophesised several years earlier. She and Owen are both ordained in the Assembly Of God church and they have two adult sons and three grandchildren. Their first church was one they planted Rangiora, Christchurch in 1999. God moved the couple down from Hamilton where they had attended an AOG church for thirty years. Attending the Rangiora Baptist Church they quickly began running a very large home group of around forty people. Then the Lord started speaking to them about planting a new church. And with the support of friends, particularly those in the AOG church in Christchurch and their own Rangiora AOG church, they obeyed the calling. Sharyn said the church flourished as they ran both prophetic and healing meetings. At this time, 1999/2000, the prophetic wasn’t as free as it is the church today and it became a real magnet attracting people from all over the South island. Prophet Peter Benton ministered to thousands of people during that time, said Sharyn. But then it was time for couple to start moving again as they felt God stirring their hearts to plant their current ‘New Church Revival Centre’. This is run on an apostolic/prophetic foundation compared to a traditional pastoral foundation. The Glynn’s minister on a Saturday night and attract many seeking healing and God’s voice. Many of them have their own church and seek out New Church Revival Centre specifically for healing or to hear God. Sharyn says their heart is to embrace the body of Christ so they are happy for this to happen. Prophet Peter Benton also preaches at the Redwood church.

DO YOU HAVE A MANUSCRIPT? We offer publishing services to see your ‘book dream’ come true. For more information visit 12 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014



I didn’t expect to meet Josie Olsen. It happened the day I went walking our poodle Ollie at Pauatahanui. I was heading out to the pretty Meandering Path boardwalk that weaves it way atop the inlet and it was here I met Josie and her shaggy terrier McCleary. After exchanging ‘doggie greetings’ we were soon walking and chatting and I quickly realized she had an important story. One the secular media had already heard about! You see Josie has walked the length and breadth of New Zealand carrying a two metre high wooden cross painted white with the words REPENT boldly blazing on the cross section. In obedience to a calling and vision from God she has trekked from Wellington to Auckland, and then Picton to Invercargill, wheeling her cross behind her and taking this message to the nation. The trip took 80 days in total. It was a brave move by any stretch of the imagination. But when you factor in Josie’s chronic fatigue and the rather heavy message of ‘REPENT’ it seemed almost miraculous. But Josie is no flake, an environmental scientist, Community Centre Manager, mother and wife, she had in fact spent years preparing for this day. And there is also a more hopeful side to her message of: increasing unity in the body of Christ, God’s unconditional love for this children and revival in the church of New Zealand. In fact, some people are calling Josie a ‘prophet to the nation’ - a title this humble self-effacing woman has a hard time accepting. But one, she increasingly feels, she may need the courage to face. Josie, first and foremost loves God. Her eyes well up with tears when she describes her Father’s love. Her goal is to win as many souls as she can to the Lord before she dies. “ I desire to bring millions to God and pray they experience what I have experienced; overwhelming love and mercy, and coming into a deep relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” A committed Catholic, she had a repeated vision with enough confirmation to write the study, ‘Is this the Voice of God’, that she was to take a message of repentance to the nation. Specifically, it was to repent of not loving God above all things and of not loving our neighbour. The beginning of the message came in 2001 following a time when Josie began to despair of the state of New Zealand. She was living in | 13


“It is essentially God calling his children to holiness. But the church needs to change first. We need to come before the Lord and repent individually and corporately,”

Wainuiomata and all around her she saw people struggling, particularly kids with alcohol, violence and drugs. She cried out to God, there must be something we can do, and he told her to start up a local community centre. A year later the Oasis Youth and Community Centre opened. Then in 2005 she opened another Oasis in Wellington City and shortly is getting ready to open another in Porirua. Josie’s work in these community centres’ was the fuel to her continuing to seek God hard out, as she became aware of, and moved by, the despair of New Zealand’s youth. Over the next few years the Holy Spirit expanded on Josie’s initial message until in 2006 she felt led to put it in book form and take it to as many receptive Christians as possible. The book, endorsed by the Catholic Archbishop of Wellington John Dew, is called ‘God’s call to His People- a message of repentance and a call to action.’ “It is essentially God calling his children to holiness. But the church needs to change first. We need to come before the Lord and repent individually and corporately,” described Josie. And there is an urgency to the message, we need to move now. There is a reminder that the message came about because of God’s great love for his children and the warning is, it is time to come back to him. In the book she further declares, “I believe the Lord is calling us to repent and turn back to God, but this is just the beginning. The Lord is also calling up to further action, namely, that we must love unconditionally, show mercy, and trust the victory of the cross. The fundamental message is: if we as a people want to see this nation change and become a nation for God, we as a people need to change. He is calling us to become holy, to become lights in this nation. It is an urgent message for His children to hear and respond to, either individually or corporately.” Key to this message is the reconciliation of denominations and unity in the body of Christ – his church. Josie says the message and call to action is for the whole Chris-

