CW Winter 2016

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contents... winter twenty-sixteen

06 A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE 3 Ways To Deal With Political Correctness

4 Christian Woman Winter 2016

10 STUDY What’s In A Name?

13 GOD CONVERSATIONS A Tale Of Two God-Decisions

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6 Christian Woman Winter 2016

A different perspective.

Ways to Deal with


Political Correctness

olitical correctness is driving many people crazy. Worse than that, it’s limiting our ability to speak freely about things that really matter. So, what does an effective Christian response to political correctness look like? I recently watched an incredibly insightful video about the rampant problem of political correctness by, none other, than British comedian John Cleese. In my view it really hits the nail on the head. At the heart of what he’s saying is that whilst, yes, it’s quite obviously a very good idea not to be deliberately mean or vindictive toward other people (particularly those who aren’t able to look after themselves), the notion that we should have to tiptoe through the minefield of people’s over-sensitivity, hoping that we won’t step on something that will explode, is a very bad one. He quotes renowned psychiatrist Robbie Skinner, who said that “People who can’t control their own emotions have to control other people’s behaviour”. And, at its heart, that’s exactly what political correctness is.

Let’s Face It – Christianity is Offensive We seem to think that the fact that a Christian worldview has become something of a societal pariah, is a relatively recent phenomenon. Not so. What Jesus said and did was so incredibly offensive to the power-brokers of His day, that they had Him nailed to a cross for it. And remember what Jesus said … ‘Servants are not greater than their master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. But they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me. (John 15:20,21) So let’s not be surprised, or indeed offended, when people shout us down, invoking stereotypes like ‘narrow-minded’, ‘bigot’, ‘fundamentalist’, ‘conservative’ … simply because we hold and express views contrary to theirs. There’s nothing new in any of that at all. The question is simply, how do we respond? Here are three ways that you can choose to respond: . Speak the Truth with Love and Gentleness Some Christians seem to believe that we’re in a tribal war


against secularism and its views. They think that our team has to win and the only way to do that is to beat the other team. Of course, historically, that approach has led to conflict, to wars … to all sorts of atrocities. Yet still, I read and hear so many hateful things espoused by Christians. In my view, they’re a bit like Peter the Apostle, who, when Jesus was threatened in Gethsemane, drew his sword and sliced the ear off one of the aggressors. (John 18:1-11) But that wasn’t how Jesus would have him respond. So often, it’s not so much what we say, but how we say it: We must no longer be children, tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine, by people’s trickery, by their


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A different perspective.

craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. (Ephesians 4:14-15) Always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence. (1 Peter 3:15-16) Ultimately the truth resonates with people. It just does. But not when they’re

Sometimes, people aren’t ready for the truth and as is often the case in life, timing is everything. But other times, it’s a different problem altogether: See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16) It’s a dangerous world out there and whilst, yes, we need to act with gentleness,

before governors and kings because of me, as a testimony to them and the Gentiles. When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you at that time; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put

There is an incredible power in quietly, gently, lovingly, respectfully speaking the truth and explaining the reason for the hope that is in us. Remember, all too often, it’s not what we say, it’s how we say it. gagging on it as we shove it down their throats. There is an incredible power in quietly, gently, lovingly, respectfully speaking the truth and explaining the reason for the hope that is in us. Remember, all too often, it’s not what we say, it’s how we say it.


. Speak the Truth with Wisdom Let’s face it, people in the world who are pushing their particular agendas – whether it be the “pro-choice” lobby, the LGTB community, political forces of any and every colour and hue, businesses, unions …. on and on … they all have agendas that they’re pushing and outcomes that they want. So by and large, they’re excellent at framing their arguments, playing the media and executing their tactics. In response, I’ve seen Christians say some incredibly stupid things – sorry, but it’s true. The church (and her leaders) don’t seem all that good at framing the truth in a way that resonates with the average punter on the street. Sometimes, it’s time to say nothing. Jesus made that point: Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under foot and turn and maul you. (Matthew 7:6) Is He calling people who disagree with Him swine and dogs? No – it was simply a common form of expression in His day… but you get the point. 8 Christian Woman Winter 2016

kindness and love, we also need to be wise in how and when we speak (and act) to mediate God’s truth into the lives of those around us. I heard a prominent Christian leader recently draw parallels between the LGTB’s ‘political correctness’ and Nazism. The point that he was trying to make, was that the LGTB agenda was to close down freedom of speech, much as Nazism had done in the lead up to WWII. But of course, blind Freddy could have seen that his opponents would twist his meaning (which they did) to decry him invoking the Holocaust in such a way. So, it was an unwise choice, even if his point was technically the right one.


