2 minute read
from OCLife20230309
Orange And District Historical Society
Keeping an eye on rainfall
Orange Post O ce has always been much more than a place to buy stamps. Back in 1957 it was where the city’s rainfall was measured, at 3pm each day. This week’s photo shows deputy postmaster John Fogarty measuring the rainfall with the city’s o cial gauge on 30 December. The gauge recorded 96 points of rain during the previous 24 hours. Rainfall is now measured at Orange Airport.
Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange and District Historical Society.
The society holds a working day at Heritage Cottage (148 March Street) each Wednesday from 1 February from 10.30am to 4pm (with a lunch break from 1 –1.30pm). Members are available to answer inquiries at this time.
THUMBS UP to Coles for the best hot cross buns in town!
THUMBS UP to the organisers of the Orange Fun Fair, which was held at the Orange Showground. As a nearby resident, it was great to hear the children laughing and having fun on the rides, and fireworks were absolutely fantastic. Thank you.
THUMBS DOWN to all the people who continue to put bulky waste out after the cut-o dates. Take it back o the footpath. Break it up in the bin or make other arrangements. It makes Orange look like a slum!
THUMBS DOWN to the person who stole my friend’s miniature rose bush that was in a pot while she was in hospital after having a stroke.
THUMBS UP to the guttering man, Brett, who erected a new downpipe for me. A terrific job. Thank you.
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