Downwind February 2011

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DOWNWIND Racing Association Newsletter

Chairman’s Report….

Diary Dates March Wed 2:

Phil Hoffmann Travel Twilight Series 2 R6

Sat 5:

Club Inshore Series R10 / Commodores Shield R3 / IRC R9 / J24 Club Inshore Series R16 & 17

Sat 5:

RSAYS Multihull Series R5

Sun 6:

RSAYS Women’s Racing Series R6

Sun 6:

CYCSA Crabbing Day

Wed 9:

Phil Hoffmann Travel Twilight Series 2 R7

Sat 12:

Coaster—Standalone Race / Inshore Offshore R8

Mon 14:

Adelaide Cup Public Holiday

Wed 16:

Phil Hoffmann Travel Twilight Series 2 R8

Fri 18:

Island Cup Offshore R6

Fri 18:

RSAYS Invitational Twilight

Sat 19:

Coaster R8

Sat 19:

RSAYS Multihull Series R6

Another Lincoln week is behind us and what a week it was. Who would have thought that a yacht which was nowhere near the start line, would charge down the coast, storm into Lincoln and take the race record? For those of us in the fleet with less boat speed the race was nonetheless exciting. Sitting on the rail of Rapid 1 we witnessed some incredible (and expensive) situations unfold. Sadly the carnage was not confined to some sails and stanchions with two sailors receiving injuries early on in the race. The sea state provided a fine ride for those who could steer it and on Rapid we watched the jumbos while the boat speed record was set higher and higher again. Yes it was wet and uncomfortable but gosh.. what a race to remember. I think we'll be talking about the "wet Lincoln" for a long time. Once again the Port Lincoln Yacht Club turned on a well organised and entertaining Sunday Session. I was unable to stay for the week this year due to work commitments but from all reports the Regatta was a success. We have included a précis of the race results elsewhere in this edition of Downwind.

Sun 20:

RSAYS Women’s Racing Series R7

Wed 23:

Phil Hoffmann Travel Twilight Series 2 R9 Overall Series Presentation

Sat 26:

Club Inshore Series R11 / IRC R10 / J24 Club Inshore Series R18

Sat 26:

RSAYS Multihull Series R7

Sun 27

Vicsail Beneteau Regatta (CYCSA)

Wed 30:

Ladies Helm Twilight Race (Standalone)

April Sat 2:

Great Southern Regatta R1&2 / J24 State Champs R1, 2&3 / Club Inshore Series R12& 13/ IRC R11&12

Sun 3:

Great Southern Regatta R3 / J24 State Champs R4, 5&6

Sat 9:

Macdonnell Sound Offshore R7 / Inshore Offshore R9 / Combined Offshore Mini Series R5

Sat 9:

Coaster R9

Sat 9:

RSAYS Multihull Series R8

Sun 10:

RSAYS Women’s Racing Series R8

Sat 16:

Club Inshore Series R14 / J24 Club Inshore Series R19&20

Sun 17:

Resail Day

Hard to believe that Summer is over... was it really here? But as we head into the tail end of our racing season it's time for those of us on the committee to look forward. Once again we will hold a Skippers night so that we can hear your thoughts on the past season and invite your comments as we program the next. A proposal which has recently been put to REX involves Short Handed racing and it includes a suggestion that a third person be allowed to race as a crew member in this series if the auto helm is not used. Obviously such a proposal would involve boat by boat handicap adjustments in order to provide a balanced fleet. If you have any thoughts on this or if such a proposal may perhaps tempt you to participate in a short handed series which includes such allowances could you please let Jess or myself know as REX will be considering this proposal in the near future and we welcome your input. Our recent Combined Twilight race was a highlight of the twilight season and a great opportunity for members of both clubs to mix and mingle. I also attended a Captain’s Table dinner this past month, a night hosted by our flag officers where Association representatives meet our new CYCSA members. Some new club members have indicated an interest in learning to race but would love a helping hand so if you are a knowledgeable sailor with some time to contribute (either via a chat on the patio or perhaps even time out on the water) I'd love to put you in touch with some skippers and crews who would welcome your skills as they seek to learn about racing at our club. Camaraderie and competition are the foundations of club racing so please keep an eye out for these new members and please make them feel most welcome in our racing fraternity.

Traci Ayris


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