. Be Prepared to Suffer Harm and Loss Let’s go back to that story of Peter and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Peter thought it was about winning the battle, so he drew his sword. But Jesus didn’t come to win the battle – He came to win the lost. That’s why He went to the Cross, when human wisdom would have had Him avoiding it. And in the same way, look at what He said to His disciples, following hard on the heels of the swine and dogs metaphor: Beware of them, for they will hand you over to councils and flog you in their synagogues; and you will be dragged

to death; and you will be hated by all because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes. (Matthew 10:17-23) His point to them? His point to you and me? You will be persecuted. You will suffer harm and loss for my sake. That’s par for the course. So … go and speak the truth with love, gentleness, respect and wisdom anyway. Don’t be silenced when they try to shut you down and close you down and run you out of town. That’s just what’s going to happen. Love them anyway. Share the truth with them anyway. For Christ’s sake.

Berni Dymet is the CEO of the global media ministry Christianityworks. Each week his radio and television broadcasts are heard by millions of people in 160 countries around the world. To obtain your FREE copy of his latest booklet, visit


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9/03/2016 2:15:09 PM

What’s in a Name?

Everything! Denise M. Kohlmeyer


was fed up. Really fed up! You might even say that I was angry. At Satan, that is! For too long I’d let him rob me of freedom from the record player (that so dates me!) of negative thoughts that kept spinning, spinning, spinning around in my mind. The turntable of erroneous reasoning wouldn’t shut off; the needle was stuck in the groves of, “You’re stupid” and “You’re not as smart as them,“ and “They’re all so intelligent, and, look at you, you flunked out of college.” And on and on and on. Yes, it’s true, I did flunk out of college, due more to my overreaching social life than to studying. My untimely dismissal from Indiana University had been humiliating, to say the least; and while I did eventually return to college to earn 10 Christian Woman Winter 2016

a bachelor’s degree, the “stupid” thoughts haunted me for years afterwards, especially whenever I was around certain people, people who were super smart. This was my Achilles heel. And Satan knew it! I was so ensnared by this that it even got the point that whenever intellectuals started throwing their “smarts” around, I would discreetly excuse myself from the room—the record had begun its slow, sadistic spinning again. I lived in this defeat for years! Sadly, I allowed myself to be held captive for far too long by Satan’s lies and debilitating put-downs. Then one year our church offered Priscilla Shirer’s Bible study “Armor of God.” In the first week, she exposed Satan for who he really is, telling us that we really are in

a battle, and that the battle isn’t against living, breathing people, “flesh and blood” (Ephesians 6:12). The battle is “against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (12b). Our battles—whether mental, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, sometimes even physical—are against Satan and his own army of demonic minions. I knew all of this in my head, but my heart somehow hadn’t quite caught up. But then one particular page in the study changed my thinking altogether: page 21, “What’s in a Name?” Priscilla listed the names of Satan and gave a brief description of each. As I read them, I noticed something interesting: all of his names are negative. Each


one denotes something akin to destruction, disabling, and despair— which is his ultimate aim towards God’s dearly-loved daughters. Interestingly, names in ancient times carried more meaning and weight than they tend to today. We tend to choose trendy names, particularly whatever’s most popular at the time of our child’s birth. But names back then held more significance; they were not only the identifier of a person (i.e. I’m John, or Mark, or Obadiah), but names embodied that person’s character, their nature, their worth, even their reputation. A name meant everything about that person. This is true of Satan as well. His names aren’t just his identifiers, they’re also his character (antagonistic), his nature (evil), his worth (deficient),

and his reputation (bad—very, very bad!). His names are the very essence of who he is. This revelation was chilling. But what was even more chilling—and sadly shocking—was that I had been living under the power of those names. No wonder I felt defeated! And I don’t think I’m the only one either. So many women like myself live in defeat, whether it’s emotional defeat, mental defeat, physical defeat, intellectual defeat, even spiritual defeat. But defeat nonetheless. And the problem is, many us feel powerless to change. But we can! I know, because the disc of debilitating thoughts stopped spinning for me. As I was reading my nemisis’ names on page 21, God did an extraordinary thing, He began to whisper the more powerful, victorious

names of Jesus into my heart. And in keeping with ancient tradition, Jesus’ names also encompass the very essence of who He is! And, sweet sisters, they are the counter-identifiers and the counter-characteristics of Satan. It was revolutionary. And that’s when I got really mad at Satan—and myself, to be honest. I’d been living under the power and authority of Satan’s names rather than under and in the power and authority of Jesus’ names. Take a look and see for yourselves! SATAN


