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‘Willow Park’ under the hammer for first time in more than a century
from OCLife20230309
Privately located in the highly sought-after Errowanbang/ Carcoar district, the 458-hectare (1131-acre) ‘Willow Park’ is sure to draw interest when it goes to auction on Saturday, March 18.
Considered to be one of the most reliable rainfall areas in NSW, the property boasts excellent water security with 23 dams, three springfed permanent and semipermanent creeks, and solar equipped bore with water reticulated throughout the property for stock, plus another diesel pump on a large dam.
With red basalt and grey loam soils and established pastures of phalaris, cocksfoot, ryegrass and clover, the current owner estimates the carrying capacity at 250 cows or equivalent.
“It’s a pretty nice place; not a lot of country comes on the market down there,” selling agent Brian Cullinane of AWN Orange said.
“It’s been held in that family for, I think about 120 years… It just shows you what good country and what a good place it is, over generations it has stood the test of time.”
Around 50-60 per cent of the land is arable, Brian said, and there are good stands of yellow box, some white box and apple and gum, plus lots of native species throughout.
‘Willow Park’ is subdivided into 27 paddocks with secure stock-proof fencing and includes an immaculately presented two to three stand shearing shed, numerous storage sheds, two large hay sheds, steel cattle yards, sheep yards and three silos.
There is also a comfortable four-bedroom, two-bathroom home with spacious living areas, an attractive low-maintenance garden and established orchard.
“It’s a very attractive bit of country… and interesting country, in as much as there’s high country and lower country,” Brian said.
“It’s well-treed. It’s got nice plantations on it, which are done very well. The fences are good. Water is particularly good. There’s a very comfortable home and very, very good and very up-to-date woolshed and its location 18 kilometres to the Carcoar Sale yards is something worthy of note.”
‘Willow Park’ is located at 1324 Errowanbang Road, Errowanbang NSW 2791. The property is set to go to auction at 11am Saturday, March 18 at Quest Orange, located on the corner of Kite Street and McNamara Lane.
For more information contact selling agents Brian Cullinane on 0418637338, or Lindsay Fryer on 0428104132.