Christian Life issue Six: OCTOBER

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OCTOBER 2013 • Issue SIX •


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Issue SIX | OCTOBER 13

03 Pacific2Nations 05 Intercessors for New Zealand 07 Local News 09 The Church Lady in the Mirror 10 The Radiant Kingdom Conference 12 COVER STORY: The remarkable Hendry Family 14 Hope Project 2014 16 Shine TV programme guide 18 Christian Life Classifieds


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PACIFIC2NATIONS Inspirational PASTOR LUI PONIFASIO, joined together with other ministers to mobilise Pacific Island people for world Missions with the Great Commission as their motivation... The genesis of the Pacific2Nations movement began in earnest when several Ministers and Mission organisation leaders gathered together in September 2012 to discuss how they could mobilise Pacific Island people for world Missions. Pastor Lui Ponifasio was nominated to be the leader, as a man who - along with the Church he pastors - exemplifies the goal of ‘Pacific2Nations’. Other group members are from various Churches and Island origins along with some Palagi (European) Pastors, Ministers and Mission leaders. The main scripture inspiring the P2N movement is the Great Commission in Matt 28: 18 – 20: ‘Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ’ There has been a sense and evidence of sovereign connections taking place to achieve this vision. A recognition that Pacific peoples had taken Missions very seriously after they first received the Gospel through European Missionaries. Many went from Tahiti, Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Islands, and travelled west to Fiji, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea with the good news. Many were martyred and died of sickness and disease, but when the news of someone losing their lives reached the country they had been sent from, then in many cases others quickly volunteered to take the place of those that had lost their lives. The Pacific2Nations movement wants to stir this legacy again in the hearts of Pacific Island peoples, especially the younger generation, so that a fresh wave of Pacific Islanders may be sent into the nations of the world. As Kalafi Moala, author of ‘Tonga: A Tale of Two Kingdoms’ says, “The peoples of the Pacific were the most potent Missionaries of the late 19th and early 20th Century, but in the past 50 + years, we have mostly been engaged with ministry to ourselves. P2N is to get Pacific Islanders to look beyond the Pacific and to engage the unreached nations of the world.” This is principally a Church-centred thrust but also has tremendous support and input from Missions Interlink (a Missions organisation collective) and several Mission organisations that are members of Missions Interlink and actively support the Pacific2Nations vision.

Above: Ps Lui with one of the orphanages they support in Indonesia; Below: Here they are baptising a girl from Columbia in Brazil. This girl had been waiting all day for the team to arrive, along with other young people | 3


“We are not trying to recreate what our forefathers did in the 1800s and early 1900s, but we feel that THEY HAVE HANDED OVER TO US A STRONG LEGACY AND A MANDATE TO FULFIL THE HEART OF GOD BY GOING TO THE NATIONS, to unreached people groups as they did. This is our time”.

Left: One of the Mission events hosted by LifeChurch Manurewa to promote missions in the PI Churches earlier this year: here we see a Tongan, Samoan, Kiwi, British, a Fijian and a Brazilian, worshipping together. Picture of heaven..

There is a wide variety of Churches already involved, and others expressing strong interest from all spectrums of the body of Christ, including Mainline, Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches. All of them recognise that the time is right to re-engage Polynesians, Micronesians and Melanesians in a new wave of Missions in its various forms. Pastor Lui Ponifasio says “We are not trying to recreate what our forefathers did in the 1800s and early 1900s, but we feel that they have handed over to us a strong legacy and a mandate to fulfil the heart of God by going to the nations, to unreached people groups as they did. This is our time”. The Pacific2Nations conference at the Vodafone events centre on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November is an important part of this movement. Along with Pasifika music, food and performances, Mission displays and book stores, the organisers believe this event will provide a catalyst to the goal of sending 500 Pacific Island Missionaries out into short and long term Missions over the next 2 years. Speakers such as Rev. Suliasi Kurulo from Harvest Centre in Fiji, which raises a million dollars a year for Missions, and other gifted speakers such as Pastor Iliafi Esera (General Superintendent of Assembly of God NZ), Pastor Lui Ponifasio (Senior Minister of LifeChurch Ma-

nurewa) and Kalafi Moala (pioneer Missionary, author and media expert) will speak on a variety of Mission subjects such as: • Our Forefathers and Mission Movement in the Pacific • Pacific People and the Great Commission: A Global Perspective • Casting a New Vision for a new Generation of Pacific Island Missionaries • The Mission Minded Pacific Island Church In addition, invited speakers from New Zealand and overseas will lead electives covering a range of topics: • • • • • • • • • •

Pastors & Leaders: How to get your Church Involved in Missions Young Missionaries Unreached People Groups Planning a Short-term Mission Mercy & Justice Human Trafficking The New Zealand Church and Missions Technology: Mission and Media China, India, Muslim World, Africa, South America, South East Asia Financing Mission

• Long Term Mission Preparations It is hoped that these sessions will stimulate people of all ages and Church affiliations to engage in Missions to the nations. For that reason, a 12 week ‘Preparation, Confidence and Training’ course is being offered postConference in various locations around Auckland starting 11th February 2014. Training teams and strategically located venues are already being organised so that people can go on a shortterm Mission once they complete the training programme being offered. Other areas of supporting this on-going vision are being prayerfully discussed and considered at this time. The organising team is looking forward to welcoming Pacific Islanders, and others with a passion for Mission, to join them at the ‘Pacific2Nations’ conference at the Vodafone Events Centre, Manukau on the 8th and 9th November. Pacific2Nations Charitable Trust is registered with Charities. No: CC49626 To sign-up for regular news and updates from Pacific2Nations go to For more information, email or phone 09 889 9422

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4 | Christian Life Issue Six October 13