tian community and not just the Catholics. “Bringing one body of believers to another not only helps break down the bonds of disunity but releases greater blessings. I believe God really is starting to renew His Church in New Zealand,” she said. To begin with Joise and her team, who had been meeting and discerning the message for more than a year, starting presenting it in north island towns. They would be based in one church and then invite all the other denominations in the area to hear it. The idea being, they would then take it back to their flock. The scripture proclaimed in relation to the message was 2 Chronicles 7:14. And the team felt lead to cover regions. In the Catholic church it is called “a mission” and in five years Josie and her team covered the regions of: Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Levin, Wanganui, North Wellington and Palmerston North . Sometime the team felt called to pray over the land -particularly Masonic land. The results were amazing. There was an increase in the spirituality of people, and in Wanganui ‘the barrier was broken’ and there was a unity of the different churches coming together, which hadn’t happened since 1999. Repentance affects the land and the group received the testimony of a group of young people in the Wairapara who were struggling with addictions they gave up easily once her team had prayed. “The more we free ourselves up the more we free others.” “I believe revival is coming to New Zealand if people respond to this message of repentance. God says if you do what I ask and if you repent I will bless and restore the land. We believe in good faith that his word will go forward and not come back void. Part of the vision was repentance is dew from heaven. This prepares the ground and softens it so dew can bring up new shoots of growth and preparation for flood.” Then in 2010 Josie had a vision of herself carrying a cross through New Zealand. She laughed because she had the same vision in 2001. “I had said to God I was on fire for him and I would do anything for him I’d even walk through this country! You’ve got to be careful what you say to God,” she laughed. “When I saw this vision a second time I just knew without a doubt I would do it. “ So off she set in February 2011 with the cross made by her Civil Engineer husband Chris. She started from Wellington walking through around a hundred towns enroute to Auckland. And she was well received wherever she went. People would come out to the state higways to meet her as she approached their town. She was sought out for prayer, ministry, and to hear her message. “People were drawn to the cross.” “People were amazed and blown away and made comments like; ‘this must be really important for a woman on her own to walk the country carrying a cross.” She gave the gospel to a group of guys working on a bridge and prayed for lots and lots of people. “People were thirsty for something good. I told them about God’s love, which is the drive behind repentance” Triumphantly she entered Auckland the day before Palm Sunday without one blister having averaged 27 kilometres a day! Her chronic fatigue, which meant she could only walk 45 minutes a day before the trip, seemed to have vanished!

After resting up for five months it was time to hit the tack again. Bu this time – the South Island- proved a whole different experience. Josie started out from Picton and everywhere she went it was quiet and dry. No people coming out to met her, no-one asked to take the message back to their church. “It was barren and lonely,” she described. Josie would walk along the road praying to God ‘how am I going to get your message out to the people?’. And what happened was suddenly the secular media were interested in her and her cross. Just outside Christchurch a journalist from The Press drove past in his car and stopped to interview her. He said she was a Godsend for his column he had been scratching his head about. And what’s more, despite her fears, Josie wasn’t portrayed as a nutcase but received positive media coverage. In fact in Dunedin, she ended up in both the Otago Daily Times and on local radio. “How hilarious was that,” she laughed! Josie received no abuse or negative comments from anyone the whole trip. Forty days later Josie entered Dunedin’s Octagon square the end of her journey – again blister free- only to be begged by a group of young people to go on to Invercargill. So gritting her teeth she set off only to realize they weren’t going to walk with her. “I had to walk alone and felt very deflated.” But, of course there had to be a reason for the detour, and on the outskirts of the city she met a very humble man full of light, who ran up to her for prayer. He asked Josie to pray that he would love God with all his heart, soul and mind. Josie said, “I’ve walked the whole of New Zealand and you are the only person who has asked me this – the greatest commandment of all. I was meant to come to Invercargill just to met you.” That man ended up opening the door to the repentance message travelling throughout Invercargill. “That was an extraordinary end to my venture,” she smiled. By the end of the trip Josie was so attached to the cross, which had felt so cumbersome in the beginning, that she now had to sleep with it in the same room. She had also grown in confidence. “I was afraid when I started out and would have my head down staring at the road. But as I got into it I really felt God was walking with me – it was a special time.” Josie also organised the ‘I Am’ event at Wellington’s Micheal Fowler Centre in November last year, where 600 young people learnt about, and experienced the Father’s Love At the time of writing this story Josie was in Sri Lanka attending an International Catholic Charismatic Renewal event learning about prophetic intercession. “I hope to listen and learn and deepen my knowledge of intercession, understanding of prophetic giftings and what God is saying to the nations and their intercessors.”

