Church Today October 2014 Issue 3

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October 2014, issue 3






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CONTENTS 08. 5 Incredible steps to close the back door in your church 10. Why there’s hope for pastors trapped in depression



12. The top 5 church marketing mistakes 14. Is Your Church Website Driving People Away? 18. An epiphany for lecture-loving pastors 21. Find a Christian College Special 29. 10 Principles of church planting and expansion

ABN 58 090 450 285 CEO Matt Danswan Editor Nicole Danswan Advertising Australia P: 02 9007 5375 Advertising New Zealand P: 09 281 4896 Advertising Manager Ray Curle Correspondence Australia PO Box 1321 Mona Vale NSW 1661 P: 02 9007 5376 W: Correspondence New Zealand PO Box 47212, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144, New Zealand Unless otherwise specified, all Scripture quotations are from the New International Version, copyright-1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part, without prior written permission. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. All attempts are made to verify advertising material, and no responsibilty is taken for misleading or erroneous material. Due to spam issues, all email addresses have been removed from our publishers section. Š 2014.


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5 incredible steps to close the back door in your church HOW DO YOU STOP YOUR CHURCH MEMBERS FROM EXITING THE CHURCH? HERE ARE FIVE EASY STEPS...

By “closing the back door,” I am referring to assimilating or keeping those who have already become a part of the church. The sad reality is that many churches have less than one-half of their members show up at any one point. They are “walking out the back door.” Why Are These Steps So Incredible? Words have meaning. We are always in danger of miscommunicating, misleading, or overstating. When I use the word “incredible,” I do so for a very specific reason. In this case, I am simply saying I know that these steps 8 | Church Today October 2014

are working in practice in churches. They are not merely the theory of one guy behind a keyboard. In fact, I had a conversation with a pastor this week who told me the assimilation rate in his church the past two years was over 90 percent. Did you read that statement carefully? Nine out of ten of those who connected with the church the past two years are still active in the church. The Five Steps The process is not difficult. It just requires execution and persistence.

Once begun, these five steps become a natural flow of the church’s ministry. . Have a mission statement that includes the importance of members getting involved in a group. For example, if the mission statement is “Love God, Connect with Others, Serve Others, and Give Abundantly,” the second part of the mission statement (“Connect with Others”) would refer to the importance of a church member getting involved in a small group, Sunday school class, or some other group.



. Communicate the importance of groups in your new members’ class. In fact, some churches actually require the prospective member to connect with a group as a requisite for membership. This statement obviously assumes that the church has a new members’ class in place. . Make certain the church is intentional about starting new groups. This step is very important if you are diligently moving new members to groups. New groups, particularly, will be attractive to these new members. They will not have to break into existing relationship patterns. . Have a leadership group review the status of new members at least once a quarter. In the church I mentioned early, the ministry staff takes that initiative. Some church leaders do this review once a month; others do so once

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a quarter. One of the primary purposes of this review is to determine if the new church member has become active in a group. . Follow-up persistently if a church member is not in a group. Another church I know has a “meal plan” followup. They make certain an existing member of a group takes the new member out to eat, and invites him or her to join the group. The success rate has been very high.


times more likely to stick with a church than a member who was not. So, these five steps are not some new entrepreneurial discovery. They are basic. They get people in the Word studying with others. They engender new relational connections. They create an implicit system of accountability. And they also get members to stick. The back door is closed.

Why These Steps Are So Important Church members in a group are more likely to read their Bibles regularly. They are more likely to share their faith. They give more abundantly to the church. And they are much more likely to ‘stick’ with the church over time. In fact, in earlier studies, I found that a member who was in a group was five

This article was originally published at on August 25. Thom S. Rainer serves as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Among his greatest joys are his family: his wife Nellie Jo; three sons, Sam, Art, and Jess; and seven grandchildren. Dr. Rainer can be found on Twitter @ThomRainer and at facebook. com/Thom.S.Rainer. | 9


WHY THERE’S HOPE for pastors trapped in

DEPRESSION Pastors are not immune from the struggles of life. PASTOR JOE BUCHANAN provides comfort, support – and advice – for struggling Pastors.


ecently I preached a message from the book of Job entitled “The Dark Night of the Soul: The Problem and the Blessings of Depression.” In this message, we examined the difficult and often neglected subject of depression in the life of believers. I showed our congregation that Job shows the classic signs in this book of experiencing anxiety and depression. In this blog post, I would like to extend that conversation to the problem of depression among Pastors. Specifically, I would like to offer some hope and help for Pastors who are serving the church but who feel trapped in depression. I understand this problem because I have struggled with depression 10 | Church Today October 2014

throughout my life and have been serving in the ministry for over twenty years. For most of my ministry I have kept my depression a secret — fearful that it would disqualify me from carrying out the call of God on my life. But a few years ago, I began a journey that has lead me to understand that although depression presents several unique problems it also presents some unique blessings and opportunities. First, however, let me share some statistics with you that demonstrate just how big of a problem anxiety and depression are among Pastors. According to a a study conducted by the Schaeffer Institute among those involved in full-time ministry:

• 50% feel unable to meet the demands of the job. • 80% feel the ministry has negatively affected their family. • 70% report battling depression • 70% report that they do not have someone they consider a close friend Obviously, this is one of the most pressing issues facing the clergy in America today. When I first read these statistics I was both relieved and surprised. Relieved because for the first time I realized that I was not alone in my struggle and surprised because I talk to Pastors daily and never realized so many were struggling. The problems created by depression are rather obvious. Pastors who battle