By Sarah Tengvall Brian Caughley Every week thousands of New Zealanders diligently and passionately pray for their leaders and country. And in the future this may well increase says Brain Caughley, founder and leader of Intercessors For New Zealand. “We are living in times when the government needs more prayer. But on the other hand there is an increasingly anti-Christian attitude. This is part of the age in which we live. This means even more so than before, we as Christians need to shine as lights and proclaim what is true and what is right. “From time to time the government does not listen but still we are called to pray for our leaders, and pray for those things that are good and right in this country. Good government blesses a nation and bad government allows wickedness to operate,” he said. This consistent praying for the nation, and government of New Zealand, has been the most significant work of INFZ says Mr Caughley, a University/Polytechnic lecturer for more than forty years. Another big part of the group’s work is praying for evangelism for those sharing the gospel, and praying for the Church, and the work God does in peoples lives. Mr Caughley, who is an Elder at Wellington’s West-

ern Suburb Christian Fellowship, believes these antiChristian times are seeing more intercessors raised up. He remembers the government totally ignored the bill on abortion despite a referendum of 800,000 signatures. “We have lost nearly half a million babies since that law came in. These issues arise so you call people to pray and do what they can to be salt in society saying - this is what God says on these issues. Ultimately, it is up to the government to decide because we live in a democracy.” He urges Christians concerned about these issues to intercede. “We need to pray for MPS more and more, and particularly prior to elections. While things may get worse we still have the hope through prayer that things will get better. God can use these situations, and sometimes it is the wickedness that turns people to him, he encouraged. Mr Caughley received a revelation from God in 1972 that he was to start a national intercessors group. “I woke up at 4am and God seemed to speak into my spirit and say ‘I want you to call people to pray for the nation. He gave me the objectives that are on our website now; praying for evangelism, praying for the government, calling people to commit themselves to prayer and teaching them

prayer. So I just got up and wrote that down,” he recalled. At the time he was serving as the New Zealand Youth With A Mission National Director. And in fact the YWAM mailing list was the first vehicle used to inform kiwis. “I just simply shared the vision God gave me on YWAM mailing list and at fellowship, and our Monday night group, and with friends and family. “Initially, it was called Pray For The Nation. I thought if I could get two hundred people praying that would be really great. In January eighty people received the first newsletter and I was a bit disappointed. Then it grew and grew, and at its peak in 1990 for one month we printed 15,000 magazines. Then we were up to around this mark for many years. These were sent out to both individuals and churches,” he described. Today, INFZ has around 4,500 resident kiwi members and around five hundred overseas members interested in keeping in touch with what’s happening back home. Some people just use the bible studies and prayer suggestions and apply them to any personal situation. Mr Caughley has a diploma in Theology from the Oral Roberts University in the Sates and has written all the bible studies and monthly magazines now on their website. | 5



Every home 2014


2014  is  the  bicentenary  of  â€˜Jesus  â€“  all  about  hope’  is  a  multimedia  project  that  aims  to  share  the  reasons  for  the  hope  we  have  in  Christ  with  every  home  in  New  Zealand.  This  will  be  done  through  multiple  media,  initiating  a  conversation  that  believers  can  then  engage.  The  project  will  begin  in  October  2014. It’s  an  outstanding  opportunity! Partnership  with  1000  churches  is  the  goal. To  proceed  $1million  is  needed  by  late  2013.  The  total  budget  is  2.25m. Â

Vote  â€˜yes’  today  by  making  a  pledge  or  donation  on  our  website: Pastors  â€”  link  your  Church  in  via  the  partnership  page.

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the  Gospel  in  Aotearoa.

His love for intercession goes back to his childhood when he was bathed in it. He grew up in a Christian family, where his mother would take him as a preschooler to a prayer group run by a Pentecostal lady, Sarah Jolly. The group, started up during WWII, was for mothers and children and ran in her home called the Hebron House of Prayer. Ms Jolly had come out of the Smith Wigglesworth days in the late 1920s when there was quite a move of God’s spirit, he recalled. “So I was born into prayer and in fact I have never not believed in God. It’s very interesting, that I have never-not believed in God. And I have never-not believed the bible, and even though as an adult I have questioned things and been to university, from my earliest days I have always had faith in God. “My parents as I say were Christians and being raised in this atmosphere of faith – it was sort of born into me literally or I was born into it whichever way you like to look at it.� Then at 14 years old, at The Child Evangelism Fellowship local meeting, he made a personal decision for Christ. “It made a huge difference to my life – I started praying and reading the bible. The things I knew became practical realities. You can know and believe things and still not be involved.� In answer to the question why does God hear some prayers and not others Mr Caughley answered, “God heard Sarah Jollys’ because she was ‘totally committed to it, this was why she had the Hebron House of prayer and the aim was to pray for children and families, and to encourage people to pray. God heard my mothers prayers, she prayed every day twice a day for her family – morning and night.� Mr Caughley says what it takes to make a good intercessor is hearing from God. “He leads us in what and how to pray. And that’s the hardest thing,� he cautioned, “because the rational mind comes in, and a we slip back, like everyone, into thinking of the natural way in a situation. “And this is probably why it may take a long time for answers to prayer to come because God has got to work with us as well, in terms of saying, this is what I am doing. So the maturity of a believer and their intimacy with God is going to make a huge difference in terms of the effectiveness of intercessory prayer. “God puts into your spirit and lays on your heart what to pray. At times you might be praying a certain way, for example when people are sick and obviously we want God to take them out of this situation and immediately heal them and win them to victory. Mr Caughley says feedback comes from letters and sometimes it doesn’t come at all. “Much of the work is just calling people to it and trusting God, casting your bread on the water. We distribute the magazines, the call, and you can’t control it God just does what he does in peoples hearts and lives.� However the group has seen answers to unity of prayer in specific instances like the hold of unions in early days, which today is more balanced. There are prayer groups all around New Zealand that are part of IFNZ – essentially the groups are autonomous and pray, as they want. Mr Caughley is a “bit wary of organising too much as it’s not giving them the freedom to do what they believe God is saying. “God is interested in people praying from their heart not because they have a time slot. There is nothing wrong with a prayer chain but it is not going to achieve any more than those people praying on their own. Mr Caughley believes one of the most important things IFNZ does is teaching. “I’m probably more a teacher than anything and virtually every month since we started I have put out a bible study on some aspect of Christian faith. I think people have felt this a huge help and encouragement-both on teaching on prayer spiritual warfare, the church, and the nature of the church on holiness. And on the prayer side it is providing information for people as to what is going on so we can be involved in the prayer. Staying informed is a big part of this job.� All Christians are called to pray, worship, praise and give thanksgiving for ourselves, and others. So everyone is called to pray in those ways but there are those people whose ministry is prayer -it is their calling. Finally a warning, “self-centredness can consume you and once you take your eyes off yourself and on to other people your own problems actually disappear or they become so unimportant. It’s like negativity it can constantly get worse. But if you can turn against that, you see the positive things that are happening. People need to rise up and speak out even at churches, and to the young people, and say this is not God’s way. The Church needs to speak with a untied voice.�

Local news

Local news briefs... CAN THE NZ GOVT BE TRUSTED TO PROTECT PRIVACY? Millions of pieces of private information about New Zealanders are being shared between state departments – and the Government is planning to vastly increase the number of agencies involved, a Herald investigation has discovered. The personal details already shared include names, birthdates, incomes, tax numbers, citizenship details, travel plans, ACC claims, home addresses and phone numbers. But the number of deals to share information about hundreds of thousands of Kiwis could increase by more than 50 per cent, with over 30 new agreements between agencies being explored. Belt-tightening during tough economic times and inaction on child abuse cases are main drivers for the push to share more – and the Government insists it can be trusted to protect New Zealanders’ privacy. However, it comes during a low ebb in public confidence in government information handling, after several high-profile breaches. Civil liberties campaigners, the Privacy Commissioner and the Government all recognise that increasing data matching and sharing agreements amplifies the room for error. “There is the problem of controlling access ... the greater the number of people who have eyes on [private information], the greater the chance of it being improperly disclosed,” said Michael Bott, a lawyer and member of the Council for Civil Liberties. “And how do you rectify the information? If you have 20 or 10 government departments sharing it, and some information is incorrect, who do you go to? ... You get a ripple effect.”