Is your church invisible in your community? Afraid the answer might be ‘yes’? Chances are your church has not yet thought through a strategy for engaging its community. In other words, the problem might be that your community is still invisible to your church! Learn about Community Mapping and becoming visible in your community at our next workshop.

Auckland Workshop : ‘Engaging My Community’ Saturday 12 April 2014 8:45am – 4:45pm at the Rawene Centre 33 Rawene Road Birkenhead Auckland

Lyn Campbell – Community Mapping Lyn presently lives in Riwaka in the beautiful Tasman area. She has filled a number of policy and strategic roles to see communities transformed. Her work as Children’s Advocate in Policy Directorate Christchurch City Council led to work with local authorities in UK, USA, Scandinavia, South Africa, Australia, and Europe. She has served as a Commissioner for NZ Families Commission and on several external advisory groups on social services, including CYF. She is also currently the National Team Leader Baptist Community Ministries. Lyn is an experienced workshop facilitator and presenter on community-led development and mission in many contexts both within New Zealand and internationally. She is passionate about the need to develop social entrepreneurs and tap into the creative and lateral thinkers and risk takers in our faith communities.

Russell Grainger – Connecting the Dots : Putting my Church and my Community in Touch Do you want your church to be an influence in your local community? Does your local community board come to your church for help? Russell’s session will look at effective ways of connecting with your community and how to find the resources to do this. Russell is the Senior Pastor of Mt Wellington Community Church, a church ‘re-plant’ in a lower socio-economic community of Auckland. A community trust founded by the church employs 7 people full-time working in local schools, a community centre and with at risk-families and youth. In 2010 the Mt Wellington Community Trust was awarded ‘Trust of the year’ by the NZ Trustees Association. Russell also chairs the board of a local state school and chairs a trust that runs three Christian camps. He also provides governance advice and consultancy to Schools under contract. He has learned that size doesn’t matter – passion and purpose does.

Ruth Boswell - Relationships: the key to changes in spiritual perspective Ruth will share her learnings from discovering that “non-church” programmes and groups can be the place where relationships cause the gospel to take root and bear fruit. Ruth has been lead pastor at Papakura Wesleyan Church for eight years. The church is an integral part of the Redhill Community Centre which the church built with the vision of “Connecting Christ and Community”. It is very multicultural and runs a range of family support programmes for a very needy area of Papakura. But it’s also the connection with tenants -community groups who occupy and rent the building -- that has produced surprising “good soil” for the gospel. Ruth will be exploring how we can foster those relationships for the kingdom of God and benefit from the generosity of the sower! $$ EA RLYBIRD AND TEAM DISCOUNTS! $$ Our workshops are much more valuable when the experience is shared. So for significant discounts on the registration fee, bring a team! Group size

Earlybird each

Non-earlybird each
















The fee covers materials, morning and afternoon tea and lunch Earlybird cut-off - Friday 28 March 2014

The book’s cover is a vision with the mountains representing New Zealand, the candle as the light of Christ, the baby symbolizing renewing and the diamond is the renewing and polishing God wants to do to his people! More details of Josie’s walk including details of her book can be found at:

14 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014

Register at

CViC exists to promote church-based community engagement in every neighbourhood across New Zealand. We do that by serving the unsung heroes of community outreach – those volunteer leaders in churches everywhere who faithfully run community-facing programmes week by week. Through a cyclical series of workshops we cover 6 essential toolboxes that every community-facing leader needs. For those wanting to add mentoring, reading & reflection and networking to the mix we offer the Community Link Training Course.