Adversary/Enemy (1 Peter 5:8)

Helper/Friend (Psalm 54:4)

Devil (“slanderer”)

Vindicator (Isaiah 50:8)

Tempter (Matthew 4:3)

Victorious One (1 Cor. 15:57)

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Deceiver (Rev. 12:9)

Light (John 1:9)

Ruler of this World (John 12:31)

Creator of this World (Genesis 1 and 2)

Prince of the Power Prince of Peace of this Air (Eph. 2:2) (Isaiah 9:6) Accuser (Rev. 12:10)

Advocate (1 John 2:1)

Father of Lies (John 8:44)

Truth (John 14:6)

Destroyer (John 10:10)

Savior (1 John 2:2)

Do you see it? For every negative name of Satan, Jesus gloriously counters it with a positive, infinitely more powerful name; a name that, just like His character, denotes: Allegiance – He is our Friend and is forever loyal to us—His adopted siblings. He will always, always come to our aid as our Helper in times of trouble—unlike Satan, our enemy, who seeks only to harm us (Romans 8:15) Vindication - He is the One who stands at our ready defense, to visit vengeance upon Satan whenever he maliciously slanders us (Romans 12:19) Victory - He Himself was victorious over Satan’s attack in the wilderness and He shows us by way of example how to overcome the tempter with the Word (Matthew 4:1-11) Power and Authority – He is the Sovereign Creator of this visible world in which we live (though Satan has control of it for a time) and the invisible world which we cannot see (Genesis 1) Peace – He alone restores peace between us and God through

salvation, and peace between each other through reconciliation (Isaiah 9:6, Romans 10:13) Advocacy – He pleads our sinful cases before the Father, who graciously forgives the repentant ones (Romans 8:34; 1 John 2:1) Truth – He only speaks truth, with love and grace, into our wounded, sin-sick hearts—whereas Satan only speaks lies and deceit (John 14:6) Salvation – He alone saves us from our sins, while Satan only seeks to keep us trapped in our sins and thus destined for eternal damnation (John 10:10) We women often live in defeat and discouragement because we don’t utilize the power that is so readily available to us through prayer, prayers that are prayed “in His name.” By knowing and believing in the power, authority and character behind Jesus’ names, we are more than amply armed to go into battle against our enemy; for in Jesus’ name, we have the most devastating spiritual war-time weapon available to us. “Whatever you ask in My name, this I will do,” Jesus said in John 14:13. Why? “That the Father may be glorified in the Son.” He wants us to live victoriously—not in defeat—and He knows that the victory lies in the power of His name. Not in Satan’s! Think of it this way: Living under the power of Satan’s names = defeat, discouragement, and despair. BUT… Living under the power of Jesus’ names = salvation, abundant life, joy, peace, and victory!

Asking for help “in Jesus’ name,” help to overcome “the flaming arrows” of Satan’s schemes of lies, deceit, despair and disablement, is a prayer which God will always answer—because defeating Satan brings Jesus the greatest glory, and God the Father likes nothing better than seeing His Son highly honored and exalted! So practically and biblically what do we ask for “in His name” with regards to defeating Satan? We ask for: His Strength – So that we can “stand firm” during the vicious onslaughts of our adversary (Ephesians 6:10) His Truth – So that we can combat the deceit and lies Satan speaks to us (Ephesians 6:17) His Supernatural Power & Authority – So that we can overcome the evil one, for greater is He—and His name—who is in us than he who is this world (1 John 4:4; John 14:13) His Grace, Comfort & Peace – So that we are sustained through our times of discouragement and despair, when we are at our weakest and most vulnerable to Satan’s attacks (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) His Deliverance – For when we have succumbed to the temptations of the tempter (Matthew 6:13; 1 Corinthians 10:13) So, what’s in a name? In Jesus’ name, EVERYTHING: immeasurable and infinite power, power to deflect and defeat the flaming arrows of the evil one, power to live eternally and victoriously. And it’s all just a prayer away!