Business adviser BDO is expecting its latest survey of fraud in the not-forprofit sector to reveal another jump in the dollar value of fraud cases, while tracking a continuing drop in their number. Spokesman for the national survey, Bernard Lamusse, managing partner at BDO Waikato, said there is a lot of complacency in the sector and a significant new risk from internet banking and electronic fraud which enables the siphoning off of “devastatingly” large amounts of money very quickly. Lamusse said the level of fraud had dropped since the firm’s biennial survey started seven years ago, declining from 19 per cent in 2006 to 12 per cent last year. After results were reported early last year from the 2011 survey, BDO ran free workshops in 23 New Zealand centres to encourage charities to review their fraud risk and introduce management and prevention systems.


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Local news

Tony Abbott scraps Julia Gillard’s New Zealand asylum plan Asylum seekers arriving by boat who could have expected a ticket to New Zealand from next year will instead be sent to Nauru or Manus Island. Prime Minister Tony Abbott met with NZ counterpart John Key in Canberra today with the new government declaring Australia’s neighbour should not be “a consolation prize.” It is understood the Coalition has no plans to proceed with a deal struck by Julia Gillard for NZ to take 150 boat refugees each year from 2014. Mr Abbott said boat arrivals would go to Manus Island and Nauru to “stay.” Prime Minister Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key meeting with the Prime Minister Tony Abbott holding a joint press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Source: News Limited “We are grateful for New Zealand’s help, if and when it becomes necessary obviously we will call on it but our determination is to stop the boats and one of the ways that we stop the boats is by making it absolutely crystal clear that if you come to Australia illegally by boat you go not to New Zealand but to Nauru or Manus, you never, ever come to Australia,” Mr Abbott said.

New Zealand Baptist church gets its own ATMs An ATM has just been installed in the Windsor Park Baptist church in Auckland, but it was not put there by Westpac, ANZ, ASB or BNZ. The logo on the machine is “Baptist Savings”, a small but significant sign that a financial force is rising that could suck more business out of the big four banks. Baptist Savings has seen its deposits grow in the last 12 months from $60 million to $85m, and it is shooting for $150m in the next three years. The money it raises is lent out to build and develop Baptist churches, something the Christchurch earthquakes has increased demand for, but since the appointment of business

development manager Andrew L’Almont, it has been setting its sights wider. L’Almont, who built the Mortgage Express business for Harcourts in Australia and New Zealand before joining the Baptist Savings board, has set its sights on not only transforming church financing, but also the financial lives of the roughly 42,000 Baptists in the country. Baptist Savings’ deposits, which pays interest a little below the level of most mainstream banks, had a significant issue, L’Almont said. Many of its depositors were older. “Our demographic was going to more funerals than birthdays or weddings,” he said. “We needed to capture some of the

younger people with longer to go before getting to Heaven.” So L’Almont did a deal with New Zealand Home Loans, a company owned by KiwiBank, which shows people how to save on interest and get out of debt faster than if they stayed with their current bank. It began offering mortgage-reduction seminars in Baptist churches up and down the country. “We teach them how to repay their mortgage ten to thirteen years’ quicker without making extra payments or getting a second job,” he says. “We get amazing results and that’s how the growth came.”

Announcing the Upcoming ‘Ha Yovel’ Speaking Tour of NZ How many people have long had it in their hearts to go to Israel one day, but possibly haven’t yet done so because they don’t really want to go just as a tourist. Many New Zealanders, after travelling so far, want to taste the reality of life in Israel and would love to feel that they could actively contribute something to the People and the Land while they are there. This is what the Ministry of HaYovel is offering, and it is something God Himself prophesied would take place in these last days - in Isaiah 61:5b: ‘And the sons of the foreigner shall be your ploughmen And your vinedressers...’ This ministry of volunteering help to Israeli Vineyard growers in Judea Samaria was begun in 2006 by the Waller family and now includes volunteers from many

countries around the world and is presently helping ten Israeli farmers. The annual Harvest starts around the end of August, and people can volunteer for a ‘three, six or ten week period’ and while the day begins before sun up, the work is finished by mid-day and a four day working week provides plenty of opportunity to travel the land and see the sights, either individually or as part of the group. The harvesting of the grapes which is in our (NZ) Spring is open to male and female volunteers of all ages while the Pruning is totally ‘a men’s only adventure’ and begins end of January. Also, with a range of periods of voluntary service up to eight weeks. To capture a little of HaYovel’s passion and dedication to God’s prophetic plan for His beloved Land and

People of Israel . . give yourself a treat and check out - Josh Waller’s music video on You Tube - http://www. The HaYovel team will be arriving in Auckland on October 30th and travelling throughout New Zealand until November 21st. If you would like to have them come to your Church, Home Group, High School Assembly, or Bible School to share more about this exciting opportunity to experience living and working in Israel as a volunteer... Please contact: Susette McLachlan, the Tour Coordinator Tel: 03 323 8664 Mobile: 02102921279 Email:

Faith Reading God is Not Mad at You Joyce Meyer When Joyce Meyer posted “God’s not mad at you” on Facebook a few months ago, she didn’t realize that those five words would trigger thousands of posts of gratitude and relief. She had obviously hit a hot button. Her latest book addresses the fears of those who know God loves them but still fear his anger. “Where does this concept of God come from?” she asks in the introduction. “Perhaps from an angry parent who was difficult to please. Or the pain of rejection from parents or friends who didn’t know how to give unconditional love. Perhaps it came from

the church! From religious teaching that offered us rules and regulations to follow and implied that we’d be unacceptable to God if we didn’t follow them. ” It’s a paradox that isn’t often discussed by Christian teachers: God loved the world so much that He gave His son to rescue mankind. Yet we tend to think of Him as a stern judge who is ready to punish us at the slightest misstep. In God Is Not Mad At You, Joyce examines the sources of this mixed message and untangles the confusion that most Christians experience. Chapter titles include:

Perfectionism and Approval The Pain of Rejection Guilt and Shame Developing Your Potential Run To God, Not From Him Getting Comfortable with God Joyce’s latest book addresses a huge felt need that isn’t often discussed within the Christian community: the need to see God as the loving parent that He is, not a petty tyrant who is ready to pounce at the first opportunity. It will disabuse readers of one of the greatest misconceptions within the church and free them to experience His love on an entirely new level.