See our website for details of a similar workshop in Lower Hutt on 10 May! | 15


Programme Guide Wednesday Feb 12 - Saturday Mar 15 SUNDAY 6:00

Living Truth: Charles Price


Buzz and Poppy


6:30 7:00 7:30


Spoon TV / C Wemmicks (Feb 23)


Derek Prince


Quick Study


The Edge


From Aardvaark to Zucchini


Buzz and Poppy




The Lads TV


Spoon TV / Paul the C 7:00 Missionary (Mar 8)

Paul the Little Missionary




From Aardvaark to Zucchini


Paul the Little Missionary


Hermie & Friends / C 7:30 Wemmicks (Feb 22)

The Edge


Buzz and Poppy


The Lads TV

C 8:00

Running With Fire with Tak Bhana


Connection Point


Jacob’s Ladder

C 8:30

Hour of Power


Spoon TV / Jacob’s C C Ladder (Feb 25)


Turning Point: P P Dr David Jeremiah


Life Questions



Songs of Praise


Ancient Israel Explored


Hearts Wide Open


From Heartache to Hope

Impact for Life


Word For You

Give Me An Answer


Noble Exchange


Days of Wonder


Life Church: Paul Scanlon


Your Best Life: Phil Pringle


Joni & Friends


Joni & Friends


The Missions Dilemma


From Heartache to Hope


Noble Exchange

D 11:00


Christian World News


Just Thinking


Ancient Israel Explored

D 11:30


LIFE TV with Paul de Jong


Connection Point


Hearts Wide Open

D Noon


Joni & Friends

D 12:30


The Missions Dilemma

D 1:00


Bishop, Chef & D Fisherman (Feb 18)


Give Me An Answer


Precious Memories



Precious Memories


Ancient Israel Explored


Hearts Wide Open


The Edge


From Aardvaark to Zucchini


Paul the Little Missionary




The Lads TV





The Uprising / E The Drive TV (Mar 3)

Spoon TV / Jacob’s C Ladder (Feb 25)


Ancient Israel Explored



Nzone Focus



Songs of Praise


Joni & Friends


The Missions Dilemma



Precious Memories


From Heartache to Hope


Precious Memories


Christian World News


Just Thinking





The Verdict of Science


Word For You


The Uprising / D The Drive TV (Mar 3) D P

Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV


The Relate Show

D 1:30

Ancient Israel Explored


Nzone Focus


The Verdict of Science

D 2:00

Joni & Friends


The Verdict of Science


Just Thinking

D 2:30



The Lads TV


Noble Exchange

N 3:00

From Aardvaark to Zucchini


Paul the Little Missionary


Beyond Adventure

D 3:30

The Edge


Buzz and Poppy


Life fm Presents


Life fm Presents


Nzone Focus

Bishop, Chef & D Fisherman (Feb 20) Your Best Life: Phil Pringle


See adjacent for detail.

Impact for Life


See adjacent for detail.


Lakewood Church: P Joel Osteen Christian World News


LIFE TV with Paul de Jong


The Relate Show


From Heartache to Hope

Give Me an Answer


The Bible Series

Nzone Focus


Joni & Friends


Noble Exchange


Running With Fire with Tak Bhana

The 700 Club (Mon - Fri)


Noble Exchange


Hour of Power



Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV

The 700 Club (Mon - Fri)

UCB Meets

Ancient Israel Explored


Days of Wonder: Jarrod Cooper


Hearts Wide Open


The Missions Dilemma


Give Me An Answer


Ancient Israel Explored


P Preaching C Children M Music

16 | Christian Life Issue Nine February 2014

D Doco/Drama


UCB Meets


N News


(see adjacent for detail)

Bishop, Chef & D Fisherman (Feb 20)

D 4:30

The Relate Show

D 5:00


Give Me An Answer

D 5:30


The Verdict of Science

D 6:00


Just Thinking

D 6:30


The Missions Dilemma

D 7:00




See adjacent for detail.

