Downwind July 2012

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JULY 2012

DOWNWIND Racing Association Newsletter

Diary Dates

August Sat 4: Short-handed R7 & Series Presentation Sun 5: Port Line Cup Fri 10: CYCSA Art Exhibition Sat 11: CYCSA Art Exhibition Sun 12:CYCSA Art Exhibition

Sun 17: Winter R6 & Series Presentation (at RSAYS)

Fri 17: Final Quiz Night Wed 22: CYCSA AGM

September Sun 2 : Father’s Day Sun 9: Port River Rally

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Well as we work towards finalising our program for the coming season we thank the racing association members who took the time to attend our recent AGM. Our financial documents and statements have been submitted to the club and I take pleasure in announcing that William Strangways, Brenton Pegler, Roger Nicolson, John Gibson, Mark Hutton and myself have all committed to another year as committee members and we welcome Rob Sellick who has joined us, no longer ex-officio. The committee voted myself as Chairperson once again and William Strangways will continue in his very valuable role of Vice-Chairperson. We thank our Duty Crew, Race Officers and Protest Committee members who contributed greatly to our past season. The job of REX was undeniably easier during this successful season thanks to the hard work and dedication of Racing Manager Jess Hargreaves. It was pleasing to note that Racing Membership numbers increased and three additional boats were added to our Racing Fleet. Regatta fleets were larger than the previous year and our Ladies Helm Twilights have been an undeniable success. A recent short-handed destination race was well-patronised and we intend to program something similar for the coming season. I hope that most of you have taken the time to look at the draft program which has been online for a while now. This program is a reflection of feedback from our skipper survey, program meeting and communication with the RSAYS. We have solicited comments from members, tabled the results, and developed the program accordingly. If you have any comments please send them to Jess for consideration at our next meeting on the 9th August, after which, the program will hopefully be ratified and issued as final. In other news, the Club has plans to develop the Barbecue area at Port Vincent for the benefit of all members. Club associations will contribute toward the funding of this project and we look forward to your support of our fundraising efforts on some race days. If you haven't already noted it in your diaries, please don't forget the CYCSA Opening Day on October 29th and planning is already underway for a massive weekend celebration in May 2013 as we mark the Club's 40th Anniversary.


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