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8 | Christian Life Issue Six October 13

Christian Woman

The Church Lady in the Mirror Being with Christian women ‘taxing’? LORI DIXON discovers the loneliest day of the week... There is something going on. And it’s not good. In the past two weeks, I have had countless women bring up the topic of rejection from ‘church ladies’ until I seriously can no longer ignore it. Women from work, cashiers at stores, and—one crazy deal—a woman who remembered me from a retreat we both attended over ten years ago. She walked up in a crowded room and told me she hadn’t been back to a women’s retreat since. Why not? Because she finds being around Christian women taxing. (Um, no, don’t go there girlfriend, it wasn’t me that put her over the edge… at least I hope it wasn’t!) And, there is no one denomination to blame; this is across the board. In these encounters, I’ve met some amazing women and had some meaningful dialogues but to be quite honest, I’ve been left dumbfounded more than I have really been able to help. The first few conversations were easy and I gave an example that I will share in a bit, but the last two in twenty-four hours completely tossed my brains out the window. Not that their stories were any more or less disturbing, but because my head was spinning with, ‘What? Another one?’ Anne Graham Lotz has a brand new book out and when I opened my email this week, I almost couldn’t believe it; ‘Wounded By God’s People’ is the title. Need I say more? God doesn’t do happenstance. He sets us up. And, I believe, He calls us to action. First of all, in case you don’t read any further, please, please hear me. To all of you who have ever been hurt by one of God’s flawed women, I am truly sorry. I am sure there have been many times that I was busy ‘serving the Lord’ in the foyer and passed you by. I am convinced that there have been times when in my introverted tired existence I have ignored you, or appeared to look right through you.

God forgive me, and I pray you will as well. In the meantime, let me tell you a story. My sister-in-law, Roxana, and her children were recently in a serious car accident. The financial and physical ramifications have affected her family greatly. Doctors, medications and constant pain have filled her days and months since. But here’s the thing. Not once since the accident has Roxana blamed Toyota. Why shouldn’t she? It was a Toyota Corolla that hit her. But, that would be silly, wouldn’t it? Because Toyota was only the creator of the vehicle; it was human error that caused the harm. So before you toss out your relationship with God due to some insensitive women in His church, take a moment and realize that He is not to blame for any hurts inflicted on you by us. Don’t be angry at the Creator for what his creation does. It’s slightly crazy that He chooses to be represented by sinful humans, but that’s the deal. So we mess up. A lot. God loves you—fiercely—and it pains me to hear from so many of you who have turned away from Him or refuse to open yourself up to any

Christian fellowship due to old wounds and horrendous encounters. I’m not trying to play down anything that’s happened to you. Many of you have suffered straight out abuse at the hands of ‘God’s people’, but there are some amazing women out there who do love the Lord and want to get to know and love you too. As for this problem in our churches, the answer starts with the church lady in the mirror. Each of us need to address our own wounds, find healing, and then be brave enough to put ourselves out there. Once we get our own hearts fixed up, we can then effectively and sincerely reach out to others. Stay tuned, I think I will have a few more stories and tips to share on this timely topic. By Lori Dixon ~ Writer/Speaker/Servant of Christ. Follow her ramblings which vary from humorous to hard hitting at or email her at Lori@ to say hello. 100% of her speaking fees for 2013 go to support the local ministry of Engedi Refuge; a safe home restoring the lives of sex traffic victims. | 9


The Radiant Kingdom Conference Well known author Graham Cooke will be visiting New Zealand in November this year. Originally from Manchester, England, Graham now lives in California with his wife, Theresa. Graham will speak at The Radiant Kingdom conference, from Tuesday 12th to Thursday 14th November – a conference for pastors, leaders and developing ministries - being sponsored by Encounter Christian Centre and The Network of Christian Ministries. The conference is being held at Encounter Christian Centre in Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland. Apart from being the author of over twenty books, Graham is respected as a contemporary prophetic ministry, and is engaged world wide as a consultant to churches, organisations and businesses. Graham is a much sought after revelatory communicator with an entirely positive outlook concerning the believer, the Church and the Kingdom of God. He has been involved in apostolic teams since 1981. Graham’s prophetic insights are keenly received in the boardrooms of a variety of organisations. He is a specialist in exploratory dialogue, outside-the-box thinking and is a designer of creative action plans to generate positive momentum and breakthrough. The opportunity to host Graham Cooke in New Zealand came about after the Network of Christian Ministries hosted the visit of Pastor Peter McHugh, from Melbourne’s Stairway Church, in various New Zealand cities last year. Encounter Christian Centre’s pastor, Brent Douglas, subsequently spent time at Stairway Church whilst Graham Cooke was speaking, and invited him to come to Auckland. Brent returned to New Zealand with a compelling testimony of Graham’s impact on his life – both through the prophetic ministry, and through Graham’s straightforward declaration of the believer’s and the Church’s brilliant “in Christ” identity and destiny. Among the books Graham Cooke has authored

10 | Christian Life Issue Six October 13

are such titles as: ‘Permission Granted to do Church Differently in the 21st Century’; ‘God Revealed: Your Image of Him Changes Everything’; ‘Prophecy and Responsibility’; ‘Living in Dependency and Wonder’ and ‘The Secret of a Powerful Inner Life: Developing Genuine Spirituality.’ Graham’s current projects include a weekly ‘School of Prophecy’ and a signature conference, ‘Mind of a Saint’, near his home base in Southern California. The Radiant Kingdom conference to be held in

Auckland this coming November has a simple program: A morning session on each of the three days for conference delegates; followed by an open evening session. Cost for delegates is $65.00 each, and evening only passes, $10.00 per session. Brent Douglas from the Encounter Church, and David Collins from the Network of Christian Ministries, say they have aimed to keep the conference both simple and affordable to make it accessible to as many pastors and Body of Christ leaders in New Zealand as possible. | 11

