2 | Find a Christian School Magazine 2014
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Teachers at Carinya Christian School have a passion for the Lord Jesus Christ, and the desire to work in partnership with parents in the Christ centred education of their children. Teachers are committed to providing for the needs and learning styles of each individual student, teaching them to learn faithfully with heart, head and hands. Carinya develops a strong academic work ethic in students and sets goals and expectations that encourage faithfulness and personal achievement. For more information call the Registrar today on (02) 6762 0970 or visit the school’s website and book a school tour 25 Boronia Drive, Tamworth Phone: 6762 0970 46 Elgin Street, Gunnedah Phone: 6742 2766 Email: or visit | 3
06 The importance of Christian Teachers Your childs greatest mentor is their teacher, so choose wisely 08 What do Christian Schools see as the purpose of education? Knowing this purpose will define your child’s learning years
10 Ten ways to harden a child’s heart toward god Can parents put their children in situations that would actually harden their child’s heart against God?
08 10
14 Top ten differences between public and Christian schools Understanding differences between secular and Christian education is critical if parents are to make an informed decision in favor of their child.
Caloundra Christian College Pre-Kindy - Year 12 Situated on the beautiful Queensland Sunshine Coast, our College is a place where students are encouraged to develop a love of learning. Our mission is to inspire students, through Christ-centred education, to pursue a life of personal and academic excellence and service to others.
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Editors letter
EDITOR’S LETTER But as for you, teach what us 2:1 accords with sound doctrine. Tit
Welcome to the 2013/14 edition of Find a Christian School. Deciding where to educate your children is a huge decision, and with Christian education continuing to grow in reputation and credibility, Christian schooling cannot be overlooked. Having your children being taught in the ways of the Lord is an obvious benefit to Christian education, but Christian schools have also taken on a real spirit of excellence in terms
of academic performance. Accordingly the academic needs and desires for your childern can thankfully be met through the majority of Christian schools. So you’re not sacrificing performace and results in wanting to see your children being schooled in a Christ-centred environment. So I encourage you to read our magazine and consider the schooling options for your children.
Our choice of school for our children will largely determine not only what they learn but importantly who they learn it from, what perspective of life will they embrace, who their friends and peers will be, and what life priorities they will set. Nicole Danswan Publisher/Editor
nurturing the heart to educate the mind authentic k-12 christian education in the centre of the city book a tour at | 5
Who is influencing your child? A child’s early years lay a spiritual foundation for life. In our modern society many things will influence your child. The Barna Group study found parents were still the major influencers of children. This position was however now being shared with media and laws.
School came in at the second level. The 1,200 hours spent each year in school over roughly 12 years are seen as very influential. Christians may be surprised that church was further down the list. The 100 hours or so a year in church can be very significant, yet other influences are
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seen as greater. Your child’s teachers will have a significant influence. Jesus said: A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher Luke 6:41 Teachers are significant role models. Your child will imitate, or become like,
Point of view
YOUR CHILD WILL IMITATE, OR BECOME LIKE, THEIR TEACHERS. AS PARENTS IT IS IMPORTANT WE HELP ENSURE OUR CHILDREN HAVE SUITABLE ROLE MODELS. their teachers. As parents it is important we help ensure our children have suitable role models. The Apostle Paul himself encourages us to Imitate me as I imitate Christ 1 Corinthians 11:1 In selecting a school parents are choosing who they will partner with for the education of their child. Education is more than gaining knowledge about the world around us. It is learning how to respond to and live out that knowledge. Different teachers do have very different understandings of what is important in life. The Apostle Paul highlights the foundational differences between Christians and non-Christians when he asks the question: What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 2
Corinthians 6:15 Paul urges Christians to not “be yoked” together with unbelievers. He urges us to still be in the world yet to avoid situations where we are obliged to follow, or adopt the values of unbelievers. Non-Christian teachers can be dedicated and passionate yet they cannot lead our children into biblical truth about our world and their place in it. Jesus also points out the obvious: Can a blind man lead a blind man? Won’t they both fall into a pit? Luke 6:38 In Christian schools parents, teachers and church members can work together to positively influence children. Other parents in the Christian school community will generally share a similar view of the world. They will
become additional role models to your children. This sense of community and common values can make the role of parenting much easier. The Bible says Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6 Choosing a school which employs practising Christians as teachers gives parents a greater say in who will be a role model for their children. Christian teachers are not perfect. Nor do they have all the answers. Yet they are part of a wider Christian community working together with, and on behalf of, parents. Article courtesy
Christian Outreach College
Christian Outreach College Toowoomba caters for Pre-Kindy to Year 12 students. Our pursuit of excellence is evident in developing confident, creative and compassionate students of integrity, who are inspired and equipped to be life long learners with a vibrant faith. By providing a comprehensive, coherent and creative curriculum we encourage students to achieve to the best of their ability in every endeavour. Including an extensive creative arts program covering music, drama, dance, art, and a range of sporting opportunities. Come see for yourself or visit our website 505 Hume Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350 | Ph: 07 4617 6555 | Fax: 07 4617 6557 | | 7