For most of my ministry I have kept my depression a secret — fearful that it would disqualify me from carrying out the call of God on my life. with depression end up feeling isolated, lonely and discouraged. Often they end up quitting the ministry or worse yet stay in and grow more and more bitter. Over the past twenty years, I have met dozens of men who once felt the fire of God burning in their soul to preach the Word but who’ve grown despondent and jaded due to depression. The problems are obvious to everyone, but what we often fail to comprehend is that depression also offers some unique blessings. I first began to think about the unique blessings of depression a couple of years ago when I came across an article in The Atlantic magazine detailing Abraham Lincoln’s struggle with depression. In that article, Joshua Wolf Shenk discussed Lincoln’s lifelong and public battle with depression. As I read the article, I couldn’t help but think about how different things are today than they were in Lincoln’s day. If Lincoln were running today there would be no way he could get elected as a member of town council let alone as President of the United States. His battle with ‘melancholy’ was far too public for him to be elected in our present political environment. But Lincoln, thankfully, lived in a different era — an era when depression was thought to be closely linked with genius. As Lincoln grew older, Shenk argues that he moved from fearing his melancholy to engaging with it and to eventually transcending it. Shenk points out that due to his depression, Lincoln was able to see situations with more clarity than others — an phenomenon that researchers have labeled “depressive reality. This allowed him to come up with creative solutions to the problems of his day. In addition to these, however, Lincoln’s depression also produced within a sense of humility and determination. He was not afraid to fail and, in fact, expected to fail more often than he succeeded. Harriet Beecher Stowe compared him to a wire cable that

sways in a storm but holds fast. As I was reading Shenk’s article a thought occurred to me. A light bulb went off in my head and it dawned on me that Lincoln would not have been perhaps the greatest President in the history of our nation if he had not been depressed. Theologically speaking, God has uniquely prepared this man’s personality and psyche for the time and place in which he lived. But then something even greater popped into my mind — God has made me just the way I am to serve Him. For years, I had felt embarrassed, ashamed and guilty because I struggle with depression but what if I had been looking at the issue all wrong? What if my depression was really a gift from God rather than a curse? Reading that article radically changed the way I looked at depression. Suddenly, I stopped thinking of depression only in terms of being a curse and started looking at the potential blessings that it might offer. Now I know that some of you want me to say something along the line of, “and then I got better and was never depressed again.” We like fairy tales endings where everyone lived happily ever after. But that’s not what happened. Recognizing that depression was a blessing from God didn’t make it go away. In fact, I’ve come to the realization that I will struggle with depression for the rest of my earthly life. But that does not mean that there isn’t a silver lining. What I discovered is that as I became more open and honest about my depression, I started to become more effective in the ministry. Let give you some of the ways that it has helped: I’ve been able to relate to those in my congregation that are also struggling with depression. I’ve been able to minister to other Pastors who are struggling with the same issue. Knowing and accepting that I struggle with anxiety and depression

has helped me to balance my tendency to obsess on the worst possible outcome of any scenario. This has helped me to embrace the kind of creative thinking Lincoln experienced without focusing too much on the darkest possible outcome. If you are struggling with depression in the ministry let me offer you a couple of pieces of advice. First, the sooner you come to grips with it the better. Second, don’t give up. If you are hurting so bad that you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or entertaining leaving the ministry please call someone and talk to them. There is hope. Third, study the issue of depression and learn as much as you can about it. The more you understand the unique problems and opportunities it presents the better off you’ll be. Finally, when the time is right share your struggle with others. Don’t do this before you are ready and before you are able to help to others but when the time is right don’t hesitate to share your struggle. WARNING: there will be some in your congregation who will criticize you for being so open but don’t let them discourage you from sharing. Some in your congregation might think they want Superman for a Pastor but what they really need is YOU. God has uniquely made you and placed you exactly where He wants you to be. Your depression is not a surprise to Him. He wants to use it to make an eternal different in your life and in the lives of the people you serve — so engage it and transcend it through the power of the Gospel. | 11


THE TOP 5 CHURCH MARKETING MISTAKES – and how you can avoid them Every church needs some form of marketing. Marketing is the lifeblood of ensuring people know you exist. TONY MORGAN has a few pointers to help you along the way.


think it’s funny when I hear about churches that bash marketing tactics. I’ve yet to find a church that doesn’t use at least a few marketing techniques. Some churches have opted for the sign out front, a bulletin promoting ministries and upcoming events, or an ad in the local newspaper with service times. Other churches have gone even farther with marketing techniques like billboards, radio spots or viral videos. But every church I’ve connected with is, at the very least, hopeful that word-of-mouth marketing will happen when existing members invite their friends and family. Wherever you land on that continuum and whatever you want to call it, most churches interested in fulfilling the Great Commission want more people to show up on Sunday morning—or for more folks to take the next step in their spiritual journey. So with that goal in mind, here are five marketing mistakes churches often make that you’ll want to avoid as you strive to reach people.


. Promoting your church instead of generating a response. No one really cares that you are First Church Such-and-Such. And, no one really cares what your building looks like. Promote a message series over the church. Promote a conversation over the church. But don’t promote the church or a specific ministry. Others will do that for you if it’s worth promoting.

12 | Church Today October 2014


. Making a promise you can’t keep. The world already thinks churches are filled with hypocrites, so make sure you exceed expectations on everything you say you’ll do. The easiest place to begin is with the guest experience. Are you delivering a welcoming, friendly environment? When someone takes a step to connect to your ministry, make sure your team is ready to follow through.