Special feature


HENDRY FAMILY Meet the Hendry family. A close knit family of nine sharing their incredible love of God to others with creativity and excellence in all that they do... with Sarah Tengvall A multi-talented, award winning Auckland family of nine is winning people to Christ through music, dance and performance. But mostly, through just being themselves. “Our focus is to be God’s ambassadors and live a life to an audience of one (God). And in everything we do, to do it with excellence. Our responsibility is to use the gifts God has given us well. So we are outreaching all the time everywhere we go just as part of our daily lives – we see everything as ministry,” stated the head of the clan, father John Hendry. The family has been compared to the famed Sound of Music Von Trapp family, except they aren’t great singers laughs mum Julie Ann. But music is in their blood and they have been winning dance and performance awards for years. Their eldest, 23 year old Rosita, is an elite gymnast and shortly heading off to Montreal to receive further training in aerial performance art. And Julie Ann, who has home schooled the brood, was featured in Next magazine as the ‘Ultimate Mother.’ And believe it or not it all began many years ago with busking. In order to cover Rosita’s gym fees and traveling expenses, as well as cover their own music and dance fees, the kids began to busk. Julie Ann described the experience: “We really wanted to give the children the gift of music and busking enabled them to maintain their lessons on what was a very limited budget. And through the years there has been a very real pulling together of all the family, not only to cover there own expenses, but to help each other out.” “We have been amazed at how generous people have been, and how God has blessed the kids as they have been prepared to spend countless hours helping the family, each other, and sometimes charities too.”

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Neighbours’ Conference Helping our new neighbours October 25-28th, 2013 Avalon Assembly of God

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12 | Christian Life Issue Six October 13

So it was through busking that outreach developed quite naturally because the family began to get invited to perform at RSA’s, rest Homes, hospitals and celebration functions. And it was here, at these events, that the children brought not only themselves but God too. “The prayer of our hearts was that the family would bring the presence of God into every place we went and leave a sense of, and very real touch of, God’s love. Sometimes, for an older person, a hug and having a child or young person sit and talk is more powerful than words can convey. And afterwards the younger children would always share a basket of sweet treats. “Not all the items were Christian, described Julie Ann “but we were very intentional in including dance and music that was an expression of our faith. ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘How Great Thou Art’ became signature pieces,” she said. And they included dances to Christian music, and left the audience “with a blessing”, or sometimes a spoken or sung prayer. Initially, the family only performed a few items but steadily the repertoire grew and soon they were doing up to one hour music/dance variety shows. One year they did thirteen shows in two months. Julie Ann continues; “What touched our hearts was the affect that one family could have. We were deeply touched to often see our audience moved with deep emotion and the realization of the power of music to stir memories and emotions and open hearts to a loving God. Audience members often spoke of how moving it was to see a family performing together. This really seemed to touch people deeply, especially our older audiences.” But it was after the performances, as the children shared, talked and listened to members of their audience that became the special times. It was then that people often relived their own experiences. The family also sometimes had the privilege of praying for their audience and leaving a touch of God’s love and healing. Yes it seems the Hendry’s make quite an impact wherever they go but perhaps Julie Ann has never expected anything less. After all her favourite quote is: “Some men build bridges, others build skyscrapers but mothers build leaders for tomorrow’s world.” And alongside this is the intentional goal to have character development as the heart and soul of their home. Indeed their family mission statement says, “Our purpose and mission is that the children would grow up strong in character, with a sense of destiny, knowing their identity and purpose and presenting their gifts and talents with excellence, and being an influence for good wherever their path in life would take them. (All the darkness in the world cannot put out the light of one candle). When asked to list the children’s awards Julie Ann is modest preferring to outline interests rather than championship titles and Auckland representation. But starting at the top here are some of their achievements: Rosita was accepted to Melbourne’s Institute of Circus Arts where she has specialized in a number of aerial apparatus: silk, trapeze, rope, acrobatics and dance. She is also a ballet, jazz, tap, contemporary, lyrical and hip hop dancer. She is a requested piano accordion and piano player. In addition, she is a teaches and does childrens’ ministry. Next in line is, Aaron 21, who also plays the piano accordion, as well as, the piano and saxophone. He performs with Voice Productions in dance and drama and does script writing for them. He is a youth worker and mentor. Joshua, 20 years old, follows in the family tradition of playing piano accordion with a background in tap dancing. He has just completed a Diploma in Personal Training Fitness and Business. Caleb, 17 years old, of course plays the piano accordion and is also passionate about guitar and ‘illusion’, which he uses in his entertaining, as well as working with horses and doing Irish dancing and tap. Serena, 15 years old, is also an Irish Dancer and performs with Caleb in competitions. She also has a ballet, jazz and tap, as well as, piano, and piano accordion, and violin background. Jesse, 13 years old, plays accordion and does Irish dancing and is passionate about rugby. And last, but not least, is eleven-year-old Jaedon, who plays accordion and does Irish dancing, as well as Jazz and piano. The children all came to know the Lord at very young ages and John and Julie Ann have endeavored to give them something to hang there faith on through teaching: values and character, scripture, inspirational role models (past and present), and to live their lives to that “ audience of one”(God). Some of the Hendry “WORDS WE LIVE BY” - heard frequently in their home: “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at

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Special feature “As we have together walked through the challenges of life we have learnt the faithfulness of God together as family. We believe that our intention has not been to raise perfect children but ‘real’ people and empower them to carry the likeness of God to the next generation and to be strong in faith.”

Above: The Hendry family - Back row (left to right) Jesse (13), John (dad), Jaedon (11), Aaron (21), Caleb (17), Front row (left to right) Joshua (20), Serena (15), Julie Ann (mum), Rosita (23); Top right: Joshua teaching dance; Below right: Caleb and Jaedon on the accordian

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14 | Christian Life Issue Six October 13

the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow. Find your purpose in life and live it with passion (we have really encouraged this from a young age). Good manners will take you to places that education and money never will (we talk about this a lot as situations arise). What matters in life is not the mistakes we make but what really matters is learning from them and getting back up when the circumstances of life knock you down (lots of practice with this one as they get older and life happens). Love never gives up, never loses faith is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance (1 Corinthians 13:7). Character is what you are when no one is looking. A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches and favor is better than silver or gold.” “The heartbeat of our home is that God is the center of all that we do.” Coupled with this is the Hendry family motto as told by John Hendry: “The foundation of our home has always been Jesus Christ and the Word of God. We have intentionally endeavoured to help the children find God’s design for their lives and then given them every opportunity to develop that gifting. “As we have together walked through the challenges of life we have learnt the faithfulness of God together as family. We believe that our intention has not been to raise perfect children but ‘real’ people and empower them to carry the likeness of God to the next generation and to be strong in faith. “Trees that brave storms are not propagated in hot houses and we have endeavoured to equip them for adulthood with real life experiences of everyday life knowing that it is God’s grace that gives us the power to launch them into adulthood and to make an impact in their own personal world.” John, who has been a Christian for 40 years, following a dramatic encounter with God as a teenager says: “We live the Gospel as Francis of Asiss used to say, ‘we are the gospel and sometimes we speak’. We are a praying family and we always pray when the opportunity arises. We have had the privilege of seeing people healed.” “Our outreach is not the normal mindset but modeled on Christ. People were drawn to him because of who he was and then he talked. We try to do the same. “We have sometimes struggled financially but we have always been obedient to God and we are now seeing the rewards in our kids who are invited everywhere – our family is so important to us.” John says locally he is known as the “dad that’s always there.” Now with his youngest at eleven he wants to focus on a career path and business. “Now I will focus on a creating money to have as a platform to leave them, now they are grown up and people of character.” “We really love people – we are community people, that’s what we do, love people.”