Denise Kohlmeyer is a former newspaper journalist and co-author of two books in the Clues for the Clueless series. She currently freelances and has been published in various Christian publications including Christian Woman magazine. She is also the back-up author for Disciplines (the award-winning devotional published by The Upper Room).

12 Christian Woman Winter 2016

Have you ever faced a cross-road and wondered what God wanted you to do? TANIA HARRIS explains...


hen I first heard from God about furthering my study back in 1999, it was spectacularly clear. I was halfway through a Bachelor’s degree in ministry when God told me to transfer into a Masters. A noble idea perhaps, but

one that would cost an additional $4400 in the first year. “I’ll do it if you want me to,” I said, along with one of those neat little escape hatches; “But you’ll have to provide.” After church that Sunday, a young couple came up to chat: “God told

us to give you our car,” they said a tad sheepishly. Martyn and Ros were lay leaders in our church. They were well-educated, had two children and as far as I knew, were not given to mystical or outlandish behaviour. “You’re serious?” I said.

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God Conversations.

“Yes,” they answered, leading me niche. While I was waiting for God’s this is only in terms of a hierarchy; out to the parking lot and handing answer, I investigated the options. God is the King and we are the me the keys to a red Corolla sedan; I checked out the costs and servants. He is the Lord and we “It’s yours.” learned the Australian Government are his subjects. Understanding our I put the keys in my bag and had a funding scheme that meant I walk with God like this means we’re thanked them as graciously as I could start straightaway. always waiting for his direction. But could, not wanting to mention the I visited my alma mater Harvest Jesus said; “I haven’t come to call you fact that I already had a car - a gold Bible College and met a man who servants – I have come to call you Honda Civic hatch that I was quite had just published on my topic and friends.” (John 15:15) The picture is fond of. It wasn’t the Rolls Royce of offered to be my supervisor. more of two companions journeying cars by any means, but it was zippy I asked for advice from two of my down life’s road together than an and fast and didn’t require repeated closest friends and they said; “It’s a employee waiting for his boss’ next visits to the mechanic like the last no-brainer.” set of instructions. God may well be one. Still God hadn’t spoken. No leading, but we’re involved too. Now I had two cars. A gold Honda prophetic word. No neon-flashing That means at times, God may and a red Corolla. So I advertised sign. How would I know this was specifically direct our lives. He may the Corolla in the newspaper. It sold right? So I kept praying and I kept call us to do something beyond our three days later - for $4400. waiting. And God said nothing. natural logic or out of our normal As it turns out, that scope. We listen to him; decision to study my Still God hadn’t spoken. No prophetic we test the revelation and Masters equipped me in faith, we follow. word . N o neon flashing sign . H ow would to pastor my church Then there’s other and opened up the way I know this was right? So I kept praying times when God may say to a lecturing job at my and I kept waiting. And God said nothing. nothing. He leaves it to us college. Later it qualified consider all the options me for my role as and research the facts. Academic Dean of Hillsong College, How to Make God-Decisions We seek advice, use our commona pathway I had never envisioned for Decision-making in the will of God sense and act according to wisdom myself. The hand of God was clear is always a bit of a conundrum. We principles. and bore incredible fruit. hear those stories of supernatural Neither way of course, is better guidance and we know our decisions than the other, a truth that became Unspectacular Leading have the power to impact our clear in my own decision-making Fast forward fifteen years and the destiny. So we pray and ask for God’s about whether to study a doctorate. thought of doing a Doctorate popped direction. We surrender our heart God never did speak about what I into my head. I could use the study to his plan. Sometimes he answers should do, but he didn’t need to. I to strengthen my God Conversations clearly and specifically, but sometimes made the decision without a word ministry. My thesis could be on an he doesn’t. What do we do then? of heaven. And it was important theological question that The answer lies in how we view still in the will of God. had been bugging me for years. The our relationship with God. Often research would empower me to teach more effectively in churches around Tania Harris is a pastor, speaker and the founder of God the world. It all made sense. Conversations, a ministry that equips people to recognise God’s So I asked God to speak. I prayed voice. With a diverse history as church planter, pastor and Bible College lecturer, Tania’s ministry is known for its all-age appeal, wisdom, and ‘Godfor clarity and guidance - just like stories’. She speaks to groups of all ages and denominations and is a popular voice last time. There were plenty of on Australian and New Zealand radio. Currently Tania is completing her Doctorate questions: how to fund the course, in Ministry researching peoples’ experiences hearing God’s voice. When not the best place to study and how to ministering, she is most likely to be found kayaking on Sydney Harbour or climbing a tall mountain and skiing down it! Tania is an ordained minister with the Australian find a supervisor who understood my Christian Churches. Hillsong is her church home in Sydney, Australia.