. Trying to be all things to all people. Yes, we want the world to know Jesus, but who has God put in your world? That’s who you need to reach. And, more specifically, what person within your world are you most likely to reach? Design your ministry to connect with him or her. That means some people may not like your church. That’s OK. God uses different ministries to reach different people.

will be to take a step. I know, it’s counter-intuitive. But you don’t want a situation where your men’s ministry is competing with your discipleship classes that are competing with your home groups that are competing with volunteer opportunities. Figure out what you do well and what God is using to reach people for Jesus—and do that. The mission we are responsible for is too important for us to get lazy about the message we’re communicating. So ask yourself: Are you getting a response? Can you deliver on your promises? Do you know who you’re trying to reach? Is your message being heard in today’s culture? Are you competing against yourself? All of these issues matter when it comes to making sure your message is truly impacting people’s lives.


. Thinking other churches are your competition. We are competing with today’s culture. Other churches are on our team. It doesn’t help if you distinguish yourself from another church. You need to distinguish your message from the world people live in. Clearly communicate why someone should connect with your church instead of spending their time doing a million other things.


. Publicizing programs that compete with one another. More choices create more confusion. You may have lots of great programs, but the more options you provide, the less likely people

Tony Morgan is the Chief Strategic Officer and founder of He’s a consultant, leadership coach and writer who helps churches get unstuck and have a bigger impact.

Is Your Church Website Driving People Away? 5 things you can do to turn your Website into a Missional Asset By Berni Dymet happens. Do you appear as number one, two or three? Do you even appear on the first page of search results? Because if not … as far as that young family looking for a church is concerned, you simply don’t exist. So, step one is make sure that people can find you. If you aren’t in the first three search results, then spend just a few hundred dollars on an expert to search engine optimise your site. Oh, and by the way, don’t ignore Google AdWords. If your church is in a crowded marketplace, again, just a few hundred dollars a year will ensure that people can find you.

An All Too Common Story (Sad but True) Is your website attracting people to your church, or turning them away? Now that is a very, very unsettling question! Think about it. A new family moves into your area. They don’t know anyone. They love Jesus, and so they set out to find a church that they can be a part of. These days, you can’t rely on denominational branding to get them through your front door anymore. More and more, people fall into the “post– denominationalist” camp. What does that mean? Well, they don’t really care so much about the denominational branding on the sign out front. What they’re really interested in, is what happens locally in and through a church. So, how does this family set about finding the right church for them? They ask Google of course! So they search for churches in your town or suburb and … what do they find? Well, first up, they mightn’t find you 14 | Church Today October 2014

at all – because your website hasn’t been Search Engine Optimised (SEO’d). And if they do find you, there’s every chance that what they see will turn them away … in droves. Now that’s a scary thought. The sad thing is however, that as I trawl the net, despite some stunning church websites out there, the vast majority that I visit would make me run a mile. Sad but true. So here are five things that you can do to turn your church website into a strategic, missional asset: 1. Make It Searchable I know is sounds obvious, but you’d be amazed at how many churches haven’t bothered to do the simple things they need to do to ensure that their website, their first point of contact with the world out there, is SEO’d. You don’t have to be a techie here to find out whether or not this has been done. Google “churches [your town/suburb/region]” and tell me what

Smart Tip #1: Also, check to ensure that you’re optimised for your region. Consider the Uniting Church in Bondi Junction. Search on “churches Bondi Junction” and it comes up first in the list. Brilliant! But these days people have cars (!) and so often, they’re interested in casting their net a bit wider than just their local suburb. A common search therefore would be “churches Easter Suburbs Sydney”. Sadly, that church doesn’t appear there at all (except its Yellow Pages and Yelp listing towards the bottom of the first search page). That’s an SEO opportunity that’s going begging. Smart Tip #2: Make sure that your church is registered and located both on Google Maps and Apple Maps. More and more people will use these to search for churches in their local area. Your “pin” on both of those maps, will be a gateway for many to


find your website. Your absence will be another opportunity that’s gone begging. 2. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly Responsive design is an absolute must these days. What does it mean? Well, it’s a technology that allows your website to automatically scale itself, depending on the device that your visitor is using. So, if they’re on their favourite smartphone, the site renders on their phone taking specific account of the screen size. That means that it’s legible and usable. Why is this important? Because the research shows that upwards of 60% of people looking for a church will do so on their mobile device (I suspect that in reality, the figure is quite a bit higher than that). If you’re website hasn’t been built using “responsive design” what those people will see, is an illegibly small rendering of your main website. In which case, you might as well not have a website at all, because they will move on to one that they can actually read. Smart Tip #3: If you’re looking to redevelop your website, then you can’t go past WordPress as your development environment. There’s a reason that it is by far the most popular development tool on the planet at the moment. It’s quick, it’s relatively easy and for just a few dollars, you can purchase ready–made, responsive design, church templates to get you going.