Sharing Jesus with every home in New Zealand? It IS a possibilty with the Hope Project... By Sarah Tengvall

A $2.25 million, multi-media, gospel outreach campaign designed to reach every home in New Zealand is in danger of collapse. This would also mean the loss of a unique opportunity, the 200-year anniversary of the first preaching of the gospel in New Zealand in 2014, on which the ‘Hope Project’ is standing. Organiser Dave Mann says the project is in an absolutely critical phase where it must start moving forward or face the possibility of dying. Already, the planned start date of pre-Easter 2014 has been postponed. The campaign urgently needs $333,000 in the next three months to develop the needed media. They currently holds funds of around $667,000, most of which were, raised in a crisis three weeks mid-year when the project nearly fell over. Then to fully complete, another $1.25 million is needed. And while feedback and support for the idea and concept of the project is positive, churches are failing to commit in sufficient numbers, said Mr Mann. To date 240 churches have signed up despite the team making contact with around 2,400 congregations nationwide. They now need another 260 churches to come on board. However, it is not all doom and gloom and the response from pastors around the country has been overwhelmingly positive. The problem says Mr Mann is pastors are busy. “To get pastors to link into something like this a year away is difficult because it is not an immediate need. I think it is also human nature to think that someone else will do it. Pastors are busy and it’s easy to have a wait and see attitude with a view to getting on board later. The problem is if everyone waits to see, then there is nothing to see, and that’s the stage we have reached.” But Mr Mann is buoyant given that he believes God could behind the funding delay. This forcing him to spend more time re-connecting with churches rather than splitting his time equally between this and media preparation as originally planned. “I think God is in this, it’s just that God doesn’t work how we would like him too all the time. My job would be far easier if a millionaire simply said I will underwrite this project and we could start.” If the campaign does go ahead it will be New Zealand’s first in 30 years and see television adverts and printed booklets going into every home in New Zealand. Mr Mann, who worships at Tauranga City Church, says there are two big wins. Firstly, the project shares not only the gospel but also reasons for faith. Secondly it has a realistic approach, in terms of both the culture and churches, to get basic evangelism, and training, back into churches. “This second one, I think is God’s priority. I see the absence of a significant fund to underwrite it and I can only conclude it is the Lord’s doing because it means us going back to the churches to engage this conversation again with pastors again and again” The conversation goes like this he outlined, “would you be willing to equip your members? What if we could provide practical resources for free that were pulpit based so it’s no more work because you preach already?” And then if they’re skeptical of evangelism the team looks at what would it take to change that, what might work within our culture.

The inspiration for the ‘Hope Project 2014’ came to Dave and his wife Heather while in Singapore, where they pastured a church for nine years. “After that we thought we would go to a third-world nation and get involved in missions but in 2008 we both felt clearly the lord’s leading to come back to New Zealand. Then we felt our best contribution was to try to encourage the church, as a whole, in evangelism. “I think in a lot of churches evangelism has fallen into the too hard basket- there’s a very big question as to how we get it back out. “I think most conversations have failed to reach a conclusion in terms of how we respond to post-modernism, and the whole, not just secularization, but multi-religious culture that has developed. How do we engage a conversation about Christian faith in a context where the very idea of religious truth isn’t just rejected but has an element of offense to it if we talk about it too directly.” However, one of the project’s key strengths is its relational approach. “The significant thing here is reasons for faith and a media approach which is about a ‘conversation’. We are not telling people what to believe we are coming up with ways to genuinely engage a conversation with gentleness and humility, yet with real clarity of thought. “ People have rejected the idea of religious truth. To engage a conversation about why religious truth might actually exist, that’s hugely significant. And if a person assumes all religions are the same and somehow gains out of this a perspective that actually Christianity could be true, the next time they hear a preacher they will have a reason to pay attention. Whereas right now non-believers have no fundamental reason to even listen. “It will be hugely significant because it is about more than sharing gospel. If we simply share the gospel a lot of people will look at that and say good for them they found what works for them. This believes Mr Mann is because “the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 4;4). “If we can have reasons why the bible is trusted and completely credible according to many historians then the next time they hear someone preaching they won’t automatically assume this doesn’t matter and that the bible is a myth. Instead, they might listen and think I heard something that said this could be reliable. “So the worldview change potential in the culture is hugely significant as a conversation opener, as a spark to add interest in discussing Christian Spirituality. “‘Hope’ is what everyone is looking for. And we are living in a world that is remarkably lacking in ‘hope’. A lot of people don’t have any hope when it comes to death other than to be pragmatic universalists and assume everyone goes to heaven. Everyone at some points faces trial and tragedy and people connect with that stuff and everyone is interested in ‘hope’, it is a topic that connects. From a wisdom point of view if you are going to do outreach the group of people that will consider Christian faith are the people facing trial. And one of the challenges of this project is sparking interest in a culture that is disinterested because they do not think religious truth exists. So ‘hope’ - it’s a bridge. Mr Mann, originally from Tarankai came to faith at age eleven following his mum’s conversion. “The change in her was so clear in terms of just sunshine in her eyes, so I thought whatever she’s got I what to have it too and

Dave Mann, organiser of ‘Hope Project 2014’ and director of Shining Lights Trust I’ve really followed Christ since then.” “God is amazing – we all live by the grace of God – he found us. I am very grateful to him for all he’s done. There is no question, he says, that he’s here, he is alive and well. I guess the great challenge is that the veil is pulled over our eyes with the busyness and materialism of life, we don’t think about spirituality when it’s the most important thing. Mr Mann’s call to kiwi Christians, who want to support this ‘Hope Project 2014’, is to right now make a pledge and keep this thing alive. “We are committed to see it through if we can but currently a lot of this is coming out of my own back pocket because we have to be ready to refund any money given to us. So pledge to get this thing over the line so it will happen,” he urged. The second two most important things he said are prayer and preparation. The website link will send out monthly prayer updates if people sign up. And in terms of preparation there are four different media in the four content areas of: sermon outlines for pastors, and group outlines for small group leaders, 14 mini video-seminars and evangelism conferences to model the type of evangelism that could be put through a pulpit. OUR VISION... To share the reasons for hope we have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15) with every home in New Zealand through: • television adverts • a series of booklets delivered to all homes explaining the reasons for faith through stories of real-life New Zealanders • a gospel website • You – to pray and believe, to give and prepare to talk to those around | 15