14 Christian Woman Winter 2016


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IN THIS ISSUE: 18 Funding Your Childs Education 20 Who Is Influencing Your Child? 22 How Safe Are Safe Schools 24 Is Christian Schooling An Artificial Hothouse?

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Funding your childs education


ducation for every child is a modern concept. We now think of it as a right. Yet the provision and funding of education is debated around the world. The models of funding have changed many times over the last 150 years. Historically, education for most was provided by parents. At times it has depended more

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18 Christian Woman Winter 2016

on churches. More recently it has been considered a government responsibility. However God has given to parents the primary responsibility for the nurture and care of their children. This responsibility has not changed over time. It has also not been delegated to government, the church or even teachers. If we do believe parents have responsibilities for raising children then parents also need to have choices. They should have options of where and what their children will be taught. Christian schools give parents a choice. Some Christians question paying school fees when they are paying taxes to fund government schools. Christian schools may even be accused of undermining the government education system and duplicating facilities. The Bible takes a different view, Where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34 Jesus saw it as a natural response to give to what we believe is important. What we are willing to allocate treasure, or finances, towards demonstrates where our hearts are. If providing an education which reflects a parent’s beliefs and supports their role is considered important then they will work out ways to make it a priority. When questioned about taxes Jesus’ reply was simple… Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Matthew 22:21 He taught that paying taxes did not stop an individual from doing what God wanted them to do. They were not to be considered mutually exclusive. Parents do need to carefully consider the financial cost of education if they choose a Christian school. It will come down to setting priorities. The apostle Paul taught… Everything is permissible - but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible - but not everything is constructive. 1 Corinthians 10:23 Paul faced choices. He felt some decisions were better than others. As a parent you face the choice of ‘which school should I send my child to?’ In our society children will learn the basics of education whichever school they attend. However not all they learn may be beneficial or constructive. We can be thankful we do have a choice. Like all choices we make, it is one for which we will be accountable to God. Our choices can have short-term, long-term and eternal consequences. Whatever you decide, we hope and pray that this has been helpful in your choosing a school for your child. This article was provided by Hear parents and teachers answer common questions about Christian education.

Your child will spend the majority of their childhood in a classroom surrounded by peers and being taught by somebody that you don’t know. The decision on schooling is probably your most crucial...


hen our children are young – as in the pre-school years – we have the potential to be pretty much their sole influence. Aside from a few ‘outside’ influences like the Wiggles, High 5, and potentially Veggietales and Colin Buchanan, we have full control over what they hear and see. But come the school years, that influence slowly dissipates and it becomes the school’s teachers and students that start having a major say over what our children hear and learn. The Importance of Christian Teachers Who is influencing your child? A child’s early years lay a spiritual foundation for life. In our modern society many things will influence your child. The Barna Group study found parents were still the major influencers of children. This position was however now being shared with media and laws. School came in at the second level. The 1,200 hours spent