Those passions, those things that make you tick, need to shine out like a light through your website. Way too many churches have great passions and incredibly effective ministries, that are “dumbed down” through a sterile presentation on their website. Consider this: right now, here in the 21st century, your website is a serious, strategic part of your mission. As serious as the stadiums and rallies that Billy Graham used to such great effect. As serious as the overseas missionary programs of many church and para–church organisations. As serious as the missionary journeys of Paul. Because your website is a strategic connection point between Jesus and the world. It’s that simple! Smart Tip #5: It’s time to get serious about your website, because if you’re not, people can tell. Get your leaders together and design something that shines the light of Jesus into a lost and hurting world. 5. Keep the Content Fresh Have you ever driven past a church in mid–January, and still seen their “Carols by Candlelight” sign still hanging outside? Sure you have. We all have. And how does that make you feel? Does it make you want to race in and check it out, or does it make you shake your head and move on? You get the picture. So why is it that so many church websites have out of date content up? A promo for the church camp that happened

3. Invest in Your Website Whether it’s a church, a local business or a multi–national corporation, a website says an enormous amount about the organisation. These days it’s not the receptionist answering the phone who is the first touch point of a potential “client” with the organisation, but their website. And you can tell whether they’ve invested in their website or not. “Rinky–dinky” websites just don’t cut it anymore. The research shows that the look and feel of a website either underpins or demolishes trust in a split second. The homegrown, amateur website that many churches present isn’t just inadequate, it’s an active repellent to those looking for a church (not to mention a proactive demoraliser for church members). Smart Tip #4: Google something like “best church website designs” and “WordPress church responsive templates” and you’ll be amazed what you find. $35 to $65 will buy you a stunning design template. And WordPress developers these days, are out there in abundance. (I’m not saying that there aren’t other platforms that will do the trick, but seriously, WordPress should be your first port of call). 4. Let Your Attitude Shine Through Are you a family–oriented church? What are you passionate about? Does the Spirit of God move in your church? Are you passionate about proclaiming Christ? Is your kids’ ministry, or young mothers’ ministry, or men’s ministry … or whatever … a key focus of how you see lives changed? What’s your vision as a church? What lies at the heart of what makes you tick? How do you go about seeing lives radically changed through the life–transforming power of the Gospel? | 15


last month. The latest sermon … from 6 weeks ago. Oh please! Keeping the content fresh and relevant is an absolute must. That’s why it has to be someone’s job, someone’s responsibility to do that. Keep it simple, keep it fresh, keep it relevant, keep it informative, keep it current. Smart Tip #6: The research shows that video increases the “stickiness” of a website. In other words, people love to stay and watch, so if you can video your services (or at least the sermon each week) that will have a huge impact. Video doesn’t have to cost much, but seriously, it will make a huge splash through your website. Smart Tip #7: People’s expectations of graphics are very high these days. The use of stunning images throughout your site will hugely improve the degree to which the message of your church connects with both visitors and members. Visitors will

be attracted, members will be inspired. And again, it doesn’t have to cost a lot to do that. Websites like provide high quality, faith–based images at a very affordable price point.

website up and running, that they’ll write a cheque then and there on the spot. Can you do this? Yes you can!

Yes You Can! Your church’s website isn’t some ancillary, optional add–on anymore. It’s a core part of your mission. And with the technologies available today, it doesn’t have to cost a great deal at all to get a stunning results. Your aim should be to have a website that connects the Gospel with the people in a powerful, missional, inspiring, transformative way. That, last time I checked, is what we call … mission. Seriously! On a budget of just $2,500, you can end up with a stunning and impactful church website. Really. And If funds are tight, speak to the tech–savvy people in your congregation. You might even have a web designer sitting right there in the pews who would love to build the site. Or someone who is so passionate about getting a powerful

Berni Dymet is the CEO of the global media ministry Christianityworks. His radio and television programs are heard and seen by over 30 million each week around the globe. If you would like to invite him to speak at your church, get in touch with him at

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In this changing world, all organizations are forced to look at every aspect of their operations. And churches are not a protected species. THOM SCHULTZ looks at other options.




he evidence mounts. The lecture style of teaching produces inferior results. A study reported in Scientific American exposes, again, how academia’s hardened use of the lecture method is stifling learning and growth. The journal’s writer put in bluntly: “If you’re going to college and you’re going to a whole bunch of lecture classes that require you to sit there and listen passively, you’re getting a bad education.” Learners who are subjected to the one-way mode of lecture-based teaching have a 1.5 times higher failure rate than those who are allowed more participative methods, according to the study. Though a growing number of those in academia are recognizing the sobering limitations of the lecture method, many teachers and preachers in the church are loath to loosen their exclusive grip on the microphone, even for a moment. This clutching is one of the predominant reasons people today are avoiding the church in record numbers. “It’s not evil; they just want a voice,” says American Church magazine publisher Steve Hewitt in our new documentary When God Left the Building. People want to participate. They no longer want to be simply lectured. It’s not enough to say that people have a chance to participate in small groups or Bible studies. Most people who really need the message never make it that far. We need to provide times of interaction whenever we can, including during sermons and other main teaching times. I’ve shared these thoughts with John Sanders, a pastor friend of mine. He recently experienced a bit of a preaching epiphany. Here’s what he said: “Recently, while attending a café-style church event , the host instructed us to find a partner and answer a question based on the day’s topic—and I experienced the life-changing value of participant interaction. “It wasn’t until several days later that it hit me: I remembered almost everything we talked about that day. Then I allowed myself to enter into painful territory. Was I able to remember the salient details from my most recent sermon? Perhaps my brain doesn’t fire on every cylinder, 18 | Church Today October 2014