8 | Find a Christian School Magazine 2014
SCHOOL IS AN ACCEPTED, IN FACT expected, part of our modern society. We assume it is a good thing. Access to education is now seen as a right not a privilege. Before choosing a school, Christian parents should take a step back and ask a more important question - “what is the purpose of education?” For many parents the often unstated goal of a school education is to prepare their child for a career. Going to university is often seen as the doorway to this. The purpose of education can then become simply the creating of future employees and employers. Believing this some parents may adopt a consumer mentality in choosing a school. They shop around for the best value based on the school’s academic reputation
on providing access to university. The Bible has a radically different purpose for life than is taught in most schools. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms 1 Peter 4:10. In light of this the purpose of education could be to help children understand their God given gifts and abilities so as to serve Him and others in society. The Westminster Confession used by many churches summarises our purpose as… “The chief aim of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever” An education which denies God, or seeks to diminish His importance misses this “chief aim”. Instead it often focuses on the personal success of the individual. The definition of success is often vague. For some success is defined by what we have attained to or acquired. One of God’s definitions
of success is found in Matthew 25:23. Here Jesus says “well done good and faithful servant” when speaking of a man who wisely used the talents God had given him. What is it we really want for our children as a result of their years of education? Is it to be happy, have friends, a job and to travel? The most common desire for Christian parents is that their children will make good choices in life. To choose satisfying work, good friends, to share, to treat others like they wish to be treated. Ultimately it is to choose to follow Jesus and serve God and others with their gifts and abilities. A child’s education is more than imparting knowledge. It is to impart wisdom to make wise choices in life. I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life Deuteronomy 30:19
In James 3 the Bible contrasts two types of wisdom. One is earthly wisdom which is described as unspiritual and demonic. The other is wisdom from above, which is described as … pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere James 3:1517 A Christian school is by no means perfect, but is seeking to impart a godly wisdom for life. The Bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 9:10 The foundation upon which an education system is based is therefore important. As parents we need to be confident our children will receive in school a wisdom which is worth having. Article courtesy of
William Clarke College Our Core Values Service Participation Exploring Christ Leading Learning Anglican, K-12, Co-Educational 1 Morris Grove, Kellyville NSW 2155 Telephone (02) 8882 2100 | Facsimile (02) 9629 2041 | CRICOS Provider Number: 02315J Christian Learning and Leadership - Making a Difference in the World | 9
10 | Find a Christian School Magazine 2014
During the past several years, we have written dozens of articles about education and family. Some of them have been difficult to write as we endeavor to express truth in a gracious way. This particular article has proven to be the most challenging yet. It contains valuable information that we believe parents everywhere must consider. However, it also confronts the Christian parent with Biblical facts that may bring conviction, irritation, or even anger. In admonishing a Christian brother over the harshness of his words, Pastor John Piper once suggested that the brother say the truth that needed to be said, but to say it with tears running down his face. I assure you that this writing is not done with the spirit of a self-righteous, judgmental heart. What is written is written with tears. Today’s church leaders are struggling to find the answer to an alarming problem that is continuing to grow: the overwhelming majority (some studies report as high as 80%) of our churchgoing children are turning their back on the church as soon as they are old enough to leave home. How can this be? What can the church do to reverse this trend that is producing an ever shrinking faithful body of believers in Australia? The answer is right in front of us: they are being taught to think in ways that will drive them away from Christian thinking. Where? It is happening five days a week, for more than seven hours a day in the place that 95% of Australians send their children- the public schools and the non Christian private schools. Is it possible that parents might unwittingly expose their children to an environment that would increase the likelihood that their children would never love and obey God? Can parents put their children in situations that would actually harden their child’s heart against God? We fearfully answer, “yes.” Christian parents must realize that two hours in a Sunday morning church service or a Wednesday night youth group meeting can not conquer the effects of thirty five hours per week of teaching that is void of Christ as the explicit center of every subject, curriculum, lesson, and concluding application for life thinking. Let us be clear that this is not an attack on Christian teachers in the non Christian school. Lord willing, God will use Christian teachers in
...teaching that God does not exist from the very earliest years of a child’s life will have a hardening effect on the heart of a person and create a thought process that will make it more difficult to believe.
every school to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. This should not be perceived as an attack on non Christian schools. It is not. What we are doing here is pointing out 10 facts about the philosophy of the non Christian school and the Biblical consequences that follow. Some of these things may be hard to hear, but we plead with you to open your mind and carefully think through these points. Now let’s begin our analysis of the issue by first getting a Biblical perspective from God about children.