20 Christian Woman Winter 2016

each year in school over roughly 12 years are seen as very influential. Christians may be surprised that church was further down the list. The 100 hours or so a year in church can be very significant, yet other influences are seen as greater. Your child’s teachers will have a significant influence. Jesus said: A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher Luke 6:41 Teachers are significant role models. Your child will imitate, or become like, their teachers. As parents it is important we help ensure our children have suitable role models. The Apostle Paul himself encourages us to Imitate me as I imitate Christ 1 Corinthians 11:1 In selecting a school parents are choosing who they will partner with for the education of their child. Education is more than gaining knowledge about the world around us. It is learning how to respond to and live out that knowledge. Different teachers do have very different understandings of what is important in life. The Apostle Paul highlights the foundational differences between Christians and nonChristians when he asks the question: What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:15 Paul urges Christians to not “be yoked” together with unbelievers. He urges us to still be in the world yet to avoid situations where we are obliged to follow, or adopt the values of unbelievers. Non-Christian teachers can be dedicated and passionate yet they cannot lead our children into biblical truth about our world and their place in it. Jesus also points out the obvious: Can a blind man lead a blind man? Won’t they both fall into a pit? Luke 6:38 In Christian schools parents, teachers and church members can work together to positively influence children. Other parents in the Christian school community will generally share a similar view of the world. They will become additional role models to your children. This sense of community and common values can make the role of parenting much easier. The Bible says Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6 Choosing a school which employs practising Christians as teachers gives parents a greater say in who will be a role model for their children. Christian teachers are not perfect. Nor do they have all the answers. Yet they are part of a wider Christian community working together with, and on behalf of, parents.

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he media have this week turned their attention to the Safe Schools Coalition Australia (SSCA). Billed as an anti-bullying resource, SSCA is a government funded program that supports gender diversity, sexual diversity and intersex issues. You’ll get no argument here against stopping bullying of any kind – schools should be a safe place for ALL students. No child should fear attending school, or dread school breaks in the playground. But it’s hard to find any anti-bullying teaching in the SSCA resources. Parents and educators alike have instead been surprised to see mainstream media reports describing the actual content of the materials designed for primary and high school students. It is a pervasive resource. The teacher’s manual says, “Whatever the subject, try to work out ways to integrate gender diversity and sexual diver-

All of Us is aimed at Year 7 and 8 students (ages 11-14). The student handout informs the children that their gender is not as simple as whether they are ‘male’ or ‘female’ but that everyone has their own gender identity. They are told that some people identify with both genders, and some don’t identify with either, and that it’s up to each individual to describe what gender identity fits them best. According to the ‘All of Us’ resource, asking a new parent whether their baby is a boy or girl is inappropriately reinforcing ‘heteronormativity’. It describes sexual identity as “Who you love, like and hook-up with”. Minus18, the organisation who co-wrote “All of Us”, uses the term “hook-up” with a crystal clear meaning on their website, which states: “So I done f*d up (the word is in full in the resource). Literally. “One Grindr hook-up gone wrong, and that’s how I got myself

can help. Practices with known adverse health risks. The federal government has provided $8 million in funding for the Safe Schools Coalition. The Victorian government will require all state schools to join the Safe Schools network by 2018, but the program is voluntary in other states and territories. So far 490 primary and high schools nationally have signed up, although the list of 24 schools in Queensland is secret. It’s not hard to see why this controversial program is receiving a lot of media attention of late. Safe Schools Coalition tells teachers to integrate gender diversity and sexual diversity across all curriculum areas. Minus18, the organisation that cowrote many of Safe Schools resources, tells students and teachers that school chaplains have a reputation for prejudice, in particular when dealing with LGBT people.

sity across your curriculum’’. Despite adopting the program, the principal of Scotch College in Adelaide, John Newton, told The Australian newspaper that he does not approve of the lesson plan requiring children to imagine themselves in a same-sex relationship. “It feels like a ham-fisted attempt to change a culture” says Newton. His comment refers to the second lesson in the most recent resource, All Of Us, which is co-produced by SSCA and Minus18. The lesson plan expects children as young as 11 years old to have formed opinions on transgenderism, bisexuality and sexual diversity, and to let the entire class know where they stand.

some gonorrhoea.” These are 11-14 year olds. The paragraph goes on to explain that contracting a sexually transmitted disease in this way is ‘no big deal.’ The Safe Schools Coalition tells children if they can’t access the Minus18 website they should go to their teacher and have it unblocked. Among other things, the site gives advice to girls who want to be boys on how to bind their chests whilst warning that the practice has the potential to be lethal . Boys who want to be girls are instructed how to tuck their testicles back inside the pockets of their abdomen, pull the penis backwards, in-between the legs, and that wearing too-tight underwear

Boys and girls who want to appear as a member of the opposite sex are advised how to ‘tuck’ and ‘bind’ on a website endorsed in the material. Tells children aged 11-14 that it’s up to them to describe what gender identity fits them best. Safe Schools Coalition are promoting a new book, The Gender Fairy, for 4 year olds, with the by-line “Only you know whether you are a boy or a girl. No one can tell you” Wendy Francis is the Queensland Director of the Australian Christian Lobby.