The Verdict of Science



Just Thinking


From Heartache to Hope


Beyond Adventure


Y Youth

Rejoice and Shout (running time: 90 min) 200 years of music history of African-American Christianity, featuring the legends of Gospel music, including The Staple Singers, The Clara Ward Singers, The Dixie Hummingbirds, and Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Sat 1 Mar @ 7.30pm Sun 2 Mar @ 12pm & 9.30pm

The Bible Series: Paul (running time: 90 min) A dramatisation of the Biblical account of the apostle Paul. Starring Johannes Brandup. Fri 14 Feb @ 8pm (Part 1) Fri 21 Feb @ 8pm (Part 2)

Bringing Up Bobby (running time: 90 min) A con artist moves her son to a more conservative neighborhood in an effort to build a better future, but it doesn’t take long for her past to catch up with her, and for her son’s behaviour to cause problems of its own. Starring Milla Jovovich & Bill Pullman. Mon 3 Mar @ 8.30pm

Rogue Saints (running time: 120 min) When childhood friends Nick and Dylan run out of money, they remember the story of a huge diamond buried under a church and work on a plot to steal it. Sat 15 Feb @ 7.30pm Sun 16 Feb @ 12pm & 9.30pm

The Gospel of John (running time: 180 min) The story of Jesus’ life as told by the apostle John, narrated by Christopher Plummer. Starring Henry Ian Cusick. Fri 7 Mar @ 8pm Sun 9 Mar @ 12pm & 9.30pm

Sarah’s Choice (running time: 90 min) Sarah Collins is considering an abortion. Before she makes her final decision, she is presented with three visions causing her to think about the impact on her future. Starring Rebecca St. James. Mon 17 Feb @ 8.30pm Fri 21 Feb @ 9.30pm

Second Chances (running time: 90 min) Sunny’s life is shattered after a car crash that claims her father’s life and leaves her with severe leg injuries. She sinks into deep depression, until she develops a friendship with a horse named Ginger, whose legs are damaged much like her own. Sat 8 Mar @ 8.30pm

Sons of Korah (running time: 60 min) Live in the Netherlands. With their unique acoustic, multi-ethnic sound, Sons of Korah give the Psalms of the Bible a dynamic and emotive new musical expression. Sat 22 Feb @ 7.30pm Sun 23 Feb @ 12pm & 9.30pm

Reggie’s Prayer (running time: 90 min) Reggie Knox, a retired pro football player, begins coaching at a high school. He discovers that the salvation of one child is more important than any material possession, even winning at the Super Bowl. Mon 10 Mar @ 8.30pm Fri 14 Mar @ 9.30pm

Embraceable (running time: 60 min) An intimate look into the lives of people with Williams Syndrome whose very social personalities, expressive language and passion for music often mask some of the challenges of the disorder. Sat 22 Feb @ 8.30pm Sun 23 Feb @ 1pm & 10.30pm

Rebuilding Hope (running time: 90 min) Three ‘Lost Boys’ return home to South Sudan for the first time since they fled 20 years ago. Join them on a journey of discovery: of what happened to their families and villages and how they contribute back to the communities they left behind. Fri 14 Mar @ 8pm

Stairway from Hell (running time: 90 min) In the Philippines where poverty is extreme, three children are given the rare chance to go to school and give their families hope for the future. Mon 24 Feb @ 8.30pm Fri 28 Feb @ 9.30pm

One Night With The King (running time: 90 min) The portrayal of the Biblical Queen Esther, who saves the Jewish nation from annihilation at the hands of its arch enemy while winning the heart of King Xerxes. Sat 15 Mar @ 8.30pm

7:30 8:00


See adjacent for detail.


The Bible Series: Apocalypse (running time: 90 min) A dramatisation of the Biblical account of Revelation. Starring Richard Harris. Fri 28 Feb @ 8pm

Details correct at time of printing. For up-to-date 24-hour listings and programme information, check


Give Me An Answer

E Entertainment

Bishop, Chef & D 4:00 Fisherman (Feb 22) Joni & Friends


Answers with Bayless Conley



Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon - Fri)





Joni and Friends

Joni & Friends



Life Church: Paul Scanlon





Y 10:00

Give Me An Answer


Hermie & Friends / C Wemmicks (Feb 19)

Beyond Adventure

Hearts Wide Open


Turning Point: P Dr David Jeremiah

Buzz and Poppy





Running With Fire


Lakewood Church: P Joel Osteen



Life Questions

Just Thinking

Life fm Presents

Running with Fire with Tak Bhana


UCB Meets

Life fm Presents

Two Hats (running time: 90 min) In 1998, the Wells family left Idaho for the jungles of Papau New Guinea. This is their story of sharing God’s Word, raising a family and establishing the country’s first Christian radio station. Fri 14 Feb @ 9.30pm

9:00 9:30

The 700 Club (Mon - Fri) Beyond Adventure



Joni & Friends




Just Thinking



Precious Word of Truth

Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon - Fri)




Bishop, Chef & D Fisherman (Feb 20)

Bishop, Chef & D Fisherman (Feb 18)

See adjacent for detail.