but I couldn’t recall very much, and I was the one doing the preaching! Uh-oh. Maybe there’s something to the participatory model that I experienced recently. Could such an approach work during my sermons? “So I gave it a shot. During my message, I asked our folks to find a partner and share their response to a non-threatening question. Initially, my inquiry was met with blank stares, but slowly everyone began to partner up. Faces that had been somber moments before broke out in smiles as they engaged in conversation. I let them share for a couple of minutes and then resumed my sermon. “After the service people kept talking, many of them finishing the conversations they’d started during my sermon. Also, several people thanked me for preaching the best sermon they said they’d ever heard. Many talked about the steps they were going to take to live out what I had talked about. Woo hoo!” John took a risk. He relinquished his lecture microphone for a few minutes to help his people grow. Now he finds ways to involve his people in the message each week. After advocating for more engaging forms of ministry communication for many years, I’ve heard hundreds of excuses and defenses for the pure-lecture method of teaching and preaching. But I keep returning to the defining question: What’s your goal? If it’s merely to send your message to a passive audience, pure lecture will do that. But if you care about better results, about people receiving and acting upon the message, they must be involved. They must participate in the process. It doesn’t mean that we throw the baby out with the bathwater in terms of church structure, but in these changing times, it simply means that we are open to looking at other ways of communicating. Maybe it’s a once-a-month session, maybe it’s a mid-week additional event. That’s for you and your team to decide, but it’s at east worth a thought. Thom Schultz is the founder of Group Publishing, a publisher of ministry resources for Christian churches.


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UNLOCKING YOUR FUTURE MIKE FROST has some great words of wisdom about the importance and influence of Christian education...


s you consider the variety of college choices available to you, your responses to the questions posed in this article will shape one of the most important decisions of your life. When it comes to considering whether to study at a Christian college or secular university or college, the most important question to answer first is, why do I want to study in the first place? Leonardo Da Vinci was noted for saying, “Study without desire spoils the memory and it retains nothing that it takes in.” He’s right. Never study ‘without desire.’ It’s a waste of your time and energy. If you have a clearer idea of what you want to achieve with your life and where you think you’re headed, it will make it easier to choose the most appropriate college, whether Christian or secular. Both options have their pluses, but there are a number of very good reasons to consider enrolling at a Christian college: To develop a Christian worldview Secular universities and colleges will offer fully accredited degrees and diplomas in a wide variety of disciplines, but what they don’t offer is a way for you to think about your life and your career from a distinctly Christian perspective. If you want your faith to be discussed

as part of class subject matter choose a Christian college where you can explore a Christian framework for your studies. This is about the development of a distinctly Christian worldview that allows you to examine science, art, business, education, medicine and other related issues through that lens. Only a Christian college can assist you to see course subjects via the lens of your religious beliefs. If you completed your studies with only a set of new skills but with no ability to think ‘Christianly’ about your world it would be a real shame. Find a college that helps you to do both. For the nurturing lifestyle and culture If you are a committed Christian, you might prefer a college that affirms your faith and creates a learning environment that supports your beliefs and lifestyle. Many Christian colleges have chapel services, chaplains, Bible studies and a number of other extra-curricula options to encourage your faith. Also, most secular institutions encourage a wide variety of lifestyle options, which can be a distraction to both your faith and your ability to focus on your studies. Or you might just feel more comfortable in a more conservative environment than is commonly available at many secular universities and colleges. So if you

would prefer to attend a college where your faith is a part of the lifestyle and culture of campus life, definitely choose a Christian college. Furthermore, in a Christian college you’ll meet faculty and fellow students who are examples of godly living and academic excellence. It was once said, “To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” In any decent college you’ll acquire knowledge, but in a Christian college you’ll also get to observe the lives of mature followers of Jesus. To prepare for ministry If you feel that your chosen career is more than just a job and that you’d like to see your future employment as an avenue for ministry then a Christian college will certainly help. Furthermore, if you sense a calling into ordained ministry as a pastor or church leader, you will need to attend a Christian theological or Bible college. A number of these colleges are linked to certain denominations, so you’re best advised to speak to your local church about which college will prepare you best for your chosen denomination. If your calling is to overseas mission, the agency you prefer will be able to recommend colleges for missionary preparation. But remember also, that some theological colleges have links with secular universities that | 21

Never lose sight of Albert Einstein’s wisdom about academic study, “Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which you belong.” allow you to do double degrees and get the best of both worlds. Here’s a word of warning about studying at a Bible college. Some churches have started their own ‘colleges’ and these are great for preparing people for service in that church, but often the education they offer isn’t well regarded in other churches or denominations. You are better off attaining a degree or diploma that can be transferred across a variety of church contexts. This will keep your options open should you want to minister beyond your church some time in the future. Whatever your motivation, you must make sure that the Christian college you’re exploring is fully accredited and academically respected. Choose diplomas or degrees that can lead into further study, even if you doubt that

22 | Church Today October 2014

you’d ever complete more study. If the award you’re gaining ‘articulates’ into further study (that’s the technical term), then the chances are that it’s a well regarded, accredited course. ‘Mickey mouse awards’ don’t lead into anything else. They’re academic dead-ends and you’re better off avoiding them. Tertiary study is expensive and time consuming, so you don’t want to graduate with a diploma that doesn’t get you into the kind of professional work you want to do. And also be aware that when it does come time to find a job, if your college is known for being ultra conservative, some employers may be a bit squeamish about offering you a job. Remember that study in a Christian college can offer you a variety of things – a religious worldview, lifelong Christian friends, an environment that nurtures

your faith – but if it doesn’t open employment or ministry options for you it may not be worth the time and financial expense.Study is not a chore or a form of torture. If approached properly it can be the source of great personal growth and spiritual development. Any award you complete ought to better equip you in the service of God and others. Never lose sight of Albert Einstein’s wisdom about academic study, “Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which you belong.” Mike Frost

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Many students are struggling to pay their rent, find money for food, clothing etc. – let alone consider outlaying finances for Christian higher education. Linda Stuart, from Avondale College, takes us through the options available for assistance with fees and planning for higher education. There are education costs, no matter where you do it. Planning ahead, accessing government loans and working part-time are just a few things you should think about if you are considering tertiary studies.