Northholm Grammar School As a school that supports Christian values we actively encourage our students to be generous in nature, tolerant in thought and compassionate in action. Learning in a vibrant and supportive environment our students develop the knowledge, skills and personal attributes they need to live a rich and purposeful life as future global citizens. Address: 79 Cobah Road, Arcadia, NSW, 2159 Phone: (02) 9656 2000 Email: Website: 22 Christian Woman Winter 2016

Our inclusive and nurturing culture seeks to ensure our students are given every opportunity to excel academically, socially and in co-curricular activities. We are proudly known as a highly inclusive pastoral school, which aims at academic excellence, and has outstanding programs in Music, Drama and Outdoor Education.

St Andrew’s Cathedral School A future full of possibility begins with education filled with opportunities From our city-centre location to our passionate teachers and dynamic programmes, St Andrew’s Cathedral School provides K-12 students with the pathways they need to thrive, both now and for years to come.

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As a comprehensive school, we are delighted with the results of our Year 12 graduates, where more than 22 per cent achieved ATARS above 90, that is in the top 10 per cent of the available ATARs in the country. Our staff are committed to continuously improving our results and academic culture across all year groups by adopting best practice methodologies and utilising and adapting a wide range of technologies in the classroom to ensure students are given every opportunity to be engaged and learning every day. Key to St Andrew’s success in equipping its students to excel is the dedication of the teachers and staff, who go above and beyond what is expected, to support and encourage students to do their very best. The pastoral care of students is a vital component of our success in developing well rounded graduates who have a heart to serve others, a mind that is engaged and creative and a life that embraces challenges and is filled with hope and purpose. These graduate attributes of Heart, Mind, Life are the foundations upon which we have created a unique suite of wellbeing programs that support and equip students to negotiate the sometimes rocky years of adolescence. It is our hope and goal that all students who graduate from our school are equipped with all the tools necessary to excel at university and in life.

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ome parents feel Christian schools place children in an artificial hothouse. They claim children are not well prepared to live in a society where most people are non-Christian. The Bible says of Jesus… “For by Him all things were created, things in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:16-17 We believe life is not an accident or coincidence. As Christians we understand we are created in God’s image. Any education system which ignores God and Jesus also denies the Bible’s claims of reality. In its place another view of reality is presented. Christian parents partnering with Christian teachers can help children discover and understand the truth about the world around them. Rather than removing children from the real world Christian schools help them see it clearly. The very first sentence of the Bible is

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24 Christian Woman Winter 2016

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 That God is the Creator is a basic belief for Christians. What we believe about God, Jesus Christ and the origins of life do influence how we act on a daily basis. These beliefs will also have a dramatic impact on how a school conducts itself. The beliefs of school leaders determine what priorities are set, what is important and therefore what should be measured and reported on. Secular education believes history and the world around us can be understood without reference to God or the Bible. By leaving these out curriculums don’t become neutral but essentially anti-God. Families are the first place children learn about the world around them. Schools then help children understand more about the world. In the early years families and schools can be likened to providing a hothouse environment for children. Consider the purpose of a hothouse or glass house. It is to nurture plants while they are young. A hothouse provides an environment where the conditions, watering and nutrition can be better managed. The hothouse is designed to grow healthier plants faster. When removed from the hothouse these plants are better able to thrive in all environments. In the home parents can help control what is taught, how much and by whom. The home and family life gives a child a framework of reality. Parents naturally want to protect, nurture, feed and strengthen their children. Over time parents expose their children to more age appropriate ideas and experiences. In the same way Christian schools seek to work with parents as an extension of the family home. Rather than providing a different, or even inconsistent, environment Christian schools aim to reinforce what is taught at home. It is up to parents to decide which hothouse environment they desire for their children outside of the home. Do we believe this is God’s world? If so a supportive hothouse environment where God and Jesus Christ are seen as relevant to daily life can help prepare a child for the realities of life “We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church.” Ephesians 4:15 This article was provided by Hear parents and teachers answer common questions about Christian education.