Programme Guide Sunday Oct 13 - Saturday Nov 16 SUNDAY 6:00





D Unlocking the Bible P

Hillsong TV


Auto B Good

C 6:00

Quick Study


Jovis Bon Hovis

C 6:30


Days of Wonder


Quick Study

Unlocking the Bible


Precious Word of Truth


Bayless Conley


Auto B Good


Buzz and Poppy


Adventures from the Book / 3-2-1 C Penguins! (20 Oct) *

Bedbug Bible Gang


Jovis Bon Hovis

6:30 7:00 7:30


Living Truth: Charles Price


Creation’s Creatures

Life Questions


Buzz and Poppy


Veggie Tales



Connection Point


Impact for Life



In Touch: Charles Stanley


The Sugar Creek Gang / Last C Chance Detectives (30 Oct) * C

Adventures from the Book / 3-2-1 C Penguins! (22 Oct) * Word For You


Creation’s Creatures


P LIFE: Paul de Jong P


Living Truth: Charles Price


Turning Point: P Dr David Jeremiah

Derek Prince


Bedbug Bible Gang


Buzz and Poppy


Adventures from the Book / 3-2-1 C 7:00 The Sugar Creek Penguins! (26 Oct) * Gang / Last C Chance Detectives (1 Nov) * C C 7:30 Veggie Tales

Auto B Good


Jovis Bon Hovis

Running With Fire


Connection Point

Roots & Reflections D Precious Word of Truth


The Sugar Creek 8:00 Gang / Last C Chance Detectives (2 Nov) * P 8:30


Hour of Power



Life Questions


Little Film Big Heart


Roots and Reflections


Building a Difference


Give Me An Answer


Choices / Shineathon 2013 (8 Nov) *



Word For You


Life Questions


Days of Wonder


Life Church: Paul Scanlon


Your Best Life: Phil Pringle


Joni & Friends



Songs of Praise


Conversations in the Holy Land / Ancient Israel Explored (4 Nov) *


Joni & Friends


Little Film Big Heart


Quick Study

Gods at War / The D Hearts Wide Open D Christmas Experience D (12 Nov) * Impact for Life





Joni & Friends

3:30 4:00 4:30


Precious Memories M


Hour of Power

In Touch: Charles Stanley




Little Film Big Heart


Roots and Reflections

Give Me An Answer


Precious Memories

Conversations in the Holy Land / Ancient Israel Explored (4 Nov) *


Buzz and Poppy

Bedbug Bible Gang


Jovis Bon Hovis

Veggie Tales


More than Magic / E The Uprising (4 Nov) * Ultimate Choice



Running with Fire



Joni & Friends



Nzone Focus


The 700 Club (Mon - Fri)


Songs of Praise


Joni & Friends

Life Questions

Gods at War


Turning Point: P Dr David Jeremiah





Conversations in the Holy Land *


Lakewood Church: P Joel Osteen

Connection Point

Building a Difference Conversations in the Holy Land / Ancient Israel Explored (5 Nov) *


Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV

Conversations in the Holy Land / Ancient Israel Explored (7 Nov) *


Nzone Focus



Ultimate Choice


More than Magic / D The Uprising (6 Nov) *


Little Film Big Heart


Your Best Life: Phil Pringle


Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV


D Precious Memories M

American Bible Challenge


Christian World News N Lakewood Church: P Joel Osteen N Nzone Now

Word For You


LIFE TV with Paul de Jong



Little Film Big Heart



Conversations in the Holy Land *


P Preaching C Children M Music

D Doco/Drama

N News



Give Me An Answer

16 | Christian Life Issue Six October 13

Answers with Bayless Conley American Bible Challenge

Building a Difference

D 2:30

Nzone Now / Choices (2 Nov) *

N 3:00

Little Film Big Heart

D 3:30

Roots and Reflections

D 4:00

Joni & Friends

D 4:30

The Relate Show

D 5:00

Give Me An Answer

D 5:30

P All Over the World D 6:00

Building a D 6:30 Difference Gods at War / The N Christmas Experience D 7:00 (16 Nov) * P

The Relate Show


Nzone Now

Give Me an Answer


The Bible Series

Nzone Focus


Joni & Friends




Running With Fire with Tak Bhana


All Over the World D Christian World News N P

N All Over the World D 2:00



D 11:30

D 1:30

Life fm Presents

Life Church: Paul Scanlon

Conversations in the Holy Land / Ancient Israel Explored (2 Nov) *

The Relate Show



D 11:00


Life fm Presents

Nzone Focus


D 1:00




D 12:30

Jovis Bon Hovis

Roots and Reflections

Y 10:00

Joni & Friends



Life fm Presents

Gods at War *

Auto B Good

Little Film Big Heart



D All Over the World D




The Sugar Creek Bedbug Bible Gang C The Sugar Creek Gang / Last Gang / Last C C Chance Detectives Chance Detectives C Buzz and Poppy C (30 Oct) * (1 Nov) * Creation’s Creatures


P Hearts Wide Open D Noon


Adventures from the Book / 3-2-1 C Penguins (22 Oct) * Life fm Presents

Give Me An Answer

Joni & Friends

Days of Wonder: Jarrod Cooper

Hour of Power


NOV 4 - 8 SHINEATHON 2014 (Mon - Fri 7pm - Midnight)

All Over the World D Hearts Wide Open D


The 700 Club (Mon - Fri) Nzone Now / D N Building a Difference (6 Nov) *

The 700 Club (Mon - Fri)

11:00 11:30


See adjacent for detail. Impact for Life

See adjacent for detail.


Running With Fire

Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon - Fri)

Precious Memories M



Hearts Wide Open D



P LIFE: Paul de Jong P

D Hearts Wide Open D

Auto B Good

Living Truth: Charles Price


Word For You

Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon - Fri)


See adjacent for detail.




Christian World News

Gods at War / The American Bible Christmas Experience D Challenge / (15 Nov) * Ancient Israel E Explored AND All Over the World Building a N D (7 Nov) * Difference D

Ultimate Choice

(see adjacent for detail)





See adjacent for detail.

8:30 9:00


See adjacent for detail.