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A RECENT SURVEY OF THE COST OF LIVING EXPENSES FOR STUDENTS AROUND AUSTRALIA INDICATES THAT ON-CAMPUS LIVING EXPENSES ARE LESS PLAN AHEAD The more money you have to pay your fees before you start college, the less pressure you are under to make ends meet, once you commence study. If you have a job, start putting a bit aside from each pay. WORK and STUDY Once you are enrolled you can work part-time to help pay your college fees and a part-time job that fits around your classes is ideal. You may even get work on the college campus, which is a great option because it’s easy to fit your work around class schedules. At Avondale, students work on campus in places such as the kitchen, gardens, offices, or they do some cleaning.

GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE YOUTH ALLOWANCE – AUSTUDY – ABSTUDY Youth allowance provides assistance to students aged between 16 and 24yrs. Austudy payment provides assistance to full-time students aged 25yrs and older. ABSTUDY provides assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander full-time students by providing income support and other supplementary assistance, tailored to their needs. To qualify for any of these government allowances, you generally need to study at least 75% of a fulltime load. Information on eligibility and types and levels of allowances is published in Youth Allowance: The Guide; Austudy Payment; or ABSTUDY: The Guide. You can also

Courses in Chaplaincy, Theology and Religion at Murdoch University Murdoch University’s School of Arts offers a suite of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Chaplaincy, Theology and Religion.

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contact your local Centrelink Customer Service Centre, or check their website at GOVERNMENT LOANS (HECS-HELP & FEE-HELP) . Commonwealth Supported places (HECS-HELP) With a Commonwealth Supported place (CSP) the government subsidises the cost of your tuition. Your portion is known as the ‘student contribution amount’, and HECSHELP assistance helps you to pay your student contribution amount.


There are two forms of HECSHELP assistance: A HECS-HELP loan: This is a loan, from the Australian Government, for all or part of your student contribution

Find a Christian College Special.

amount. With this option you can defer payment of your student contribution amount (commonly known as ‘deferring your HECS’) and pay it over an extended period in small annual installments, via the tax system. No payment has to be made in any year where your income is below $38,148 (this figure is indexed annually). A HECS-HELP discount: If you pay all, or at least $500 of your student contribution amount up front, you receive a 20% discount on the amount you pay. . FEE-HELP If you are eligible for FEE-HELP you are able to borrow up to $50,950, indexed each year, towards the payment of your tuition fees. A loan fee of 20% applies to FEE-HELP loans for undergraduate courses, however the FEE-HELP limit does not include the loan fee. The Commonwealth pays the


amount of the loan, directly to the tertiary provider and you repay your loan through the tax system, once your income is above the minimum threshold for compulsory repayment ($38,148 indexed each year). You generally need to study at least 75% of a full load to be able to defer your fees through HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP. Check with the college where you plan to study to see if you can use HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP to assist you with your tuition fees. If you would like more information on HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP check out the website: SCHOLARSHIPS and AWARDS College funded scholarships: Many colleges offer scholarships to assist students with the payment of their fees.

Some scholarships are merit based (eg. based on academic achievement) however there may also be non-merit based scholarships available to students who meet the criteria. Check with your college to see what scholarships they offer. Apply for all scholarships you are eligible for. Other scholarships: Scholarships that are available through organisations not affiliated with your college may also be available to you. Some examples are: - Rural and Remote Scholarships - Commonwealth Learning Scholarships - War Veterans Scholarships - Disability Scholarships Check the website for information on these types of scholarships. Awards may be available at different


• • • •

Study online at your own pace. No prior study required. Clear, easy to follow lessons. Interactive support with lecturers and other students online. | 25

A NSW university estimates that annual living expenses in Sydney are around $18,700

times through your course. You don’t generally apply for an award, but it’s worth knowing what’s available in terms of Awards as you can then strive to meet the criteria. For example, an award at Avondale called the ‘Avondale Foundation Award of Excellence’ is given to students who are actively involved in service to the community, while the ‘Sanitarium Business Award of Excellence’ is awarded to a student excelling in all areas of their Business certificate or degree. LIVING ON-CAMPUS Living at home will always be the cheapest option

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when studying. If you are not able to do this, consider living on campus. A recent survey of the cost of living expenses for students around Australia indicates that on-campus living expenses are less. University 1: A Victorian university estimates that the cost of living, including off-campus accommodation in Melbourne, is around $16,300 per year. University 2: A NSW university estimates that annual living

expenses in Sydney are around $18,700. University 3: A QLD university estimates that the annual cost of living in Brisbane is around $16,500. On-campus residential option is not only convenient and safe, but offers great savings on costs of living, because of low residential fees, no large bonds, no utility costs, no daily travel costs and no furnishing expenses.

THINK CREATIVELY Are you training for ministry in a particular church or congregation? Check to see if there is any financial assistance available to you through your congregation. You might offer to do an internship or work for them during your holiday time in return for financial support throughout your studies.