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Christian College Geelong For over 35 years, Christian College has been providing a quality education to the Geelong and Bellarine region. From Pre-Kinder through to Year 12 (including VCE/VET/VCAL) and over our 4 campuses, Christian College provides the learning that matters, developing the whole studentacademically, spiritually and mentally. This enables our students to become remarkable young men and women who are confident, ready and capable of leading change to improve our world. Main Admin Campus Address: 18 Burdekin Rd, Highton 3219 VIC Phone: (03) 5241 1899 Email: Website:

Dubbo Christian School Dubbo Christian School offers Bible-based, Christ centred schooling from preKindergarten to Year 12 in the progressive regional NSW city of Dubbo. We now also offer 5-day boarding for students from Year 7 to Year 12 and encourage you to come and take a look around and see why DCS would be a great choice for your whole family! Address: 141 Sheraton Road Dubbo Phone: (02) 6882 0044 Email: Website:

St Andrew’s Cathedral School Is a coeducational, Kindergarten to Year 12 school. It is the quintessential city school in Australia, located in two high rise buildings in the centre of Sydney’s CBD. Our school is an Anglican school, with a vision to inspire students to become passionate, creative learners who engage with the message of Christ and fully develop their gifts and abilities in order to serve in the world. Address: Sydney Square, Sydney NSW 2000 Email:

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Current Affairs.

After Saturday Comes Sunday Understanding the Christian Crisis in the Middle East We sat down with author, ELIZABETH KENDAL to find out about her new book ‘After Saturday Comes Sunday’ and her thoughts on the crisis in the Middle East... What motivated you to write this book? Most media coverage of the Syrian conflict is thin on context, thick with propaganda, and driven by interests. Every night the newsreader tells us that the heavily armed, bushybeared, black flag waving, Allahu Akbar (Allah is greater) shouting, “moderate rebels” on our screens are fighting for democracy, liberty and human rights. But as news of Islamic atrocities leaked out, Christians around the world grew increasingly concerned about the fate of their coreligionists. Cognizant of a growing demand for information, I committed to writing a book that would not merely expose the suffering but explain the Christian crisis in the Middle East. We need to understand what is happening, for not only do the Christians of the Middle East need all the help they can get, but Mesopotamia, long known as the cradle of civilization, is merely ground zero in the increasingly global battle for civilization. We’ve been told the Syrian conflict is about advancing democracy and human rights; that it’s about ridding the world of a repressive, evil dictator named Bashar al-Assad. Are you suggesting that is not quite the case? Leaders in the US, Turkey and Saudi 26 Christian Woman Winter 2016

Arabia insist that “Assad must go” because he is a brutal dictator who abuses human rights and has used force to put down popular protests. The very fact that the West’s partners in this supposedly honorable and humanitarian, pro-democracy and pro-human rights venture are Turkey and Saudi Arabia—leading human rights abusers and oppressors who also use force to quell protest— should indicate that democracy and human rights are not the issue. The conflict in Syria is about a lot of things, but human rights is definitely not one of them, despite what the would-be regimechangers might say. So why do the US, Turkey and Saudi Arabia insist that “Assad must go”? If the Syrian conflict is not about democracy and human rights, then what is it all about? The rise of the Shia Crescent, and the ascent of Axis of Resistance leader Iran, has alarmed Israel and the US-allied Sunni Arab dictators, for an ascendant Iran is a threaten their security and to the Sunni Arabs’ economic interests. It was in this high-stakes context that the US and her Sunni Arab allies, along with neo-Ottoman Turkey, sought to exploit Syria’s 2011 Arab Spring protests as a cover for illegal regime change in Damascus. The plan was to re-orient Syria by replacing the Alawite-led, Shia Axis-

aligned, Syrian government with a Sunni Axis-aligned, Sunni regime more amenable to US and Sunni interests. How has the conflict impacted the Christians? The impact on Christians has been phenomenal, especially as transnational jihadists have flooded the theatre. In Iraq, the indigenous Assyrian nation has been decimated—from a population of 1.4 million (1987 census) to some 200,000 today, virtually all of whom are displaced and destitute. Driven from their homes and from their historic heartland in the Nineveh Plains, they now survive under the protection of the Kurds, shielded by Kurdish peshmerger and Assyrian militias, although tensions exist, especially as Kurds lay claim to Assyrian lands. In Syria, Christians are surviving in the west of the country under the protection of the Assad government, shielded by the Syrian Arab Army. Hundreds of thousands are displaced. Like their co-religionists in Iraq, most have lost absolutely everything.

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