Nzone Focus

N 9:30

Joni & Friends

D 10:00


D 10:30

Roots and Reflections

D All Over the World D

Give Me An Answer

D 11:00

Give Me An Answer


Building a Difference


Roots and Reflections

D 11:30

Gods at War


Little Film Big Heart


Nzone Focus



E Entertainment

Y Youth

Details correct at time of printing

• Programme change from date shown




Sunday Oct 13 - Saturday Nov 16 Fireproof (running time: 120 min) As a firefighter, Caleb Holt lives by the old adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. Is it too late to save his marriage? Sat 2 Nov @ 7.30pm Sun 3 Nov @ 12pm & 9.30pm

October Baby (running time: 120 min) A college freshman’s world is rocked when she learns that she is adopted and the survivor of an attempted abortion. Sun 13 Oct @ 12pm & 9.30pm

The Cross (running time: 90 min) For 40 years, Arthur Blessitt has travelled through every continent and island nation carrying a twelve-foot cross. This is his story of spreading Christ’s message in a most unusual way. Mon 14 Oct @ 8.30pm Fri 18 Oct @ 9.30pm The Bible Series: Abraham (running time: 90 min) Dramatisation of the Bible account of an ordinary shepherd, called by God to show his abiding faith in extraordinary ways. Starring Richard Harris and Barbara Hershey. Fri 18 Oct @ 8pm (Part 2)

Wesley (running time: 120 min) John Wesley, an irritatingly self-righteous preacher travels to the new colony of Georgia; a spiritual journey that would revolutionise his faith and change the face of 18th Century England. Sat 19 Oct @ 7.30pm Sun 20 Oct @ 12pm & 9.30pm

Monday 4 - Friday 8 November Join us for our annual Shineathon as we celebrate how God has worked in people’s lives through Shine TV and look forward to the impact this TV channel will have in the future. Featuring special studio guests, including Juliagrace, Derek Lind and a number of up-and-coming Kiwi artists. Help us keep Shine TV connecting real faith with real people.

To donate, call 0508 003 003

The Jesus Diaries (running time: 90 min) See the world that Jesus knew as you’ve never seen it before. Witness age-old Jewish festivals and understand the teachings of Yeshua in the light of the times of those He spoke to, 2000 years ago. Mon 21 Oct @ 8.30pm Fri 25 Oct @ 9.30pm

Faith Like Potatoes (running time: 120 min) A Zambian farmer’s quest for material success is slowly transformed into a wild love for God and people, as he wrestles with faith, hope, natural disasters and tragic personal loss. Sat 9 Nov @ 7.30pm Sun 10 Nov @ 12pm & 9.30pm

The Bible Series: Jacob (running time: 90 min) Dramatisation of the Genesis story of Jacob: deceiving his father Isaac, conflict with his brother Esau, exploitation by Laban and his encounter with God. Starring Matthew Modine & Lara Flynn Boyle. Fri 25 Oct @ 8pm

A Letter to Dad (running time: 90 min) Dan Donahue has met the woman of his dreams. But on the night he is going to propose, he is overcome by deep-rooted anger caused by the father who abandoned him as a boy. Based on a true story. Mon 11 Nov @ 8.30pm Fri 15 Nov @ 9.30pm

Amazing Grace (running time: 120 min) Ioan Gruffudd stars as William Wilberforce who, as a Member of Parliament, navigated the world of 18th Century backroom politics to end the slave trade in the British Empire. Sat 26 Oct @ 7.30pm Sun 27 Oct @ 12pm & 9.30pm

Gifted Hands (running time: 90 min) Cuba Gooding Jr stars in the true life story of Dr Ben Carson who, through the guidance of his mother and his faith, grows from a frustrated at-risk kid to a renowned neurosurgeon. Sat 16 Nov @ 7.30pm

Breaking Free (running time: 90 min) When troubled, cynical teen Rick chooses service at a camp for the blind over serving time at a correctional facility, he thinks he’s found the easy way out. Instead, it’s the way to a new life. Mon 28 Oct @ 8.30pm Fri 1 Nov @ 9.30pm

More Than Walking (running time: 30 min) Quadriplegic college student and filmmaker Jonathan Sigworth returns to India to tell the tragic and inspiring stories of four of his quadriplegic friends. Sat 16 Nov @ 9pm

The Bible Series: Joseph (running time: 90 min) Dramatisation of the Biblical story of Joseph; sold into slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his prophetic gift and of being his father’s favourite. Starring Ben Kingsley & Paul Mercurio. Fri 1 Nov @ 8pm (Part 1) Fri 15 Nov @ 8pm (Part 2)

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Situation Vacant: - Part Time position. Expression of interested being sought for an Office Manager for a small and busy Not For Profit Social Service Agency in Franklin. Knowledge and experience required of: Business Management, Staff Management Social Services, Funding Applications. Must have a passion for helping the community. Apply with CV to:

SATURDAY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Meets every Saturday at 10:00am In the Friendship Room of the Central Baptist Church Charlemont St Hamilton


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18 | Christian Life Issue Six October 13

Totara Springs Christian Centre is one of the largest centre’s of its kind in New Zealand and is a venue for school camps, church retreats, business conferences, sporting and artistic events, holiday camps and weddings. We are situated in a beautiful setting, nestled at the foot of the Kaimai mountain ranges just outside Matamata. There are 90 plus acres of parklike grounds with accommodation for 420 people in fully serviced motels, 3 lodge complexes and 18 cabins. All our camps are fully catered by our resident catering team or or phone 07-8884700

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Empty pier on Lake Rotoiti, Nelson Lakes National Park

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20,000 printed copies Inserted inside Christian Life February 2014 Bookings close 29 November 2013 Prices start from $149 for 12 months exposure For more info or to book contact Ray Curle on 09 281 4896 or FIND A


Friday 16th August 7pm Otumoetai Baptist Church

Where are you in God’s mission? Let’s talk. / 0508 4 SIM NZ

WEC New Zealand: a pioneer mission, sharing Christ with those who have least access to the stories and family of Jesus.

Tuesday 15 October – Timaru 7pm, Wilson Street Baptist Church, 17 Wilson Street. Tuesday 22 October – Manukau, Auckland 7pm, King of Kings Church, 57 Cavendish Court, Cavendish Drive, (opposite The Warehouse), Manukau

We are delighted to be partnering with the Christian bookshops of NZ to make Christian Life absolutely FREE of charge each month. That’s right, it won’t cost you a cent to read each edition! To pick up your copy each month FIND A CHRISTIAN STORE NEAR YOU. Visit or


Every Wednesday – Greenlane, Auckland 7pm, Greenlane Christian Centre, 17 Marewa Road, Greenlane.

T: (07) 824 3211 E: W:

These healing meetings are hosted by our sister organisation, Charisma Christian Ministries. Their team will pray for the sick. For more information and further meeting updates visit: or Freephone 0800 36 36 83 | 19

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