Berea Bible College (Aus) Berea Bible College is passionate about encouraging Christians to study the scriptures. Acts 17:11 commends the Bereans as people of “noble character” because they daily searched the scriptures to ensure that what they had been taught about God was, infact, true. It’s that spirit of inquiry that we’d love to develop in you as you study with us. Address: PO Box 536 Wentworthville, NSW 2145 Phone: (02) 9631 0610 Email: Website:

Capernwray Australia Capernwray is a community where we live in Christ together – guided by His Word, filled with His Spirit and directed by His life. Living out of, and for His glory. Address: 596 Moss Vale, Burradoo, NSW 2576 Phone: 612 4868 1516 Email: Website:


We are excited to invite you to come and study with us at one Australia’s leading Spirit-filled colleges. We have been developing leaders for local and global ministry since 1985 and have sent over 2,500 graduates ministering in over 44 different nations, fulfilling and mission of training effective ministry worldwide to serve local churches. Address: 1 Keith Campbell Court, Scoresby, VIC 3179 Phone: 1300 HBC NOW / 03 8799 1111 Email: Website:

Kingsley College Our ministry focuses on equipping lay people and ministerial candidates for Christian ministry in their communities and local church. Kingsley College is the ministry training arm of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia with a student body drawn from many different backgrounds. Through eleven training centres around Australia we work hard to ‘develop and equip people to shape their world’. Headquarters: 1/21 Lakeside Drive, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 Phone: (03) 9357 3699 Mobile: 0423 127 199 Email: Website:

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Mary Andrews College Mary Andrews College equips women to serve Christ through all of life. From a Pastoral Care Course of just 2 units, through to a 12 unit Diploma, there is something for everyone. Address: Level 1 St Andrew’s House, 464-480 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: (02) 9284 1470 Email: Website: Moore College Since 1856, Moore College has been providing the best available theological training in order to prepare men and women as thoroughly and effectively as possible for Christian ministry and mission. Moore College prepares the head - to understand and teach the Scriptures with an emphasis on Biblical theology; nurtures the heart - understanding God and his purposes better leads to a deeper love of God and people; and develops the hands - building practical ministry skills necessary for a lifetime of service. Address: 1 King Street, Newtown, NSW 2042 Phone: (02) 9577 9999 Email: Website: Pastoral Counselling Institute Join the growing team of people providing effective care in a hurting world. Our Nationally accredited Pastoral Care courses will teach you to relate your faith and listening skills, turning your compassion into practice. Address: 16 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: (02) 9683 3664 Email: Website:

Tabor College (TAS) Tabor Tasmania is a non-denominational tertiary education provider that is passionate about equipping people to make a difference in the community. Our nationally accredited undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Applied Social Science and Ministry provide students with valuable skills, knowledge and practical field experience in specialisations including Ministry, Counselling and Community Work. Address: 45 Melville St, Hobart TAS 7000 Phone: (03) 6231 5889 Email: Website: Youthworks Training College Youthworks College is the only theological college in Australia to offer specialised training which integrates theological study with the particular cultural and developmental challenges of ministry to children, families and young people. Fulltime, part-time, online and intensive study options are available. Address: 11 Fifth Avenue, Loftus NSW 2232 Phone: 8093 3400 Email: Website: Unity College Australia Unity College Australia is an accredited tertiary training organisation which seeks to equip the whole person to serve God. Training in Christian Ministry & Theology, Music & Creative Arts, Information Technology, English as a Second Language, Business Management. VET Fee-Help available; Approved for Youth Allowance, Abstudy, Austudy and International Students. National Office and Canberra Campus: PO Box 467 Belconnen ACT 2616 Phone: 02 61616101 Email: Website:

Church planting

10 Principles of Church Planting and Expanding With over 30 years of Church leadership, pastoring and church building, PS BRIAN HOUSTON shares his principles for church planting and growth.


t was in 1999 when Bobbie and I were given the opportunity to do something - which for us at that time was a bold and innovative step. We were asked to take on the leadership of my parents’ inner-city church in ADDITION to the church we were already pastoring in the Northwest of Sydney - Hillsong Church. Bold and innovative because although today in 2014 there are countless models of incredible multisite churches, back in 1999 it was totally new territory in which we knew of few, if any, role models to look to for guidance. Fourteen years on, our City Campus is a thriving and integral part of Hillsong Church and along the way we have learned a great deal about multi-site expansion and global church planting; as Hillsong has spread to some of the worlds most influential cities. I am not called to plant churches everywhere, but where we do, my hope and prayer is that we can build significant churches whose impact for the Cause of Christ spreads far beyond their own walls. When we started Hillsong London many years ago, impact and influence seemed like a far away fantasy –and yet that is exactly what has and is unfolding through a healthy local church congregation in that city. I’m no expert, but I have been asked many times what are some of the keys to successful expansion, and so here are ten principles for church planting that I have learned on our own journey:


. YOU MUST RECOGNIZE YOUR GRACE ZONE: Church planting is a GRACE and if you

stay “within the sphere of the grace God has given you,” His favor and blessing will be on your endeavors. Not every opportunity is a GOD opportunity and I find that people struggle when they don’t recognize this. It is important to stay in your lane and run your own race.