LIFE TV P with Paul de Jong

Living Truth: Charles Price

Word For You

Living Truth: Charles Price






Word For You



Hermie & Friends / C Wemmicks (Feb 19)


Beyond Adventure

In Touch: Charles Stanley

C 6:30

Bayless Conley





Life Questions


C 6:00

Precious Word of Truth


Hour of Power

The Edge


In Touch: Charles Stanley



Unlocking the Bible

Impact for Life


Hillsong TV





Quick Study

Connection Point







Days of Wonder

The Lads TV

Quick Study






Life Questions




Unlocking the Bible

From Aardvaark to Zucchini


Wednesday Feb 12 - Saturday Mar 15

Nzone Focus

N 9:30

Joni & Friends

D 10:00

Noble Exchange

D 10:30

Give Me An Answer

D 11:00

Bishop, Chef & D 11:30 Fisherman (Feb 22) Nzone Focus

Details correct at time of printing

• Programme change from date shown



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activate in association with youth with a mission

With Dr. Loren Cunningham

Loren is the co-founder (with his wife Darlene) of Youth With a Mission, which is an international Christian mission organisation. YWAM is involved in Evangelism, Mercy Ministries and Training.


Loren’s involvement in missions throughout the Lo years, and his global understanding of the issues of the day make him a speaker of immense value to all people today. As a visionary he speaks with enthusiasm and passion to youth who have challenges ahead, but the assurance of God's help when aligned with His purposes. The “Activate” tour is aimed at inspiring men and women of New Zealand to take up the challenge of world missions. Facebook: activate tour 2014 AUCKLAND Sat 5 7.00pm Sun 6 10.00am Sun 6 6.30pm Tue 8 7.30pm Wed 9 7.00pm Sun 20 7.00pm WHANGAREI Mon 7 12.30pm TAURANGA Sat 12 7.00pm Sun 13 9&10.45am Sun 13 5.00pm GISBORNE Tue 15 7.00pm NAPIER Wed 16 7.00pm

Auckland Full Gospel Church 52-56 Anzac Rd, Browns Bay Victory Christian Centre 98 Beaumont St, Freemans Bay Grace International Church 77 Line Road, Glen Innes Impacting the Spheres-Education Elim Christian School Howick Church Unlimited Glendene Shopping Village, Cnr Te Tatau & Grt North Rd C3 Church 20 Cawley St, Ellerslie, Auckland Lunch with Loren Christian Renewal Centre 2 Tarewa Road Dessert Evening With Loren Cunningham ($25.00) Trinty Wharf Bethlehem Baptist Church (BBC) 90 Bethlehem Rd, Bethlehem Hope Centre Bethlehem College, 24 Elders Lane, Bethlehem Gisborne AofG 82 Grey St Pirimai Baptist Church 69 Bill Hercock St, Pirimai

PALMERSTON NORTH Thu 17 7.00pm LOWER HUTT Sat 19 7.00pm WELLINGTON Sun 20 11.00am NELSON Tue 22 7.00pm INVERCARGILL Wed 23 7.00pm CHRISTCHURCH Thu 24 7.30pm Fri 25 7.00pm Sat 26 7.00pm Sun 27 9,11am,6.30pm Mon 28 7.30pm

Gateway Christian Fellowship 174-178 Church St Hope Centre 4 Downer St, Lower Hutt Wellington Korean Church 184 Ohiro Rd, Brooklyn Hope Community Church Ranzau Rd, Hope Invercargill Christian Centre 165 Leet St Impacting the Spheres-Education Middleton Grange School Riccarton Korean Presbyterian Church 75 Packe Street, St. Albans Majestic Conference Centre 85b Moorhouse Ave, Vineyard Church 150 Ferry Road Vineyard Leadership Training School 150 Ferry Road

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