CHILDREN TO LOVE AND OBEY GOD. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 6:7 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
CHILDREN ARE A GIFT FROM GOD. Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3
THE MINDS AND THE HEARTS OF CHILDREN ARE TENDER. Jesus used them as an example: Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4
JESUS, BE CONFUSED BY OTHERS, OR LED TO STUMBLE IN THEIR FAITH. But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble. Luke 17:2 The words of God are clear in their emphasis and meaning. Parents are to teach children that God is to be the center of everything in a child’s life. They are to faithfully expose the child’s mind and heart to the things that God uses to draw a person to Jesus Christ and an eternal relationship with God. However, parents can do something that may actually | 11
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12 | Find a Christian School Magazine 2014
harden a child’s heart against God: expose their child to the teachings of a non Christian school for seven hours a day, five days a week. The list below cites ten ways that the non Christian school does exactly what God commands Christians not to do. We need to take a minute to define this term, “hardening.” The Bible teaches that there is no neutral ground or actionseverything is either for or against Christ (Matthew 12:30), and there are things that soften the heart of a child and things that harden the heart of a child. For example, teaching that God does not exist from the very earliest years of a child’s life will have a hardening effect on the heart of a person and create a thought process that will make it more difficult to believe that there is a God later in life. Conversely, being taught that there is a God from a child’s earliest years will prepare the heart and mind of the child to believe that God exists later in life. This is why God commands parents to immerse their children in His word and how He normally brings a person to saving faith. Additionally, God tells us that what goes in through the eyes and ears will affect a person (Luke 11:34). He tells us (including the children) what we should be thinking about in Philippians 4:8 - “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” However, I want to be quick to state that although God usually works through faithful teaching about Him (Romans 10:17), He is not limited to or dependent on the teachings of men. Here then, are Ten Ways to Harden a Child’s Heart Toward God, by educating the child in a non Christian school: 1. A non-Christian school teaches children that they can find or create truth apart from the Bible because the school does not teach that absolute truth exists (the Bible). This is a devastating way for a child to begin to think and prepares his mind to reject the absolute truths presented in the Bible. We are commanded to align ourselves with the truth of God, not create our own (Romans 12:2). 2. A non-Christian school teaches a system that tells children that their work is very good even when it is very bad. This is the great “self esteem” movement that trades the truth of how well the student is really learning for the goal of not making any student feel badly. This has two terrible ends. First, it sets up a child to be shocked when college or the job world introduces him to the reality of standards with consequences. Second and more important, the human mind needs to be introduced to standards which cannot be watered down so that when he hears the immutable demands of God (The Ten
By excluding the teachings of Christ in the non Christian school, the child implicitly learns that it is not important to have God as central to how we are to think and live.
Commandments), he will realize that he cannot meet the standard and cry out for a Savior. (Romans 3:20-24, Galatians 3:24-25). A non-Christian school teaches that all gods are equal. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, are taught as personal expressions of faith, all legitimate for whomever chooses to believe in them, and cannot be criticized or questioned. This lays the groundwork for a child to accept the false teaching that everybody’s god is OK and does not draw the line in the sand that Jesus Himself drew in John 14:6. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Furthermore, it opens the door for the child to possibly consider believing one of those false religions in the future. A non-Christian school teaches children while excluding the Bible. Education fundamentally is about learning to think and thinking informs a person’s actions. From God’s Word we find that all truth and therefore, all true education, is rooted in the truth of God. By excluding the teachings of Christ in the non Christian school, the child implicitly learns that it is not important to have God as central to how we are to think and live. A non-Christian school teaches that God is relegated to Sunday only. Because the Christian God (the only true God!) is banned from the non-Christian school, the child is taught that it is acceptable and normal to relegate God to Sundays or some specific time of the day or week. The result is the “casual Christian”- thinking that sets up a dual life mentality toward Christianity. That is, there are only certain times that a person should behave like a Christian because there are only certain times or places that God is to be honored. (2 Chronicles 29:11) A non-Christian school teaches that evolution is true. This is especially fascinating to young boys because of
their love of dinosaurs. This teaching rejects the truth of a Creator and often creates an environment that ridicules a child who may question evolution as fact. No child wants to sound like a fool among his peers or his teacher. Undermining the Creator and confusing the child has the effect of casting doubt and disbelief in the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Because the remainder of the Bible stands on the foundational truths of the book of Genesis, casting doubt on the first 11 chapters undermines the validity of the entire Bible (2 Timothy 3:16). A non-Christian school teaches without Christ and leads children to conclude that man can effectively learn and grow independent of God. “If God is not needed for everything, He may not be needed for anything.” A Christian school teaches that we can, in fact, do all things, but it is through Christ. Therefore, both the responsibility to achieve a level of independence in society and the blessing of total dependence on God is missed in the non-Christian school. A non-Christian school teaches that there is no Divine Authority. Without God as the Supreme Authority over all of life and the source of truth, the framework for a pattern of thinking is in place that concludes man is the supreme authority in life. How difficult will it be to believe and submit to God? Even if the gospel is believed, the child may believe that God exists to serve man’s need, not the other way around. By banning Biblical teaching in the non-Christian school, children are implicitly taught that God does not need to be worshipped daily through their thoughts, words, deeds, prayers and song. It also teaches that there is no need to thank God for His daily mercies. This teaches that there is apparently no demand from God that all things be done to honor and glorify Him.