. CHERISH THE BABY STEPS: Church planting is PIONEERING and that means you have to recognize the old adage that “you can’t run be before you can walk”. The first time I was at one of our ‘Heart and Soul’ nights at Hillsong New York City, the worship team had a mid-song train crash. Perhaps I made them nervous, as apparently it had never happened before, but we had to start the song all over again. That is just one of the examples from some of the great memories that just two years on, we can all look back on and laugh about. Since then, the worship team in New York City has taken giant strides forward and even in those early days the services were electric. But just like when your baby starts to walk, those ‘crashes’ are the precious memories in pioneering that we should always cherish, learn from and laugh about. Even when Hillsong churches have started with great crowds (such as in Cape Town and New York City), it has taken time for leadership to emerge - to find out who really is ‘in it for the long haul’ and for the crowd to become a family who carry the heart and vision of our church.


. DETERMINE TO BE ETHICAL AND TRUE TO YOURSELF: Church planting must be INTEGROUS and though we might all have varying

ethics and values, it is important to be true to God, true to ourselves and considerate of others in our approach to church planting. It really is a case of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. For example, when expanding Hillsong Church Australia into Brisbane and Melbourne, we have been very deliberate in our early communications and gatherings, to encourage those from other congregations to stay in their own local church. We gave people opportunity to register their interest in being part of our church online and we have limited our communications to that group of people. The foundations on which we start our churches are critical if we intend to establish healthy and lifegiving campuses long-term.


. EXPAND FROM A POSITION OF STRENGTH: Church planting is CHALLENGING, in fact sometimes starting something new is the easy part. Building and progress depends on momentum. Planting or expanding is an exciting idea, but don’t underestimate the challenge of planting well AND keeping home strong. The extra pressure on your greatest resource can be underestimated and your greatest resource is not facilities or finances - it’s PEOPLE. Starting another service, opening another campus, or planting another church will test the quantity and quality of your leadership in most areas of church life. Don’t weaken your home base by expanding too quickly. Because weakening your base is not a momentum builder - it’s a momentum stopper. Lost momentum is very difficult to regain | 29

Proverbs 18:1 says, “The man who isolates himself is not wise” and if you disregard your friendships and relationships when planting churches, your world can get small very quickly.

and wise church planting is not done prematurely.


. BE SURE YOU HAVE COUNTED THE COST: Church planting is COSTLY and can be very difficult if you are unable to invest sacrificially into the work you are starting. Faith is essential in any new venture and there is no doubt that dependence on God and His miraculous supply is part of the adventure. However, many years of pain and heartache can be avoided if you have counted the cost and sacrificially invested into the new ground you are claiming.


. PRAY FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN THE RIGHT PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME: Church planting involves LEADERSHIP and it will be more successful when you sow some of your best people. If you are solving a problem by repositioning someone who is causing frustration, you are only transferring the problem. It is when you give your best that you can expect the best outcome – which is again why planting or expanding should be done from a position of strength and not vulnerability.

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. NOT JUST EASY PLACES OR NICE PLACES, BUT RIGHT PLACES: Church planting is STRATEGIC and for Hillsong that has rarely meant going to the ‘easy’ places. We have prospered by planting in Europe - a continent steeped in church history yet in many respects, so Godless. When I first spoke at Hillsong Paris, I remembered numbers of conversations where people simply couldn’t get their heads around us preaching about Jesus as someone other than just a historical figure. Today, I love seeing so many young churches beginning to flourish in various European cities. Its easy to think that perhaps ‘Bible belt cities’ would be easier than the heart of Manhattan; but with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, it’s amazing what God can do! Likewise, when my parents started their ministry in the city of Sydney, it was regarded by some people as a ‘preachers graveyard.’ But that ‘preachers graveyard’ has become home to Hillsong Church - Hillsong College -Conferences and Music; influencing more people than we could have ever have imagined over the last three decades. God is faithful and I believe

that the best is still yet to come!


. AVOID THE PERILS OF SHORTCUTS, OR INDIVIDUALS WHO PROMISE THE WORLD: Church planting is TEAMWORK, which means building a leadership team who are there for the long haul. My experience is that often the people who promise the most, don’t always come through with the most. Great churches are built with people who are faithful in the little things. I’d take a group of ordinary people devoted to an extraordinary God, over a charismatic someone that talks a big game, but hasn’t proven faithful in the ‘day of small beginnings’. We have had some amazing miracles with land and buildings in our history, but we have also said no to numbers of opportunities and partnerships because there were ‘strings attached’. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!


. VALUE CONNECTION AND RELATIONSHIPS: Church planting is LONELY, and many a church planter has perished through isolation. Proverbs 18:1 says, “The man who

Church planting

isolates himself is not wise” and if you disregard your friendships and relationships when planting churches, your world can get small very quickly. Perhaps you can start churches anywhere, but wisdom is sensitive to relationships - while still refusing to be ruled by the insecurities of others. Our mandate is “to champion the cause of local churches everywhere”, and the greatest way we can do that is exemplifying what God can do, by partnering and being in good relationship with other churches in our city, and without building on other people’s foundations.

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. CHURCH PLANTING CAN BE PART OF THE ANSWER OR PART OF THE PROBLEM: Church planting is TRENDY and in the twenty first century, technology and opportunity enable us to expand in ways that were unthinkable to generations past. Does the world need more churches? The short answer is yes, but the world doesn’t need more mediocre churches. The world needs healthy and vibrant churches that are genuinely fulfilling the Great Commission in their cities, towns, villages and nations. Churches that are filled with life, worship, biblical teaching and healthy, accepting community - churches that point people to JESUS. I pray that together, we can ‘champion the cause of local churches everywhere,’ and stay committed to the building of what Jesus Christ said He would build - His Church! Brian Houston is the Senior Pastor at Hillsong Church. This was first published on Hillsong Collective.

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