FEB 2014
DOWNWIND Racing Association Newsletter
Diary Dates
March Wed 5: Twilight R5 Sat 8: Sun 9:
RSAYS Fixed Mark CYCSA Invited Crabbing Day
Wed 12: Twilight Ladies Helm Fri 14:
Offshore R2 (Island Cup)
Sat 15:
Coaster R7
Wed 19: Twilight R6
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Well what a busy time as we head into the final months of the season. Jess is now back in the office but she will be working from home so please take note of the Race Office hours and note that Jess now has a direct mobile number (0418 230 431) which might be worth putting into your phone contacts. Within her normal working hours this phone will be answered and of course Jess will make all efforts to return any after-hours calls at her earliest convenience. Due to work commitments John Gibson has resigned from the Racing Executive and we thank him for his valuable input. This will not impact on John's role as RO so he will still be present in and around the club in coming months. As we look forward to Presentation Night I remind you to put the date (Friday 9th May) in your diaries and join us for our end of season celebration. We will have an entertainment act and a live band so please rally your crew, family and friends and join us.
It is with sadness that I relate the news of Lou Abrahams' passing. Many of our racing fraternity would know or be aware of the Legend that is Wed 26: Twilight R7 & Series Lou and we send our fond thoughts to all at Sandringham Yacht Club at Presentation this very sad time. We also wish to send our thoughts to Geoff Common Sat 29: Great Southern Regatta and family. Many members attended Sylvia's funeral service and a celebration of her life which was held at the club following the funeral. It Sun 30: Great Southern Regatta goes without saying that Sylvia's wonderful smile and bubbly presence will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Sat 22:
Inshore R11 & 12
I congratulate Geoff Boettcher and his Secret Mens Business crew on their great Adelaide-Lincoln race this year, it was great to see how well Sat 5: Queen of the Gulf Regatta the tidy little Farr 400 performed in a Lincoln race and we welcome her Sun 6: Beneteau Bugle (RSAYS) to the club. At the Sunday presentations, Geoff was joined by Andrew Corletto, Andrew Saies and Jason Ward when Shining Sea, Two True and Sun 6: RSAYS Ladies R8 Concubine joined SMB 4.5 to collectively take out the Teams Trophy again this year for the CYCSA. Sat 12: Coaster R8 In other news, Jess is about to launch our annual REX raffle. We will be Fri 18: Good Friday allocating one book to each Racing Skipper, and hope that you will assist Sat 19: Easter Saturday us by either buying or on-selling your book. We will also be selling tickets at most twilight nights and race days. Don't throw out that loose Sun 20: Easter Sunday change! Mon 21: Easter Monday Fri 25: ANZAC Day