10.A non-Christian school teaches that a person can reach a level of goodness based on their good deeds. Being a nice person to others and nature, having certain character traits, and achieving certain goals or accomplishments will make a person happy, wise, and good. Although those things are desired in all people, they do not lay the groundwork to accept the truth that all of our good works are as filthy rags to God and in light of God’s holy laws, no one is good, no, not one. This anti Biblical teaching builds a subtle framework for legalism and works righteousnessa deadly thought process that draws hearts away from the message of the Cross. That is, a person finds true goodness and joy before God when he becomes totally reliant on Someone other than himself- Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:12, Galatians 5, Romans 3:23) What a child is exposed to, Christian or non-Christian, will have an effect on the mind and heart. The effect will either soften or harden his heart toward God. As parents seek to prepare their children for college, they must realize that the foundation of a child’s worldview is built during the first 13 years of their school life. Students with strong Christian identities are ready to continue their education at the college or university of their choice. However, those that have been immersed in educational settings that ignore or deny God are ripe for the atheistic agendas of liberal professors. From the Scripture above and the “Ten Ways” listed, we hope you will acknowledge the devastating, hardening effects of the non-Christian school on our children and if possible, place your child in an environment where he can hear the truths of God every day.
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PUBLIC AND CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Understanding differences between secular and Christian education is critical if parents are to make an informed decision in favor of their child. We offer the following comparison so that parents can see that in every area of education there is a significant difference in approach. These two different philosophies reflect who is the ultimate source of truth. Please read and pray through these. PURPOSE OF EDUCATION Public Schools: To prepare citizens for a humanistic society that tolerates all lifestyles Christian Schools: To prepare citizens for the Kingdom of God who are equipped to spread the Gospel
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CONTENT OF EDUCATION Public Schools: Humanism - no values are absolute and no truth is final Christian Schools: All of life is studied in submission to the Word of God and its precepts CONTROL OF EDUCATION Public Schools: The State determines the content and methods of education Christian Schools: The school functions in loco parentis, reinforcing and supporting parental values SCIENCE Public Schools: Naturalism everything comes from matter, time, and chance Christian Schools: God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things; science involves knowing God through knowing His world
HISTORY Public Schools: Controlled either by autonomous man or by an impersonal process Christian Schools: Controlled by an omnipotent God who knows the end from the beginning MATHS Public Schools: A tool that is useful because it seems to work in manipulating the natural world Christian Schools: A reflection of the mind of an orderly God who has made us in His image to understand His world ENGLISH Public Schools: Literature must be representative of all cultures, which are seen as having equal value, and has no inherent meaning
TOONGABBIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL A ministry of Toongabbie Baptist Church
ABN 55 002 400 302
Toongabbie Christian School is a non denominational, co-educational, Kindergarten to Year 12 school that teaches from a Christian world-view and is staffed by qualified Christian teachers. The School seeks to be a caring Christian community that supports families by providing a quality, Christ-centered education which develops the whole person for life and eternity.
Positions available
Christian Schools: Students are exposed to a variety of quality literature, which is appreciated as a demonstration of common grace and interpreted in the light of God’s Word TEACHERS Public Schools: Varied backgrounds - Christianity or some other religion, humanism, atheism; may be straight or gay Christian Schools: Born-again, committed believers seeking to model Christ before their students RULES Public Schools: Determined by state and federal laws and guidelines Christian Schools: Determined by God’s Word and its moral standards PEERS Public Schools: Varied religious backgrounds, often receiving little moral instruction or values at home or church Christian Schools: Majority of students from Christian homes who are there because their parents support Christian values
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