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Strong community support for local hospice campaign
from OCLife20230309
In the two weeks since the launch of Orange Push for Palliative’s ‘Hospice for Orange’ campaign, there has been an outpouring of support from residents and organisations passionate about their desire for a dedicated palliative care facility for Orange.
“Since we launched our campaign two weeks ago, we have had enormous feedback and approaches from across the community,” said Push for Palliative (P4P) president, Jenny Hazelton.
“But as we move forward buoyed by our community, we know a hospice won’t be possible unless NSW Health commits to being an integral part of the facility – it’s essential, and the people of Orange deserve a hospice.”
Orange Push for Palliative has done the hard yards since 2016, which has resulted in two designated beds achieved so far in Orange Hospital, Jenny said.
But the recent granting of 12 palliative beds for Tamworth, while a large regional hospital like Orange has just two, remains a ‘bitter pill’ for the people of Orange who are telling OP4P there is a lack of equity in palliative care, she continued.
While continuing their campaign for a local hospice, Orange P4P continues to provide meals and comfort for families who have a loved one in the two designated beds at Orange Hospital.
And their work has recently been given a welcome injection of funds thanks to a group of women golfers from Duntryleague and an anonymous donor, who handed over cheques for $3,300 to Orange P4P.
Jenny said these donated funds will be used to keep the family fridge in the palliative care area stocked with preprepared meals for families who are spending the final days and hours with loved ones.
“We want to do anything we can to help,” said Duntryleague Golf Club member Gay Stone, after hearing Jenny speak about the
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campaign at the club.
“Everyone who was there on the day has an experience of a loved one in palliative care and can really relate to the issue. After hearing Jenny Hazelton speak everyone was buzzing about how important this is for Orange,” she continued.
“Our women golfers at Duntryleague are just so supportive of all the work Orange Push for Palliative is doing to get more beds in Orange Hospital and to build a hospice for our city.”
Orange Push for Palliative meets on the second Wednesday of the month in the West Room at Orange City Library at 5.30pm.
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The proposal was two months in the making, Cameron hiring the Orange Civic Theatre for an evening, where James put on an exclusive performance for the couple.
“Say I Do” is a song about love. It tells a story about how two people share a special bond together as a couple, lifting each other up, and making each other complete, ultimately becoming husband and wife,” James said.
Craig Honeysett from Dotted Eight Studios and Dave Smyth from Studio Door Creative were at the theatres to capture the special moment, which has now been immortalised in the music video for the new single.
Released on February, 10 ‘Say I do’ is tipped to become one of the year’s most popular songs for marriage proposals.
“I think they deserve a lot of recognition,” James said of Cameron and Ana’s role in how the music video has been received. “Capturing the real-life proposal just brought the video to life.”
The album, to be released later this year, will include a second part to the song with a single titled, “She said yes” and the music video will be a sequel of sorts to “Say I do”.
Growing up in Orange, James has been playing the guitar since he was eight years old and has regularly shared the stage with his brother, 2023 Toyota Starmaker finalist, Robbie Mortimer.
Following in the footsteps of his father, Peter Mortimer and uncles, Steve and Chris Mortimer, James played professional rugby league for the Many Sea Eagles in reserve grade. He then went on to captain/coach the Belrose Eagles in the Sydney Shield competition for four years.
But throughout his football never stopped playing music.
“The good thing about the guitar is that you can take it with you,” James said. “It went hand in hand when I was playing footy.”
When he felt the time had come to finish his football career, James turned his focus on his passion for music.
As a songwriter, James takes inspiration from his own life from childhood recollections of growing up in Orange to exploring the joys of fatherhood. The overarching theme of his music is positivity.
Ultimately James hopes his music will elicit positive energy from the listeners and is what’s behind the title of his first single and soon-to-be-released album, Life is Good Today.
His first single was the fourth most downloaded and streamed song on the Play MPE charts and was nominated for the Best Video and Best Song awards at the Dotted Eighth Music Awards in Orange.
“My passion for music and performing is what drives me,” James said. “My kids are my biggest motivation, and I really want to show my family that anything is possible if you put your mind to it, that you can turn your dreams into reality. To share this adventure with them is amazing.”
James’ music is available on Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon.
Facebook: James Keith Music
Instagram: jameskeithmusic
TikTok: @jameskeithmusic
For more information visit https://www.jameskeith.au/